Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product STM3500630AS Maxtor
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Product Manual DiamondMax 21 100451230 Rev . C August 2007 STM3500630AS STM3320620AS STM3320820AS STM3250824AS STM3250820AS STM3250310AS STM3160815AS STM3160215AS STM380815AS STM380215AS STM340215AS.
Revision st atus summary sheet Copyright © 2006, 2007 Seagate T echnology LLC. All rights re served. Printed in U.S.A. Publication number: 100451230, Rev . C August 2007 Seagate, Seagate T echno logy and the W ave logo are re gistered trademarks of Seaga te T echnology LLC in the United S tates and/or ot her countries.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C i Contents 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 About the Serial ATA interface . .
ii DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Product M anual, Rev. C.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C iii List of Figures Figure 1. Typical 5V startup and operation current profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Figure 2. Typical 12V startup and operation current profile .
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 1 1.0 Introduction This manual describes the functiona l, mechanical an d interface specifications for the following DiamondMax ® 21 Serial A T A model drives: These drives provide the following key fea tures: • 7,200 RPM spindl e speed.
2 Diamon dMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manua l, Rev. C 1.1 About the Serial A T A interface The Serial A T A interface provides several advanta ges over the traditional (parallel) A T A interface. The primary advantages include : • Easy installation and configuration with true plug-a nd-play connectivity .
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 3 2.0 Drive specifications Unless otherwise noted, all specific ations are me asured unde r ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal power . For con venience, t he phrases the drive and this drive are used throu ghout this manual to indicate the following drive models: 2.
4 Diamon dMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manua l, Rev. C T able 1: Drive specifications summary for 500 Gbyte models Drive specification STM3500630AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes/sector)* 500 Gbytes Guara.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 5 Vibration, operating 5–22 Hz: 0.25 Gs, Limited displacement 22–350 Hz: 0.50 Gs 350–500 Hz:: 0.25 Gs Vibration, nonoperating 5–22 Hz: 0.25 Gs, Limited displacement 22–350 Hz: 5.0 Gs 350–500 Hz:: 1.
6 Diamon dMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manua l, Rev. C T able 2: Drive specifications summary for 320 Gbyte models Drive specification STM3320820AS STM3320620AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes/sector)* 320.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 7 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may var y depending on operating environment and formatting. * *During pe riods of drive idle, some offli ne activity may occur according to the S.
8 Diamon dMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manua l, Rev. C T able 3: Drive specifications summary for 250 Gbyte models Drive specification STM3250824AS STM3250820AS STM3250310AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 9 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may var y depending on operating environment and formatting. * *During pe riods of drive idle, some offli ne activity may occur according to the S.
10 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C T able 4: Drive specifications summary for the 160 Gb yte models Drive specification STM3160815AS STM3160215AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes/sector.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 11 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may var y depending on operating environment and formatting. * *During pe riods of drive idle, some offli ne activity may occur according to the S.
12 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C T able 5: Drive specifications summary for the 80 Gbyte model Drive specification STM380815AS STM380215AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes/sector)* 80.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 13 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may var y depending on operating environment and formatting. * *During pe riods of drive idle, some offli ne activity may occur according to the S.
14 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C T able 6: Drive specifications summary for the 40 Gbyte model Drive specification STM340215AS Formatted capacity (512 bytes/sector)* 40 Gbytes Guar.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 15 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may var y depending on operating environment and formatting. * *During pe riods of drive idle, some offli ne activity may occur according to the S.
16 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.2 Formatted cap acity *One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referri ng to hard drive capacity.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 17 2.4 Recording and interface tec hnology STM3500630AS STM3320620AS STM3320820AS STM3 250824AS STM3250820AS Interface Serial A T A (SA T A) Recording method Perpendicular Recording de nsity (kbits/i nch max) 813 781 790.
18 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.5 Physical characteristics Maximum height STM3500630AS, STM3320620AS, STM33 20820AS, STM3250824AS and STM3250820 AS 26.1 mm (1.028 inches) STM3250310AS, STM3160815AS, STM31 60215AS, STM380815AS, STM3802 15AS and STM340215AS 19.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 19 2.6 Seek time Seek measurement s are taken with nominal power at 25°C ambient temperature. All times ar e measured using drive diagnostics.
20 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.8.1 Power co nsumption Power requirement s for the drives are listed in the t able on page 9. T ypical power measurements ar e based on an average of drives tested, und er nominal conditions, using 5.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 21 T y pical current profiles Figure 1. T y pical 5V startup and operation curre nt profile Figure 2.
22 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.8.4 Power-man agement mo des The drive provides prog rammable power management to p rovide greater energy ef fici ency . In most systems, you can control power manage ment through the system setup program.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 23 2.9 Environment al specifications 2.9.1 Ambient tempe rature Ambient temperature is defined as th e temperature of the en vironment immedi atel y surrounding the drive. Actual drive c ase temperat ure should not exceed 69 °C (156°F) within the operating ambient conditions.
24 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C STM3250824AS and STM325031 0AS These drives comply with t he performance levels specified in this document wh en subjected to a maximum operating shock of 63 Gs ba sed on half-sine shock pu lses of 2 msec.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 25 2.10 Acoustics Drive acoustics are measur ed as overall A-we ighted ac oustic sound power levels (no pure tones). All mea- surements ar e consistent with ISO document 7779. S ound power measuremen ts are ta ken under essentially free-field conditions over a reflecting plane.
26 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.12 Reliability 2.12.1 Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) and Mean T ime Between Fa ilures (MTBF) The product shall achi eve an Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) of 0.34% (MTBF of 0.7 million hours) when oper- ated in an envir onment of am bient air tem peratures of 25 ° C.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 27 Korean RRL If these drives have the Korea Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) logo, they comply with p ara- graph 1 of Article 1 1 of th.
28 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 2.14 Environment al protection Maxtor designs it s products to meet e nvironmental protectio n requirements worldwid e, including regulations restricting certain chemical substances.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 29 3.0 Configuring and mounting the drive This section contains the specif ications an d instructions for configuring and mounting the drive .
30 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 3.2 Configuring the drive Each drive on the Seri al A T A interface connects po int-to-point with the Serial A T A host adapter . There is no master/slave rela tionship becaus e each drive is consider ed a master in a p oint-to-point relationship.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 31 3.4 Drive mounting Y ou can mount the drive in any orie ntation using four scr ews in the side-mounting holes or four screws in the bottom-mo unting holes. Se e Figure 5 f or drive mou nting dimens ions.
32 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C Figure 6. Drive dimensions for 40-160 GB and STM3250310AS models.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 33 4.0 Serial A T A (SA T A) interface These drives use the industry-s tandard Serial A T A interfac e that support s FIS data transfers. It suppor ts A T A programmed input/o utput (PIO) modes 0–4; mult iword DMA modes 0–2, and Ultra DMA mode s 0–6.
34 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 4.2 Serial A T A device plug connector pin definitions Table 10 summarizes the signa ls on the Serial ATA interface and power con nectors. . Notes: 1. All pins are in a single row , with a 1.27 mm (0.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 35 4.3 Supported A T A commands The following t able lists Serial A T A standard commands that the drive supports. For a det ailed description of the A T A commands, refer to the Serial A T A: High S peed Serialize d A T Attachment specification .
36 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C Security Erase Unit F4 H Security Freeze F5 H Security Set Password F1 H Security Unlock F2 H Seek 70 H Set Features EF H Set Max Address F9 H Note: Individual Set Max Address commands are identifie d by the value placed in the Set Max Features regis - ter as defined to the right.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 37 4.3.1 Identify Dev ice command The Identify Device command (command code EC H ) transfers information abo ut the drive to the host following power up. The da ta is organized as a single 51 2-byte block of data, whose contents are show n in T able 1 1 on page 35.
38 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA sectors available (see Section 2.2 for related information) *Note: The maximum value allowed in this field is: 0FFFFFFFh (268,435,455 sectors, 137 Gbytes).
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 39 Note. Advance d Power Management (APM) and Automatic Acou stic Manage ment (AAM) feat ures are not supported 100– 103 T otal number of user-addressable L BA sectors available (see Section 2.2 for related information).
40 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C Note. See the bit descriptio ns below for words 63 , 88, and 93 of the Identify Drive data. Description (if bit is set to 1) Bit Wor d 6 3 0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported . 1 Multiword DMA mode 1 is supported .
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 41 4.3.2 Set Featu res command This command controls the implement ation of various feat ur es that the drive support s. When the drive receives this command, it sets BSY , checks the contents of the Features r egister , clears BSY and generates an in ter- rupt.
42 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C 4.3.3 S.M.A.R.T . commands S.M.A.R.T . provides near-term failur e prediction for disc drives. When S.M.A.R.T . is enabled, the drive m oni- tors predetermined drive attributes that are suscep tible to degradation over time.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 43 5.0 Maxtor support services Before contacting Maxt or Support, us e the Hard Disk Inform ation featur e in MaxBlast to view the model num- ber and seri al number of your dr ive.
44 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 45 Index A ACA 27 acceleration 24 acoustics 25 Active 22 Active m ode 22 actuator arm 20 AFR 26 Agency certification 26 altitude 23 Ambient temperature.
46 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C I I/O data-transfer rate 17 I/O duty cycle 26 Identify Device 35 Identify Device command 37 Idle 22 , 35 Idle Immediate 35 Idle mode 20 , 22 IEC950.
DiamondMax 21 Serial ATA Product Manual, Re v. C 47 S S.M.A.R.T. Disable Operations 36 S.M.A.R.T. Enable Operations 36 S.M.A.R.T. Enable/Disable Autosave 36 S.M.A.R.T. Execute Offline 36 S.M.A.R.T. implementation 35 S.M.A.R.T. Read At tribute Thresh olds 36 S.
48 DiamondM ax 21 Serial ATA Produc t Manual, Rev. C.
Seagate T echnology LLC 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , California 95066-4544 , USA Publication Number: 1004512 30, Rev . C, Printed in U.S.A..
An important point after buying a device Maxtor STM3500630AS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Maxtor STM3500630AS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Maxtor STM3500630AS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Maxtor STM3500630AS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Maxtor STM3500630AS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Maxtor STM3500630AS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Maxtor STM3500630AS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Maxtor STM3500630AS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Maxtor STM3500630AS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center