Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 KitchenAid
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Models/Modèles KGRI801 KGRA806 KGRK806 KGSI901 KGSA906 9762266 GAS RANGE Use & Care G uide For que stions abo ut featur es, operati on/performance, parts accessories or serv ice, ca ll: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, call for assi stance 1-800-461-5681 , fo r install ation and ser vice, ca ll: 1-800-807-6777 or visi t ou r webs ite at.
2 T ABLE OF CON TENTS RANGE SAFETY .................................... ............................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ....................................................... ............. 4 PARTS AND FEATURES ......................
3 RANGE SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 The Anti-T ip Bracket The range will no t tip durin g normal use. Howev er , t he range can ti p if you a pply too much force or weight to the open door wit hout t he anti-tip bracket fasten ed dow n properly . Tip Over Hazard A child or adult can tip the range and be killed.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES This man ual co vers sev eral di fferent models. The ran ge you ha ve purchased may hav e some o r all of t he it ems liste d. The locati o ns and appearances of the features show n here may not match th ose of your mode l.
6 Rang e A. Le ft rear surface burne r & grate B. Left front surface b urner & gra te (d ua l va lve T ripleTier™ flame burner with Insta Wok™ Ring on some model s) C. Anti-tip bracket D. Model and ser ial number (behi nd left si de of draw er) E.
7 COOKTOP USE Cookware IMPORT AN T : Do not leave empt y cookware on a hot surface cooking area, element or surface bur ner . Ideal cookw a re should have a flat b ottom, straight side s, a well- fitting lid and the material should be of medium-to-heavy thick ness.
8 T ripleTier ™ Bur ne r wi th Hi gh Po wer Sett in gs a nd Lo w Power Simmer Settings (on some models) NOTE : S ettings are marked on the con trol knob. The T ripleTier ™ Flame Burner (1 5,000 BTU [Briti sh Thermal Units ]) can pr ovide th e high est heat s e tti ng and 3 leve ls of simmer control.
9 T r ipleT ie r™ Flame Burner with InstaW ok™ Ring The T ripleTier ™ Flame Burner with I nstaW ok ™ Ri ng is a multifuncti on bur ner that produces everyt hing from a rapid boil down to a low simmer .
10 Standard Bur ner Gas tu be op ening Gas must flow freely t hroughou t the ga s tube o pening fo r the burn er to light properly . Keep this area free of soil and do n ot allow spil ls, food, clean ing agents or any oth er material to ent er the gas tube opening.
11 ELECTRONIC OVEN CONTROL Style 1 (Models KGRA806 , KGRK806 and KGSA906) Style 2 (Models KGRI801 a nd KGSI90 1) Electronic C ontrol Pad s When pressing an y control pad fun ction on the El ectronic Oven Cont rol, u se the pad of y our finge r to press th e desi red fu ncti on.
12 Start The ST ART pad begins any oven function except the Timer , Control Loc k and Sab bath Mod e. If not press ed wit hin 5 s econds after pressin g a pa d, “ ST ART? ” will appear on the ov en dis play as a reminder .
13 Ti m e r The Timer can be set in minute s and second s or hours and minutes an d counts d own the se t time. NOTE : The Ti mer does not start or stop the oven. 1. Press TIMER SET/ST ART . Press again to swi tch from MIN/SEC and HR/MIN. If no ac tion i s taken a fter 4 minu tes, the di splay will r eturn to the time of day mode.
14 T emperatu re Probe (on some models) The temperature probe accurate ly measures the inter nal temperature of meat, pou ltry and ca sseroles with liq uid and should be u sed in dete rmining t he doneness of meat and poul try . It should not be used during maxi and econo broi l ing, convection broiling or pr oofing bread.
15 Positioning Racks and Bakeware IMPORT AN T : Do not pl ace food or b akeware directly on th e oven door or bottom. Permanent da mage will occur to the por c elain finish. RACK S NOTE S: ■ Position racks before turning the oven on. ■ Do not position r acks with b akewar e on them.
16 Bake The BAKE function is ideal for b aking, roastin g or heating casseroles. During baking or roasting, the bake b urner and b roil element will cycle on and off in int ervals to mai ntain oven tempe rature.
17 Convection Cookin g (on some models) In a convectio n oven, the fan-circulated hot air continu ally distributes heat mor e evenly than the natural movement of air in a stan dard t he rma l ov en.
18 Convection Roast (on some models) Convection roasti ng can be used for roasting meat s and poultry , or for baking yeast breads an d loaf cakes us ing a sing le rack.
19 Convection B roil (on some models) During conve ction broiling, the broil bur ner and b roil element will cycle on and off in in tervals to mai ntain oven tempe rature, while the fan const antly circulates the hot air . Cooking times will vary de pending on the rack position and temperature and may need to be adj usted.
20 T o Deactiva te: The oven can be di sabled of t he abilit y to set th e Sabbath Mode by repeating th e previous ste ps. See “ T o Activa te ” section. When disabl ed the Sabb ath Mode can not be regula rly set unti l re- enabled . T o Re gularly Set , Untimed: 1.
21 T imed Cooking Timed Cooking allows the oven to b e set to turn on at a certain time of day , cook for a se t length of time, and/or shut of f automatical ly . Delay st art should not b e used for food such as breads and cakes bec ause they may n ot bake properly .
22 Prepare Cooktop and Storage Drawer: ■ Remove plast ic items from the cookto p because t hey may melt. ■ Remove all items from the storage drawer . How the Cy cle Works IMPORT AN T : The heating and cooling of p orcelain on steel in the oven may re sult in discoloring, loss of gl os s, hairline cracks and poppi ng so unds.
23 COOKTOP CONTROLS Do not u se steel wool, a brasive cl eansers or ov en cle aner . Do no t soak knob s. When replacing knobs, make sure knobs are in the Off position.
24 4. Lift the oven door while holding b oth sides. Continue to push the oven door closed and pull it away from the oven door frame. T o Replace: 1. Insert both hanger arms into the door . 2. Open the oven d oor . Y ou should hear a “ cl ick ” as th e door is set i nto place .
25 ■ Has a delay start been set? See “ Timed C ooking ” section . ■ On some mod el s, is the Control Lock s et? See “ C ontrol Lock ” section.
26 ASSIS TANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please ch eck “ T roubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a servi ce call . If you sti ll need help, follow the i nstructions b elow . When calli ng, please know t he purchase date and t he complete model and s erial number of you r ap pliance.
KIT CHENAI D ® GAS RANGE W ARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY For one year from the date of pu rchase, when th is major appl iance is ope rated an d mainta ined according to i nstructions a ttached t.
28 SÉCURITÉ DE LA CUI SINIÈR E Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
29 La bride antiba sculement Dans des cond itions de service n ormales, la cui sini è re ne bascu le pas. Elle pe ut cependan t bascul er si une force ou un poids exc essif est appl iqu é (e) s ur la porte ouvert e alors que la bride an tibascu lement n ’ est p as con venab lement f ix é e.
30 PIÈC ES ET CARACTÉRI STIQUES Ce manuel couvr e dif f é ren ts mo d è les . La cuis ini è re que v ous avez achet é e peut c omporter quelqu es-uns ou tous les articles é num é r é s. L'emplacemen t et l'a pparence des ca ract é ristiq ues illust r é es p euvent ê tr e dif f é rents de c eux de vo tre mod è le .
31 Cuisini è re A. Br ûleur de surface arrière gauche et grille B. Brûleur de surfa ce avant gauche et grille (sur certains modèles , br û leur à flamme T ripleTier™ à double soupape avec ann eau Inst aWok™) C.
32 UTILIS A TION DE LA T AB LE DE CUISSON Ustensiles de cuisson IMPORT ANT : Ne pas laisser un ust ensile de cuis son vide sur une surface de cui sson, un é l é ment ou un br û leur de surface chauds.
33 S'assurer que le b outon de commande est en fonc é compl è tement su r la tige de la soupape. Si l'al lumeur ne fonctionn e toujours pas, fair e veni r un techni cien de r é para tion qualifi é .
34 Comma nde de gra nd, mo yen et p etit br û leur REMARQUE : Les r é glages s ont indiqu é s sur le bouto n de commande. T outes les comman des de br û leur permettent un e gamme d e r é glages de cuis son de HI ( é lev é e) à LO (b asse ).
35 Brûleurs de su rface IMPORT ANT : Ne pas entra ver l' é vacuat ion de l'ai r de combust ion et de v enti latio n autour des bords des gril les de br û leur . Av ant le net toyage, s'as surer que toutes les commande s sont é teintes et qu e le four et la table de cuis son sont froid s .
36 Br û leur à fla mme T rip leTier ™ Br û leur stan dard Nettoyage : 1. Enlever le ch apeau de br û leur de la base du br û leur et nettoy er tel qu'indiq u é à la section “ Nettoy age g é n é ral ” . 2. Nettoyer l'ouvertur e du tube d'arriv é e de gaz avec un chiffon humide .
37 COMMAN DE ÉLECTRONIQ UE DU FOUR Style 1 (Mod è les KGRA 806, KGRK806 et K GSA906) Style 2 (Mo d è le s KGRI801 e t KGSI901) A. Conversion EASY CONVECT™ B. Réglag es du f our à conve ction C. R églages du f o ur D. Réglag e pour la levée du pa in E.
38 T o uches de comma nde électroniq ues Lorsqu'on appuie sur une t ouche de commande de fonc tion sur la com mande é lectronique du four , appuyer s ur la fonction d é sir é e du bout du doigt . Appuy er sur la touc he pendan t quelques s econdes, ou j usqu' à ce que l a fonction d é si r é e apparaisse su r l'affichage.
39 Sign aux s onor es de fin de l a dur é e de cuisson T ro is bi ps in diqu ent l a fin d 'un pr ogra mme d e cu isson. Pour mettre en mar che/arr ê ter : Appu yer sur OPTI ONS, puis sur 4 pour mett re en marc he. Appuyer sur OP TIONS, puis sur 4 pour arr ê ter .
40 Ustensiles de cuisson Le m at é riau des usten siles d e cuisson affecte les r é sultats d e cuisson . Suivre les recommandati ons du fab ricant et uti liser le format d ’ ustens iles recommand é dans la r ecette. Se s ervir d u tableau suivan t comme guide.
41 3. Appuyer sur ST AR T (mise en marche) . La tem p é rature du four choisi e appara î t sur l ’ afficheur tout au long de l a cuis son. “ Lo °” appara î t sur l ’ afficheur jusqu ’à qu e la temp é rature inter ne des al iments at teigne 13 0 ° F (54 ° C).
42 USTENSILE S DE CUISSON L ’ air chaud doit pou voir circuler autour de l ’ alimen t pour le cu ire unif orm é ment. Laisser 1 " (2,5 cm) d 'espace ent re les ustensil es de cuiss on et le s parois du fo ur . Se servi r du tabl eau sui vant comme guide.
43 Cuisson au gril Ce gri l utilise u n br û leur à gaz et un é l é ment é lec trique qu i travaill ent ensembl e pour am é liorer les performances de la fonction au gril sur la l è chefrit e et la grille fou rni es. ■ Utili ser seule ment la l è chefrite et la grille fou rni es avec la cuisin i è re.
44 ■ Minimiser la perte de chaleu r en ouvrant la p orte du four seulement l orsque c'es t n é cess aire. ■ Choisir des t ô les à biscui ts sans rebords et des pl ats de r ô tissage à c ô t é s pl us bas pou r permet tre à l ’ air de circuler librement aut our de l ’ aliment.
45 R ôtissage par convect ion (sur certains modèles) Le r ô tissage par convection p eut ê tr e utilis é pou r faire r ô tir le s viandes et la volai lle, ou pour faire cuire de s pains l ev é s et des pains é clairs sur une seu le grille.
46 Cuisson au gril par convection (sur certains modèles) Durant la cui sson au four par conv ection, le s é l é ments d u gril sont ac tiv é s et d é s activ é s par intermittenc e pour mainte nir la temp é ratur e du four ta ndis qu e le ventil ateur fait cir culer constamme nt l ’ air chaud.
47 Mode Sa bbat Le mode Sabbat p ermet au four de demeur er sur un r é glage de cuisson au four jus qu ’à ce qu ’ on l ’é teigne. Un mode Sabbat minut é pe ut é galement ê tre programm é pour gar der le four allum é seulement pendant un e partie du mode Sa bbat.
48 Levée d u pain (sur certains modèles) La l ev é e du pain pr é pare la p â te pour la cu isson en fa isant agir la levur e. Suiv re les in structions de la rece tte.
49 ENTRETIEN DE LA CUISI NIÈRE Programme d’autonettoyage IMPORT ANT : La sant é de certains oiseaux est tr è s sensib le aux é manations q ui surviennent d urant le program me d ’ autonettoyage. L ’ expositi on aux é manations peut entra î ner la mort de cert ains oiseaux.
50 2. Appuyer sur ST AR T (mise en marche) . La porte se verr ouillera automatiquement et “ D OOR LOCKE D ” (porte verrouill é e) ou “ LO CKED ” (ver rouill é e), et l'heur e de mise e n marche et d'arr ê t appara î tro nt su r l'afficheur du fo ur .
51 T A BLEAU DE COMMANDE Ne pas ut ilise r de ne ttoya nts abr asifs , tampon s en la ine d ’ ac ier , chif fons de l avage rud es ou certa ins essuie -tout.
52 Porte du four Il n ’ est p as recommand é d ’ enlever l a porte du four p our une utilis ation normale. T outefois, s ’ il est n é cessaire de l ’ enlever , s ’ assurer que le four est é t eint et froid. Puis su ivre ces instr ucti ons.
53 DÉPANNAG E Essayer les solu tions sugg é r é es ici d ’ abord afin d ’é viter le co û t d ’ une visite de s ervi ce no n n é cessaire. Rien ne fonctionne ■ Est-ce que le cordo n d ’ alimentation est d é branch é ? Brancher sur une pri se reli é e à la terre.
54 L ’ affichage indiqu e des m essages ■ L ’ af fich age indique-t-il “ SET CLO CK ” ? Une panne d e courant est su rvenue. Effacer l ’ affichage. V oir la secti on “ Afficheurs du four ” . Su r certains mod è les, r é gler de nouve au l ’ horloge si n é cess aire.
55 GARANTI E DE LA CUISIN IÈRE À GAZ KITCHE NAID ® GARANTI E LIMI TÉE DE UN A N Pendant un an à compter de la da te d'acha t, lorsque ce gros appareil ménager est ut ilisé et ent retenu co.
9762266 © 2 0 05 . A l l r i ghts r e s er v ed. Tous dr oits rése rvés. ® Registe red Tradem ark/TM T rademark of Kitchen Aid, U.S. A., KitchenA id Canada li censee in Canad a ® Marque dépo sée/TM Marq ue de commerce de K itchenA id, U.S.A., Em ploi licencié par K itchenAi d Canada au Can ada 9/ 05 Printed in U.
An important point after buying a device KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device KitchenAid KGRA806, KGRK806, KGSI901, KGSA906 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center