Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Acqua WP 130 Imetec
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Istruzioni per l’uso Instructions f or use !"# $%&'()*+,#' Na vodila z a upor abo Mode d’emploi CARAFF A FIL TRANTE FIL TERING JUG -.
IT pagina 1 GB page 8 ?9( ,&@%"A( BC SL str an 22 FR page 29.
II [B] [C] [D] [E] [G] [H] [I] [F] NEW 100 75 50 25 % RESET X3 15 min. 3-5 min..
III D A TI TECNICI TECHNICAL D A T A /!0%"#(-,/ $"0!"( 12345645-789 : 1;5 DONNEES TECHNIQUES [M] [N] [O] [P] [L] TYPE H9601 TYPE H1701 NEW 100 75 50 25 % RESET.
IT MANU ALE DI IS TRUZIONI PER L ’USO DELLA !"#"$$ "%$&' (#")(*%+%",, "#*!!-&" (.#"% AD USO DOMES TICO PER IL TRA TT AMENT O DI A CQUE PO T ABILI Gentile cliente, IMETEC La ringr azia per l’acquisto del presente prodotto .
IT A VVER TENZE SULLA SICUREZZA 6% Dop o av er rimo sso l’appa recch io dall a conf ezion e, contr ollar e l’int egrità d ella f ornitu ra in base al dis egn o e l’e v entual e pr esenz a di dan ni da trasp orto . In cas o di dub bio , non utili zz are l ’appar ecchi o e riv olge rsi al servi zio di a ssiste nza aut orizz ato .
IT caraff a filtrante. 6% Il sistema filtr ante può ridurre la durezza dell’acqua. Raccomandiamo pertanto alle persone affette da car diopatie e a coloro che de vono seguire una dieta controllata di consultare il medico prima di usar e la caraffa filtrante .
IT / *0 !# & 1& 2) * %/ *' ' 3 ", , " #* !! -& 2 %* %/ *4 '& %" !! *0 0 2# &% D$ E =F % "G 1. Coperchio 2. Indicatore elettronico 3. Sportello di riempimento 4. Cartuccia filtrante 5. Contenitore di pre filtr aggio 6.
IT UTILIZZO !" Estrarre la cartuccia filtrante (4) dal contenitore di pre filtraggio (5) aiutandosi con l’apposito anello e appoggiarla su una superficie pulita [Fig. L]. !" Sciacquare il contenitore di pre filtraggio (5) e la caraff a (6).
IT PROBLEMI E SOL UZIONI Se si verificasse uno dei pr oblemi indicati, adottare la soluzione proposta: SMAL TIMENT O L ’imballaggio del prodotto è composto da materiali riciclabili.
IT SMAL TIMENT O DELL ’INDICA TORE ELETTR ONICO A i se ns i d e l l a no rm a e u ro p e a 2 0 02 / 9 6 /C E , l ’ i nd i c a to r e e le t t ro n i c o (2 ) i n di s us o d eve e s s e re sm a l ti t o i n mo d o c o n fo r me , m a no n pr i m a d i aver to l t o l a b a t t e ri a .
GB INS TRUCTION MANU AL FOR USE OF THE DOMES TIC FIL TERING JUG APPLIANCE FOR THE TREA TMENT OF DRINKING W A TER Dear customer , IMETEC thanks you for having purchased this product. W e are cer tain you will appreciate the quality and reliability of this appliance, designed and manuf actured with customer satisf action in mind.
GB SAFETY W ARNINGS .* After having removed the appliance fr om its packaging, verify its integrity based on the dra wing and check for any damage caused during transport. If in doubt, do not use the appliance and contact the authorised assistance service.
GB .* F or hy giene reasons, the content of the filter is treated with silver . During filtering a small amount of silver may be released into the water . This residue is in compliance with the 98/83/CE European Community Directiv e and the Directiv es of the World Health Organisation (WHO), relative to the quality of water f or human consumption.
GB DESCRIPTION OF APPLIANCE AND A CCESSORIES [Fig. A] 1. Lid 2. Electronic LED 3. Filling hatch 4. Filtering cartridge 5. Pre-filtering container 6. Jug PRELIMINAR Y PHASES BEF ORE USE !" Open the packaging and unpack the components: lid (1), pre-filtering container (5) and jug (6).
GB USE !" Extract the filtering car tridge (4) fr om the pre-filtering container (5) with the aid of the rele vant ring and rest it on a clean surface [Fig. L]. !" Rinse the pre-filtering container (5) and the jug (6). !" Dr y with a clean, dr y cloth.
GB TROUBLESHOO TING Should one of the problems indicated occur , adopt the proposed solution: DISPOSAL The product is packaged in r ecyclable materials.
GB DISPOSING OF THE ELECTR ONIC INDICA T OR In accordance with 2002/96/CE EU Directiv e, the unused electronic LED (2) must be disposed of in compliance but not bef ore the batter y has been remo ved. The recy clable materials contained in the appliance must be recover ed so as to prev ent envir onmental pollution.
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FR MODE D’EMPLOI DE LA C ARAFE FIL TRANTE !"#$$ #%&'("#")*# +&",-.&*/'0)&"$-)%"(&" /%#'/&.&1/",&*"&# )2"$- / #3(&* Cher client, IMETEC nous vous remercions pour l’achat de ce produit.
FR # 5&% /'**&.&1/*"*)%"(#"*& 4)%'/& M" Apr ès av oir enle ve r l ’appa re il de l’emba llage , contrô ler l’in tégrit é d e l a f our nit ure sel on le dess in et l’ éve ntu ell e pré sen ce de domm age s dus au tra nsport.
FR =@^9A" FA7" ;A7G=H@"AH" :JO7B=" D>AG: =" =H" ;9<7AB"78" =;@" ?9H;=788J" <=" ?9H;A8@=:" AH" médecin av ant d’utiliser la carafe filtr ante.
FR , &* 4% ' $/ '- 1 ", &" ( C # $$ #% &' ( "& /" , &* "# 44 & ** -' % &* "f 6 7O U "# g 1. Couver cle 2. Indicateur électronique 3. Clapet de remplissage 4. Cartouche filtrante 5.
FR )/'('*# /'-1 !" Extraire la cartouche filtr ante (4) du récipient de pré-filtration (5) en s’aidant des anneaux appropriés et la poser sur une surface propr e [Fig L]. !" Rincer le récipient de pré-filtration (5) et la carafe (6).
FR $%-3(&.&*"&/"*-( )/'-1* Si un des problèmes indiqués survenait, adapter la solution proposée : ELIMINA TION L'emballage du produit est composé de matériaux recy clables. L ’éliminer conformément aux normes de préservation de l’en vironnement.
FR &('.'1# /'-1",&"( C'1,'4# /&)%"&(&4 /%-1'0)& C on fo r m é m en t à la n or m e eu r o pé e n n e 20 0 2 /9 6 / C E , l &apos.
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An important point after buying a device Imetec Acqua WP 130 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Imetec Acqua WP 130 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Imetec Acqua WP 130 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Imetec Acqua WP 130 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Imetec Acqua WP 130 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Imetec Acqua WP 130, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Imetec Acqua WP 130.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Imetec Acqua WP 130. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Imetec Acqua WP 130 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center