Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 642e MFP Lexmark
Go to page of 121 X642e MFP Menus and Messages Guide Ma y 2006 Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark In ternational, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countr ies. © 2006 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. All rights reser ved.
2 Edition: May 2006 The followi ng p aragraph does not app ly to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMAR K INTERNA TIONAL, INC.
3 Contents Chapter 1: Using MFP menus ...... ............. .............. ........... ............. ............. ............. ......... 5 Understan ding the mul tifunction p rinter (MFP) con trol panel .. ................ ................. .........
4 Conten ts Help Page s .................... ................. ................. ................. ...................... ................. ...... ..... ................. .......... 89 Manage Shortcuts ...................... ................ .........
Using MFP menus 5 1 Using MFP menus Unde rs tand ing the m ultif unct ion prin ter (M FP) co ntr ol panel Most print s ettings can be ch anged from th e applic ation in use or the print driv er . Settings changed from the appl ication o r print driv er appl y only to th e job bein g sent to the MFP .
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 6 Using MFP menus Callout Contr ol panel i tem Function 1 LCD The liquid c r ystal dis pla y (LCD) s hows home scr een butto ns, m enus, m enu it ems, and va lues. It a llows f or making s election s within Co py , F ax, and so o n.
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 7 Using MFP menus Home screen After the M FP is turned on and a shor t wa r m-up period oc curs, the LCD show s the f ollo wing basic screen, wh ich is ref erred to as th e home s creen.
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 8 Using MFP menus Home screen (self contained) The f ollowing show s a home s creen with n o other le ve ls.
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 9 Using MFP menus Button or item appeara nce Button n ame or screen item nam e Function Copy Acce ss the Copy menus. If the hom e screen is shown, press a n umber to access the Cop y menus, too .
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 10 Using MFP menus Canc el Jobs Open the Cancel Jobs scree n. If only one job i s in the queue , the b utton sa ys Cancel Job .
Unders tanding the multifun ction pr inter ( MFP) co ntrol pan el 11 Using MFP menus Other LCD touch-scre en b uttons ma y appear on the home screen. The y are: Button Button name Function Rele ase He ld F axes (or He ld Fax es if in Manual M ode ) There a re held f axes with a s cheduled ho ld time p rev iously set.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 12 Using MFP menus Using the LC D touch-screen buttons The f ollowing section p rovid es inf ormation on navi gating th rough se v eral sc reens. Only a f ew screens are chos en to demons trate the use of the to uch-screen b uttons.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 13 Using MFP menus Sample screen three If t he Select button is to uched beside Letter from Sampl e scr een o ne , the f ollowin g screen appea rs. F or more info r mation on the Select butto n, see Sele ct . Not e: Notic e the status message ba r on this s creen.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 14 Using MFP menus Information on LCD touch-screen buttons Button Button name Function or description Select T ouch the select butt on to hav e another screen appe ar with additio nal items . On the firs t screen, the user def ault setting i s sho wn.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 15 Using MFP menus Selected radio b utton This is a selected radio b utton. T ouch a rad io button t o select it. The radio b utton center changes color to sho w that it is se lected. In Other LCD touch-sc reen bu ttons , the on ly paper siz e selected is Legal.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 16 Using MFP menus Other LCD touch-screen buttons Button Button name Function or d escription Cance l Cance l an action o r a selec tion, or ca ncel out of a scree n an d ret ur n to the pr evious scree n.
Using t he LCD touc h-screen buttons 17 Using MFP menus Features Select Select a menu. T he ne xt screen appears s howing menu i tem s. Select a menu i tem. The ne xt screen app ears show ing val ue s. Subm it If a d ifferent value wi thi n a menu i tem is touc hed , it needs to be sa v ed to become the curren t user def ault setting.
Men us 18 Using MFP menus Menus F actor y defaul ts are the func tion setting s in eff ect the first ti me the MF P is turned on. Th ese remain i n eff ect unti l they a re change d. T o restore f actory def aults , select the Restore val ue from th e F actory Def aults menu i tem.
P aper M enu 19 Using MFP menus Pa p e r M e n u Use th e Paper Menu to define settings relating to p rint media. Default Source Use th is menu i tem to de fine the de fa ult print medi a source . Pa p e r S i z e / T y p e Not e: Only in sta lled p rin t medi a sour ces appea r for this me nu item .
P aper M enu 20 Using MFP menus T ray <x> Ty p e Identifie s the type of print med ia loaded i n each s ource. Note: If a us er-defined name is av ailab le, it appears inst ead of Custom Type <x> . If tw o or more custom types s hare the sa me name , the name only app ears onc e in the Pa p e r T y p e l i s t .
P aper M enu 21 Using MFP menus Env elope F eeder Size Identif ies the size of en velope inserted in the env elop e f eeder . This me nu item appears only if th e optional env elope fee der is installed.
P aper M enu 22 Using MFP menus Configure MP This men u item is use d to configure the multi pur pose feed er as another source or manu al f eeder . If the mu ltipurpose f eeder is link ed wi th another tra y , the MFP can sele ct print medi a from the multip ur pose f eeder bef ore selecti ng print medi a from another t ra y .
P aper M enu 23 Using MFP menus Substitute Siz e This m enu item i s used to de termine whether the MFP can sub stitute anoth er print media siz e if the req uested siz e is not currentl y installed in any o f the MFP sourc es.
P aper M enu 24 Using MFP menus P aper W eight These m enu ite ms are used to set the paper we ight f or each of the def ined print me dia types . This allo ws the MFP to optimiz e the print qu ality f or the print media weight. Card Stock T ex ture Identifi es the te xture of the card stock loaded in a spec ific sour ce.
P aper M enu 25 Using MFP menus P aper Loading These m enu ite ms are used to set the l oading orient ation f or each print media t ype. A s ource is loa ded wit h preprinted print media, and then th e MFP can be notified t hat the print m edia is loa ded f or duple x (two-side d) printing.
Repor ts 26 Using MFP menus Universal Setup These m enu ite ms are used to speci fy the hei ght and wid th of the Un ive rsal P aper Siz e. When th e height a nd width f or Univ ersa l P aper Siz e are s pecified, the MFP uses the Univ ersa l setting lik e other paper s izes , incl uding suppo r t fo r duple x and n- up.
Repor ts 27 Using MFP menus Menu item Purpose V alues and descriptio ns Menu Settings P age Prints in formation relating to: • Current settings f or each of t he menu items f or all menus • Car tr.
Network/P or ts 28 Using MFP menus Netw ork/P o r ts TCP/IP This m enu item i s used to view and change t he T ransmi ssion Con trol Protoc ol/Internet Proto col setting s. Internet Prot ocol (IP) sp ecifies the f ormat of pac ke ts, also called d atagr ams, and the ad dressing scheme .
Network/P or ts 29 Using MFP menus WINS Serve r Address A s er v er handles host nam es b y assign ing host names to IP addre sses . De vices h av e a host name regis tered with the W INS ser ver . Window s Int er net N aming Ser v ice (WINS) is a system that determines the IP address assoc iated with a particular network c omputer .
Network/P or ts 30 Using MFP menus IPv6 Use this menu it em to vie w or change Internet Prot ocol V ersion 6 (I Pv6) settings . Not e: This m enu item d oes not ap pear f or non-network model s.
Network/P or ts 31 Using MFP menus E-mail Server Setup Menu item Purpose V alues and des criptions Primary SMTP Gate wa y IP address field Primary SMTP Gate wa y P ort Nume ric entr y f or the port.
Network/P or ts 32 Using MFP menus We b Link Se tup Def ines the W eb link. header Ser ver Spec ifie s the name o f the s er ver . te xt entry Fo r ex ample: ser ver .m m Login text entry P ass word pass word te xt entry P ath Defines the pa th name .
Network/P or ts 33 Using MFP menus Wireless Standard Netw ork or Network <x> Use thes e menu items to ch ange printer setti ngs aff ecting j obs sent to the MFP thro ugh a netw ork por t, (eith er Standard Networ k or Net wor k <x>) , whe re x re pres ent s 1 or 2 .
Network/P or ts 34 Using MFP menus Standard USB or USB <x> These m enus a re only sho w n if a USB port is av ailable . Use these men u items t o change printer setting s aff ecting a Univers al Ser ia l Bus ( USB) po r t (USB < x>). x repre sen ts 1 or 2.
Network/P or ts 35 Using MFP menus NP A Mode Specifies whether the MFP perf orms the spec ial proce ssing required f or bidirection al com munic atio n, followi ng the conv entions defined in the Network Printing Allian ce (NP A) Protocol. Note: Chang ing this menu it em automat ically res ets the MFP on ce the men us are e xited.
Network/P or ts 36 Using MFP menus P arallel <x> Use th ese menu items to cha nge printer sett ings aff ecting jobs s ent to the M FP through a paralle l por t, P ar allel <x>, whe re x repres ents 1 or 2 .
Network/P or ts 37 Using MFP menus Protocol Specifies the para llel inte rfac e prot ocol . Stand ard May res olv e some par allel in terf ace probl ems. F astby tes* Prov ides co mpatibil ity with m ost ex isting p arallel interf ace impl emen tati ons (re comm ended setting).
Network/P or ts 38 Using MFP menus Serial <x> Use th ese menu items to ch ange printer s ettings aff ecting jobs s ent to the MFP through an option al serial port.
Network/P or ts 39 Using MFP menus Rob ust XON Determines whe ther the MF P commu nicates av ailabil ity to the compu ter . This men u item only appl ies to th e serial port if Ser ial Protoco l is set to XON/XOFF . Off* The MFP w aits to receiv e data from the com puter .
Network/P or ts 40 Using MFP menus NetW are Use th ese menu items to vi ew or c hange the MFP NetW are settin gs. AppleT alk Use th ese menu items to vi ew or c hange the MFP AppleT alk settings . Menu item Purpose V alues and desc riptions Login N ame Shows the field us ed to ass ign the NetW are login nam e.
Setti ngs 41 Using MFP menus LexLink Use th ese menu items to vie w the Le xLink name or change th e Le xLink a ctiv ation. Settings General Settings Use thes e menu ite ms to se t various MFP settin gs. Menu item Pu rpose V alues and descriptio ns View Nickna me Shows th e fiel d use d to as sig n the LexLink ni ckname.
Setti ngs 42 Using MFP menus K e yboard T ype Specifies the type of virtual alphan umeric ke yboard that appears o n the con trol panel LCD . English * (English) F rançais (F rench) F rançais Ca nad.
Setti ngs 43 Using MFP menus Date Fo rmat Speci fies the f or mat based on the geog rap hical locat ion. MM-DD-YYYY* DD-MM-YYYY* YYYY -MM-DD Month, D ay , and Y ear (U .S.) Da y , Month, Y ear (Internation al) (* Denotes a country/region -specifi c f actory def ault v alue.
Setti ngs 44 Using MFP menus Time out s Spec ifi es the amoun t of ti me the MFP w aits to return to the home scree n, receiv e an end- of-job me ssage , or recei ve addition al by tes of da ta from the c ompu ter . Note: W ait Time out is on ly av ailabl e when usi ng P ostScript emul ation.
Setti ngs 45 Using MFP menus Timeouts (contin ued) Print Timeout Disabled 1–255 (9 0*) Disab led—Dis ables P rint Timeout. 1–255— Specifies the amount o f time in seconds the MFP w aits f or an end-of-job message bef ore canc eling the remainder of the print job .
Setti ngs 46 Using MFP menus Printer Langua ge Specifies the def ault printer language used to comm unicate d ata from th e comp uter to the MFP . Note: This men u item is not available fr om th e LCD . It is only a vailab le on th e MFP Embedded We b Server .
Setti ngs 47 Using MFP menus Copy Settings Use thes e menu items to se t the MFP f or settings relat ed to cop ying. F actor y Def aults Retu r ns MFP setti ngs to the factor y default valu es.
Setti ngs 48 Using MFP menus Duple x Sp ecifies ho w the output is printed. The orien tation of each sheet def aults t o por trai t. The binding def aults to long edg e.
Setti ngs 49 Using MFP menus Ori gina l Size Provides a lis t of po ssi ble scann er sizes to sele ct from to speci fy the siz e of the origina l cop y document. Letter (8. 5 x 11 in.)* Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in .) Legal (8 .5 x 14 in.) A4 (210 x 297 mm)* A5 (148 x 210 mm) JIS B5 (182 x 257 mm) Fo l i o ( 8 .
Setti ngs 50 Using MFP menus Darkness Specifies th e lev el of darkness f or the cop y job . 1–9 (5* ) A gr aphic repre sentation depicts the va lues. As the right or left scroll but ton is tou ched, the as terisk mov es back and fo r th on the line.
Setti ngs 51 Using MFP menus Fax Settings Use thes e menu items to se t the MFP setti ngs relat ed to f axing. Analog F ax Setup With analog fax, the fax method is by a tel ephone li ne. Use the f ollowin g menu ite ms to set up analog f ax. Menu item Purpose V alues and de scriptions F ax Mode Sets which f ax method or m ode is used.
Setti ngs 52 Using MFP menus General Fax Settings Menu item Purpo se V alues an d descriptions Sta tion Na me Spec ifi es the name of the fax within the MFP . T he name could b e a per son’s name or t he n ame of a comp any . te xt entr y field The te xt entr y field is limi ted to eig ht char acters.
Setti ngs 53 Using MFP menus Virtual alphanumeric ke yboar d The enti re ke yboard c annot be shown o n one sc reen, so there are tabs a t the top of the scree n used to ac cess the ot her screens . The screen sho wn here h as letters and some p unctuatio n symbols .
Setti ngs 54 Using MFP menus F ax Send Se ttin gs Menu item Purpose V alues and descripti ons Resolu tion Defines qua lity in dots p er inch (dp i). A higher re solution gives greate r print quality , b ut it incre ases the fa x tra nsmission time f or out going f axes .
Setti ngs 55 Using MFP menus Enab le ECM Enab les Error Correction Mode f or f ax jobs , which m ake s f axing more reliab le. On* ECM is en able d. Off EC M is disa bled . Enab le F ax Scans Allo ws sendin g f ax es by s canning at the MFP . On* F ax sca ns are ena bled .
Setti ngs 56 Using MFP menus F ax Receive S ettings Menu item Purpose V alues and descriptions Enab le F ax Receiv e Al lows f ax jobs to b e receiv ed by the MFP . On* F ax job s can be rec eiv ed. Off F ax jobs can not be rec eiv ed. Ring s to Answer Sets num ber of times t he MFP ring s to indica te an inc oming f ax job .
Setti ngs 57 Using MFP menus F ax Log Set tings Menu item Purpose V alues and descriptions T ransmis sion Log Selects whether the MFP prints a log with deta ils abou t the f ax job se nt. If the f ax job f ailed to send, t he header on the pag e reads “F ax F ailed” inste ad of “T ra nsmission Log.
Setti ngs 58 Using MFP menus Speake r Sett ings Distin ctiv e Ring Setting s Menu item Purpose V alues an d descriptions Speak er Mode Specifies how lon g the speak er remains o n. Alwa ys Off The spe aker is set of f. Alwa ys On The spe aker is set on.
Setti ngs 59 Using MFP menus F ax Server S etup Menu item Purpose V alues and descri ptions T o form at text en tr y fie ld Use [ #] f or t he fax num ber. F or exam ple: [#]@f ax.theco mpany .com Reply Address te xt entry field This f ield is re quired.
Setti ngs 60 Using MFP menus Original Siz e Provides a list o f possib le scann er sizes to sele ct from to s pecify t he size of the origi nal scanned docum ent f or f axi ng. Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)* Ex ecutiv e (7.25 x 10.5 in.) Legal (8. 5 x 14 in. ) A4 (210 x 297 mm)* A5 (148 x 210 mm) JIS B5 (182 x 257 mm) Fo lio (8.
Setti ngs 61 Using MFP menus E-mail Settings Menu item Purpose V alues and descriptions E-mail Serv er Setup See E-mai l Server Setup on pa ge 31 . Fo rmat Specifi es the f ormat of the fil e to be scanne d.
Setti ngs 62 Using MFP menus Orientation Specifi es the def ault orientati on of the docum ent to be sen t in the scan jo b. P ortrait* Sends t he original do cument a s por trait f or the scan job , which means tex t and g raphics are par allel to th e short edge.
Setti ngs 63 Using MFP menus Use mu lti-page TI FF Prov ides a ch oice betw een single -page TIFF fil es and mult iple-page TIFF f iles. F or a mult iple-page sc an to e-ma il job , either one TIFF file is created contai ning all the pag es, or mul tiple TIFF files a re created with one fi le f or each page of the job .
Setti ngs 64 Using MFP menus FTP Settings Menu item Purpose V alues and descriptions For ma t P D F* TIFF JPEG P or t able Doc ument F or m at T agged Image File F ormat Joi nt Ph otogra phi c Expe r ts Group PDF v ersion Sets the v ersion of an Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is sent.
Setti ngs 65 Using MFP menus Original Siz e Provides a list o f possib le scanne r siz es to se lect from to s pecify t he siz e of the o r iginal document to be scanne d. Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)* Executi ve (7.2 5 x 10.5 in.) Legal (8.5 x 14 in .) A4 (210 x 2 97 mm)* A5 (148 x 2 10 mm) JIS B5 (182 x 257 mm) Fol io (8.
Setti ngs 66 Using MFP menus Log P aper Source Specifie s the print media source used to supply print media f or the MFP to print a log of al l sent an d receiv ed FTPs. En velop es do not apply . Note: This menu i tem applies to all scan fu nctions .
Setti ngs 67 Using MFP menus Scan to USB Settings Menu item Purpose V alues and desc riptions For ma t P D F* JPEG TIFF P or t able Doc ument F or m at Joi nt Ph otogra phi c Expe r ts Group T agged Image File F ormat PDF v ersion Sets the ve rsion of an Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is sent.
Setti ngs 68 Using MFP menus Original Siz e Pro vides a li st of poss ibl e scanner siz es to se lect from to s pecify the siz e of the o riginal docu ment to be scanne d. Letter (8.5 x 11 in.) * Legal (8 .5 x 14 in.) Ex ecutiv e (7.25 x 10.5 in .) F olio (8.
Setti ngs 69 Using MFP menus Print Settings Pr int se ttin gs cons ist of the f ol lowing menus. Cl ick any of th e menus for m ore in f or ma tio n: Finishing Menu Use th ese menu items to se t the user def ault setting s f or all job s. Printing from an ap plicatio n may ov erride us er def ault sett ings.
Setti ngs 70 Using MFP menus Duple x Bind Defines the wa y duple x page s are bound and how the printing o n the back of the sh eet (e v en-numbe red pages) is oriented in relat ion to the pr int ing on the fron t (odd -numb ere d pages). Note: This m enu item a ppears if an option al duple x unit is in stalled.
Setti ngs 71 Using MFP menus Collati on K eeps the pages of a print job stacked i n seq uenc e when pr int ing multi ple copies of t he job. Off* Prints each page of a job t he numb er of times s pecified b y the Cop ies men u item.
Setti ngs 72 Using MFP menus Multipag e Order Determines th e positio ning of multip le page im ages whe n using Multipag e Print. F or more inf ormation, se e Multipa ge Print on page 71 . The posit ioning de pends on the number of images an d whether th e images a re portrait o r landsca pe in orientation .
Setti ngs 73 Using MFP menus Quality Men u Use these me nu items to change settings that aff ect print quality and sav e toner . Pr inti ng from an applicat ion ma y ov erride user def ault sett ings. Utilities Men u Use th e Utilities Menu to print a v ariety of listin gs relati ng to a vail able MFP resources , settings, and print job s.
Setti ngs 74 Using MFP menus Setup Menu Use th e Setup Men u to conf igure a v ar iety of MFP f eatures . Fo rmat Flash F or mats th e flash mem or y .
Setti ngs 75 Using MFP menus Downlo ad T arg et Speci fie s the s torag e loc atio n for dow nloaded resources . Storing do wnloade d resources in fla sh memory is permanent s torage r ather than the tempor ary storage that RAM provide s. The r esour ces remai n in th e flash m emory ev en when the MF P is tur n ed off.
Setti ngs 76 Using MFP menus Po s t S c r i p t M e n u Use thes e menu items to ch ange printer s ettings that a ffe ct jobs u sing the P ostScript p r inte r language .
Setti ngs 77 Using MFP menus PCL Emulati on Settings Changes the point si ze f or scalab le typogr aphic f onts. Po i n t S i z e 1.00–10 08.00 (12*) P oint size re fe rs to the heig ht of the charac ters in th e f ont. One point equals appro ximately 1/72 of an inch.
Setti ngs 78 Using MFP menus T ra y Re number Conf igure s th e MFP t o wor k wi th printer driv ers or a pplications that use diff erent source assi gnments for the sourc es: trays, the mul tipur pose f eeder , and the m anual f eed slot. Note: F or more in fo r mation a bout assigni ng sour ce numbe rs, see th e T echnical R ef erence .
Setti ngs 79 Using MFP menus PDF Menu Use thes e menu items to ch ange printer s ettings that a ffe ct PDF jobs . T ray Renumb er (contin ued) Vie w F actory Def S hows the f actor y def ault v alue assign ed to each source .
Setti ngs 80 Using MFP menus HTML Menu These m enu ite ms are used to chang e the printer HTM L settings . Ima ge Menu These m enu ite ms are used to chang e the siz e or orientat ion of a p rinted image or t o inv er t a printed ima ge. Menu item Purpose V alues and desc riptions Fo nt Name Sets the def ault f ont f or HTML documen ts.
Setti ngs 81 Using MFP menus Security These m enu ite ms are us ed to set security le vels on individu al print jo bs requiring a PIN and se curing setup .
Setti ngs 82 Using MFP menus Func tio n Acce ss Menu s Enabl ed* Disabled If Disa bled is selected and set a s the user def ault, then ac cess to e verything from the M enu b utton is dis able d.
Setti ngs 83 Using MFP menus Func tio n Acce ss (contin ued) ‘ Flash Driv e Scan No authenti cation required* Require User ID only Require User ID and Pa s s wo r d Function dis able d Sele ctin g Fu nctio n Disa bled prevents the Scan b utton from appe aring.
Setti ngs 84 Using MFP menus Protect Menus These securi ty menu items are alw ays password p rote cte d when eithe r an Advanced P assword o r a Us er P ass word is se t.
Setti ngs 85 Using MFP menus Create/Ch ange Pa s sw o r d s See Crea te, Change, and Rem ove P assw ords o n page 86 . NTLM A uthenticati on Setup Allo ws registr ation or remo ving regi stratio n of the MFP with an NT domain by a user with admini strator p r ivile ges on the d omain.
Setti ngs 86 Using MFP menus Create , C hange , and Remove Pass wor ds Crea te Ad va nced P assw ord o r Chan ge/Remo ve Ad va nced P ass wor d Creat e User P assw ord or Change/ Remo ve User P ass wo rd Menu item V alues and descrip tions P op-up m essage P ass word te xt entry The ran ge f or a pass word is 8–1 27 char acters .
Setti ngs 87 Using MFP menus Set Date and Time Menu item Purpose V alues and description s Time Zon e Sets the time zone fo r the f ax. Not Set* US Haw aii US Alaska US/Can P acific Tijuana US/Can M ountain US/Can Central US/Can Easte r n US/Can Atl Newf oundland Brasil ia, Braz.
Setti ngs 88 Using MFP menus DST Mode Allows methods of chang ing Da ylight Savi ngs Time (DST) Mode . A utomatic* The time is se t by the time s er v er . Manual T he tim e is h and se t. Da ylight Sa vings On Off The def ault v alue dep ends on t he date an d time .
Help Pages 89 Using MFP menus Help P ag es These m enu ite ms are used to print some or all of the resident Help Pages . These pages contain inf ormation about MFP setting s f or cop y , f ax, e-mai l, and FTP , and o rdering suppl ies.
Manage S hor tcuts 90 Using MFP menus Manage Shor t cuts T o manage F ax, E-mail, FTP, an d Profile s hor tcuts , only d eletions of an entry or a comple te list are possib le. Not e: Managi ng shortcuts is only av ailab le throu gh the MFP Embedded Web Ser v er .
91 2 Understanding MFP me ssages Messa ges appear on the MFP c ontrol pan el LCD desc ribing the cu rrent state of the MFP a nd indic ating possi ble M FP prob lems req uiring int er ven tion. Status messages Status m essages pro vide inf ormation on the status of the MFP .
92 Status me ssages Maintenance The M FP mainte nance c ounter has e xceeded its lim it, so the MFP requires maintenanc e. Repla ce the maintena nce items. If nece ssary , reset the MFP m aintenan ce counter . Network Network [x] Network [x], [y] A netw ork interf ace is t he activ e communi catio n link .
93 Status me ssages Printing page [x]/ [y], copy [a]/[b] A sh eet of pri nt medi a m oves through the MFP to be printed. x represe nts the n umber of the shee t being p rinted. A sh eet is co nsidered a front and bac k pag e of one piece of pri nt m edi a.
94 Status me ssages Tray [x] Missing x repres ents the number of th e tra y missing from the MFP . The mes sage is on the Men u Setti ngs Page also. Insert the tra y to clear the m essage. Waiting The MFP receiv es a page of data to pri nt but waits for an E nd of Job comma nd, a F orm Feed command, or ad ditional data.
95 Fax sta tus mess ages F ax status messag es Cancel jobs mes sages P assw ord and PIN messages Messag e Mean ing Answering The MFP is an sw ering a f ax cal l. Call complete A f ax call is comp lete d. Connect <x>bps The fax i s connected . <x> is t he baud r ate per se cond.
96 Copy, e-mail, fax, FTP, and scan button messages Copy , e-mail, fax, FTP , and scan button messages Attendance messag es Attendanc e messages indicate errors that the use r ma y need to resolv e before contin uing to print, sc an, f ax, e-mail, or us e FTP .
97 Atten dance mess ages Change [src] to [size] [type] Lets the user overri de the current print media s ource f or the rem ainder of the print job . The f ormatted page prints as is on the print med ia installe d in the tr a y . This m ay cause clippin g of te xt or images .
98 Atten dance mess ages Clean scanner glass During a sc anner ca libratio n, the firmware detec ts that th e scanner ADF or fl atbed glas s may be di r ty . T o uch Cancel Jo b if a sca n jo b is pr oces sing when th e attendan ce mess age appea rs. This cancels the job a nd clears the messa ge.
99 Atten dance mess ages Install envelope feeder The MFP de tects that th e optional env elope f eeder is remov ed while th e job pr ocesses , but bef ore it prints . Install t he optiona l en vel ope f eeder . The messag e clears . T o uch Cancel Jo b if ne eded.
100 Atten dance mess ages Load Manual Feeder with [type] [size] Occurs when the MFP recei ve s a manu al feed re quest for a spec ific size and type of print medi a when none is loaded in to the m ultipurpose f eeder . T o uch Continue if print media is in the multip urpose f eeder .
101 Atten dance mess ages Remove paper from standard output bin The stan dard outpu t bin is ful l of print medi a. Remo ve the s tack of print media from th e bin to clear the messag e and resu me printin g. T o uch Continue to make t he MFP rec heck th e output lev el in the st andard output bin.
102 Atten dance mess ages 31.yy Replace defective print cartridge The MF P dete cts a de fective pr int cartr idge wi thin 10–2 0 seconds after the top c ov er is clos ed. Remo ve th e def ectiv e print cartr idge, and insta ll a nondef ectiv e print cartr idge f or printing to contin ue .
103 Atten dance mess ages 38 Memory full The MF P is pr oc essing dat a, but th e memory used to store pages is ful l. T o uch Continue if sufficie nt memory e xists to process a job .
104 Atten dance mess ages 53 Unformatted flash detected The MFP de tects unf or matted flash memo r y . T o uch Continue to clear the messag e and contin ue printing. Th e MFP con tinues w ith normal operat ions e xcept f or flash o perat ions. Ref or mat the flas h to allo w flash oper ations.
105 Atten dance mess ages 58 Too many flash options installed The MFP de tects an ex cess of optional flash memo r y cards in stalled. T o uch Continue to clear the messag e and ignore the e xtra opti onal flas h memory cards . The mess age occ urs again un less the ex cess optional flash me mory cards are re mov ed.
106 Atten dance mess ages 200.yy Paper jam,[x] pages jammed. Leave paper in bin. There i s a multi ple jam. x indica tes the num ber of jamm ed sh eets o f pr int medi a. 1 Open the upper and lowe r front doors . 2 Remo ve t he print c ar tridge to acc ess the jam, and clea r it.
107 Atten dance mess ages 234.yy Paper jam, check [area name]. Leave paper in bin. There i s a single jam in th e specified area indi cated b y area name . 1 Open the duple x uni t cov er . 2 Clear th e jam, an d close the d uple x unit. 3 T o uch Continue .
108 Atten dance mess ages 24x.yy Paper jam, check [area name]. Leave paper in bin. There i s a single jam in th e specified area indi cated b y area name . area name is the n umber of the tra y . 1 Remov e the specif ied tra y . 2 Clear th e jam, an d insert the tra y .
109 Atten dance mess ages 290.10 Scanner jam, remove jammed originals from the scanner The scan ner detec ts an original documen t jam at t he first s canning sensor w hile the scanner is idle. P age le vel r ecov ery is activ e. Clear th e jam from th e scanner to clear the mess age.
110 Atten dance mess ages 293 Replace all originals if restarting job. The MF P re ceives a sca n job ; how e ver , there is no o riginal documen t in the ADF . Job lev el re covery is ac tive. T o uch Continue if no scan job is acti ve when the attend ance mess age appea rs.
111 Functions disabled transitional messages Functions disabled transitio nal messages 298.01 Scanner Missing – Cable Unplugged The MFP de tects after po wering on that the fro nt side sca nner cab le is unplugge d. 1 T ur n the MFP o ff. 2 Plug the f ront side sc ann er cable i nto it s conne ctor .
112 Inde x A Activate AppleTalk 40 LexLink 41 NetWare 40 Activate Hex Trace 74 Advan ced Stat us, pa rall el 36 Alarms Alarm Control 43 Toner Alarm 43 Analog Fa x Setup 51 Disti nctiv e Ring Se ttings.
113 Index left scro ll decreas e 14 Menu 7 numeric key pad 6 Pound 6 Releas e Held Fax es 11 right arrow 14 right scro ll increase 14 Select 17 select 1 4 select ed radio 15 Start 6 Status/S upplies 9.
114 Index E-mail Settin gs Allo w Sa ve as sh ortc ut 63 Backgroun d Remo val 63 Color 61 Content 61 Contras t 63 Darkness 61 E-mail Bit Depth 63 E-mail Server Se tup 61 E-mail Server Se tup See E-mai.
115 Index Held Jo bs Acces s 82 Lexmark Emb edded Solu tions (LES) Access 83 Menus 8 2 functio ns disab led transi tional mess ages <Funct ion name> tu rned off by system admini stra tor 1 11 G .
116 Index USB <x> 3 4 Wire less 33 Reports 26 Menus See each indi vidual m enu by i ts name messa ges attendanc e 1565 Em ulation err or, load em ulation opti on 101 200.yy Paper jam, [x ] pages jamm ed. Leave pape r in bin. 106 200.yy Paper jam, check [ area name ].
117 Index scanne r 110 294.03 Sca nner jam, remov e jammed ori ginals from the sca nner 110 298.01 Sc anner Mi ssing – Cable Unp lugged 111 298.02 Sc anner Mi ssing – Cable Unp lugged 111 30.yy I nvalid re fill, change cartridge 101 31.yy Rep lace d efe ctive prin t car tri dge 1 02 32.
118 Index Disa bling Menu s 91 Enabling Menus 91 Flushin g Buffer 91 Formatti ng Flash 91 Hex Trace 91 Inval id E ngin e Code 91 Invalid Network Code 91 Invalid Scanner Co de 91 Maint enanc e 92 Netwo.
119 Index PCL SmartSwitch network 33 parall el 36 serial 3 8 USB 34 PCL symbol set 76 PCL tr ay re numb er 78 Portrait Hei ght 26 Portrait Wi dth 26 Pound bu tton 6 Print all guides, He lp Pages 89 Pr.
120 Index right arro w button 14 right sc roll incr ease butto n 14 Robust XO N 39 S Scale, HTM L 80 Scaling 81 Scan to USB Settings Base file name 68 Color 67 Content 67 Darkness 67 Format 67 JPEG Qu.
121 Index control p anel 5 software applicatio n override s 5 U Unit s of Me asure 2 6 Unive rsal Paper Size 26 Unive rsal Setup 26 USB Buffer 35 USB direct inte rface device 7 Use Mul ti-Page TIFF FT.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 642e MFP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 642e MFP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 642e MFP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 642e MFP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 642e MFP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 642e MFP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 642e MFP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 642e MFP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 642e MFP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center