Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2600 SERIES 4445 Lexmark
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2600 Series User's Guide January 2 009 Ma chin e type (s): 4433, 44 45 Model (s): Various, xxx, where "x" is an y alph anumeric character.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ...5 Int r oduc tio n.. .... ... ..... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ..... .. .....
Printi ng o n c u stom-size paper .... ............. ....... ............... .............. ...... .............. .............. ....... .... ... .............. ....... .............. ........... 35 Printi ng o ther specialty documen ts ............. .
Noti ces. .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .... .. .57 Product informatio n................... ..................... ...................... ........... ..................
S afety information Use only the power supply and power supp ly cor d pr ovided with th is pro duct or t he manu factu rer' s autho rize d replacem ent pow er supply an d power s upply c ord. Con nect th e pow er sup ply cor d to an el ectr ical outle t that is n ear the produ ct and eas ily ac cess ible .
Introduction Finding infor mation about the pri nter Publ ica tion s See th e For Quick Setup s heet In it ia l s et up in st ru ct io ns . Prin ted Networ king Guide / Fax Gu ide Add itional setup i nstructions. Note: Y our printer ma y not come with these p ublications.
Cus tomer su pport Descri ption Where to fi nd (Nort h America) Where to find (rest of world) Telephone suppo rt Call us at • US : 1-8 00- 332- 4120 – Monday –F ri day (8:00 AM–11:00 PM ET), S.
• Date pur chas ed • Store where pur chased Intr oduc tion 8.
Setting up the printer Bypassing security warnings during soft ware installation Th ird-par ty applic ation s, inclu ding an tivirus , secur ity, and firewal l pro grams may alert yo u about t he printer soft ware being instal led. For y our pr inter t o work properl y , allow the pr inter software to be install ed on your c omputer.
2 Remov e all ta pe and pa cking mate ri al f rom all areas of the prin ter. 3 Exten d the paper ex it t ray , a nd t hen ra ise t h e paper support. 4 Exte nd the p ape r guid es.
6 Open the print er, an d then press down on the levers. 7 Remove t he tape from the black cartr idge, insert the cartri dge in the left carrier, an d then close the black cartridge carri e r lid.
8 Remove the t ape from the color cartridge, in sert the cartridge in the right car rier, and then close the color cartridge carri e r lid. 9 Clos e the p rin ter, and th en loa d pap er.
An al ignmen t page prints. 11 Place the pr inted pag e on th e scann er glas s. 12 Press the bu tton . 13 Dis car d th e ali gn ment page . Se ttin g up th e prin ter 13.
Not es: • The ali gnment p ag e may differ from the one shown. • Stre aks o n the alignmen t page a re normal, an d do not i ndica te a probl em. Understa nding the parts of the printer Use the To 1 Paper support Load paper. 2 Prin ter contr ol pane l Operate the printer.
Use the To 1 Sca nn er u ni t Access the print ca rtridg es. 2 Sca nner support Hold up the scan ner u nit. 3 Pr in t ca rt ri dge ca rri er Insta ll, repla ce, or remo ve a pr int cartrid ge. 4 Power supply with port Connect the printer to a power sourc e.
Using the pr inter control pa nel Press To 1 Start a color copy of a d o c umen t or photo. 2 Start a blac k -an d-white copy of a document or photo. 3 Start a 4 x 6-inch c olor photo copy. 4 Scan a document or p hoto to the computer. 5 Load or eject paper.
Ch ec k To 1 Th e di sp la y Determine the number of copies to be printed. 2 Th e light • Determine if the color print ca rtridge needs to be replaced. • Determ in e if the color pr int cartri dge is mis sing or in valid. 3 Th e light • Determine if the black or photo print car tridge needs to be replaced.
Understa nding the printer software Installing pri nter software Using Wi ndows 1 Clo se all open software progra ms. 2 Inse rt the pri nte r soft war e CD. 3 From the mai n ins tallat ion screen , click Ins ta ll . 4 Foll ow the i nstruction s on the screen s.
To i n stall th e M icros of t QF E Pa tch a nd extr act the dri ver: 1 Inse rt the ins tall atio n soft ware CD, a nd the n clic k Cancel when the Setup Wi z a rd appears. 2 Clic k Compute r . 3 Dou ble -c lick t he CD or DV D dr i ve ico n, an d t hen do ub le-c lic k Drive rs .
Use the To Lex m ark F ax So lu ti ons Sof tw are • Sen d a f a x. • Rec eiv e a fa x • Add , edit, or delete con tacts in the built-in phone book.
Use the To Lex m ark N et wo rk C a rd R ea der • View the contents of a memory device in ser ted into a network printer. • Transfer ph otos and documents from a memory device to th e computer over a netw ork. Le xmark Prin ter Utility • Get help with cartr idge installation.
Loading p aper and original do cuments Loading paper 1 Make sure : • You use paper designed for inkjet prin ters. • If you are us ing pho to, g lossy, or heavywe ight m atte paper , you load it with th e gloss y or p rintable side f a cing you.
Loa d up to Make sur e 10 e n velo pes • The print s ide of the envelopes fa ces you. • The stamp location i s in the upper left corn er. • The envelopes are designed for use with i nkjet printers. • The envelopes are loaded in the cen ter of the paper support.
Loa d up to Make sur e 10 iron- on tran sf ers • You follow the load ing in structions th at ca me with th e iron -on tra nsfers. • The print s ide of the tran sfers faces you. • The transfers are loaded in the center of the paper support. • The paper guides rest against the edges of th e transfers.
Loading original docum ents on the scanne r glass You can scan and th en print photos, text doc uments, m agazine a rticles, n ewspap ers, and ot her publicat ions. Y ou can scan a docu ment for faxing. Not e: The max imum scan are a for the scan ner glass is 216 x 297 mm ( 8.
3 Clo se the top cover to avoid dark edges on t h e sc anned image. Lo ading pape r a nd o ri ginal docu ment s 26.
Printing Printing ba sic documents Printi ng a d ocu ment 1 Loa d the paper . 2 Do o ne of the fo llo win g to pri nt: U sing Wind ows a With a docu ment ope n i n a W indows program , clic k Fil e Pr int . b Cl ick Pro perti es , Pr ef er ence s , Optio ns , o r Setup .
1 Load paper. 2 O pen a W eb p age us in g a sup po rte d b row ser . 3 Se le ct a pr int o pti on to p ri nt th e pa ge . You can also adjust set tings or preview the page before pri nting. Printi ng multiple copies of a d ocument Usi ng Windo ws 1 With a docu ment open, cli ck File Pr int .
Usi ng Maci ntosh 1 With a docu ment open, cli ck File Pr int . 2 In the Copies fi eld, enter the number of cop ies that y ou want t o prin t, and t hen sel ect Co llated . 3 Clic k Pr int . Not e: To prev ent smudging when print ing photos, remove each phot o as it exits the print er, and t hen let it dry before st acki ng.
Usi ng Maci ntosh 1 Wit h a docume nt open , choos e File Print . 2 F rom the Pri nt er p op- up m en u, choo se the p rinte r. 3 If ne cessar y, cli ck th e di sclos ure tri angle . 4 From the pr int opt ions p op-up men u, choo se Cop ies & P ages , an d th e n cl ic k Pag e Set up .
Usi ng Maci ntosh 1 Whil e t he documen t is printin g, click the pri nter icon in the D ock. The prin t queue dialog appears. 2 Do on e of the f ollowi ng: • I f yo u wan t to pa use a pa rt icul a r pr in t jo b, ch oos e t he d ocum e nt na me, an d the n cl ic k Hold .
Usi ng the ta sk bar in Wi ndows 1 D oubl e-c lic k th e p rin te r ico n in t he ta skba r. 2 Do on e of the f ollowi ng: • If you want to cancel a particu lar pr int job, r ight-cl ick th e docume nt name , and then se lect Ca nc el . • If you want t o cancel all pr int job s in the queue, click Print er Cancel All Documents .
c Sel ec t Lexm ark Produ ctivity St u d io . Not e: This progra m may not appear in your printer pro g r am fol der, depending on whether you chos e to inst al l i t with t he pri nter so ftw are duri ng i nsta llati on. d Op en the ph oto th at you w ant to pri nt.
U sing Maci ntos h a With a docu ment ope n, choos e Fil e Pri nt . b From the P rinter pop-up me nu, choose the printer. c If ne cessary , click the di sclosu re tri angle. d Fr om t he pr int o ptio ns po p-up me nu , choos e Copies & Page s , and t hen cl ick Pa g e Set up .
Ti ps on loadin g la bel s heets • Make s ure the t op of t he label sheet feeds into t he print er first. • Make sure the adhes ive on the label s d oes not extend to with in 1 mm of the edge of the label sheet. • Make s ure the p aper guide o r paper g uides rest a gainst t he edges o f the lab el sheet.
7 Open the Paper S ize pop-up m enu again, and then choose the name of t he custo m paper s ize you added in step 6c. 8 Clic k OK . 9 Clic k Pr int . Printi ng other s pecialt y documen ts When you in.
Not es: • To retr ieve your print s etting s, click Prof iles Re st ore a Pr ofi le , and t hen select the na me of t he prof ile that you want to use. • To d ele t e a s et ti n g, c li c k Pr o fil es Delete Profi les . Se le ct th e s ettin g th at y ou want to del ete, and the n cl ick De let e .
Copying Making a copy 1 Load paper. 2 Loa d an origina l do cume nt face down on t he sc ann er gl ass. 3 If you w ant to p rint mor e than on e copy, then p ress unti l the n umber of c opies th at you w ant appears on the display. 4 Pre ss to star t a color copy or to start a b lack-a nd-wh ite copy .
Scanning Scanning or iginal documents You can scan and th en print photos, text doc uments, m agazine a rticles, n ewspap ers, and ot her publicat ions. Y ou can al so scan a doc umen t for faxin g. 1 Open the top c over, an d then load an ori ginal docume nt f acedow n on the scanner gla ss.
Using Macint osh 1 From the Fin der deskto p, double-c lick th e printer folder. 2 Dou ble -c lick t he p ri nter ic on . 3 From the P rogress dialog , clic k Cance l .
Faxi ng Th is chapt er is ap plica ble fo r Windo ws users o nly . Before you s end a fa x, make sure: • The pr inter is connect ed to a computer with a n activ e fax modem , the c omputer is con figure d to fax , a ph one line is conn ecte d to the co mpute r, and b oth th e pri nter an d c ompute r are on.
3 From the Set tings area in t he left pa ne of the Wel come s creen, cl ick Set up and mana ge faxes . 4 Fro m t he “I Wa nt T o” menu, cli ck Adjust speed dial list an d other fax setting s .
Maintaini n g the printer Maintaining print cart ridges Inst alling pri nt cartridg es 1 Open the print er, an d then press down on the ca rtridge carrier levers.
4 Rem ov e the ta pe fr om t he b ack an d bott o m of th e col or ca rtri dge , in ser t the ca rt ridg e in the rig ht ca rri er, and then clo se th e col or ca rtri dge carr i er lid . Warning—Potentia l Damage: Do not t o uch the g old contact area on the bac k or the metal no zzles on the bo ttom o f the ca rtri dg e.
The pr int ca rtridge ca rrier moves and st ops at the loadin g pos ition, u nless the printer is bu sy. 3 Press d o wn on th e cartridge c arrier latch t o raise the cartridge car rier lid. 4 Remove the used print cart ridge. Not e: If yo u are removin g both cartridges, r epeat st ep 3 and step 4 for the s econd c ar tri dge.
• If y ou are using t he pr inter w ithout a co mputer, press Cancel . Lex mark's wa rranty doe s not cover dama ge caus e d by non-Le xmark ink o r print cartr idges. Cleani ng the pri nt cartr idge nozz les Usi ng Windo ws 1 Lo ad p l ain p a per .
4 Usin g an other clea n sect io n of the clot h, ge ntly ho ld t he clo th aga ins t the co ntact s fo r ab out thre e se con ds, an d then wip e in the di re ctio n show n. 5 With ano ther c lean s ecti on of t he clo th, re peat step 3 an d st ep 4, a nd then let th e nozz les and cont acts dr y complet ely.
3 Damp en a c lean , l int-free clot h w ith w ater. Warning—Potentia l Damage: Do not use h ousehold cl eaners or detergents, as they m ay damage th e finish of th e p rinte r. 4 Wipe only the outs id e of the p rinte r, mak in g sure to rem ove an y ink r esid ue tha t has accumu lat ed on the pa per exit tra y .
For bes t res ults wh en prin ting ph otos o r other h igh-q uality i mages, u se Lexm ark Phot o Paper or Lexm ark Pe rfectFin ish Phot o Paper and Le xmark prin t cartrid ges. Item De sc ri p tion Lexmark Photo Paper • Letter • A4 • 4 x 6 i n.
Troubles hooting Using the pr inter troubleshoot ing software (Windows only) The Lexma rk Servi ce Center provides st ep-by-ste p troubles hooting h elp and c ontains links to printer mainten ance tas ks and cust om er sup port.
Soft ware did not in stall If you enc ounter ed pro blems while inst allin g, or if yo ur pr inte r does not ap pear in th e list in the Print ers folder or as a prin te r opt ion when se nding a prin t j ob, you can t ry unins talling and rei nstalli ng t he so ftwa re.
7 Follo w the in structi ons on t he com puter sc reen to instal l th e softwar e. 8 Wh en the i nsta lla tio n is com pl eted , ena ble th e sec uri ty so ftw are ag ain .
In W indo ws XP a Clic k St ar t . b Clic k Pr int ers a nd Fa xe s . In W ind ow s 2000 a Clic k St ar t . b Clic k Setting s Prin ter s . 2 Do uble -cli ck th e p rinte r. 3 Cli ck Prin ter . • Make sur e no ch eck ma rk ap pear s nex t to Pa use P rint ing.
D ISCO NNECT AND RECO NNE CT POWER SUPPLY 1 Pr ess to tu rn off th e pr inter . 2 Disc onnec t the powe r co rd fr om the wall outle t. 3 Remove the power supply f rom the pr inter. 4 Reco nnect th e pow er su pply t o the prin ter . 5 Plug the pow er cord int o th e w all ou tl et.
Usi ng Maci ntosh 1 Clo se all open soft ware applicati ons. 2 From the Fin der deskto p, double-c lick th e printer folder. 3 Dou ble - clic k t he Uninstall er icon . 4 Foll ow the i nstruction s on the compu ter screen to rem ove the print er softwa re.
Solv ing print er p ower problems The pr inter an d the co m p uter ca nnot exch ange dat a. These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU R E TH E PRIN TER PO W ER SUPPLY IS A TTA CHED CO RR ECT LY 1 Pr ess to tu rn the pri nte r off .
No tic e s Pr oduct inf orm ation Pro du ct name : Lex mark 26 00 Series Mac hin e t yp e: 4433, 4445 Mod el( s): Vari ous, xxx, where "x" is any alphan umer ic chara cter Edit ion no tice J.
UNI TED ST ATE S G OV ERNM ENT RI GHT S Th is soft ware a nd any a ccomp anying documen tati on pro vided under th is ag reement are c ommerc ial comput er software and documentation developed e xcl u si vely a t private expense. Tradem arks Lexma rk and Lexma rk wit h diamon d design are trademar ks of Lexmark In ternationa l, Inc.
The man ufacturer is n ot respon sible f or radio or telev ision in terferenc e caused by usin g other than recommen ded cables or by una uthorized ch anges or modifi cations t o this equ ipment. U nautho rized changes or m odifica tions co uld void t he use r's au thorit y to ope rate t his eq uipment .
Temp erature i nformat ion Ambien t temperature 15– 32° C ( 60–9 0° F ) Shi pping temperature -4 0–6 0° C (-40 –14 0° F ) Storage temperature 1–6 0° C (34 –14 0° F ) Wa ste from Elec.
Mode Des cr ip ti on Powe r con sum ptio n ( Watts) Prin ting Th e product is generatin g hard-copy output from electronic inputs. 13 .04 (EN ERGY ST AR- comp li ant X 260 0); 14 .97 (non-ENERGY STAR -compliant X2600) Copy ing The product is genera ting hard-copy output from hard-copy orig inal documents.
PRINTER LICENSE AGREE M E NT I ag ree that this paten ted printer i s licensed f or, and designed to w ork with o nly genuine L exmark in k cartridges f o r the life of the p atented pr inter.
6 TRA NSFER . You may tran sfer the Soft ware Progr am to an other en d-user. Any t ransfer mus t include a ll soft ware compo nents, media , printed m aterials, an d this L icense A g r eement and y ou may not re tain co pies of t he Software Progr am or c omponen ts thereo f.
18 CA PACITY AND AUTHO RITY TO CONT RACT . You re present that you ar e o f the legal a ge of m a jority in the place you sig n this Licen se Agreement and, if applica ble, you are duly au thorized by your e mployer or prin cipal to ente r into this c ontr act.
Av is de co nfo rmité a ux no rmes de l’ind us trie du Cana da Cet appa reil n umérique de c l asse B es t co nforme aux exigen c e s d e la norme cana dienne relati ve aux équip ements pouvan t causer des i nterférences NMB- 003.
Telepho ne comp anies repor t that electric al s urges, ty pically li ghtning trans ients, ar e very des tructive to c ustomer ter mina l equ ipmen t conn ecte d to AC po wer so urc es.
Les compagnies de téléph one const atent qu e les surtension s électriqu es, en particu lier cel les dues à la foudr e, ent raî nen t d'imp ort ants dégâ ts sur les te rmina ux pri vé s conn ectés à de s so urces d’ali men tati on CA.
Ver wen dung d iese s Prod ukts in de r Schwe iz Für dieses P rodukt muss ein schweizerisc her Billing Tone Filter zur Zählzeich enübertragung (L exmark Teilenum mer 14B5109 oder 80 D1877) f ür jede Leit ung in stallier t werden, über di e in der Schweiz Zeitsteu ertakte über tragen werden .
Indust ry Ca nada (Canad a) Th is de vice com plies with Indus try Canada spe cificat ion RSS -210. Operat ion is subjec t to t he fol lowing two con diti ons: (1 ) th is d evi ce m ay no t ca us e in.
Notice to users in t he Europe an Union Pro ducts beari ng the CE mark ar e in con formi ty wit h the prot ecti on req uire ment s of EC Coun cil di rect ives 2004/ 108/ EC, 2006/ 95/ EC, and 199 9/5/.
Suo mi Lexmark International, In c. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä tuote on direktiivin 199 9/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja muiden sitä koskevien dir ektiivin eh tojen mukainen.
Index Numer ics 4 x 6 colo r cop y butt on 38 B bann er paper, loading 24 button s, cont rol panel 4 x 6 col or cop y 38 bu tton s, p rint er con trol pan el 4 x 6 Cop y 16 Black C opy 16 Canc el 16 C.
pap er, loa ding 22, 27 part s paper e xit tra y 14 paper guide 14 paper s upport 14 power supply p ort 15 pr int ca rtridg e ca rrier 15 pri nt er co ntro l pa nel 1 4 sc anne r g la ss 1 4 sc anne r.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 2600 SERIES 4445 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center