Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LX370 LG Electronics
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User Guid e ww w.spri m © 2009 Sprin t. Spri nt and the logo ar e trad ema rks of Sprin t. Oth er mark s ar e the pr ope rty of the ir re spe ctiv e owne rs.
Consejo Par a en con tra r esta g uía para usu ari os en esp añ ol, por favo r visi ta a www .sp ri nt .c om y haz clic e n Supp ort > Phone s & Device s . T o fin d th is us er guid e in Spa nis h, pl eas e vis it www. spri nt.c om and c lic k Su ppor t > Phon es & Devic es .
T able of Conte nts Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Y our Phone’ s Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Section 1: Getting Star ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1A. Setting Up Ser vice . . . . . . . . .
2D. Histor y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Viewing History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 History Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Making a Call F rom Hist ory .
2I. Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 T aking Pict ur es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Recor ding Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Storing Pictur es and Videos .
Section 4: Safety and Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 4A. Important Safety Information . . . . . . . . .144 Gener al Precau tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Maintai ning Safe Use of and Access to Y our Phone .
Intr oduc tion This User Guide intr oduces you to Sprint ® service and all the features of your new phone. It’s divided into four sections: Section 1: Getting Star ted Section 2: Y our Phon.
2: Colo r T one Norm al Blac k & White Nega tiv e Sepia 3: Imag e Contr ols 1: Bright ness 2: White Balan ce 4: F un F rame s 5: Sett ings 1: Resolu tion 2: Qualit y 3: Shutter Sound 4: Status Bar.
3: P ictu re Mai l Inb ox Sen t Mail Sav ed Mail P endi ng Messa ges 4: My Alb ums In Phon e Mem ory Card Onl ine Albu ms 5: P ictB rid ge 6: Ord er Prin ts 7: Set ting s & Info 1.
5: Ema il 6: IM 7: Cha t & Dating 8: Vo ice SMS 9: Set ting s 1: Noti fica tion 2: Call back Numb er 3: Pr eset Mes sage s 4: Sign atur e 5: V oiceSM S Option s 1: Speak erphone 2: Fr om Name 9: C.
2: Ring er T ype 1: Incomi ng Calls 2: Messag es 3: Alarm & Cale ndar 3: Vibra te T ype 1: Incomi ng Calls 2 : Message s 3 : Alarm & Cale ndar 4: Aler ts 1: Beep Each Minut e 2: Out of Serv ic.
0: T ool s 1: Mem ory Card Manag er 2: Ala rm Cloc k 1: Alarm 1 2: Alarm 2 3: Alarm 3 4: Alarm 4 5: Alarm 5 6: Walk the Dog 7: Quick Alarm 3: Blu etoo th 1: Pair with Hand s Fr ee 2: Send a Conta ct 3: Send Fil es 4: Add a New… 5: T ruste d Devic es 6: Mor e.
4: Cal enda r 5: Wor ld Cloc k 6: USB Mode 7: Cal cula tor 8: Vo ice Contro l 9: Vo ice Memo *: Not epad 0: Uni t Conve rter #: Upd ate Phone #:S hop pin g IN USE MENU Mute /Unmu te Spea ker Cont act .
Sect ion 1 Get ting Star ted.
2 1A. Setting Up Ser vice Se tt in g Up Y ou r Ph on e (p ag e 2) Ac ti va tin g Y our Ph on e (pa ge 3) Se tt in g Up Y ou r Vo ice ma il (pa ge 3) Sp ri nt Acc oun t P as sw ord s (p ag e 4) Ge tt in g Hel p (p ag e 5) Se tt in g Up Y ou r Ph on e 1.
1A. Setting Up Ser vice 3 Ac ti va tin g Y ou r Ph o ne If you purchased your phone at a Sprint Store, your phon e shoul d be activ ated and rea dy to use. If you received your phone in the mail and it is for a new Sprint account or a new line of ser vice, it is designed to acti vat e automati cally .
4 1A. Setting Up Ser vice For mor e information about using your voicemail, see “Setting Up Y our V oicemail” on page 106. Sp ri nt Ac cou nt P as swo rd s As a Sprint customer , you enjoy unlimited access to your personal account information, your voicemail account, and your data servuces account.
1A. Setting Up Ser vice 5 Ge tt in g Hel p Ma nag in g Y our Acc oun t On lin e: ww w .s pri nt. co m Access your account information. Check your minutes used (depending on your Sprint service plan) . View and pay your bill. Enr oll in Sprint online billing and automatic payment.
6 1A. Setting Up Ser vice Sp rin t Ope ra tor Servi ces Sprint Operator Services pr ovides assistance when placing collect calls or when placing calls billed to a local telephone calling car d or third party. T o ac ce ss Sp ri nt Op er at or Serv ic es : Pr ess .
Sect ion 2 Y our Phone.
8 2A. Phone Basics Y our Pho ne (pa ge 8) Vi ew in g th e Di sp la y Scr ee n (pa ge 11) T urn in g Y ou r Ph on e On and Off (p ag e 14 ) Ba tt ery and Ch ar ge r (p ag e 15) Na v.
2A. Phone Basics 9 K ey F un ct ion s 1. E arp ie ce lets you hear the caller and automated pr ompts. 2. S ign al Str en gt h Ind ic at or r epresents the signal str ength by displaying bars. The more bars display ed, the bet ter the signal strength. 3.
10 2A. Phone Basics 8. Micro phone allows other callers to hear you clearl y when you are speaking to them. 9. Statu s Light indicate s incoming calls, new messag es, or other even ts by blinking . It is r ed while char ging and turns gre en when char ging is comple ted.
2A. Phone Basics 11 20 . Spe ak er But ton lets you place or receiv e calls in speakerphone mode. Holding down this ke y for 3 seconds activates the V oice Control function. 21 . Cam er a But to n lets you activate the camera and video mode and take pictures and videos.
12 2A. Phone Basics St at us Ba r – Mes sa gi ng Ico ns Ne w Me ss ag es – Indicates you have new messages. Ne w T ext mes sa ge – Indicates you have new text messages. Ne w P ic tu re Ma il – Indicates you have new Picture Mail. Ne w Vo ic eS MS – Indicates you have new voice SMS messages.
2A. Phone Basics 13 Pho ne Basic s St at us Ba r – Sta tu s Ico ns Ri ng er & Vib rate – Indicates ringer and vibrate mode is set. SS L – Indicates your phone is using SSL (Secur e Sockets Lay er) protocol for client/server communication. TT Y – Indicates your phone is operating in TT Y mode.
14 2A. Phone Basics T ur ni ng Y ou r Pho ne On an d O ff T urn in g Y ou r Ph on e On Pr ess and hold for thr ee seconds. Once your phone is on, it may display “Sear ching for Service.” When your phone finds a signal, it automatically enters standby mode – the phone’s idle state.
2A. Phone Basics 15 T urn in g Y ou r Ph on e Of f Pr ess and hold for two seconds until you see the powering down animation on the display scr een.
16 2A. Phone Basics In sta ll in g t he Bat te ry 1. Push and slide the cov er downward until it comes fr ee from the phone. 2. T o install, insert the battery into the opening on the back of the phone, aligning the bat tery contacts with the contacts in the compartment ( ) and then gently press the battery down until it clicks into place ( ) .
2A. Phone Basics 17 Ch arg in g th e Ba tte ry Char ge your bat tery as soon as possible so you can begin using your phone. K eeping track of your battery’s char ge is important. If your bat tery lev el becomes too low, your phone automaticall y turns off, and you will lose any information you were just working on.
18 2A. Phone Basics Se lec ti ng Me nu Ite ms As you navigate through the menu, menu options are highlighted. Select any option by highlighting it and pr essing . If the option is numbered, you can select it by pressing the corresponding number on the phone’s ke ypad.
2A. Phone Basics 19 Ma ki ng an d An swe ri ng Ca ll s Ma kin g Cal ls 1. Slide the phone open and enter a phone number fr om standby mode. (If you make a mistake while dialing, press to erase the numbers.) 2. Pr ess . ( T o make a call when you are roaming and Call Guard is enabled, select Ro am Cal l and pr ess and select YES .
20 2A. Phone Basics Sa ve allows you to save the phone number in your Contacts. (See “Saving a Phone Number” on page 23.) Ha rd Pa use allows you to enter a hard pause. (See “Dialing and Saving Phone Numbers With Pauses” on page 24.) 2- se c Pa us e allows you to enter a two-second pause.
2A. Phone Basics 21 An sw er in g a Ro am Ca ll Wi th Ca ll Gu ard En ab le d Call Guard is an option that helps you manage your r oaming charges when making or receiving calls while outside the Nationwide Sprint Network. Please see “Roaming “ on page 114 for more information about r oaming.
22 2A. Phone Basics During an emergency call, press to select your options. Sp eak er On or Spea ker Off to ro ut e the pho ne ’ s aud io th r ough the spea k er or thr oug h the ea rpi ec e. Select Spe ake r On to route the phone’s audio thr ough the speaker .
2A. Phone Basics 23 Sp ea ke r to r oute the pho ne ’ s aud io thr ough th e spea k er . (Y ou can ad jus t the spea k er vo lum e usi ng the vol ume k e ys on th e side of the ph one .) Sa ve to sa ve a pho ne num ber in yo ur Cont acts . (Se e “S a vin g a Phon e Num be r” on thi s pag e.
24 2A. Phone Basics T o sa ve a nu mb er fro m sta nd by mod e: 1. Enter a phone number . 2. Pr ess OP TIO NS (right sof tke y) , highlight Sav e and pr ess . 3. Highlight Ne w Ent ry for a new contact or Ex is ti ng E nt ry to add a number to an existing contact and pr ess .
2A. Phone Basics 25 T o di al or sav e ph on e num be rs wit h pau ses : 1. Enter the phone number . 2. Pr ess OP TIO NS (right sof tke y) > Ha rd Pa use or 2- se c Pa us e .
26 2A. Phone Basics Di ali ng Fr om th e Co nta ct s Lis t 1. Highlight and press > Con ta ct s . 2. Highlight the entry you want to call and pr ess to dial the entry ’s default phone number. – or – T o dial anot her nu mbe r fr om the entr y , high li ght the na me and pr es s , and then hig hlig ht a num ber an d pr ess .
2A. Phone Basics 27 1. F rom a screen where you can enter text, press OP TIO NS (right sof tke y) and select T ex t Mod e to change the text input mode. 2. Select one of the following options: Abc to use multi-tap entry – press once for “a,” twice for “b,” three times for “c” (see “ ABC Mode” on this page) .
28 2A. Phone Basics Characters scroll in the following order: Pr edi ct ive T ext In pu t Pr edictive T ext Input lets you enter text using fewer ke ypresses per word. (T o select the Pr edictive T ext mode when entering text, see “Selecting a T ext Input Mode” on page 26.
2A. Phone Basics 29 For mor e information about T9 T ext Input, visit the Nuance website at www .n uan ce .c om /T 9/ te xti np ut / . En ter in g Num ber s, Sy mb ols and Em oti co ns T o en te r num be rs: Select the 123 mode and press the appropriate ke y .
30 2B. Navigating the Main Screen Getting to Know Sprint One Click (Page 30) Personalizing the Carousel (page 32) Personalizing the Home Screen (page 35) Ge tt in g to Kn ow Sp ri nt On e Cl ic k Sprint One Click brings all your favorite features to your fingertips.
2B. Navigating the Main Screen 31 Carousel – The carousel is the bottom row of tiles , or icons, on your main screen. Pressing the navigation key right or left mov es the car ousel. The tile in the center is the menu that’s display ed. In the illustration, the Home tile ( ) is in the center , so the Home scr een is displayed.
32 2B. Navigating the Main Screen T ake th e T ut ori al Y our phone has a built-in menu of tutorials to teach you all you need to know about Sprint One Click. 1. Highlight and press OPTIONS (left softkey) > T utorial . – or – Highlight ( Personaliz e My Phone ) > T utorial .
2B. Navigating the Main Screen 33 Sp ri nt On e Cli ck Til es Sp ri nt On e Cli ck Til es (c on ti nu ed ) T ex t Me ss ag e – Instantly access the T ext Message menu, including Send T ext, Inbox, and a list of r ecent messages. Em ai l – Access all your email accounts in one place.
34 2B. Navigating the Main Screen Re mov in g a Til e Fro m th e Ca rou se l 1. Highlight and press OPTIONS (left softkey) > Personaliz e Carousel . 2. Pr ess the navigation ke y right or lef t to highlight a tile, and then highlight Remove Tile and press .
2B. Navigating the Main Screen 35 Ed iti ng Ti les Certain tiles, such as Shortcuts and Fa vorite Contacts, contain editable content. Y ou can use the Personaliz e Car ousel menu to edit these tiles. 1. Highlight and press OPTIONS (left softkey) > Personaliz e Carousel .
36 2B. Navigating the Main Screen 5. When you are finished, press . Re mov in g a Bu bb le Fr om th e Hom e Sc ree n 1. Highlight and press OPTIONS (left softkey) > Personaliz e Home Screen . 2. Pr ess the navigation ke y up or down to highlight a bubble.
So un d Set ti ng s (pa ge 37) Di sp la y Set ti ng s (pa ge 41) L oca ti on Set ti ngs (pa ge 43) Me ss ag ing Set ti ng s (pa ge 43) Ai rp la ne/ Mu si c Mod e (p ag e 45) TT.
38 2C. Settings Se lec ti ng Ri ng er T yp es for Me ss ag es 1. Highlight and press > Se tt in gs > Sou nds > Ri ng er T yp e > Mes sa ge s . 2. Select V oic em ai l , T ext Mes sag e , Pi ct ur e Ma il , V oic eS MS or Em ai l . (A list of ring type categories will be display ed.
Se t As to assign the ringer to a call or message type or to a specific contact. (It will automatically be assigned to the type or contact you were viewing in step 2.) Sh op to browse for other items to download. V ol um e Adjust your phone’s volume set tings to suit your needs and your envir onment.
40 2C. Settings T o se t you r pho ne al wa ys to vib rat e in add iti on to any ri nge r set ti ngs : 1. With the phone open, press the volume but ton up or down in standby mode until a volume set ting appears on the screen. 2. Pr ess VIB RA TE (left sof tke y) to check the Vib ra te On option.
Di sp la y Set ti ng s Ch ang in g the Di sp lay Sc re en Choose what you see on the display screen while powering on or of f and when in standby mode. 1. Highlight and press > Se tt in gs > Di sp la y > Ma in Scr een > Scr een Sav er . 2.
42 2C. Settings 4. Use the navigation ke y to highlight your selection and press to view the image. (Once an image is display ed, you can use your navigation ke y to scr oll thr ough and view the other default images.) 5. Pr ess or ASS IGN (left sof tke y)to assign an image.
L oc ati on Set ti ng s Y our phone is equipp ed with a Location featur e for use in connec tion with location -based services. The Location featur e allows the network to detect you r positi on. T urning Location off will hide you r location fr om ev eryone ex cept 911.
44 2C. Settings Se tti ng Mes sag e No ti fic ati on When you receiv e a message, your phone notifies you by displaying an icon on your display screen. Y ou can also choose to see the entir e message on your display scr een. 1. Highlight and press > Set ti ng s > Mes sa ge s > No ti fi cat io n .
T o ad d a new pr es et mes sa ge: 1. Highlight and press > Se tt ing s > Me ss ag es > Pr ese t Me ssa ges . (Y ou will see the list of pre set messag es.) 2. T o add a new message, press ADD (left sof tke y) . 3. Enter your message (see “Entering T ext” on page 26), and pres s.
46 2C. Settings 2. Read the disclaimer and pres s. 3. Highlight On , Off or On P ow er Up and pres s. While in Airplane Mode, your phone’s standby screen will display “Phone off.
Ph on e Se tup Op t io ns Ma in Sc ree n Y our phone’s Sprint One Click main screen lets you customize your phone and pro vides quick access to the featur es and functions you use the most. See “Personalizing the Car ousel” on page 32 and “Personalizing the Home Screen” on page 35 for details.
48 2C. Settings T o cr ea te a new sh ort cu t: 1. Highlight ( Sh ort cu ts ) to access the Shortcuts menu. 2. Highlight Ad d Sho rtc ut and press . 3. Select fr om one of the following categories: My Stu ff , My Alb ums , Br ow se r Boo km ar k, or Men u It em .
2. Highlight an option and pres s. Of f to disable Auto -Answer . He ad se t to answer calls automatically when the phone is connected to a headset (sold separately). Remember , your phone will answer calls in Auto-Answer mode even if you are not pr esent.
50 2C. Settings Se cu ri ty S ett in gs Ac ces si ng the Se cu ri ty Me nu All of your phone’s security set tings are av ailable thr ough the Security menu. Y ou must enter your lock code to view the Security menu. 1. Highlight and press > Set ti ng s > Mor e.
2C. Settings 51 Set ting s Lo cki ng Pic tur es 1. Highlight and press > Set ti ng s > Mor e. .. > Re st ri ct an d L ock . 2. Enter your lock code and scroll to L oc k Ph ot os and pr ess . 3. Highlight L ock and pr ess . Ch an gi ng th e Loc k Co de 1.
52 2C. Settings Er asi ng Ph on e Con ten t Use the Security menu to erase all content you hav e cr eated, downloaded, or stored in your phone. 1. Highlight and press > Set ti ng s > Mor e. .. > Se cu ri ty and enter your lock code. 2. Select Del ete /R es et .
2C. Settings 53 Set ting s Re set ti ng De fau lt Se tt in gs Resetting the current default settings r estores all the factory defaults, including the ringer types and display settings. Contacts, Call History, Calendar, and Messaging are not affected.
54 2C. Settings Se cur it y F eat ur es fo r Da ta Se rvic e En ab li n g an d Dis abl in g Da ta Ser vi ces Y ou can disable data services without turning of f your phone; however , you will not have access to all data services, including Web and messaging.
2D. Histor y 55 His tory Vi ew in g His to ry (pa ge 55 ) Hi st ory Op ti on s (p ag e 56) Ma ki ng a Ca ll Fro m His to ry (pa ge 56) Sa vi ng a Nu mb er Fro m His to ry (pa ge 57) .
Hi st ory Op ti ons Highlight a History entry and press to displa y the date and time of the call, the phone number (if av ailable) , and the caller’s name (if the number is alr eady in your Contacts) . Press OP TIO NS (right sof tkey) to display the following options: Ne w Gro up to save the curr ent history entry to a new gr oup.
2D. Histor y 57 His tory Sa vi ng a Nu mb er Fr om Hi st ory Y our phone can store up to 60 0 Contacts entries. Contacts entries can store up to a total of 7 phone numbers, and each entry’s name can contain 64 characters. 1. Highlight a History entry and pres s.
58 2D. Histor y Er as in g Hi sto ry T o erase individual History entries, see “History Options” on page 56. 1. Highlight and press > His to ry . 2. Pr ess OPTI ONS (right sof tk ey) > Del et e All . (A confirmation dialog will appear.) 3. Pr ess DE LE TE (left sof tke y) to erase History.
2E. Contacts 59 Con tact s Ad di ng a Ne w Co nt ac ts Ent ry (pa ge 59) Sa vi ng a Ph on e Nu mb er (pa ge 60) Co nt ac ts En try Opt ion s (p ag e 60) Ed it in g a Con ta ct s Ent ry.
60 2E. Contacts After you hav e sav ed the number , the new Contacts entry is displayed. (See “Contacts Entry Options” on page 60.) Sa vi ng a Ph on e Nu mb er T o sa ve a nu mb er fro m sta ndb y mod e: 1. Enter a phone number and press OP TI ONS (right softkey) > Sav e .
2E. Contacts 61 Con tact s [ No Se cr et ] to displ a y the entry’ s phone num ber( s). Change to Se cr et to hide an entry ’s phone number(s) . [U RL ] to add a Web address. [I M] to add an Instant Messaging address. Ed it in g a Con ta ct s En try 1.
62 2E. Contacts Ed it in g a Con ta ct s En try’ s Nu mb er s 1. Highlight a Contacts entry and press OP TI ON S (right softkey) > Ed it Con tac t . 2. High light a number and pr ess . 3. Pr ess to clear one digit at a time, or press and hold to erase the entire number .
2E. Contacts 63 Con tact s T o as si gn a sp ee d dia l num ber to an exi sti ng ph on e nu mbe r : 1. Highlight a Contacts entry and press OP TI ON S (right softkey) > Ed it Con tac t . 2. Highlight the phone number for which you wish to assign a speed dial number , and pr ess .
64 2E. Contacts As si gn ing a P ic tu re to an Ent ry 1. Highlight a Contacts entry and press OP TI ON S (right softkey) > Edi t Con ta ct . 2. Highlight the current picture and press to display the Select Photo menu. 3. Highlight an option ( Non e, New Pi ctu re , My Al bu ms , Sc re en Sav ers , or As si gn ed Med ia ) and press .
2E. Contacts 65 Con tact s Se cr et Co nt act s En tr ie s Making an entry secret hides its phone number(s) and r equir es your lock code to edit the entry. The name is still display ed, but the phone numbers and other information are replaced with “(SECRET )” .
66 2E. Contacts Sp ri nt Ope rat or – Co mm uni ty Inf o – No n Eme rg en cy Serv ic es – T ra ff ic In fo rm at io n – Ca rr ie r Serv ic e Rep ai r – TR S for TTY us er s – Ca ll Bef ore Y ou Di g – 2. Pr ess to place the call.
2E. Contacts 67 Con tact s 3. Pr ess SU BS CR IB E (left softkey) and follow the onscr een instructions to purchase the license. 4. Please wait while registering the license. (Y ou will see a confirmation screen once registr ation is complete.) T o de ac ti va te th e wir el es s bac kup se rvi ce : 1.
68 2F . Calendar and T ools Ca le nd ar( pa ge 68) Al ar m Clo ck (pa ge 71 ) No te pa d (pa ge 71) EZ Tip s (p ag e 72) Ca lc ul ato r (p ag e 72) Un it Con vert er (pa ge 73).
2F . Calendar and T ools 69 Cal enda r / T ools 7. Select a ringer type for the alarm by highlighting the ringer field and pressing . Select a ringer menu ( Dow nl oa de d Rin ge rs , V oi ce Me mo , Oth er Rin ger s, or No Rin ge r) , hi gh li gh t a rin ge r , and press .
70 2F . Calendar and T ools Er asi ng a Da y’ s Eve nt s 1. Highlight and press > T ool s > Cal en da r . 2. Select the day for which you would like to erase ev ents and pres s. 3. P r ess OP TI ON S (right softkey) > Del et e All . (An alert will be displayed notif ying you that all ev ents will be deleted.
2F . Calendar and T ools 71 Cal enda r / T ools Al ar m C lo ck Y our phone comes with a built-in alarm clock that has multiple alarm capabilities. 1. Highlight and press > T oo ls > Ala rm Cl oc k . 2. Select Al ar m 1-5 , Wal k th e Do g, or Qui ck Ala rm .
72 2F . Calendar and T ools 3. Pr ess S A VE (left sof tke y) or to save your note. T o re ad a sa ve d not e: 1. Highlight and press > T oo ls > Not epa d . 2. Select a note and press . T o de le te sa ve d not es: 1. Highlight and press > T oo ls > Not epa d .
2F . Calendar and T ools 73 Cal enda r / T ools Un it Co nv ert er 1. Highlight and press > T ools > Unit Converter . 2. Select Length, Area, Mass, Volume, or T emperature . 3. Highlight the known unit type and enter the value. The conversi on is display ed automatically .
74 2G. Voice Services V oic e Co nt ro l (pa ge 74) Ma na gi ng Vo ice Mem os (pa ge 75 ) V oi ce Co nt ro l Y ou can use your phone ’ s built- in Vo ice Cont r ol autom ati c spe ech r ecog nit ion (A SR) softwar e to dial a phon e num ber in yo ur Contac ts or to launch pho ne funct ions .
2G. Voice Ser vices 75 V oice Services 6. Pho ne St at us 7. T rai nin g 8. Boo kma rk 9. Hel p 0. Exi t V oic e Co nt ro l Ma na gi ng V oi ce M em os Use yo ur pho ne’ s voi ce servi ces to re cor d brie f memos to r emind yo u of impo rtan t ev ents , phone numb ers, or gr ocery list item s.
76 2G. Voice Services P lay ing V oi ce Me mos T o play the voice memos you have recorded : 1. Highlight and pr ess > T ool s > V oic e Me mo . 2. Highlight a voice memo and pr ess . V oi ce Mem o Op ti on s T o ch oo se vo ic e mem o opt ion s: 1.
2H. microSD Card 77 mic roSDCard Y our Pho ne ’ s mi cr oS D Car d and Ad ap te r (p ag e 77) mi cr oS D C ard Set ti ng s (pa ge 79) mi cr oS D C ard Fol de rs (p ag e 80) Co nn ec .
78 2H. microSD Card mi cr oS D Ic on In di cat ors The following icons will be displayed on your phone’s display screen when a microSD card is properly inserted into the microSD card slot: Indicates that a microSD card has been inserted into your phone.
2H. microSD Card 79 mic roSDCard mi cr oS D Car d Se tt ing s Cr eat in g Fol der s in th e mic roS D Ca rd The following steps allow your phone to create default folders for storing files in your microSD card. 1. With the microSD card inserted, highlight and pr ess > T oo ls > Mem ory Car d Ma na ge r .
80 2H. microSD Card mi cr oS D Car d Fo ld er s Di spl a yin g Y ou r mi cr oSD C ard F ol de rs All the files stored in your micr oSD card are accessible thr ough your microSD card folders. 1. With the microSD card inserted, highlight and pr ess > T oo ls > Mem ory Car d Ma na ge r .
2H. microSD Card 81 mic roSDCard Im porta nt Con ne cti on In fo rm ati on No driver installation is requir ed for Windows Vista/2000/ME/XP users. If you use Windows 98/98SE, you hav e to download and install the USB Mass Storage Driver fr om the Sprint website at www .
82 2I. Camera T aki ng Pi ctu re s (p age 82) Re co rd ing Vi de os (pa ge 86 ) St or in g Pi ct ur es and Vid eo s (pa ge 88) Se nd in g Spr in t Pi ct ur e Mai l (p ag e 91) Ma n.
2I. Camera 83 Cam era As si gn to assign the picture to a phone task. Select an option: Sc re en Sav er to use the picture as a screen sav er. P ic tu re ID to assign the pictur e to a contact or for all calls. De le te to delete the picture you just took.
84 2I. Camera Once you hav e receiv ed confirmation that your account has been successfully r egistered, you may upload and shar e pictures and access the Sprint Picture Mail website.
2I. Camera 85 Cam era 4. Get r eady for the picture. (When the timer is down to thr ee seconds, the countdown numbers will turn r ed and the phone will begin to beep.) T o ca nc el the Se lf -t im er afte r it has st art ed : Pr ess C AN CE L (right sof tke y).
86 2I. Camera Re co rd ing Vi deo s In addition to taking pictures, you can also r ecord, view , and send videos with your phone’s built-in video camera. 1. Highlight and press > Pho to s > Cam co rd er to activate video mode. 2. Select the video length between Vid eo Mai l and L ong Vi de o .
2I. Camera 87 Cam era Vi deo Mo de Op ti on s When the phone in camcorder mode, press OP TI ON S (right sof tke y) to display additional camera options: Se lf Tim er to activate the timer ( Of f , 5 sec on ds , or 10 sec ond s ).
88 2I. Camera St or in g P ic tu re s a nd Vi deo s Y our phone’s pictur e and video storage area is called My Al bu ms . Ther e are three types of folders in My Albums: In Pho ne Me mo ry C.
2I. Camera 89 Cam era As si gn to display the currently highlighted picture or video as a screen sav er (only for pictures) or picture ID for selected call types or contacts. De le te to delete pictur es or videos from the folder . Select Del ete sel ec tio n or Del ete all .
90 2I. Camera When you are viewing images in a folder , pr ess EXP AN D (left softkey) to display the following option: Ex pa nd /Th um bn ai l to switch the display from expanded view to thumbnail view (up to four pictures per screen).
2I. Camera 91 Cam era P ost to Serv ic e to send the image to a number of popular third-party Web image services. Sa ve T o to download the image to your phone’s In Phone Folder or memory card. Co py /Mo ve to copy or move pictures to a selected album.
92 2I. Camera 4. Select Go to Co nta ct s or NE W AD DR to enter the r ecipients. Go to Con tac ts to select r ecipients from your Contacts. Select a recipient and pres s. NE W ADD R to enter a mobile phone number or an email address directly .
2I. Camera 93 Cam era Se ndi ng P ic tur es an d Vi de os Fro m Me ssa ge s Y ou can also send Sprint Picture Mail from your phone’s Messages menu. 1. Highlight and press > Mes sa ge s > Sen d Me ss ag e > Pi ct ur e Mai l . 2. Select Go to Con tac ts or NEW ADD R to enter the r ecipients.
94 2I. Camera Ma na gi ng S pri nt P ic tur e Ma il Us ing th e Spr in t P ic tu re Ma il W eb sit e Once you hav e uploaded pictures or videos to your online Sprint Picture Mail account at ht tp :/ /pi ct ur es .s pr in tpc s. co m (see “In Phone and Memory Car d Folder Options” on page 88) , you can use your computer to manage your pictures.
2I. Camera 95 Cam era 2. Select My U plo ad s or an album title and press to display . ( Thumbnail pictures, up to four per scr een, ar e displa yed.) 3. Select a picture and pr ess OP TI ON S (right softkey) to display your online picture options. Up loa di ng P ict ur es 1.
96 2I. Camera Se ndi ng Onl in e Spr int P ic tur e Mai l T o se nd an alb um fro m th e onl in e pic tur es me nu : 1. F rom the online albums display , select an album you wish to send and press SEN D (lef t softkey). (See “Managing Online Pictures and Videos Fr om Y our Phone” on page 94.
2I. Camera 97 Cam era Pr in t to print the pictur es. Y ou can choose whether to pick up your prints at a retail store, hav e them mailed to you, use a PictBridge-enabled printer (see page 98) , or use a Bluetooth-enabled printer (see page 102) . P ost to Serv ic e to access av ailable services.
98 2I. Camera T o ac ce ss yo ur on li ne Alb um s opt ion s fro m you r pho ne: 1. Displa y the album list in the Online Sprint Pictur e Mail menu. (See “Mana ging Onli ne Pict ur es and Vid eos F r om Y our Pho ne” on page 94.) 2. Select an album (or Inbox).
Cam era 2I. Camera 99 Si z e: Y ou can set the print size fr om Default, 4x6 in, letter, or Card. (Print sizes may vary according to the type of printer you have.) Da te : Y ou can imprint the date on your pictur es. Select On or Off . (Date stamping may not be av ailable depending on the type of printer you hav e.
100 2I. Camera Se tt in gs an d In fo The set tings and info menu allows you to configur e, view your account information, or switch the format between portrait or landscape mode. T o ac ce ss the se tt in gs an d inf o men u: 1. Highlight and press > Ph ot os > Se tt in gs & Inf o .
2J. Bluetooth 101 Blu etoo th T urn in g Bl ue to oth On an d Off (pa ge 101 ) Us in g the Bl ue to ot h Set ti ng s Men u (p ag e 102 ) P ai rin g Bl ue to ot h Dev ic es (pa ge 10 3) .
102 2J. Bluetooth Bl uet oo th S ta tus In di cat ors The following icons show your Bluetooth connection status at a glance: indicates Bluetooth enabled (hidden) .
Blu etoo th Section 2J. Bluetooth 103 T o ac ce ss the T rus ted De vi ce s lis t: Highlight and press > T oo ls > Blu eto ot h > T ru st ed De vi ce s or P ai r wi th Han ds Fr ee . This displays your phone's current list of external trusted Bluetooth devices.
104 2J. Bluetooth Se nd in g Ite ms Usi ng Blu et oo th Se ndi ng Co nt ac ts This allows you to send all Contacts information in your phone to another party via Bluetooth. 1. If Bluetooth is not set to on, set to On . 2. Highlight and press > Con ta ct s , select a contact and press OP TI ON S (right sof tke y) > Se nd Con tac t .
Sect ion 3 Spr int Service.
106 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics V oic em ai l (pa ge 106 ) T ext Mes sa gi ng (SM S) (pa ge 10 9) V oic eS MS Mes sa gin g (p ag e 111 ) Ca ll er ID (pa ge 112 ) Ca ll Wai tin .
V oi ce ma il No tif ic ati on Ther e are sever al ways your phone alerts you to a new message: By displaying a message on the screen. By sounding the assigned ringer type. By the LED blinking red. By displaying at the top of your screen.
108 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics Usi ng the Menu K ey s on Y our Phone to Acce ss Y our Mess age s 1. Highlight and press > Mes sa ge s > V oi cem ai l > Cal l V oi ce ma il . 2. Pr ess to listen to your messages. Usi ng Anot her Pho ne to Acces s Messa ges 1.
Us ing Ex pe rt Mo de Using the Expert Mode set ting for your person al vo icemail box helps you navigat e thr ough the voic email system mor e quickly by shortening the voic e pr ompts yo u hear at each lev el. 1. Pr ess and hold to access your voicemail.
110 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics Co mpo si ng T ex t Mes sa ges 1. Highlight and press > Mes sa ge s > Sen d Me ss ag e > T ext Mes sa ge and select the entry method you prefer . Go to Con tac ts to sel ect a re cipi ent fr om y our Co nta ct s.
Ac ces si ng T ex t Mes sa ges T o re ad a tex t mes sag e: When you receiv e a text message, it will be display ed automatically on your phone’s screen. Use your navigation ke y to scroll down and view the entir e message. T o re pl y to a tex t mes sag e: 1.
112 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics Co mpo si ng V oic eSM S Mes sag es 1. Highlight and press > Mes sa ge s > Sen d Me ss ag e > V oic e SM S . 2. Select Go to Con tac ts , MU L TI PL E (lef t sof tke y), or NE W AD DR (right sof tke y) to select or enter a r ecipient.
Ca ll Wa it in g When you’ r e on a call, Call Waiting alerts you to incoming calls by sounding two beeps. Y our phone’s scr een informs you that another call is coming in and displays the caller’s phone number (if it is available and you are in digital mode) .
114 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics Ca ll Fo rwa rd ing Call Forwar ding lets you forward all your incoming calls to another phone number – even when your phone is turned of f. Y ou can continue to make calls from your phone when Call Forwar ding is activated.
Ch eck in g fo r V oic em ai l Mes sag es Wh il e Ro am in g When you are roaming of f the Nationwide Sprint Network, you may not r eceive on-phone notification of new voicemail messages.
116 3A. Sprint Ser vice: The Basics Ca ll Gu ard Y our phone has two ways of alerting you when you are r oaming of f the Nationwide Sprint Network: the onscr een roaming icon and Call Guard. Call Guard makes it easy to manage your roaming by requiring an extr a step before you can place or answer a roaming call.
T o se t you r Dat a Roa m Gua rd not ifi ca ti on: 1. Highlight and press > Set ti ng s > Mor e. .. > Ro am in g > Dat a Roa mi ng . 2. Highlight an option and pres s. De fa ul t : Data Roam Guard may appear when r oaming internationally .
118 3B: Web and Data Ser vices Getting Started With Data Ser vices (page 118) Messaging (page 122) Downloading Games, Ringers and More (page 125) Browser Options Menu (page 128) Da.
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 119 Web and Data Up da ti n g Y ou r Us er Na me If you choose to change your user name and select a new one online, you must then update the user name on your phone. Highlight and pr ess > Settings > More... > Data > Update Profile .
120 3B: Web and Data Ser vices Da ta Co nne ct ion St at us an d In dic at ors Y our phone displays the current status of your data connection through indicators at the top of the scr een. The following symbols ar e used: Y our phone is connected to the high-speed Sprint Mobile Broadband Network (EVDO) .
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 121 Web and Data T o us e soft ke ys: Pr ess a sof tkey . (If an additional pop-up menu is display ed when you press the sof tkey , select the menu items using your ke ypad [if they’r e number ed], or by highlighting the option and pr essing .
122 3B: Web and Data Ser vices Go in g Ho me T o re tu rn to the ho me pa ge fr om an y oth er pa ge: Pr ess and hold . – or – Pr ess OPTIONS (right softkey) > MY HOMEP AGE. Me ss ag ing Y ou can send and receiv e email messages, instant messages, and text messages and participate in Web-based chat r ooms right fr om your phone.
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 123 Web and Data you may add your own POP or IMAP email accounts. 5. F ollow the setup wizard instructions to enter the r equir ed sign-up information. Press Acc ep t (right softkey) if you are prompted to accept any license agr eements or disclaimers.
124 3B: Web and Data Ser vices 2. Use your ke ypad and navigation ke ys to read, manage, and reply to your email messages. Pr ess Menu (right sof tkey) to select messaging options, such as Delete , Compose , Reply , Send/Receive , or Settings . Pr ess Menu (right sof tkey) > Send/Receive to manually check for new messages.
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 125 Web and Data name or passwor d, and select Sign In . (Y our IM scr een for the selected pr ovider will be display ed.) 4. F ollow the onscreen instructions to r ead, reply to, compose, and send messages and manage your IM account.
126 3B: Web and Data Ser vices information on navigating the Web, see “Navigating the Web” on page 120.) Se lec ti ng an It em to Do wnl oa d Y ou can search for av ailable items to download in a number of ways: Featured display s a r otating selection of featured items.
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 127 Web and Data Pr ess to quit the browser and return to standby mode. Us ing My Con te nt Man ag er Whether you purchase your Premium Services content fr om your phone or from your online account management page at www .
128 3B: Web and Data Ser vices Br ow se r Op ti on s Men u Although the home page of fers a br oad and conv enient arra y of sites and services for you to browse, not all sites ar e repr esented, and certain functions, such as going dir ectly to specific websites, are not av ailable.
3B: Web and Data Ser vices 129 Web and Data Ac ces si ng a Bo ok mar k 1. Pr ess OPTIONS (right sof tkey) to open the brows er options menu. 2. Select MY PA GES. 3. Highlight a bookmark and press . Go in g to a Sp ec ifi c W ebs ite T o go to a partic ular websi te by ente rin g a Web addre ss (UR L) : 1.
130 3B: Web and Data Ser vices How do I know when my phone is connected to data services? Y our phone automatically connects when data service is used or an incoming message arrives. Y our phone will also display the or indicator . Can I make calls and use data services at the same time? Y ou cannot use voice and data services simultaneously.
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 131 TV and Mus ic TV (page 131) Music – Sprint Music Store (page 134) Streaming Music (page 139) Sprint TV gives you the ability to listen to audio clips and to view video clips right from your phone’s displa y .
132 3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music Wa tch in g TV 1. Highlight and press > Enter tainment > TV. Depending on your set tings, you may be asked to accept a data connection. 2. Select Sprint TV , Sprint Radio, Sprint Movies, or Premium Channels to display channel options.
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 133 TV and Mus ic 2. How long are the clips? Will I know the estimated time it will take to play the clip prior to accessing it? Once you hav e selected a channel, you will see a listing of the av ailable clips, with each clip’s length display ed after the clip’s title.
134 3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 9. If I put on my stereo headset and inser t them into the phone’ s headset jack, can I close the phone while I am playing an audio (or video) clip without interrupting the clip? Y es.
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 135 TV and Mus ic P urc has in g and Do wn loa di ng Mu si c Now that you’r e in the store, you can shop for songs to pur chase and download to your phone’s microSD card.
136 3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 3. T o begin playing music, highlight a song and pr ess . Ba cki ng Up Y our Dow nl oad ed Mu si c Fil es Sprint recommends you back up your downloaded music files to your computer .
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 137 TV and Mus ic T o mu lt it as k on you r pho ne wh il e pla yin g mus ic: 1. Launch the Sprint Music Store application (highlight and press > Entertainment > Music ). 2. Select the play er tab and press . 3. Select a file and press begin playing music.
138 3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music Re cei vi ng an In com in g Ca ll W hi le Pl a yi ng Mu sic An incoming call causes the curr ently play ed music file to be paused while the phone call is active. Once the curr ent call is ended, you can select to resume any paused applications.
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music 139 TV and Mus ic St re am ing Mu sic In addition to the Sprint Music Store, Sprint offers a variety of musical options through the Music category in the Sprint T V menu, including SIRIUS Music, Music Choice, VH1, and many others.
140 3D. GPS Navigation GPS Ser vices (page 140) Sprint Navigation (page 140) Sprint Family Locator (page 141) GP S Se rvic es Y our phone’s built-in GPS capability gives you access to a number of location-based services, including Sprint Navigation and Sprint Family Locator .
3D. GPS Navigation 141 GPS Navi gati on Us ing Sp ri nt Na vi ga tio n 1. Highlight to access the Sprint Navigation menu. – or – Highlight and press > Map s > Spr in t Na vi ga tio n . 2. Select an option and follow the onscr een instructions to get directi ons or view maps.
142 3D. GPS Navigation Us ing Sp ri nt Fa mi ly L oca to r 1. Pr ess > Maps > Sprint Family Locator . 2. Enter the parent phone number and password to sign in to your account. 3. Select a phone to locate from the av ailable child phone list. 4. When you are finished, select Sign Out .
Sect ion 4 Saf ety and Warr anty Inf orma tio n.
144 4A: Impor tant Safety Information Ge ne ra l Pre ca ut io ns (pa ge 14 4) Ma in ta ini ng Saf e Use of and Acc es s to Y ou r Pho ne (p ag e 145 ) Us in g Y ou r Ph on e Wit h a Hea ri.
Impo rtant Safety Infor mati on 4A: Impor tant Safety Information 145 Ma in ta ini ng Sa fe Use of and Ac ce ss to Y ou r Ph on e Do Not Rel y on Y ou r Ph on e for Eme rg enc y Ca ll s Mobile phones operate using radio signals, which cannot guarantee connection in all conditions.
146 4A: Impor tant Safety Information T urn in g Of f Y ou r Ph on e in Da ng er ou s Are as T o av oid interfering with blasting operations, turn your phone off when in a blasting ar ea or in other areas with signs indicating two-way radios should be turned of f.
Impo rtant Safety Infor mati on 4A: Impor tant Safety Information 147 These ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary depending on the user’s hearing device and individual type and degree of hearing loss.
148 4A: Impor tant Safety Information Position the phone so the internal antenna is farthest from your hearing aid. Mov e the phone around to find the point with least interfer ence. Ca ri ng fo r th e Ba tt ery Pr ot ect in g Y ou r Ba tt ery The guidelines listed below help you get the most out of your battery ’s performance.
Impo rtant Safety Infor mati on 4A: Impor tant Safety Information 149 Ra di o Fr equ en cy (R F) Ene rg y Un de rs tan di ng How Y our Pho ne Op er at es Y our phone is basically a radio transmitter and receiv er . When it’s turned on, it receiv es and transmits radio frequency (RF ) signals.
150 4A: Impor tant Safety Information in safety. SAR values at or below the federal standard of 1.6 W/kg ar e consider ed safe for use by the public. The highest reported SAR values of the LX 370 ar e: Cellular CDMA mode (Part 22) : Head: 0.904 W/kg; Body-worn: 0.
Impo rtant Safety Infor mati on 4A: Impor tant Safety Information 151 If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipme.
152 4B. Warranty Ma nu fa ctu re r’ s War ra nt y (pa ge 153 ) Y our pho ne has be en des ig ne d to pro vid e yo u wit h re li ab le , wo rry -fr ee serv ic e. If for any reason you have a problem with your equipment, please refer to the manufacturer’ s warranty in this section.
War rant y 4B. Warranty 153 Ma nu fa ctu re r’ s Wa rr ant y 1. WHA T THIS W ARRANT Y COVERS: L G of fers you a limited warranty that the enclosed subscriber unit and its enclosed accessories will b.
154 4B. Warranty implied warranty of marketability merchantability or fitness for a particular use. (7) Damage resulting from use of non-LG appro ved accessories. (8) All plastic surfaces and all other externally exposed parts that are scratched or damaged due to normal customer use.
Index 155 Inde x Numerics 3- Way Cal l 23 , 113 A Ab br ev iat ed Dia lin g 25 , 49 Ac tiv at ing Y ou r Pho ne 3 Ai rpl an e/M us ic Mo de 45 Al arm Clo ck 71 An swe ri ng Ca lls 20 Ap pli ca tio ns .
Sa vin g a Pho ne Nu mbe r 60 Se cr et Co nt ac ts 65 Se lec ti ng a Rin ge r T yp e 63 Se ndi ng Bl ue t oo th 104 Wi re le ss Bac k up 66 Co nta ct s Mat ch Di ali ng 25, 49 D Da ta Ro am Gu ar d 11.
Index 157 K K ey Fun cti on s 9 K ey T one 40 K ey gu ar d 48 L La ngu ag e 42 L oca ti on Se tti ng s 43 L ock Cod e 51 L ock in g Dat a 50 L ock in g Y our Pho ne 50 M Ma in Sc re en Na vi ga tio n .
P Pa iri ng Bl ue t oo th Dev ic es 103 Pa use s 24 Ph one (il lus. ) 8 Ph one Boo k - Se e Con ta cts Ph one Num ber Di spl ay ing 18 Fi ndi ng 24 Sa vin g 23 , 60 Wi th Pa use s 24 Ph one Set tin gs.
Index 159 Ro ami ng 114 – 11 7 Ca ll Gu ar d 11 6 Da ta Ro am Gu ar d 11 6 Ic on 114 Ro am Mo de 115 S Sa fet y Inf or mat io n 14 4– 151 Sa vin g a Pho ne Nu mbe r 23, 60 Se cur it y 50 –5 4 Da.
V Vi bra t e 39 Vi deo s- See al so Cam era Re cor di ng 86 Se ndi ng 91– 93 , 96 Se ndi ng Bl ue t oo th 104 Se tti ng s 87 St or in g 88 V oic e Con tr ol 74 V oic em ail 106 – 10 9 Cl ear Ico n.
An important point after buying a device LG Electronics LX370 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought LG Electronics LX370 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data LG Electronics LX370 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, LG Electronics LX370 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get LG Electronics LX370 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of LG Electronics LX370, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime LG Electronics LX370.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with LG Electronics LX370. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device LG Electronics LX370 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center