Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5T010H1 Maxtor
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Hard Disk Drive Specifications Models: 5T060H6, 5T040H4, 5T030H3, 5T020H2, 5T010H1 This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein – which will be incorporated in revised editions of the publication.
Revisions Manual No. 1516 R EV E C N O . S EC T I ON D ESC R IPT I ON D A T E A 80 549 F Al l In it ial r el ea s e. 1 1/1 7/200 0.
Before Y Before Y Before Y Before Y Before Y ou Begin ou Begin ou Begin ou Begin ou Begin Thank you for your interest in Maxtor hard drives. This manual provides technical information for OEM engineers and systems integrators regarding the installation and use of Maxtor hard drives.
i Contents Contents Contents Contents Contents Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 — Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Maxtor Corporation 1 - 1 Products .
ii Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 — Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Models and Capacities 3 - 1 .
iii Section 5 Section 5 Section 5 Section 5 Section 5 — AT Interface Description AT Interface Description AT Interface Description AT Interface Description AT Interface Description Interface Connect.
iv Write Verify Sector(s) 7 - 4 Write Sector Buffer 7 - 4 Write DMA 7 - 5 Write Multiple 7 - 5 Mode Set/Check Commands 7 - 6 Set Features Mode 7 - 6 Read Native Max Address 7 - 7 Set Max 7 - 7 Set Max.
v Figures Figures Figures Figures Figures Figure T itle Page 2 - 1 PCBA Jumper Location and Configuration 2 - 6 3 - 1 Outline and Mounting Dimensions 3 - 2 4 - 1 Multi-pack Shipping Container 4 - 2 4 .
INTRODUCTION 1 – 1 SECTION 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Maxtor Corporation Maxtor Corporation Maxtor Corporation Maxtor Corporation Maxtor Corporation Maxtor Corporation has been providing high-quality computer storage products since 1982.
INTRODUCTION 1 – 2 Conventions Conventions Conventions Conventions Conventions If there is a conflict between text and tables, the table shall be accepted as being correct. Key Words Key Words Key Words Key Words Key Words The names of abbreviations, commands, fields and acronyms used as signal names are in all uppercase type (e.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 – 1 SECTION 2 Product Product Product Product Product Description Description Description Description Description Maxtor hard disk drives are 1-inch high, 3.5-inch diameter random access storage devices which incorporate an on-board Ultra ATA/100 controller.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 – 2 Product Product Product Product Product Features Features Features Features Features Functional / Interface Functional / Interface Functional / Interface Functional / Inter.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 – 3 The LBA is checked for violating the drive capacity. If it does not, the LBA is converted to physical drive cylinder, head and sector values. The physical address is then used to access or store the data on the disk and for other drive related operations.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 – 4 Major HDA Components Major HDA Components Major HDA Components Major HDA Components Major HDA Components Drive Mechanism Drive Mechanism Drive Mechanism Drive Mechanism Drive Mechanism A brush-less DC direct drive motor rotates the spindle at 7200 RPM (±0.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 – 5 JU M PE R C O N F I G U R A T I O N J50 J48 J46 J44 J42 M a st e r /S l a ve On l y dr iv e i n s i n g le d r i v e s y st e m * M a s t er dr iv e i n dual dri v e s y st.
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3 – 1 SECTION 3 Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Product Specifications Models and Capacities Models and Capacities .
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3 – 2 Physical Dimensions Physical Dimensions Physical Dimensions Physical Dimensions Physical Dimensions (maximum) Figure 3 - 1 Outline and Mounting Dimensions P ARAM E TE R S TAN D ARD ME T RIC H eig h t 1.028 in c hes 26.1 m i l lim eters Length 5.
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3 – 3 Power Requirements Power Requirements Power Requirements Power Requirements Power Requirements Power Mode Definitions Power Mode Definitions Power Mode Definitions Power.
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3 – 4 Reliability Specifications Reliability Specifications Reliability Specifications Reliability Specifications Reliability Specifications Annual Return Rate Annual Return Rate Annual Return Rate Annual Return Rate Annual Return Rate <1 .
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 3 – 5 EMC/EMI EMC/EMI EMC/EMI EMC/EMI EMC/EMI Radiated Electromagnetic Field Emissions - EMC Compliance Radiated Electromagnetic Field Emissions - EMC Compliance Radiated Elec.
INSTALLATION 4 – 1 SECTION 4 Handling and Installation Handling and Installation Handling and Installation Handling and Installation Handling and Installation Hard Drive Handling Precautions Hard Dr.
INSTALLATION 4 – 2 Unpacking and Inspection Unpacking and Inspection Unpacking and Inspection Unpacking and Inspection Unpacking and Inspection Retain any packing material for reuse. Inspect the shipping container for evidence of damage in transit. Notify the carrier immediately in case of damage to the shipping container.
INSTALLATION 4 – 3 Figure 4 - 2 Single Pack Shipping Container (Option A) Figure 4 - 3 Single Pack Shipping Container (Option B) Repacking Repacking Repacking Repacking Repacking If a Maxtor drive requires return, repack it using Maxtor packing materials, including the antistatic bag.
INSTALLATION 4 – 4 Before You Begin Before You Begin Before You Begin Before You Begin Before You Begin Important – Please Read Important – Please Read Important – Please Read Important – Please Read Important – Please Read Please read this installation section completely before installing the Maxtor hard drive.
INSTALLATION 4 – 5 Install the Hard Drive in a Device Bay Install the Hard Drive in a Device Bay Install the Hard Drive in a Device Bay Install the Hard Drive in a Device Bay Install the Hard Drive in a Device Bay Refer to your computer user’s manual for specific mounting information.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 1 SECTION 5 A A A A A T Interface Description T Interface Description T Interface Description T Interface Description T Interface Description Interface Connector Interfa.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 2 Pin Description Table Pin Description Table Pin Description Table Pin Description Table Pin Description Table P IN NAME P IN I/O S IGNAL NAME S I G NAL DE S C RIP TIO N R ESET - 0 1 I H o s t R e set R es et s i gn al f r om t h e h ost s y st em .
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 3 T I M I N G P A RA METER S M OD E 0 M OD E 1 MOD E 2 M OD E 3 MOD E 4 t 0 Cy c l e Ti m e ( m in ) 6 0 0 ns 3 8 3 ns 2 4 0 ns 1 8 0 ns 1 2 0 ns t1 A d dr ess v al id t.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 4 DMA Timing DMA Timing DMA Timing DMA Timing DMA Timing T IMI N G PARAME T E RS MO DE 0 MO DE 1 MO DE 2 t0 Cy cl e T i m e ( m i n) 480 n s 150 n s 120 n s tC DM A C K .
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 5 Ultra DMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing T I M I N G P ARAME T E RS ( all t i mes in nan osec o nd s ) M OD E 0 MOD E 1 MOD.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 6 Figure 5 - 5 Sustained Ultra DMA Data In Burst t DVH DSTROBE at d evi ce DD(15:0) at d evi ce DSTROBE at host DD(15:0) at host t DVH t CYC t CYC t DVS t DVS t DH t DS .
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 7 t AZ t IORDYZ CRC DMARQ ( device ) DMACK- (host) STOP (host) HDMARDY- (host) DSTROBE ( device ) DD(15:0) DA0, DA1 , DA2, CS0-, CS1- t ACK t LI t MLI t DVS t LI t ACK t.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 8 t DH t DS t DVH HSTROBE at host DD(15:0) at host HSTROBE at d evi ce DD(15:0) at d evi ce t DVH t CYC t CYC t DVS t DVS t DS t DH t 2CYC t DH t DVH t 2CYC DMARQ (devic.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 9 DMARQ (device) DMACK- (host) STOP (host) DDMARDY- (device) HSTROBE (host) DD(15:0) (host) t SR t RFS t RP Figure 5 - 11 Device Pausing an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst DMAR.
AT INTERFACE DESCRIPTION 5 – 10 DMARQ (device) DMACK- (host) STOP ( host ) DDMARDY- ( device ) HSTROBE (host) DD(15:0) (host) DA0, DA1 , DA2, CS0- , CS1- t ACK t MLI t DVS t LI t LI t ACK CRC t DVH .
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 1 SECTION 6 Host Software Interface Host Software Interface Host Software Interface Host Software Interface Host Software Interface The host communicates with the drive through a set of controller registers accessed via the host’s I/O ports.
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 2 Sector Count Register Sector Count Register Sector Count Register Sector Count Register Sector Count Register Holds the number of sectors to be sent during a Read or Write command, and the number of sectors per track during a Format command.
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 3 Command Register Command Register Command Register Command Register Command Register Contains code for the command to be performed. Additional command information should be written to the task file before the Command register is loaded.
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 4 C O M M A N D N A M E C O M M AN D C OD E PAR AM E T E R S U S E D b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 F S C S N C S D H R e c a l i b r a t e 0 0 0 1 xxxx N N N N D Re ad S ec t o.
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 5 Control Diagnostic Registers Control Diagnostic Registers Control Diagnostic Registers Control Diagnostic Registers Control Diagnostic Registers These I/O port addresse.
HOST SOFTWARE INTERFACE 6 – 6 Reset and Interrupt Handling Reset and Interrupt Handling Reset and Interrupt Handling Reset and Interrupt Handling Reset and Interrupt Handling Reset Handling Reset Handling Reset Handling Reset Handling Reset Handling One of three different conditions may cause a reset: power on, hardware reset or software reset.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 1 SECTION 7 Interface Commands Interface Commands Interface Commands Interface Commands Interface Commands The following section describes the commands (and any parameters necessary to execute them), as well as Status and Error register bits affected.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 2 Read Commands Read Commands Read Commands Read Commands Read Commands Read Sector(s) Read Sector(s) Read Sector(s) Read Sector(s) Read Sector(s) Reads from 1 to 256 sectors, as specified in the Command Block, beginning at the specified sector.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 3 Read DMA Read DMA Read DMA Read DMA Read DMA Multi-word DMA Identical to the Read Sector(s) command, except that 1 . The host initializes a slave-DMA channel prior to issuing the command, 2 . Data transfers are qualified by DMARQ and are performed by the slave-DMA channel and 3 .
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 4 Set Multiple Mode Set Multiple Mode Set Multiple Mode Set Multiple Mode Set Multiple Mode Enables the controller to perform Read and Write Multiple operations, and establishes the block count for these commands. Before issuing this command, the Sector Count register should be loaded with the number of sectors per block.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 5 Write Multiple Write Multiple Write Multiple Write Multiple Write Multiple Performs similarly to the Write Sector(s) command, except that: 1 . The controller sets BSY immediately upon receipt of the command, 2 . Data transfers are multiple sector blocks and 3 .
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 6 Mode Set/Check Commands Mode Set/Check Commands Mode Set/Check Commands Mode Set/Check Commands Mode Set/Check Commands Set Features Mode Set Features Mode Set Features Mode Set Features Mode Set Features Mode Enables or disables features supported by the drive.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 7 Read Native Max Address Read Native Max Address Read Native Max Address Read Native Max Address Read Native Max Address This command returns the native maximum address. The native maximum address is the highest address accepted by the drive in the factory default condition.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 8 Power Mode Commands Power Mode Commands Power Mode Commands Power Mode Commands Power Mode Commands Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h Spin down and do not change time out value.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 9 Default Power-on Condition Default Power-on Condition Default Power-on Condition Default Power-on Condition Default Power-on Condition The drive’s default power on condition is the ACTIVE MODE.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 10 Initialization Commands Initialization Commands Initialization Commands Initialization Commands Initialization Commands Identify Drive Identify Drive Identify Drive Identify Drive Identify Drive Allows the host to receive parameter information from the drive.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 11 - W O R D C ON T EN T D ESCR IPT I ON 50 R e s e r v ed 51 - 5 2 Obs ol e te 53 15 -3 = re s e rv ed 2, 1 = t h e f ie l ds su p p ort ed i n w or ds 8 8 ar e v al id , 0 =.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 12 W O R D CO NT E NT DE S C RIP TIO N 83 C o m m a nd s e t s s upp o rt e d . If w o rd s 8 2 a nd 8 3 = 00 0 0 h o r F F F F h c o m m a nd s e t no t i f i c a t i o n no t s up p or t e d .
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 13 Initialize Drive Parameters Initialize Drive Parameters Initialize Drive Parameters Initialize Drive Parameters Initialize Drive Parameters Enables the drive to operate as any logical drive type.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 14 Seek, Format and Diagnostic Commands Seek, Format and Diagnostic Commands Seek, Format and Diagnostic Commands Seek, Format and Diagnostic Commands Seek, Format and Diagnostic Commands Seek Seek Seek Seek Seek Initiates a seek to the track, and selects the head specified in the Command block.
INTERFACE COMMANDS 7 – 15 S.M.A.R.T. Command Set S.M.A.R.T. Command Set S.M.A.R.T. Command Set S.M.A.R.T. Command Set S.M.A.R.T. Command Set Execute S.M.A.R.T. Execute S.M.A.R.T. Execute S.M.A.R.T. Execute S.M.A.R.T. Execute S.M.A.R.T. The Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.
SERVICE AND SUPPORT 8 – 1 SECTION 8 Service and Support Service and Support Service and Support Service and Support Service and Support Service Policy Service Policy Service Policy Service Policy Se.
SERVICE AND SUPPORT 8 – 2 MaxFax MaxFax MaxFax MaxFax MaxFax ® ® ® ® ® Service Service Service Service Service Use a touch-tone phone to order Technical Reference Sheets, Drive Specifications, Installation Guides and other documents from our 24-hour automated fax retrieval system.
GLOSSARY GL – 1 GLOSSAR Y Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary A A A A A ACCESS ACCESS ACCESS ACCESS ACCESS To obtain data from, or place data into, RAM, a register, or data storage device.
GLOSSARY GL – 2 CONTROLLER CONTROLLER CONTROLLER CONTROLLER CONTROLLER A miniature CPU dedicated to controlling a peripheral device, such as a disk drive, tape drive, video display terminal, or printer. The controller executes commands from the central processing unit and reissues commands to the peripheral device.
GLOSSARY GL – 3 EXTRA PULSE EXTRA PULSE EXTRA PULSE EXTRA PULSE EXTRA PULSE Term used in surface certification. It is when a flux field discontinuity remains after the recording surface is erased, thereby producing an electrical output of a read head passing over the area with the discontinuity.
GLOSSARY GL – 4 L L L L L LANDING ZONE OR LZONE LANDING ZONE OR LZONE LANDING ZONE OR LZONE LANDING ZONE OR LZONE LANDING ZONE OR LZONE The cylinder number to where ParkHeads move the read/write heads. LATE BIT LATE BIT LATE BIT LATE BIT LATE BIT A bit that is in the late half of the data window.
GLOSSARY GL – 5 PHASE MARGIN PHASE MARGIN PHASE MARGIN PHASE MARGIN PHASE MARGIN Measure in degrees of the amount of difference between excursions from the window center where flux reversals can occur and the edge of the data window. Similar to window margin.
GLOSSARY GL – 6 SOFT ERROR SOFT ERROR SOFT ERROR SOFT ERROR SOFT ERROR A data error which can be overcome by rereading the data or repositioning the head. SOFT SECTORED SOFT SECTORED SOFT SECTORED SOFT SECTORED SOFT SECTORED A technique where the controller determines the beginning of a sector by the reading of format information from the disk.
An important point after buying a device Maxtor 5T010H1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Maxtor 5T010H1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Maxtor 5T010H1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Maxtor 5T010H1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Maxtor 5T010H1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Maxtor 5T010H1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Maxtor 5T010H1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Maxtor 5T010H1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Maxtor 5T010H1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center