Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 7500 Series Apple
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Th e P o wer M ac i nt osh Proces s or Upgrade C ard gi v es y our Mac i nt osh 7 5 0 0 or 7 60 0 computer addit ional pr o ce s sin g pow er . Y ou c an i nstall the upgrade c ard in t he proces sor c ard s lot in y our computer .
In st a lli ng a pr ocesso r ca rd 1 Turn off the computer. F or no w , lea ve t he computer p lu g ged in to gr ound it and protect its components from stat ic elec tric ity dama ge . 2P ress the two release buttons under the front panel and slide the cover toward you approximately two inches.
3 Remove the cover from the computer. After y ou ’ ve s lid the co v er forw ard about t w o inches , lift it strai ght up a nd o f f the computer . 3 Installing a Processor Upgrade Card in Power Ma.
4 Touch the metal part of the power supply case inside the computer to discharge static electricity. Al w a y s do thi s b e f ore y ou touc h any parts , or i nstall any c omponents, ins ide the computer . 5U nplug the power cord from the back of the computer.
6 Flip the expansion card cover open. 7 Remove the processor card that’s in the computer now. Pu ll the c ard strai ght up without r o c king it from s ide t o s ide . Do not pull on th e heat sin k becau se you mi ght dama ge t he car d or your c omputer .
8 Remove the new processor card from its static-proof bag. T o a v oi d t ouching t h e g ol d contac ts or the h eat s in k, hol d th e c ard b y its edge s . Heat sink (shaded gray here) Gold contacts (two rows) WARNING Th e proces sor c ard c a n be damag ed by stat ic elec tricity .
9A lign the connectors on the card with the processor card slot. 10 Press the card gently but firmly until the gold contacts are fully inserted. Don ’ t rock t h e c ard from s ide t o s ide and don.
11 Close the expansion card cover and snap it into place. If the co v er w on ’ t c lose , mak e s ure the proces sor c ard has been inser ted all the w ay i nto th e pro cess o r c ard s lot. (front of computer) Flip the expansion card cover closed and snap it into place.
12 Replace the cover on the computer. Slide the top cover all the way back until it snaps into place. Set the top cover down so that there is about a two-inch gap between the back of the top cover and the back of the chassis.
13 Plug the power cord into the computer again. Y ou are no w finished i nstalling t h e c ard. 14 Update your system software using the CD-ROM disc that came with the card. F oll ow t h e instr ucti ons f or i nstalling or re i nstalling s y stem so ft w are i n the manual that c ame with y our computer .
Th e P o wer M ac i nt osh Proces sor Up grade Car d gi v es y our Mac i nt osh 8 500 computer addit ional proces sin g pow er . Y ou c an i nstall the upgrade c ard in the proces sor c ard s lot in your c omputer .
In st a lli ng a pr ocesso r ca rd 1 To turn off the computer, choose Shut Down from the Special menu. F or no w , lea ve t he computer p lu g ged in to gr ound it and protect its components from stat ic elec tric ity dama ge . 2 Loosen the four large screws at the corners of the back panel.
3 Remove the cover from the computer. S lide t he co v er a w a y from t h e bac k pan el an i nc h or tw o . T hen raise the co v er strai ght up and of f the computer .
4 Touch the metal part of the power supply case inside the computer to discharge static electricity. Al w a y s do thi s b e f ore y ou touc h any parts , or i nstall any c omponents, ins ide the computer . 5U nplug the power cord from the back of the computer.
6 Lower the retainer. 7 For easy access to the processor card slot, remove the retainer. Pre ss t he small button on t he floor o f the computer near the lef t le g of t he retain er . T hen slide t h e retai ner to t he right and remo v e it. Button To lower the retainer, squeeze the sides to unlatch it.
8 Gently lay the computer on its side on a clean, stable surface. This mak es it ea sier t o i nser t the n e w pro ce s sor c ard c or rect l y . 16 Chapter 2.
9 Remove the processor card that’s in the computer now. Grasp t he edg es o f the c ard f i r ml y a nd pull t h e c ard out o f the sl ot. P ull the ca rd straight up wit hout rockin g it from s ide t o si de . Do not pull on the heat si nk becau se y ou might dama ge t he car d or your c omputer .
10 Remove the new processor card from its static-proof bag. T o a v oi d touc hi ng t h e g old c ontacts or the h eat s i nk, hol d the car d by its ed ge s . Heat sink (shaded gray here) Gold contacts (two rows) WARNING Th e proces sor c ard c a n be damag ed by stat ic elec tricity .
11 Align the connector end of the card with the processor card slot. 12 Insert the card into the guides and slide it into place. Card guide Card guide Heat sink Processor card Processor card slot 19 I.
13 Press the card gently but firmly until the gold contacts are fully inserted. Don ’ t rock t h e c ard from s ide t o s ide and don ’ t pres s dow n on the heat sin k, or y ou ma y dama ge t he car d or your c omputer .
16 Raise the retainer back into place. IMPORTANT If the retain er c annot c lose s o that both s ides are l atched, the proces sor c ard i s not full y i nser ted. R epeat the pro ce s s , star ting at step 7 . This guide on the retainer engages the processor card in the computer.
17 Replace the cover on the computer. Lo wer t he co v er all the w a y do wn ont o the ca se . P ush t he co ver b ack unt il it touches th e back pa n el. 18 Tighten the screws on the back panel. 19 Plug the power cord into the computer again. Y ou are no w finished i nstalling t h e c ard.
W ha t t o do w i th t he used p ro cesso r ca rd Put the used c ard int o an a nti static b a g . (Y ou ma y w a nt t o use t he on e that contained the n e w c ard y ou just installed. ) It is pos si ble t hat the proces sor c ard y ou remo v ed c an b e used a s an upgrade ca rd for another P o wer M ac i nt osh.
24 Chapter 2.
Th e P o wer M ac i nt osh Proces sor Up grade Car d gi v es y our Mac i nt osh 9 50 0 computer addit ional proces sin g pow er . Y ou c an i nstall the upgrade c ard in the proces sor c ard s lot in your c omputer .
In st a lli ng a pr ocesso r ca rd 1 To turn off the computer, choose Shut Down from the Special menu. F or no w , lea ve t he computer p lu g ged in to gr ound it and protect its components from stat ic elec tric ity dama ge . 2 Loosen the six large screws at the corners and sides of the back panel.
3 Remove the cover from the computer. S lide t he co v er a w a y from t h e bac k pan el an i nc h or tw o . T hen raise the co v er strai ght up and of f the computer .
4 Touch the metal part of the power supply case inside the computer to discharge static electricity. Al w a y s do thi s b e f ore y ou touc h any parts , or i nstall any c omponents, ins ide the computer .
5U nplug the power cord from the back of the computer. Be ca us e y ou disc harg ed static e lectric ity from y our body in step 4 , you c an unplu g the pow er cord and handle the proces sor c ards . Be s ure to a v oid act ions t hat mi ght create stati c (s uc h as shu f fli n g y our f eet on the c ar p et) .
6 Lower the auxiliary fan. Squeeze t he si des and pull it do wn . To lower the auxiliary fan, squeeze the sides to unlatch it. 30 Chapter 3.
7U nplug the auxiliary fan from the main logic board. Unplug the auxiliary fan from the main logic board. Connector Plug 31 Installing a Processor Upgrade Card in Power Macintosh 9500 Series Computers.
8 Remove the auxiliary fan. To unl atch t he f a n, pre s s the small button on t he floor o f the computer , near the lef t leg o f the fan . T hen sli de the f a n t o the ri ght and remo v e it.
9 Gently lay the computer on its side on a clean, stable surface. This mak es it ea sier t o remo v e the ol d proces sor c ard and i nser t the new card cor r ectl y .
10 Remove the processor card that’s in the computer now. Grasp t he edg es o f the c ard f i r ml y a nd pull t h e c ard out o f the sl ot. P ull the ca rd straight up wit hout rockin g it from s ide t o si de . Do not pull on the heat si nk becau se y ou might dama ge t he car d or your c omputer .
11 Remove the new processor card from its static-proof bag. T o a v oi d t ouching t h e g ol d contac ts or the h eat s in k, hol d th e c ard b y its edge s . Heat sink (shaded gray here) Gold contacts (two rows) WARNING Th e proces sor c ard c a n be damag ed by stat ic elec tricity .
12 Align the connector end of the card with the processor card slot. 13 Insert the card into the guides and slide it into place. Card guide Card guide Heat sink Processor card Processor card slot 36 C.
14 Press the card gently but firmly until the gold contacts are fully inserted. Don ’ t rock t h e c ard from s ide t o s ide and don ’ t pres s dow n on the heat sin k, or y ou ma y dama ge t he car d or your c omputer .
17 Plug the new auxiliary fan into the connector on the main logic board. Th ere is onl y one cor rect w a y to inser t the plu g . Noti ce that t he notch on the pl ug mu st f ace up . Plug the auxiliary fan into the connector on the main logic board.
18 Lift the auxiliary fan back into place. IMPORTANT If the retain er c annot c lose s o that both s ides are l atched, the proces sor c ard i s not full y i nser ted. R epeat the pro ce s s , star ting at step 7 . Snap the auxiliary fan back into place.
19 Replace the cover on the computer. Lo wer t he co v er all the w a y do wn ont o the ca se . P ush t he co ver b ack unt il it touches th e back pa n el. 20 Tighten the screws on the back panel. 21 Plug the power cord into the computer again. Y ou are no w finished i nstalling t h e c ard.
W ha t t o do w i th t he used p ro cesso r ca rd Put the used c ard int o an a nti static b a g . (Y ou ma y w a nt t o use t he on e that contained the n e w c ard y ou just installed. ) It is pos si ble t hat the proces sor c ard y ou remo v ed c an b e used a s an upgrade ca rd for another P o wer M ac i nt osh.
43 Th is appendix pro v ide s impor tant i nf ormation about dif f erent proces sor upgrade c ards and helps y ou kno w whi c h on e s c an b e i nstalled in sp ecif ic Mac i ntosh c omputers y ou ma y ha ve .
1 Look on both sides of the card for a sticker. On the sticker is a seven-digit assembly number beginning with “630-.” 2I n the table on the next page, find the speed of your card in the first column. 3I n the second column, find the assembly number that matches the number on your card.
4 Read across the table to see which models of Power Macintosh your card can be installed in. Not all cards are compatible with all models. Card speed Assembly 7500/7600 8500 9500 Workgroup number ser.
The Apple Publishing System This Apple manual was written, edited, and produced on a desktop publishing system using Apple Macintosh computers and QuarkXPress. Technical illustrations were drawn in Adobe ™ Illustrator; screen shots were created and modified with system software, ExposurePro, and Adobe Photoshop.
A pp l e C o m p u t er , I n c . 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California 95014-2084 408-996-1010 030-6883-A Printed in U.S.A. .
P o w e r M a c i n t o s h P r o c e ssor U p g r a d e C a r d I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r i n s t a l l i n g t h e p r o c e s s o r u p g r a d e c a r d i n P o w e r M a c i n t o s h 7 5.
K A pp l e C o m p u t er , I n c . © 1996 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
iii C ommunic ati ons re gu lat ion inf or mati on i v In t rod uct i on vii Whic h chapter shoul d I read? v iii 1 In sta l l i ng a P rocesso r Upg rade Ca rd in P ow er M ac i nt os h 7 5 00 o r 7 .
Co m m un icat io ns regu la t i on i n f orma ti on FCC declaration of conformity This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This de.
Industry Canada statement This Class B device meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing equipment regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Th e manual contains all the i nf or mati on y ou n eed t o i nstall a P o wer Ma ci nt osh Pro ce ss or Upgrade Car d i nto y our P o wer M acint osh 7 500 , 7 6 0 0 , 8 500 , or 9 5 0 0 series c omputer .
Th is illustrat ion sho w s the proces sor c ard and auxili ary f an that ma y come with it. IMPORTANT If y ou i nstall the proces sor c ard in a Po wer Mac i nt osh 9 50 0 serie s computer and the c ard com es wit h an auxili ary f a n, y ou should install the f a n.
An important point after buying a device Apple 7500 Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Apple 7500 Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Apple 7500 Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Apple 7500 Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Apple 7500 Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Apple 7500 Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Apple 7500 Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Apple 7500 Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Apple 7500 Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center