Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Express Chipset Intel
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Order N umb e r: 3156 64-002US Intel ® Q965 Expres s C hipset Deve lopmen t Kit Use r Man ual Oct ob er 2007.
Intel ® Q965 Express Chip set DM Oc to b er 20 07 2 Or der Numb er: 31 5664 -0 02US Leg al Lin e s an d Di s cla im ers I NFOR M A TIO N IN TH IS DOC U MEN T IS PR OVI D ED IN CO NN EC TION WI TH IN TEL ® PRO DUC TS .
Intel Q965 Express Chipset— Intel ® Q965 Express Chip set DM Oc to b er 20 07 3 3156 64 -002 US Contents 1.0 About Thi s M anual .... ..... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ... ...... .. ...... .. ... .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM 3156 64 -00 2U S 4 —Intel Q965 Express Chipset 4.6.1 Instal lati on o f a new Ope rating Sys tem .. .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ... ...... .. ... ..... ... ...... .. 45 4.6.2 Drive rs Insta lla tion .
Intel Q965 Express Chipset— Intel ® Q965 Express Chip set DM Oc to b er 20 07 5 3156 64 -002 US 23 B eep c odes .... .. ... ...... .. ...... .. ... ...... .. ... ..... ... ...... .. ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM 3156 64 -00 2U S 6 —Intel Q965 Express Chipset Revi sion Hist ory Date Revisi on Descr iption Oc t ob er 20 07 002 Change SDVOB to SDVOC in pins 58, 59, 62 and 63 in T able 9 , “Intel® SDVO to PCI Ex pre ss* connect or mappin g for ME C cards” o n page 18 .
Intel Q965 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Q965 Express Chip set DM Oc to b er 20 07 7 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-0 02 US 1.0 About T his Manual This u ser’s man ual desc ribes th e us e of the I ntel ® Q9 65 ® Ex pr ess Ch ip set Develo pmen t Kit.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 8 About This Manual—In tel Q965 Express Chipset Var ia bles V aria bl es are sh own in ita lics. V ari ables mu st b e rep laced wit h cor re ct valu es. Ins tru ction s Inst ructio n mnemo nic s are sh own in uppe rcase.
Intel Q965 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Q965 Express Chip set DM Oc to b er 20 07 9 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-0 02 US Ta ble 1. Glos sary o f Te rms an d Ac ronym s (Sheet 1 of 3) Term Descrip tion ADD2 Card Advanced Digital Display Ca rd – se cond Generation.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 10 About This Manual—In tel Q965 Express Chipset Intel ® VT Intel® Virtualization T echnology . I n tel® VT allows one hardware pla t f orm to function as multiple “v ir tua l” platforms.
Intel Q965 Exp r ess Chipse t—About This Manual Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 11 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 1.4 S u pport O ptions 1.4. 1 Elec t ro n ic Su ppo r t Sy s t em s Intel’s si t e on the W orl d Wi de W eb ( http://w w w.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 12 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 2.0 D evelopmen t Kit Hardwar e Featu res 2.1 O verv iew This ch ap ter provid es inform at io n on the devel opmen t kit f eatu res and the boar d capa bility .
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 13 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 2.3 B oard La you t Fig ure 1 shows the locati on of the majo r c omp o nents, heade rs a n d jumper s.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 14 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 2. 3. 1 Cor e Comp on ent s Note: There will be 2 S PI foot prints o n the board . Firm ware Hu b will n ot be sup por t e d.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 15 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 2.3.2 Jumpe r Settings a nd Descri ptions 2.3. 3 LED D es c r i p tio ns P ower LEDs ar e on t he bo ar d to in dic ate whe n st an db y and core po we r is be in g a ppl ie d to th e planes .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 16 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 2.3 .5 B ac k Pane l Co nn ecto rs Fi gure 2 sh ows t he lo catio n of the b a ck pan e l co nnect ors for b oards eq uip ped w i t h the 8-ch annel (7.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 17 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 2.3. 6 PCI E x p r ess * x1 6 / M E C Sl ot The PC I Exp ress* x1 6 slo t is fol lowing t he indu stry PC I Expres s* x 16 conn ector stan da rd.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 18 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset Table 9.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 19 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 34 PET 4 -(or PE Tn4) N C GND G N D 35 GND GND P.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 20 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 2. 3. 7 PCI Ex pres s * x 1 The P CI E xpress* x1 conne ctors a llow t he use o f any indu stry st anda rd PCI Expres s* de vic e.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 21 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 2.3. 8 Fro nt Pa ne l He ad e r (P ow er up & R ese t ) This d evelopm ent kit boar d use fro nt pan el h eader (J 28LB) for po werin g-up a nd boa rd reset.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 22 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset Note: +5 V Dual switc hes be tween +5 V a nd + 5 V Stan dby de pendi ng on th e cu rrent board sta te.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 23 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 2.3. 12 BTX Pow e r Co nnec tors 8 VC C3 P ower 9 AU D_L INK_ SDI 0 10 + 12V P ow er 11 AUD_L INK _SDI 1 12 KEY No Con nect 13 T P_A UD_L IN K_SD O_1 _HDR 14 V_3P3 _STBY G 3.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 24 Development Kit Hardware Features—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 2.
Intel Q965 Express Chipset — De velopment Kit Hardw are Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 25 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US Figur e 3.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 26 De velopm en t Kit S oftw ar e and B IOS Fea tures —Intel Q965 E xpres s Chipset 3.0 D evelopmen t Kit Sof tware an d BIOS Fe atures This chap ter provid es an overv iew of d evelo pmen t kit s oftwar e an d BIOS featur es.
Intel Q965 Expre ss Chipset—Development Kit S oftw are and BIOS Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 27 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US Ta b l e 1 9 lists t he BI OS se t up program menu feature s. 3.2. 2 Res ou r c e Co n fi g ur a t io n 3.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 28 De velopm en t Kit S oftw ar e and B IOS Fea tures —Intel Q965 E xpres s Chipset Us ing S MBI OS, a syst em adm ini strato r ca n ob ta in the sys tem typ es, c apab ilit ies, ope ratio nal statu s, a nd in sta llati on d ates fo r sy stem comp one nts .
Intel Q965 Expre ss Chipset—Development Kit S oftw are and BIOS Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 29 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 3.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 30 De velopm en t Kit S oftw ar e and B IOS Fea tures —Intel Q965 E xpres s Chipset IEGD i s crea ted spec ifica lly fo r emb edd ed pla t f orms, o ffering an ada ptable a lternat ive to dri vers d esigned fo r the deskt op m arket s egments.
Intel Q965 Expre ss Chipset—Development Kit S oftw are and BIOS Features Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 31 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US — SSL3 .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 32 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set 4.0 Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit This chap ter id entifies th e evaluati on kit basic bo ard’s set up a nd ope ration .
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 33 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 4.2 Additional Hardware & Software Required Bef ore y ou se t up and co nfigure you r ev aluati on boar d, y ou may want to gather s ome add itio nal h ar dware and soft war e.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 34 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set 3. Chec k for da mage t ha t may have occurr ed dur ing sh ipment . Contac t your s ales rep resenta tive if any item s are m issing or dam aged.
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 35 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US The bo ard and SRM a ssemb ly should look like the figure below.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 36 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set Plac e the h eatsin k on top o f the pr ocess or . The hea tsink s hould a lign w ith the holes on the SRM an d boa rd as sh own bel ow in Fi gur e 7 .
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 37 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US Us e t wo 6 -3 2 sc re ws to par ti al ly ti ghte n the re ar e n d of th e h ea tsi nk to the bo ard an d the SR M as s how n in Fi gur e 9 .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 38 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set Use two 6 -32 nut s and two bo l t s to se c ure the front side of the heatsink to the SRM .
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 39 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US Tig hten the scre ws a t the rear e nd of t he h eats in k a s s hown in the fig ure below .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 40 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set 19 . Optio nal to conn e c t an Ethe rnet cable to LA N MagJack con nector at J18L B.
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 41 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 4.3. 1.1 Dua l Cha nnel ( Inte rleav ed) Mode Co nfigu rat ions Fig ure 13 shows a dual channel configu r ation u sing t wo DIM Ms.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 42 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set Fi gure 1 5 shows a dual ch anne l c onfigur ati on using f our DIMMs.
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 43 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US Fig ure 17 s hows a s ingle ch a nn el conf ig ur a tion usin g 3x DIM Ms.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 44 Set ting U p & Con f ig uring th e De velopm ent Ki t—In tel Q 965 Exp r e ss Ch ip set Ta b l e 2 1 de scr ibes t he l ists of ba ck pan el task .
Intel Q965 Express Chips et—Setting Up & Configuring the Development Kit Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 45 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 4.5. 2 RJ- 45 LAN C on ne ct or wi t h In teg r at e d LED s T w o LEDs are bu ilt int o the R J-45 LA N conn ector a s sho w n in Fig ure 1 9 .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 46 Error Messages and Beep Cod es—Intel Q965 Express Chipset 5.0 Error Messages and B eep Codes This chapter de scribes the various progress codes t h at are reported by th e BIOS and the corres pon ding L ED Code s.
I ntel Q 965 Expre ss Chi pset—E rror Mess ages a nd Bee p Code s Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 47 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 5.4 Po rt 8 0h P OST Code s Durin g the POST , the B IOS gen erates diagn ostic progr ess code s (POS T -c odes ) to I /O port 80h .
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 48 Error Messages and Beep Cod es—Intel Q965 Express Chipset Tabl e 26.
I ntel Q 965 Expre ss Chi pset—E rror Mess ages a nd Bee p Code s Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 49 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 0x70 Resetting the VGA controller 0x71 Disab li.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 50 Error Messages and Beep Cod es—Intel Q965 Express Chipset DXE Core 0xE 4 Enter ed DXE pha se 0xE5 Sta rted dis.
I ntel Q 965 Expre ss Chi pset—E rror Mess ages a nd Bee p Code s Intel ® Q 965 Express Chip set DM Oc to ber 20 07 51 Or der Numb er: 3156 64-002 US 0xE4 E ntered DXE phase 0x12 Starting Applica t.
Inte l ® Q965 Express Chipset Oct obe r 20 07 DM Ord er Nu mb e r: 3156 64 -00 2U S 52 Error Messages and Beep Cod es—Intel Q965 Express Chipset.
An important point after buying a device Intel Express Chipset (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Intel Express Chipset yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Intel Express Chipset - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Intel Express Chipset you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Intel Express Chipset will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Intel Express Chipset, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Intel Express Chipset.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Intel Express Chipset. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Intel Express Chipset along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center