Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Robotic FloorVac iRobot
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iRo bot and R oomba ar e trademark s of iRobot Corporation. © 2002, 2003 iRo bot Corpora tion. All rights re served. Pat e n t s Pen d i n g . Mad e & Pr i nte d in China.
Con ten ts Important Safety Instructions Introducing Your Roomba Pro FloorVac Getting Started • U npacking the Bo x • FloorV ac Description • Ins talling the Batt er y • Rem oving the Ba tter .
Getting Started Unpacking the Box Rem ove t h e c ont e nt s o f the box, and unpack all items fr om the Styrof o am packing mat erial. Yo u w i l l h a v e a R o o m b a P r o | Pr o Elite R obotic FloorV ac pack ed for shi pping, as well as the f ollowing: 1.
Installing the Battery 1. Place R oomba upsi de do w n (w ith Cleaning Brushes show i ng ) on a fl at , pa dd ed su r f a ce su ch as on a towe l or bl a nke t.
Starting Roomba 1. Al wa ys em pty both sid es of the P art icle Bin b e fore u s e ( a si mple process; see Em pt y in g t h e Par t i c l e Bin on p ag e 16). 2. Place R oomba on th e floor in the middle o f an open ar ea in the room. If cleaning mul t iple roo ms w ith the MAX Cleaning C ycle, be gi n cleani ng i n t he most centr al room.
The V ir tual W all U ni ts The V irtua l W al l U nit keeps R o omba i n t he ro om or a rea you wa nt cl e an e d . It u s e s a n in v isible beam of light t o bloc k 13+ foot-wide o pen door wa ys or to c lose of f other large ar eas. Us e t h e V i r t u a l W all U nit to block o p en doorway s or clean one por t ion of a l ar g e room.
Using the Roomba Remote Yo u r R o o m b a R e m o t e is d es ign ed t o b e e xtr em el y e as y t o u se . P o in t t he R oo mb a R em ot e a t R oo mb a P r o | P r o E li te fr om up to 20 feet aw ay . Below ar e some impo r tant funct ions o f the Remo te: 1.
2. Determine a s uitable loca tion f or the W all Mo unt U nit. B e sur e to le ave at least 10” of clearanc e abov e the W all Mo unt U nit (beneath an y shelving, for ins tance ) to lift y our Ro o mb a i n a n d out comfor tabl y .
5. T o rein stall the P ar ticle Bin, slid e it back in to Roo mba. The P art icle Bin wi ll cl ick wh en it is pr op erly seat ed. NOTE: Alw a ys carr y Room ba by its handle and never tilt i t for ward, as de br i s m ay spi l l out of the particle bin.
Reassembling the Brushes 1. P ut the Self-A djusting Cleanin g Deck back tog ether by inserting the squar e ends of the two B rushes in to the squar e sock ets in the Cleaning Deck. 2. In sert the other ends of the B rushes in to the small holes in the B r ush Coup ler .
Re fe re n c e I n fo r m a t i o n Tr oubleshooting T ips My Roomba turns on, beeps and shuts off. Ro om b a ’ s Ma i n C l e a n i n g B r ush axles may be clogged with hair or o ther debris. 1. Mak e sure R oomba is fully char ged and the Ba ttery is pro p erly seat ed.
Fre q u e nt l y A s ke d Q u e s t i o n s Q: Wh y doesn ’ t my R oomba clean m y flo or in straight lines? A: R o omba uses an algo r ithm-based cleani ng pattern to clean your home most efficiently .
Q: W ill Room ba fall down stair s or in to a step-d own room? A: R o omba a utoma t ically senses stairs and turns a wa y fro m them. Ho wever , if the ro om to b e cle aned contai ns a b al cony , a ph ysical barrier should b e us ed t o p r ev en t a cc es s t o t he bal co n y a nd en su re sa f e o per ati on .
Ra pi d C h ar g er Recharges Battery in about 2.5 hours! Part #02004 Extra B a t ter y Keep charged Batteries ready to go! Part #02002 Addit ional V i rtu a l W al l U nit Close off extra lar ge open.
An important point after buying a device iRobot Robotic FloorVac (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought iRobot Robotic FloorVac yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data iRobot Robotic FloorVac - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, iRobot Robotic FloorVac you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get iRobot Robotic FloorVac will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of iRobot Robotic FloorVac, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime iRobot Robotic FloorVac.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with iRobot Robotic FloorVac. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device iRobot Robotic FloorVac along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center