Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PMP4DS-A APC
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APC Mod ula r Pa ne l Pr o d uc t s T he APC Modu lar Pa nel P rod uc t Su rg e Pr ot e ct iv e D e vi c es ( S P D ) are de sign ed to provide protectio n at the ser vic e entran ce, branc h pane ls or othe r cri tical l ocatio ns for today’ s ele ctri cal e quipm ent.
D A NGER H A Z ARD OF E LECTRIC SHOCK , E XPLOSION, OR ARC FL ASH · App ly ap propr iate pers onal p rot ecti ve equip ment (PPE) a nd follow s afe ele ctric al work p ractic es. See NFP A 7 0E. · Thi s equi pme nt must onl y be ins talle d and se r v iced by qu alif ie d ele ctric al pe rso nne l.
C A UTION L OSS OF SURGE PROTE CTION · During insta llati on int o an el ect ri cal s ys te m, S PD’s mu st n ot b e en er g i ze d un ti l t h e e l e c tr i c a l s ys t e m is com pletely i nstall ed, insp ected, and tested. All co nductor s must be c onne cted and f unctio nal, incl uding th e neu tral.
CONTENTS INTRODUCTI ON .............................................................................. UNPACKING A ND PRE LIM INA RY I NS PE CT IO N ............................... STORAGE ...............................................................
INTRODUCTION Thank you for choosing th e APC SurgeArrest ® PM3 or PM 4 Series Surge Pr otection Device. The APC modular Surge Protection Device (SPD) is a high-quality, high-energy su rge attenuation system that has been design ed to protect sensitive equipment from damaging tran sient voltage surges.
Proper inst allati on is im per ati ve to m ax im iz e the APC M o du la r Pa ne l SPD’s effectivene ss and pe rfor man ce . The i nst al le r sh ou ld fo ll ow t he steps outlined in this instru ction manual t o ens ure p ro pe r in st al lat ion .
The i dentif ic ation na mepl ate ( s ee Fig ure 1 ) is lo cated on the ins ide of the door/ cover . Fig ur e 1: SPD Nam ep la te E xa mp le IDE NTI FICA TI ON NA ME PL A TE S AFE T Y L A BE LS SPD LO.
Prio r t o mou nting the SPD , veri f y that the d evice h as the sa me voltag e rating as th e power distr ibutio n system in whi ch it is in stall ed by comp arin g the nam epl at e voltag e or mod el nu mber o n the SPD with the n ame plate of the el ectr ical d istrib ution e quip ment.
T he integra l switch is a se cond m ech anic al me ans for qu ali fie d maintena nce p ers onne l to isolate the entire sur ge supp ress or to ser v ice the devi ce’ s compo nents. Th e integral sw itch opens th e phas e and ne utra l conn ecti ons to the SPD for additio nal protectio n.
S YSTEM G ROUN DI NG C A UTION S YSTEM G ROUN DI NG · SPD must be i nstall ed on so lidl y ground ed power systems. · V eri f y that the se r vi ce entra nce e quip ment is b onde d to ground in acco rdanc e with al l app lica ble co des.
D ANG ER H A Z ARD OF E LECTRIC SHOCK , E XPLOSION, OR ARC FL ASH · App ly ap propr iate perso nal p rot ecti ve equip ment (PPE) a nd follow s afe ele ctri cal wor k practi ces. Se e NFP A 70E. · Thi s equi pment m ust onl y be ins talle d and s er v iced by qu alif ie d ele ctri cal p ers onne l.
N ot e: Prior to mounting the S PD , ver if y that th e devic e has the s ame vol tage rating as th e power distr ibutio n system in whi ch it is in stall ed by comp arin g the nam epl at e voltag e or mod el nu mber o n the SPD with the n ame plate of the el ectr ical d istrib ution e quip ment.
W IR ING D IAGR A M S WITH OUT I NTEG R A L DI SCO NN ECT Fig u re 3 : S i ng le - Ph as e, 3 -Wi r e, G ro un d ed Chasis Ground Chasis Ground Ø C Ø A N Customer Connections 120 kA - 240 kA Figure .
8220-0014-06 Customer Connections 320 kA - 480 kA Ø C Ø A N Customer Connections 120 kA - 240 kA Ø C Ø A BØ N W IR ING D IAGR A M S WITH I NTEG R A L DI SCO NN ECT Chasis Ground Chasis Ground F i.
The SPD disp lay pa nel sh ows t he st at us o f th e mo du les w i t h On wye and sp lit ph ase co nfi gur at io n SP D mo du les ( se e Fi gu re 7) , i f th e lef t gre en LED is n ot lit, it indic ates a loss of sup pres sion f rom li ne-to- groun d for that pha se.
Push the a lar m ena ble/ dis able b ut ton t o ena ble o r disa ble the a lar m. If the gree n ala rm LED is l it the al arm i s enab led. If the gre en a lar m LED is not lit, the al arm is d isab led. The s urge co unter disp lays the num ber of trans ient vol tage su rges si nce the cou nter was last re set.
The c ontacts are d esi gned fo r a Ma xim um voltag e of 2 4 VDC a nd a ma xi mum cur rent of 2 A . Highe r en ergy a ppli cations m ay require ad ditio nal relay im ple mentatio n outsid e the SPD .
D ANG ER H A Z ARD OF E LECTRIC SHOCK , E XPLOSION, OR ARC FL ASH · A pp ly ap propr iate perso nal p rot ecti ve equip ment (PPE) a nd follow s afe ele ctri cal wor k practi ces. Se e NFP A 70E. · Thi s equi pme nt must onl y be ins talle d and se r v iced by qu alif ie d ele ctri cal p ers onne l.
START Possible diagnostic display board failure. Replace diagnostic display panel. Is power being supplied to the SPD? Green phase LED(s) not lit. And, no Red LED(s) lit and no Alarm on. Energize SPD and verify proper connection. NO YES START YES NO Red phase LED(s) lit.
Entire contents copyright 2 008 by American Power Co nversion Corporation. A ll ri ghts reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permis sion is prohibited.
An important point after buying a device APC PMP4DS-A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought APC PMP4DS-A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data APC PMP4DS-A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, APC PMP4DS-A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get APC PMP4DS-A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of APC PMP4DS-A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime APC PMP4DS-A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with APC PMP4DS-A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device APC PMP4DS-A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center