Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 279 Lexmark
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XM1135 User's Guide March 2014 m Machine type(s): 7015 Model(s): 279.
Conten ts Safe ty informa tion ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ..... ........ ......... .6 Learn ing ab out th e printe r..... ........... ............ ........... ............ ........ ........... .....8 Findi ng info rmation about t he prin ter.
Prin ting co nfident ial and other h eld jo bs..... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....... ........ ....... ........ ..... ....... ........ .... ........ ..51 Prin ting in formatio n pages. ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .......
Settin gs men u.... ...... ...... ....... .... ....... ...... ....... .... ....... ...... ....... .... ...... ....... ....... .... ...... ....... .. ........ ....... ....... 111 Help menu.. ....... ........ ........ ..... ....... ........ ........ ...
[x] ‑ page j am, ope n tray [x]. [24y.x x]...... ............ ............. ............ ............. ........... ......... ............ ...... ...... .172 [x] ‑ page j am, cle ar manua l feed er. [ 25y.xx ]....... ........ ..... ........ .......
Safety information Connect t he power cord di rectl y to an appropr iately rated and prop erly gr ounde d electr ical o utlet th at is near the product and ea sily acc essibl e.
CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the cont roller bo ard or ins tallin g optional hardware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electric al outlet b efore cont inuing.
Learni ng about th e printe r Finding informa tion about th e printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in struct ions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the print er software Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the printer and is al so available at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentatio n • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark Support We b site— http://support.
1 2 3 4 5 1 1 Righ t side 300 mm ( 12 in. ) 2 Front 510 m m (20 i n.) 3 Left side 200 mm ( 8 in.) 4 Rear 200 mm ( 8 in. ) 5 Top 540 m m (21 i n.) Printer configurations CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor-mo unted config urations require a dditio nal furni ture for stabilit y.
1 2 3 4 8 9 10 7 6 5 1 Printer control panel 2 Automatic document f eeder (ADF) 3 ADF tr ay 4 ADF bi n 5 Front door release button 6 Standard 2 50 ‑ sheet tray 7 Optio nal 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet t.
Using the ADF and scan ner glass Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Note: The ADF scans only one side of the page.
Use the To 1 Display • View the printer status and me ssages. • Set up and operate the printer. 2 Arrow buttons Scroll up and down or l eft and righ t. 3 Select butto n • Select menu options. • Save settings. 4 Address book button View all the stored addresses.
Sleep button light Printer status Blinking am ber for 0.1 second, then g oes completely of f for 1.9 seconds in a slow, pulsing patt ern The printer is in Hibernate mode .
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the cont roller bo ard or ins tallin g optional hardware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electircal o utlet befo re continu ing.
2 Open th e controlle r board shi eld using the green handl e. 1 2 3 Use the followi ng illust rati on to locate the optio n card connect or. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Controller board electronic componen ts ar e easily damaged by static elect ricity.
Installing an op tional card CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the cont roller bo ard or ins tallin g optional hardware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from the electric al outlet b efore cont inuing .
4 Push the c ard firmly in to place as shown in the ill ustrati on. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Impro per in stall ati on of t he c ard ma y cause dam age to the card a nd the contr oll er boar d. Note: The entir e lengt h of th e conne ctor on th e card must to uch an d be fl ushed a gainst t he con trolle r boar d.
CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: If you are acc essing the cont roller bo ard or ins tallin g optional hardware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electric al outlet b efore cont inuing.
3 Pul l out the tr ay from the base. 4 Remove any p acking ma terial from inside the tray . 5 Insert th e tray into the ba se. 6 Pla ce the tr ay ne ar th e printe r. 7 Align th e prin ter with the tr ay, and the n slowly l ower the printer into pla ce.
8 Connect the po wer cord t o the printer , then to a pro perly gr ounded electrical outlet, and then turn on the printer. 1 2 Notes: • When th e printe r sof tware and any har dware o ptions are in stalle d, you may ne ed to man ually a dd the options in the print er dri ver to make them ava ilable for print jobs.
Attaching cables CAUTION —SHOCK HAZA RD: Do no t use the fax f eature during a light ning sto rm. Do not se t up this prod uct or make any ele ctric al or cab ling c onnection s, su ch as the f ax fe ature, powe r cord, or tel ephone, during a light ning storm .
Use the To 5 LINE port Connect the printer to an acti ve tele phone l ine through a sta ndard wal l jack (RJ ‑ 11), DSL filt er, or VoIP adapter , or any other adapter tha t allows you to ac cess the telephone line to send and rece ive faxes. 6 USB printer port Connect the p rinter to a computer.
Networking Notes: • Purchase a Ma rkNet TM N8352 wireless net work adapter first before set ting up the printe r on a wireless netwo rk. For infor mation on insta lling the w ireless net work adap ter, see the s etup s heet that came with t he adapter .
• Security M ethod —There a re fo ur basic optio ns f or S ecuri ty M eth od: – WEP k ey If your network uses more t han one WEP key, then enter up to fou r in the provided spaces. Select the key current ly i n use on the ne twork b y sel ecti ng th e defaul t WE P tran smit ke y.
Use To Searc h for ne twor ks Show availabl e wireless connections. Note : This menu item shows all broadcast secured or unsecured SSIDs. Enter a network name Manually type the SSID. Note : Make sure to type the correct SSID. Wi ‑ Fi Protected Setup Connect the printer to a wir eless network using Wi ‑ Fi Protect ed Setu p.
Connec ting the p rinter to a wire less netwo rk usin g the Embedd ed Web Se rver Before you be gin, ma ke sure that: • Your pr inter is co nnected te mporar ily to an Eth ernet n etwork . • A wireless network ada pter is installed i n your printe r and working prope rly.
Printing a network se tup pag e If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , then print a netw ork se tup pag e to v erif y the n etwork c onne ction .
Loading paper and specialty media The sele ction and h andlin g of pape r and spec ialty me dia can af fect how r eliably do cument s print . For mo re infor mation , see “Avoiding jams” on p age 164 and “Storin g paper” o n page 49 .
2 Squeeze and then slide the widt h guide tab to the correct positio n for the size of the paper you are loading. A 4 LT R E X E C B 5 A 5 2 1 Loading pape r and specialt y media 30.
3 Squeeze and then slide the length guide tab to the correct position for the size of the pa per you are loading. A 4 LT R E XE C B 5 A 5 2 1 Notes: • For some pap er sizes li ke letter, leg al, and A4, squeeze an d slid e the length guide tab backward to accommodate their length .
A 4 LT R E X E C B5 A 5 4 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen them, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straight en the edges on a level surfa ce. 5 Load th e paper st ack. Notes: • Load with the printable side facedown when using recycled or preprinted paper.
• Load le tterhead faced own, w ith the top ed ge of the sh eet toward th e front of the tr ay. For two ‑ si ded printing, load letterhead faceup with th e bottom edge of the sh eet toward the front of th e tray. • Make sure the pap er is below th e maxim um paper f ill i ndicat or loc ated on the sid e of t he width guide.
Loading the multipurpose feeder Use the multipurpose feed er when printing on different paper sizes and types or specialty media, such as card stock, transpar encies, paper labels, a nd enve lopes. You can a lso use i t for sin gle ‑ page print jobs on let terhe ad.
b Pull the extender gently so th at the multipurpose feeder is fully extend ed and open. 2 Squeeze the tab on the left width gu ide, and then move the guide s for the paper you are loading. 1 2 3 Prepare the paper or specialty media for load ing. • Flex sheets of paper b ack and forth t o loosen them, and then fan them.
• Flex the stack of envelopes back and forth to loo sen them, and then fan them. Straighten the edges on a level surf ace. 4 Load the pap er or special ty me dia.
Note: When lo adin g A6 ‑ size paper, make sure th e multipurpose feeder extend er rests lightly against the edge of the pap er so that the last few sheets of paper remain in place. • Load let terhead faceup with the top ed ge entering the prin ter first.
• Load envelopes with the flap on the left side facedown. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Nev er use e nvelopes with stam ps, clas ps, sna ps, windows , coat ed lini ngs, or self ‑ stic k adhesiv es. Thes e enve lopes ma y seve rely damage the printer.
Creat ing a cus tom na me for a p aper type Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP add ress in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in t he Networ k/Ports menu. Th e IP addre ss appe ars a s four sets of numbers sep arated by peri ods, such as 1 23.
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate t o: > Settings > > Pape r Menu > > Custom Type s 2 Select a custo m paper t ype na me, and then sel ect a paper ty pe. Note: P aper is the fact ory def ault pape r type f or all us er ‑ define d custom names.
Paper and specialty media guide Notes: • Make su re the paper size , type , and weig ht ar e set co rrec tly on the com puter or con trol pa nel. • Flex, fan, and straighten specialty media before loading them. • The printer may print at a reduced speed to prevent damage t o the fuser.
Store p aper i n its ori ginal wr apper i n the sa me en vironme nt as th e prin ter fo r 24 t o 48 hours befor e printi ng. Ext end the ti me t o sev era l days i f the stor age or t ransp orta tion envi ronm ent is ve ry di ffer ent from t he p rinter en viron men t.
While no blanket statement can be made that all recycl ed paper will feed well, Lexmark c o nsist ently test s pap ers tha t represent recycled cut si ze copier papers available on the gl obal market. This scientif ic testing is conduct ed with rigor and disci pline .
• Preprinted papers that require a regist ratio n (the preci se l ocati on on the pa ge) great er than ± 2 .3 m m (± 0. 9 in.), such as opti cal chara cter reco gnitio n (OCR) fo rms. In some cases , regi stra tion can be adjus ted with a software appl ication to su ccessf ully prin t on the se f orms.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder ADF Scanner glas s Duplex printing Legal 215. 9 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 in .) X Executive 184. 2 x 266.7 mm (7.25 x 10.5 i n.) X Oficio ( México ) 215.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder ADF Scanner glas s Duplex printing B5 Envelope 176 x 2 50 mm (6.93 x 9.84 in .) XX X X Other Envelope 85.7 x 165 mm t o 215. 9 x 355.6 mm (3.
Paper type 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multip urpose f eeder Duplex mode ADF Scanner glass Heavy paper Rough/Cotton X Custom Ty pe [x] 1 One ‑ sided paper label s designed for laser pr inters are supported for occasio nal us e. We recommend printing only u p to 20 pages of paper labels per mont h.
• To opti mize perfo rmance and minimiz e jams, d o not us e enve lopes that: – Have excessive curl or twist – Are stuck toget her or damaged in any way – Have wind ows, hol es, perfor atio ns.
When p rinti ng on car d st ock: • Make sure the Paper Type is Card Stock. • Select th e appr opriate Pap er Texture settin g. • Be awar e that pr eprint ing, pe rforat ion, a nd crea sing ma y signifi cantly affect the pr int quali ty and c ause jams or other pape r ha ndling pro blems.
Printing Printing a docume nt Printing a docum ent 1 From the Pa per men u on t he printe r cont rol pan el, se t the pa per typ e and s ize to ma tch th e pa per loade d. 2 Send the print job: For Windows users a With a do cument open, cli ck File > Print .
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate t o: > Settings > > Print Se ttings > > Quality Me nu > > Toner Dar kness 2 Adjust the toner darknes s, and then pres s . Print ing from a mobi le dev ice To downloa d a comp atible m obile printing appli cation, visit www.
Printing confiden tial and o ther held job s Note: Confiden tial and Veri fy print jobs ar e automat ically d eleted from m emory a fter pr inting. Repeat and Res erve jobs are held in t he prin ter u ntil you ch oose to delet e the m. For Windo ws users 1 With a d ocumen t ope n, clic k File > Print .
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then temporarily disa ble it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Sett ing s tab > Secur ity > Confid ential Pr int Setup .
For Macintosh users 1 From Syst em Preferences in the Apple menu , navigate to your printer . 2 From the print queue, select the prin t job you want to cance l, and then del ete i t.
Copying Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Note: The ADF scans only one side of the sheet. Use the scanner glass for single-p age documents, book pages, small items (such as postcar ds or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin med ia (such as magazine cl ippings).
• The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly. 2 Adjust the paper guide s. 3 From the print er co ntrol panel, use th e keypad to ente r the num ber o f copies , and th en pres s . Copyin g usin g the scanne r glass 1 Place an orig inal do cument f acedo wn on the scanne r glas s in the upper le ft corne r.
3 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate t o: > Copy > > Copy from > se lect t he siz e of t he ori ginal docum ent 4 Navigate to: Copy to > > select the tray containing the t.
Note: If you want to copy an other docume nt, then place it on the scanne r gla ss, pres s the left or r ight a rrow button to s croll to Scan the Next Page , and the n pre ss . 6 Pre ss the left o r ri ght arrow bu tton to s croll to Finish the Job , and t hen pr ess .
4 Navigate to: Copy to > > select t he tray containi ng the paper size a nd type yo u want to use > > s elect th e number o f copies or enter a number on the keypad > 5 If ther e are n .
• The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly. 2 If you are loading a document into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper guides.
6 Select the number of cop ies or enter a number o n the keypad, and then press . Note: If you want to copy an other docume nt, then place it on the scanne r gla ss, pres s the left or r ight a rrow button to s croll to Scan the Next Page , and the n pre ss .
3 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate t o: > Copy > > Sepa rator Sheet s 4 Select Be tween Copi es , Between Jobs , B etween Page s , or Off .
Notes: • Do not lo ad postc ards, ph otos, s mall it ems, tran spar encies, photo pa per, or thi n media (s uch as maga zine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly.
• To set th e printer to au tomatica lly detec t the size of the o riginal d ocument, p ress the l eft or ri ght arro w butto n to scroll to Auto Size Sense , and then press . Copy to This opt ion lets yo u select the pap er si ze and t ype on wh ich your copies will be pr inted.
Select f rom the fol lowing co ntent typ es: • Graphi cs — The orig ina l docu ment is mostly bu sine ss ‑ type graph ics, such as p ie charts, bar charts, and anim ations. • Photo —The origin al docu ment i s most ly a phot o or an image . • Text —The content of the origina l document is mos tly text or line art.
E-mailing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Note: The ADF scans only one side of the sheet. Use the scanner glass for single-p age documents, book pages, small items (such as postcar ds or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin med ia (such as magazine cl ippings).
3 Enter t he approp riate in formation, and th en click Submit . Creating an e-mail shortcut Creati ng an e-ma il sh ortcut usi ng the Em bedde d Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP add ress in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in t he Networ k/Ports menu.
Faxing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Note: The ADF scans only one side of the sheet. Use the scanner glass for single-p age documents, book pages, small items (such as postcar ds or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin med ia (such as magazine cl ippings).
Initial f ax setup Many coun tries and r egion s requ ire ou tgoi ng fax es to contai n the follo wing in form ation in a ma rgin at the to p or bottom of each tra nsmit ted pa ge, or on the f irst pa.
Choos ing a fax co nnecti on Scenario 1: Standard telephone line Setup 1: Printer is connected to a dedicated fax l ine To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he po rt of the pr inter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Setup 2: Printer is sharing the li ne with an answering machine Connect ed to the same tel ephone wa ll jack P H O N E L IN E To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he po rt of the pr inter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Connec ted to dif ferent wa ll jacks P H O N E L IN E To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he po rt of the pr inter.
Setup 3: Printer is sharing the li ne with a telephone subscribed to voice mail servic e 02 To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he po rt of the pr inter. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Scenario 2: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) A Digital Subsc riber Li ne sp lits your r egular teleph one lin e into tw o channe ls: vo ice and In ternet . Tele phone a nd fax signals travel throug h the v oice c hannel, a nd Inte rnet sig nals p ass thr ough th e other chann el.
Scenario 3: VoIP telephone service To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he po rt of the pr inter. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to the port labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the VoIP adapter.
Scenario 4: Digital telephone service through a cable provider Setup 1: Printer is connected directly to a cable modem 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h your pr inter to the port o f the p rinte r. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to the port labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the cab le modem.
Setup 2: Printer is connected to a wall jac k; cable modem is installe d elsewhere in the facil ity 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h your pr inter to the port o f the p rinte r. 2 Connec t th e other end of the t elephone cabl e to an active analog telep hone wal l jac k.
If the wall jack or equipment in your facility is not compat ible with t his ty pe of connec ti on, th en yo u nee d to use a telepho ne adap ter. An adapte r for yo ur count ry or r egion may not co me wit h your pr inter, and you ma y need to purchas e it separ ately .
Connecting the printer to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack LINE EXT 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h printe r to the port of th e print er. 2 Connect the other en d of the cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adap ter, and th en conn ect the adapter to the wall jack.
Connecting the pri nter to a wall jack in Germany The G erman wa ll jack has two kind s of p orts. Th e N port s are for fax machines, modems, and answering machines.
1 Connec t one end of t he tel ephone cabl e that c ame th e print er to the port of the print er. 2 Connec t th e othe r end of the tele phone cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, a nd then conn ect the adap ter to an N port. 3 If you want to co nnect a telepho ne and answeri ng mach ine to t he same wall jack, the n conne ct the devices as shown .
Setting the da te and time You can s et the da te a nd time so that they ar e prin ted on every fax you s end. If th ere is a power fail ure, then you m ay have to res et t he date and time. 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP add ress in the address field.
3 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, navi gate t o: > Fax > > enter a fax or shor tcut numb er on the keyp ad > > Orig inal Size > Note: If you want to fax a nother docume nt, the n place it on th e sc anner gla ss, pre ss the le ft or r ight ar row button to s croll to Scan the Next Page , and then press .
Notes: • Do not lo ad postc ards, ph otos, s mall it ems, tran spar encies, photo pa per, or thi n media (s uch as maga zine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicator light comes on when the paper is loaded properly into the ADF tray .
Notes: • Do not lo ad postc ards, ph otos, s mall it ems, tran spar encies, photo pa per, or thi n media (s uch as maga zine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly.
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then temporarily disa ble it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Sett ing s > Fax Sett ings > Analo g Fax Setup > B lock No Na me Fax . Notes: • This optio n blocks all incom ing fax es that have a pr ivate ca ller ID o r no fax na me.
c From the Ti me me nu, select the tim e you want the he ld faxes release d. d From the D ay(s) me nu, select the day you want the held fax es releas ed. 5 Click Add . Forwarding a fax This op tion le ts you pr int and fo rward recei ved faxes to a fax nu mber, e ‑ mail add res s, FTP site , or LDSS.
• Super fine 300 dpi —Use this when faxing document s with fine detai ls. • Ultra fine 600 dpi —Use this when fax ing d ocumen ts wit h pict ures or phot os. Darkness This o ption lets yo u adjus t how light or dark the faxes are in re lation to th e orig inal do cument .
Scanning Scanning t o an FTP address Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mu ltiple ‑ page documents. Note: The ADF scans only one side of the sheet.
4 Enter a sho rtcut numbe r. If you enter a number th at is alre ady in use , then you are prom pted t o select an other number. 5 Click Add . Scanning to an FTP addre ss Scanning to an FTP address using a shortcut number 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt ed ge firs t int o the AD F tray or f acedow n on the scanne r glas s.
Scan ning to a compu ter 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP add ress in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in t he Networ k/Ports menu. Th e IP addre ss appe ars a s four sets of numbers sep arated by peri ods, such as 1 23.
Understandin g the printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Security Settings Default Source Paper Siz e/Type Configure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Paper Weight Paper Loadi ng C.
Paper menu Default Sourc e menu Use To Default Source Tray [x] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a default pap er source for all pri nt jobs. Note s: • Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. • From the Paper menu, set Configure MP to “Cassette” for MP Feeder to appear as a menu settin g.
Use To MP Feeder Siz e A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal 7 3/4 E nvelop e 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En ve lope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel op e Specify the si ze of the paper loaded in the multipurpose fe eder.
Use To Manual Paper Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal Specify the size of the paper being manually lo aded. Note: Letter is the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the internati onal factory default setting.
Configu re MP menu Use To Conf igur e MP Cassette Manual First Determine when the printer s elects paper from the multipurpose fe eder. Note s: • Cassette is the factory default setting. Cassette configures the multipurpo se feeder as the automatic paper source.
Use To Labels Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relati ve texture of the labels loaded. Note: Normal is the factor y default setting. Bond Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of th e bond paper loaded. Note: Rough i s the factory default setting.
Paper Weig ht me nu Use To Plain Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the plain paper loaded . Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Card S tock Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the car d stock loaded.
Use To Colo red W eig ht Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the colored paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Light W eight Light Specify that the relative weight of the paper loaded is light. Heavy Weight Heavy Specify the relati ve weight of the paper loa ded is heavy.
Use To Light Lo ading Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Light as the paper type. Heav y Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Heavy as the paper type.
Custom Sc an Siz es menu Use To Cust om Scan Size [x] Scan Size Name Widt h Height Orient ation Portrai t Landscape 2 scans per side Off On Specify a custom scan size name and page orientation. Notes: • The custom scan size name replaces Custom Scan Size [x] in the printer menus.
Use To Feed Direction Short Edg e Long Edge Specify the feed direction if the paper can be loaded in either direction. Note s: • Short Edge is the factory de fault setting . • Long Edge appears onl y when the longest edge is shorter than the maximum width suppor ted in the tray.
Networ k/Por ts me nu Active NIC menu Use To Active NIC Auto [list of available ne twork cards] Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory defau lt settin g. • This menu item appe ars only when an opti onal network card is installed. Standard Network or Ne twork [x] menu Note: Only acti ve ports a ppear in t his menu.
Use To Network Buffer Auto 3KB to [maximum size allowed] Set the size of the network inp ut buffer. Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory defau lt settin g.
Use To View C ard Status Connected Discon nected View the connection status of the wirel ess network adapter. View Card S peed View the speed of an active wirele ss network adapter. Network Address UAA LAA View the network addresses. Job Timeout 0, 10 –225 sec onds Set the amount of time it takes for a networ k print job to be can celed.
Use To Enable BOOTP On Off Specify the BOOTP address assignment setting. Note: On is the factory default setting. Enable AutoIP Yes No Specify the Zero Configurati on Networking settin g.
Use To Auto Configuration On Off Specify whether or not the wireless network adapter accepts the automatic IP v6 address configuration entri es provided by a router. Note: On i s the f actory d efault setting. View Ho stname Se t the ho st nam e. Note: These settings can be chang ed only from the Embedded Web Serv er.
Use To View Se curity Mo de View the encryption method for the wireless network. AppleT alk me nu Note: This menu is av ailable o nly in prin ter mo dels co nnected to a wired networ k or when a n opti onal network ca rd is installed.
Use To Use SSL Disabled Negotiate Requ ired Set the printer to use SSL for inc reased security when connecting to the SMTP serv er. Note s: • Disabled is the fact ory default setti ng. • When the Negotiate setting is used, the SMTP s erver determines if SSL will be used.
Use To Configure Log Enable Audit Yes No Enable Remote Syslog No Yes Remot e Syslog Facil ity 0–23 Severity of events to log 0–7 Specify how and whether or not aud it logs are cr eated. Notes: • Enable Audit determines if events are recorded in the se cure audit log and remote syslog.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu ese Suom i Russ ia n Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y Simpli fied C hinese Traditional Chi nese Korean Japanese Set the language of the text appear ing on the display.
Use To Quiet Mode Off On Minimize the p rinter noise. Note: Off is the factory d efault setting. Run Initia l setup Yes No Run the setup wizard. Paper Si zes US Metric Specify the unit of measurement for paper si zes. Notes: • US is the factory default setting.
Use To Alarms Alarm C ontrol Cartridge A larm Set an alarm to sound when opera tor intervention i s required. For each alarm type , select f rom t he foll owing options: Off Singl e Continuous Notes: • Single is the fact ory default settin g for Alarm Control .
Use To Timeou ts Print Timeout Dis able d 1–255 Set the amount of time the printer waits to r eceive an end ‑ of ‑ job message before canceling the rest of the print job.
Use To Print Reco very Jam Ass ist On Off Set the printer to automati cally check for jammed pap er. Note: On i s the f actory d efault setting. Print Reco very Page Prot ect Off On Successfully print a pag e that may not have prin ted otherwise. Notes: • Off is the factory default setti ng.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the original docu ment was produ ced.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . ID Card Specify the p aper size of t he original document.
Use To Overla y Con fid ent ial Cop y Draf t Urgent Cust om Off Specify the overlay text printed on each page of the copy job. Note: Off is the factor y default set ting. Custo m Overlay Specify the custom overlay text. Allow pr iority copies On Off Allow interrupt ion of a print job to c opy a page or document.
Use To Adjust ADF Skew Auto Off On Correct slight skew in the scanned image. Note: Auto is the factory default setting. Scan edge to edge Off On Specify if the origi nal document i s scanned edge ‑ to ‑ edge. Note: Off is the factor y default set ting.
Use To Cal ler ID Off Primary Altern ate Specify the typ e of caller ID being used. Fax Number Ma sking Off From lef t From ri ght Specify the direction fr om where digits are masked in an outg oing fax number. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t set ting.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the original docu ment was produ ced. Note: Black/White Laser i s the factory default setting. Darkness 1–9 Lighten or darken the output .
Use To Background Remova l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of backgro und visible on a scanned image. Note: 0 is the factory default setting . Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed.
Use To Auto Conv ert Color Faxes t o Mon o Faxes On Off Convert all outgo ing faxes to black and whi te. Note: On is the factory default setting. Fax Receive Sett ings Use To Enab le Fax Rec eive On Off Allow the print er to receive fax jobs. Note : On is the factory default setting.
Use To Fax Fo oter On Off Print the transmission information at the bottom of each page from a received fax. Note : Off is the fa ctory defau lt sett ing. Max Spee d 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specify the maximum speed in baud at which faxes are rece ived.
Use To Log Paper Source Tray [x] MP Feeder Specify the source of th e paper used for prin ting logs. Note : Tray 1 is the factor y defau lt set ting . Logs Di splay Remote Station Name Dialed Nu mber Specify whether printed log s display the dialed number or fax name returned.
E ‑ mail Sett ings menu Use To E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Send me a copy Never appears On by default Off by default Alwa ys O n Send a copy of the e-mail to the sender. Note: “Never appears” is the factory defa ult setting. E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Max E ‑ mail size 0–65 535 KB Specify the maximu m e-mail size in kil obytes.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specify th e orientation of the scanned image. Note: Portr ait is th e facto ry defa ult s etti ng. Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in .
Use To Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a photo image in relation to fil e size and the q uality of the image . Note: 50 is the factory default setting. E ‑ mail imag es se nt as Atta chmen t Web Link Specify how the images are sent. Note: Att achment is th e factor y default s etting.
Use To Mirror I mage Off On Create a mirror i mage of the original document. Note: Off is the factor y default setting . Negative Image Off On Create a negative imag e of the original document. Note: Off is the factor y default setting . Shadow Deta il ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of shadow detail visible on a scanned image.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the origin al document was produ ced. Note: Black/White Laser i s the factory default settin g. Resoluti on 75 dpi 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi Specify the quality of the scan in dots per inch (dpi).
Use To Sides (Duplex) Off Long Edge Short Edg e Specify the page orie ntation of text and graphi cs. Notes: • Off is the fac tory defaul t setti ng. • Long Edge sets binding along the long edge of th e page (left edge for por trait and top edge for lan dscape).
Use To Background Remova l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of backgr ound visible on a copy. Note: 0 is the factor y default setting. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Threshol.
Print Settings Setup menu Use To Printer Language PCL Emulatio n PS Emulation Set th e de faul t pri nte r lang uag e. Notes: • PCL Emulation is the factory default printer language. • Setting a prin ter language as the default does not prevent a software program from sending print jobs that use another printer languag e.
Use To Duplex Binding Long Edge Short Edg e Define th e way two ‑ sided pages are bound and printed. Notes: • Long Edge is the facto ry default setting. This assumes binding alon g the long edge of the page (lef t edge for portrait and top edge f or landscape).
Use To Paper Saver Or dering Horizontal Reverse Hori zontal Reverse Vertical Vertic al Specify the order in which pages are pr inted on a single sheet when using Paper S aver. Notes: • Horizontal is the factor y default sett ing. • Positioning depends on the number of pages and whether they are in portrait or landscape orientati on.
Use To Enhance Fine Lines On Off Enable a prin t mode prefera ble for fi les such as architec tural drawings , maps, electr ical circuit diag rams, and flow charts. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • You can set this option fr om the printer software.
XPS menu Use To Print Error Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on erro rs, includi ng XML markup e rrors. Note : Of f is the fac tory default setting. PDF menu Use To Scale t o Fit Yes No Scale page content to fit the sel ected paper size.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Pitch 0.08–100 .00 Specify the font pitch fo r scalable monospace d fonts. Note s: • 10 is t he factory default setti ng. • Pitch refe rs to the number of fixed ‑ space charac ters per inch (cpi). This can be increased or decr eased in 0.
Use To Tray Renumber Assign Multipurpose F eeder Off None 0–199 Assign Tray [x] Off None 0–199 Assign Manual Paper Off None 0–199 Assign Manual Envelope Off None 0–199 Configure the printer to work with pr inter softwar e or progr ams that use different source ass ignments for trays and feeder s.
HTML menu Use To Font Name Albertus MT Antiq ue Ol ive Appl e Cha ncery Arial MT Avant Garde Bodoni Bookma n Chi cago Clarendon Coop er B lac k Copperplate Coro net Cou rier Eurostile Garamond Geneva .
Use To Margin S ize 8–25 5 mm Set the page margi n for HTML documents. Note s: • 19 mm is the factory default setting. • Margin size can be increased in 1 ‑ mm increments. Backgrounds Do Not Print Print Specify whether to print backgrounds on HTML documents.
Menu item Description E ‑ mail Guide Provides information abou t sending e ‑ mails using addr esses, shortcut numbers, or the address book, and about changing settings Fax Guide Provides informati.
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environ mental s ustainabi lity and is cont inually im proving its pri nters to r educe their impact on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer our p ackaging to reduce materials, and provide coll ecti on and recy cling pr ogra ms.
Check your first draf t for accura cy Before prin ting or maki ng multip le copi es of a do cument: • Use th e prev iew fea ture to see how th e docu ment looks li ke bef ore yo u print it. • Print o ne copy o f the do cument to che ck its co ntent and forma t for accuracy.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. Note s: • Print jobs process at a re duced speed. • Printer engine motors do not start until a docu ment is ready to print. There is a short del ay before the first page is printed. • The alarm control and cartri dge alarm sounds are turned off.
Using Hi bernate mode Hibernate is an ultra ‑ low ‑ power saving mode . Notes: • Three da ys is the de fault amount of tim e before t he prin ter ente rs Hiber nate mod e. • Make su re to wake the pr inter f rom Hib ernat e mode b efore sending a print job.
4 From the Time menu, sele ct the time . 5 From the Day (s) m enu, sele ct the d ay o r days . 6 Click Add . Recy cling Lexmark pr ovide s colle cti on prog rams and env ironm enta lly prog ressi ve ap proac hes t o recycling .
To return Lexmark cartrid ges for reuse or recycling, fol low the inst ructions th at came with yo ur printer o r cartridge an d use th e prepaid shipping label . You ca n also do the followi ng: 1 Go to www.lexma . 2 From the Ton er Cartridg es se ction, selec t your count ry o r regio n.
Securin g the printer Statement of Volatility Your print er co ntain s vari ous t ypes of m emory t hat c an stor e devic e and ne twork s etting s, and user dat a. Type of memory Description Volatile memory Your printer uses stand ard ra ndom access memory (RAM) to temporarily buffer user data du ring simple print jobs.
The printer w ill perform a power ‑ on reset, and th en return to no rmal opera ting mode. Finding printer secu rity in forma tion In high-sec urity enviro nments , it may be necessa ry to take a dditio nal ste ps to ma ke sure t hat conf identi al data s tored in the pri nter cann ot be acce ssed b y unauth orized pers ons.
Maintaining the printer Cleaning printer parts Cleaning th e printe r Note: You m ay nee d to perfor m th is tas k aft er e very few m onth s. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: D amage t o the p rinter caused by impr oper han dling is not covere d by the printe r warranty.
Cleaning th e scanner glas s Clean th e scanner gl ass if you encounte r pri nt qualit y problem s, such a s streaks on copie d or s canned images. 1 Slight ly damp en a so ft, lint -free c loth or paper to wel with water. 2 Open t he scan ner co ver.
Checking the stat us of parts and s upplies A message app ears on the display when a replacement s upply item is needed or when maint enance is required.
Ordering su pplies To order parts a nd supp lies in the U. S., cont act Lexmark at 1-8 00-539-6275 fo r informat ion about Lexmark authori zed supplie s deal ers in your area. In ot her co untries or re gions, go to www.lexmark .com or cont act the place where you purc hased the printer .
Maintenance kit Part number 100 ‑ V main tenance kit * 40 X914 6 110 ‑ V mainten ance kit 40X91 35 220 ‑ V mainten ance kit 40X91 36 * Thi s is avai labl e on ly in Japa n. Ordering an ADF sepa rator pad Order a n ADF s eparator p ad whe n the ADF f ails to pick pap er or picks more tha n one s heet of paper at a tim e.
Replacing supplies Replacing the toner cartridge 1 Pre ss the butto n on the ri ght s ide o f the printe r, an d then o pen the f ront do or. 2 Pull the to ner ca rtridg e out using the han dle. 3 Unpack the to ner car tridg e, an d then re move al l packin g mat erials.
5 Insert th e toner ca rtridge in to the pr inter by al igning the side rails of th e cartridg e with the ar rows on th e side rail s insi de the pr inter . Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not expose the i maging u nit to direc t lig ht for m ore th an 10 m inutes.
2 Pull the to ner ca rtridg e out using the han dle. 3 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of the p rinter. 4 Unpack the new imag ing un it, and th en shake it.
Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not touch t he ph otocon ductor drum . Doing so ma y affe ct the print qu ality of future pr int jobs . 6 Inser t th e imagi ng unit into th e pri nter b y ali gning the arro ws on t he si de rail s of the i ma ging unit with th e arro ws on the si de rails i nside the prin ter.
Moving the printer CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er we ight is great er tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and r equire s two or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
Managing the printer Finding adva nced networking and ad ministrator in formation This chapt er co vers ba sic adm inis trative suppor t ta sks using the Em bedded W eb Serv er. For more ad vanc ed syst em suppor t tasks , see t he Networking Guide on the Software CD or the Embedd ed Web Se rver Adm inistrat or's Guide at http: //sup port.
Viewing reports You can view some repo rts from the Emb edded Web Server. These rep orts are useful for assess ing the status of the printer , netw ork, and suppl ies. 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP add ress in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP sect ion in t he Networ k/Ports menu.
Notification Description Non Continuable Stop 1,2 The printer stops pro cessing jobs when the supp ly con dition is reached. The supp ly must be replaced to continue pri nting. 1 The printer generates an e-mail about the status of the supply when supply notifica tion is enabled.
Clearin g jams By carefully select ing paper and s pecialty media and loadin g it properl y, you sho uld be a ble to avoi d most j ams. If j ams occur, then foll ow the step s out line d in th is cha pter. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Nev er use any t ool to remove a jam.
• Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are properly positi oned and are not pressing tightly agains t the p aper o r env elope s. • Push th e tray firmly i nto the pr inte r after loa ding paper. Use recommended paper • Use onl y recomme nded pap er or specia lty med ia.
Jam ac cess ar ea Printer c ontrol panel message What to do 1 Automatic document feeder (ADF) [x] ‑ page jam, open automatic feeder top co ver. [28y.xx] Remove all paper f rom the ADF tray, and then remove the jammed paper. 2 Standard b in [x] ‑ page jam, c lear stand ard bin.
2 Pull the to ner ca rtridg e out using the han dle. 3 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of the p rinter. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not touch the shiny blue photo condu ctor dr um under the im aging unit. Doi ng so may aff ect th e qualit y of futu re pr int jobs.
5 Lift the green flap in front of th e printer. 6 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved.
8 Insert the to ner cartridge by aligning the side rails of t he ca rtridge with t he arrows on the side rails inside the printer , and then insert the cartridge int o the printer. 9 Clos e th e fron t door . 10 From the pri nter control pa nel, to uch to clea r the mess age a nd co ntinue pri nting .
3 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 4 Close the rear door, and then the front door. 5 From the pri nter control pa nel, to uch to clea r the mess age a nd co ntinue pri nting .
2 From the pri nter control pa nel, to uch to clea r the mess age a nd co ntinue pri nting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen printer model s, se lect Next > > Clear the j am, p ress OK > . [x] ‑ page jam, remove tray 1 to clear duplex. [23y.xx] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of th e printe r mig ht be hot.
2 Locate t he blue l ever, a nd then pull it do wn to relea se the jam . 3 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 4 Ins ert the t ray . 5 From the pri nter control pa nel, to uch to clea r the mess age a nd co ntinue pri nting .
2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 3 Ins ert the t ray . 4 From the pri nter control pa nel, to uch to clea r the mess age a nd co ntinue pri nting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen printer model s, se lect Next > > Clear the j am, p ress OK > .
2 Flex the sh eets of pape r back and forth to loosen th em, and then fan them. Do no t fold or crease the paper . Straight en the edges on a level surface. 3 Reload paper int o the multip urpose f eeder. Note: M ake su re the pape r guid e li ghtly r ests again st the edge of th e pa per.
[x] ‑ page jam, open automatic feeder top cover. [28y.xx] 1 Remove all origin al docu ment s from the AD F tray. Note: The message is cleared when the pages are removed fro m the ADF tray. 2 Open t he AD F cov er. 3 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out .
Troubleshooting Understanding th e printer mes sages Cartridge low [88.xy] You m ay ne ed to ord er a ton er cart ridge . If ne cess ary, sel ect Cont inue on the print er cont rol panel t o clea r the m essag e and cont inue pr inting. For no n ‑ touch ‑ screen pri nter models , press to confi rm.
Change [paper so urce] to [paper si ze] load [orientation ] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load th e corr ect pa per si ze and type in the tray, v erify the paper size and ty pe sett ings ar e specif ied in t he Paper menu on the printe r cont rol pa nel, and then select Finish ed cha nging p aper .
Defect ive flas h detecte d [51] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Replace the defective flash memory card. • From th e printe r contro l panel, se lect Co ntin ue to ig nore the m essage a nd cont inue pr inti ng. F or non ‑ touc h ‑ screen printer models , press to confirm .
Fax Station Nu mber not set up. Con tact sys tem admi nistrator. Try either of the following: • From the pr inter contro l pan el, sel ect Co nti nue to cl ear the message. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ screen printer models, press to con firm. • Complet e the An alog Fax Setup.
Insuffic ient memory for Flas h Memo ry Defragment op eration [37] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the pr inter contro l pan el, sel ect Co nti nue to sto p the defr agmen tation and con tinue print ing. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ scre en print er models , press to confi rm.
Load manual feede r with [custo m type name ] [paper orie ntation] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load th e multi purpo se fe eder wit h the c orrect size a nd type o f pape r. • Dependi ng on yo ur print er model , touch Continu e or pres s to clea r the me ssage and co ntinue printing .
Load [paper so urce] with [custom type name] [p aper orient ation] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of paper. • To use the tray that has the correct size or type of paper, sele ct Finish ed loadi ng pape r on the printer co ntrol p anel.
Mainte nance k it nearl y low [8 0.xy] For mor e informat ion, vis it the Lexmark sup port Web site a t http: //sup port.le xmark .com or cont act custo mer s upport, and then report the mes sage. If nec essary, sel ect Co nti nue to cle ar the mes sage an d continu e prin ting.
• Update the netw ork fi rmwar e in the prin ter or prin t ser ver. For mo re inf orm ation, visit the Lexmar k suppo rt We b site at htt p:// suppo rt.lexm ark.c om . No analog phone li ne connec ted to modem, fax is d isable d. Connect t he printe r to an analog phone l ine.
For more in formation, v isit http: //sup port. lexma or contact custom er su pport. Reinstall missing or unresp onsive cartrid ge [31.xy] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Check if the ton er cartrid ge is missing. If missin g, install the toner ca rtridge.
Note: If you do not have a rep lacement cartridge, then see the “Ordering su pplies” section of the User’s Gu ide or visit www.le xmark. com . Replace cartridge, printer region mismatch [42.xy] Install a toner car tridge t hat m atches the regio n numbe r of t he prin ter.
Replace jammed ori ginals if restarting job. From the pri nter contro l pane l, tr y one or more of the follo wing: • Select Canc el job to clear the mes sage and cancel the scan job. For non ‑ touc h ‑ screen print er models, press to confi rm.
Scan ner disa bled. Conta ct system admin istrat or if prob lem per sists. [ 840.0 2] From the pri nter contro l pane l, tr y one or more of the follo wing: • Select Contin ue with sc anner disab led to return to the hom e screen, and then contact your system support p erson.
Standard USB port disabled [56] From the printe r cont rol panel, select Cont inue to clear the message. For non ‑ touch ‑ scree n printer model s, press to con firm. Notes: • The pri nter di scards any data r ecei ved th rough the US B port . • Make su re the US B Buffe r men u is no t set t o Disa bled.
Weblink se rver not set up. Contact system adm inistrator. Select Continu e to clear the message. For n on ‑ touch ‑ screen printer models, p ress to confir m.
Action Yes No Step 5 Check if the cables connecting the printer and the computer are inserted in the correc t ports. Are the cables ins erted in the corre ct ports? Go to step 6.
Printer display is blank Action Yes No Step 1 Press the Sleep button on the printer co ntrol panel. Does Ready appear on the printer displ ay? The p rob lem is solv ed. Go t o ste p 2. Step 2 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 sec onds, and then turn the printer back on.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Check if the internal opti on is selected. It may be necessary to manuall y add the internal option i n the printer driver to make it avai lable for pr int jobs. For more information, s ee “Adding available optio ns in the print driver” on p age 23 .
Paper feed probl ems Jammed pages are not reprinted Action Yes No a Turn on jam recovery. 1 From the printer control pan el, navigate t o: Settings > General Settings > Print R ecovery > Jam Recove ry 2 Selec t On or Auto . 3 Depending on your printer model, press or touch Su bmi t .
Paper jam m essage rema ins after jam is cleared Action Yes No a Do either of the following: • For touc h ‑ screen printer models, touch or Done . • For non ‑ tou ch ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Clea r the jam, press OK > .
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the Paper menu on the prin ter control panel, set the paper size and type to match the paper loaded i n the tray. b Resend the print job. Did the job print from the correc t tray or on the correct paper? The p rob lem is solv ed.
Multiple ‑ language PDF files do not print Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if the print options for the PDF output are set to embed all fonts. For more inform ation, see the docum entation that c ame with A dobe Acrob at. b Generate a new PDF file, and then resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Check if the ports (USB, ser ial, or Ethernet) are working and i f the cables are securel y connected to the computer and the printer. Note: For more inform ation, see the setup documentation tha t came with the printer. b Resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Remove held jobs stored in the printer memory. b Resend the print job. Did the job print? The p rob lem is solv ed. Go t o ste p 4.
Tray linking does not work Notes: • The trays can dete ct p aper l ength. • The multipurpose feeder does not automatically detect the p aper size. You must set t he size from the Paper Size/Type m enu. Action Yes No Step 1 a Open the trays, and then check if they contain p aper of the same size and type.
Print qual ity probl ems Char acter s have ja gg ed or uneven edges Action Yes No Step 1 a Print a font sample list to check if the fonts you are using are supported by the printer. 1 From the printer control pan el, navigate t o: Menus > Reports > Print Fonts 2 Selec t PCL Fonts or PostScript Fonts .
Action Yes No Step 2 From the printer cont rol panel, set th e paper size and type in th e Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Do the paper size and type match th e paper loaded in the tray? Go to step 3. Do one or more of the following : • Specify the paper size from the tray settings to match the paper loaded in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 2 a Replace the fuser. For more inform ation on installin g the fuser, s ee the instruction sheet that came with t he part. b Resend the print job. Do compressed images still appear? The pr oblem is solv ed. Con tact customer support .
Horizontal voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware progra m is using a corre ct fill pattern. b Resend the print job. Do horizontal voids app ear on prints? Go t o ste p 2. Th e pro blem is s olve d.
Incorrect margins on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correc t positions for the paper size loaded. b Resend the print job. Are the margins co rrect? The p rob lem is solv ed. Go t o ste p 2.
Paper curl Action Yes No Step 1 Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct position s for the size of the paper loaded. Are the width and length guides positi oned correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correc t positions for the size of the paper loaded in the tray. b Resend the print job.
Print is too dark Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Quality men u on the pr inter con trol panel, r educe the t oner darkness. Note: 8 is th e factory default setting. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o ste p 2. Th e pro blem is s olve d.
Action Yes No Step 5 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidi ty. Store paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o ste p 6. Th e pro blem is s olve d.
Action Yes No Step 4 Make sure that the paper has no texture or roug h finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From the printer control panel, cha nge the texture settings in the Paper Text ure menu to match the paper you are printing on.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is packing materia l left on the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Check if the packi ng materi al is properly remo ved from the imagin g unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Rein sta ll t he im agi ng un it. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Shadow images appear on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Load paper with the corr ect paper type and weight in the tray. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2. Load paper with the correct paper type and weight in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correc t positions for the size of the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the print still skewed? Go t o ste p 2. Th e pro blem is s olve d. Step 2 a Check if you are print ing on a paper that is supported by the tray.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Rein sta ll t he im agi ng un it. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidi ty. Store paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked vertical li nes appear on pr ints? Go t o ste p 4. Th e pro blem is s olve d.
Toner rubs off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, ch eck the paper type, texture, and weight. Do the paper type, texture, and weight match the pap er loaded in the tray? Go to step 2.
Uneven print density Action Yes No Replace the imaging unit , and then resend the print job. Is the print density uneven? Contact customer support . The pr oble m is so lved. Vertical voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware progra m is using a corre ct fill pattern.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Scanner un it does not clo se Action Yes No Check if there are no obstructi ons between the scanner unit and the printer. a Lift the scanner unit. b Remove any obstruction tha t keeps the scanner unit open. c Lower the scanner unit. Did the scanner unit cl ose properly? The pr oblem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 6 Check the copy settin gs. From the Copy screen, check if the Content Type and Content Source settings are correct for the doc ument being scanned. Are the Content Type and Content Source settin gs correct for the document being scanned? Go to step 7.
Action Yes No Step 2 Check if the paper size setting matches the size of the paper loaded in the tray. From the Paper menu on the prin ter control pan el, check the Paper Size se tt ing. Does the paper size setting match the size of the paper loaded in the tray.
Action Yes No a From the printer control pa nel, navigate to: > Settings > > General Settings > > Run initial setup > > b Tur n of f the pri nte r, a nd th en turn it ba ck on. The “Select your language” screen a ppears on the printer display.
Cann ot send or rec eive a fax Action Yes No Step 1 Check if an error or status message appears on the display. Is there an error or sta tus message on the display? Clear the erro r or status message. Go to step 2. Step 2 Check if the power cord is plugg ed into the printer and a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Action Yes No Step 6 Check if the print er is connected to a n analog phone servic e or the correct digital connec tor. The fax modem is an analog device . Certain devices can be connected to the printer so that digi tal telephone services can be used.
Action Yes No Step 10 a Temporarily disable voice mai l service. For mo re informatio n, contact your telephone company. Note: If you want to u se both voice mail and the printer, then consider addi ng a second te lephone lin e for the printer. b Try sending or rec eiving a fax.
Action Yes No Step 3 Replace the toner c artridge. For more informat ion, see the i nstruction sheet that came with the supply. Can you receive faxes? The pr oblem is solv ed. Con tact customer support . Can rece ive b ut not sen d faxes Action Yes No Step 1 Check if the pri nter is in Fax mod e.
Recei ved fax h as poor pri nt quality Action Yes No Step 1 Ask the person who sen t you the fax to: a Check if the quality of the orig inal docu ment is satisfactory. b Increase the fax scan resolution, if possible. c Resend the fax. There ma y have been a problem with the quality of the telephone line connection.
• “Scanning takes too long or freeze s the computer” on page 230 • “Poor s canne d imag e qual ity” on page 231 • “Parti al doc ument or photo sc ans” on page 232 The scanner do es not respond Action Yes No Step 1 Check if the printer is turn ed on.
Scan job was n ot successfu l Action Yes No Step 1 Check the cable connections. Make sure the Ethe rnet or USB cable is se curely connected to the computer and the pr inter. Are the cables securely connected? Go to step 2. Connect the cables properly.
Action Yes No Step 2 Select a lower scan resolution . Does scanning still take too long o r freeze the computer? Contact customer support . The pr oble m is so lved. Poor scanne d image qu ality Action Yes No Step 1 Check if an error message appears on the display.
Action Yes No Step 7 Increase the scan resolution settings for a higher ‑ quality output. Did the increased resolution produ ce a higher ‑ quality output? Problem solved. Contact customer support . Partial document or ph oto scans Action Yes No Check the placement of the document or photo.
Action Yes No Step 3 Check if the network is workin g. a Print a network setu p page. b Check the first section of the n etwork setup page and confirm that the status is Connected. Note: If the status is Not Connected, then the connection may be intermittent, or the network cabl e may be defective.
Live c hat You can chat directly with a service representative. Th ey can wor k with you to solve your printer probl em or provide assistance through Assisted Service where the service representative .
Notices Prod uct in form ation Produc t name: Lexmark XM1135 Machin e type: 7015 Mode l(s): 279 Edition notice March 2014 The foll owing par agraph do es not apply to any coun try wher e such pro visions are incon sistent with loca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Licensing noti ces All licen sing n otices a ssoci ated wit h thi s produc t can be viewed from the root directory of th e documentation CD. Trademarks Lexmark, Lexmar k with diamond design , and MarkV ision are trad emarks of Lexmark Inte rnational, Inc.
Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsid iaries Taffy A gfa Corpor ation Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation plc Univers Linotype-He ll AG and/or its s ubsidiari es All other trademarks are th e property of their respective o wners. AirPrint and the Air Print logo are tr ademarks of Appl e, Inc.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Prin ting 5 2 Scan ning 45 Copying 54 Read y N/A Values are subject t o change. See www m for current values. Temperature information Ambient operating temperature 15.6 to 32.2°C (60 to 90°F) Shippi ng tempe rature -40 to 43 .
Static sensitivity notice This s ymbol i dent ifies stat ic-se nsit ive pa rts. Do no t touch in the area s ne ar thes e sy mbols withou t fir st tou ching the metal frame of the print er.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiat ion when cartr idges are remo ved and interlock defeated. Avoid e xposure to laser beam. PERIGO - Radi ação a laser invisí vel será l iberada se os cartuch os forem r emovidos e o lacre rompido. Evite a expos ição aos feix es d e laser.
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Slee p Mode . The Sleep Mode saves energy by lowering power co nsum ption d uring extend ed periods of inactiv ity. Th e Sle ep Mod e is aut omatic ally engage d afte r this produc t is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeou t .
日本の VCCI 規定 製品にこのマーク が表示されている場合、次の要件を満たし ています。 この装置は、クラス B 情報技術装置です。この装置は 、家.
connec ted to a l ine, a s deter mined by the to tal RENs , conta ct your local t elephone co mpany. Fo r produ cts approve d after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part of the product i dentifier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits re presented by ## are the REN without a decimal poin t (for example, 03 is a REN of 0.
the countr y/regi on o f use. Th is is to avo id dama ge to th e equi pmen t cause d by loca l lightnin g strikes and ot her ele ctrical surges. This equipment uses CA11A telephon e jacks. Avis réservé aux utilis ateurs du r éseau téléphonique du Canada Ce produi t est confo rme au x spécif icati ons te chniques d’Indus trie Canad a.
Lexmark Intern ational, Inc. LEX-M0 3-00 2 A11- 0160001 JP Using this p roduct in Switzerland This pro duct require s a Swiss bi lling tone fi lter (Lexma rk part number 80D1877) to be insta lled on any line which rece ives meter ing pulse s in Swi tzerlan d.
Complian ce is indica ted by the CE m arking. The manufa cturer of this product is: Lexmark Inter national, Inc., 740 We st New Circle Road, Lexington , KY, 40550 USA. The authorized representat ive is: Lexmark International Te chnolo gy Hung ári a Kft.
To prevent radio in terference to the licensed serv ice, this device is intended to be op erated indoors and away from windows t o provid e maximum shieldi ng. Equip ment (or i ts tran smit ant enna) that is installed outdo ors is subject t o licensing .
Notice to users in the European Union This prod uct is in c onformity with the prote ction re quirements o f EC Coun cil directives 2 004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 1999/5/EC, 2009/125 /EC, and 201 1/65/EU o.
Deutsch Hierm it erklärt Le xmark Internat ional, Inc., das s sich das Gerät dieses Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden A nforderungen un d den übrigen einschl ägigen Bestimmun gen der Ri chtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Ελληνική ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Η LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Patent acknowledgment The use of th is product or service is s ubject to the reaso n able, non-di scrimin atory terms in the I ntelle ctual Pr oper ty Rights (I PR) Disclosure of Certicom Corp. at the IETF for E lliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Secur ity ( TLS) impl emen ted in t he produc t or s ervice .
If this product is a fe ature or opti on, th is st atement applies only when th at fea ture or optio n is use d with t he pro duct for which it was intende d. To obtai n warr anty service , you m ay be req uired to prese nt the featur e or optio n with the produ ct.
—Use of print ing me dia outs ide of Lexm ark specifi cations —Refurbi shment , repai r, refil ling o r reman ufactur e by a t hird part y of pro ducts , supplie s or p arts —Produ cts, supp lie.
Index Numerics 250 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 19 550 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 19 Symbol s [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [25y.xx] 173 [x] ‑ page ja m, clear s tandard bin. [20y.xx] 170 [x] ‑ page jam , open auto matic feeder top cover. [28y.
conse rvatio n settin gs bright ness, a djusting 146 cons ervi ng su pplie s 143 Eco ‑ Mode 144 Hibernate mode 1 46 Quiet mode 144 Schedu le Power M odes 1 46 Sleep mode 145 conse rving su pplies 14.
Error reading USB hub. Remove hub. 178 Ethernet ne twork preparin g to set up for Ether net printin g 24 Ethernet port 22 Etherne t setup preparing for an 2 4 EXT ports 22 ext erior of the p rint er c.
install ing op tions order o f inst allati on 1 8 install ing print er 23 install ing th e 250 ‑ sheet tray 19 install ing th e 550 ‑ sheet tray 19 Insufficient memory for Flash Memory D efragment.
Non ‑ Lexmark [supply typ e], see User’s Guide [33. xy] 184 non ‑ volat ile memor y 149 erasing 149 Not enough free s pace in flash memo ry f or res ourc es [ 52] 18 4 notices 236, 237 , 238, 23.
unexpect ed page breaks occur 20 0 printer 23 minimu m clearan ces 9 moving 9, 160 sele ctin g a loc ation 9 shippi ng 160 printer confi guratio ns 10 basic model 10 configur ed mo del 10 printer contr ol pane l adjusting brightn ess 146 factory defaults, restoring 163 indicato r light 13 Slee p butt on li ght 1 3 using 12 Print er had to resta rt.
Replace unsup ported imag ing uni t [32.xy] 187 Scanner automatic feeder cover open 187 Scann er disabl ed by admin [840.01] 187 Scann er disabl ed. Contac t syst em admini strato r if problem persist s. [840.02] 188 Scan ner jam , re mov e a ll o rigi nal s from the sca nner [ 2yy.
to a com puter 91 scan ning to a comp uter 91 scanning to an F TP addr ess creati ng shor tcuts using the comput er 89 using a shortc ut 90 Schedu le Po wer Modes using 146 secu rity modif ying co nfi.
trouble shootin g, displ ay printer d isplay i s blank 192 troubl eshootin g, fax ca ller I D is not shown 223 can re ceive but no t send faxes 227 can s end but not rec eive faxes 226 cannot send or .
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 279 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 279 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 279 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 279 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 279 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 279, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 279.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 279. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 279 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center