Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Y470 Lenovo
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Lenovo Y470/Y570 Hardware Maintenance Manual.
Note: Before usi ng this informat ion and the pr oduct it supports, be su re to read th e general info rmation und er “No tic es” o n page 98. First Editi on ( March 2 011) © Copyright Lenovo 2011.
iii Abou t this man ual ....... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ... iv Safet y infor mation ....... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... .... 1 General s afety ... ........ ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... 2 Electri cal saf ety ....
iv This manual c ontains service and refere nce infor mation for the f ollowing Lenovo prod uct: IdeaP ad Y470 /Y570 Use this manual to troubleshoot problems. The manual is divide d into the follow ing sectio ns: • The common se ctions provide general inform ation, guide lines, and safe ty informatio n required for servicing comput ers.
Safe ty in forma tio n 1 This chapt er prese nts the following safety informati on that you need to get familiar with before you servic e a Lenovo compu ter: • “General safet y” on page 2 • .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 Hardware Maint enance Manual 2 Follow these rules belo w to ensure g eneral safety: • Observe a good h ousekeeping in t he area wher e the machines ar e put during and after the maintenance. • When lif ting any heav y object: 1. Make su re th at you can sta nd sa fely with out slip ping.
Safe ty in forma tio n 3 Observe t he following rules when working on electrical equipments. • Find the r oom emergency power -off (EP O) switch, disconnecting switch, or electrical out let. If an electrical accident occurs, you can t hen operate the switch or unplu g t he po wer c ord qu ickl y .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 4 • Always look carefully for possib le hazards in your work area. Examples of these hazards are moist floors, nongrounded power extension cables, power surges, and m issing sa fety g rounds. • Do not t ouch live el ectrical circui ts with the r eflective surface of a plastic dental mi rror .
Safe ty in forma tio n 5 The purpos e of this inspection guide is to assis t you in identifyi ng potential unsafe con ditions . As each machine was design ed and built , required safe ty items were installed to protect users and service personnel from injury.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 6 Any co mputer par t conta ining tran sistor s or integ rated cir cuits (ICs) shou ld be considered sensi tive to e lectrostatic discharge (ESD). ES D damag e can occur when there is a diffe rence in charge between objects.
Safe ty in forma tio n 7 The safety not ices in this se ction are provid ed in English , French, Ger man, Hebre w, Italian, Japan ese, and Sp anish. Safety notices: multilingual translati ons Safe ty .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 8 Safety notice 2 DANGER Some st andb y batte ries cont ain a small amount of ni cke l and cadmi um. Do not di sasse mble a standby batte ry, r echarge it, th row it into fire or wate r, or short-circuit it.
Safe ty in forma tio n 9 Safety notice 3 DANGER The battery pac k contains small amount s of nickel. Do not disassemble i t, thro w it into fire or wate r, or shor t-cir cuit it. Dis pose of the batt ery pac k as required b y local ordinanc es or regulations.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 10 Safety notice 4 DANGER The lith ium batt ery can cause a f i re, an ex plosio n, or a severe b urn. D o not recharge it, remov e it s pol ariz ed con necto r, disasse mble it, heat it a bove 100°C (212°F) , incinerate it, or expose its c ell contents to water.
Safe ty in forma tio n 11 Safety notice 5 If the LCD breaks and the flui d from inside t he LCD gets into your eyes or on your hands, immediately wash the affect ed areas with water at least for 15 minutes. Seek medi cal care if an y symptoms caused b y the fluid are present after washing.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 12 Safety notice 6 DANGER To avo id s hock, d o no t remo ve th e plas tic cove r that prote cts the lower part of the inverter card. Afin d’évite r tout r isque de choc électrique, ne retire z pas l e cache en plastique prot égeant la parti e inférieure de la cart e d’alimentation.
Safe ty in forma tio n 13 Safety notice 8 DANGER Before removing a ny FRU, turn off the compute r, unpl ug al l power co rds from electrical ou tlets, remove the b attery pack, a nd then disconnect any interconn ecting cables .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 14 Some models of Lenovo computer ar e equipped from the factory with an optical storage dev ice such as a CD-ROM dr ive or a D VD-ROM drive. Such devices are also sold s eparate ly as options . If on e of these drives is installed , it is ce rtified in the U.
Safe ty in forma tio n 15 A CD-ROM drive, a DVD-ROM d rive, or any other st orage device installed ma y contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 16 This chapt er presen ts the follow ing important se rvice inf ormatio n: • “Stra tegy for replac ing FRUs” on page 16 – “St rateg y for re .
Important service infor mation 17 Use the following strategy to prevent unnecessary expense for replacin g and servicing FRUs: • If you are instr ucted to r eplace an FRU, but the r ep lacement does not s olve the problem, reinstall the original FRU before you cont inue.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 18 RoHS, The Restri ction of Hazard ous Substances in Electrical an d Electr onic Equip ment Directive (2 002/95/EC) is a Europe an Union legal requirement affecting the global electronics industry. RoHS require ments must be impl emented on Lenovo pr oducts placed on the market after June 2006.
General c heckout 19 This chapt er presents the following informatio n: • “What to do first” on pa ge 20 • “Pow er syst em ch eckou t” on pa ge 21 Before yo u go to the ch eckout, make s ure to read th e following i mportan t notes: General checkout Important notes: • Only certified trained personnel can service the computer .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 20 When you do r eturn an F RU, yo u must inclu de the fo llowing in formation in the parts e xchange form or part s return form th at you attac h to it: 1. Name and phone number of servicer 2. Date of service 3.
General c heckout 21 To verify a sympto m, follow the steps be low: 1. Turn off t he computer. 2. Remove the batter y pack . 3. Connect the AC adap ter. 4. Make su re that pow er is supplied when you turn on the comput er. 5. Turn off t he computer. 6.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 22 Perform opera tional charging. If the battery statu s indicator or icon does not light on, remove th e battery pack and let it return to room te mperatur e. Reinstall the ba ttery pack. If the c harge indic ator or ic on is stil l off, r epl ace th e batt ery pack.
Rela ted s ervic e in forma tio n 23 This chapt er presents the following informatio n: • “Re storin g the fact ory con tents by using Recover y Disc Set” on page 23 •“ P a s s w o r d s ”.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 24 7. When all of the data has been copied from the last disc in the set, remove the disc and restart the computer. 8. When the rec overy process i s complete, the W elcome to the Mi crosoft Windows screen is disp layed.
Rela ted s ervic e in forma tio n 25 Note: Power management modes are not support ed for APM operating system. To reduc e powe r cons umpti on, the compu ter ha s thre e powe r manag ement modes : screen blank , sle ep (s tandby), a nd h iberna tion .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 26 Hibernation mode In hibernation mode, the followi ng occurs: • The syst em stat us, RAM , VRA M, and se tup dat a are stored on th e hard disk .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 27 This chapt er presents the following product-spe cific ser vice referenc es and product- specific par ts inform ation: • “Specification s” on page 27 • “Status in dicator.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 28 Table 1. Specifi cation s (contin ued) Feature Descript ion I/O port • Extern al monitor connect or • Stereo headphone jack •M i c r o p h o n e j a c k • RJ45 × 1 • USB 2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 29 The syst em sta tus indic ators below sh ow the compu ter stat us: Status indicat ors e d g f h a b c.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 30 Table 2. Sta tus ind icat ors Indicator Meaning Cap s lo ck White: Caps Lock mode is enabled. You can enter all alphabeti c characters (A-Z) in uppe rcase without pressing the Sh ift key. To enable o r disable Caps Lock mode, press the CapsLk key.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 31 The following table shows th e function of each combinati on of Fn with a function key. Table 4. Fn key combina tions Fn + Esc: Turn o n/off the i ntegrated camera. Fn + F1: Enter sleep mode. Fn + F2: Turn on/off the b acklight of t he LCD screen.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 32 This sect ion present s notic es relate d to remo ving and r eplacing parts. Read th is secti on carefully befo re replacin g any FRU.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 33 This section presents exploded figures with the instruc tions to indicate how to remove an d replace the FR U. Mak e sure to obs erve th e follow ing gener al rules : 1. Do not attem pt to service any computer unless you have been trained and cert ifie d.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 34 1010 Batter y pack Figure 1. Remo val steps of battery pack Unlock th e manu al batter y latch . Holding the spring -loade d batt ery latch in the unlo cked pos itio n , remov e the batte ry pack in the direc tion sh own by the arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 35 1020 Dummy card For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 Figure 2. Rem oval steps of dumm y cards Remove the dummy card in the dire ction shown by arrows .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 36 1030 Hard disk drive (HDD)/Memor y/Mini PC I Express Ca rd slot compar tment cover For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 Figure 3.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 37 1040 Hard disk drive For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memory/Mini PC I Express Card slot compartm ent cov er” on pag e 36 Figure 4. Remo val steps of hard dis k drive Remove the frame fixi ng screws .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 38 Pull th e tab in the direction shown b y arro w . Take out the h ard disk drive s ecured in a met al frame . When inst allin g: Make sure tha t the HDD c onnect or is attache d firm ly. Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 39 1050 Opti cal drive For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 Figure 5. Rem oval steps of op tical drive Remo ve the scre w , insert a sc rewdr iver int o the sc rew hol e and push th e optical d rive in t he direc tion sho wn by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 40 1060 DIMM For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memory/Mini PC I Express Card slot compartm ent cov er” on pag e 36 Figure 6.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 41 1070 PC I Express M ini Card for wire less LAN/W AN and TV Card For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memory/Mini PC I Express Card slot compartm ent cov er” on pag e 36 Figure 7.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 42 Figure 7. Remova l steps of PCI Expr ess Mini Card for wireless LAN /WAN and TV Card (conti nued) Remove the ca rd in the directio n shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 43 Figure 7. Remova l steps of PCI Expr ess Mini Card for wireless LAN /WAN and TV Card Y570: Disconnect the TV card cable , and then remove t he screw . Y570: Remove the card i n the direct ion shown by arrow . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 44 1080 Keyb oard For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 Figure 8. Remo val steps of keyboa rd Y470: Remove eight screws , four screws a nd three screws . Y470: Lift th e cap sensor boa rd in the directi on shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 45 Figure 8. Remo val steps of keyboard (continued) Y470: Remov e two screw s . Lift the k eyboar d a lit tle , and th en d etach the connec tor in the dir ection sh own by ar row . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.0 × 3 mm, flat-head, nylok coated (2) Black 1.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 46 Figure 8. Remo val steps of keyboard (continued) Y570: Remove the screw . Y570: Loosen the keyboard with fi ngers in t he direction shown by arrow . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.5 × 8 mm, flat-head, nylok coated (1) Black 1.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 47 Figure 8. Remo val steps of keyboard (continued) Y570: Lift the keyboard a little , and then detach the connector in the directi on shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 48 Figure 8. Remo val steps of keyboard (continued) Loosen two screws to remove t he power board. Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 49 1090 Keyb oard bezel For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memory/Mini PC I Express Card slot compartm ent cov er” on pag e 36 • “1050 Optical drive” on page 39 • “1080 Keyboard” on page 44 Figure 9.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 50 Figure 9. Remo val steps of keyboard bezel ( continu ed) Y470: Remove the s c rew . Y570: Remove two s crews . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque Y470: M2.5 × 4 mm, flat-head, nylok- coated (1) Y570: M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 51 Figure 9. Remo val steps of keyboard bezel ( continu ed) Y470: Detach and the LCD con nector in the direction shown by arrow and the FPC con nector i n the dire ction shown by arrow . Unplug t he micropho ne connec tor in the dir ection sh own by ar row .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 52 Figure 9. Remo val steps of keyboard bezel ( continu ed) Remove the keyboard bezel in the dire ction shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 53 1100 Syst em board For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memor.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 54 Figure 10. Rem oval steps of system boar d Y470: Loosen the screw . Unplug t hree microphone connectors in t he direction sh own by arrows . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.0 × 3 mm, flat-head, nylok -coated (1) Black 1.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 55 Y570: Loosen four scre ws . Unplug three micr ophone connectors in th e direction sh own by arrows . When inst allin g: M ake sure t hat all t he connectors are attached firmly. Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.5 × 5 mm, flat-head, nylok -coated (4) Black 1.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 56 Figure 10. Remo val steps of syste m board (continu ed) Remo ve the syst em boar d in the di rect ion show n by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 57 1110 LCD unit For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Memory/Min.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 58 Y570: Release the antenna cables from the cable guides in the direction shown by arrows . Remove three screws . When inst allin g: • Route the antenna cables along the cable guides. As you r oute the cables, make su re that the y are not s ubjecte d to any tension .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 59 Figure 11. Rem oval steps of LCD unit (continu ed) Remove t he LCD u nit in the direc tion shown by arr ows . c 3 3.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 60 1120 Fan as sembly an d Heat Si nk assembl y For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy ca.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 61 Figure 12. Rem oval steps of fan assembly and hea t sink assembly (continu ed) Y570: Detach the fan connector in the direction shown by arrow and loosen sev en scre ws to lif t the fan asse mbly . Step Screw (qua ntity) Color Torque M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 62 1130 CPU For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard d.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 63 1140 Base co ver, speakers an d blueto oth car d For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “10.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 64 Y570: Y470: Loosen the screw , then remove the USB in the direction s hown by arrow . When inst allin g: Make sure tha t the pow er connec tor is atta ched firm ly. Step Screw (quantity) Col or Torque M2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 65 Figure 14. Remo val steps of base co ver and bluetooth ca rd (continued ) Remove the power assembly in the dir ection shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 66 Note: Applying labels to the base cove r The new bas e cover FRU is ship ped wit h a k it cont aining l abels o f sev eral kinds.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 67 1150 LCD fron t bezel For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard disk drive(HDD)/ Me.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 68 Remove the LCD fron t bezel in the direc tion show n by arrows . b 2 2 2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 69 1160 LCD pane l, LCD cable and hing es For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard di.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 70 Figure 16. Remo val steps of LCD panel, LCD ca ble and hinges (co ntinued) Y470: Remov e five s cre ws and the hi nges in the dir ecti on shown by arrow s . Y570: Remove four s crews . Unplug the integrated c am era con nector in the direction sh own by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 71 Figure 16. Remo val steps of LCD panel, LCD ca ble and hinges (co ntinued) Note: The LCD cables are attached to the LCD panel b y a metal connector. Peel off t he adhe sive ta pe and detach t he conne ctor in t h e direct ion shown by arrow .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 72 1170 Integ rated came ra For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 .
Lenovo Y470/Y570 73 1180 Anten na assem bly and LCD cover For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Batter y pack ” on p age 34 • “1020 Dummy card” on p age 35 • “1030 Hard dis.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 74 Front view Integrated camera Buil t-in mi crophon e Wireless modu le antennas Computer display Speaker Pow er butt on OneKey Resc ue System but ton S.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 75 Rig ht -sid e view Kensington s lot AC pow er ada pter jack Optical drive TV-in jack (Select models only) USB po rt eSAT A/USB co mbo port Y470: Y570: a b c d e f 3 2 1 5 6 3 2 1 5.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 76 Bottom and Left-side view VGA port HDMI port Fan l ouv ers RJ-45 port USB port (Y470) eSATA/USB co mbo port (Y570) USB po rt Micropho ne jack Headpho.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 77 This section presents the followin g service par ts: • “Overall” on page 78 • “LC D FRUs” on page 85 • “Keyboard” on page 88 • “Misce llaneou s parts” o n p.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 78 Over all 1 15 h 1 8 19 d e 1 3 14 6 4 b 7 10 10 f 8 9 9 3 5 2 11 Y470 Y570 12 16 17 c 20 21 2 3 b 24 22 a 25.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 79 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 1 LCD unit (see “LCD F RUs” on page 85.) 2 Keyboard (see “Keyboard” on page 88.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 80 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 9 PIQY1 MB OPT 1G QC U3 W/TV/HDMI WO/B T (Y570) 11013480 N 9 PIQY1 MB DIS 1G QC U2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 81 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 12 PIQY1 TH ERMAL MODULE FOR DC W/ FAN (Y 570) 31 049881 N 12 PIQY1 TH ERNAL MO DULE FOR QC W/FAN (Y570) 31049882.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 82 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 15 WLAN card ,WiFi 1x1 BGN , Liteon AR9285 H B95 BGN MOW NB 20002357 ** 15 WLAN ca.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 83 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 21 Hard disk drive, 500G 5400rpm SATA, WD5000BPVT - 24HXZT1 16004846 * 21 Hard disk drive, 500G 5400rpm SATA, Sea.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 84 Table 5. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 23 ODD, 12.7 Rambo Tray, O ptiarc AD-7710H Tray in Rambo 25011218 ** 23 ODD, 12 .7 Rambo Tr ay, TSST TS-L633F Tray in Rambo 2501 1201 * * 23 ODD, 12.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 85 LCD FRUs In Lenovo Y470/Y570 , there are following types of LCDs. • “14.0-in. HD TFT ” Y470 • “15.6-in. HD TFT ” Y570 8 7 5 6 3 9 10 10.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 86 14.0-in. HD T FT (Y470) Table 6. Parts list —14.0-in. HD TFT No. FRU FRU no. CRU I D 1 PIQY0 LCD BEZLE W/CAREMA HOLE 31049928 N 3 14.0 HD LED Panel, AUO B140XW03 V0 HD G LED1 NB 18003943 N 3 14.0 HD LED Panel, CMI N140BGE-L41 HD G F CE LED1 NB 18004804 N 3 14.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 87 15.6-in. HD T FT (Y570) Table 7. Parts list —15.6-in. HD TFT No. FRU FRU no. CRU I D 1 PIQY1 LCD BEZLE W/3D Remoter 31049897 N 1 PIQY1 LCD BEZEL WO/3D Remoter 31049898 N 2 PIQY1 SCREW MYLAR 31049894 N 3 15.6 HD LED Panel, AUO B156XW02 V2 HD G LED1 NB 18003797 N 3 15.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 88 Keyboard Table 8. Parts list —Keyboa rd Lang uage P/N CRU ID Y470 Chicony English 25012027 ** U.K.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 89 Table 8. Parts list —Keyboa rd Lang uage P/N CRU ID Y470 (cont inued) Sunrex (cont inued) Brazilian 25012746 ** Dutch 25012744 ** Greek 25012743 ** Hebrew 25012742 ** Hungarian 2.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 90 Table 8. Parts list —Keyboa rd (continued ) Lang uage P/N CRU ID Y470 (cont inued) NMB (con tinu ed) Bulgarian 250133 88 ** Czechoslovakian 2501338.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 91 Keyboard Table 8. Parts list —Keyboa rd Lang uage P/N CRU ID Y570 Chicony English 25011801 ** U.K. English 25011800 ** Italian 25011799 ** Spanish 25011798 ** Turkish 25011796 **.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 92 Table 8. Parts list —Keyboa rd Lang uage P/N CRU ID Y570 (cont inued) Darfon (cont inued) Brazilian 25011727 ** Arabic 250117 28 ** German 25011729.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 93 Miscellaneous parts Table 9. Parts li st—Misce llaneous parts FRU P/N CRU ID Syste m m isc ella neo us p arts : • (a) PIQY0 H DD BRACK ET • (b) PIQY 0 ODD B RACKET 31049912 3.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 94 AC adapters Table 10. Parts l ist—3-p in AC adapters FRU P/N CRU ID 65W, Delta ADP-65KH BD 20V/3.25A adapter 36001929 N 65W, Liteon PA- 1650-56LC adapter 36001651 N 65W, Brazil PA-1650-52LB 36001714 N 65W, Chicony CPA-A065 20 V3.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 95 Power cord s A Lenovo po wer cord fo r a specific count ry or region is usuall y available onl y in that coun try or re gion: Table 11.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 96 Table 11. Parts list—3-p in powe r cords (con tinued) Region P/N CRU ID Brazil • Longwell LP-46 +H03VV -F+LS -18 1m 145000564 * Isra el • Longw.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 97 Table 11. Parts list—3-p in powe r cords (con tinued) Region P/N CRU ID Korea • V olex LP-486+KT LH03VV -F+L S-5 1m 145000533 * Australia • V olex LP-23A+L FC-3R+LS-18 1m 145.
Lenovo Y470/Y570 H ardware Maint e nance Manual 98 Lenov o may not offer th e pro ducts , serv ices , or fe atur es dis cuss ed in th is document in all coun tries. Cons ult your local Lenovo representa tive for information on th e products and ser vices currently a vailable in you r area.
Not ic es 99 Any perfor mance data cont ained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the res ult obtained in other operating environments may vary si gnificantly.
An important point after buying a device Lenovo Y470 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lenovo Y470 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lenovo Y470 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lenovo Y470 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lenovo Y470 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lenovo Y470, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lenovo Y470.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lenovo Y470. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lenovo Y470 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center