Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2400DSV Kodak
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2400DSV Service Manual ___________________________________________________________________.
i 1 PREFACE This Serv ice Man ual expl ains the M icrofilm Scanner a lready pu t on the market . It is hop ed tha t this Servi ce Manu al will help to pro vide for m ore effe ctive machin e mainte nance in the fie ld there by ensu ring op timum m achine perf orman ce.
Con ten ts ii Contents 1 Safety Precautions for Inspection a nd Service 1.1 WARNING.................. ................ ............ ................ ............ ........... ......... 1 1.2 CAUTION ............. ........... ........... ...............
Con ten ts iii 3.10Expl anation o f Control Panel ...... ................. ........... ............ .............. 2 6 3.10.1 Control Pane l (Basic) .......... ........... ........... ................. ........... ......... 26 3.10.2 Control Panel (Shift Function) .
Con ten ts iv 5.1.1 Precaut ions for Di sassemb ly and Cl eaning ................. ........... ....... 59 5.2 Handling o f P.W.Boards ................ ........... ........... ................. ............ . 60 5.2.1 Precaut ions r egarding tra nspor tation and storag e .
Con ten ts v 6.5.3 S3: Auto Project ion Lamp OFF ....................... ........... ........... ......... 85 6.5.4 S4: Coin Vender / Foot Switch Setting....................... ........... ......... 85 6.5.5 S5: Fin e Mode Set ting ........ ..........
Con ten ts vi 6.9.4 b4: Prism rota tion operat ion ch eck ............. ........... ................. ..... 103 6.9.5 b5: Single sc an operat ion chec k ..... ................ ............ ........... ..... 10 3 6.9.6 b6: Shading Cor rection..........
Safety Preca utions for Ins pection and Servic e 1 1 1 Safety Precautions for Inspe ction and Service When per forming insp ection an d servic e procedu res, ob serve the follow ing preca utions to prevent a ccidents and ensu re utm ost safety . *Depend ing o n the mod el, s ome of th e prec aution s given in the fol lowing do not a pply.
1 Safety Prec autions for Ins pection a nd Service 2 2. Be fore sta rting the p rocedu res, be s ure to unpl ug the power co rd. 3. Use t he spec ifie d part s. 4. H andle th e power c ord with ca re and never use a mul tiple so cket. 5. Be carefu l about the high- voltage p arts.
Safety Preca utions for Ins pection and Servic e 1 3 7. D o not touch a high-temper atur e part. 8. M ake a grou nd co nnection at all times (Thi s item may no t be ef fect ed in US A). 9. D o not remodel the produ ct. 10. Restore al l parts an d harne sses to their origi nal po sitions.
1 Safety Prec autions for Ins pection a nd Service 4 1.2 CAUTION 1. Prec auti ons fo r Servi ce Jo bs 2. Prec auti ons fo r Ser vici ng wi th Cove rs and Part s Rem oved • A toothed w ash er and spring w asher , if used origina lly , must be reins talled .
Safety Preca utions for Ins pection and Servic e 1 5 3. Pre cautions for Workin g Environm ent 4. Pre cautions for Hand ling Batteri es 5. Pre cautions for Laser Be am (Produc ts Employ ing Lase r Only) . • The product m ust be place d on a fla t, le v el surf ace th at is stab le an d secure .
1 Safety Prec autions for Ins pection a nd Service 6 1.3 Other P recaut ions • T o reassemb le the product, re verse th e order of disassemb ly unless othe rwise specifi ed. • While the pro duct is e nergiz ed, do no t unplu g or plug c onnectors into the circui t boards or harnesses.
Safety Preca utions for Ins pection and Servic e 1 7 1.4 Used Batt eries Prec autions (ALL Areas) CAUTION Dang er of explos ion if bat tery is in corr ectly repl aced . Repla ce only wi th the same or e quiva lent ty pe recom mended by the manuf actur er.
2 Installat ion 8 2 Installation 2.1 Installation Environment To ensu re safe ty and utm ost p erformanc e of the mach ine, the m achine should not be used in a place. 1. Wher e it w ill be subj ect to extr emely h igh or low t emper atur e or humid ity.
Installati on 2 9 2.3 Installing The Power Supply 1. D o not plug the Power Cord int o a power outlet via an ex tension cord supply ing elec tricity to more th an one un it. 2. D o not co nnect the machi ne to a power outle t used for other equipm ent or appliance s.
3 General I nformat ion 10 3 General Informatio n 3.1 Speci ficat ions 3.1.1 MS 6000 Specifica tions Type: Desk-To p Type M icrofilm S canne r Type of Film: Microfiche, Aperture Car d, Jacket, Roll Films (1 6 mm, 35 mm), 16mm C artridge F ilm bot h Positive a nd Nega tive Magnificatio n: Single Le ns.
General In formation 3 11 Standa rd Accesso ries Power C ord, P rinter Cabl e, Opera tor’s Ma nual Options: Lenses, Prism Unit, Fi che Carrier 5, Universal Carrier UC-2, Ro ll Film Carrier 9B, Roll .
3 General I nformat ion 12 3.1.2 MS 6000 & MSP300 0 Printer Sys tem 3.1.3 MS 6000 & MSP200 0 Printer Sys tem Specifica tions Type: Microfilm Scanner Printer System Printi ng Method: Laser Elec.
General In formation 3 13 3.2 System Configuration -Sin gle Le ns - Zoom Lens 9-16X 13-27X 23-5 0X 7.5X Projection Lens Scanner RFC-15M RFC-15A Film C arrier A uto R etrie v al Co ntroller FC-5 UC-2 R.
3 General I nformat ion 14 3.3 Connection Mode This Sc anner is a vailable in the follow ing confi guratio ns. 3.3. 1 P R Mode (Scan ner + Pri nter) The Scan ner is connecte d to a dedicate d printe r, allow ing scan ned images to be prin ted ou t directly .
General In formation 3 15 3.4 Parts Ide ntification 1. Screen 2. Cont rol P anel 3. O ption Inte rface Co nnector (option) 4. Fus e Hol der 5. Power Cord Socket 6. Pri nter Conn ector 7. SC SI Connect or 8. Powe r Switch 9. Proj ecti on Uni t 10. Ima ge Ro tati on Kno b 11.
3 General I nformat ion 16 3.5 Component Layout 13 4 5 6 7 8 91 0 2 1. 1s t Reader Path Mirror 2. 2n d Reade r Path Mirror 3. 2n d Scan Path Mirror 4. Screen 5. 1s t Scan Path Mirror 6. Scan Ta ble 7. Proj ecti on Le ns 8. Proj ecti on Lamp 9. 3 rd Scan Path Mirror 10.
General In formation 3 17 3.6 Electrical Components Layout PU1 PU2 M1 M2 M3 M4 S1 S201 TS1 LA1 F1 PC3 PC4 PC1 PC2 PWB-G PWB-C PWB-SS PWB- BB PWB-T L1 PWB-A PWB-EE PWB-J.
3 General I nformat ion 18 Symbol Name F1 Fuse L1 Filter Coil LA1 P rojection Lamp M1 Scan Mo tor M2 Scan Ta ble Mo tor M3 Power Unit Cooling Fan Motor M4 Projecti on Lamp Cooli ng Fan M otor PC1 Imag.
General In formation 3 19 Symbol Name CNT1 Total Coun ter M5 Auto Image Rotation M otor PU3 Op tion Power Unit (for RFC-21) PWB-D Option I/F Board (for RFC-15A/M, UC-2 , MARS) PWB-F Option I/F Board (.
3 General I nformat ion 20 3.7 Electrical Parts Function Symbol Name Fun ction CNT1 Total Counter Coun ts the num ber of prin ts. F1 Fu se Power F use 100/1 20V A rea : 250V , 10A 220-24 0V Area: 250V, 6.
General In formation 3 21 CNT1, PU3, PWB-D, PWB-F , PWB-J, PWB-SS, PWB- X, PWB-Y: Option PWB-G Scan T able Con necting Board Connects the S can Tabl e Sectio n and Main Harness of the mac hine. PWB- J Graysca le Me mory B oard PC Mode : Memory used when image is read with Grayscale.
3 General I nformat ion 22 3.8 Connectors Layout CN1 3P CN2 2P CN3 2P CN4 4P CN5 2P CN6 2P CN7 3P CN8 2P CN1 0 3P CN1 1 6P CN1 2 12P CN1 5 3P CN1 7 5P CN1 8 3P CN1 9 2P CN2 1 4P CN4 0 6P CN4 1 3P CN42.
General In formation 3 23 CN13 9P CN20 11P CN28 6P CN75 8P CN76 9P CN77 8P CN78 9P PJ1D/F 5P PJ2D/F 13P PJ3F 2P PJ1 X 8P PJ2 X 9P PJ1 Y 8P PJ2 Y 9P.
3 General I nformat ion 24 3.9 Elect rical S ervic e Part s on P.W.Boar ds 3.9.1 Main Contr ol Board (PWB-BB ) 3.9. 2 I/F Boar d (P WB- EE) Do not to uch the e lectric parts which has n ot ind icated of this sec tion. NOTE DSW1... For F actor y Use Only (Nor m ally a ll switche s are OF F posi tion .
General In formation 3 25 3.9. 3 I/F Boar d (P WB- SS) 3.9.4 Main Power U nit (PU1) 3.9.5 Projection La mp Regulat or (PU2) 3.9.6 Optional Power Unit (PU3) RSW1 .
3 General I nformat ion 26 3.10 Explanation of Control Panel 3.10.1 Control Panel (Basic) Correction Centering/Fit Masking Print Mode Film Type Darker Auto Lighter Start Auto Photo Fine Text Nega Posi.
General In formation 3 27 1. Size Selection Key: Select the paper feeding source acco rding to the form at of the fi lm image that i s being re flected i n the screen. : whe n this lamp is lit : A 90 degree im age rotatio n is perform ed dur- ing pr inting.
3 General I nformat ion 28 3. Centeri ng/Fit Key : When th is ke y is pre ssed, th e setting rotate s from O FF to the C entering and Fit function s. When Auto M asking, Tri mming, or Ma skin g are set to off, Auto M asking will autom atically be enable d when Center ing is selecte d.
General In formation 3 29 4. Masking Key: When pre ssed, thi s key ro tates f rom OFF to the Auto, Trimmin g or M asking fu nctio ns. Each tim e this key is pressed, selec tion i s swit ched in order of "OFF → Auto Ma sking → Manual T rimming → Manual Mask ing → OFF.
3 General I nformat ion 30 6. Film Type Key: Rotate s betwe en Auto, Nega, an d Posi ea ch tim e the key is p resse d. Auto: The sc anner autom atically determi nes be- tween th e film type opti ons of negati ve or pos- itive fo r print prod uctio n. Nega: Select w hen usi ng negativ e film.
General In formation 3 31 11. Mult i-Print Displ ay: Shows the num ber of prints set to be made. Also dis- plays corresp ondin g codes i n the e vent of a m alfunc tion or pap er misfee d. The b linking number in this d isplay indica tes the Sc anner i n operation .
3 General I nformat ion 32 13. Memory Input Key : To store on e of the f ollowin g func tions in to the memory of the S canne r, first se t one of the function s on C ontrol Panel an d then press th is button with the head of a pen or other dev ice.
General In formation 3 33 3.10.2 Control Pa nel (Shift F unction) Correction Centering/Fit Masking Print Mode Film Type Darker Auto Lighter Start Auto Photo Fine Text Nega Posi C Auto Manual Resolutio.
3 General I nformat ion 34 1. Lamp Il luminan ce Key : When this key is pressed t ogether with the Shi ft Key, the i llumi nation of the sc reen is ad juste d. When this key is co ntinuo usly pr essed, th e screen is gradual ly darkene d until it is turned OFF.
General In formation 3 35 3.11 Image Process ing Scre en Im age → → → → Print Image Exp lanation Auto Masking The system masks the black bands that run along the edges of the im age. Trimming The system m asks everythin g but the cente r of the im age.
3 General I nformat ion 36 Auto Format Pr int The machine aut omatica lly determine s the format (p ortrai t or landsca pe) of the image on the Scre en and pr ints it as necessary. Electric al Zoom The s ystem magn ifies the screen imag e accordi ng to the size of paper being used .
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 37 4 Mechanical and Electrical 4.1 Illumination M echanism 4.1. 1 Ove rvi ew The I lluminati on Me chanism efficien tly us es the li ght produc ed by the Projectio n Lamp to supply the mo st suitab le am ount of li ght for t he proje ction of the Microf ilm.
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 38 4.1.3 Projection Lamp Vol tage Control Circuit The inte nsity of the lig ht emitte d by the Pro jecti on Lamp i s adjust ed to a level o ptimu m for the i mage density b y con trolling t he vol tage appl ied to the Proje ction Lam p.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 39 4.1.4 Thermostat (TS1 ) To avoi d any of the tr oubles a ccompan ying an e xcessi ve rise i n the temperat ure ins ide the m achine c aused by a failure of the Coolin g Fan to dissip ate he at produce d by th e Projecti on Lamp, there is a The rmostat install ed at t he back o f the Pro jection L amp.
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 40 4.1.5 Conde nser Lens G Overview Not on ly must the amoun t of li ght projec ted ont o the Scree n or CC D remain even d espite c hanges i n the mic rofilm or magnif ication ra tio, bu t also th e light c oming from the Projec tion Lam p must be ef ficien tly conden sed.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 41 4.1.6 Projection Lens The Proje ction Len s enla rges the i mage of th e Microfi lm and p rojects it onto the Screen or CCD. Each Proj ection Lens c omes in a unit. T he Foc us Ring a nd Zoo m Ring of the Un it are us ed to b ring the i mage on the Sc reen into focus an d enla rge or re duce i t, re spect ivel y.
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 42 4.2 Im age R otatio n The Prism U nit is rotated to co rrect any tilt of the image mi crofilm proj ected on the Scre en. 4.2.1 Prism Rotation The Auto Image Rotating Knob is l inked to t he Auto Image Rota ting Variable Resisto r (VR1).
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 43 4.3 O ptical Sectio n 4.3. 1 Ove rvi ew The bas ic functi on of the O ptical S ection is to project an enlargem ent of the imag e on the mi crofilm on to the Screen w hen in the R eader Mode an d onto the CC D whe n in th e Scan Mode .
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 44 4.3.2 Read er Path The Re ader Path i s estab lis hed wh en the Powe r Swit ch is t urned ON and remai ns form ed ex cept d uring a scan mo vement . The ima ge on t he microf ilm is pro jected on to the e ntire ar ea of the Sc reen by mean s of th e two Reader Pat h Mirro rs.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 45 4.3.4 Scan Tab le Driv e Mechani sm The Reade r Path is s witched from the Pr inter Pat h, or vice versa , by moving the Scan Table t o the resp ectiv e positio ns. The Scan Table is driven fro m the Scan Table Drive Moto r (M2).
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 46 4.3.5 Scan Mirro r Motion Co ntrol The mot ion of the Scan M irror is co ntrolled b y the Scan Leve r and Shaft as the Sh aft is dri ven by th e Scannin g Motor (M1). The Scan Mirror sc ans the i mage of the micr ofilm at a speed 1 /631.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 47 4.3.6 Mirror Scan Motor (M1) Control Circuit Drive of the Scan ning Mot or (M1) is con trolled by the sign als whi ch are input to the Mo tor Drive r Board (PW B-T) from the Main Control B oard (PWB-BB).
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 48 4.4 CCD Section There are five 960-pixel CCD s ensor chips arranged in a zigzag as illust rated be low. The t otal numb er or pi xels tha t can b e read is 4,800 w ith a res olution o f 400dpi. Readi ng With: 3 04.8 mm o r more Pixe l Size : 63.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 49 4.5 Image Bus The image d ata read b y the CCD goes through anal og-to-digital conver sion befo re being output. The analog image sig nals output from the CCD are co nvert ed to digit al im age si gnals .
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 50 Edge emph asis an d smooth ing are ca rried ou t. • Edge Emph asis (T e xt Imag e) The ou tlin es of chara cter s and fin e li nes are made sharper as they appear on the copy by correcting th e MTF (mo dulation tran sfer func tion) charac terist ics (resolution).
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 51 Ser ial -to- paral lel conv ersi on Printer I/F The imag e data is rota ted by 90 degrees a nd converts pixel-by -pixel serial im age data into a co rrespon ding set of pa rall el d ata fo r 8 pix els . Transf ers parallel image data for 8 pixels to the Printer.
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 52 4.6 Auto Masking 4.6. 1 Ove rvie w If a pr int is ma de from an image that is pr ojecte d smalle r than the M arkers on the s creen, the non-im age areas of the film res ult in bla ck bands running around the image on the pri nt.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 53 G Effectiv e Imag e and Effec tive Fr ame * The effect ive image w idth in the ve rtical and hori zontal direc tion mu st be 45 mm or more . G Memor andum Image Maskin g Eff ectiv e I mage Widt h: The imag e is c onsi dere d as a n im age if it e xte nds 45 mm or more .
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 54 G Memo i mage away from the f rame (A I sland bli p) An isla nd bli p (a blip that p ositions away f rom the image) is not masked ; it is co nside red as a norm al.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 55 4.7 Auto I mage Ske w Correct ion 4.7. 1 Ove rvi ew The CCD Board (PWB-A) dete cts the image which skew on the screen and corre cts a utoma tically a t the ti me of sc an. Correc ts of the s traight ima ge by rot ating the pris m unit by th e auto imag e rotation mo tor (M5).
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 56 4.8 Manual Frame Masking The mac hine ma kes a print of the area o f image o n the Scree n defin ed with th e Manual Maskin g Panel s. The pr int area i s defined indep endent ly in the vertical direct ion an d horizon tal di rection.
Mechani cal an d Electric al 4 57 4.9 2 to 1 Printing Function 4.9. 1 Ove rvi ew As shown above , two sc anners, e ach equip ped with the 2- to-1 Print ing Functio n, can be conne cted to a singl e printer whi ch ma nages the print jobs s ent from bo th scann ers.
4 Mechani cal a nd Elec trical 58 4.9.3 Iden tification Ma rks In order t o dist inguish w hich s canner s ent a pr int job, th e scanne rs are equippe d with a n identifi cation M ark Printin g Functio n which ha s the follow ing setti ngs: The p rintable a rea is reduced b y 3 m m on the l eft side a nd the 1.
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 59 5 Disassembly and Cleaning 5.1 Precautions 5.1.1 Precautions for Disassemb ly and Cle aning 1. Bef ore dis assemblin g, alwa ys ma ke sure t he Power Pl ug is unplugg ed. 2. U se only fuses of the indic ated ra ting. 3.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 60 5.2 Handling of P.W.Boards 5.2.1 Precau tions regard ing transp ortation an d storage 1. D uring sh ipmen t or when in storag e, new P.W .Board m ust not b e indisc riminatel y remove d from their p rotective bags. 2. D o not store or place thes e P.
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 61 5.3 Mainte nance and Inspec tion 5.3.1 Preventi ve Mainten ance Sch edule Li st 5.3.2 Details of readju stments need ed whe n parts a re replace d Repla cement o f the followi ng parts calls for rech eckin g, readju stmen ts, or resettin g of ce rtain i tems.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 62 5.4 Disassembly and Cleaning Procedure 5.4.1 Remov al of the Outer Cov ers 1 Remo ve the tw o scr ews and t hen slide th e Optica l Cover to the re ar side of the ma chine . Then hol ding u p the rear s ide of the Opt ical Co ver and remove it .
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 63 Only 220 -240V area: Remo ve the m etal plate in the Left Co v er also . 4 Remove the L eft Cover. (1 screw) Only 220 -240V area: Remo ve the m etal plate in the Right Cov er also .
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 64 6 Remove the Lowe r Left Cover. (2 screws) 7 Remove the Lowe r Right Cover. (2 screws) 8 Remove the R ear Cover. (4 screws).
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 65 5.4.2 Replac ing of the Projec tion Lamp 1 Slide the Proj ection Lam p Unit out. 2 Remo ve the Pr oject ion La mp from the Lamp Holder. NOTE ➜ Do not touch with bare hand and extremel y hot Projection Lam p immedi ately afte r the mac hine has been turne d OFF.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 66 5 Insert the new Proje ction Lam p all the wa y into the Lamp Holder. 6 Slide the Proj ectio n Unit back int o the mac hine. 5.4.3 Cleani ng of the Pro jection Lamp 1 Wipe all foreig n matter o ff the surface of the Proje ction Lam p with a soft piec e of c loth whi ch has bee n dam pened wi th alcoho l.
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 67 5.4.5 Cleanin g of the each Mirro rs 1 Remove the Opti cal Cover. 2 Wipe cl ean the 1st Reade r Path Mirror with a soft pi ece of cloth. 3 Wipe cl ean the 2nd Rea der Path Mirror with a soft pi ece of cloth. 4 Remove the L eft Cover.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 68 5 Wipe cl ean the 2nd and 3 rd Scan Path Mirro r with a sof t piec e of cloth. 5.4.6 Cleaning of the CCD F ilter 1 Remove the Left Cover. (1 screw) Only 220 -240V a rea: Remo v e the m etal plate in th e Left Co v er als o .
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 69 5.4.7 Remov al of the CCD Assy 1 Remove t he stoppe r from the Right Co ver and th en ope n the Right Cover. (2 Screws) Only 220 -240V area: Remo ve the m etal plate in the Left Co v er also . 2 Remove the L eft Cover.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 70 3 Remove the CCD Assy Lower Plate. (2 screws) 4 Remove th e CCD Assy . (two shoulde r screws, Th ree connec tors) 5 Unplug connector from the CCD Assy.
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 71 5.4.8 Removal of the Pow er Unit 1 Remove the Opti cal Cover. (2 screws) 2 Disco nnect the five C onnecto rs o f the Powe r Unit from the machine. NO TE: F or 220 -240V area, dis connect the 2P connec tor of the Coil also .
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 72 5.4.9 Removal o f the P.W.Boa rds. 1 Remove the Left Cover,Lower Left Cove r and Rear Cover. (Refe r to " Rem oval o f Oute r Cove r".) 2 Open th e Right Cover. Only 220 -240V a rea: Rem ov e the me tal pl ates in the Left and R ight Co v er als o .
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 73 5.4.10 Replacing Sc an Mot or bushing and friction pla te 1 Remove the Opti cal Cover. (2 screws) 2 Tilt the Scan M otor Assy in the directio n of the arrow and, pressin g the sha ft in th e directi on of the arro w, re-move the b ushin g and then peel th e fric tion plate off the Scan Motor Ass y.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 74 2 Remove the Power Unit C over. (3 screws) 3 Repl ace th e Fuse of PU 1. Main P ow er Uni t: PU1 A C250V 12A(1 00/120 V area) A C250V 6.3A(2 20/240V are a) 4 Repl ace th e Fuse of PU 2. Projection Lamp Regulator: PU2 A C125V 5A (100/120V a rea) A C250V 5A (220/240V a rea) 5.
Disass embly a nd Cl eaning 5 75 5.4. 13 Exch angi ng th e Osci llat or Chi p When us ing M SP2000 print er, you must ex change th e Oscil lator Chi p (OSC1) on Pr inter I/F Board (PW B-EE) of the Mi crofil m Scanner for the Oscilla tor Chip sup plied w ith MSP200 0 Printer.
5 Disa ssembly and Cl eaning 76 Only 220 -240V a rea: Remo v e the met al plate in the Right Co v er al so . 4 Remove the Shield Cove r (front). 5 Remove the tw o Oscillat or Chips from PWB-EE. 6 Install the Oscilla tor Chip supp lied in to the OSC1 socke t as shown on the illu stratio n 7 Reins tall all t he cov ers.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 77 6 Function Mo de and Adju stment 6.1 Precautions 1. Al ways un plug con nector s by hold ing the c onnector h ousin g. Pulling on the c able co rd can lea d to pro blems w ith poor c ontact. When unpl ugging connecto rs on the PWBs them selves , always make sure the power is OFF firs t.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 78 6.3 Function M ode List 6.3.1 S mode (Sett ing Functi on 1) No. Funct ion Setting Contents S1 Auto Reset *d0 d1 ON (60 sec.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 79 6.3.2 y mode (Se tting Function 2) No. Funct ion Setting Contents y1 Not Used *d0 y2 Auto Paper Source Swit ching *d0 d1 Auto Switching Disabling Auto Switching y3 .
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 80 6.3.3 o mode (Se tting Function 3) No. Funct ion Setting Contents o1 Metric/Inc h Setting d 0 d1 Metri c Inch o2 N-P A uto Exp os ure C oar se Adjustm ent d4 | d.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 81 6.3.4 F mod e (machine o perat ion checks) 6.3.5 b mod e (machine o perat ion checks) No. Funct ion Contents F1 ROM Version Check Displa ys the present RO M version. F2 Tota l Scan C ounter Displays the number of times of total scan .
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 82 6.3.6 About the Fun ction M ode Setting La bel Remov e the T op Co ver by usin g a Sl otted Scre wdriv er. [FUNCT ION MODE SETTING] La bel is attached on the ba ck of the Top cover .
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 83 6.4 Operation of the Function M ode 6.4.1 Entering the Function M ode 1. Pres s the Ex posu re Mod e Select Ke y, Multi-Print Key and Clear/St op Key on t he con trol panel at the sa me time for two secon ds or mo re.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 84 6.4.3 Execution method in F and b mode (F4, F8 and b6) 1. To perfor m the function , press t he Mode Me mory k ey. 6.4.4 Execution method in S, y and o mode 1. Pres s the Exp osure Mod e Sel ect Key. 2. Th e pres ent se tting val ue is dis playe d on th e displ ay wi ndo w.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 85 6.5 S mode Operations 6.5.1 S1: Auto Re set Setting c hanges m ade to the contro l pane l that are not use d within 60 second s of bei ng input are autom atically cancell ed and th e system rev erts back to the ori ginal se ttings.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 86 6.5.5 S5: Fine M ode Setting Select t he func tion in th e fine mode, w hen sele cting Nega pri nt mode on the con trol pan el. 6.5.6 S6: Pap er Tray fee d size (MSP 3000 Prin ter) Determ ines the desired p aper si ze supp lied b y the Paper Tray of the print er.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 87 6.5.8 S8: Cycl e print mo de This fun ction automati cally s cans the next i mage foll owing a preset pe riod of time. Images a re set by the us er onto the Carrier Gla ss in bet ween cycles . 6.5.9 S9: Nega Contra st Adjustment Adjusts contrast in the neg ative film use.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 88 6.5.11 Sb: Scan Ta ble Stop Po sition Adjustme nt (Scan Positi on) This a djustm ent is neces sary w hen any of the follow ing sym ptoms o ccurs. * The s top posi tion of the Scan T able sho uld be se t toward t he rear f or sympt om 1 expl ained ab ove an d toward the scree n for sy mptom 2 .
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 89 6.5.13 Sd: Auto i mage rotation 9 0 degree rotat ion function When pri nting the A3 (Ledge r) size or B4 (Legal) s ize by 600 dpi, the 90 degrees elect ric image rotatio n is not possible .
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 90 6.6 y mode Operations 6.6.1 y2: Auto Pap er Source Switching Allows you to s pecify t he pape r source w hen sa me si ze paper i s loaded into the both p aper feedi ng tray and paper feeding c assette.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 91 6.6.4 y6: Pres can Operat ion Select the prescan op eration when usi ng an Auto Ma sking and Auto Skew correcti on function. 6.6. 5 y7 : Au to Sk ew Cor rec tion R etai n Determine s wheth er or not to retain the origina l (uncorre cted) skew of a screen image aft er the p rint has been ma de.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 92 6.7 o mode Operations 6.7.1 o1: Inch/M etric Sel ect Select t he inch o r metric setting of the mac hine. ) 6.7.2 o2: N-P Aut o Exposure Coarse Adju stment This ad justment is m ade when the imag e density on th e print (sc an) output i n the Auto Ex posure m ode is no t satisfa ctory.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 93 6.7.3 o3: P-P Auto Exp osure C oarse Adjustm ent This ad justment is ma de when the imag e density on th e print (sc an) output i n the Auto Ex posur e mode is not sati sfactory. This ad justment is neces sary afte r the repla cement o f PWB-A and PWB- BB.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 94 6.7.4 o4: Scan Sp eed Adjus tment This op eration is used to match the widt h on th e Screen im age wi th that on the prin t (s can) i mage. This ad justment is nece ssary aft er the re placeme nt of PWB-BB. 1. L oad the Film in the ma chine and make a print (sca n).
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 95 6.7.5 o5: Adju stment of the image a rea Lengt hwise Positi on 1. Lo ad the Film in t he mac hine and make a p rint (s can). <Condit ions o f print ing/scan ning> Size: Lett er (A4) Length wise Centerin g:OFF Auto Mask ing:ON 2.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 96 6.7.6 o6: Adjustm ent of the Top and Bottom Frame Bla ck Band Widt h 1. L oad the Film in the ma chine and make a print. <Condi tions of print ing/scan ning> Size: Let ter (A4) Le ngthwise Centeri ng:OFF Auto Maskin g:ON 2.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 97 6.7.7 o7: Adjustment of the Right and Left Frame Black Band Wid th 1. Lo ad the Film in t he mac hine and make a p rint (s can). <Condit ions o f print ing/scan ning> Size: Lett er (A4) Length wise Centerin g:OFF Auto Mask ing:ON 2.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 98 6.7.8 o8: Projectio n lamp burn ou t detectio n (L2) setting Select wh ether to de tect L2 when Projectio n Lamp bu rn out.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 99 6.8 F mode Operations 6.8. 1 F1: ROM Vers ion Che ck Used when ch ecking t he pres ent ROM versio n of the machine . 1. Set s the f unction m ode “ F1 ” , and press the Start Key. 2. Sho ws the curr ent ROM v ersion nu mber o f the mach ine.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 100 6.8.7 F7: Projectio n Lamp V oltage Adju stment This Adjus tment is ma de to adjust the Project ion Lamp Volt age. This Adj ustme nt is nec essary a fter the replacem ent of the Project ion Lamp Regul ator (PU2).
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 101 6. Ref erring to th e setting proce dure for Fun ction mode, set "F 7". 7. To perform th e adju stment, press th e Start k ey. 8. R otate VR61 on PU2 so that the reading v oltag e on the m ulti- meter be comes DC 21.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 102 6.9 b mode Operations 6.9.1 b1: Checki ng the Scan Ta ble Unit F unction This m ode sh ould be u sed to ch eck t he Scan Tab le Unit Function . 1. R eferring t o the setti ng proced ure for F unction m ode, set "b1".
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 103 6.9. 4 b 4: Pr ism ro tati on op erat ion check Checks the rotatio n operatio n (AIR functio n) of a prism. 1. R eferring to the setti ng proced ure for F unction mod e, set "b4 ". 2. Pre ss the Star t Key to per form the 45 degree prism rot ation.
6 Funct ion Mo de an d Adjus tme nt 104 6.9.6 b6: Shading Correct ion This ad justment is nece ssary aft er the re placement o f PWB-A or PW B- BB. 1. Chec ks the surf ace of the 1st to 3r d scan path mirr or an d if d irty cle an it. 2. Pl ace Projec tion Len s TYPE 2 in pos ition an d set a lens zoom ratio of 20X.
Function M ode and Adjustm ent 6 105 6.9.7 b7: Test Prin t Function The test print o f the printe r can be e xecuted. 1. R eferring to the setti ng proced ure for F unction mod e, set "b7 ". 2. Pres s the St art K ey. 3. Th e foll owing test p rints are outp ut by the printer.
7 Troublesh ooting 106 7 Troub lesho oting 7.1 How to Use This Section 1. If a compon ent on a P.W.Boa rd or any o ther fun ctional unit in cluding motor i s defect ive, t he bookl et onl y instru cts you to rep lace the whole P.W.Boa rd or fun ctional u nit and do es not gi ve trou bleshoot ing procedu re appl icable w ithin the defec tive unit .
Troublesh ooting 7 107 7.2 Malfunction Indicat ions If the ab ove tro uble is d isplaye d, first perform the follow ing works. 1. Tu rns off the power s witch, and unplug the power c ord. 2. Afte r 10 seco nds or more pro gress, plug the power co rd and turns on Power Switch.
7 Troublesh ooting 108 7.3 Malfunction Detect ion Timing 7.3.1 L2: Projecti on Lamp malfunct ion 7.3. 2 C 1: Sc an Un it Dr ive m alfu nct ion 7.3. 3 C 2: Scan Mirro r Dri ve mal funct ion Display Detection Timing L2 When scan begins and th e light of the Projec tion Lamp do es not strike the CCD.
Troublesh ooting 7 109 7.3. 4 C 3: Sh adin g Corr ect ion m alfu ncti on 7.3.5 C4: Cooling F an Motor malfu nction 7.3. 6 Cb: Co mmu nica tion Erro r 7.3.7 CL: Printer Clock malfunc tion Displ ay Det ection C3 When du ring sha ding corr ect ion ( b6) th e pr ojec tio n lamp lig ht t o CCD i s fe w unusual ly.
7 Troublesh ooting 110 7.4 Troubleshooting for malfunction code 7.4.1 L2: Projecti on Lamp malfunct ion 7.4.2 C1: Sca n Unit Drive Malfunction 7.4. 3 C 2: Scan Mirro r Dri ve mal funct ion Check Item Remedy Chec k LA 1.
Troublesh ooting 7 111 7.4. 4 C 3: Sh adin g Corr ect ion m alfu ncti on 7.4.5 C4: Cooling F an Motor malfu nction 7.4. 6 Cb: Co mmu nica tion Erro r Check Item Remedy Is C3 dis played d uring Fun ction Mo de “ b6 ” execution? → No Replace PWB-BB.
7 Troublesh ooting 112 7.4.7 CL: Printer Clock malfunc tion Check Item Remedy Is CL sh own even whe n powe r is turned O FF, then turned ON a gain? → No OK ↓ Yes Is the ded icated int erface cable used? → No Repl ace the Interface Cabl e. ↓ Yes Checks the conn ection of an inter face cable.
Troublesh ooting 7 113 7.5 Troubleshooting for malfunction 7.5. 1 No P ower 7.5.2 The Projecti on Lamp does not Ligh t Up Check Item Re medy Has the Power Switch (S1) be en turned O N? → No T urn on th e Powe r Switch (S1). ↓ Yes Has the Power Cord been se curely connected to the ma chine? → No Plug in the power cord.
7 Troublesh ooting 114 7.6 Electrical Components Check 7.6.1 LA1: Projectio n Lamp 7.6.2 M3: Power Unit Cooling Fan M otor 7.6.3 M4: Projec tion Lamp Cool ing Fan Moto r 7.
Troublesh ooting 7 115 7.6. 6 P C3: Re ade r Posi tio n Sens or 7.6. 7 P C4: Sc an Po siti on Se nsor 7.6.8 PU1: Power Unit 7.6.9 PU2: Projection Lam p Regulator 7.
7 Troublesh ooting 116 7.6. 11 S201: Int erloc k Swit ch 7.6.12 TS1: Ther mostat 1 Is the circuit across COM and NC terminals conducti ng when th e Switch is remo ved from the machin e? → Yes Replace S 201. ↓ No 2 Is the circuit across COM and NC terminals conducti ng when th e Switch Actuator is depressed ? → No Repla ce S201.
Troublesh ooting 7 117 7.7 Image Troubleshooting The Imag e abno rmalities of the pri nter ref er to the se rvice ma nual o f the print er and perfo rm the Troublesh ooting . Troubl e Remedy Black or blank pri nt • Check t he Proje ction Lam p (LA1) fo r possible discolor ation and b reaks.
7 Troublesh ooting 118.
0820-0003-51D CIRCUIT DIA GRAM 1/1 MS 6000 A C100V/120V/220-240V Jan. 2001 DWG.NO . TITLE MODEL VOLT AG E DA TE ISSUED.
0820-0004-58A WIRING DIA GRAM 1/4 MS 6000 A C100V/120V/220-240V Jan. 2001 DWG.NO . TITLE MODEL VOLT AG E DA TE ISSUED.
0820-0004-58A WIRING DIA GRAM 2/4 MS 6000 A C100V/120V/220-240V Jan. 2001 DWG.NO . TITLE MODEL VOLT AG E DA TE ISSUED.
0820-0004-58A WIRING DIA GRAM 3/4 MS 6000 A C100V/120V/220-240V Jan. 2001 DWG.NO . TITLE MODEL VOLT AG E DA TE ISSUED.
0820-0004-58A WIRING DIA GRAM 4/4 MS 6000 A C100V/120V/220-240V Jan. 2001 DWG.NO . TITLE MODEL VOLT AG E DA TE ISSUED.
Copyright 2001 MINOLTA CO,.LTD. Printed In Japan Use of this manual should be strictly supervised to avoid disclosure of confidential information. 0820-7993-11 01020160 Printed in Japan MINOLTA CO.
An important point after buying a device Kodak 2400DSV (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Kodak 2400DSV yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Kodak 2400DSV - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Kodak 2400DSV you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Kodak 2400DSV will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Kodak 2400DSV, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Kodak 2400DSV.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Kodak 2400DSV. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Kodak 2400DSV along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center