Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Image Controller IC-205 Konica Minolta
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User’ s Guide.
x Contents.
x- 2 IC- 205 Con tent s 1 Welco me 1.1 END US ER LI CENS E AGREEME NT ............... ...... ........... ...... ........... .1-3 1. SOFTWAR E ............. ..... ............ ........... ..... ............ ........... ...... ...... 1-3 2. LICENSE A GREEMENT .
IC-2 05 x-3 4 Installing the printer driver 4.1 Outline o f Printer Dri ver Installat ion . ........... ........... ...... ........... ....... 4-3 Installa tion u sing Plug a nd P lay ....... ........... ........... ...... ........... ....... 4-3 Instal lation u sing th e Add Printe r Wizard .
x- 4 IC- 205 5.3.2 Watermark . ........... ........... ...... ........... ........... ...... ........... ............ ....5-13 Watermark List ............ ........... ...... ........... ........... ...... ........... ..........5-13 First Pa ge Only ..
IC-2 05 x-5 5.6 “Device O ptions” ta b ......... ........... ...... ........... ........... ...... ........... ..... 5-28 5.6. 1 Device O ptions .......... ............ ........... ..... ............ ........... ...... .......... 5-28 5.7 “About” t ab .
x- 6 IC- 205 7.14 Initializing the netwo rk interface card and image co ntroller .. ....7-17 How to ini tialize the netw ork in terf ace c ard and image co ntrolle r .......... ........... ...... ........... ........... ...... ........... ..........7-17 8 Troubleshooting 8.
1 Wel come Chapter 1 Welc ome.
1 Welcome 1-2 IC-205 Wel come Chapter 1 1W e l c o m e This manual provides information on setting up and us ing a machine as a PCL pr int er. Read these instructions thoroughly before usin g the functions. For instructions on us ing the machine itself and for general safety p recau- tions, refer to the manual provid ed with th e machine.
1 Welcome 1-4 IC-205 Wel come Chapter 1 4. RESTRICTIONS (1) You s hall not withou t th e writ ten c on sent o f KON ICA M INOL TA: (i) use , copy, modify, merge or trans fer copi es of th e Soft ware .
Welco me 1 IC-2 05 1-5 Wel come Chapter 1 9. GOVE RNM ENT END U SERS If you are acqui ring t he Software on beh alf of any unit or agen cy of the Uni ted States Gove rnment , the foll owing prov ision s appl y.
1 Welcome 1-6 IC-205 Wel come Chapter 1 1.2 Trademark acknowledg ements KONICA MINOLTA is a trademark of KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS , INC. PageScope is a trademark of KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLO- GIES, INC. Ethernet is a regist ered trad emark of Xerox Corporation.
Welco me 1 IC-2 05 1-7 Wel come Chapter 1 1.3 User in stru ctio ns CE Marking (Declaration of conformity) This product comp lies with the foll owing EU direc tives: 89/33 6/EEC, 73 /23/ EEC and 93 /68/ EEC dire ctives. This declarat ion is val id for the regi on of the European Uni on.
1 Welcome 1-8 IC-205 Wel come Chapter 1 7 7 7 7 CAUTI ON Interference to radio communications. % This equipme nt generates , uses and can radiate radi o frequency en er- gy and, if not in stal led an d used in accordanc e with t he inst ructio n manual, may cau se harmfu l inte rference to radi o communic ation s.
Welco me 1 IC-2 05 1-9 Wel come Chapter 1 For Ca nad a use rs Interference-causing equipment standard (ICES-00 3 issue 3) This clas s A digit al appa ratus comp lies with Can adian ICE S-003 . Cet apparei l n umérique de l a cla sse A est conforme à la norme NMB-00 3 du Canada.
1 Welcome 1-10 IC-205 Wel come Chapter 1.
2 Getting r eady Chapte r 2 Getting ready.
2 Getting ready 2-2 IC-205 Getting r eady Chapte r 2 2 Getting ready 2.1 Syste m requ ir eme nts The following operating environment is requir ed in order to use the printer driver. System req uirem ent s CPU Intel P enti um 20 0MHz Operating system Windows Server 20 03/Wind ows XP (S P2 or lat er)/ Windows 200 0 (SP4 o r la ter)/Wi ndow s NT 4.
Getting read y 2 IC-2 05 2-3 Getting r eady Chapte r 2 *1 Point and p rint is possible with printers sh ared by Windows servers and clients. Clients inherit the d river setting s from the se rver, su .
2 Getting ready 2-4 IC-205 Getting r eady Chapte r 2 2.2 Features of Image Controller IC-205 Various p rintin g funct ions The various printing fun ctions are as follows: - Prints multipl e copies at on e time.
Getting read y 2 IC-2 05 2-5 Getting r eady Chapte r 2 - Prints two or four p ages of the original on a single sheet of paper. A maxi mum o f 16 pa ges ca n be prin ted o n a si ngle sh ee t of pa per. - Print s text in the ba ckgr ound. - Prints only th e cover on a d ifferent t ype of p aper (suc h as colored paper).
2 Getting ready 2-6 IC-205 Getting r eady Chapte r 2.
3 Connec ting to a comp uter Chapter 3 Connecting to a computer.
3 Connecting to a computer 3-2 IC-205 Connec ting to a comp uter Chapter 3 3 Connecting to a computer 3.1 Types of conn ection s You can use eit her of t he followi ng two me thods to con nect th e machi ne to a computer.
Connect ing to a computer 3 IC-2 05 3-3 Connec ting to a comp uter Chapter 3 3.2 Paralle l port connection Use the parall el cable to connec t the paral lel port of the machine to the par- allel port of the comput er. 2 Reminder Be su re to use a shi elded p arallel c able.
3 Connecting to a computer 3-4 IC-205 Connec ting to a comp uter Chapter 3 3.3 USB port connect io n Use the USB c able (t ype B) t o connec t the mac hine’s USB port to th e USB port on your computer.
4 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 Instal lin g the printe r driver.
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-2 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 4 Installing the pr inter driver This section descri bes the proce dure for in stalli ng the pri nter drive r. The print er d riv er c an be ins tall ed in t wo w ay s: b y us ing “P lug a nd Pla y” o r by u s- ing th e “A dd Pr inte r Wiz ar d”.
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4-3 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 4.1 Outli ne of Pri nter Driver In stallati on The pri nter d rive r is i nst alled acco rdin g to t he fo llo wing outlin e.
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-4 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 4.2 Installing the TWA IN driver/printer driver using “Plug and Play” Installation usin g “Plug and Play” is n ot possible on Wind ows 98 and NT 4.0. Refer to the proc edure for usi ng the “Add Prin ter Wizard”.
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4-5 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 8 Clic k [Fini sh]. This completes the installation of the TWAIN driver. The “Fou nd New Hardware Wizard ” dialog bo x appears agai n. Next, instal l the prin ter driver.
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-6 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 Installing the TWAIN driver/printer driver using “Plug and Play” under Windows 2000 1 With W indows ru nning, i nser t the C D-ROM into yo ur co mputer’s CD- ROM drive .
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4-7 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 Installing the TWAIN driver/printer driver using “Plug and Play” under Windows Me/98 SE 1 With W indows ru nning, i nsert t he CD- ROM int o yo ur compute r’s CD- ROM drive .
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-8 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 Reinstalling th e printer driver by usin g Plug and Play When rein stall ing th e prin ter driver u sing Pl u.
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4-9 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 4.3 Installing the printer driver using the “A dd Printer Wiz- ard” Installing t he printer dri ver u.
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-10 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 8 Click [Browse], select “Driv er(language)2k_ XP” on the CD-ROM, and then cli ck [Open ]. Selec t the langua ge you prefer. For exampl e, if you prefer Engli sh, browse to: Driv erEnglish2k_ XP.
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4- 11 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 Installing t he printer dri ver using the “Add Print er Wizard” u nder Win- dows 20 00/NT 4 .0 1 With Wind ows r unn ing, inser t th e CD- ROM into t he CD -ROM dri ve of your comp ute r.
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-12 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 7 Click [B rowse], sele ct th e folder on the CD-ROM, and then cl ick [ Open]. – If Wi ndows 2000 i s bein g used, s elec t “Driver( lang uage)2 k_XP”. Selec t the l anguage you prefer.
Inst al ling the pri nt er dr ive r 4 IC-2 05 4- 13 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 10 Continue se lecti ng the app ropriate settin gs according t o your pr inter setup an d clic king [Next] u ntil [Fi nish] appe ars. 11 Clic k [Fini sh].
4 Instal ling th e printer dri ver 4-14 IC-205 Instal ling t he printe r dr iver Chapte r 4 8 Click [OK]. Click [OK] again. 9 Se lect the print er to b e ins tal led, an d the n cl ick [ Next] . 10 Selec t “LPT1” as th e prin ter port, and then clic k [Next] .
5 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Configuri ng printer dri ver settings.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-2 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5 Configuring prin ter driv er settings From the Windows pri nter window, select t he prin ter, and t hen displ ay the prin ter dr iver prop erty di alog box.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5-3 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 – To dis play th e “Devic e Opti ons” t ab, cli ck [Properti es] f rom the [ File] menu.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-4 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Displa ying s etti ngs un der Win dows 2000/ NT 4.0/Me/98 SE/98 1 Clic k the Wind ows [Sta rt] b utto n, po int to [ Sett ings] , and the n cli ck [Prin ter s].
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5-5 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 – To display the “Device Options” tab in Wind ows 2000 or Windows NT 4.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-6 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 2 Note Use th e four ta bs ( “Setu p”, “Pape r”, “Quali ty”, an d “Dev ice Option s”) to configur e the print er driver se ttings .
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5-7 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.2 Common ope rations This se ction descri bes butt ons th at are common to the d ialog boxes and set- tings that are common to a ll f our of t he tab s (“Se tup”, “Pap er”, “Qualit y”, and “Device Op tions” ).
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-8 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Easy Set Li st Easy S et le ts you sa ve the setup of each tab for la ter recall , when yo u want to use i t again. A fterward, you c an recall the settings b y sel ecting t hem from a list .
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5-9 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Pag e Lay out/Print er F igur e The Page Layo ut i mage sh ows what th e pr inte d doc umen t will loo k like us- ing the cu rrent prin ter dr iver set tings.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-10 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3 “Setu p” tab The “Setu p” tab contain s settings for N-up, Watermark, P aper Source, Me- dia Ty pe, D uplex, a nd S ecurit y.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 11 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3 .1 N -u p The settings in this group box are for configuri ng how multip le pages of the docum ent s hould be pr inte d on a singl e sheet of pap er.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-12 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 N-up Sty le Clic king this bu tton d ispla ys t he d ialog box s how n be low. Click th e st yle you wa nt to u se when print ing mul tiple docume nt pa ges on each sheet of paper.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 13 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3 .2 Wa ter ma rk Use th e sett ings in this group b ox to se lect t he wat ermark text (s uch as “CONFIDENTIAL ”, “DRAFT”, e tc.) and to con trol whet her it is print ed on a ll pages or only the first page.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-14 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 How to edit a watermark 1 To edit a watermark, click the name of t he watermark to b e edited from the Watermark list. 2 Make any s ett ings you wan t.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 15 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Position Use this sett ing to spe cify th e pos itio n whe re th e waterma rk text shoul d be printed. Yo u can specify a position by using horizont al and vert ical val ues.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-16 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3. 3 Pap er S ource Use th e sett ings in this grou p box to spec ify th e sourc e for the printing paper. Paper Source List Click th e dow n arrow but ton, and then se lect the tra y from whi ch pape r shou ld be fe d.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 17 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Detail of P aper Source Click thi s button to display a dialog box for specifyin g settin gs for the cove r page.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-18 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3.4 Me dia type Use the set tings i n this group box to specif y the pa per med ia type for th e print ing paper . Medi a Typ e Lis t Click th e dow n arrow but ton, and then select the typ e of medi a to be used for printing.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 19 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.3 .6 Se cu r it y If th e lock jo b function is us ed, printi ng ca nno t be pe rforme d unl ess the un- lockin g password i s ente red from the machi ne’s operat ion pa nel.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-20 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Printing a locked job 1 Press t he [Pr in ter] ke y to d ispla y the PC Print mode screen. 2 Check th at appears i n t he pri nt- er’s di spla y.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 21 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.4 “Paper ” t ab Use this ta b to co nf igure se ttin gs rela ted to you r orig ina l and t o the me dium on which you are printi ng.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-22 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.4.1 O riginal Document Siz e Use the s ett ings in th is gr oup b ox to spe cify t he s ize of the orig ina l docu - ment.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 23 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Edit Clic k this b utt on to di spla y a dial og box for ed it ing the paper si ze se tting s of the cust om paper si ze curre ntly sel ected in the l ist.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-24 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.4.2 Output Paper Size Use the sett ings in this group bo x to sp ecify t he size of pa per you want to use for pri nting. Y ou can al so confi gure ot her sett ings th at affect the s ize of the prin t image on the paper.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 25 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 Scaling Specify t he zoom ratio for enlargin g or reducing the print image. Type or select a value bet ween 20 % and 40 0 %. 2 Note The Scaling sett ing is not avai labl e whi le th e Fit to Pap er check b ox is selec ted.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-26 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.5 “Quality” tab Use this tab to co ntrol t he q ualit y o f the p rin ted output . 5.5.1 A djustment Cont rast Use th is sett ing to ad jus t the cont rast of t he pri nt im age.
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 27 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.5.3 Tone r Save Selecti ng On prints using less ton er. S elect ing Off prints usin g the usual amount of toner. 5.5.4 R enderi ng Mode Use this set ting to sp ecify the image format.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-28 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.6 “Device Optio ns” tab Use th is tab t o sp ecify th e opti ons that are curre ntly i nsta lled on t he machin e. 5.6.1 Devi ce Options 2 Note The option “ Duplex” i s only su pported by 1 80/210 .
Config uring pri nter d rive r set ting s 5 IC-2 05 5- 29 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5 5.7 “Abo ut” tab Use this tab to d ispl ay ver sion a nd c opyrig ht i nforma tio n abou t this prin ter driver.
5 Config urin g pri nter dri ver s etti ngs 5-30 IC-205 Configu ring prin ter driv er s etting s Chapter 5.
6 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 Control p anel ope ratio ns.
6 Cont rol p an el op eratio ns 6-2 IC-205 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 6 Control pane l operations This secti on covers prin ter operations you can perform on th e control panel of the machi ne. 6.1 Printer operation s The machine’ s defau lt mode is the cop y mode.
Con tr ol pa nel o pe rati ons 6 IC-2 05 6-3 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 General guid e 3 16 7 9 8 5 2 41 0 No. Name Descrip tion 1 [Erro r] indicator • Lights up in orange if an erro r or malfu nction occ urs. 2 [Printer] indic ator • Blinks while the machine is r eceiving print dat a.
6 Cont rol p an el op eratio ns 6-4 IC-205 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 2 Note The [Fax] key and the fax functi on keys are av aila ble only if th e opti onal Fax Ki t (FK- 505) is in st alle d.
Con tr ol pa nel o pe rati ons 6 IC-2 05 6-5 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 Cancelin g a print job You can can cel a print job from th e control panel of the machin e only whil e the ma chin e is in th e PC print mod e. 1 Check that the [Prin ter] in dica tor is flashi ng or is lit , and th en press the [Prin ter ] key.
6 Cont rol p an el op eratio ns 6-6 IC-205 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 2 Note You can us e step s 2 and 3 of th e above p rocedure t o can cel a prin t job whil e an y of the fo llo wing me.
Con tr ol pa nel o pe rati ons 6 IC-2 05 6-7 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 Using th e bypass tray Use the proc edur e descr ibed be low to print onto pape r that is fed (on e sheet at a time ) from the by pass tr ay.
6 Cont rol p an el op eratio ns 6-8 IC-205 Contr ol pa nel op erations Chapt er 6 Energy s ave mode If print d ata is received while t he machin e is in energy sa ve mode, e nergy save mode is ca nceled. When pri nt da ta is recei ved, the d ata is printed after th e machi ne has fi nishe d warming u p.
7 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 Using Pa geSc ope W eb Connection.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-2 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7 Using PageScope W eb Connection 7.1 When usin g PageScope Web Con nection In order to use Pa geScope Web Connectio n, the optional Network Inte rface Card (NC-502) must be installed.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7-3 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 Here are some ex amples of the types of tas ks that can be performed w ith PageScop e Web Connect ion.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-4 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.3 Syste m requ ir eme nts PageScop e Web Connect ion ca n be used i n the fo llowin g syst em environ- ments. 2 Note In order to use PageScope Web Connection, the optional Network Inter- face Card (NC- 502 ) must be in stal led.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7-5 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.4 Accessing PageScope Web Connec tion PageScop e Web Connecti on is access ed direc tly using a web brow ser. How to access to PageScope Web Connection 1 Start up you r web browse r.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-6 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.5 Using PageScope Web Connect ion PageScop e Web Connect ion is used i n the same way as other int ernet web pages.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7-7 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 No. Name Descrip tion 1 Logo Click on th is to jump t o the ma nufacture r’s web site. 2 Logo Click to display the new screen containing the version inform a- tion.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-8 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.7 Logging in as an administrator Some of the setti ngs ava ilable in PageScope Web Connection can only be changed by an administ rator. These setti ngs are only displ ayed when you log in to th e admin istrator mode.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7-9 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.8 Checking/De leting print jobs Checking a print job Clic k [Print Job Ma nagement ] i n the me nu on t he “Job” ta b to view de tails for th e pri nt j obs.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-10 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 Deletin g a print j ob In order to delet e a print job, you mus t be logged in to the administ rator mode. 1 Log in to t he administrator mod e. 2 Click [Print Job Man agement] in the menu on the [Job] tab to display a sub- menu.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7- 11 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.9 Downloading files A speci fied fil e can be dow nloa ded to the mac hine to be prin ted.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-12 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.10 Checking/Ch anging printe r settings The default s etti ngs for the pri nter can be v iewed and ch anged. A p rint jo b s ent w ith no s ett ings spec ified is p rint ed wi th th ese set tings.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7- 13 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 Changing the printe r settings In order to change printer settings, you must be logged in to the administra- tor mode. 1 Log in to t he administrator mod e. 2 Click [Set tin gs] in t he me nu on t he “Pri nt” ta b to di sp lay a su b- menu.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-14 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.11 Printing a test page The following test pages c an be printed. - Confi guratio n page - PCL f ont list How to print a test page 1 Clic k [Tes t Print] in th e me nu on the “Print” tab .
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7- 15 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.12 Displaying th e PCL font list The PCL font list can be checke d. Click [F ont In for mat ion ] in the me nu on the “P rin t” tab to di spla y th e f ont l ist.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-16 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.13 Res ettin g the ne twork interfa ce card and i mage con - troller The network in terface card and image co ntroller can be restarte d.
Using PageScope Web Connection 7 IC-2 05 7- 17 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7 7.14 Initia lizing the net work in terface card and image con- troller The network int erface card and image c ontroller can be init iali zed.
7 Using PageScope Web Connec tion 7-18 IC-205 Using PageS co pe Web Connec tion Chap ter 7.
8 Trou blesh oot ing Chapte r 8 Troubl eshooti ng.
8 Troubleshooting 8-2 IC-205 Trou blesh oot ing Chapte r 8 8 Troubleshooting This section describes the errors t hat can appear d uring PC pri nting and what you ne ed to do to correc t the situ ation. If a probl em occurs durin g PC prin tin g, check the foll owing.
Troubleshooting 8 IC-2 05 8-3 Trou blesh oot ing Chapte r 8 8.2 Main mes sage s The table below describes the main error messages that may appear durin g the PC pri nt mode oper atio ns. 2 Note If the da ta i s n ot pri nted c orr ect ly, sel ect ing “Se nd Pa ge as R ast er” fr om the print er driver may print correctly.
8 Troubleshooting 8-4 IC-205 Trou blesh oot ing Chapte r 8 8.3 Errors and print data What happen s to your pri nt data when an error occurs dep ends on the error type. “MA CH INE TRO UBL E” err or This error in di cates a seri ous o perat ional problem.
9 Spec ifi ca tio ns Chapter 9 Spec ific ations.
9 Specifi cation s 9-2 IC-205 Spec ifi ca tio ns Chapter 9 9S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Specifications Print speed * bizhub 210 • 21 p ages/m in. (A 4 v , 600 × 600 d pi) • 20 p ages/m in. (Letter v , 600 × 60 0 dpi ) • 13 p ages/m in. (A 4 v /Le tt er v , 1200 × 6 00 dp i) bi zh ub 18 0 • 18 p ages/m in.
Spe cif ica tio ns 9 IC-2 05 9-3 Spec ifi ca tio ns Chapter 9 *The prin t spee d is meas ured un der t he f ollow ing pri nt ing con dition s. - Singl e-sid ed p rinti ng - Paper supp lied from Tray 1 Poi nt & pri nt Domain Server: Wind o ws Se rv er 200 3 Client: Windows XP, Wind ows 20 00 Pr ofession al, Wind ows NT 4.
9 Specifi cation s 9-4 IC-205 Spec ifi ca tio ns Chapter 9.
Copyright 2005 2005. 3 4034-7137-01 P/N:91264C105H011 http://k Printed in China.
An important point after buying a device Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Konica Minolta Image Controller IC-205 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center