Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RX-D401 JVC
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< 2 > High High - - Power 7.1 Power 7.1 - - Channel A/V Control Receivers Channel A/V Control Receivers -- -- A Host of Digital Technologies Applied for A Host of Digital Technologies Applied for Superior Sound, Pictures, and Style. Superior Sound, Pictures, and Style.
< 3 > High-Quality Pictures -- Advanced Technologies that Even Permit HDMI Compatibility 1 PC Link -- USB Connection for Rece iving Uncompressed PCM Data from PC 2 CC Converter -- A JVC-Or igina.
< 4 > High-Quality Pictures HDMI HDMI DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA 1 HDMI -- The Next-Gen eration Digital I nterface HDMI -- Easy Conne ctions for All-Digital Tr ansmis sion Connection Exam.
< 5 > HDMI HDMI HDMI -- The Next-Generation Digital Interface HDMI -- The Next-Generation Digital Interface HDMI Founders Hitachi Matsush ita (MEI ) Philips Silicon Image SONY Thomson Mul t ime .
< 6 > HDMI HDMI HDMI -- Easy Connections for All-Digital Trans mission HDMI -- Easy Connections for All-Digital Trans mission D/A D/A Converter Converter Digital Digital Display Display Digital .
< 7 > DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA DSP DSP FAROUDJA Display Up Up Converter Converter I/P I/P Conversi on Conversi on HDMI Component A/D A/D Converter Converter OSD OSD TX TX RX RX S-Video Composite 480p HD, 480p 480i/p Y Pb Pr Speakers 480i/p, 720p, 1080i 480i/p, 720p, 1080i PCM (DVD-Audio) / DD / DTS DVD/VDR/D-VHS/STB DVD-Audio SPDIF .
< 8 > DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA FAROUDJA Display HDMI Component Video Video Decoder Decoder TX TX RX RX 480p 480i 480i/p, 720p, 1080i 480i/p, 720p, 1080i PCM (DVD-Audio) / DD / DTS DVD/VDR/D-VHS/STB DVD-Audio SPDIF S-Video Composite ....
< 9 > DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA What is DCDi b y FAROUDJA? What is DCDi b y FAROUDJA? The new A/V receivers can conv ert video signal format to HDMI for display on a compati ble monitor, w hether the signals are from Composite, S-Video, or Component input .
< 10 > DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA Effect Examples (1) Effect Examples (1) VISUAL PROOF 3D Deinterlacer A unique algorithm that identifies all the moving edges in a scene and adjus ts the .
< 11 > DCDi DCDi by FAROUDJA by FAROUDJA Effect Examples (2) Effect Examples (2) VISUAL PROOF Fleshtone Adaptive Noise Reduction Noise reduction applied on overall picture may cause an adverse effect -- unnatural flesh color.
< 12 > Transmiss ion of Stereo Audio Sign al s from PC PC Link -- USB Connection for Re c eiving Audio Signals from PC Wireless USB Connection Wireless USB Connection USB Connection USB Connecti.
< 13 > ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) Wireless USB Connec tion Wireless USB Connec tion Superior Sound Quality Matching CD /DVD Superior Sound Quality Matching CD /DVD (1) The 2Mbp s high transmission rate using the 2.4GHz band permits transmiss ion of uncompressed signals for lossless reproduction.
< 14 > User ID Learning Function To ensure security, the wirelss USB transmitter and the RX-D702 share a specific “user ID”. This means devices without the same ID cannnot receive signals from the transmitte r. A nd when you replace the transmitter, “User ID Lear ni ng Function” would be convenient.
< 15 > Model B Model A Ethernet Ethernet Wired Feature Wireless LAN ( Optional ) PCMCIA Card Slot: for still pictures from digital cameras Control with OSD: = Movie, Music, Pictures Wireless.
< 16 > USB Connection USB Connection Transmission of Stereo Audio Signals from PC Transmission of Stereo Audio Signals from PC (1) Corresponds to 16-bit, 32kHz/44.
< 17 > CC Converter -- A JVC-Or iginal Technology for Superior Sound CC Converter CC Converter P.E.M. D.D. Converter P.E.M. D.D. Converter 3 Background Problems with Digital Conv ersion CC Convert e r Comparison of -90dB, 1kHz Sin e Waves: Bit E xpansion On v s.
< 18 > Digital audio started with Compact Disc and has since given birth to such super high-fidelity formats as DVD Audio and SACD. There’s another trend in digital audio: compressed data for mats.
< 19 > In digital audio, music is pr ocessed in digital form. The mu sic played by musicians in a recording studio or a conc ert hall is picked up by a micropho n e and record ed in digital form, to be released for sale as packa ged media, including CD.
< 20 > When its level is high, a 1kHz signal can produc e a smooth waveform after the A/D and D/A conversion. When the level is low, how ever, a st epped waveform results du e to the limitation in the resolution of a digital signal. This phenomenon occurs becaus e digital quantizati on distortion increases as the levels are reduced.
< 21 > The “sampling theorem” says that, if the sampling frequency is m ore than twice as hig h as the maximum frequency of original signal, then th e original signal can be retri eved by A/D and D/A conversion. With CDs , the sampling frequ ency is 44.
< 22 > The CC Converter was developed to solve t he probl ems with digital conversion by (1) increasing quantization r esolution for low-level signals and (2) increasi ng the sampling frequency for hig h-frequency sig nals.
< 23 > In the bit expansion section, t he JVC-exclusive hi-fi processing generates a high-resoluti on 24-bit digital signal from a 16-bit signal. The proc ess first analyzes the 16-b it digital si gnal to deduce the original analo g signal before A/D conv ersion, and then appl ies hi-bit expansion to smooth the signal waveform.
< 24 > The frequency conversion sectio n doubles or quadruples the sampling frequency for pl ayback of high-frequency s ignals t hat a following stage generates.
< 25 > There are several high-bit/upsampling processing systems on the market that clai m to offer the same benefits as the CC Converter. They are all designed to create and add frequencies (harmonics) over 2 0kHz deriving from an input signal.
< 26 > The figure shows the actual measured waveform of a bi t-expanded -90dB sinusoidal signal. -90dB, 1kHz Sine Wav e: Bit Expans ion Off The figure shows the frequency spectra of a music signal with the range expansio n on and off. With the expansio n off, the level is sharply red uced beyond 2 2kHz.
< 27 > P.E.M. D.D. Converte r P.E.M. D.D. Converte r D.D. Converter RX-D702 RX-D4 02 The JVC exclusive D/A converter turns the 192kHz/24-bit output into an analog signal with impeccable accuracy.
< 28 > P.E.M. D.D. Converte r P.E.M. D.D. Converte r Noise Shaping Respo nse/Noise Spectrum Conventional D/A Conv erter Noise Shaping Respo nse (Theoretical) Noise Spectrum P.
< 29 > P.E.M. D.D. Converte r P.E.M. D.D. Converte r 192kHz/24-bit and 96kHz/24-bit A/D Converters -- RX-D702 VISUAL PROOF RX-D702 P.E.M. D.D. P.
< 30 > P.E.M. D.D. Converte r P.E.M. D.D. Converte r 192kHz/24-bit and 96kHz/24-bit A/D Converters -- RX-D402/D401 VISUAL PROOF P.E.M. D.D. P.E.M.
< 31 > Aureus™ -- High-Performance DSP for Superior Sound Quality JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP 4 Texas Instruments F loating- Point DSP - - Aureus™ ( TMS320DA601) JVC’s DSP Sound Fi.
< 32 > Features • 1,800MIPS* or 1,350MFLOPS** (a t 225MHz clock speed) - - one of the highest process ing power ra tings on the mar ket • 32-bit (64-b it double precis ion) accu rate operati.
< 33 > Listening to the 7.1-channel su rround as processed by the JVC DAP (Digital Acoustics Processor) evokes a totally different surround s ound experience from what you get from st ereo or 5.
< 34 > The figure shows the paths of the “sound r ays” as they propagate from a sound source (red, black and br own balls) to the rece iver (blue ball). The DSP calculates the properties of a reflection sound (time delay and direction) from the paths of the sound rays.
< 35 > To recreat e an environment’s sound field, a real hall or cinema’s sound field is meas ured for da ta. For measurements, a pulse noise is emitted, its direct and indirect sounds are picked up by microphones, and their data is recorded.
< 36 > THEATER 1 Capacity : 6,500m 3 Seat s: A pprox. 600 Reverbe ration : 1.23 sec. THEATER 2 Capacity : 2,000m 3 Seat s: A pprox. 300 Reverbe ration : 0.55 sec. LIVE CLUB Capacity : 400m 3 Seats: 70 Reverbe ration : 0.35 sec. DANCE CLUB Capacity : 2,200m 3 Seats: 240 Reverbe ration : 0.
< 37 > *When the SURR . BACK SPK. setting is “ ON” , the DAP perform s 7-channel processing , outputting reve rberat ion components to Sur round Back channels. JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP DAP Modes (2) DAP Modes (2) - - - O * - O * THEATER 2 O O O O O O All Ch.
< 38 > JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP 5-Band Graphic Equalization 5-Band Graphic Equalization Frequency ( Hz) Response (dB) Response (dB) F r e q u e n c y (H z ) 250 63 16k 4k 1k C en t er F r e q u e n c y ( H z ) RX-D702 RX-D4 02 A graphic equalizer lets you adjust the levels of center frequencies .
< 39 > JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP 3D He adphone 3D He adphone In a typical listenin g room, sound from speakers you perceive consists of thre e elements: direct sou nd, early refl ections (echoes from walls/c eiling/floo r), and reverberation.
< 40 > JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP Midnight Mode Midnight Mode The DSP divides input signals in to three ban ds (LOW/MID/HIGH), and processes the signal s so that low-level sound in each band will get louder and loud sound will be mo derated.
< 41 > JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP Center-Channel Alignment Center-Channel Alignment The center speaker is usua lly placed on top of or under the display, while the front speakers are set at or near ear level. The result is that dial og, carried by the center speaker, seem s out of place relati ve to music and sound effects.
< 42 > JVC exclusive DSP JVC exclusive DSP Smart Surround Setup Smart Surround Setup Setting up a home theater can be time -consuming and even confusing.
< 43 > Hybrid Feedback Digital Amplifier Hybrid Feedback Digital Amplifier Hybrid Feedback Digital Amplifier 5 Background -- What is PWM? Evolution of Hybrid Feedback Di gital Amplifier (1) JVC-exclusive Hybrid F eedback Digital Amplifier enables a lot more than the compact dimensions of the A/V receivers.
< 44 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Background -- What is PWM? Background -- What is.
< 45 > Analog Di gital ● PCM-PWM ● Analog-PWM PWM JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier P.
< 46 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Evolution of Hybrid Feed back Digital Amplifier .
< 47 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Evolution of Hybrid Feed back Digital Amplifier .
< 48 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Evolution of Hybrid Feed back Digital Amplifier .
< 49 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver .
< 50 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver . III . III One-Chip Solutio n w ith JCV8015 One-Chip Solutio n w ith JCV8015 The Hybrid Feedback Digital Amplifier Ver .
< 51 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver .
< 52 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver .
< 53 > Use of built-in ± 2.5V regulator separates the path of current in digital circuits from analog GND. JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver .
< 54 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver .
< 55 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver . III . III Comparison of Speake r Driveability RX-D702 RX-D4 02 Usually, speaker impedance fluctuates acco rding to the frequencies of audio signals.
< 56 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Hybrid Feedb ack Digital Amplif ier Ver Ver . III . III T.H.D. Comparison of Digital Amplifiers RX-D702 RX-D4 02 VISUAL PROOF *Also applies to RX- D401 0.
< 57 > Supplementary Information OSD Superi mposed on S cr een OSD Superi mposed on S cr een RX-D402B Au dio/Video Co ntrol Receiver RX-D402B Au dio/Video Control Receiver RX-D702B Au dio/Video .
< 58 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation OSD Superimposed on Screen OSD Superimposed on Screen The RX-D702 displays a wide range of information -- includin g the Smart Surround Setup processes -- superimposed on your monitor screen to ensure easy recognition and control.
< 59 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation RX-D702B Audio/Video Control Receiver RX-D702B Audio/Video Control Receiver Basic Features • Stereo: 150 watts per channel, 6 ohms, from 20Hz to 20kHz, with 0.8% THD • Surround: (Front) 150 watts per channel, 6 ohms at 1kHz, with 0.
< 60 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation RX-D402B Audio/Video Control Receiver RX-D402B Audio/Video Control Receiver Basic Features • Stereo: 110 watts per channel, 6 ohms, from 20Hz to 20kHz, with 0.8% THD • Surround: (Front) 110 watts per channel, 6 ohms at 1kHz, with 0.
< 61 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Multi-Brand A/V-STB (CATV/DBS) Glow Remote Control Multi-Brand A/V-STB (CATV/DBS) Glow Remote Control For RX-D702B For R.
< 62 > JVC technol ogie s for satisfy ing the THX Ultra 2 ce rtifi cation Rear Panel Rear Panel RX-D702B RX-D402B/RX-D401S.
< 63 >.
An important point after buying a device JVC RX-D401 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought JVC RX-D401 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data JVC RX-D401 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, JVC RX-D401 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get JVC RX-D401 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of JVC RX-D401, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime JVC RX-D401.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with JVC RX-D401. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device JVC RX-D401 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center