Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 82540EP Intel
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82540EP Gigabit Et hernet Contr oller Netw orking Silico n Dat ashe et Revision 1.2 Apr il 20 03.
Datasheet ii i Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Revision History Date Re vision Notes Ap r 200 2 0.25 In iti al R e leas e No v 2002 1.0 Ch an ged docu ment stat us to Inte l Con fiden tia l. J an 2003 1.1 Se ctio n 1 .0. R e plac ed B loc k D iag ram Se ction 2 .
82540EP — Networking Silico n iv D atasheet Note : Thi s page is int e ntion ally left bla nk..
Datasheet v Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Content s 1.0 Int roducti on... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... .. 1 1.1 Docu men t Sco p e .
82540EP — Networking Silico n vi D atasheet 4. 5.3 EEPRO M In terfa ce ...... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ... . 26 5. 0 P a cka g e and Pi n out Info rma ti on .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datasheet 1 1.0 Introduction The Inte l ® 82540 EP Gigabi t Ether net Contr oll er is a s ingle , compa ct compone nt wi th an inte g rated Gigabi t E the rnet Media Acc ess Contro l (MAC) and phys i c al la yer (PHY) functio ns.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 2 D atasheet Figu re 1. Giga b it Eth ern e t Co nt roller B l ock Di agram Tx Arb PCI i/f PC I I/F RX MAC TX M AC TX de scriptor engi n e Dat a Al ignmen t FI F Os PC .
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 3 1.1 Doc ument Scope This docu m ent co ntains dat ashe et speci f ications for the 82540EP Giga bit Ethe rnet Cont roller, incl uding signal descr iptions, DC and A C parameters, packaging da ta , and pi nout inform at ion .
82540EP — Networking Silico n 4 Dat asheet Note : This page is int e nt ion ally left bla nk..
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 5 2.0 Features of the 82540EP Gigab it Ethern et Controller 2.1 PCI Feat ur es 2.2 MA C S peci fic Fe atur es Fe atu res B enef it s PC I Revi sion 2.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 6 Dat asheet 2.3 PHY Spe cif ic Fe atu res Featu res Be ne fits I nte grat ed PHY for 10/ 100 /10 0 0 Mb ps fu ll an d ha lf dup lex op er a t io n • S ma ll er foo tpr in t an d low er p ower dis sip ati on com pa red to mul ti-c hip M A C an d PHY so lu tions IEEE 8 0 2.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 7 2. 5 Man ag eabili ty Fe at ures Fe atu res B enef it s Mana ge abil ity fea tur es : S MB por t, ASF 1 .
82540EP — Networking Silico n 8 Dat asheet 2.6 Addi tio nal D evi ce Fe atu res 2.7 T ech no logy Fe at ures Featu res Be ne fits Fo ur act i vit y and lin k indi ca tion ou tputs that di re ctl y d.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 9 3.0 Signal D escriptions Note: T he ta r geted sign al names are subject to ch a nge with out notic e. V erify wit h your loc al Intel sales of f ice tha t you hav e the late st informa tio n b efor e f inali z ing a desig n.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 10 Dat asheet CBE[3 :0]# TS Bu s Co mm an d and By t e Enab les . Bus com mand an d by te ena ble si gnals ar e m ul tiple xe d on the sam e PCI pins. Duri ng the ad dr e ss p hase o f a tra nsacti on, CB E [3:0] # def ine the bus com m and.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 11 3.2. 2 Arbitr ation Signa ls 3.2. 3 Inter rupt S igna l 3.2. 4 Syst em Signals 3.2. 5 Err or Rep o rting Si gnal s Symb ol T y pe Na me an d Fun ctio n REQ# TS Request Bu s. The Req ue st B us si gn al is u s ed t o r equ es t c ont ro l of the bu s f r om t he ar bit er.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 12 Dat asheet 3. 2.6 P owe r Ma nagem ent Si gnals 3. 2.7 I mpedan ce Comp ensatio n Signals 3. 2.8 SMB S ignals 3. 3 EEPR O M an d Seri al FL ASH Inte rf ac e Sign als Symbo l T yp e N ame an d Func tion LAN _ PWR_ GOOD I P o we r Good (Power-on Reset).
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 13 3.4 Mi sce ll an eo us Si g nals 3.4. 1 LED S ignals 3.4. 2 Other Sign als FL_C E# O FLASH Chip E nable Ou tput. Us ed t o e n able FL AS H devic e. FL_S CK O FLASH Seria l Clock Output . T he clo ck r ate of th e s e ri al FLA SH i nt erfa ce i s app r oximat el y 1 MHz .
82540EP — Networking Silico n 14 Dat asheet 3.5 3. 5.1 Cr y stal Signa ls 3. 5.2 An alog S ign als Symbo l T yp e N ame an d Func tion XT AL 1 I Crystal One . Th e Crys tal One p in is a 25 M H z + /- 5 0 ppm in pu t sig na l. It ca n be conn ec te d to eit her an os ci ll ato r o r c r yst al.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 15 3.6 T est In terf ace Si g nals 3. 7 P ow er S upp ly Con nect io ns 3.7. 1 Digital S upp lies 3.7. 2 Analog Supplies Symb ol T y pe Na me an d Fun ctio n JT AG_TC K I JT A G Cl ock. JT AG_TD I I JT AG TD I.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 16 Dat asheet 3. 7.3 G ro und and No Connec ts 3. 7.4 Co ntr ol S ignals Symbo l T yp e N ame an d Func tion GND P G round. NC P No Co nnect. Do not co nn ect any c irc ui tr y to th ese pi ns. Pu ll-u p or pu ll- down re si st ors shou ld n ot be con ne ct ed t o t hes e pi ns.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 17 4.0 V oltage, T emperatu re , and Timing Specifications Note: T he specif i cati on v alues li sted in this s ecti on are sub ject to chan ge wit hout notic e. V erify with your loca l Intel s ales of fic e th a t you ha ve the lates t in formation before fi naliz ing a design.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 18 Dat asheet 4.3 DC S peci fic ati on s V AH An alog Hig h VDD Ra nge 3. 3V ± 10% 33 . 3 3 . 6 V V D Core Digital V ol tag e Range 1.5V ± 5% 1. 425 1. 5 1. 575 V V AL Anal og Low VDD Ra nge 2.5V ± 5% 2. 37 5 2.5 2 .
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 19 T able 5. Po wer Spe cificati ons - D3cold D3cold - wake-up e nabled D3cold - wake disabl ed - max powe r savin gs mode di sabled D3 cold - w ake disa b.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 20 Dat asheet 2.5 V 20 20 4 0 40 80 80 2 40 245 0.1 0.1 1.5 V 10 10 3 0 35 55 60 4 00 425 1 1 Subsy stem 3. 3V cur ren t 7 0 mA 135 m A 200 mA 800 m A 10 m A T able 7 . P owe r Sp ecificati ons - Complete S u bsystem T able 8 .
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 21 4.4 A C Characteris tics T able 9. A C Ch aract erist i cs: 3.3 V Interfac ing Sym bol Param ete r Min Ty p M ax Unit PCIC L K C lock f req ue ncy in PCI m ode 66 MHz T able 10.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 22 Dat asheet 4.5 Tim ing Spe cific ati ons Note : Ti m ing s pec if icatio ns are s ubj e ct to cha nge . V erify with you r local Int el sales of fi c e that you ha ve the latest info rm ati on before f inalizi ng a de sign.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 23 4. 5. 1.2 PCI Bu s I nt erfa ce Ti ming NOTES: 1. Out pu t ti m in g me as ure m ent s ar e a s sh own . 2. REQ # an d GN T# s ign a ls ar e p oi nt- t o-p oi nt and have di fferen t o ut pu t va lid del ay a nd inpu t s e tup ti mes th an bu ssed si gn als .
82540EP — Networking Silico n 24 Dat asheet Figure 4. PCI Bus Interf ace I nput Timing Meas ureme nt Conditi on s V TH V TL V T EST PCI _CLK T SU V T EST I nput V MAX V T EST V TL V TH I nput V alid T H T able 16. P CI Bus Int erf ace Ti mi ng Measuremen t Cond iti ons Symb ol Param eter PCI 66 M Hz 3.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540E P Datash eet 25 Figu re 6 . TV AL (m ax ) F all ing E dge T est Loa d 10 pF 25 Ω Pin T est P oint 1/2 inch max. V CC Figu re 7 . TV AL (m in) T est Load 1k Ω Pin T est P oint 1/2 inch max. V CC 10 pF 1k Ω Figure 8.
82540EP — Networking Silico n 26 Dat asheet 4. 5.2 Link Interface Timing 4. 5.3 EE PROM Interface a. The EEPRO M clock is der ived fr om a 125 MHz inter na l clock. T able 1 7. Rise an d Fall T imes Symbo l Parame te r Cond itio n Min M ax Un it TR C l ock ris e t im e 0.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 27 5.0 P ac kage an d Pinout Inf ormati on This se ct ion describes the 82540EP devi c e, manuf actured in a 19 6-le a d ball grid arr ay measur ing 15mm X 15mm. Ext ernal product identif icati on is sho wn i n Figure 1 0 .
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 28 D atasheet 5.2 P ackage I nfor mat ion The 82540E P de vic e is a 196- lead ba ll grid arra y (TFBGA) measur ing 15 mm 2 . T he pack a ge dim ensi ons are deta iled in Figure 11 . The nomi nal ba ll pitc h is 1 mm.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 29 5.3 Th ermal Spec ifi cat ions The 8254 0EP de v ic e is specif ied for operat ion when the ambi ent temperat ure (T A) is within the range of 0 ° C to 70 ° C.
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 30 D atasheet 5.4 Pi nou t Informa tion T a bl e 19 . PCI Addre ss, Da t a, and C o ntrol S ig nal s Signa l P in Signal Pin Sign al Pi n PC I_AD[0] N7 PCI_AD[ 16 ] .
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 31 T able 24. P ower Manag emen t Sign als Signa l Pin Si gnal P in LAN_PWR_ GOOD A9 A UX_ PWR J12 PME# A6 CLKRUN# C8 T able 25. I mped ance Co mpen sation Signals Signa l Pin Si gnal P in ZN_COM P H4 ZP_COMP G4 T able 26.
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 32 D atasheet T abl e 31. PHY Signa ls Signa l P in Signal Pin Sign al Pi n XT AL 1 K14 M DI0 + C13 M DI2 + F 13 XT AL 2 J1 4 M DI1- E14 MD I3- H14 RE F B14 M DI1 + E 13 MD I3+ H 13 MDI0- C14 MDI 2- F14 T able 3 2.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 33 T able 35. Grou nds and No Connec t Signals S ignal Pin S ign al Pin S ign al Pin Sign al Pin GND B3 GND E7 GND G9 NC A1 GND B7 GND E8 GND G10 NC A14 GND .
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 34 D atasheet PC I_AD [26] B 5 PC I_AD [27] B 6 GND B7 PC I_AD [31] B 8 RST# B 9 SMBA LRT# B10 LED 2 / LINK 10 0# B 11 LED 3 / LINK 10 00# B 12 CTRL_25 B13 REF B1 4 .
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 35 VDDO (3 .3V) E1 GND E2 PCI_AD [17] E3 GND E4 GND E5 GND E6 GND E7 GND E8 GND E9 GND E10 D V DD (1.5V ) E11 D V DD (1.
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 36 D atasheet GND G11 A VD DL (2 .5 V) G1 2 D VDD (1.5V) G13 GND G14 STOP# H1 INT A # H2 DE VSEL# H3 ZN_ COMP H 4 D VDD (1.5V) H5 D VDD (1.5V) H6 D VDD (1.5V) H7 D VDD (1.5V) H8 GND H9 GND H10 D VDD (1.5V) H1 1 NC H12 MDI 3+ H13 MDI 3- H14 PA R J 1 PERR# J2 GNT# J3 NC J4 D VDD (1.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 37 D V DD (1.5V ) K7 D V DD (1.5V ) K8 D V DD (1.5V ) K9 D V DD (1.5V ) K10 D V DD (1.5V ) K11 GND K12 VDDO (3 .3V) K13 XT AL1 K14 PCI_AD [14] L1 PCI_AD [15] L2 CBE1# L3 D V DD (1.5V ) L4 D V DD (1.5V ) L5 GND L6 NC L7 A V DDL (2.
82540EP — Net worki ng Sili co n 38 D atasheet PC I_AD [9] N3 PC I_AD [7] N4 PC I_AD [4] N5 VD DO (3.3V) N6 PC I_AD [0] N7 VD DO (3.3V) N8 FL_SCK N9 EE_DO N1 0 NC N11 GND N12 SD P6 N13 SD P0 N14 NC P1 VD DO (3.3V) P 2 PC I_AD [8] P3 PC I_AD [6] P4 PC I_AD [3] P5 PC I_AD [2] P6 EE_CS P 7 GND P8 FL _SO P9 EE_DI P1 0 CTRL_15 P11 VD DO (3.
Netw orking Si licon — 82540EP Datasheet 39 5.5 Vis ual Pin Re f er ence Fi gu re 12 . Bal l Grid Ar r ay / P i n Ref ere nce f or 19 6 -TFB G A (t hru- the - to p vie w) • AB CDE F GH J K LM N P 14 NC PHY REF MDI- [0] NC MDI- [1] MDI- [2] VSS MDI- [3] XTAL2 XTAL1 JTCK JTDO SDP[0] NC 14 13 TEST CTRL 25 MDI+ [0] VSS MDI+ [1] MDI+ [2] 1.
An important point after buying a device Intel 82540EP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Intel 82540EP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Intel 82540EP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Intel 82540EP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Intel 82540EP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Intel 82540EP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Intel 82540EP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Intel 82540EP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Intel 82540EP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center