Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CMP-NWCARD22 Konig
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CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit PC I L AN card.
2 ENGLISH Featur es • Realt ek chipset • Gigabit E thernet fo r L AN connections • Aut o -Negotiation and F ull Duple x for 1 0 00 Mbps, 1 0 0Mbps as well as 1 0 Mbps • IE EE 8 02.3u 1 0 0BAS E- TX and IE EE 802.3 1 0BAS E- T complia nt • Support for IE EE 802.
3 Dec lara tio n of con for mi ty We, N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h The Nethe rlands T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 Ema il: inf o @ ne d is .
4 Safet y precautions: RI S K OF E LEC TR I C SH OC K DO NOT OPEN CAUT I O N T o reduce risk of electric shock, this product should O NL Y b e o p en e d b y a n a u th o r i z e d t ec h ni c ia n w h e n ser vice is requi red. Disconnect the product fr om mains and o t her equipmen t if a problem should occur .
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit PC I L AN - Kar te.
2 DEUTSCH Eigenschaften • Realt ek Chipset • Gigabit E thernet fü r L AN -Anschlüsse • Aut o - Negotia tion und V ollduple x für 1 00 0 Mbit /s, 1 00 Mbit / s und 1 0 Mbit /s • E r fül lt IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BASE - TX und IEE E802.3 1 0 BA SE- T • Unt erstützt IEE E802.
3 K o nformität se rklärung Wir , N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Niederlande T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 Ema il: inf o @ ne d is .
4 Sicherheits vork e hrun gen: STROMSCHLAGGEF AHR NICHT ÖFFNEN VO R S I C H T Um das Risik o eines elek trischen Schla gs zu ve rringern, sollte dieses Pr o duk t A USSCHLIE SSLICH von ein em autorisie r te n T echnik er geöf fnet w erden, wenn ein e Repa ratur erforderlich ist.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Ca r te P CI L A N Giga bit.
2 FR ANÇAI S Caractéristiques • Chipset R ealtek • Gigabit E thernet pour les conne xions L AN • Négociation a uto et F ull Duple x pour 1 0 0 0 Mbps, 1 0 0 Mbps et 1 0 Mbps • Confo rme IEE E802.3u 1 00BAS E- TX et IE EE 8 02.3 1 0 BA SE- T • P rise en charge du contrôle de f lux IEE E802.
3 Déclaration d e conformité Nous, N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Pays - B a s T él. : 003 1 73 599 1 055 E-mail : in fo @ nedis.
4 Consig nes de sécurité : RI S QU E DE C HO C ÉLECTRIQUE NE PAS O UV RI R AT T E N T I O N Afin d e ré duire les r isq ues de choc s électriques, ce produit n e doit être ouv er t QUE par un t e chnicien qualifié a gréé en cas de répa ration.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit P CI L A N ka ar t.
2 NEDERLANDS Eigenscha ppe n • Realt ek chipset • Gigabit E thernet v o or LAN verbindingen • Aut o -Negotiation en v ol duplex v oor 1 0 00 Mbps, 1 0 0M bps en 1 0 Mbps • Confo rm IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BASE - TX en IEE E802.3 1 0 BA SE- T • Onderste uning voor IE EE 802.
3 Conformite itsverklaring Wij, Nedis B V De T weeling 28 52 1 5 MC ’ s- H er to gen bo sc h Nederland T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 E- ma il: in fo @ n e di s .
4 V eilig hei dsv o or zorgs maa tre ge le n: GEV A AR V OOR EL EK T RI SC H E SC HO K NIET OPENEN LET OP W anneer service of reparatie nood zakelij k is, mag dit product UI TSL UIT END door een gea utorisee rde technicus geopend w orden; dit om de ka ns op het krijgen va n een elek trische schok te voo r k omen.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Sch eda L A N PC I Giga bit.
2 IT ALIANO Fu n z i o n i • Chipset realt ek • Gigabit E thernet per connessioni LAN • Aut onegoz iazione e F ull Duple x sia per 1 0 0 0Mbps che per 1 0 Mbps • Confo rme a IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BASE - TX e IEE E802.3 1 0 BA SE- T • Supporto per control lo flusso IE EE 8 02.
3 Dichiarazione di conformità Ques ta società , N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h P aesi Bassi T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 Ema il: inf o @ ne d is .
4 Precauzion i di sicurezza: RI S CH IO D I S CO SS E ELETTRICHE NON AP RIRE AT T E N Z I O N E P er ridurre il rischio di scosse ele t triche, quest o prod ot to deve essere ap er to ESCL USIV AMENTE da personal e tecnico specializza to , se oc corre assisten za.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 T arje ta L AN Gigab it PC I.
2 ESP AÑ OL Características • Chip Realtek • Gigabit E thernet pa ra conexiones LAN • Aut o -negociación y dúple x completo para 1 00 0Mbps, 1 00M bps y 1 0 Mbps • Confo rme con IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BAS E- TX y IE EE802.3 1 0BAS E- T • Acepta el con trol de flujo IE EE 802.
3 Declaración d e conform idad La empresa infrascrita, N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h País e s B a j o s T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 Correo electrónico : info @ nedis.
4 Medidas de segur idad: RIESGO DE ELECTROCUCIÓN NO AB RIR AT E N C I Ó N P ara reducir los riesgos de electrocución , este producto deberá se r abier to EX CL USIV AMENTE por un técnico h abilitado cuando necesit e ser repa rado. Desconect e el producto de la red y de cualquier o tro equipo si se registra algún problema.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit P CI L A N ká r t y a.
2 MA G Y AR NYEL VŰ Jellemzők : • Realt ek chipset • Gigabit ethe rnet, LAN kapcsolathoz • Aut o matikus sebesség- és duplexitás-felisme rés, teljes Duplex mind 1 0 0 0 Mb/ mp -nél mind 1 0 Mb/ mp -nél • K ompatibilis a k öv etk ez őkkel : IE EE802.
3 Megfelelőségi ny ilatko z at Mi, a Nedis B. V . De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Hollandia T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 E- ma il: in fo @ n e di s .
4 Biztons ági óvintézked ések: ÁRAMÜTÉS VESZÉL YE! NE NYISS A FEL! VIG Y ÁZ A T! Az áramütés v eszély ének csökken tése érdek é ben ezt a k észül éket KI Z ÁRÓLA G megbí zott szak ember ny ithatja fel , szervizelés céljából .
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga biti n PCI L AN - k or tti.
2 SUOMI Ominais uudet • Realt ek - sirusetti • Gigabitin E t hernet LAN -yht eyksille • Aut o -Negotiation ja F ull Duple x valinnoil le 1 00 0 Mbps, 1 00 Mbps ja 1 0 Mbps • IE EE 8 02.3u 1 00BAS E- TX ja IEE E802.3 1 0BA SE- T -yhteensopiv a • T ukee I EEE 802.
3 Yhdenmukaisuusvakuutus Me , N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Alankomaa t Pu h: 003 1 73 5 99 1 055 Sähk ö posti : info @ nedis.
4 T ur vallisuute e n liit t y vät var oituks et: SÄHKÖISKU V A AR A ÄLÄ A VAA HUOMIO Sähk öiskuvaaran v ält tämiseksi tämän la it teen saa a vata huol lon yhte ydessä V AIN v altuute t tu tekni k k o. K y tke laite pois v erkk ovirrasta ja muista laitteista, jos ongelmia esiinty y .
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit P CI nä t ve rksk or t.
2 SV E N S K A Eg en sk ap e r: • Realt ek chipset • Gigabit E thernet fö r L AN anslutningar • Aut o -Negotiation och F ull Duple x för 1 0 00Mbps, 1 00 Mbps och 1 0Mbps • IE EE 8 02.3u 1 0 0BAS E- TX och IE EE802.3 1 0BAS E- T k ompatibel • Stöd f ör IEE E802.
3 Övere nsst ämm else förkl aring Vi, N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Holland T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 e-po st : in fo @ n edi s.
4 Säke rhet sanvisningar: RI S K FÖR E L STÖ T ÖPPNA I NTE VA R N I N G Fö r at t undvika elstö tar får p roduk ten endast öppnas a v behörig teknik er när service behövs. K oppla bort produkten fr ån nätuttaget och f rån anna n utrustning om problem uppstå r .
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit P CI L A N ka r ta.
2 ČESK Y F unkce a popi s • Chipset Realte k • Gigabito v ý Ethern et pro LAN připojení • F unkce A uto -Negotiation ( a utomatické n astav ení optimáln ích přenoso v ých para metrů ) a F ull Duple x ( úplný duple x) p ro 1 00 0 Mb/ s, 1 0 0 Mb/ s i 1 0 Mb/ s • IE EE 8 02.
3 Proh láš ení o shodě Společnost N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Ni zozem í T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 E- ma il: in fo @ n e di s .
4 Bez pe čnost ní opat ření: NEBEZPEČÍ ÚRA ZU EL EK T RI CK Ý M PR OU DE M NEOTEVÍRA T UPOZ ORNĚN Í Aby n edošlo k úrazu elektrick ým proudem, sm í o pr avu to ho to za řízení p rovád ě t P OUZE au tor izova ný ser visní t echnik.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Ca rd L AN PCI Gig abit.
2 ROMÂNĂ Caracteristici: • Chipset Realte k • Gigabit E thernet pentru con exiuni LAN • Auto-Negotiation şi F ull Duple x pt. cele de 1 0 0 0 Mbps şi 1 0 0 Mbps, cât şi p t. cea de 10 M b p s • Compatibi l IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BASE - TX şi IEE E802.
3 De claraţ ie de conformit ate Noi, N e d i s B .V. De T weeling 28 52 1 5M C ’s-H er to ge nbo sc h Olanda T el. : 003 1 73 599 1 0 55 Ema il: inf o @ ne d is .
4 Măsuri de siguranţă: PER I CO L DE ELECTROCUT ARE NU-L DESCHIDEŢI! AT E N Ţ I E ! Dacă apa re necesitate a ser viceului, pen tru a evita riscul de electrocutar e, acest produs t rebuie deschis NUMAI de un t ehnician autori zat.
CMP - NW C ARD 22 Giga bit P CI κ άρτα δικ τύου.
2 ΕΛ ΛΗ ΝΙ Κ Α Χα ρ α κ τ η ρ ι σ τ ι κά • Re altek chi pset • Gigab it Eth ernet για L AN συ νδέσεις • Aut o - Negotiatio n και F ull Du ple x για 1 0 0 0Mbps, 1 00 Mbps κ αι 1 0 Mbps • IEE E802.3u 1 0 0BASE- TX και IEE E802.
3 Declaration of conformit y We, Nedis B . V . De T w eeling 28 52 15M C ’ s - Her to genb osc h The Neth er lands Te l . : 0 0 3 1 7 3 5 9 9 1 0 5 5 Ema il: inf o @n ed is .
4 Προφυλ άξεις ασφαλείας: ΚΙΝΔ ΥΝΟΣ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΠΛΗΞΙΑΣ ΜΗΝ ΑΝΟΙΓΕΤΕ ΠΡΟΣ ΟΧΗ Γ ια να μειώσ τε το ρίσκο ηλεκτροπ λη.
An important point after buying a device Konig CMP-NWCARD22 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Konig CMP-NWCARD22 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Konig CMP-NWCARD22 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Konig CMP-NWCARD22 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Konig CMP-NWCARD22 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Konig CMP-NWCARD22, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Konig CMP-NWCARD22.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Konig CMP-NWCARD22. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Konig CMP-NWCARD22 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center