Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E360d Series Lexmark
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Lexmark E 360d an d E36 0dn Serie s User's Guide May 200 8 Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are tradem ar ks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the U nited States and/ or o ther countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... ...7 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .... .9 Finding inform ati on about the printer.
Paper cha racteristics .. ....... .............. ............. ............... ....... .............. ............. .............. ....... .............. .............. ....... .............. ........... 39 Unaccept able pa per ......... .............
Un der s ta n d ing p r int er m e nu s ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. 64 Menus list............. .................................. ................................. ................................... ..
Replacing supplies..... .......................... .......................... ............. ......................... .............. ............. .............. ....................100 Replac ing the t oner ca rtridge ............ ............. .....
Paper frequ ently jams ..... ............... ....... ............. .............. .............. .............. ....... .............. ... ........... ....... ............. .............. .......... 115 Pap er ja m messa ge rem ains aft er ja m is cle ared .
S afety information Connec t th e power supp ly cord to a pro perly grounded electri c al out let that is near the produc t and easily acc essible. CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: Do no t s et up thi s pro duc t or mak e an y elec tri ca l or ca bling conn ecti o ns, such as t he pow er su pply cor d or t elep hone, du ring a li ghtning stor m.
• Lift th e pr inter off of t he optional dr awer and s et it aside instead of trying to lift the drawer and print er at t he same t ime. Not e: U se th e h and hol ds l ocate d on both side s of the print er to l ift it of f the o ptio n a l dr a w er.
Learning about the printer Finding infor mation about the pri nter Setup in form atio n Descri ption Wh ere to f ind Th e Se tup information gives you instru ctions for settin g up th e p r inter. Follow the set of instructions for loca l, networ k, or wireless, depending on what you need.
Printer configurations Basic m odel The f ollo w i ng ill ustr a t ion sho ws the p rinte r front wi th its b a sic fea tures or pa rts: 1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b .
1 Rear door 2 Eth ernet port No te : The Ethernet port is a f ea ture on network models only. 3 USB port 4 Para llel port 5 Pri n ter power cord socket 6 Power s witch 7 L ocking device Lear n ing a b.
Conf igured m odels The foll owing i llustrati on shows t he pr inter con figured with an o ptiona l 250-s heet drawer: 1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter con.
The foll owing i llustrati on shows t he pr inter con figured with an o ptiona l 550-s heet drawer: 1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te.
Understa nding the printe r control panel Item De scr ip tion 1 Menus button ( ) • Opens the menus. Note: The menus are available on ly wh en the printer is in th e Ready sta te. • Returns t h e prin ter control panel to the top level menu screen if pressed wh ile in a menu.
Item De scr ip tion 7 Left arrow button Perform s the same functions as t h e right a rrow button . See the description fo r the ri g ht arrow button. 8 Back button ( ) Returns the display to the previous screen Using the standard e xit bin and paper stop The standar d exi t bin ho lds up to 150 sheets of 20 lb paper.
Additional printer setup Afte r comple ting a ny addi tiona l pr i n ter se tup , print a me nu se tting s page to veri fy tha t all p rin ter opti ons a re ins talled corr ectly . S ee “Print ing a menu settin gs page ” on page 24 for mo re informat ion.
Acce ssing t he syste m boar d to inst all in ternal options CA UTION—SHOCK HAZ ARD: When ac cessing th e system bo ard, turn th e printer off, and then unplu g t he pow er cord from the w all ou t let before con tinuing.
Insta lling a memory ca rd CAUTI ON—SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acc essing t he system board or i nstalli ng o ptiona l h ar dware or mem ory de vic es some tim e a fter se ttin g up the p rin ter , t hen tur n th e p rin ter o ff, and unp lu g t he p owe r co rd f rom the wall outlet before con tinuing.
4 Push the memo ry card i n to the co nne ctor unt il the l a t ches sna p in to pl ac e. 5 Close t he system board door. Inst alling a flash memor y or f irmw a r e card Th e sys tem board h as two c onne ctions fo r an optional f lash memory or firmw are card.
2 Unpack the card. Not e: Avoid to uc hi ng t h e connecti on points along the edge of t he card. 3 Hold ing the c ard by it s sides, align the card wit h the c o nnector on th e system boa rd.
Installing hardwa re options Installi ng a 2 50- or 550-sheet d rawer The pr inter su pports one op tiona l drawer; you can i nstall a 250- or 550-s heet draw er.
6 Al ign th e pr inte r w ith th e dra wer , an d t he n lo wer th e pr inte r i nt o p lace. Attachi ng cables 1 Conn ect the pr inter to a com puter or a netw ork . • For a local con nection, u se a US B or paral lel cable. • For a network con nection, u se an Ethernet cable.
1 Eth ernet port No te : The Ethernet port is a f ea ture on network models only. 2 USB port 3 Para llel port 4 Pri n ter power cord socket Installing pri nter software A p rin te r dr iver is s oftw are th at l ets the co mput er com mun icat e w ith th e p rinte r.
3 F rom the Fin de r des kto p, doub le- cl ick the pri nt er CD i con th at au to ma tic ally app ea rs. 4 Dou ble- cli ck t he Insta ll ico n. 5 Foll ow the i nstruction s on th e screen. Using t he Worl d Wide Web 1 Go to the Lexmar k Web site at www.
Loading p a pe r and s pecialty media This section ex plains how to load the 250- and 5 5 0-sheet tray s an d th e m u ltipu rpose f eeder. It also includes inf ormatio n about paper orient ation , set ting the Paper Siz e and Pape r Type, and l inking and u nlinkin g t rays.
Specif y a unit of measur ement 1 Mak e s ure th e p rint er is on and Read y app ears . 2 From the prin ter control panel, pres s . Pape r Menu appea rs. 3 Pre ss . 4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Univ ersa l Setup appears, and then press . 5 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Unit s of Measur e appe ars, an d the n pres s .
Loadi ng the st andard 2 50-sheet tr ay The p rinte r has two tra ys to sel ect fr om: th e s tand a r d tray (T ray 1) , also known as th e 250-sh eet tra y, and ei ther th e optio nal 25 0 -sheet tray or the optio nal 550- sheet tra y (T ray 2).
If y ou are loadin g a longer s ize of p aper l ike A4 or lega l, squeeze the length gui d e t ab an d slide t he leng th guide back wards to the p ositi on fo r th e le ng th o f p a p er you a re l oadin g.
4 Flex th e sheets back and forth to lo osen them, and then fan them. Do n ot f old or crease the paper. St raighten the edg es on a lev el surf ace. 5 Load th e p aper s tack towa rd the b ack of the tr ay as sho wn wit h the reco mmended p rint si de facedo wn.
6 Squeeze t h e width guide tabs o n the right guide, and slide t h e width guides t o lightly touc h the s i de of the stack. 7 Inse rt the tr ay. 8 If a differen t type of pap er was l oaded th an the type pr eviousl y loaded in the tray , change t he Pap er Ty pe setting for th e t ray from the printer con trol panel.
Loadi ng the optional 250- or 550-sheet tray Only one option al drawer, which in cludes either a 250- or 550-sheet t ray, m ay be attach ed t o the p rinter a t a tim e. Regardl ess of t he number of sheet s in t he optio nal tra y , it is r eferred to a s Tray 2.
Using the multipur pose feeder You may want t o use the m ultipur pose feeder when you print on different sizes and ty pes of papers or specialty media, su ch as ca rd s tock, transpar encie s, paper labels , and e nvelopes .
4 Guide the extens ion down g en tly so the multipurpo se feeder is ext ended fully and open. Loadi n g the mul tipurpose feeder 1 Squeeze the tab lo c ated on t h e right w idt h guide, a nd move th e guides o ut fully. 2 Prepa re the p aper or specialty media for loadin g .
• Flex a st ack of envelopes ba ck and f o rth to loosen them, and then fan t hem. Straig hten the edges on a level surf ace. Not e: F a nning p revents th e edges of env elopes from sticking tog ether. It a lso helps them feed proper ly to avoid jams .
• Load pape r, transparenc ies, and card stoc k with the reco m m ended print si d e faceup an d t h e top edge enteri ng the print er first. F or more in formatio n on loadin g trans parencies, se e the pack aging th e transpar encies cam e in. • Load letterh ead with t he logo faceu p and th e top edge entering the printer first.
4 Sque eze the ta b loca ted on the right wi dth gu i de to adju st the gui des to l ightl y touch the sides of th e stack. 5 Sli de t he paper gently into the multip urpose feeder until it come s t o a stop. Pap er should lie flat in t he mult ipurpose f eeder.
Loa d up to Notes Multipurpose f e e de r 50 shee ts of paper 15 paper labels 10 tran sparencies 10 sheets o f card stock 7 env elop es Note: Feed paper into th e multipurpose feeder only to the poin t where its leading edge can contact the paper guides.
7 P ress th e ar row b utt on s un til the si ze y ou wa nt ap pears , a nd the n pr ess . The Pape r Menu appea rs. 8 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Cust om Ty pes appe ars, an d then p ress . 9 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Cust om T ype <x> o r anoth er cu stom n ame ap pears, a nd th en pre ss .
Paper a nd spe cialty media gu idelines Paper guidelines Select ing the c orrect paper or s pecialt y media r educes pr inting pr oblems. F or t he best p rint qua lity, t ry a s ample of the paper or s pecial ty media b efore buying large qu antities .
Fibe r cont ent Most h igh-qua lity xerogr aphic pa per is made from 100% c hemicall y treated pulped w ood. This co ntent p rovides the pap er wit h a h igh deg ree of stabi lity resulting in fewer pa per feeding problem s and bet ter print qua lity.
Using r ecy cled pa per and other offic e pape rs As an envir onmentally consciou s comp any, Lexmar k sup ports the u se of recy cled offi ce paper pr oduced spec ifically for us e in l aser (elect rophotog raphic) pr inters.
Supporte d paper sizes, types, and weights Th e followi ng tables pr ovide i nformat ion on st andard and opt ional paper sourc es an d the t y p es of p aper th ey support . Not e: F or an u n list ed pap er siz e, sele ct the cl ose st larger lis ted si ze.
Pape r size s sup porte d by the printer Paper size Di men sio ns Sta nda rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 250- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rp ose feeder Duplex path A4 210 x 297 m m (8.3 x 11.7 in . ) A5 148 x 210 m m (5.8 x 8.3 i n.) X A6 1 105 x 148 mm (4.
Paper size Di men sio ns Sta nda rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 250- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rp ose feeder Duplex path 10 Envel ope 105 x 241 m m (4.1 x 9.5 i n.) X X X Other Enve lo pe 229 x 356 m m (9 x 14 in.) X X X 1 A6 i s s upp orted only for g r a i n long papers.
Printing Th is chapt er cove rs prin ting , prin ter rep orts , and job c ancel atio n. Sel ectio n and ha ndl ing of p ape r and spec ialt y med ia can af fect how rel iably documen ts prin t. For more i nform ation, see “ Avoi ding jam s” on pag e 52 an d “Stori ng pap er” on pa ge 41.
b Customize t he settin gs as needed i n the P rint dia log: 1 With a do cume nt o pen, choose File > Prin t . 2 Select a Paper Sourc e optio n, and then cho ose t he tray loaded w ith the appr opriat e paper.
Sou rce or pro ces s Pri nt sid e Pa per o rien tatio n Multipurpos e feeder (simplex printing) Preprinted letterhead design is placed faceup. The top ed ge of the s h eet with the logo sh o uld en ter the multipurpose feeder f irst. Multipurpos e feeder (duplex printing) Preprinted letterhead des ign is pla ced faced own.
When printing on envel opes: • Use envelop es des igned specific ally for l aser printers . C heck with the manufac t urer or ve ndor to ensure the envel opes c an wi thstan d tem peratu res up to 210 °C ( 410°F) witho ut se aling , wrin kling , curlin g ex c e ssivel y , or re leasin g haz ardo us emis sions .
• If zone c oating of th e adhesi ve is n ot pos sible, remove a 1.6 mm (0.0 6 in .) str ip on the l eading and dr iver ed ge, and use a no n-o o z in g adh esiv e.
3 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Repo rts a ppears, and then press . 4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til P rint Di rect ory appear s, an d then pr ess . Aft er the d ire ctory li st print s, Read y appears. Printi ng the print qua lity tes t pages P rint th e p rin t q ual it y tes t pag es to i so lat e p rin t qual it y p ro blem s.
6 Sel e c t the job to can cel. 7 From the key board, p ress Delete . In W indo ws XP: 1 Clic k St a rt . 2 Fro m Printe rs and Faxes , dou ble- cli ck th e pr inter i con.
Clearing jams By careful ly selecting paper s and specia lty media and loading it pr operly, you sh ould be able to avoid most j ams. For mor e informatio n, see “Avoidi ng jams” o n pag e 52. I f jams do occur , follow t he steps out lined in this c hapter.
Identify ing jams in the pape r path The f ollowi ng ill ustr a t ion sho ws the pa th that p a p er trav els thr ough th e prin ter. The path var ies de p en ding o n the input sour ce ( t ray or feed er) a nd depe nding on w hether a dup lex (t wo-sid ed) pr int job is being sen t.
1 Sta nda rd exi t b in 2 Front d o or 3 Multipurpos e f eeder d oor 4 Tr ay 1 5 O ption a l 250- o r 55 0-shee t tra y (Tray 2) 6 Rear door Jam me ssage nu mber s and how to a ccess each jam Jam number To access the jam 200 Tr y on e or more of th e following: • Remo ve Tr ay 1.
Jam number To access the jam 235 R emove the jam from the standard exit bin. 242 Remove Tray 2. 251 Open the multipurpose feeder door. 200 pape r jam 1 Re move the tr ay f ro m the pr int er. 2 Remove the jam if you see i t here. 3 If you do not see it, op en the front door, and then remove the ph otoco nductor kit and toner cartridge (unit).
4 Lift t he flap in fro nt of th e printer , and rem ove any jammed s heets. 5 Al ign and in sert the unit . 6 Clos e the fr o n t door. 7 Inse rt the tr ay. 8 Pre ss . 201 pape r jam CAUT ION—H OT SU RFAC E: The fuser and th e inside of the pri nter near the fuser may be hot.
2 Lift t he flap in fro nt of th e printer , and th en remov e any jam med shee t s . 3 Al ign and in sert the unit . 4 Clos e the fr o n t door. 5 Pre ss . 202 pape r jam CAUT ION—H OT SU RFAC E: The fuser and th e inside of the pri nter near the fuser may be hot.
3 Open the rear door. 4 Remov e the jam . 5 Clo se t h e r ear door. 6 Clos e the fr o n t door. 7 Pre ss . Cle ari ng j ams 58.
231 pape r jam CAUT ION—H OT SU RFAC E: The fuser and th e inside of the pri nter near the fuser may be hot. To reduce the ri sk o f inju ry fro m a hot comp onent, allow the surf ace to cool before r emovin g pap er fr om th is are a. 1 Open t he f ron t door.
233 pape r jam 1 Re move the tr ay f ro m the pr int er. 2 Lo cat e the lev er shown . Pull the leve l do wn to r elea se the ja m. 3 Pul l the jammed sh eets from the duplex area. 4 Inse rt the tr ay. 5 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the j am, compl ete the steps in “231 pap er jam” on pag e 59.
235 pape r jam A duplex print j ob w as sent t o the pri nter using a size of paper n ot suppor ted for duplex printing. A s heet is jamm ed in t he st and ard exi t bin . 1 To r emove the j am, ge ntly pull the j a mm ed s h e et out o f the s tandard exit bin.
2 Remov e the jam . 3 Inse rt the o ption al tray . 4 Pre ss . 251 pape r jam A she et of pap er or s pecialt y media failed t o feed co m p letely fr om the multi purpose feeder. Part of it may be still visibl e. If it i s visible, gently pull the jammed s heet from the f ront of the mu ltipurpose f eeder.
If th e she et is no t vis ible , c ompl ete the fo llo wing s tep s: 1 Open t he f r ont door, and then re move the unit. 2 Lif t the fla p at th e front o f the prin ter, and th en remo ve any ja mmed s heet s o f pa per that are short le ngths of paper.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list A number of menus ar e avail able to ma ke it easy for you to ch ange prin ter set tings: Paper M en u Reports Default Source Pa p e r Si ze/Ty pe Con figure MP.
Paper menu Defa ult Source me nu Men u item Descri ption Default Source Tr ay <x> MP Feeder Ma nua l P ape r Ma nua l E nv Sets a default pa per source for a ll print jobs Notes: • From the Paper men u, Configure MP mus t be s et to Cassette in order f or MP Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Set Siz e menu for Ma nual Pa per A4 A5 Ex ecu tive Foli o JIS B5 Leg al Letter Ofic io (Mexico) Statement Universal Lets you specify the size of the paper being loaded in th e manual feeder Note: Letter is the US factory d ef a ult s ettin g .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Set Typ e menu for Tr ay 2 Plain Pa per Card St ock Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig h t Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Cust om Ty pe <x> Lets you specify the type of paper loa ded in Tra y 2 Notes: • Custom Ty pe <x > i s the f actory default setting.
Pape r Textur e m enu In th e Paper Textur e menu, t he Select Ty pe and Sele ct Texture f eatures work togeth er to enabl e you t o select t he text ure for a s pecifi c type of paper.
Paper Weig ht menu In the Paper W eig ht menu, th e Sele ct Type a nd Selec t We ight f eat u r es work toge ther to en able yo u to se lect the wei ght for a s pecif ic ty pe o f pap er.
Men u item Descri ption Set Loa di ng • Duplex • Of f Specif ies whether duplex (2-sided) pr in t in g is tu r n ed on No te : Off is the f actor y default s etting.
Men u item Descri ption Portrait Height 3– 14.1 7 inc hes 76– 360 m m Sets th e port rait height Notes: • If the height exceeds t h e maximum, then th e printer uses the maximum height allowed. • 14 inches is t he US facto r y def ault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Pr int Dire c t ory <none> Prints a lis t of all the resour ces stored on an optional flas h memory card Notes: • Job Buffer S ize must be set to 100% . • The optio nal flash memory must be insta lled co rrectly an d working properly.
Men u item Descript ion Quiet Mode Of f On Note: Off is th e factory def a ult setting. Run Initial Setup Yes No Before run ning the Setup Wizard, th e d ef ault sett in g is Yes, but after run n i n g th e wizard, the defa ult setting is No.
Men u item Descript ion Pr int Recove ry Jam R ec over y On Off Auto Specifies whether th e printer reprints jammed pages Notes: • Aut o is the factory default setting . The printer rep rints jammed pag es unle ss the memory r equired to hold th e pag es is needed for oth er pr in t e r tasks.
Men u item Descript ion Print Area Nor mal Whole Page Sets the l ogical and p h y s ical pr intable area Notes: • Norma l is th e f actor y default setti ng. When attempti n g to prin t d ata in the non-printa ble area define d by the Norma l settin g , t h e p rinter clips the im a g e at the boundary.
Men u item Descri ption Duplex Binding Lon g E dg e Sho rt Edg e Defines the wa y duplexed pages a r e boun d and how the pr in t in g on the back of the page is ori en ted in relation to the pr inting on the front of the p age Notes: • Long Edge i s the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Descri ption N-up Orde r ing Horizon tal Re verse Horiz ontal Re verse Verti cal Vert ical Specif ies the positionin g of multip le-pag e images when using N-up (pages-sides ) Notes: • Horizontal i s th e factory default setting .
Men u item Descri ption Pixel Boost Of f Fonts Hori zon tally Verti cally Bot h di r ecti on s Choose wheth e r to make c h aracter s more distinct an d defin ite. Pixel Boos t ma y be needed when using cer ta in fonts. Note: Off is the f actory defau lt s etti n g .
Men u item Descri ption Co verage Estima tor Of f On Provides an estimate of the percentag e coverage of black on a page. The estimate is prin ted on a separa tor page.
Men u item Descri ption PCL E mul ation S e ttings Point Size 1.00– 100 8.00 Chang es the point size fo r sc alable typog raphic fo nts Notes: • 12 is the f actory defaul t s ettin g. • Point Size ref ers to th e height of the characters in the fon t.
Men u item Descri ption Tray Renu mber Assign MP F eeder Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Tr ay <x > Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma nual P ape r Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma n En v Off Non e 0–1 .
Men u item Desc ription Job Time out 0-22 5 sec ond s Sets th e amount of time in seconds that a network prin t job c a n take befor e it is canceled. Notes: • 90 se conds is the factory default setting. • A setting va lue of 0 d i sables the timeout.
Men u item Descri ption TCP/IP En a bl e H TTP S erver Yes No Lets you v iew or chan ge the setting Note: Y es is the factory d efault settin g . TCP/IP WINS Server Add r ess DNS Se rver Address Lets you v iew or chan ge the setting Note: This is a four-f ield IP addr ess.
Men u item Descri ption PS Sma rtSwi tch On Of f Sets th e prin ter to automati cally switch to PS emulation wh en a pri n t job r e q uires it, reg a r dless of the def au l t printer langu age Notes: • On is the fa ctory default setting . • When the Off settin g is us ed, th e pr inter does not examine incoming d ata .
Men u item Desc ription View Addre ss <none> Shows the assigned AppleTalk address Set Zon e <list of zones available on the netw ork> Provides a list of A ppleTalk zones available on the n etwor k Note: The factor y default setting is the default zone for th e n etw ork .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n USB Buf f er Disabled Aut o 3K to <ma ximum s ize allowed> Sets the size of th e USB input buffer Notes: • Auto is th e factory default setting . • The Dis a b led s ett ing turns of f jo b buffering. Any jobs al ready buffered ar e print ed before normal pr ocessing is resumed.
Men u item Des cr ip tio n NPA Mode Of f Aut o Sets the printer to p erfo r m the sp ec ial processing required for bid i recti on al communication followin g the conven tions d efin ed b y the NPA protocol Notes: • Auto is th e factory default setting .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Mac Bina ry PS On Of f Aut o Sets the p r inter to p rocess Macintosh binary P os tScript pri n t j obs Notes: • Auto is th e factory default setting . • The Off setting fi lters prin t jobs u sin g the stand a rd pr otocol.
Unders tanding printe r messages Whe n Ma nual Feed er appears on t he display, it refers to the multip urpose feeder. List of stat us and error me ssages Busy Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Canc elin g Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Close front do or Clos e the f ront door of the prin ter.
Invalid En gine Cod e You ne ed to d ownl oad v ali d engi ne co de for t he pri nter. Not e: Engine code m a y be down loaded while this mes sage appea rs on th e display. Invalid Net work Code You need to downl oad valid network p rinting c ode for t he internal pr int server .
Progra mming System Code D O NOT POWER O FF Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Warning—P o tential D amage: Do no t turn the prin ter po wer off wh ile Pr ogra mmin g Sy stem Co de appears on t he dis play. Ready Th e printer is re ady t o rec eive pri nt jobs .
• Che c k tray len gth and w idth guides and make sure the p aper is pr operly l oaded in the t ray. • Che ck t he P rin t Prop erti es se tti ngs to mak e su re th e pri nt j ob is req ues ting the c or rect p ap er size and t ype . • Che c k that the paper size is c orrectly s et.
52 N ot eno ugh fre e spa ce i n flash memo ry fo r reso urc e s Try one or more of t he followin g: • Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Cont inue appea rs, and then p ress to st op th e de fr agme nt op erat ion a nd con tinu e prin ting. Downlo aded f onts and m acros not previous ly s tored in flash memory are deleted.
84 PC Kit li fe wa rning The ph otoc onductor kit is near exhaust ion. Try one or more of t he followin g: • Repl ace the photoconduct or kit . • Pre ss to clea r the m essage a nd contin ue print ing. 84 Re place PC Kit The ph otoc onductor kit is exhaust ed.
202.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or t he number of pages jammed. 1 Open t he f ron t door. 2 Open the rear door. 3 Remov e the jam . 4 Clos e bo th d oor s. 5 Pre ss to c ont inue p rin ting. 231.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or t he number of pages jammed.
235.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or t he number of pages jammed. 1 Remove the jam from t he sta ndard exit bin. 2 Che c k t he pap er size to ensure t hat it is s upported by t he pr inter. 3 Pre ss to c ont inue p rin ting.
Maintaini n g the printer Pe riodi cally, c ertain t ask s a re req uired to main tain opt imum print q ualit y. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make sure tha t the prin ter is tu rned o ff a n d u nplug ged from th e wall o utle t.
Conserving supplies Conse rvin g supplie s using the prin ter control pane l There are s ome set tings you can ch ange from the prin ter contr ol panel that will hel p y o u conserve t oner and paper.
Order ing supplie s To o rder su pplie s in th e U.S., con tact Lex mark at 1-800 -539-6 275 for i nfo rmation abou t Lexma r k autho r i zed s uppl ies de ale rs in y ou r a rea . In o th er cou ntr ies or re gion s, v isit th e Le xma rk We b Si te at www.
Orderi ng a photocon duct or kit Depe nding o n your pri nter mo del, th e pr inter is sues a mes s a ge or a lig ht seque nc e to let you k now the phot ocondu ctor kit is nea r its en d of li f e . At th is time, order a photoc onductor kit. Y ou can al so see the stat us of the phot oconduc tor kit by prin ting a network setup page.
3 Unpa ck t he new to ne r c art rid ge. Warning—Potentia l Damage: When replacin g a ton er cartridge, do not l eave the n ew car tridg e ex posed to direct l ight for an extend ed period of time. Ex tended light exposure can cau se print quality problems.
1 Open the f ron t door by pre ssing t he bu tton on the lef t sid e of th e prin ter a nd low ering t he f ront door . 2 Pull the phot ocon ducto r ki t and ton er cart ridge out of th e prin ter as a un it by pul lin g on the to ner car trid ge hand le.
4 Un pa ck the n ew p hoto co nduc tor kit. Be car efu l not to touc h th e p ho toc on ducto r dr um. 5 Inse rt th e t oner c artr idge into the ph o t ocond uctor ki t by a lign ing th e rol l e rs on the ton er car tridg e with the tra cks. Push the tone r cartr idge u n til it clicks into place.
Recycling Lexma rk products To return Lex mark prod ucts to Lex mark f or r ecyc ling : 1 Visi t our We b site at www. lexmar k. com/ recy cle . 2 Find th e pro duct type you want to recycle , and then s elect you r co untry fr om the li st. 3 Foll ow the ins truction s on the c omputer s creen.
S ett in g th e pri nter up i n a ne w lo cat ion When the prin ter is set up , allow c leara nce arou nd it as show n. 1 300 m m (1 2.0 i n.) 2 300 m m (1 2.
Administrative su pport Finding advanced n etworking and administrator information Th is ch apter c over s ba sic adm inis trati ve su ppor t task s. For mor e advan ced syst em su ppor t task s, see .
Using the Emb edded Web Server If the printe r is insta lled on a net work, the Embedded W eb Serv er is ava ilable for a range of function s i ncluding: • View ing a v irtual dis play of th e print.
The r eports h ave the fol lowing subcat eg o ries: Device Statistics Device Settings Device In formation Printer S erver S et up Page Job Informa tion Jobs by Documen t Length Other J ob Data Media S.
To protect printer menus using th e Em bedded W eb Serv er: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser. Not e: I f you do no t kno w the IP addr e s s of th e pri nter, th en pr int a netwo rk set up pa ge an d l o c ate th e IP addre ss in th e TC P/IP sec tion.
4 Clic k Su p pl y N ot if ic ati o ns . 5 From t he dro p-down box f or each s upply, sel ect among th e options for n otificat ion. Ex planat ions fo r each opt ion are prov ided.
Troubles hooting Solving ba s i c printer pr oblems If th ere are ba sic printer problems, or the printer is unres ponsive, m ake sure: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto the pr inter an d a proper ly grounded electrica l outlet. • The el ectrical outlet i s not t urned off by any swit c h or b reaker.
M AKE SU RE THE C ORRECT PR IN TER SOFTWARE IS I NSTALLE D V erify that y ou inst all ed the corr ect p rint er so ftwa re fo r you r print er mo del. Open th e Sof tw are and Doc ume ntat ion CD to chec k whi ch so ftware is in stall ed. Fo r more in for mati on, see “Insta lli ng pr inter s oft ware” on page 23.
5 Pre ss th e a rro w butto ns unti l P age Pr otec t appears, an d then press . 6 Pre ss th e a rro w butto ns unti l Off appears , and then press . Jo b prints from the wron g tra y or on the wr ong pa per C HECK THE P APER T YPE SETTING Ma ke sure the Pape r Typ e se tt ing m atch es the paper l oaded i n the t ray .
Unex p ec ted page breaks o ccur Increa se the Pri nt Timeo ut value: 1 From the prin ter control panel, pres s . 2 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Sett ings appea rs, and then p ress . 3 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Gene ral S etting s appe ars, an d the n pres s .
3 Make sure the guides are aligned agai nst t he edges of the paper . 4 Inse rt th e tr ay. R ESE T TH E PRINT ER Tu rn the prin ter off, wait a b o ut 10 se conds , and th en turn t he pri nter on . Flash memo ry card Make sure the flash memory c ard is securely co n nected to the printer system boar d.
Page that ja mmed do es not repri nt af ter you clea r the ja m In the Setti n gs menu , Ja m Reco v er y is set to Off. Set Jam Re cov ery t o Au to or On: 1 Pre ss . 2 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Sett ings appea rs, and then p ress . 3 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Gene ral S etting s appe ars, an d the n pres s .
4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til P rt Qu ali ty Pg s a ppears, and then press . The prin t quality test pages pr int. 5 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til E xit C onf ig Me nu appe ars, an d the n pres s . Res et ting t he Pr inter ap pears br iefly, and t hen Read y a ppears.
Gray ba ckgro und • For Windows u sers: From Print Properties, select a differen t Toner D arkness s etting bef ore sendi ng the job to prin t. • For Ma cintos h u sers: From t he print options , Copies & Pag es, or Genera l pop-up menu, cho ose Prin ter Features , and th en choose t he settin g needed from t he Toner Darkness p op-up menu.
Incorr ect m argins These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE GUIDES Move the width and le ngth gui des in the t ray to t he correct positions fo r the pa per size loa ded. C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e s ure the P aper Size set ting matc hes the p aper loa ded in the tray .
Print is to o dar k These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGHTNESS , AN D CONTRAST SETTINGS The Tone r Darkn ess se tting is to o dar k, the Brig htne ss settin g is too dark , or the Contr ast sett ing is to o h igh.
Print is to o light These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGHTNESS , AN D CONTRAST SETTINGS Th e To ner Da rknes s set ting is t o o light, the Br ight nes s settin g is too lig ht, or th e Contr ast set ting i s too lo w.
Skew ed pri nt C HECK THE PAPER GU IDE S Move the guides in the tr ay to th e correct pos itions for the paper s ize loaded. C HECK THE PAPER Make sure y ou ar e usin g pape r th at meet s the pr inter spec ificatio ns. Tone r fog o r backg round sha ding a ppears on the page These are possib le s olution s.
To ner spe cks These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: T HE TO NER CARTR IDGE MAY BE DEFE CTIVE Rep lace th e tone r cart rid ge.
M AKE SU RE THE PAPER PATH IS CLEA R Paper coul d be caught bet ween the phot oconductor ki t and the fuser. Check the paper pat h around the f user area. CAU TIO N—H OT SU RFA CE: Th e in side o f th e pr inter might be hot. To re duce th e ri sk of inju ry fr o m a ho t compo nent, allow t he surfac e to co ol befor e touch ing.
Solid black or wh ite streaks app ear on t r ansparencies o r pap er These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE THE FIL L PATTERN IS CO RRECT If the fill p a ttern is incor rect, ch oose a different fi ll pattern fr o m your soft ware prog r am.
Cont acti ng Cu sto mer Supp ort When y ou c all Cu sto mer Su pport, d escrib e the prob lem yo u are expe rienc ing, th e mes sage on th e disp lay, and t he tro ublesh ootin g steps you have a lread y t aken t o find a solut ion. You n eed to kn ow your prin ter model t ype and se rial num ber.
No tic es Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro duct na me: Lex ma r k E360d and E3 60dn Mac hin e ty pe: 4513 Mod el(s ): 420, 430 Mac hin e ty pe: 4549 d01, d02, gd1, gd2 Mac hin e ty pe: 4564 dn1, dn2, gd1 , .
If you d o n 't have acce ss to the In ternet, you can con tact Lexmar k by mail: Lex mark In ternat io nal, In c. Bld g 004-2/C SC 740 N e w Circle Roa d NW Lex i n gton, KY 40 550 US A © 2 008 Lexm ark In tern a t io nal, Inc . All right s reserved.
The man ufacturer is not responsi ble for radio or t elevisi on in terferenc e caused by usin g other than recommen ded cables o r by unauthori zed ch a n ges or modi fications t o t his equi pment. Una uthoriz e d ch a nges o r m o di fica tions could void t he use r's au t hor ity to operat e this equip m en t.
Industry Canada (Canada) Th is devic e comp lies with Indus try Ca nada spe cif ication RSS-21 0. Oper ation is sub ject t o the fol lowin g two co nditi ons: (1 ) this devi ce m ay no t caus e in ter.
Compl iance i s ind icated by th e CE mar king. Op eratio n i s allowed in all E U and EFTA c ountr ies , bu t is res tric ted t o indo or use on ly. A decl ara t ion of con formit y with the re quir em e nts of t he d irectiv es is availa ble from the D irector of Manufact uring an d Tec hnic al S upp ort, L exm ark I nter na tiona l, S.
Nor sk Lex mark International, Inc. erklærer herved at dette produktet er i samsvar med de grunnleggende kr av og ø vri ge rele va nt e kra v i di rek ti v 19 99/5 /E F.
St atic s ensi ti vit y n oti ce This symbo l ide ntifie s stati c-se nsiti ve par ts. Do not to uch in t he ar eas ne ar th ese s ymbols witho ut fi rst t ouch i n g the meta l f rame o f th e prin ter. ENERG Y ST A R Laser notic e Th e printe r is c ertified in the U.
Mode Des cri pti on P ower consu mpti on (Wa tts) Prin ting The product is generatin g ha rd-copy output from elec tronic i n puts. 500 Copy ing The product is generatin g hard- copy output from ha r d- c opy original docum ent s. NA Scanni ng The pr oduct is scanning hard-co py document s.
Limited w arra nty Lexm ark warr ants that t his pro duct: —Is manufa ctured f rom new part s, or new a nd serviceable used par ts, w hich perfor m like new pa rts —I s, duri ng norma l use, f ree.
—Main tenanc e by anyone o ther than L exma rk or a Lexmar k au thori zed servi cer —Opera tion of a produc t b eyond the lim it of its duty c y cle —Use of pr inting media outs ide of Lexma rk .
5 LI CENS E GR ANT . Le xmark gr a n ts you the fol lowing r ights p rovide d you comp ly with a ll ter ms and con dition s of this Software Licen se Ag r eement: a Use . Y ou may Us e one (1) copy of the S oftwa re Program . The term “Us e” means s toring , loadin g, instal ling, executin g, or displaying t he Software Progra m.
11 TAXES . You agr ee that y ou are r espons ible f or p ayment o f any tax e s includ ing, wi thout limitati on, a ny goo ds and serv ices and person al propert y taxes, res ulting from t his Softwar e License Agreemen t or you r U s e of the Soft ware Pro gram.
Index Numer ics 200. yy Paper jam 94 201. yy Paper jam 94 202. yy Paper jam 95 231. yy Paper jam 95 233. yy Paper jam 95 234. yy Paper jam 95 235. yy Paper jam 96 24x. yy P a pe r jam 96 250-sh eet drawer inst allin g 2 1 251. yy Paper jam 96 31.yy Repl ace defectiv e or m issing ca rt rid ge 91 32 .
fin ding info rmat ion cu stom e r supp o r t 9 public ations 9 Fin ishi ng m enu 75 fi rmwa re card inst allin g 1 9 flash memor y card inst allin g 1 9 trou bleshooti ng 11 5 Flus hi ng bu ffer 89 f.
pap er j ams , cl eari ng 200 55 201 56 202 57 231 59 233 60 234 60 235 61 242 61 251 62 pape r l abel s lo ading 32 Pap er Loa ding me nu 6 9 pap er s izes suppor t ed by the printer 43 pap er stop, .
Toner is low 9 1 USB/USB <x> 91 Wa iting 91 pri nte r opti ons troub lesh ootin g drawers 114 flash memory c ard 11 5 memory card 115 op tion not wo rki ng 114 print er problem s, solv ing basic.
memory card 115 op tion not wo rki ng 114 U Uni versa l P aper Size 7 0 set ting 25 Uni versa l Se tup menu 70 unli nkin g trays 37 US B men u 85 US B por t 22 US B/USB <x> 91 Uti lities m enu 7.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark E360d Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark E360d Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark E360d Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark E360d Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark E360d Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark E360d Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark E360d Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark E360d Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark E360d Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center