Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C524 Lexmark
Go to page of 145 C520, C522, and C524 User’ s Guide J une 2005 Lexmark and Le xmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark Inter national, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries. © 2005 Lexmark International, Inc. All rights reser ved.
2 Edition: Ju ne 2005 The following paragraph does not apply to any cou ntry where su ch pro visi ons are inconsistent with lo cal law: LEXM ARK INTERNA TI ONAL, I NC.
3 Contents Chap ter 1: Ov ervie w ....... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... 8 Basic m odels ............ ................. ................ ................. .....
4 Conten ts Cancelin g a job from a computer ru nning Win dows ............. ................. ................. ........... ................. .... 27 Cancelin g a job fro m a Macintosh compute r running Mac OS 9.x ... ................. ..............
5 Conten ts Clearing jam s from the mult ipu rpos e feed er ..................... ........... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ........... ...... ...... . .... .......... 77 Clearing jam s from the manu al fee d slot ............... ..... ...... .....
6 Conten ts Disabli ng Power Saver ........ ................. ................. ................. ................ ................. ............. .... ................. .. 107 Encrypti ng the disk ........ ...... ...... ..... ................. ......
7 Conten ts Industry Canada comp liance s tatement ......... ................. ................ ................. ........... ................. ... ..... 136 Avis de conformi t é aux nor mes de l ’ industrie du Can ada ........... .................
Ov er vie w 8 1 Over view Basic models The f ollowing illustr ation sho ws t he Le xmark ™ C520 , C522, and C524 of the Le xmark f amily of printers and their f eature s. C520 a nd C522 ha v e a man ual f eed slot on th e front of th e standard tra y .
Configur ed model 9 Over view Conf igur ed m odel The f ollowing illustr ation sho ws the o ption a v ailab le f or the L ex mark C522 and C524. Illustrations in thi s publication Illustr ation s in this pu blic ation are predomina ntly f or C524 with the m ultipurpose f eeder .
Installi ng dr ivers for local pr inti ng 10 2 Installing driver s f or local printing A local printer i s a printer attach ed to the com puter using a USB or para llel cab le. The local printe r is intended to be used b y the com puter to whi ch it is atta ched.
Windows 11 Installing drivers for loca l printing 2 Click Insta ll Printer and Softwa re . Not e: Some Win dow s operat ing sys tems requ ire that the user has adminis trativ e ac cess to ins tall printer dr ivers on the comput er. 3 Click Agr ee to accept the lice nse agr eement.
Windows 12 Installing drivers for loca l printing Bef ore printing, estab lishing co mmuni cation b etween th e printer and c omputer is required. T o do t his: 1 Set serial par ameters i n the printer . 2 Install a printer driv er on the attach ed compu ter .
Macinto sh 13 Installing drivers for loca l printing Installi ng a printer driv er A printer d river m ust be i nstalled on the comp uter tha t is connec ted to the printer . Note: Windo ws 9 5 and Wind ows 98 (first editi on) use rs shoul d fo llow the insta llation d irections in Usin g Wi ndows 95 a nd Window s 98 (fir st editio n) .
Macinto sh 14 Installing drivers for loca l printing Creating a queue in Prin t Center / Printer Setup Utility (Mac OS X) 1 Install a P ostSc ript Printer Description (PPD ) file on t he computer . a Insert the drive rs CD. b Doub le-clic k the installe r pac kage f or the p rinter .
UNIX/Linux 15 Installing drivers for loca l printing 4 Select Prin ter (USB) , and cl ick OK . 5 In the USB Printer Selection section , clic k Change . If the prin ter does not a ppear in t he USB Printer Se lection lis t, make sure the U SB cabl e is prope rly connecte d, and the printer is turned o n.
Inst alling driv ers f or netw ork printin g 16 3 Installing driver s f or network printing Prin ting a netw ork setup page If the p rinter is atta ch ed to a ne tw ork, print a netw o rk setu p pa ge o n the prin ter to v erify the ne tw ork con nec ti on.
V er ify ing the IP se ttings 17 Installing drivers for network printing 9 Using the navig ation arro w button s, ent er the IP gat ewa y . Once it is e ntered, press . Submitting Selection app ears briefly . 10 Press until th e printer returns to Ready .
Windows 18 Installing drivers for network printing F ollow the ste ps f or the printin g configu ration a nd opera ting system in use to configu re the netw ork printer: Direct printing using Wind ows 98 SE, Me , Windows NT 4.
Windows 19 Installing drivers for network printing Shared printing using Win dows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP , or Windows Server 2003 Not e: Install the printer so ftware be fore connnec ting the USB cab le. After conn ecting th e printer to a W indows N T 4.
Windows 20 Installing drivers for network printing g Check t he followin g t o m ake su re t he pr i nter was suc cess ful ly sha red. • The print er object in t he Printers f older now has a shar ed indicato r . F or e xampl e, in W indows NT 4.0, a hand ap pears unde r the printer ob ject.
Macinto sh 21 Installing drivers for network printing Configuring Drag‘N’Print Not e: Drag ’ N ’ Print ™ support is not a v ailab le f or all printers. F or detaile d configu r ation i ns tructio ns , laun ch the driv ers CD , clic k View Docume nt atio n , and click Softwa re an d uti litie s.
Macinto sh 22 Installing drivers for network printing 7 V erify printer installa tion: a Open Fi nder , click Appl ications , and cli ck Tex t E d i t . b Choose Print from the “ File ” menu. c Choose Summary from the “ C opies & P ages ” pop - up me nu.
UNIX/Linux 23 Installing drivers for network printing f Click Close when ins talla tio n is comp let e. Not e: A PPD f or the printer is also av ailable in a do wnloada b le softw a re pac ka ge on the L e xmark W e b site at www .lexmark.c om . Step 2: Cr eate a de sktop prin ter 1 In the Cho oser , select the LaserWriter 8 dr iver.
Printi ng 24 4 Printing This ch apter c ov ers tips f or printi ng, ho w to print certain lists o f inf o rmation from th e printer , ho w to canc el a j ob , and ho w to print bl ac k-on ly te xt and g r aph ic s . Tips for successful printing Tips on storing media Store t he media prop erly .
Prin ting or deleting a conf identi al job 25 Printing Sending a job from a typical Macintosh app lication 1 Open th e file nee ded f or printing. 2 F rom a word p rocessor , spread sheet, bro wser , or other app lication , select File à Print . 3 In the Copi es & P ages or Gener al pop -up me nu, se lec t Job Routing .
Cancelin g a pr int jo b 26 Printing Entering a personal identification number (PIN) When Confidential jobs is sele cted, the fol low ing prompt ap pears: 1 Use the na vigation arro w bu tto ns on the ope ra tor pan el to spe cif y the n um bers of the f our-digit PI N associa ted with the confiden tial job .
Cancelin g a pr int jo b 27 Printing Canceling from the printer operator panel If the jo b is f o r matting or alrea dy printing, and Cancel a Job appea rs on the first line o f the disp la y: 1 Press . A list of jobs app ears. 2 Press until appears ne xt to the job requiring can celation, and then p ress .
Pr inting the menu sett ings page 28 Printing 3 In the printe r windo w , select the print job requi ring cancelatio n. 4 Press Delete . Prin ting the men u s etting s page The men u setti ngs page sh ows cu rrent settin gs (user d ef ault settings ) f or the men us, a list of ins talled op tions , and av ailable printer memory .
Pr inting the Pr int Qua lity T est Pages 29 Printing 6 When the neede d item is se lected, p ress . The mes sage Printing PCL F onts. or Printing PS Fonts. appears while the pages print b ased on the o ne select ed. The printer returns to the Ready messag e after the fo nt sample pa ges print.
Pr intin g only blac k text and graphic s 30 Printing 6 Press until Exit Config Menu appears , and th en press . Resetting the Printer appears briefly , foll owed by th e cloc k. Remove all color supplies then app ears, so comp lete Removi ng the color supplies as follow s.
Pr intin g only blac k text and graphic s 31 Printing 2 Open th e upper do or fully . Grasp the ha ndle on th e inner door a nd pull to open both the inner and low er doors . Gently lowe r the lo wer door . Now the ph otocondu ctor units can be s een.
Pr intin g only blac k text and graphic s 32 Printing 5 Place th e photoco nductor un its in the bo x that come s with replacement units . If the bo x is not a vail able , use an empty pape r su ppl ies box. 6 Close the bo x to pr otect the pho toconduc tor units from light e xposure.
Configu rin g the pr inter for color pr inting a nd repla cing the suppl ies 33 Printing 9 Close the lo wer door . This c loses the in ner doo r . 10 Close the upper door . Configuring th e printer for color printing and replac ing the supplies T o return to color p rinting, comp lete the f ollowing s teps .
Configu rin g the pr inter for color pr inting a nd repla cing the suppl ies 34 Printing 3 Release the b uttons when the cloc k appea rs. CONFIG MENU appea rs on the first line of the dis pla y . The f ollowing message s appear ind ividuall y as prom pts f or the re placement o f photocon ductor un its and c olor toner car tridges.
Media s pecific ations 35 5 Media sp ecification s Media is paper , card stoc k, trans parencie s, lab els, and en velo pes. T he last f our a re someti mes ref erred to as speci alty media . The printer provid es high qua lity printing on a v ariety of m edia.
Media g uidel ines 36 Media specifications Smoothne ss need s to be be tween 100 and 300 Sh effield p oints; ho we ver , smoothn ess betw een 150 a nd 250 Shef field points produces the best p rint quality .
Media g uidel ines 37 Media specifications • Mak e su re t he P aper T ype , P aper T ex tur e, and P aper W eight settings are co rrect. (S ee Paper Menu in the Menu s and Mes sages G uide locate d on the p ublica tions CD for detailed inf or mation abo ut these s ettings .
Media g uidel ines 38 Media specifications When printing on tr anspare ncies: • Be sure to se t the P aper T ype to T ranspare ncy from t he printer oper ator pa nel, p rinter driv er , or from MarkVisi on ™ Prof ession al. • Use tr anspare ncies desi gned spec ificall y for l aser printers .
Media g uidel ines 39 Media specifications Labels The print er can print on pa per labels designe d f or use with laser printers . Only l etter siz e, A4 s ize , and le gal size label sheets shoul d be u sed.
Stor i ng med ia 40 Media specifications • Do not use preprinte d card sto ck man uf actured with ch emicals tha t ma y cont aminate t he printer . Preprinting introduc es semi -liquid a nd v olatile com ponents into the printe r . • The use of gra in long c ard stoc k is recommende d.
Identif ying me dia so urce s and spec ificatio ns 41 Media specifications Executiv e 184.2 x 2 66.7 mm (7.25 x 10 .5 in.) ✓✓ ✓ Folio 216 x 330 mm (8.5 x 13 in.) ✓✓ ✓ Sta temen t 139.7 x 2 15.9 mm (5.5 x 8.5 in.) ✘✘ ✓ Univer sal * 148 x 210 mm t o 215.
Identif ying me dia so urce s and spec ificatio ns 42 Media specifications Media sour ce suppor t and duplex (t wo-sided printing) support for Universal media size Legend ✓ — supported ✘ — uns.
Identif ying me dia so urce s and spec ificatio ns 43 Media specifications Media types and weights Media Ty p e Media w eight Stan dard 25 0-sh eet tray (T ray 1) Optional 500-sheet d rawer (T ray 2 ) Multipurpo se feede r or manual feed slo t Pap e r X er ograp hic or busi nes s paper (Used f or simpl ex printing onl y) 1 60 to 74 .
Identif ying me dia so urce s and spec ificatio ns 44 Media specifications Card stoc k — maxim um (grain long) 3 In de x Bristol 163 g/m 2 (90 lb) Not recomm en ded 163 g/m 2 (90 lb) T ag 163 g/m 2 .
Tr a y l i n k i n g 45 Media specifications T ra y link ing T ra y linki ng enab les the automati c linkin g f eature f or tr ay s when the same size and type of media is loaded i n multi ple sources . The printer auto maticall y links the tra ys; when one t ra y is em pty , media fe eds from the ne xt lin ked tra y .
Using the duplex function ( two-sided pr i nting) 46 Media specifications The tw o va lues f or the Du plex Bind are: Long Edge* The asterisk (*) indicate s this is the fact or y defaul t setting. Assumes binding alo ng the lo ng end of t he page (l eft edge f or po r trait orienta tion and t op edge fo r landsc ape orientati on).
Loading m edia 47 6 Loadin g media This ch apter sh ow s ho w to loa d the sta ndard tr a y (250-she et letter s iz e tra y), the mult ipurpose f eede r , and the optiona l 500- sheet tr a y which i s par t of the o ptional 5 00-sheet d raw er . It also in cludes inf or mation abou t the stan dard bin.
Loading the sta ndard tray 48 Loading media 2 Squeez e the wid th guide ta bs togeth er as sho wn, and mov e the w idth guid e to the side of the tra y . 3 Squeez e t he le ng th gu ide tabs tog ethe r as s ho wn, and sl ide the le ngth guide t o the corre ct p osi tio n f or the s iz e of paper bei ng l oad ed.
Loading the sta ndard tray 49 Loading media 5 Load the paper sta ck wi th the r ecommended print side f ace-up . Load th e stac k tow ard the back o f the tra y as shown. When loa ding lett erhead pap er , place the head er tow ard the fro nt of the tr a y .
Loading th e optio nal 50 0-sh eet tra y 50 Loading media 8 If a diff erent type of m edia w as loade d than the type pre vio usly loa ded in the tra y , chang e the P ape r T ype setting f or the tr ay from the op erator pa nel. See Se tting the P aper T ype and Pape r Size .
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 51 Loading media F ollo w these g uideline s when usi ng the m ultipurpose fe eder : • Load on ly one si ze an d type of media at a time . • T o achie v e the best possibl e print qualit y , use only high -quality m edia that is des igned f or use i n laser printers .
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 52 Loading media 3 Gras p the e xtens ion, and pull it st raight o ut until fully e xtended. 4 Gras p the hand le of the g uide. • F or pape r , push the guide to the med ia siz e that is being l oaded.
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 53 Loading media • If not loading paper , push the gu ide all th e wa y to t he left. 5 Prepare m edia f or load ing. Not e: Do not load diff erent sizes or types of media in t he mul tipurpose f eeder at th e same t ime.
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 54 Loading media 6 Fle x a sta ck of env elopes bac k and f or th to loosen them, an d then str aighten the edges on a le v el surf ace. • F an the en vel opes. This pre v ents t he edges of the en velopes from stic king tog ether and helps the m f eed prope rly .
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 55 Loading media 9 Load the media. • Load pa per and ca rd stoc k with th e recommend ed print side fa ce do wn and th e top edge entering first. • Load le tterhead w ith the logo f ace down and the to p edge ent ering first .
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 56 Loading media • Load en velopes with the fl ap side up . Warning: Ne ver use e nv elopes with st amps, c lasps, snaps , windo ws, coated li nings , or self-s tick a dhesiv es . These e nv elope s ma y se v erely da mage the p rinter .
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 57 Loading media 12 Slide the width g uide to the rig ht until it li ghtly tou ches the edge of th e stack fo r tran sparencies , card stoc k, or env elopes.
Identifyi ng the multipur pos e feeder or the ma nual feed slot 58 Loading media F ollo w these g uideline s when usi ng the ma nual f eed slot: • Load on ly one sh eet at a ti me. • T o achie v e the best possibl e print qualit y , use only high -quality m edia that is des igned f or use i n laser printers .
Using th e stan dard bin 59 Loading media Using the sta ndard bin The stan dard bin h olds up t o 250 she ets of 20 lb p aper and i s locate d on top of the printer . The stand ard bin co llates print jobs f ace-dow n. The stan dard bin s upports all media listed i n Media si zes and support .
Using th e stan dard bin 60 Loading media Using the media stop The stan dard bin h as a media stop whi ch is used to k eep media fro m slidin g off the b ack of the standa rd bin. It h as two lengths , one f or shorter media lik e Lette r and A4 si zes, and one f or longer med ia lik e Legal si ze .
Using th e stan dard bin 61 Loading media T o e xtend the media st op f or longer sizes of medi a, star t with the media s top fully closed: 1 Gras p the med ia stop at the seco nd indent ation. 2 Lift it u p and bac k un til it is flat at a 180 d egree an gle.
Settin g the Paper T ype a nd Paper Size 62 Loading media 3 Lift up a nd then ba ck on the e xten sion until i t stops at a 90 deg ree an gle. T o close t he media sto p , fo ld the e xtension f orw ard and down. Ra ise the m edia stop , and then f old it bac k do wn into its clos ed pos iti on .
Clea ring ja ms 63 7 Clearing jams A v oiding jams h ints The f ollo wi ng hints can help a v oid jams: • Use o nly recommend ed paper o r special ty media (ref erred to as media). Se e Media gu idelines f or more inf ormation. See the Card Stoc k & Label Guide av ailable on the Le xmark Web s ite at www .
Identify ing the media path 64 Clearing jams • Mak e sure th e media size in the sourc es match es the si ze s etting sel ected from th e operat or pane l menus . • Mak e sure a ll cab les tha t connect to the printer ar e correctly attached. See the Setu p sheet f or more inf ormation.
Identify ing the media path 65 Clearing jams Accessing jam areas Open do ors and co v ers , and re mo v e t r a ys to access j am area s . T he i llu str atio n sh o w s the location o f so urces and p os si b l e jam ar eas.
Identify ing the media path 66 Clearing jams Use th e f ollowi ng tab le to loc ate instructi ons f or a particular jam. Not e: T o resolv e an y messa ge, al l media m ust be cl eared f rom the en tire media path. Operator panel message A rea description Clearing a ja m.
Clear ing a jam in the stand ard tray (T ra y 1) 67 Clearing jams Clearing a jam in the standard tra y (T ray 1) If the me dia did n ot f eed correc tly from the stand ard tra y , the jam is in th e tra y . The oper ator p anel indica tes a 241.xx Paper Jam .
Clear ing a j am in t he opti onal 50 0-sheet tray (T ra y 2) 68 Clearing jams Clearing a jam in the optiona l 500-sheet tray (T ray 2) If the me dia did n ot f eed correc tly from the option al 500-sh eet tra y (T ra y 2), the jam is in the tr ay . The oper ator pa nel indica tes a 242.
Clear ing jams behin d the inne r door 69 Clearing jams If the media f ed f rom T ra y 2, b ut is cau ght betw een T ra y 1 and T ray 2 in the media pa th, the ope rator pan el ma y ind icate a 200.xx Paper Jam ins tead. If so , clear the jam as fol lows .
Clear ing jams behin d the inne r door 70 Clearing jams The med ia is jamm ed under th e photoco nductor u nits. T he opera tor panel indicates a 200.xx Paper Jam or 201.xx Paper Jam . 1 Open th e upper do or and the inner door . The lo wer door comes open with th e inner do or .
Clear ing jams under th e fuser or fus er cove r 71 Clearing jams Clearing jams un der the fuser or fuser cover CAUTION: The fuse r and the i nside of the printer near the fuser ma y be hot. W ait fo r the fuser to cool bef ore clearing ja ms from t his area.
Clear ing jams under th e fuser or fus er cove r 72 Clearing jams b If the jammed me dia is no t seen, g rasp t he tabs on the fuser cov er and lift it.
Clear ing ja ms between the fuser and th e standar d bin 73 Clearing jams Clearing jams betwee n the fu ser and the stan dar d bin The jam med media i s visib le fro m the standa rd bin. The oper ator panel indicate s a 202.xx Paper Jam . Gras p the jam , and pull it back aw a y from the bin.
Clear ing dupl ex path jams 74 Clearing jams Clearing duplex path jam s The jam med media i s under th e rollers near the fuser . The oper ator panel indicate s a 203.xx Paper Jam . 1 Open th e upper do or . 2 Gras p the jam med media o n each s ide, an d pull it out gently .
Clear ing dupl ex path jams 75 Clearing jams If the jammed me dia is c aught betw een the l ower d oor and the inner doo r , the operato r panel in dicates a 230.
Clear ing dupl ex path jams 76 Clearing jams If the jammed me dia is c aught ente ring the stand ard tra y (T ra y 1), the oper ator pane l indica tes a 230.xx Paper Jam . 1 Remo ve the sta nda rd t ra y . 2 Pull the jammed m edia do wn and o ut. 3 Install the stand ard tr ay .
Clear ing jam s fr om the multip ur po se feeder 77 Clearing jams Clearing jams from the m ultipurpose feeder The media jam s as it enters the m ul t ip urpose f ee der .
Main taining th e pr inte r 78 8 Maintaining the printer The f ollowing sections de al with top ics f o r a network adm inistra tor in charge of the print er . P er iodica lly , certain tasks need com pletion to maintain op timum print quality . These tas ks are co ve red in thi s chapter .
Order ing s uppli es and ma intena nce it ems 79 Maintaining the printer Ordering supplies and main tenance items T o order sup plies in the U .S. , contact Le xmark at 1-800-53 9-6275 f or inf ormation about Le xmark A uthorize d Supplies Deale rs in y our area.
Maintain ing the pr inter for long-te rm storage 80 Maintaining the printer Ordering a photoconductor unit Order Le xmark par t numb er C52030X. F or a multi- pack o f photocon ductor units , order L ex mark par t num ber C52034X.
Replaci ng the t oner car tr idges 81 Maintaining the printer Storing the toner car trid ges and photoconductor un its Store t oner cartri dges and phot oconduc tor units i n their origina l pac kaging until the time f or thei r installa tion.
Rec ycli ng Lexmar k produ ct s 82 Maintaining the printer Recyc ling Lexmark products T o return Le xmark produc ts to Le xmark f or recycling: 1 Visit ou r We b site: www.
Cleanin g the pr inth ead len ses 83 Maintaining the printer T o replace the transf er belt, see the Replacing th e trans fer belt sheet th at comes w ith a replace ment tra nsf er belt.
Aligni ng the tone r car tr idg es for color registration 84 Maintaining the printer Aligning th e toner car tridg es for color registration When the new transf er belt w as install ed and all the pho.
Removing the fuser for long-ter m st orage 85 Maintaining the printer Remo ving the fuser for long-term storage If the prin ter will be tur ned off f or a mont h or longe r , rem ov e the fuse r and store it in a c lean and con venient place . CAUTION: The fuse r and the i nside of the printer near the fuser ma y be hot.
Removing the fuser for long-ter m st orage 86 Maintaining the printer 4 T ur n the thumbsc re ws coun terc lo c kwise to loos en them. 5 Gras p the fuse r by the handle s and lif t it stra ight up . 6 The f user could s till be ho t. T ouch it on ly by the handle s.
Replacin g the fuser after l ong-ter m storage 87 Maintaining the printer Replacing the fus er after lo ng-te rm sto rage 1 Gras p the hand hold. 2 Open th e upper do or .
Replacin g the fuser after l ong-ter m storage 88 Maintaining the printer 3 Gras p the fuse r by the handles a nd align it with its opening. Align the t ab on the right with the g roov e . Align the u-shape d part on the left of th e fuser with the u-sha ped groo v e.
T roublesh oot ing 89 9 T r oubleshootin g Solving basic prin ter prob lems Sometim es printer prob lems o r an unresp onsiv e printer a re v er y easy to solv e. When a problem occurs , first mak e su re that: • The print er pow er cord is pl ugged into the printer an d a properly g rounded electrical outle t.
Solvi ng dis pl ay problems 90 Troubleshooting Solving display pr oblems Solving printin g prob lems Symptom Cause Action Opera tor pane l show s only dia monds o r is bla n k . The p rinter self test f ailed. T ur n the printer off , w ait about 1 0 secon ds, and tu rn the printer on.
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 91 Troubleshooting Solving print q uality problems Man y print quali ty prob lems c an be sol ve d by repl acing a supply o r maintena nce item that is a pproaching th e end of i ts inte nded life. Check th e op erato r pa nel for a messag e ab out a pr int er cons umable.
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 92 Troubleshooting Use the f ollowi ng tab le to find solutions to print qua lity prob lems . Symptom Cause Solu tion Repeating def ects Ei ther the ton er car tridges, the photoco nductor un its, o r the fuse r are de fective.
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 93 Troubleshooting Streak ed horiz ontal lines The tone r cartr idges ma y be def ectiv e , empty , or worn. Rep lace the toner cartri dges as need ed. The fuser ma y be def ectiv e or worn. Replace the fuser . Streak ed v er tical lin es T oner is smeared bef ore fusing to the med ia.
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 94 Troubleshooting Print too light Color Sa v er in the Quality Menu in Settings could be se t to On. Set Color Saver to Off . The T oner Darknes s settin g in the Quality Menu in Settings is too light, th e RGB Brightness sett ing is too bright, o r the RGB Cont rast is too high .
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 95 Troubleshooting Une v en print den sity The tone r cartr idges ar e def ectiv e . Replace t he toner c ar tr idges. The phot oconduct or unit s are defective. Replac e the pho toconductor u nits. Ghost i mages Th e photoc onductor u nits are n ot functio ning prope rly .
Solvi ng pr int qua lity pr oblems 96 Troubleshooting The medi a curls badl y once it p rints and e xits to the stand ard bin. The P aper W eight s etting is w rong f or the t ype of paper o r special ty media bein g us ed. Chan ge t he Paper Weigh t set ti ng.
Solving opti on pr oblems 97 Troubleshooting Solv ing opt ion pr ob lems Symptom Cause Solu tion The optio n does no t oper ate correc tly after it is installe d, or it stops working. The opti on is not installe d correctl y . Remo ve t he option, and then re install it.
Solvin g medi a feed problems 98 Troubleshooting Solving media feed problems Symptom Cause Solu tion P aper fre quently jam s. Media that does not meet the printer spec ificatio ns is bei ng used. Use rec ommended media. See the Card Stoc k & Label Guide av ail able on our Le xmark W eb site at www .
Solvin g medi a feed problems 99 Troubleshooting Media f alls out of th e stand ard bin whe n the stand ard bin is fu ll. Some print er mode ls do no t ha ve a standard bin full sensor . Remov e media from th e standard bin. The stan dard bin m edia sto p is not set to the correct positi on f or the media size.
Solvin g netwo rk p r inting problems 100 Troubleshooting Solving network printing prob lems Solving other problems Solving color qu ality problems This se ction helps ans wer so me basic c olor-related q uestions and describes how some of the f eatures prov ided in th e Quality Menu in Settings can be us ed to sol ve typical col or prob lems .
Solvi ng c olor qu ali ty prob lems 101 Troubleshooting Frequently asked questions (F A Q) about color printing What is RGB co lor? Red, g reen , and b l ue lig ht can be ad ded to get her in v arious a mounts to produ ce a l arge r ange of col ors ob served in na ture .
Solvi ng c olor qu ali ty prob lems 102 Troubleshooting My color transpar enci es see m dark when pr oje ct ed. Is ther e an ything I can do to impr o ve the color ? This pro blem most co mmonly oc curs when projectin g transp arencies with reflec tiv e ov erhea d projecto rs.
Solvi ng c olor qu ali ty prob lems 103 Troubleshooting Off , the color is based on the print jo b inf ormat ion; no c olor co nv ersion is imple mented .
Onli ne tech nical suppor t 104 Troubleshooting Cy an, Magen ta, and Y ello w . The incremen t val ue defined b y the use r for D etailed Colo r Samples app lies to Cy an, Ma genta, Y ello w , and Blac k. Online technical suppor t T echnical support is av ailable on the Le xmark W eb site at www .
Admin istrative suppor t 105 10 Administr ative suppo r t The f ollowing sections are fo r a syste m support person in c harge of the printer . Since m any pe ople cou ld be using th e printer , an admin istra tor ma y cho ose to loc k the m enus to keep others from changin g menu s et ti ngs fr om t he op erato r pan el.
Restor ing f act or y de fault settin gs 106 Administrative support Restoring factory d efault se ttings When firs t entering the printer men us from the o perat or panel, noti ce an as terisk (*) ne xt to a v alue in the m enus. T his asterisk i ndicates the f actory def ault se tting .
Disabling P o wer Sav er 107 Administrative support Disabling P ower Sa ver Disa bling Pow er Saver is a two - ste p proc es s. Firs t, t he me nu ite m is tu r n ed on , and then the menu i t em is se le cte d. 1 T ur n the printer off . 2 Press an d hold and while tu rning the printer o n.
Config uri ng pr inter aler ts 108 Administrative support 3 Press until Disk Encryption ap pears , and then press . 4 Press until Disable appe ars, an d th en pre ss . Contents will be lost. Continue? a ppears . 5 Press until Yes appe ars, a nd then pre ss .
Memor y requir ements 109 Administrative support T o change the LCD Con trast setting: 1 Mak e sure th e printer is o n and the Ready m essage a ppears . 2 Press to enter the men us. 3 Press until Settings appears , and then press . 4 Press until Utilities Menu appears , and th en press .
Using the Pr int an d Hold function 110 Administrative support If a Con fid enti al job is se lec t ed , the pe rson al ide nti fic ati on n u mb er (PIN ) s pe ci fie d in the driv er whe n th e jo b w a s sent m us t be entere d.
Using the Pr int an d Hold function 111 Administrative support Ve r i f y P r i n t If a V erify Print job is s ent, the printer prints one cop y and holds the remaining c opies reques ted from t he driv er in printer memory . Use V erify Print to ex amine th e first co py to see if it is satis fac tor y bef ore p r inting the remainin g copies .
Understandi ng the operator pa nel 112 Administrative support Unde rs tandi ng the operat or pane l The oper ator p anel consi sts of these items: • 160 x 6 4 pix el liq uid crystal dis pla y (LCD) • Eight b uttons (Back, M enu, Stop , Select, , , , and ) • An indic ator light F or more in formation on butto ns, s ee Buttons as f ollows .
Understandi ng the operator pa nel 113 Administrative support Buttons Button Function Note: It ha s a cu r ved arr ow icon . Press to return to the pre vious screen. Note: This b utton is only a ctiv e if appears o n the top l eft of the s creen. Note: It has a k e y icon.
Using the s ecur ity lo ck f eature 114 Administrative support Using the secu rity loc k feature The print er is equippe d with a security lo ck f e ature. Wh en a loc k compa tibl e with mos t laptop c omputers is attached, the printer is lo ck ed. Onc e loc ked, th e metal p late and th e system b oard cannot b e remo ved .
Setting secu rity using t he Emb edded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 115 Administrative support Suppor ting SNMPv3 (Sim ple Network Management Protocol version 3) SNMPv3 protocol allows fo r encrypted and a uthenticat ed netwo rk communic ations . It also lets the adminis trator se lect a desired le vel of se curity .
Setting secu rity using t he Emb edded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 116 Administrative support T o configure th e Secur e mode f or TCP and UDP por ts from the Emb edded W eb Server: 1 Open th e W eb bro wser . In the address line, en ter the IP ad dress of the printer bein g configured using th e fo rmat: http://ip _address/ .
Setting secu rity using t he Emb edded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 117 Administrative support Printing Lock out Printing Loc k out allo ws l oc king or unloc king of a printer usin g an ass igned PIN. When loc k ed, e very job the printer rece ive s will b uff er to the hard di sk.
Inst alling a nd rem oving opt ions 118 11 Install ing an d remo vi ng opti ons Installing the 500-s heet drawer The print er supports one optiona l dra wer wh ich allo ws an addi tional 50 0 sheets of p aper to be loaded.
Removing the 5 00-shee t drawer 119 Installing and r emoving options Remo ving the 500-she et drawer If the prin ter location needs to change , or the printe r and medi a handlin g options ne ed to be s hipped to a new location , all media h andling options m ust be rem ov ed from the printer .
Accessi ng th e system b oard 120 Installing and r emoving options T o install a memory or flash c ard, access the sys tem board. 1 Notice th e eight scre ws loc ated on the m etal plat e. T urn the scre ws counte rclock wise until they are loose . Do not remov e the screws.
Accessi ng th e system b oard 121 Installing and r emoving options 4 Use th e illustr ation to locate th e connector for the card be ing inst alled. Warning: Sys tem board electrical c omponent s are eas ily damaged by static el ectricity .
Replac ing the system board metal plate 122 Installing and r emoving options Replacing the system bo ar d meta l plate Not e: This pro cedure req uires a #2 Phi llips sc rewdriv er . 1 Align an d place th e eight k ey holes on the syst em board met al plate o nto the sc rews o n the syste m board.
Install ing a n optio nal memor y card 123 Installing and r emoving options 3 Tighten the scre ws firmly . Installing an o ptional mem ory car d The sys tem board has one connecto r fo r an optio nal memo r y card.
Install ing a n optio nal memor y card 124 Installing and r emoving options 3 Unpac k the m emor y card. Sa v e the pac kagi ng materials . A v oid tou ching the c onnectio n points a long the e dge of the card. 4 Align the notches on the me mory card with the rid ges on the co nnector .
Removing a mem or y car d 125 Installing and r emoving options Remo ving a mem ory card 1 Locate the ca rd to remo v e. 2 Push eac h latch o ut at each en d of the c onnector .
Installi ng an opti onal fl ash memo r y or fir mware car d 126 Installing and r emoving options Installing an o ptional flash memory or firmware c ard The sys tem board has tw o conne ctors f or an optional f lash mem or y or firmw are card. Only one of each ma y be inst alled, but the co nnectors are interchan geab le.
Remo ving an op tiona l fl as h me mory or firmw are c ard 127 Installing and r emoving options 5 Repla ce the me tal plate (see Replaci ng the syste m board metal pl ate ). Remo ving an op tional flash memor y or firmware card 1 Select th e optiona l firmware or fl ash memory card to rem ov e.
Installi ng an o ptional ha rd disk 128 Installing and r emoving options Installing an o ptional hard disk Not e: A small Phillips sc rew driver is needed to attach the hard disk to the moun ting plate . Not e: If an option ca rd has bee n instal led, it ma y need remo ving bef ore instal ling t he hard di sk.
Removing an option al hard d isk 129 Installing and r emoving options 7 Press the ribbon ca ble con nector int o the conn ector on t he system b oard. 8 Flip the hard disk ov er , and then p ress the t hree posts on the m ounting pl ate into th e holes on the sy stem boar d.
Installi ng an o ptional INA card 130 Installing and r emoving options Installing an o ptional INA card An option al internal print se r ver allows connection from the p r inter to the local are a network (LAN). Unpac k the op tional INA c ard. Sa ve the pac king materials .
Removing an option al INA card 131 Installing and r emoving options Remo ving an op tional INA card Remo v e the sy ste m boa rd metal plat e (see Accessing the system bo ard ). 1 Remo ve the two s crews on either sid e of the c onnector slo t. 2 Pull the optional c ard str aight out o f the sys tem board co nnector .
Attachi ng cables 132 Installing and r emoving options Attaching cables Conne ct the printer t o the com puter usin g the appr opriate cab le f or the c onfigur ation. Conne ct the printer t o the comput er using a USB cab le, an Ethernet cab le, or a parall el cab le.
Notices 133 Notices • Licensing notice • Con ventions • Electr onic emissi on notices • Noise e mission le vels • ENERGY ST AR • W aste from Electrica l and Electr onic Equipmen t (WEEE) d.
Licens ing n otice 134 Noti ces Licensing no tice The print er residen t softwa re contain s softw are de veloped a nd cop yrighted by L ex mark. In addit ion, the printe r resident software ma y cont.
Elec troni c emis sion no t ices 135 Noti ces Static sensitivity notice Electr onic emissio n notices Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement T h e L e x m a r k C 5 2.
Elec troni c emis sion no t ices 136 Noti ces Industry Canad a compliance sta tement This C lass B digi tal appar atus meets all requir ements of the Canadi an Interf erence-Causing Equipment Regulation s.
Elec troni c emis sion no t ices 137 Noti ces Noise emission levels The f ollowing measurem ents wer e made in accordan ce with ISO 7779 and repor ted in conf or mance with ISO 9296.
ENERGY ST AR 138 Noti ces Pow e r S a v e r As part of the ENERGY ST AR prog ram, th is printer is des igned with an energ y -saving mod e called P ower Sa v er . The P ower Sa v er Mode is equiv alent to the EP A Sleep Mode . The P o wer Sa ve r Mode sa ve s energ y b y low ering po wer consum ption du r ing ex tended pe riods of inac tivity .
Lase r no tice 139 Noti ces Laser notice The print er is cer tified i n the U .S. to co nf or m to the requirements of DHHS 21 C FR Subcha pter J f or Class I (1) las er produ cts, and else where is cer tified a s a Class I la ser produc t conf orming to th e requirem ents of IEC 60825-1.
Stateme nt of Li mited Warranty f or Lexmark C 520, C522, an d C524 140 Noti ces Remot e technical support is prov ided f or this product t hroughout its warr anty period. Fo r products no longer cov ered b y a Le xmark wa rrant y , technical support may not be a vai labl e or only be a vai labl e f or a f ee.
141 Inde x Numerics 500-she et drawer 118, 119 installi ng 118 removing 11 9 A adjus tin g operator pa nel contr ast 108 Power Saver 106 automat ic si ze sens ing 45 automat ic tray link ing 45 avoidi ng jams 24 hints 63 B binding , duplex 45 C cables Ethernet 132 parall el 132 USB 132 cancel ing, print job Mac OS 9.
142 Index G guideli nes avoiding jams 24 labe ls 39 media 3 5 printing l etterhead 37 H held jo bs access ing from o perator pan el 110 confiden tial jobs 25 entering a PIN 25 enterin g user na me 109.
143 Index multipu rpose fee der (contin ued) stack he ight limite r 54 tab 54 usi n g, w i th va ri ous m edia 50 N NetWare 23 network s etup page 16 numeric al value s, se lecting 113 O oper ato r pa.
144 Index probl ems (contin ued) color qualit y (continued ) tint ed pr in ted page 10 1 why p rinted col or and PC sc reen color do n ’ t match 101 display 90 blank 9 0 diamon ds 90 LCD too light o.
145 Index storing (co nti nue d) suppl ies 80 toner cartri dges 81 suppli es conserv ing 78 orde ri ng 79 fuser 8 0 photoco nductor u nits 80 toner cartridges 79 transfer bel t 80 wast e to ner bo x 8.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark C524 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark C524 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark C524 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark C524 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark C524 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark C524, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark C524.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark C524. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark C524 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center