Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER KitchenAid
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FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER Use & Care G uide For quest ions about featur es, operation/p erformance, parts, access ories or servi ce, call: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, c all : 1-800-807-6777 or visit our webs ite at... www m or www.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DRYER SAFETY....................... ............................ ........................... 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... ............. 4 Tools and Parts ................................... ...
3 DRYER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 INST AL LA TION IN STRUCTIONS T ools and P arts Gat her the r e quir ed tools and pa rts bef or e st artin g insta lla tion . Read and fol low the safet y instruction s provided with any tools listed he re. Parts supplied Remove parts p ackages from dryer drum.
5 Loca tion Re qui reme nts Y ou will need ■ A location that allow s for proper exhaust instal lation. See “ V e nting Requirements . ” ■ A separa te 30- amp circuit . ■ If you are using a power suppl y cord, a grounded electrical outlet locat ed withi n 2 ft (61 cm) of ei ther sid e of the dryer .
6 Closet installation - Dryer only Recessed or closet i nstallation - Dry er on pedestal Minimum installation spacing for cabinet installation ■ The dimensions shown ar e for the m inimum spacin g allowed. ■ For cabinet in stallati on, with a door , minimum ventilation openings in the top of th e cabinet are r equired.
7 Electrical Require ments - U.S.A. Only It is your responsibility ■ T o contact a qu alified electrical instal ler . ■ T o be sure that t he electri cal conne ction is adequate an d in conformance with the National El ectrical Cod e, ANSI/NFP A 70-latest edition an d all local codes and ordinances .
8 Elect ric al Requ ireme nts - Canad a Only It is your responsibility ■ T o contact a qu alified electrical instal ler . ■ T o be sure that t he electri cal conne ction is adequate an d in conformance with the Canad ian Electric al Code, C2 2.1-lat est edition an d all local codes.
9 Electrical Con nection - U. S.A. Only Power Supp ly Cord Direct Wire 1. Discon nect powe r . 2. Remo ve th e hol d-dow n scr ew and t erm inal bloc k cove r . 3. Install stra in r elief. Style 1: Power supply cor d strain relief ■ Remove the sc rews fr om a ³⁄₄ " (1.
10 ■ Put po wer sup ply co r d thr ough the strai n r elief . Be su re that th e wire insula tion on t he power su pply cord is inside the strai n relief. The strain relief sh ould have a tight fit wi th the dryer cab inet and be i n a horizont al position .
11 1. Remove center silver -colored termin al block screw . 2. Remov e ne utra l ground wire from e xte rn al grou nd co nduc tor screw . Co nnect ne utra l grou nd wi re and the n eut ral wire (white or c enter wir e) of powe r supply cor d under cen ter , silver -colored terminal block screw .
12 3. Connect gr ound wi re (gr een or b are) of dir ect wir e cabl e to external ground conductor s crew . Tighten scr ew . 4. Place the hooked ends of the oth er direct wire cable wires under the outer termi nal block scr ews (hooks facing right). Squeeze hooked ends together .
13 1. Loosen or re move center silver -colored terminal block scr ew . 2. Place t he hooked en d of the neutral wi re (white or c enter wire) of direct wire cable under the cen ter screw of terminal bl ock (hook facing right). Squeeze hooked end together .
14 V enting Re quiremen ts WARNING: T o re duce the risk of fire , this d ryer MUS T BE EXHAUSTED OUTDOORS. IMPORT AN T : Obse rve all gover ni ng codes and ordinanc es. The dryer exhau st must not be connected into any gas ven t, chimney , wa ll, ceiling, or a con cealed spa ce of a building.
15 Plan V ent Syste m Choose your exhaust installa tion type Recommended exhaust installations T ypical in stallati ons vent the dryer from the rear of the drye r . Other in stalla tions ar e poss ible. Optional exhaust installations This dryer c an be conver ted to exha ust ou t the right s ide, le ft side, or through th e bottom.
16 Determine vent leng th and elbows needed for b est drying per forman ce ■ Use th e V en t syste m chart below to dete rmi ne type o f vent material an d hood combinati ons accept able to us e. NOTE : Do not u se vent runs longer than those spec ified in the V ent system ch art.
17 Level Dry er Chec k the le velne ss of t he d ryer . Ch eck le velne ss firs t side to sid e, then fr ont t o bac k. If the dryer is not level, pr op up the drye r using a wood block. Use a wrench to adjust the legs up or do wn and check aga in for leveln ess.
18 4. Move hinge to the other sid e and reattach wit h the 4 screws re mo v e d i n S t e p 2 . 5. Move handle bra cket to the ot her side and reat tach with th e 2 scr ew s rem oved in Ste p 3. 6. Set the inn er door assembl y aside. Reinstalling the door 1.
19 DRYER USE Starting Y our Dryer WAR N I N G: T o re duce the ris k of fir e, electri c shock, or in jury to persons, read the IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INS TRUCTIONS before ope ratin g th is app lianc e. The following is a guide to s tarting your dryer . Please refer to specific sections of this manual for more detailed informati on.
20 How Auto Moi sture Sensing Plus works The Even-Heat ™ feature improves drying performance with Auto Mo isture Sensi ng Plus, which ad vances th e cycle as moisture is ex tracted from clothing.
21 Stat us Ligh ts Y ou may fo llow th e progress of you r dryer w ith th e dryin g status indica tor li ghts . Sens ing When a cyc le is first t ur ned on, the Se nsing li ght glow s until a wet item is detect ed.
22 Automatic pr eset cycle settings * Estim ated Tim e with D rynes s Le vel (m edium) se tting. Manua l Cycles Use Manual Cycl es to sele ct a specific amount of drying time and a drying te mperature. When a Man ual Cycle is selected, t he ESTIMA TED TIME REMAINI NG display shows the actual time remaining in yo ur cycle.
23 Cycle End Sign al The Cycle End S ignal produces an a udible s ound when the drying cyc le is finis hed. Promptly removing cl othes at the en d of the cycl e reduces wrinkling. Press and release t he CYCLE END SIGNAL to ad jus t the sound level or turn off the signal.
24 DRYER CAR E Cleaning the Dryer Location Keep dryer area cle ar and free from items that wou ld obstruct t he flow of combustion and vent ilation air . Clea ning the Lint Scree n Every load clean ing The lint screen is l ocated in the door opening of the dryer .
25 Moving care For power supply cord-connec ted dryer s: 1. Unplu g the power supp ly co rd . 2. Make sure leveling l egs are secure in dryer base. 3. Use masking tape to secure d ryer door . For direct-wired dryers: 1. Discon nect powe r . 2. Discon nect wiring.
26 Dryer Results Clothes are not d rying sa tisfactorily , drying times are too long, or load is too hot ■ Is the lint sc reen cl ogged with lint ? Lint screen should be c leaned bef ore each load. ■ Is the exhau st vent o r outside exh aust hood clogged wi th lint, restrictin g air movement? Run th e dryer f or 5-10 min utes.
27 ASSIS TANCE O R SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please ch eck “ T roubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a servi ce call . If you sti ll ne ed hel p, follo w the i nstru ctions belo w . When calli ng, please know t he purchase date and t he complete model and s erial number of you r appliance.
28 KITCHENAID ® DR YER W ARRANTY TWO-YEA R FULL W ARRA NTY For two years from the date of purchase, when th is dryer is operate d and maint ained according to instructi ons attached to or fu rnis hed.
29 SEGURIDA D DE LA SECA DORA Si no sigue las instrucciones de inmediato, usted puede morir o sufrir una lesión grave. Si no sigue las instrucciones, usted puede morir o sufrir una lesión grave.
30 INSTRUCCIONES DE INST ALACIÓN Herramien tas y p iezas Re ú na las he rramientas y piezas neces arias ant es de comenzar la in stalaci ó n. Lea y siga las instruccion es provistas con cualqu iera de las h erramientas enlistadas aqu í . Piezas suministrad as Retire los paqu etes de pi ezas del tambor d e la secadora.
31 ■ Un piso r esistente para s opor tar la se cadora co n un peso total d e 20 0 lbs (9 0,7 kg) . Asimism o se d ebe c onside rar el peso de otro artefacto que la acompa ñ e. ■ Un piso nive lado con un decl ive m á ximo de 1 " (2,5 cm) debajo de l a secadora complet a.
32 Espacio m í nimo para la instalaci ó n en un armario ■ Las di mensi ones qu e se ilus tra n son pa ra el espa cio m í ni mo permiti do. ■ Par a la inst alac i ó n en armario, con una puerta, se requi eren abertu ras de vent ilaci ó n m í nimas en la parte s uperior e inferior del armario.
33 Conexi ó n e l é ct rica Para inst alar su seca dora adecuada mente, us ted debe dete rminar el ti po de cone xi ó n el é ctric a qu e va a usar y seguir l as instrucci ones que aq u í se proveen para el caso.
34 Conexión eléctrica - Sólo en EE. UU. Cable de suministro el é ctrico Cable directo 1. Desconecte el sumini stro de energ í a. 2. Quite el tor nil lo de suj eci ó n y la tapa del bloq ue de termina l.
35 ■ Haga pasar el cab le de sumin istro el é ctrico a trav é s del pr ot ecto r de c ab les. Aseg ú rese de que el aisl amiento de alambre del cable de sumini stro el é ctrico est é de ntro de l protector de cable s. El protec tor de cables debe r á encajar bien con el gabinete de la sec adora y estar en posici ó n hor iz onta l.
36 1. Saque el t orn illo central de color plat eado del bloqu e de termin al. 2. Saque el hilo n eutr o de pues ta a tierra del a par ato d el t ornillo conduct or de tierra exte rno.
37 3. Conecte el hilo de tierra (verde o desnu do) del cable d e conexi ó n dir ecta al torni llo del condu ct or d e tier ra e xt erno. Apriete el tor nillo.
38 1. Afloje o saque el to rnil lo cent ral de c olor pl ateado de l bloqu e de terminal. 2. Coloq ue e l ext remo en f orma de g ancho del h ilo ne utro (hil o blanco o central ) del c able de conexi ó n directa de bajo del tornillo central del bloque de terminal (con el ga ncho mirando hacia la d erecha).
39 Requisitos de ventilación ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de incend io, esta secadora DEBE VENTILARSE HACIA EL EXTERIOR. IMPORT ANTE: Observe to das l as n orma s y or dena nzas vigen tes.
40 Respiradero Los estilos recomendados de capota s de ventil aci ó n se ilust ran a qu í . El estilo de cap ota de ventil aci ó n angula r (que se ilu stra aqu í ) es aceptab le. ■ Una capota de ventilaci ó n debe t apar el ducto de es cape para evitar el ingreso de roedores e insectos a la cas a.
41 Instalaciones alt ern as para espacio s limitados Los sist emas de ve ntilaci ó n vienen en una amp lia gama. Selec cione el tipo m á s apropiado p ara su ins talaci ó n. A contin uaci ó n se ilustran dos tipos de in stalaci ó n para espacios limitad os.
42 Instalación del sistema de ventilación 1. Instal e la capota de venti laci ó n. Em plee una masill a de calafateo pa ra sellar la abe rtura de la pared exter na alrededor de la capota de vent ilaci ó n. 2. Conecte el duc to de escape a l a capota de venti laci ó n.
43 2. Levante y ja le la pu erta hacia ade lante de man era que el ojo de la cerrad ura de speje la cabeza d el tor nil lo. Qui te la pu erta. 3. Coloque la p uerta de la s ecadora sobre una superfi cie plan a y protegida con el ens amblaje in terior de la puerta mirand o hac ia a rri ba.
44 4. V uel va a coloc ar lo s 2 tornillo s pa ra la ma nija del e nsambla je de la puert a. 5. Use un peq ue ñ o d est ornill ador d e ho ja plan a pa ra q uitar la cinta de tap ó n en la abert ura de la pu erta.
45 USO DE LA SECADORA Puesta en m archa de la seca dora ADVERTENCIA : A fin de r educir el riesgo d e incendio , de choque el é ct rico o de da ñ os person ales, le a las INSTRUCCIONES IMPORT AN TES DE SEGURIDAD antes de operar este apara to. La sig ui ente e s una gu í a para poner su secadora en mar cha.
46 ■ Presione (y sosten ga) el bo t ó n de S osten ga pa ra p oner e n marcha (HOL D TO ST ART) (por m á s o menos 1 segundo) hasta que comi ence a funcionar la s ecadora. Un a vez que hay a co men zad o u n ci clo Aut om á ti co, pod r á n ajusta rse la cara cter í sti ca Cuidad o adicion al y la se ñ al de Fin de ciclo.
47 Sugerencias de ciclos ■ Seque l a m ayor í a de las cargas usando los aju stes prefij ados de ciclos. ■ Consulte el cuadro de Ajustes d e ciclos prefijados manuale s o de secado autom á tico (en la se cci ó n “ Ci clos ” ) a fin de obtener una gu í a para el secado de diversas cargas de ropa.
48 Ropa delicad a (Delicate) Use este cicl o pa ra ob tene r ca lor bajo p ara telas sin t é ticas, de tejido de pu nto lav ables y de acaba do inarru gable. Super delica do (Su per Delicate) Use este ciclo para obtener calor muy bajo para secar cuidados amente a rt í culos c omo lencer í a, ropa de ejercicio o cortinas muy fi nas.
49 S ó lo air e (Air Only) Us e el cic lo d e S ó lo aire para art í culos que requieren secad o sin calo r , tale s como ar t í culos de goma, pl á sti co y teji dos sen sibl es al calor . Este cuad ro muestra ejemplos de ar t í culos que pu eden se cars e us an do el ci clo de s ó lo aire.
50 7. Presione (y sosten ga) el bo t ó n de S osten ga pa ra p oner e n marcha (HOL D TO ST ART) (por aproximadamente 1 seg und o). NOT A: Usted d ebe quit ar el est ante pa ra un sec ado n ormal. No use ciclos au tom á ticos con el estante de sec ado.
51 Limpi eza de l inter ior de la secad ora Para limpiar el tambor de la secadora 1. Haga una pasta con un detergente de lava nder í a en p olvo y agua tibi a.
52 SOLUCIÓN D E PROB LEMAS Pruebe pr imero las solucio nes aq u í suge rid as y posib le ment e se ev it e el co sto de una v isi ta de se rvi ci o t é cn ico … Funcionamiento de la secad ora La .
53 ■ ¿ Tiene el ducto de escape el largo correcto? Controle el ducto de es cape para veri ficar que no sea demasiado lar go o no d é demasiadas vue ltas. Una ventil aci ó n larga aumen tar á el tiem po de secado. V ea las Instru ccio nes d e in stal aci ó n.
54 AYUDA O SERVICIO TÉCNICO Antes de so licita r ayud a o se rvicio t é cnico, por favor con sulte la secci ó n “ Sol uci ó n de P roble mas ” . Esto le p odr í a ahorrar el costo de una vi sita de serv icio t é cnic o. Si consid era que a ú n nece sita ayuda, s iga las in struccio nes que aparecen a cont inuaci ó n.
55 GARANTÍA DE LA SECADORA KIT CHENA ID ® GARANT Í A TOT A L DE DOS A Ñ OS Duran te do s a ñ os a parti r d e la fech a de com pra, si empr e y cuan do s e d é a la secadora un uso y mantenimie .
56 SÉCURITÉ DE LA SÉCHEUSE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas imm é diatement les instructions. Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
57 INSTRUCTIONS D' INST ALLA TION Outillage et p ièces Rass embl er les ou tils et p i è ces n é cessaires avant de commencer l ’ insta llati on. Lir e et sui vr e les ins truct ions fournies a vec les outi ls indiqu é s ici. Pi è ces four nies Retirer les sac hets de pi è ces du tambour de la s é cheuse.
58 ■ Pour l ’ inst allati on dans un garage, il faut pl acer la s é cheuse à au moins 18" (46 cm) au-d essus du so l. Si on utilise un pi é dest al, i l fa udra ajout er 6" (15, 2 cm) de plu s. Ne pas fair e fonctionne r la s é ch e use à des temp é ratures inf é rieures à 45 º F (7 º C).
59 ■ Pour inst allati on dans un pl acard avec porte , on doit pr é voir des ouvertur es minimum d ’ entr é e d ’ air au sommet du placard. Espacem ent recomm and é pour une installation dans.
60 Si on utilis e un cordon d'alimentati on de rechange, il est recommand é d'utiliser le cordon d'alimentati on de rechange num é ro de pi è ce 98 31317 . Pour plus d'inf ormation, veuillez consulter les num é ros de service qui se trouvent à la section “ Assistance ou service ” de ce manu el.
61 Brides de serrage ■ Utili ser de s bride s pour sceller tous le s joi nts. ■ Le c ond uit d' é vacu atio n ne d oit pas ê tr e connect é ou fix é avec des vi s ou avec tout autre disposi tif de serrage qui se prolonge à l'int é rieur du conduit.
62 Autr es installations o ù le d é gagement e st r é duit Il exis te de nomb reux types d e syst è mes d ’é vacuat ion. Chois ir le type qu i conv ient le mieux à l ’ inst allati on. D eux i nsta llatio ns à d é gagement r é du it son t illu str é es.
63 Installation du cond uit d’évacuation 1. Instal ler le cl apet d ’é vacuat ion. Calf eutrer au pistole t l ’ ouvertur e murale à l ’ ext é rieur autour d u clapet d ’é vacuat ion. 2. Racc or der le condu it d ’é vacuation au clape t.
64 2. Soulever la port e et la tirer vers l ’ avan t de tell e sorte que l a t ê te de l a vis sorte du tr ou de se rrur e. Enlever la porte. 3. Poser la porte de la s é cheuse sur une surface plate prot é g é e, c ô t é int é rieur vers le haut .
65 4. Remett re les 2 vis de la poign é e dan s la port e. 5. Util iser un peti t tour nevi s à lame plate pou r enlever la tr ingle des pito ns d'o btur ation des trous da ns l' ouvert ure de la porte.
66 UTILIS ATION DE LA SÉCHEUSE Mise en marche de la sécheu se A VERTISSE MEN T : Pou r r é dui re le risque d'in cendie, de ch oc é lectrique ou de b lessures corporelles, l ire les IMPORT AN TES INSTRUCTIONS DE S É CURIT É avant de faire fonctionne r cet appareil.
67 ■ Appuyer (sans rel â cher) sur le bouton HOL D TO ST ART (Appuy er sa ns rel â cher pour mettre en mar che) jus qu' à ce que la s é cheu se se mette en marche (environ 1 seconde ).
68 Conseils de s é chage ■ Suivr e les dir ective s sur l ’é tiquette lo rsqu ’ elles son t dispo nible s. ■ Ajou ter une feu ille d ’ a ssoupl iss ant d e ti ssus , si d é sir é .
69 Normal Utiliser ce pr ogramme pour le s é chage à temp é rature moy enne des t issu s r obu stes tels q ue l es v ê te ments d e travai l. Casu al (tout -al ler ) Utiliser ce pr ogramme pour le.
70 Air Only (air seulement) Utili ser le r é glage Air seuleme nt pour les arti cles qui doi vent ê tre s é ch é s sans chaleu r , tels que le caoutcho uc, le plas tique et les tissu s sens ibles à la chaleur . Ce ta bleau don ne des exemple s d ’ articles qu i peuven t ê tre s é ch é s au r é gl age Air seul em ent .
71 Ce t abl eau mon tr e des exem pl es d ’ article s qui peuven t ê tre s é ch é s sur u ne gril le et indique le pr ogramm e, le r é glage de temp é rature et l a dur é e de s é chage sugg é r é s. La dur é e de s é ch age r é el le d é pend ra du degr é d ’ humidit é r etenue dans les articles.
72 Nettoyage de l’intérie ur de la sécheuse Nettoyage du tambour de la s é cheuse 1. Pr é pare r u ne p â te avec un d é terge nt à lessive en pou dre et de l ’ eau tr è s chaude .
73 DÉPANNAG E Essayer d'abo rd les solutions sugg é r é es ici, ce qui vous é vitera peut- ê tre l e co û t d 'une visite de service...
74 ■ La s é cheuse se trouve-t-elle dans une pi è ce o ù la temp é rature ambiante est inf é rieure à 45 º F (7 º C)? Le bon fonction nement des pr ogramme s de la s é ch euse n é cessite un e temp é rature ambian te sup é rieure à 45 ° F (7 ° C) .
75 ASSISTANCE O U SERVICE Avant de faire un appel pou r assistance ou service, consulter la section “ D é pan nage ” . Ce guide p eut vous fair e é conomiser l e co û t d ’ une visite de serv ice. Si vous av ez enco re besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instr uction s ci-de ssous .
GARANTI E DE LA SÉ CHEUSE KI TCHEN AID ® GARA NTIE COM PL È TE DE DEUX ANS Pendant deux ans à compter de la date d ’ achat, lorsq ue cette s é ch euse est uti lis é e et entretenue conform é .
An important point after buying a device KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING ELECTRIC DRYER along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center