Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 10.3 Apple
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Mac OS X Ser v er Getting Star ted For Version 10.3 or Later 034-2412_Cvr 9/12/03 10:19 AM Page 1.
K Apple Computer , Inc. © 2003 Apple C omputer , Inc. All rights reser ved. The owner or authoriz ed user of a valid copy of Mac OS X Ser ver software may reproduc e this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software.
3 1 C on ten ts Prefac e 9 About This Guide 9 What’ s New in V ersion 1 0.3 9 Superior P erformance and Scalability 10 Improved Setup , Management , and Monitoring 11 Enhanced Network and Directory .
4 Contents 32 Discovery of Network Ser vices 32 User Management 32 User Accounts 33 Group Accounts 33 Home Directories 33 Macintosh User Management 34 Windows User Management 34 System Image Services .
Contents 5 51 W orkgroup Manager 51 Opening and Authenticating in Workgr oup Manager 52 Using W orkgroup Manager 55 Ser ver Admin 55 Opening and Authenticating in Server Admin 55 Using Ser ver Admin 5.
6 Contents 80 Information Y ou Need 80 Upgrading Fr om V ersion 1 0. 1 or 1 0.2 81 Pr eparing Disks for Installing Mac OS X Ser ver 82 Hardware-Specific Instructions for Installing Mac OS X Ser ver 82.
Contents 7 12 0 How to Set Up the Ser ver Glossary 12 7 Index 13 7 LL2343.Book Page 7 Thursday, August 14, 2003 5:12 PM.
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9 Prefac e About This Guide This guide pro vides an orien tation to the featur es and initial setup of Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 . The guide will help you prepare your ser ver to star t ser ving your users and your business needs. What ’ s New in V ersion 1 0.
10 Preface About This Guide • Optimized for the G5 . Mac OS X Server version 1 0.3 features support for Apple ’ s G5 systems. In addition to benefiting from the increased per formance and faster c.
Preface About This Guide 11 Enhanced Network and Dir ector y Ser vices Network and directory ser vices in Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 have been greatly enhanced to provide more scalability , per formance, and enterprise-strength capabilities: • Open Directory 2 —robust LDAP solution with Kerberos authentication.
12 Preface About This Guide • Support from home directories—Suppor t for streaming movies fr om users’ network home directories . • Apache web server deploymen t and configuration enhanc ements . Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 features an enhanced user in terface for configuring Apache—the world’ s most widely used web server .
Preface About This Guide 13 New W orkgroup and Desktop Managemen t F eatur es Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 improves your ability to manage M acintosh client desktops: • Enhanced image managemen t . Y ou can create a NetBoot or Network Install image that mimics an existing system.
14 Preface About This Guide Getting Additional Information Mac OS X Ser ver comes with a suite of guides that explain the services and provide instructions for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting them. Most of these documents come on the Mac OS X Ser ver Administration T ools disc.
Preface About This Guide 15 F or more information, consult these resources: • Read Me documents contain important updates and special inf ormation. Look for them on the ser ver discs.
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I P ar t I: Intr oduction to Mac OS X Ser v er The chapters in this part of the guide introduce y ou to Mac OS X Ser ver and the applications and tools av ailable for administ ering its ser vices. Chapter 1 Mac OS X Ser ver in Action Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Ser ver Chapter 3 Ser ver Administr ation LL2343.
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1 19 1 Mac OS X Ser v er in Action Mac OS X Ser ver addresse s the needs of many envir onments . This chapter offers a brief graphical t our that highlights services and configurations of special inte.
20 Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action Enterprise Or ganizations In large organizations, M ac OS X Ser ver helps you suppor t the special needs of depar tments and workgroups , but centralize corporate-level services. • Open Director y lets you manage directory data centrally , but distribute it geographically using replication.
Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action 21 • Mac OS X Ser ver integrates w ell with existing corporate services, from director y systems to Simple Network Management P rotocol (SNMP) implementations .
22 Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action • The wide range of client computers—Macint osh, Windows, UNIX, Linux—demands flexible file access support.
Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action 23 T eachers need file ser vices support so they can mak e lesson plans and teaching materials a vailable t o students online. T eachers also need a way to retriev e and perhaps update student recor ds and other administrative information that is cen tralized on a remote server .
24 Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action Small and Medium Businesses Small businesses (fewer than 1 00 employees) and medium businesses (about 1 00 to 500 employees) benefit from cross-platform file and printer sharing, network ser vices, mail, web , and database applications.
Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action 25 • Network Address T ranslation (NA T ) ser vice lets employees share a single Internet connection. NA T converts all client IP addresses to one IP address f or Internet communications.
26 Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action Y ou can write, compile, and debug using C, C++, Objective-C, or Java. Project Builder can be used to port command-line applications to Mac OS X and M ac OS X Ser ver or to enhance them with a Mac OS X user interface.
Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action 27 W eb S er vice Pr oviders Mac OS X Ser ver provides the full range of ser vices you need if you host ecommerce websites or pr ovide other Internet services that require high a vailability and scalability . Y ou can configure Mac OS X Ser ver computers for shar ed access by multiple users and companies.
28 Chapter 1 Mac OS X Server in Action • Quick Time Streaming Ser ver lets you broadcast multimedia in real time, including live Quick Time Broadcaster streams. • Xser ve RAID provide s extended storage. • High availability support includes automatic restart following a service or power failure and IP failover .
2 29 2 Inside Mac OS X Ser v er Mac OS X Ser ver blends a mature , stable UNIX foundation with open standards support and Macintosh ease of use. This chapter introduces the ser vices that Mac OS X S er ver offers and tells you where to find more information about them.
30 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server Open Director y Open Director y is Mac OS X Ser ver ’ s director y ser vices framework. Director y ser vices are the means by which a server and its clients (users and services) locate and retrieve information needed for authentication, network resource discover y , and other crucial system activities.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 31 Using Other Directories Open Director y lets you take advantage of information you have already set up in non- Apple directories and in flat files: • On other LDA.
32 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server The following services on Mac OS X Ser ver support Kerberos authentication: AFP , mail, FTP , SSH, and login window . • Storing passwords in user acc ounts . This approach ma y be useful when migrating user accounts from earlier server versions.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 33 Group Acc ounts Group accounts off er a simple way to manage a collection of users with similar needs. A group account stor es the identities of users who belong t o the group as well as information that lets you customize the work ing environment for members of a group.
34 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server • Y ou can set up mobile accounts to support users who use their computers both on and off the network. Mobile Accoun ts Mobile accounts let the user of a Mac OS X version 1 0.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 35 • NetBoot simplifies the administration of large-scale deploymen ts of network-based Macintosh systems or racks of Xserves.
36 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server The file services administration guide describes how to set up and manage Mac OS X Ser ver file ser vices. The Windows services administration guide pro vides inf ormation on sharing files with Windows users. Sharing Y ou share files among users by de signating share points.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 37 Windows file ser vice provides several wa ys to manage locks for Windows share points: • Opportunistic lock ing offers a way to optimize performance for share poin ts used only by W indows clients. Oppor tunistic locking is disabled by default because it is not compatible with NFS or AFP .
38 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server Mac OS X Ser ver suppor ts anonymous FTP and by defa ult prevents anon ymous FTP users from deleting files , renaming file s, overwriting files, and changing file permissions.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 39 W eb service’ s Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support enables secure encr yption and authentication for ecommerce website s and confidential materials. An easy-to-use digital cer tificate provides non-forgeable proof of your website identity .
40 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server Network Ser vices Mac OS X Ser ver includes these network ser vices for helping you manage Internet communications on your T CP/IP network: • D ynamic Host Config.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 41 Mac OS X Ser ver provides administration tools f or service configuration management and zone control as w ell as for monitoring , pro viding a graphical way to: �.
42 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server VPN Y ou can set up a Vir tual Priv ate Network ( VPN) using Mac OS X Ser ver . VPN is a network transmission protocol that use s encr yption and other technologies to provide secure communications o ver a public network.
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 43 T wo Quick Time applications that come with Mac OS X S er ver help you prepare content for streaming: • QT SS Publisher lets you upload content to the streaming ser ver and prepare it for delivery .
44 Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server JBoss JBoss is a widely used full-featured Ja va application server . It provide s a full Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technology stack with features .
Chapter 2 Inside Mac OS X Server 45 F or Windows users, your ser ver can provide VPN ser vice, file and printer sharing, and Open Director y authentication. Y ou can also host Windows user home directories if you set up a Windows PDC on Mac OS X Server .
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3 47 3 Ser ver A dministration Manage Mac OS X Ser ver using graphical applications or command-line tools . These tools off er a diversity of approaches to server administration: • Y ou can administer servers locally (directly on the ser ver you are using) or remotely—from another server , a Mac OS X computer , or a UNIX workstation.
48 Chapter 3 Server Administration The next sec tion describes how to set up a computer on which you can use these applications and tools. Comput ers Y ou Can Use t o Administer a Server When you want.
Chapter 3 Server Administration 49 Setting Up an Administrat or Comput er An administrator computer is a computer with Mac OS X or Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.
50 Chapter 3 Server Administration Installer Use the Installer to install server software on a local ser ver from the install discs that came with your ser ver . T he Installer lets you per form: • A clean installation of Mac OS X Ser ver , which installs version 1 0.
Chapter 3 Server Administration 51 W orkgroup Manager Y ou use W orkgroup Manager to administ er user , group , and computer accounts, work with managed client pref erences for Mac OS X users , manage share points, and access the Inspector , an advanced feature that lets you do raw editing of Open Director y entries.
52 Chapter 3 Server Administration Using W orkgroup Manager After login, the user account windo w appears, showing a list of user accounts. Initially , the accounts listed are those st ored in the last directory node of the ser ver ’ s search path.
Chapter 3 Server Administration 53 • T o work with managed client pref erences f or user , group , or computer accounts, click the Pref erences icon in the t oolbar .
54 Chapter 3 Server Administration • T o display the Inspector , choose Workgroup Manager > P ref erences. Enable the setting that shows the Inspector and click OK. Selec t the “ All recor ds” button (which looks like a bull’ s-eye) to access the Inspec tor .
Chapter 3 Server Administration 55 Ser ver Admin Y ou use Ser ver Admin to administ er ser vices on one or more Mac OS X Ser ver computers. Opening and Authen ticating in Ser ver A dmin Ser ver Admin is installed in /Applications/Server/.
56 Chapter 3 Server Administration T o add a ser ver to the Comput ers & Ser vices list, click Add Ser ver in the toolbar and log in to the ser ver .
Chapter 3 Server Administration 57 • T o work with a particular ser vice on a ser ver , click the service in the list under the ser ver in the Comput ers & Ser vices list. Y ou can view information about a service (logs, graphs, and so f or th) and manage its settings.
58 Chapter 3 Server Administration • T o access W orkgroup Manager , click the W orkgroup Manager icon in the toolbar . Syst em Image Management T o create and manage NetBoot and Network Install images, you use several applications: • NetBoot Desktop Admin lets you modify Mac OS 9 images.
Chapter 3 Server Administration 59 • Use the “Update every ” pop-up menu in the Info pane to specify ho w often you want to refresh data. • Choose File > Expor t or File > Impor t to manage different lists of Xser ve ser vers you want to monitor .
60 Chapter 3 Server Administration Command-Line T ools If you are an administrator who prefers to work in a command-line environment , you can do so with Mac OS X Ser ver .
II P ar t II: Installation and Initial Setup The chapters in this part of this guide tell you how to install ser ver software and set up a ser ver for the first time.
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4 63 4 Installation and Setup O verview Befor e installing and setting up Mac OS X Ser ver , take the time to do a little planning and to familiariz e yourself with your options .
64 Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview Installing Ser ver Software Some computers come with Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 software already installed. Nonetheless, there are several times you need to install ser ver sof tware, as when you want to upgrade from a v ersion 1 0.
Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview 65 Remote Installation F rom the Ser ver Install Discs If the target server has no keyboard or display or if it’ s not the computer you are using , you can use an administrator computer to install ser ver sof tware from the ser ver install discs.
66 Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview Alternatively , you can use the command line. After booting the target ser ver , from an administrator computer , connect to the target server using SSH and follow the instructions in “Using the installer Command-Line T ool to Install Server Software” on page 85.
Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview 67 Initial Ser ver Setup After installing server software, the next task is to set up the server . During ser ver setup , basic ser ver characteristics are established. For example: • The language to use f or ser ver administration and the computer keyboard lay out are defined.
68 Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview When multiple remote ser vers can use the same setup data, you can supply the data, and then initiate setup of all the servers at once, using a batch approach.
Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview 69 Automa ting Ser ver Setup When you have more than just a few ser vers to set up, consider using automated ser ver setup . T his approach also provide s a way to pre serve setup data so it can be reused should you want or need to reinstall ser ver software.
70 Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview Then plug the iP od int o the next ser ver . Each ser ver recognize s its own file , because it’ s been named using one of its identifiers and resides in a known location.
Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview 71 The most critical components of the infrastructure are DHCP and Open Director y , as the following picture illustrates . T he Open Directory ser ver in this example hosts an LDAP director y in which setup data has been saved .
72 Chapter 4 Installation and Setup Overview Setting Up Ser vice s After initial ser ver setup is complete, you can: • Finish migrating data from a previous ser ver , if you still need to do so.
5 73 5 Befor e Y ou Begin Befor e installing and setting up Mac OS X Ser ver , take the time to do a little planning . The major goals of the planning phase are to make sure that: • Ser ver user and.
74 Chapter 5 Before You Begin • What user management requiremen ts need to be met? Will user computers need to be NetBooted? Will M acintosh client managemen t and network home directories be requir.
Chapter 5 Before You Begin 75 • Home directories for netw ork users can be consolidated onto one server or distributed among various ser vers. While you can move home directories if you need to , you may need to change a large number of user and share point records, so devise a strategy that will persist for a r easonable amount of time.
76 Chapter 5 Before You Begin When you can’ t use the upgrade approach, you can migrate data and settings. Y ou’ll need to migrate , not upgrade , when • A version 1 0. 1 or 1 0.2 ser ver ’ s hard disk needs reformatting , or does not meet the minimum version 1 0.
Chapter 5 Before You Begin 77 • Are there air conditioning or pow er requirements that need t o be met? See the documentation that comes with server hardware for this kind of information. • Have you been thinking about upgrading elements such as cables, switches , and power supplies? No w may be a good time to do it.
78 Chapter 5 Before You Begin 5 P opulate the directory with data, such as users, groups, and home director y data. This process in volve s, for example, impor ting users and groups, setting up share points, setting up managed preference s, and so forth.
6 79 6 Installing Ser ver Software Y ou can upgrade to Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.3 from version 1 0. 1 or 1 0.2 or you can per form a clean installation of Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.
80 Chapter 6 Installing Server Software The computer must hav e: • At least 1 28 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM). At least 2 56 MB of RAM is required for high-demand servers running multiple services. • At least 4 gigabyte s (GB) of disk space av ailable.
Chapter 6 Installing Server Software 81 • NetBoot settings and images • DHCP settings Preparing Disks f or Installing Mac OS X Ser ver When you per form a clean installation, the target disk or pa.
82 Chapter 6 Installing Server Software Hardware-Specific Instructions for Installing Mac OS X Ser ver When you install ser ver sof tware on Xser ve systems, the procedure you use when star ting the computer for installation is specific to the k ind of Xser ve hardware you have .
Chapter 6 Installing Server Software 83 3 Restart the computer while holding down the C key on the keyboard. T he computer boots from the install disc.
84 Chapter 6 Installing Server Software 2 Start the target computer from the first install disc. The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware. If the target server has a keyboard and an optical drive, inser t the first install disc into the optical drive.
Chapter 6 Installing Server Software 85 Installing Ser ver Software on a Computer With Mac OS X V ersion 1 0.3 Preinstalled F ollow these instructions to install server software on a computer that came with Mac OS X version 1 0.
86 Chapter 6 Installing Server Software If the target server has a keyboard and an optical drive, inser t the first install disc into the optical drive.
Chapter 6 Installing Server Software 87 If you are installing a remote ser ver , from T erminal on an administrator computer or from a UNIX workstation, establish an SSH session as the root user with .
88 Chapter 6 Installing Server Software Installing Optional Ser ver Software T o install Macintosh Manager , insert the M ac OS X Ser ver Administration T ools disc and read the installation information pro vided on the disc. T o install NetBoot for Mac OS 9, download a copy of the “NetBoot for Mac OS 9” CD image from www .
7 89 7 Initial Ser ver Setup Basic characteristics of your Mac OS X Ser ver are established during initial server setup . Review “Information Y ou Need” on page 90 before using the detailed installation instructions, which you ’ll find as indicated in the following table.
90 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Information Y ou Need See Appendix A, “Mac OS X Ser ver Worksheet,” on page 1 1 1 to understand and r ecord information for each ser ver you want to set up. The information below pro vides supplemental explanations for some of the it ems on the worksheet.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 91 The device that is mounted as a file system can be the ser ver ’ s hard drive or an iP od , CD , FireWir e drive, USB drive, or other device plugged in to the ser ver . F or example, /V olumes/A dminiP od/Auto Server Setup/myser ver .
92 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Using Setup Data Sav ed in a Directory Using this approach offers the most unattended wa y to set up multiple servers, but it requires that you have a DHCP and director y infrastructure in place.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 93 The passphrase file can ha ve one of these names; target ser vers search for name s in the order listed: <MAC-address-of-server>.pass (include any leading zeros but omit colons). F or example, 0030654dbcef .pass.
94 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup After setup , use the Direc tor y Access or Server Admin applications to refine the server ’ s director y configuration, if necessary . Director y Access lets you set up connections with multiple director y domains and specify a search policy—the order in which the server should search through the domains.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 95 When a user attempts to log in to the server or use one of its ser vices that require authentication, the ser ver authenticate s the user by consulting the local database. If the user has an account on the system and supplies the appropriate password , authentication succeeds.
96 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Y ou can set up a ser ver to use a NetInf o director y on Mac OS X Ser ver version 1 0.0 and later or an LDAP directory on version 1 0.2. However , you ma y not be able to take advantage of some v ersion 1 0.3 features: • Windows PDC ser vice requires a version 1 0.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 97 P ostponing Local Ser ver Setups Follo wing Installation After installation of server software on a local computer is complete, the computer restarts and Ser ver Assistant opens automatically . If you want to postpone ser ver setup until a later time, press Command-Q.
98 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 11 T o save the setup data as a tex t file or in a form you can reuse (a setup file or direc tory record), click Save As.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 99 9 Enter the setup data as you move through the Assistant’ s panes, following the onscreen instructions. When prompt ed, enter the serial number for each tar get server . 10 After all setup data has been specified , review the summar y displayed by Server Assistant and optionally click Go Back to change data.
100 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 8 In the Language pane, choose File > Open C onfiguration File or F ile > Open Direc tory Record to load the saved setup data you want to use. If the saved setup data is encr ypted , type the passphrase when prompted .
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 101 Setting Up Ser vers Automa tically Using Data Sav ed in a F ile After ser ver software has been installed on a ser ver , you can set it up automatically using data saved in a file . T o sav e and apply setup data in a file: 1 Fill out the Mac OS X Ser ver worksheet for each ser ver you want to set up.
102 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 12 Click OK, navigate to the location where you want to save the file, name the file using one of the following options , and click Save; when searching for setup files , target ser vers search f or names in the order listed: <MAC-address-of-server>.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 103 generic.pass (a file that any server will recognize). Place the passphrase file on a volume moun ted locally on the target server in /V olumes/*/SA_Keys/<pass-phrase-file>, where * is any device mounted under /V olumes.
104 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 7 Enter the setup data as you move through the Assistant’ s panes, following the onscreen instructions. 8 In the Language pane, choose File > Open C onfiguration File or F ile > Open Direc tory Record to load the saved setup data you want to work with.
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 105 See “Define Ser ver Setup Infrastruc ture Requirements ” on page 7 7 for some additional infrastructure information. T he Open Directory and network ser vices administration guides provide instructions for setting up dir ectories and DHCP .
106 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Determining the Status of Setups There are several wa ys to view setup status information in Ser ver Assistant: • After you’v e interactively initiated the setup of one or more ser vers, progress information is displayed .
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 107 Setting Up User Management Unless you are using a ser ver exclusively to host Internet content (such as webpages) or per form computational clustering, you probably want to set up user accounts in addition to the administrator account cr eated during server setup.
108 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Setting Up Print Service When you turn on print ser vice, ser ver users can share network PostScript printers or P ostscript and non-P ostscript printers connected directly to the ser ver . When you turn on print ser vice in S er ver Admin, a queue is set up for any USB printer connected to the ser ver .
Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup 109 3 In the list beneath the ser ver of inter est, click the button for web service. 4 If it is not running, click the Star t Ser vice button in the toolbar .
110 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup Setting Up an Application Ser ver If you want to set up a Java application ser ver , see the JBoss administration guide. It tells you how to develop and deploy ser vlets, enterprise beans, and enterprise applications and how to configure and administer a Ja va application server .
111 Appendix A A Mac OS X Ser v er W orksheet Identify the server for which information appears in the table below: Item Description Y our information Identity of server for installation and setup F or interactive installation and setup of a server on the local subnet, one of these value s for the server : - IP address in IPv4 format (000.
112 Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet Disk format (for clean installations only) In most cases, use M ac OS Extended ( Journaled). Y ou can also use Mac OS Extended or case-sensitive HFS+. Disk partitioning (for clean installations only) The minimum recommended size of a target disk partition is 4 GB.
Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet 113 Administrator’ s short name A short name can contain as many as 25 5 Roman charac ters, typically eight or fewer . Use only a through z, A through Z, 0 through 9, or _ (underscore). Administrator’ s password If you record this value, be sure to keep this worksheet in a safe place.
114 Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet Open Directory usage Selec t one: - Standalone Ser ver (use only the local domain). - Connected to a Directory System (get inf ormation from an existing directory). If you choose this option, use one of the next four rows in this table to indicate how the server will locate the directory.
Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet 115 Using “Open Director y Master” Optionally indicate you want to enable a Windows Primary Domain Con troller on the server . Pro vide a computer name and a domain name for the controller . The computer name can contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, but no .
116 Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet Network interface data for this server is in the table below : Po r t Characteristic Y our information Built-in Ethernet (en0) Whether to use the port for TCP/IP connections Whether to use the port for Apple T alk connections.
Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet 117 If TCP/IP connection is configured using DHCP with Manual IP address: IP address DNS servers Search domains (optional) If TCP/IP connection is configured using.
118 Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet If TCP/IP connection is configured manually : IP address Subnet mask Router (use server IP address if in doubt) DNS servers Search domains (optional) If TCP/IP.
119 Appendix B B Setup Example The setup example in this appendix illustrates one wa y to set up the directory and network infrastructure of Mac OS X Ser ver in a small business scenario .
120 Appendix B Setup Example • An Open Director y master LDAP domain on the server centralizes user management , including authentication of Mac OS X and Windows users. • The ISP’ s DNS ser vice provides a domain name for the compan y (
Appendix B Setup Example 121 “Using Ser ver Assistant to Install Remot ely F rom the Install Discs” on page 83 tells you how to start up other k inds of computers to install server software. 2 When the Installer opens, proceed through its panes by follo wing the onscreen instructions.
122 Appendix B Setup Example 9 In the Director y Usage P ane , choose Open Directory Master to set up a master LDAP director y on the ser ver . Select Enable Windows P rimar y D omain Controller and en ter a Domain/W orkgroup name.
Appendix B Setup Example 123 5 T o define the master zone ’ s records , selec t the master zone in the Zone list. Y ou’ll see that a Name Ser ver (NS) record already exists; it was created when the zone was created . Click the Add button (+) under the Records in Zone list to add an A ddress (A) record for your ser ver .
124 Appendix B Setup Example 7 Click LDAP to configure DHCP to iden tify the ser ver you are configuring as the sour ce of director y information for clien ts who are served dynamic IP addresses.
Appendix B Setup Example 125 4 Enable PPTP (Poin t to P oint T unneling Protocol) if employees will need to access the intranet from Windows workstations other than Windows XP computers or from Mac OS X version 1 0.2 computers when they are away from the office .
126 Appendix B Setup Example Step 1 0: C onfigure client computers The information that f ollows applies to Mac OS X version 1 0.3 computers. F or information about how to support Windows client comput ers, see the Windows administration guide. 1 If necessary , configure Mac OS X clients to retrieve information from the DHCP ser ver .
127 Glossary Glossar y administrator A user with server or directory domain administration privileges. Administrators are alwa ys members of the predefined “ admin ” group . administrator c omputer A Mac OS X computer onto which you have installed the ser ver administration applications from the Mac OS X Ser ver Admin CD .
128 Glossary C GI (Common Gatewa y Interface) A script or program that adds dynamic functions to a website . A C GI sends information back and f orth between a website and an application that provides a service for the site.
Glossary 129 firewall Software that protects the network applications running on your ser ver . IP firewall service, which is part of Mac OS X S er ver software, scans incoming IP packets and rejects or accepts these pack ets based on a set of filters you create.
130 Glossary IP (Internet P rotocol) Also known as IPv4. A method used with T ransmission Control Pr otocol ( TCP) t o send data between computers ov er a local network or the Int ernet. IP delivers packets of data, while TCP keeps track of data packets.
Glossary 131 managed client A user , group , or comput er whose access privileges and/or preference s are under administrative contr ol. managed prefer ences Syst em or application pr eference s that are under administrative control.
132 Glossary owner The person who creat ed a file or folder and who theref ore has the ability to assign access privileges for other users . T he owner of an item aut omatically has read/ write privileges for that it em. An owner can also transfer ownership of an item to another user .
Glossary 133 search policy A list of director y domains searched by a Mac OS X computer when it needs configuration information; also the order in which domains are sear ched.
134 Glossary T CP ( T ransmission Control P rotoc ol) A method used along with the Internet P rotocol (IP) to send data in the form of message units betw een computers ov er the Internet.
Glossary 135 workgroup A set of users for whom you define preferences and privileges as a group. Any pref erences you define f or a group are st ored in the group account.
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137 Index Index A Active Directory 31 administrator computer setup 49 AirPort 41 Apache 38 Apple File Service (AFP) 36 Apple LDAP 30 Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) 59 AppleTalk 32 application servers 43 A.
138 Index information you need 80 interactive remote installation 83 on Mac OS X version 10.3 computers 85 optional software installation 88 preset password 82 system requirements 79 using Installer l.
Index 139 keeping backup copies of saved setup data 93 local interactive setup 96 offline mode 100 Open Directory usage 93 remote interactive batch setup 98 remote interactive multiserver setup 99 rem.
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