Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product JRTD229 Jenn-Air
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m JENN.AIR Use & Care Manual Frost Fr ee Re frig e r at ors MODELS JRT1960, JRT2160 , JRTD229, JRT199,JRT219, JRTF1960 , JRTF2160 I Model JRTD229 P r i n t e d i n U .
Your Jenn-Air frost-fre e ref r igerator w as designed , engineered, and manufac- tured to the highest standards of quality and performance. Since this manual explains how you can obtain the best use of your Jenn-Air , it is essenti a l th a t you follow the instructions carefully.
1 . Use the three-pronged plug only with a grounding receptac l e to p r ovide prot e ction from electrical shock. This appliance must be install e d in accordance with the installation and grounding instructions on pag e 4-5. 2 . Unplug your r e frigerator before cleaning condenser , replacing a light bulb, or m a king any repairs.
If you are installing your new refrigerator yourself, please follow these helpful sugges- tions . 1. Remove ba s e skids, i I- J ] L [- j I 2. Remove all exterior and int e rior tape carefully and ,, ,_ll retain old tape. Make a small pad of this tape to pick o ff a n y rema ini n g t a p e re s id ues.
Models JRT1960, JRTF1960, JRT2160 , JRTF2160: i _ I T he refrige r at o r has 4 w h ee ls a nd a l e v e ling I I , I s c r ew b e neath e a c h front co rn e r a t th e base o f _- _ _L the cabinet. To adjust, turn the l e veling screw clockwise to raise or counterclockwise to lower.
Your r e frigerator may have been built with the doors hinged to the right or hinged to the l e ft . R e fer to the following instructions for door rev e rsal. Phillips screwdriver 5 / 16'r Socket and ratch e t Putty knife End wr e nch (5 / 16") T25 Socket wrench 1.
15. P r y out the t w o screw hol e plug buttons on the bottom left side of the top door and lower door. On some models , remov e the door stops (metal plates) on the bottom of e ach door and install them on opposite sides. Press in the plug buttons in the holes on the right side of both doors.
I Your ne w refrigerator has two cont r o l s. One for 9 is coldes t I " $ " I regulating the temperature in the fresh food com- par t ment and one for the fr ee zer.
T he Energy Saver switch c ontrols a he a t e r designed to prevent moisture aco u mulation between the refrigerator and freez e r door frame. During humid weather , moisture coll e cts on objects that are cooler than the surrounding air.
To maintain the natural flavor, moisture , and nutrition of fr e sh foods, we recomm e nd that all dishes , trays, and containers of food be covered . Adjustable cantil e ver shelves can be posi- _li_ll 1 tioned to suit your sp e cial needs. To remov e a shelf, lift the rear straight up a fraction of an inch and pull straight out.
The Sealed Crispers are ideal for storing vegetables and fruit. Keep your crispers tightly closed to insure fr e shness. Storing l e afy vegetables, such as c e lery and lettuce in plastic bags, reduces moistur e evaporation. The crisp e rs slide out for e asy ac c ess to foods stored within.
Yo u r model ha s an egg c a dd y t hat fits s ecure l y on a door s h e lf. T h i s e g g caddy c an b e removed and carried to your working a r e a. Door gask e ts are magn e tized to insure an air tight seal all around, T hese gaskets cling to the cabinet front, once the doors are closed to within their magn e tic rang e .
To maintainthe natural flavor, moistu re, and nutrition of frozen foods, and to prevent fr eez er bu rn , we r ec o m m en d that a ll f oo d s be w rapp ed o r sea led p ro p e rly.
Y our refrigerator come s equip p ed w ith i ce cube tray s and a stora ge bin (on most mod e ls.) T o r e l e ase froz e n c u b e s , h old t he trays u p side down and twist both ends. Some models are designed so an Automatic ( oe Maker can be easi l y install e d whenever you want it.
N o t e: Wh e n disp e nsing i c e c ub e s , it is imp o r tan t that y o u us e o nl y the i ce supplied by thisicernaker . I ce from anyoth e rsourceoouldcauseanicejam. Ifthis happens, r e mov e and discard all ice from the storage bin and any ic e lodged in th e ic e chute.
Lift th e front of the Automati c Dispenser bin and pull it straight out. Wash the bin occasionally in mild soap and lukewarm water. To replace the bin , push it all the way back until the bottom of the bin is behind the raised edge at the front of the shelf it rests on.
D o n o t d i s ca rd wa t e r i nt o th e gr i ll e a t th e b o tt o m o f the f o untain . This is a s p ill ar e a , not a dra i n , N o r m a l s p i l } s w i }lb e e v a po r at e d i n the r ece ss e d area b e l o w the sp i l_ shelf g ril l e .
It i s recommended that you disconnect the power cord before cleaning. Your re f rigerator c a n be rolted out f or cleaning. Turn the leveler s , at each front c orner of the cabinet, coun t e rclo c k w ise until they turn freely. Then pull the cabinet s traight out.
Defr o s t w a t e r dra in s int o a sh a J I o w pa n b e n ea t h t h e / '/ _' /. -_ _ cabin e t and evaporat e s. D u ring p e riods of high h u - j_ . ___l midity, water could remain in the pan. Thi s pan should be cleaned once a month with a s trong so l ution of soap and water.
It i s recommended that you disconnect the power cord before replacing light bulbs. Alw a ys us e a 40 w a tt, s t a ndard b as e, applian ce t y p e bulb wh e n re pl ac ing a light.
Prob l ems ? Save yours el f t h e inconvenience of unnecessary se r vice ca l l s ; c heck these first: R e fri g e r a t or runs t oo fr e que n tly. • Frequ e nt running provides more stable t e mperatur e s. • Too many door op e nings. • Prolonged door openings.
W at e r in fr e sh food c o m p a rt m e nt bottom. s C ab i ne t not l e v e l . • D rai n tube pl ugged. Noisy operation . • F an n o i se p e rfe c tly nor m a l in f ros t - f ree re f r i ger a t ors. Y ou m a y no t b e u s e d to th i s if previous model was m a nual defrost, • Cabinet n o t level.
Water Dispenser not operating. • Water suppiytu rn ed off . • Water pr e ssur e too low. Cabin e t light not working. • Bulb burned out . • No power a t outlet. Water appears on back wall of fresh food compartment • Normal f unction during defrost cy c l e .
An important point after buying a device Jenn-Air JRTD229 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Jenn-Air JRTD229 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Jenn-Air JRTD229 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Jenn-Air JRTD229 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Jenn-Air JRTD229 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Jenn-Air JRTD229, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Jenn-Air JRTD229.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Jenn-Air JRTD229. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Jenn-Air JRTD229 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center