Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SP200 Maxon Telecom
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S P2 00 /210 Service Manual.
P ubli s h e d b y M a x on E lectronics Ltd 36a Gibson Avenue Padstow Sydney NSW Australia 2211 T el: + 61 ( 0 ) 2 9707 2000 F ax: + 61 ( 0 ) 2 9707 3328 e - mail s a l e s@m a x on .
SM - S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 AMENDMENT RECORD SH EET 03/01 Page i AMENDM ENT RECORD SHE ET All am endm ents to this m anual s hould be incorp orated as soon as the y are rece ived and recorde d below: Issue No.
Ma x on SP200/210 Ra d i o S P 2 0 0 /210 W ARNINGS Issue 1.0 Page ii 03/01 WARNINGS • Components containing beryllium oxide ar e used in the equipment. Dust from this material is a health hazard if inhaled or allow ed to come into contact w ith the skin.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENT S 03/01 Page i ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Using this Manual 1-1 1.2 A mendments to this M anual 1-1 1.3 Cont act Informatio n 1-2 2 SPECIFICA TIONS 2-1 2.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 W ARNINGS Issue 1.0 Page iv 03/01 8 EXPLODED MECHA NICA L DRAWINGS & PA RTS LISTS 8-1 8.1 Parts List 8-1 8.2 Spar e Parts 8-1 8.3 M echanical Pa rts 8-3 8.4 SL10 0 VHF Pa rts Li st 8-8 8.4.1 V2 Contro l Circ uit 8-8 8.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENT S 03/01 Page v Figure 6-1 – Le gend L ayout for T op Side of Digital PC B ......................................................................... ...... 6-5 Figure 6-2 - Legend La yout for Bottom Side of Digita l PCB .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 W ARNINGS Issue 1.0 Page vi 03/01.
S P20 0 /210 M a x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INTRODUCT ION 03/01 Page 1- 1 1 INTRODUCTION This Maxon Serv ice Manu al is a com prehensive guide to the m aintena nce and f ield rep air of this eq u ip m ent. It c o ve r s a n u m ber of ve r s ions of the S P2 0 0 /210 r a d i o and its a cc e ss o r i e s .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INTRODUCT ION Issue 1.0 Page 1-2 03/01 Categor y defin iti ons are: ‘A ’ Categor y A Engineer ing Bul letins will onl y be re leased if , by usi ng the equ ipm ent manuf actured by Maxon or its su bcontract ors, a r isk to oper ator s afety or an infr ingem ent of T ype Approval is probable .
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DRAFT SPECIFICAT IONS 03/01 Page 2- 1 2 SPECIFICA TIONS 2.1 General Performance S pecifications R&TT E Appendix I V CE 1 68 ! ETS 300. 086 Jan 91 I-ETS 300 219 O ct 93 ETS 300 279 Feb 96 TIA/EIA- 603 Band VHF 146 – 17 4MHz ( V2) UHF 440 – 470MH z (U2) Channel Spacing 12.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 S P ECIFI C A T I O NS DRAFT I ss ue 1.0 Page 2-2 03/01 Environmental Operating Temperatu re Range -15 to +3 5°C (nom inal) -20 to +55°C (extreme), Storag.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 ACCESSO RIES & O PTIONS 03/01 Page 3- 1 3 A CCESSORIES & OPTIONS 3.1 Pre-Install Check T he S P2 0 0 /210 , as pu r c ha s e d , is s u p p l i e d w i th a n A nt e nn a , c ha r g er and p o wer s up p l y , b elt c l i p a n d U s er Manual.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 ACCESSO RIES & O PTIO NS Iss ue 1.0 Page 3-2 03/01.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSIONI NG & ALIGNM ENT 03/01 Page 4- 1 4 INST A LLA TION, COMMISSIONING & A LIGNMENT 4.1 Installation T he S P2 0 0 /210 is a h a nd - h eld r a d i o a nd t hus r e q ui r es no in s t a ll a t i on.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Page 4-2 03/01 The Ac cessor y connect or is wir ed as fol lows: PTT / Mic Ground Speaker Figure.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4- 3 Commissioning Equipment 1 3 4 5 2 Figure 4-5 – Commissioning Kit Note : For thos e dealers who alre ad y have the S K2055 Ser vice Ki t (SL25/ 55) the au dio cab le (2), CA8 7 00, m a y b e p u r c ha s ed.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Page 4-4 03/01 Discrete T est Equip ment RF Signa l Generat or (with CTCSS/ 1kHz tone) RF Power .
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4- 5 SK 3100 Serv ic e Kit 3 2 1 4 Figure 4-8 - SK 3100 Serv ice Kit This kit can be us ed for c omm issioning in the sam e way as the S K2055 (ign oring c om puter connections ).
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Page 4-6 03/01 EEPROM programming Ensure t hat the ra dio has the requ ired custom er param eter.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4- 7 g. Check that the signal generator RF level i s < -117dBm (UHF) or < -118dBm (VHF). Squelch a. Ensure t hat both th e radio a nd the Test Set are s et to the appropr iate chan nel spac ing.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Page 4-8 03/01 4.5 A lig nment CA UTION This radio con tains s tatic se nsitiv e devic es.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4- 9 4.5.2 Disassembly and Re-assembly of the Radio Radio In order to c arr y out the fol lowing P LL and Alignm ent proc e dures it will be nec ess ar y to gain acces s to the i nside of the radio.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Pa ge 4- 10 03/01 REMO VING AND REPL ACING THE M AIN ASSE MBLY Removal W ith the batter y pack rem oved, there are four , black , cross -head scr ews visible.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4-11 Rx VCO a. Select Chann el 1. b. Check that the VCO t uning v oltage at TP1 is >5 .7V +/- 0.25V ( VHF) or >1.0V +/- 0.25V (UHF).
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 /21 0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Pa ge 4- 12 03/01 All fur ther adjustm ents require th e use of the ACC- 2003 Al ignm ent Box. Refer to the ACC-200 3 User M anual ( on flop py disk ) for operationa l inform ation.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & AL IGNMENT 03/01 Page 4-13 Balance Adjustment a. Select Ch annel 3 ( using sof tware). b. Set t he aud io gen erator to a 310H z tone, low outp ut im pedance, a t a leve l of 400mV.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 INSTALL ATION, CO MMISSION ING & ALIGNM ENT - Issue 1.0 Pa ge 4- 14 03/01 This completes the transm itter al ignment process . 4.5.6 Receiv er A lignment A udio Volume Level a. Set the t est set to th e appropr iate frequenc y at –47d Bm with 1k H z tone modulatio n at 60% s ystem deviati on: 12.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DETAILE D FUNCTIONAL D ESCRIPT ION 03/01 Page 5- 1 5 DET A ILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.1 Introducti on This section pro vides a detailed descript ion of the opera tion of th e radio.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 DETAILED FUNCT IONAL DE SCRIPT ION Issue 1.0 Page 5-2 03/01 5.3 Audio ASIC The audi o ASIC (IC40 6) proc esses bot h the a udio signa l and t he sub-au dible ton es, inc luding f ilteri ng, amplif ying, setti ng atte nuations leve ls etc.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DETAILE D FUNCTIONAL D ESCRIPT ION 03/01 Page 5- 3 5.3.2 Sat Signal Path ASW 4 ASW 4 switches b etween Rx SAT (RDIN) and T x SAT (TXIN) and routes to the filter. VSCLPF Seventh order Ellipt ic Variab le Sw itched Ca pacit or Low P ass Filt er.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 DETAILED FUNCT IONAL DE SCRIPT ION Issue 1.0 Page 5-4 03/01 5.4 Audio/S AT Circui ts CTCSS / DC S Decoder Circ uits Discrim inator aud io fr om pin 9 IC 5 is applied, via IC408D , to p in 3 of the audio ASIC.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DETAILE D FUNCTIONAL D ESCRIPT ION 03/01 Page 5- 5 Battery Low Indicator Circuit W hen the batter y voltage dr ops be low 5.6 VDC a Batter y Lo w indication is g iven. Due t o the vol ts drop across D403, a volt age be low 5.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 DETAILED FUNCT IONAL DE SCRIPT ION Issue 1.0 Page 5-6 03/01 In transm it the VCO h as m odulation f rom the audio pr ocessing c ircuitr y appl ied to D202 .
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DETAILE D FUNCTIONAL D ESCRIPT ION 03/01 Page 5- 7 5.6 Transmitter The transm itter c ompr ises: Figure 5-3 - T ransmitter Bl ock Diagr am Buffer The RF outp ut lev el from the VCO is 0dBm .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 DETAILED FUNCT IONAL DE SCRIPT ION Issue 1.0 Page 5-8 03/01 5.7 Receiver The recei ver comprises: Rx VCO ~ Local Oscillator ~ Audio Filt er FM Limi ter- Dis.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 DETAILE D FUNCTIONAL D ESCRIPT ION 03/01 Page 5- 9 First M ixer D9, T1 and T 2 for m a double bala nced m ixer whic h provides the 45 .1MH z interm ediate f requenc y output. T he filter ed freque ncy fr om the f ront end m odule is coupl ed to T 1.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 DETAILED FUNCT IONAL DE SCRIPT ION Issue 1.0 Pa ge 5- 10 03/01 Noise detector circuit The nois e detect or circuit, in conj unction with IC5, consists of trans istors Q26 , Q27, therm istor T H1 and diode D 11.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TRO UBLESHOOT ING 03/01 Page 6- 1 6 TROUBLESHOOTING This section inc ludes v oltage an d trou bleshoo ting charts which s hould as sist t he engine er to is olate and repa ir the fau lt.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 TRO UBLESHOOT ING Issue 1.0 Page 6-2 03/01 6.2 Troubl eshooting Char t Sy mp toms Causes Remedy Radio does not work 1. Batter y is dischar ged (below 6 V =/-10%) 2. Fuse blown 3. 5V suppl y miss ing 1. Replace batter y 2.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TRO UBLESHOOT ING 03/01 Page 6- 3 6.3 Voltage Charts The f ollowing voltages have be en m easured o n a VHF ra dio. T he Contr ol Circui t, Main Cir cuit a nd Integrated Cir cui t volt ag es appl y to the UHF radio as well.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 TRO UBLESHOOT ING Issue 1.0 Page 6-4 03/01 6.3.2 Integrated Circuits Receive Pin IC1 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 IC9 IC11 IC12 IC18 1 3.5 1.8 1.9 GND 1.2 1.6M 1 0 AUDIO 23 AUDIO 0G N D 1 . 4 4 . 5 G N D 0 AUDIO 3 3.5 4 1.
S P200/210 Ma x on S P2 0 0/21 0 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TRO UBLESHOOT ING 03/01 Page 6- 5 COMPON ENT LOCAT ION – T op Side of Digita l pcb Figure 6-1 – Legend Layout for Top Side of Digital PCB.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 TRO UBLESHOOT ING Issue 1.0 Page 6-6 03/01 COMPON ENT LOCAT ION - Bottom side of Digi tal pcb Figure 6-2 - Legend Layout for Bottom S ide of Digital PCB.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 TRO UBLESHOOT ING 03/01 Page 6- 7 COMPON ENT LOCAT ION – T op side of RF pcb Figure 6-3 - Legend Layout for Top Side of RF P C B.
Ma x on S P2 0 0/210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 T R O U BLESH OO T ING I ss ue 1.0 Page 6-8 03/01 COMPON ENT LOCAT ION – Bo ttom side of RF pc b Figure 6-4 - Legend Layout for Bottom S ide of RF PCB.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 PROGRAMMING 03/01 Page 7- 1 7 PROGRAMMING 7.1 SMP6100 7.1.1 Introduction The SMP 6100 all ows program m ing of the S P2 00 /210 r a dio a n d e na b les y ou to: 1. Progr am fr equencies and built- in signa llin g operatio ns.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 PROGRAMMING Issue 1.0 Page 7-2 03/01 the sam e way exc ept that a d igital bur st is used instea d of an y audio to ne.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 PROGRAMMING 03/01 Page 7- 3 Having pres sed <e nter>, the foll owing su b- windo w is disp la yed: If you wis h to assign som e text to the f ile (i.
Ma x on S P2 00 /200 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 P R OGRA M M I NG I ss ue 1.0 Page 7-4 03/01.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8- 1 8 EXPLODED MECHANICAL DRA WINGS & P ARTS LISTS 8.1 Parts List The f ollowing pages det ail the m echanic al and e lectron ic parts f or the Max on SL100 rad io.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Page 8-2 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No. Descripti on Item No. B 895-754 O-ring B 895-763 Con O-rin g B 906-706 Felt 15 B 906-929 Insulat ion Pla te (speak er) B 937-498 Owner’s Manual SL100U2 Categor y Code & Part No.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8- 3 Please n ote that this s ection det ails the com plete p arts list of the r adio. T his inf orm ation is provided f or inform ation on ly and does not im ply that t hese par ts are av ailable as spares .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Page 8-4 03/01 No. Part No. Part Nam e Description Qty 1 719- 665-A Upper Cov er Lexan 141- 70456 1 2 895- 546 Dus t Cap Silico ne Rubber 1 3 853- 196 Inser t (U/Cover) BSBM M2x3.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8- 5 Figure 8-2 - Exploded Mechanical Drawing 2 No.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Page 8-6 03/01 37 772-428 Shield Ca n (VCO) NSP T 0.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8- 7 No. Part No. Part Nam e Description Qty 45 719-656 Cover Back ALDC 1 46 421-197-0 Connector ANT SMA-P(M) SW- 2449 1 47 959-046-B Label Na me Polyest er 39.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Page 8-8 03/01 8.4 SL100 VHF Parts List 8.4.1 V2 Control Circ uit Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 05B-000-5 Z CHIP RESIST OR 0 1/16W 5% T 1608 10 RLK4.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o I ss ue 1.0 E X P L O D E D M E C H AN I C AL D R A W IN G S & P A R T S L I S T S 03/01 Page 8- 9 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 130-A75-8 Y CHIP CERAMIC 0. 001UF GRM 39 X7R 102K 50V P 2 C415.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 10 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 421-203-2 CONNECTO R DF15(6. 2)-30DP- 0.65V(5 1) 1 CON404 C 422-470-1 CONNECTO R WAFER 530 48-0410 1.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-11 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 05C-104-6Z CHIP RE SISTOR 100K 1/1 6W 1% T 1608 2 R57.99 C 05C-683-2Z CHIP RE SISTOR 68K 1/1 6W 1% T 1608 2 R61.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 12 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-13 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 311-069-4 COIL CHIP 0 .15UH:NL 252018T -R15J 1 L15 C 311-077-1 COIL CHIP 0 .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 14 03/01 8.4.4 V2 VCO Categor y Code & Part No.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-15 8.5 SL100 UHF Parts L ist 8.5.1 U2 Control Ci r cuit Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location C 05B-000-5Z CHIP RESIST OR 0 1/16W 5% T 1608 11 RLK4.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 16 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location 130-340-7 Y CHIP C ERAMI C 0.003 3UF GRM39 X 7R332 K 50V P 1 C432 130-432-7 Y CHIP C ERAMI C 0.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-17 8.5.2 U2 RF Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location 05B-000-5Z CHIP RESIST OR 0 1/16W 5% T 1608 3 R 124.LK3.D9 03 05B-100-2Z CHIP RESIST OR 10 1/16W 5% T 1608 2 R79.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P20 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 18 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No. Des cr ipti on Qty Location 05B-911-8Z CHIP RESIST OR 91 0 1/16W 5% 1608 2 R8.16 05C-104-6Z CHIP RE SISTOR 100K 1/1 6W 1% T 1608 2 R57.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-19 Categor y Code & Part No.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 20 03/01 Categor y Code & Part No.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 EXPLODED M ECHANI CAL DR A W INGS & P ARTS LI STS 03/01 Page 8-21 8.5.4 VCO 05B-101-3Z CHIP RESIST OR 10 0 1/16W 5% T 1608 1 R202 05B-103-5Z C.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 EXPLOD ED MECH ANICAL DR AW INGS & PART S LIST S Issue 1.0 Pa ge 8- 22 03/01.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S 03/01 Page 9- 1 9 CIRCUIT DI A GR A M S & PCB L A YOUTS The f ollowing C ircuit Schem atics and PCB L ay.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S Issue 1.0 Page 9-2 03/01.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S 03/01 Page 9- 3 P41609 7c Digit al Boar d Top Figure 9-1 – Digital Board Layout Top Side.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P200/210 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S Issue 1.0 Page 9-4 03/01 P416097c Digit al Boar d Bottom Figure 9-2 - Digital Board Layout Bottom Side.
S P200/21 0 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S 03/01 Page 9- 5 P416096c RF PCB T op (V2) Figure 9- 3 - RF Bo ard La yout Top Side.
Ma x on S P20 0 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S Issue 1.0 Page 9-6 03/01 P416096c RF PCB Bottom Side ( V2) Figure 9- 4 - RF Bo ard La yout Bot tom Side P406787a F ron.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S 03/01 Page 9- 7 Figure 9-5 – Front-End Boar d Layout P406764c VCO PC B Figure 9-6 – VCO Board Layout.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 CIRCUIT DIAGR AMS & PCB L AYOUT S Issue 1.0 Page 9-8 03/01 P496785a T CXO PCB Figure 9-7 – TCXO Board Layout.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 SPARE P ARTS & MA INTENANC E POLIC Y 03/01 Page 10- 1 10 SP A RE P A RTS 10.1 Spare Parts The f ollowing item s only are hel d as rep lacem ent parts for the SL10 0. Categor y Code & Part No.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 10. S P A R E P A R T S & M A IN T E NAN C E P O LI C Y - I ss ue 1.0 Page 10- 2 03/01 10.1.1 Component Replacement Surface mount compone nts Surfac e mount c omponents should a lwa ys be replace d using a tem perature con trolled solder ing s y st em.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 SPARE P ARTS & MA INTENANC E POLIC Y 03/01 Page 10- 3 Surface mounted integra ted circuit replacement Soldering and de-s olderi ng techn iques of the surf ace mounted IC ’s are s imilar t o the above out lined procedur es f or the surf ace mounted c hip com ponents .
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 10. SPAR E PART S & MA INTENANC E POLIC Y - Issue 1.0 Page 10- 4 03/01.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 1 11 A PP ENDIX – ACC-2003 ALIGNMENT BOX 11.1 Purpose This Section is reproduc ed f rom the ACC-2003 User Guide and pro vides in form ation on the operat ion of the AC C-2003 In terface T est J ig.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 11. APPE NDIX A – A CC-2003 ALIGN MENT BOX - Issue 1.0 Page 11- 2 03/01 Select th e requir ed band and pres s Enter . Figure 11-2 wil l be disp la yed. Figure 11-2 - Calibration Program Primary Screen To dedic ate the Com m unication P ort, selec t Conf iguratio n and enter the re levant port num ber.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 3 If writing is in pr ogres s, ASIC CONT ROL will be dis pla yed, see F igure 11-3. See Sect ion 11. 4 for def ault A SIC valu es; these m ay alter de pending u pon Pro duction r equir em ents.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 11. APPE NDIX A – A CC-2003 ALIGN MENT BOX - Issue 1.0 Page 11- 4 03/01 11.3.2 A djustment of A SIC values W ith the ASIC Contr ol screen open, use the T AB k ey on the P C ke yboard to tab along unt il the require d param eter is highlig hted.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 5 INTRIM Adjusts the Mic audio in 0.5dB s teps f rom -4dB to +3. 5dB. SATRIM1 Adjust th e signa l amplitu de of DT MF in 0.5d B step f rom 0dB to 7.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 11. A P P E NDIX A – A CC - 2 0 03 ALI G N MENT B O X - I ss ue 1.0 Page 11- 6 03/01 11.3.3 Transmit A djustments The transm it m ode is entere d b y pressing SHIFT + T on the k e yboard. Ensure t hat the Po wer Supp l y is set to +7.
S P20 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 7 11.3.4 Receiv e Adjust ments The rec eive m ode is ent ered b y pressin g SHIFT + R on the k eyboard. Ensure t hat the po wer suppl y is set t o +7.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 11. APPE NDIX A – A CC-2003 ALIGN MENT BOX - Issue 1.0 Page 11- 8 03/01 11.4 Default Settings 11.4.1 V1 Band Default Settings CH RX OPTION T X OPTION N /S POWER 1ch 136. 025MHz No 136.075MHz No S Band High 2ch 138.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 9 11.4.2 V2 Band Default Settings CH RX OP TION T X OPT ION N/S P OWER 1ch 146.025MHz No 146.075MHz No S Band Hig h 2ch 155.025MHz No 155.075MHz No S Band Hig h 3ch 160.
Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o S P2 0 0 /210 11. APPE NDIX A – A CC-2003 ALIGN MENT BOX - Issue 1.0 Page 11- 10 03/01 11.4.3 U1 Band Default Settings CH RX OP TION T X OPT ION N/S POWER 1ch 400.025MHz No 400.075MHz No S Band Hig h 2ch 410.025MHz No 410.
S P2 0 0 /210 Ma x on S P2 00 /210 Ra d i o Issue 1.0 APPENDIX A - ACC-2 003 INT ERFACE BOX 03/01 Page 11- 11 11.4.4 U2 Band Default Settings CH RX OP TION T X OPT ION N/S POWER 1ch 440.025MHz No 440.075MHz No S Band Hig h 2ch 450.025MHz No 450.075MHz No S Band Hig h 3ch 455.
An important point after buying a device Maxon Telecom SP200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Maxon Telecom SP200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Maxon Telecom SP200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Maxon Telecom SP200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Maxon Telecom SP200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Maxon Telecom SP200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Maxon Telecom SP200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Maxon Telecom SP200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Maxon Telecom SP200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center