Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 32LT777H LG
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EZ-Manager Wizard pages 1 1 – 18 Custom Master TV Setup pages 31 – 34 FTG Mode of Operation pages 45 – 46 E X P E R I E N C E D I N S TA L L E R Commercial Mode Setup Guide Note: Selected features shown in this guide may not be available on all models.
2 206-4234 MODEL and SERIAL NUMBER The model and serial numbers of this TV are located on the back of the cabinet. For future reference, LG suggests that you record those numbers here: Model No._________________ Serial No._______________ WA R N I N G : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK).
3 206-4234 1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water . 6. Clean only with dry cloth. 7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accor- dance with the manufacturer ’s instructions.
4 206-4234 (Continued from previous page) 22. Outdoor Antenna Grounding If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the product, follow the precautions below .
5 206-4234 T able of Contents Safety W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 4 T able of Contents . . . . . . . . . . .
6 206-4234 Commercial Mode Overview This document describes how to set up L T777H Pro:Centric ® TVs for Commercial Mode operation. LG commercial TV functionality is based on “ownership” of the Ch.
7 206-4234 Commercial Mode Overview (Cont.) T ypical Installer Menu TV Setup Menus Installer Menu T o cre ate a Mast er TV Setup , you will need to kno w how to acc ess th e comme rcia l cont roll er (PT C) Inst all er Menu and mak e chan ges to the defau lt valu es as req uir ed.
8 206-4234 FTG Mode This mode enables Pro:Idiom ® decryption and also allows logical channel mapping of physical channels to remove the need for dash tuning. T V op erat ion in FTG Mod e is bas ed o n w hich ele men t of the T V o wns the FTG Lo gica l Ch anne l M ap—t he C PU or t he E BL.
9 206-4234 Pro:Centric Operation Pro:Centric TV Interactive Menu Features When running the Pro:Centric application, the interactive Pro:Centric TV enables guests to locate and select television entert.
10 206-4234 Pro:Centric Setup Administration and management options for the Pro:Centric server are described in detail in the Pro:Centric Server Admin Client User Guide .
1 1 206-4234 The prima ry purp ose of the EZ- Mana ger Wiz ard is to gui de you thr ough the proc ess (au tom ated or man ual ) of con figu rin g the esse nti al Inst all er Menu items for Pro :Ce ntri c TV ope rat ion.
12 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) Initiate Conguration or Exit the EZ-Manager Wizard The Welcome screen provides a brief introduction to the EZ-Manager wizard. EZ-Ma nager Wiz ard We lcom e to LG’s EZ-Man ager Wiz ard • Use this setup wizard to congure the TV for Pro:Centric and/or Free- T o-Guest (FTG) operation.
13 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) TV Conguration Options Fro m th e TV Con gura tio n Op tion s sc ree n, y ou c an choo se h ow to p roce ed with the con gu rati on o f thi s TV ( ass umin g yo u d o no t op t to ex it t he w iza rd—w hich yo u ma y al so do a t an y ti me) .
14 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) Zone and Room Number Assignments Y ou may complete one or more of the elds in the Zone, Label, and Room Number screen or leave them blank, as desired; however , in order to use the Zoning feature on this TV , you MUST set the TV Zone # as described below .
15 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) EZ-Ma nager Wiz ard Proc essi ng the Pro :Cent ric Con figur atio n... Appl icati on fil es Main tenan ce fil es – Upd ating Confi gurat ion Fi le W arni ng - Do not re move AC powe r or th e sign al ca bles durin g the se ste ps 20% GEM a pp dow nload ed In pr ogres s.
16 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) Manual Pro:Centric Conguration 1. With the Searching for Pro:Centric Server screen on display , use the arrow keys on the Installer Remote to select/highlight the Manual Pro:Centric option at the bottom right of the screen, and press OK .
17 206-4234 (Continued from previous page) 4. Once all elds are completed as required, you have two options (see also note below): • T o sav e t he data en ter ed a nd exit th e w izar d, use the ar row key s t o se lec t E xit and th en p res s O K .
18 206-4234 EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.) • Refer to “Creating an FTG Conguration File using the FTG File Manager” on pages 47 to 48 for information on creating an FTG Conguration (.tlx) le that can be used for FTG Mode via CPU conguration.
19 206-4234 LG Smar t I nsta ll i s a new uti lity th at e nabl es you to c on gure the T V o r up date mul tip le TV con gur ati on e leme nts at one time us ing les lo aded on a U SB m emor y de vic e. Y ou m ay use LG Sma rt I nst all to d ownl oad any one or all of the fol lowi ng to a T V : a n F TG C ong urat ion (.
20 206-4234 Comp lete The TV will reboot in 2 second (s). Insta lled Com ponents Mainten ance File : xxL T777H- UA00001.T LX Boot Lo go File : Splash- Image-136 6-x-768.
21 206-4234 Installer Menu T ypical Installer Menu Use the Installer Menu to set up, change, or view operational settings. This section describes how to access, use, and exit the Installer Menu from t.
22 206-4234 As part of the Ins tall er Menu hea der (in all mo des) , tw o 3 -cha ract er a cro nyms are di spla yed to indi cate the T V’ s cu rre nt c ong ura tion mod e. Th e ta ble bel ow l ists al l po ssib le m ode ide nti ers for the se TV mod els.
23 206-4234 Installer Menu (Cont.) Installer Menu Items 000 through 075 Menu Item Function V alue Range Default Value Brief Description of Function 000 INST ALLER SEQ 0 ~ 3 0 Leave default set to 0. 001 POWER MANAGE 0 ~ 7 0 Sets number of hours of no activity before automatic shutoff.
24 206-4234 Installer Menu Items 078 through 122 Menu Item Function V alue Range Default V alue Brief Description of Function 078 UPN MSB 0 ~ 255 0 User programmable number , most significant byte. 079 UPN MSB-1 0 ~ 255 0 User programmable number , most significant byte - 1.
25 206-4234 Installer Menu (Cont.) 000 - INST ALLER SEQUENCE Species entry sequence to the Installer Menu. 0 = 9876 1 = 4321 2 = 1478 3 = 3698 001 - POWER MANAGE (Power Management) Determines hours of no activity before automatic shutoff. The Power Management function is for saving energy .
26 206-4234 Installer Menu (Cont.) 008 - MIN VOLUME (Minimum V olume) This function determines the minimum volume level allowable with the V olume (VOL) Up/Down control. In this way , for example, someone cannot set the volume too low to hear . The value range is from 0 to 63.
27 206-4234 Installer Menu (Cont.) 032 - TIMING PULSE MPI Co mmu nic ati on Para met er . S ets ba ud r ate fo r M PI. St ep size of 4.3 uS . C han gin g fr om def aul t m ay af fec t co mmu nic ati on via MPI . 035 - HDMI1 ENABLE Set to 1 to enab le H DMI 1 in put in D TV M ode.
28 206-4234 083 - HANDSHK TIME (Handshake Time) Adds an additional delay to the handshake time which is 64 msec, thus relaxing MPI timing requirements to be compatible with PC- based Windows controlled systems. Range is 0 - 5. (T imeout = 25.5MS + [25.
29 206-4234 098 - PRO:CENTRIC Selects the Pro:Centric Application Mode. Set to 0 (default) to disable Pro:Centric operation. Set to 1 for Flash Mode. Set to 2 for GEM (Java Application) Mode. Set to 3 for HTML Mode. The TV mus t be tur ned OFF for a fe w se conds to init iate the Pro :Cen tric appl icat ion down load .
30 206-4234 Installer Menu (Cont.) 1 19 - DA T A CHANNEL Set to 0 to disable. Set from 1 to 135 to match the RF channel number that will be used by the Pro:Centric server as its data channel.
31 206-4234 Custom Master TV Setup Clonable TV Setup Menu Features Thi s secti on des crib es how to create a customized Master TV Setup for clon ing pur pos es when the TV is in Pas s-th rou gh Mode . Note: Clo ning requi reme nts an d proce dure s are des crib ed in det ail on pag es 36 to 44.
32 206-4234 Custom Master TV Setup (Cont.) 2. Set Installer Menu items. This s tep pro vides s pecic i nstruct ion only on the Instal ler Menu items that s hould b e set o n a Mast er TV . Refer to pages 21 to 30 for de tailed inform ation o n all I nstaller Menu i tems.
33 206-4234 (Continued from previous page) Note: If you intend to use a USB memory device / .tlx le for cloning purposes, and you wish to use the TV Zoning feature, make sure to assign a TV Zone # at this time as described in Reference section, “Using the TV Zoning Feature.
34 206-4234 Custom Master TV Setup (Cont.) 6. (PTC cloning only) (Optional) Add Custom Channel and Aux Input Labels: 2-5-4 + MENU Mode Note: 2-5-4 + MENU Mode enable s you to add/edit channe l icons and custo m text labels in the PTC once the Master TV Setup has been transf erred as described in the previ ous step.
35 206-4234 Channel Icons / Custom T ext Labels (2-5-4 + MENU Mode) Changing a Channel’ s Icon on the Master TV 1. Use Channel Up/Down to select the desired channel. 2. Use the Left/Right arrow keys to select the thin letter “ I ” on the Channel-T ime display .
36 206-4234 Cloning Overview IMPORT ANT CLONING INFORMA TION There are four different procedures for cloning a Master TV Setup, each with its own advantages and limitations (see also “Cloning Methods” on page 31): • Using a USB memory device / .
37 206-4234 USB Cloning Procedures USB Dow nload Menu Upgrade TV So ftware Upgrade PTC Softw are T each T o TV (TL L) T each T o TV (TL X) Learn F rom TV (TLL) Learn F rom TV (TLX) Previous OK Le ar n Fr om TV UPDA TING... Do not u nplug! 25% Learn F rom TV (TLX) Select the le nam e and pres s OK to st art Previous OK V V xxL T777H-U A00003.
38 206-4234 USB Cloning Procedures (Cont.) T ea ch T o TV UPDA TING... Do not u nplug! 50% T each T o TV (TL X) Previous OK xxL T777H-UA0 0003.TLX T each Master TV Setup to T arget TV 1.
39 206-4234 USB Cloning Procedures (Cont.) Le ar n Fr om TV UPDA TING... Do n ot rem ove t he US B from the port! Do not u nplug! 25% ! Learn F rom TV (TLL) Select the le nam e and pres s OK to st art Previous OK V V xxL T777H-U A00001.TLL Learning / T eaching a Master TV Setup using a USB Memory Device / .
40 206-4234 USB Cloning Procedures (Cont.) T each T o TV (TL L) Previous OK xxL T777H-UA0 0001.TLL T ea ch T o TV UPDA TING... Do n ot rem ove t he US B from the port! Do not u nplug! 50% ! T each Master TV Setup to T arget TV 1. T urn ON the T arget TV .
41 206-4234 Clone Programmer Cloning Procedures Learn Setup from Master TV 1. Ensure the Master TV is set up completely and in Pass-through Mode. 2. T une/set the TV to an analog channel or Aux input, and then, plug one end of the MPI cable into the TV MPI port.
42 206-4234 (Optional) Set the Clock Set the time on a Master TV’ s clock. (If the time has already been copied from a TV into the TLL-1 100A clone programm er , you can set the Master TV’ s clock by copyin g the time from the clone programmer .
43 206-4234 Learn Setup from Master TV 1. Ensure the Master TV is set up completely and in Pass-through Mode. 2. T une/set the TV to an analog channel or Aux input, and then plug one end of the MPI cable into the TV MPI port.
44 206-4234 Clone Programmer Cloning Procedures (Cont.) (Optional) Set the Clock Set the time on a Master TV’ s clock. (If the time has already been copied from a TV into the L T2002 clone programm er , you can set the Master TV’ s clock by copyin g the time from the clone programme r .
45 206-4234 FTG Mode of Operation Overview FTG Mode via CPU This mode provides the following features: • Logical channels mapped to either RF or IP delivered content. • Digital RF channel minor (program) numbers up to 999. • FTG Channel Map of up to 600 logical channels.
46 206-4234 FTG Mode of Operation Overview (Cont.) PICT URE A UDI O INP UT OPT ION TIM E Sma rtSh ar e CHA NNE L L OCK TV Setup Menus Shows that the TV is in Pass-through Mode . Function Menu Indicates the TV is not in Pass-through Mode . While the TV is in this mode, Installer Menu settings can be accessed as read-only .
47 206-4234 FTG Mode via CPU Creating an FTG Conguration File using the FTG File Manager This section describes how to create an FTG Conguration (.tlx) le that can be saved to a USB memory device. In order to enable Pro:Idiom decryption, it is recommended that you create an FTG Conguration le using the FTG File Manager .
48 206-4234 FTG Mode via CPU (Cont.) (Continued from previous page) Note: T o remo ve an ind ivid ual ite m from th e FTG Conf igu rati on List or the TV Setup Men u List, click on/ hig hlig ht the ite m to be remo ved, and then cli ck the Rem ove It em butt on dir ectl y above the appl icab le “Li st” win dow .
49 206-4234 T eaching FTG Conguration to a TV Thi s se cti on d escr ibes ho w to “T each” an FTG Con gur atio n l e f rom a US B m emor y de vice to a TV using the USB Download Menu.
50 206-4234 FTG Mode via CPU (Cont.) Learn FTG Conguration 1. T urn ON the TV , and then insert a USB memory device into the USB IN port on the TV . 2. Pr ess MENU SE TTIN GS o n t he I nsta lle r Re mote to dis play the T V s etup men us (TV is in Pass -thr ough Mo de) or t he Func tion Me nu ( TV i s a lrea dy i n FT G M ode) .
51 206-4234 FTG Mode via CPU (Cont.) Optional Manual Conguration / TV Setup The manual config uration proced ures below should only be performed if you do not know the RF channel s at the site and need to “Learn” FTG Configura tion from an L T777 H TV as describ ed on the previous page.
52 206-4234 FTG File Manager Main Screen The FTG File Manager main screen enables you to compile, modify , and save FTG Configuration (.tlx) files. It also allows you to assign a Zone designation to each Installer Menu profile, if desired (see Reference section, “Using the TV Zoning Feature,” for further information).
53 206-4234 FTG File Manager Utilities Overview (Cont.) FTG Channel Map Conguration Utility The FTG Channel Map Configuration Utility enables you to create, view , edit, and print a Logical Channel Map. PRINT MAP Click to display a printable FTG Channel Map Report.
54 206-4234 FTG File Manager Utilities Overview (Cont.) DELETE Click to remove highlighted channel from FTG Channel Map. ADD After defining a new Logical Channel, click to add channel to the FTG Channel Map. FTG Channel Map Editor The FTG Channel Map Editor shows a single Logical Channel’s data and the FTG Channel Map.
55 206-4234 FTG File Manager Utilities Overview (Cont.) CONFIGURA TION SETTINGS Select tabs for categories of Installer Menu items to set up TV . FTG Installer Menu Conguration Utility Notes: • The Pro:Centric tab enables you to set up Pro:Centric-specic parameters.
56 206-4234 IP Environment Setup The IP Env iron ment Menu ena bles you to set up the netwo rk feat ure s of the T V . Wit h the exc epti on of Net work Conne ctio n sett ings , the IP Envir onme nt s.
57 206-4234 Netwo rk Connec tion Confi gure IP and DNS modes . Auto (DH CP) or Static OK Static DNS Mode 0 0 0 0 IP Mod e Auto (DH CP) IP Addre ss Subne t Mask Gatew ay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Static Auto (DH CP) DNS Serv er 0 0 0 0 IP Environment Setup (Cont.
58 206-4234 2. Fo llow the on -scr een ins truc tion s t o co mple te t he appr opri ate net work co ngu rati on. Use the Ins tal ler Remo te navi gate e lds and mak e e ntri es, etc.
59 206-4234 IP Environment Setup (Cont.) (Continued from previous page) The TV will display a status screen as it conrms each of the network elements, including the TV status, the gateway status, the DNS status, and the Internet status (see example at right).
60 206-4234 IP Environment Setup (Cont.) Pro:Centric Setup Pro :Cen tri c op tion s en abl e yo u to co ngu re t he TV wit h th e app ropr iat e se ttin gs t o c onne ct t o t he P ro:C ent ric serv er . Us e t he Up/ Down ar row keys on the Ins tall er Remo te t o n avig ate bet ween el ds.
61 206-4234 IP Environment Setup (Cont.) IP E nv iro nme nt OK Mo ve IP E nv iro nme nt OK Mo ve • Ne t wo rk C o nn ec t io n • N et wo rk St at u s • I P S tr ea m C on t ro l • P ro :C en t.
62 206-4234 1. Wi th t he I P Env iron ment Me nu o n di spl ay , use the arr ow k eys on the Ins tall er R emot e t o se lect Me dia Shar e . Th en, pres s O K .
63 206-4234 Pre-loaded Applications Thi s op tio n al lows you to sel ect whi ch o f th e p re-l oade d a ppli cati ons to enab le o n t his TV . When the Pro :Ce ntri c ap plic ati on i s no t l oade.
64 206-4234 Remote Jack Pack Setup RJP A vailable? If you will use a Remote Jack Pack (RJP) in your system, set Installer Menu item 093 RJP A V AILABLE appropriately (for example, on a legacy model RJP: HDMI Mode, set RJP A V AILABLE to 1). See Installer Menu detailed descriptions for further information.
65 206-4234 Reference: Upgrading TV/PTC Software using a USB Memory Device Upgrading TV/PTC Software The following procedure describes how to update TV/PTC software using the USB Download Menu, though you may also use the new LG Smart Install feature to upgrade software, if desired.
66 206-4234 Re fe ren ce : Dow nl oa din g a Spl as h Sc ree n us ing a U SB Me mo ry De vi ce Splash Screen Image File Guidelines • The splash screen image may be either a baseline (not progressive) JPEG or a 24-bit (RGB 8 x 8 x 8) BMP . • A JPEG image should be no larger than 1 MB.
67 206-4234 Reference: Power Consumption Settings The following tables assume that Installer Menu item 1 18 POWER SA VINGS is set to 3 (default) and Installer Menu item 099 BACK LIGHTING is set as shown below (default value is 255). Note: V alues are results of controlled experiments under laboratory conditions.
68 206-4234 Reference: TV Aux Input Conguration DIRECT ACCESS T uning * TV ENABLE MPI DA T A Installer Menu Item 046 ST ART AUX SRCE (Start Aux Source) V alue Installer Menu MPI DA T A ST A TUS TYP.
69 206-4234 Reference: b -LAN Setup & Overview A b -LAN enabled head end device, such as an LG FMA-LG101, broadcasts over the RF distribution system to communicate to multiple TVs. When the TV is first installed, it must be turned ON in order for its embedded b -LAN module to receive communication from the head end device.
70 206-4234 Reference: FTG Mode via EBL (Local Conguration) Laptop PC TV -LIN K CF G AUDI O IN (RGB /DVI ) SPE AKER OUT (8Ω) SER VICE ONL Y LAN AUX LA N The following steps outline local FTG configuration of individual TV EBLs using a direct PC-to-TV connection.
71 206-4234 Reference: RJP Model List & Input Auto-sensing Hierarchy RJP Input Auto-sensing Hierarchy Priority Video Audio 1st (Highest) Digital Video In Audio In (3.
72 206-4234 Thi s se cti on d escr ibes ho w to res tor e fa ctor y d efau lts eit her on a sin gle T V th at i s c urre ntly in Pas s-th roug h or FTG Mod e or on mult ipl e TVs that ar e cu rren tly in FTG Mod e. Note: If the TV(s) is/are currently in FTG Mode, restoring the factory defaults also resets the TV(s) to Pass-through Mode.
73 206-4234 Reference: Using the TV Zoning Feature This s ection describ es the TV Z oning fe ature a vailable with t he L T777 H model TVs . Th e T V Zoning featu re enabl es you to creat e local ized co ngurati ons for TVs in sele cted lo cations , or “Zo nes,” w ithin th e insta llation environ ment.
74 206-4234 Reference: Using the TV Zoning Feature (Cont.) At the sam e ti me, keep in min d th at the TV Zon e d esig nati ons are not mut ual ly e xclu siv e.
75 206-4234 (Continued from previous page) • Label: Allows you to select a North, South, East, or West text label for this TV . Use the Up/Down arrow keys to select the applicable label. • Ro om N umbe r: Al lows you to spe cify the nu mber of the roo m in wh ich the TV is loc ated .
76 206-4234 OPT ION OK Mov e > > • Pointer • Balloon Help : On • Set ID : 1 • Demo Mode : Off • Zone & Room Number • TV Name : [TV]303 KJCZ A9J740 • Wi-Fi Screen Share Whe n th.
78 206-4234 Reference: External Stereo Speaker Setup SPEAKER OUT (8Ω) EXTERNAL SPEAKER_R- (Sleeve) EXTERNAL SPEAKER_L- (Ring 1) EXTERNAL SPEAKER_R+ (Ring 2) EXTERNAL SPEAKER_L+ (Tip) The four-co ntac.
79 206-4234 DVD/USB buttons Use to control DVD player or view USB memory device content. Accesses the A V devices connected to the HDMI ports of the TV . Opens the SIMPLINK Menu (when Installer Menu item 041 SIMPLINK EN is set to 2 or 3). Reference: Installer Remote Control T ypical Key Functions CH VOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 P A G E Q.
80 206-4234 T roubleshooting General T roubleshooting Some Quick and Easy T ips for Resolving Problems Installation Symptom Possible Cause(s) Possible Solution(s) Cannot direct enter channel number . (TV in Pass-through Mode) Installer Menu item 028 CH.
81 206-4234 T roubleshooting (Cont.) Commercial Mode Check / FTG Operation T roubleshooting TV turned ON? Y es No Press POWER on Installer Remote. TV is not in Commercial Mode. Call T echnical Support for assistance. TV is in Commercial Mode. No On-screen menu display no longer toggles? Y es Press MENU repeatedly as if to access the Installer Menu.
82 206-4234 Cautio n: If the TV is i n Lod geNe t PP V Mo de o r F TG Mod e vi a E BL (ch eck with the sit e ad mini stra tor if y ou a re not cer tain ), d o no t co nnec t a c lone pro gram mer to t he GAM E CO NTRO L/MP I po rt, as this wil l da mage the clo ne pro gram mer .
83 206-4234 Glossary of T erms b -LAN LodgeNet Interactive Corporation propri- etary RF communication system used to congure/control TV via RF distribution system. Channel Map T ypical ly r efer s to a lo gica l ch annel map ping of physi cal chann els.
84 206-4234 Document Revision History / Open Source Software Notice Open Source Software Notice Document Revision History Date Description June 2013 Revision A: New document August 2013 Revision B: TV Zoning, Instant ON updates Product documentation is available online at: www .
206-4234 Revision B © Copyright 2013 LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. For Customer Support/Service, please call: 1-888-865-3026 www Pro:Idiom is a registered trademark of Zenith Electronics LLC. Pro:Centric is a registered trademark of LG Electronics Inc.
An important point after buying a device LG 32LT777H (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought LG 32LT777H yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data LG 32LT777H - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, LG 32LT777H you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get LG 32LT777H will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of LG 32LT777H, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime LG 32LT777H.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with LG 32LT777H. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device LG 32LT777H along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center