Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NS-39D240A13 Insignia
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NS-39D240A13 Us e r G u i d e 39" LED T V.
ii signiap roducts .com Co n t e n t s CHILD SA FETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Important Safety Instruc tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii Contents signiap m Understanding the basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Turn ing yo ur TV on or off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Contents signiap roducts .com Using IN link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Turning INlink on or off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 www.insig niaproduct As y ou enjoy y our new produc t, keep these safety tips in mind The issue The home theater entertai nment experience is a growing trend, and larger T Vs are popular purchas es. Howev er , T V s are not always supported on the proper stands or installed accord ing to the manufacturer ’ s recommendations.
2 NS-39D240 A13 www.insig niaproduct Importan t Safety Inst ructions 1 Read these instr uctions . 2 Keep these instr uctions . 3 Heed all warnin gs. 4 F ollo w all in stru ctions. 5 Do not us e this ap paratus near water . 6 Clean only with dr y cloth.
3 www.insig niaproduct Ser vicing These se rv icin g instruc ti ons are for use by qual ified service personn el only . T o r educe the risk of electric shock, do not pe rfor m any servici ng other than that contained in the op erating instruc tions unless you ar e qualif ied to do so .
4 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Insignia 39" LED T V Introd uc ti on Congratulations on your purchase of a high- qualit y Insignia product. Y our NS-39D240A13 repr esents the state of the ar t i n LED T V design and is designed for reliable and tr ouble-free performance .
5 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 At tach the w all-moun t brac ket to y our T V using the mounti ng holes on the back of your T V . See the in struc tio ns that ca me with th e wall- mount bracket for i nformation abo ut how to correctl y hang your T V .
6 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Side Back # Item Descr ip tio n USB Connect a USB flash dri ve to this jack to view compatible JPE G pict ure files. For more information, see “ Connec ting a USB flash drive ” on page 16 and “ Using a USB flash drive ” on page 42 .
7 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Remote c ontr ol # Button Descr ip tio n (power) Pre ss to turn your TV on or o ff (standby mode). Wa rn i n g: When yo ur TV is off , pow e r still flo ws through it. T o disc onnect power , unplug the po wer cord.
8 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Making c onnections What conn ec tio n sh ould I use? Y our T V has sever al connection types for connec ti ng de vices to you r T V . F or the best vi deo quality , you should connect a device t o the best availab le connection .
9 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting pow er T o c onnect the pow er: • Plug the AC power cord into the AC connector on the bac k of your T V , then plu g the ot her en d into a power out let. C onnecting a cable or sat ellite bo x Many cab le or sat ellite TV boxes have m ore than one connect ion ty pe.
10 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using DVI (same as HDMI but req uires a sound connection) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite bo x using DVI: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff.
11 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using comp osite vi deo (good) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite box using composite video: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff.
12 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting an antenn a or cable T V (no bo x) T o c onnect an antenna or cable TV (no box): 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff.
13 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using DVI (same as HDMI but req uires a sound connection) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-r ay pla yer u sing DVI: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged and the DVD or Blu-ray player is tur ned o ff.
14 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using comp osite vi deo (good) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-r ay pla yer u sing composite video: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged and the DVD or Blu-ray player is tur ned o ff.
15 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a camcorder or ga me console T o c onnect a camcorder or g ame console: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged and the camco rder or game consol e is tur ned off.
16 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using HDMI T o c onnect a computer using HDMI: 1 Make sure that your T V ’ s powe r cord i s unplugged and the computer is turned off .
17 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct C onnecting headphon es When you connect headphone s, audio plays throug h both the headphones and the T V speakers. If you d o not want th e aud io to pla y through th e T V speakers, set the T V Speakers sett ing on the Audio menu to Off .
18 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Using analog aud io When y ou connect a home theat er system , audio plays through both the home theate r system speakers an d the T V speakers . If you do n ot want the au dio to play th rough th e T V s peake rs, set the T V Speakers setti ng on the Au dio menu to Off .
19 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct U si ng th e remote control Instal ling re mote c ontr ol batt eries T o i nstall remote c ontrol bat teries: 1 Whil e pressing the re lease lat ch on th e back of the rem ote contro l, lift the ba tter y compar tm ent cover off the re mote co ntrol.
20 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess S or T to high light Time Zo n e , then press W or X t o select y our time z one. Y ou can sel ect Eastern , Cen tra l , Moun tain , Pac if i c , Alaska , Hawaii , A tlantic , o r Newf oundland .
21 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct • Sele c t No , th en press ENTER if no cab le box is connec ted. Y our T V sca ns for avai lable cha nnels. The sc an m ay take several minutes. • Sele c t Ye s , then pr ess ENTER if a cable bo x is connect ed.
22 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Y ou can also press a Quick Launch Input button to select the video inp ut source . • Pr ess TV to s e l ec t T V ( i f y o u r T V i s c o n n e c t e d to a n antenna, cab le T V (no box), or cable o r satell ite T V using a coaxial c able).
23 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Selecting a channel T o select a c hannel: • Pr ess CH or CH to go to the nex t or prev ious channel o n the memo rized chan nel list.
24 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess S or T to h ighl ight an opti on, th en pre ss ENTE R to access the op tion. Y ou can se lec t: • Pic t ur e M o de —Selects the pictu re mo de. Y ou can selec t: • Viv i d —(a bright and vivi d picture).
25 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Adjusting the computer image T o adjust t he computer image: 1 Make sure th at your T V is in V GA mode. F or more infor mation, see “ Selecting the video input so urce ” on page 21 . 2 Pr ess MENU .
26 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct • Adv an ce d Au d io —Op en s t he Audio · Advanced Audio menu wh ere you can adjust addit ional audio opti ons. • Bass —Adj usts th e low s ound s. • T reble —Adjusts the high sounds.
27 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Changing channel sett ings Automatical ly scan ning for chan nels When you scan for channels, your T V sea rches for channels with si gnals and stores the channel info rmation in th e channel l ist.
28 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Hiding channel s Y ou can hide channels in the cha nnel list. When you press CH or CH , your TV skips the hidden channels. Y ou can still tune to a hidden c hannel by pre ssing the number butt ons for th e channel.
29 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess MENU to return to the previou s menu, or press EXIT to close the me nu. Viewing a favorite chann el T o vi ew a favo ri te cha nn el: 1 Pr ess FAV O R I T E . The f avorit e chann el list o pens.
30 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Channel St rength , then press ENTER . The Chan nel Streng th screen opens showing the signal strength meter . 4 Pr ess MENU to return to the previou s menu, or press EXIT to close the me nu.
31 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Lock i ng cont rol butt ons When t he butto n lock is turned On , the butto ns o n the side of your TV are locked , and you can only oper ate your TV using the remote con trol . T o lock control but tons: 1 Pr ess MENU .
32 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess ENTE R . The Enter Password screen opens . 4 Pr ess the numbe r buttons to en ter the f our-digit password. The Se ttings · Parental Controls menu opens . 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Block Unrated T V , then press ENTER .
33 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct T o set par ental con trol lev els: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-s creen men u opens . 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . The Se ttin gs menu open s with Par ental C ontrols highlighte d.
34 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Download ing rating information Y ou can download rating information to use when setting parental controls. T o d ownload ra ting inf ormation: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-s creen men u opens .
35 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Closed Capt ion , then press ENTE R . The Setting s · Closed Caption menu opens . 4 Pr ess S or T to highlight Capt io n Contro l , then press ENTER . A men u opens .
36 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Closed Capt ion , then press ENTE R . The Setting s · Closed Caption menu opens . 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Digital C aption , then press ENTER .
37 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 4 Pr ess S or T to highli ght Date/Time , then press ENTE R . The Settin gs · Tim e · D ate/Time me nu opens .
38 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . The Se ttin gs menu op ens. p 3 Pr ess S or T to high light Men u Language , then press ENTER . A men u opens . 4 Pr ess S or T to high light a la nguage, then pr ess ENTE R .
39 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct T urning Input Sensor on or off W h e n t h e I n p u t S e n s o r f e a t u r e i s t u r n e d o n , yo ur T V automati cally d etec ts which video jacks have devices co nnecte d to t hem.
40 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . The Se ttin gs menu op ens. 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INli nk , then press ENTE R . The Settings · INlink menu open s.
41 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . The Se ttin gs menu op ens. 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INli nk , then press ENTE R . The Settings · INlink menu open s. 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t TV A u to P o w er On , then press ENTER .
42 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght SET TINGS , then press T or ENTER . The Se ttin gs menu op ens. 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INli nk , then press ENTE R . The Settings · INlink menu open s.
43 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Bro wse Photos , then press ENTER . The sc reen displ ays folder names and phot o files store d on the USB flash driv e in a thumbnai l index with the first ph oto or f older highli ghted .
44 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess S or T to highli ght F av orite Photos , then press ENTER . A th umbnail index of yo ur favorite photos open s with a control bar at the b ottom of the screen. A heart ap pears on a favorite photo.
45 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess W or X to hi ghli ght PHOT OS , then press ENTE R . The Ph oto s menu op ens with Photos high lighted . 4 Pr ess ENTE R . The Photos · Ph otos menu ope ns. 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Settings , then press ENTE R .
46 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Dark, po or , or no p icture (screen is lit), but s ound is good. • T r y ano ther chann el. The station m ay be experiencing pro blems. • Make sure that the antenna or cable TV is connec ted cor rect ly an d secu rely .
47 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Remote c ontr ol Gener al Note : I f the prob lem is not solved by using these tr oubleshooting instructions , turn off your TV , then turn it on again. No outpu t from one o f the speake rs. • Adjust the audio balance.
48 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Specifica tions Spec ificat ions ar e subject t o chan ge withou t notice . Dimensions and weight Screen Disp lay reso lut ions Tu n e r Inputs Outputs Audio Pow er Miscellaneous Without sta nd 34.
49 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct P ro gra mming univ ersal re mot e cont ro l s Pr ogrammin g a differ ent un ivers al remot e contro l Y ou can op erate your Insignia TV with a new or exist ing u niver sal rem ote control.
50 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct Leg a l n o t i ce s FCC Pa r t 15 This dev ice complies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules.
51 Insignia 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct One - y ear limited warranty - Insignia T elevisions Defini tion s: Insignia Products (“In signia ”) warrants to you, the origina l purchaser.
52 NS-39D240 A13 Insigni a 39" LED TV www.insig niaproduct
www .in sig ni ap r od uct s .c om (877) 4 67-4289 Distr ibut ed b y Best Buy Pur chas ing , LL C 7601 P enn A venue Sout h, Richfield, MN 5542 3-3645 USA © 2012 BBY Solutions, Inc. All righ ts reserved. INSIGN IA is a trademark of BBY Solutions , Inc.
An important point after buying a device Insignia NS-39D240A13 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Insignia NS-39D240A13 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Insignia NS-39D240A13 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Insignia NS-39D240A13 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Insignia NS-39D240A13 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Insignia NS-39D240A13, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Insignia NS-39D240A13.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Insignia NS-39D240A13. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Insignia NS-39D240A13 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center