Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HUV 4214 Husqvarna
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Manual Number 525888503 Edition Code 0309A00000 Gasoline Utility V ehicles 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List.
Husqvarna Professional Product s, Inc. 7349 S tate sville R d. Char lotte , NC 28 269 USA www . hus qv ar na. c om USING THE ILL USTRA TED P ARTS LIST ý W ARNING • This manual is to be used only for id entification and or dering of service parts.
2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List NO TE: This illustrated par ts list rep resents th e mos t current infor mation at the time of pu blication. Husqvarna is con- tinually work ing to fur th er improve its vehicles an d ot her products.
2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1 CON T EN T S SECTION 1 – BODY AND TRIM Tube Brush G uard ............. ........ ........ ............. ........ ............ ......... ........ ............ ......... .......... .
Page 2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List CON T EN T S SECTION 5 – STEERING AND SUSPENSION Steering ... ......... ........ ............ ......... ............ ........ ......... ............ ........ ............. ......
2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 3 CON T EN T S Drive C lutch ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ ............. ........ ............. ........ ............ ......... ...... .. ........ ............. .
Page 1-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 4 2 3 5 5 000871-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T UBE BRUSH GUAR D 1 525 76 80-0 1 Kit, B rshgr d, T ube (inc ludes i tems 2 thro ugh 6 ) ..... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 1-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 8 5 3 2 7 7 4 000871-003.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D BRUSH GUAR D 1 525 76 76-0 1 Kit, B rushgua rd , F rt (includ es ite ms 2 t hroug h 8) ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 1-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 2 4 3 000873-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D RECEIV ER HITCH – F R ONT 1 525 77 02-0 1 Kit, 2" Fr ont R eceiv er ( includes item s 2 thr ough 5 ) ...... ...... ...... .
Page 1-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 4 5 2 3 5 000873-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D REC EIVER HI TCH – REAR 1 522 71 86-3 1 Kit, Rec eiv er , Rear , XRT 950 ( includ es item s 2 thr ough 6 ) ........ ...... ....
Page 1-10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 4 3 4 8 2 2 6 5 7 000879-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-11 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D FA S C I A 1 N/A I nstl, F ascia, Huv 4214 /4414 (inclu des it ems 2 th roug h 8) ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ......
Page 1-12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 5 4 6 2 3 000890-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-13 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D CLOSEOUT PA NELS 1 N/A I nstl, C loseo ut P ane ls, Re ar (in cludes ite ms 2 thr ough 6 ) ........ ...... ...... .... ...... ..
Page 1-14 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 3 2 1 000885-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-15 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F LOOR PLATE AND PANEL 1 603 00 44-6 0 3/16 X 1.19 Alum Riv et, B lk ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .....
Page 1-16 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 5 3 2 4 2 11 9 8 10 6 2 1 7 2 000911-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-17 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F RAME C OMPONENTS 1 603 00 08-7 5 Bolt , Flan ge Hea d, M 8 X 30. 0 .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......
Page 1-18 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 2 8 17 7 1 4 16 11 10 9 14 13 12 22 6 5 15 3 000876-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-19 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D COW L 1 603 00 36-0 1 Scre w , 1/4 -15 X . 50 Hi-lo H ex .......... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... .
Page 1-20 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 000877-002 6 9 5 7 3 2 1 4 14 12 4 15 3 17 3 3 4 2 8 10 11 13 16.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-21 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F ENDERS AND REAR BODY P ANEL S 1 603 00 35-9 0 Scre w , T uflok P anel , 1/4 .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .
Page 1-22 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 8 9 13 2 7 10 13 11 12 000916-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-23 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T A ILLI GHTS 1 603 00 45-1 8 T ailligh t Ass embly ( includ es ite ms 2 t hrou gh 6) ........ ....... ...... ...... .... ......
Page 1-24 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 3 4 2 4 3 000874-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-25 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D FR O N T S K I D P L A T E 1 525 77 04-0 1 Kit, F r ont Skid Plat e, S teel (i nclud es it ems 2 thr ough 5) .. ...... ...... ..
Page 1-26 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 5 4 3 2 000874-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-27 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D REAR SKID PLA TE 1 525 79 41-0 1 Kit, Skidplat e, Rear , XRT 950 ( inclu des i tems 2 throu gh 6) ...... ...... ...... ...... ..
Page 1-28 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 3 4 2 6 8 7 5 5 9 000878-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-29 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D DASH 1 N/A Instl , Dash, Stor age (i nclud es item s 2 thr ough 8) ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ......
Page 1-30 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 5 4 3 6 2 2 000875-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-31 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D HEAT SHIELD 1 N/A I nst l, Heat Shi eld, XRT 950 (i nclu des item s 2 throug h 6) ........ .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...
Page 1-32 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 5 1 3 2 6 4 000914-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-33 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D CANOPY AND DOORS 1 525 32 82- 71 Ki t, Canopy, Bestop .. ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ....
Page 1-34 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 4 5 8 2 9 3 7 6 000902-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-35 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D SEA T BELTS 1 523 34 59-5 8 Instl , Seat Belts (i nclude s ite ms 2 thr ough 9) ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ...... .
Page 1-36 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 9 7 8 5 5 7 8 7 8 3 2 7 8 7 4 000872-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-37 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ROPS 1 525 32 82-4 8 Kit, Rop s, P a ss Side ( includ es ite ms 2 t hrou gh 5) .. ....... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... .....
Page 1-38 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 7 13 2 4 10 8 12 11 3 15 1 5 9 16 14 6 000892-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-39 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T ILT BED HINGE AN D LATC H 1 603 00 01- 36 Bush ing, Steel .. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .
Page 1-40 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 6 3 5 4 2 000880-002.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-41 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D HEADLIGHTS 1 N/A Instl , Hl, Dua l, Re ct (incl udes i tems 2 throu gh 6) ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ..
Page 1-42 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 6 7 2 4 13 14 5 3 8 000891-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-43 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D BEN CH SE A TS 1 N/A Instl , Benchse at-gry (i nclud es item s 2 thr ough 8 ) .... ....... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 1-44 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 1 D 2 3 7 4 5 8 6 9 11 10 12 000892-001.
E G 1 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 1-45 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D BO X BED 1 525 32 82- 27 Asm, B ed Box, Stee l 400l bs (in cludes items 2 t hrough 12 ) ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... ....
G E 1 D.
Page 2-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 2 D 000913-001 2 3 6 5 7 4 10 9 11 8 13 16 15 17 14 20 19 21 18 23 27 26 28 25 24 30 33 32 34 31.
E G 2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 2-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D WHEELS AND T I RES – F RONT 1 525 79 32-0 1 Allo y Mud Fr ont ( includ es ite ms 2 t hrou gh 8) .......... ..... ...... ...... .
Page 2-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 2 D 000913-002 2 3 6 5 7 4 10 9 11 8 13 16 15 17 14 20 19 21 18 23 27 26 28 25 24 30 33 32 34 31.
E G 2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 2-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D WHEELS AND T I RES – REAR 1 525 79 36-0 1 Allo y Mud Rear ( includ es item s 2 thr ough 8 ) ........ ...... ....... ...... ....
G E 2 D.
Page 3-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 3 D 1298 • Do not modify or remov e Roll-over Protectiv e Structure (ROPS). • Replace ROPS if damaged. Do not attempt repair. • Use seat belts during operation. Do not jump from vehicle .
E G 3 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 3-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D SAF ETY D ECALS 1 603 00 04-6 6 Decal , Cr ush Ar ea W arn ing ........ .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ....
Page 3-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 3 D 949 4 5 6 2 8 3 7 1.
E G 3 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 3-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D SAFETY DECALS, C ON TINUED 1 603 00 01-2 3 Decal, T raile r Hitch ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ....
Page 3-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 3 D 26 41 40 15 14 9 8 3 2 42 34 32 24 18 12 6 33 25 17 16 11 10 5 4 37 36 29 28 21 20 39 38 31 30 23 22 000881-004.
E G 3 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 3-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D BADGING DECALS 1 N/A Instl , Decal , Huv4 214, Rth wd-g ( includ es item s 2 th roug h 6) ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ......
G E 3 D.
Page 4-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 4 D 16 17 19 19 15 14 11 12 18 8 7 8 7 11 9 13 2 4 6 10 5 000893-001.
E G 4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 4-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D BRAK E SY STEM 1 N/A Instl , Brake , Servic e (in cludes items 2 thro ugh 19) ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 4-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 4 D 5 2 3 7 6 6 4 000894-001.
E G 4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 4-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D P ARK BRAK E S Y STEM 1 N/A Instl , Brake , P ark, Xrt (in clude s items 2 thr ough 7) ......... ...... .... ...... ...... ......
Page 4-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 4 D 5 9 8 7 12 10 13 11 14 6 3 2 15 000895-001.
E G 4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 4-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D P EDAL GROUP 1 N/A Instl , Gro up , Pe dal ( includes ite ms 2 thr ough 4 ) ........... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .
G E 4 D.
Page 5-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 5 D 11 9 5 4 10 3 7 2 12 6 5 000896-001.
E G 5 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 5-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D STEERING 1 N/A I nst l, Steerin g, XRT 95 0 (incl udes i tems 2 throug h 12) .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ......
Page 5-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 5 D 3 4 2 5 000900-001.
E G 5 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 5-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D STEE RIN G WHEE L 1 N/A Instl , Stee ring Wh eel (in cludes ite ms 2 thr ough 5 ) ... ....... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ..
Page 5-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 5 D 6 7 5 20 2 21 3 9 10 12 13 11 18 22 23 24 000904-001.
E G 5 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 5-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F R ONT SUSPENS ION 1 N/A Instl , F ron t Suspens ion C omn (in cludes item s 2 thr ough 2 4) ........ ...... ...... ...... .....
Page 5-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 5 D 14 11 10 9 5 6 16 7 13 12 15 32 3 2 37 36 12 2 2 36 17 34 35 38 2 2 12 36 12 2 26 000905-001.
E G 5 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 5-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D REAR SUSPENS ION 1 N/A Instl , Rear S uspensi on C omn (i nclud es item s 2 thr ough 38) .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .
Page 5-10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 5 D 11 10 12 13 6 7 3 5 4 000906-001.
E G 5 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 5-11 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D SPRINGS & SHOCKS 1 N/A Instl , Shock s, Re ar , Std (in clude s ite m 2) ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ..
G E 5 D.
Page 6-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 6 D 22 4 3 12 2 11 13 15 16 26 19 6 20 8 24 17 27 9 10 21 14 5 18 25 7 23 000898-001.
E G 6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 6-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ELEC TRICAL C OMPONENTS 1 N/A I nst l, Elec Sys, G as, XR T 950 (inc lude s items 2 through 27) ...... ...... .... .... ...... ..
Page 6-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 6 D HEAD LIGHTS Diode 1 WD1031003.
2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 6-5 6 G E D W35 16 _ BLK Diode 4 Diode 2 Diode 3 WD1031003.
Page 6-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 6 See previous two pages f or illustratio n. D.
E G 6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 6-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D WI R I N G 1 525 32 82- 10 Harne ss, Mai n, XR T 950 .. .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ... ....
G E 6 D.
Page 7-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 13 6 4 2 8 7 5 12 3 11 10 9 14 000889-009.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D STAR TER MOTOR 1 525 77 96-01 Motor, Starte r (incl udes ite ms 2 th rough 14) (i nclu des ite ms 2 through 14) ...... .... .....
Page 7-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 5 4 6 3 000888-001.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ENGINE AN D ENGINE MOUNTING 1 523 34 59- 95 Engin e, B&S, 14 hp W/ star te r .. .... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .
Page 7-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 2 16 14 12 13 7 5 6 9 10 11 3 8 1 4 000889-010.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ENGINE SHROUD 1 525 77 73- 01 Screw, Back Pl ate .. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .
Page 7-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 14 12 7 8 3 4 1 2 11 5 15 13 10 9 6 16 000889-014.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ELEC TICAL COMPONEN TS – ENGINE 1 525 78 01-0 1 Armatur e, M agnet o ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 7-10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 11 10 7 2 4 13 12 8 14 9 3 1 5 6 000889-013.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-11 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D GOV ERNOR C ONTR OL BRAKETS AND SPRINGS 1 525 77 71-0 1 Scre w , C ontr ol Bra cket ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..
Page 7-12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 28 29 25 24 16 12 17 27 5 20 7 8 13 14 6 26 11 1 3 18 2 4 3 10 21 19 15 23 9 000889-006.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-13 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D OIL PUMP , OI L F ILTER AND CRANK CASE C OV ER 1 525 77 15-01 Gasket , C rankcase .. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..
Page 7-14 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 10 6 2 28 23 25 26 11 19 18 15 12 30 13 4 9 31 14 31 24 29 8 20 7 22 5 16 1 3 21 27 17 000903-002.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-15 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D C YLINDER HEAD & V ALV ES 1 525 77 08-0 1 Head, C ylin der , 1 ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ..
Page 7-16 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 1 6 4 7 11 10 9 14 13 3 8 12 2 5 000903-001.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-17 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D C YLINDER ASSEMBLY 1 525 77 05- 01 Assem bly, Cylinder ........ ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... ....
Page 7-18 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 7 5 8 7 9 11 13 1 2 3 6 4 10 15 12 14 000903-003.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-19 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D CRANKSHAF T AND PISTONS 1 525 77 18- 01 Cranks haf t, B&s 14 Hp ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .
Page 7-20 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 2 5 4 1 3 000889-011.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-21 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D FL Y WH E E L 1 525 77 23-0 1 Flywhee l, B& S 14 Hp ........ ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..
Page 7-22 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 10 11 12 19 20 16 17 18 3 7 6 5 8 9 13 14 15 2 4 000889-002.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-23 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D ENGINE GASK ETS AND SEALS 1 525 78 05-0 1 Gasket, Set, Eng ine (incl udes it ems 2 thro ugh 20) ...... ...... .... ...... ......
Page 7-24 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 5 2 1 3 3 6 7 4 000889-005.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-25 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D INTAKE MANIFOL D 1 525 77 41- 01 Mani fold, Intake .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .
Page 7-26 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 10 3 8 2 1 1 5 9 4 6 7 000889-012.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-27 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F UEL PUMP AND F ILTER 1 531 30 95- 42 Fuel Line .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ....
Page 7-28 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 2 7 19 15 24 26 22 12 23 11 5 25 1 20 10 8 17 4 6 27 21 18 13 14 3 000889-008.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-29 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D CARBU RETOR 1 525 77 42-01 Gasket , I ntake, Man ifold- carb .. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ..... .... ...... .
Page 7-30 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 7 D 10 9 13 11 2 7 5 8 1 6 12 3 4 000889-007.
E G 7 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 7-31 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D AIR CLEANER 1 525 77 14-0 1 Tu be , Bre ather ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .
G E 7 D.
Page 8-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 8 D 9 3 4 8 10 5 1 6 11 7 2 000912-001.
E G 8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 8-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F UEL S Y STEM 1 603 00 01- 13 Bump er , Rubbe r ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...
Page 8-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 8 D 4 11 5 9 8 14 6 13 10 7 2 3 12 000883-001.
E G 8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 8-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D FU E L T A N K 1 525 32 82-41 Asm, T ank, F uel (i nclude s ite ms 2 thr ough 14) ..... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ...... .
G E 8 D.
Page 9-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 9 D 1 2 3 000907-001.
E G 9 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 9-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D EXHAUST SY STEM 1 525 32 82-0 1 Manif old , Exha ust, B& S 14hp ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ......
G E 9 D.
Page 10-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 10 D 5 7 4 6 3 2 9 8 10 0000882-001.
E G 10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 10-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D CLUT CH C OV ER – SEALE D 1 N/A I nst l, Cvt Cover , S eale d (inclu des it ems 2 th rough 10) .. .... .... ...... .... .....
Page 10-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 10 D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 000901-001.
E G 10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 10-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D DRIVE CLUTCH 1 523 34 59-9 6 Clutc h, Dri ve , Cvt ech (inclu des it ems 2 thr oug h 10) ......... .... ...... ...... ...... ..
Page 10-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 10 D 1 000915-001.
E G 10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 10-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D DRIV E BELT 1 523 34 59- 98 Bel t, Cvt ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ....
Page 10-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 10 D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 000901-002.
E G 10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 10-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D DRIVEN CLUTCH 1 523 34 59- 97 Clutch , Driv en, Cvtech (i nclu des item s 2 throug h 8) (inc lude s items 2 through 8) .. .... .
G E 10 D.
Page 11-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 9 2 3 10 5 4 11 8 6 7 000909-002.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RANSAXLE – 2WD 1 523 34 59-3 5 T ra nsaxle , Kanz aki, Uv30c , 2w d ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... .
Page 11-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 1 2 9 7 7 12 5 12 7 8 10 6 4 13 13 3 14 11 15 16 000909-005.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RANSAXLE – 2WD ( C ON TINUED) 1 N/A B earing, 6 204, Transaxle .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..
Page 11-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 9 2 3 10 5 4 11 8 9 6 7 000909-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RANSAXLE – 4WD 1 523 34 59-3 6 T ra nsaxle , Kanz aki, Uv30c , 4w d ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... .
Page 11-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 2 6 3 1 7 5 4 000909-003.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A W asher , 27 X40X2, I /P Sha ft ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
Page 11-10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 1 2 10 6 7 11 9 2 13 13 8 2 5 3 4 12 14 000909-004.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-11 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RANSAXLE – 4WD ( C ON TINUED) 1 N/A B earing, 6 204, Transaxle .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... .
Page 11-12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 2 1 5 1 3 4 6 000909-006.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-13 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A Ne edle, 2530 13, Transaxle .. ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ...
Page 11-14 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 6 7 8 5 3 12 11 13 2 10 9 1 4 000909-007.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-15 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A Pack ing, P 16 .0, Transaxle .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..
Page 11-16 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 14 24 6 13 27 25 22 8 10 2 9 7 17 23 26 5 1 4 28 22 15 30 29 3 12 11 18 3 19 16 20 21 000909-008.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-17 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RANSAXLE – 4WD ( C ON TINUED) 1 N/A Pack ing, P 16 .0, Transaxle .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ....
Page 11-18 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 6 4 3 1 5 2 7 1 5 3 4 6 2 7 000909-009.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-19 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A P in, 8X14 , T ransaxle ........ ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....
Page 11-20 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 2 3 1 4 5 000909-011.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-21 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A Diff eren tial , CMP , T/A Kanz aki ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
Page 11-22 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 5 6 8 7 9 2 4 3 1 10 000909-012.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-23 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D T RAN SAXLE – 2WD AND 4 WD ( C ONTINUED) 1 N/A Pack ing, P 16 .0, Transaxle .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..
Page 11-24 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 2 2 7 7 6 6 8 8 3 4 3 4 000897-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-25 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D HALF SHA F TS 1 N/A Instl , Halfs haft, R ear (inc ludes i tem s 2 thr ough 4) ..... ....... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .
Page 11-26 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 10 5 16 13 12 21 7 8 11 15 15 7 22 4 17 9 21 6 2 14 19 3 9 22 20 18 21 000899-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-27 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F ORWAR D/REV ERSE SHIFTER – 4WD 1 N/A Instl , Con tro l, Das h, 4w d (inc ludes items 2 thro ugh 2 2) .... ...... ...... ..
Page 11-28 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 9 4 5 2 14 12 11 20 6 17 7 10 13 13 6 19 21 3 16 8 20 18 000899-002.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-29 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F ORWAR D/REV ERSE SHIFTER – 2WD 1 N/A Instl , Con tro l, Das h, 2w d (inc ludes items 2 thro ugh 2 1) .... ...... ...... ..
Page 11-30 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 4 2 8 11 2 9 4 6 13 3 13 12 7 10 5 000910-002.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-31 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D C ONTROL C ABLES – 2WD 1 N/A Instl , Con tro l Cabl es, 2w d (in cludes item s 2 thr ough 1 3) ........ ...... ...... ......
Page 11-32 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 3 5 2 9 13 2 10 5 3 7 15 4 4 14 8 6 12 11 000910-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-33 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D C ONTROL C ABLES – 4WD 1 N/A Instl , Con tro l Cabl es, 4w d (in cludes item s 2 thr ough 1 5) ........ ...... ...... ......
Page 11-34 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 11 6 20 17 14 8 9 12 9 7 4 19 8 19 10 5 15 16 13 18 3 4 19 - 000908-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-35 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D F R ONT DIFF EREN TIAL 1 N/A Instl , F ron t Diff ( includ es item s 2 th roug h 20) ........ ....... ...... ...... ...... ...
Page 11-36 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List G E 11 D 5 9 7 8 4 3 2 6 000884-001.
E G 11 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 11-37 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y D PROP SHA F TS 1 N/A I nstl, Propshaf t, X RT 950 (i nclu des ite ms 2 through 6) ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..
G E 11 D.
Page 12 -2 2009 H UV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 44 14-XP Il lustrated Pa rts List G E 12 D 1 4 5 7 8 6 9 10 11 16 17 2 3 19 18 12 15 13 14.
E E G 12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 12-3 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y ELEC QT Y GAS QT Y DIESEL D MAINT ENANC E AND SER VICE T OOL S The f ollowi .
Page 12 -4 2009 H UV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 44 14-XP Il lustrated Pa rts List G E 12 D Club Car R COMMUNICATION DISPLAY MODULE DISPLAY FUNCTIONS: PRESS AND HOLD BUTTON TO SHOW FUNCTION NUMBER. RELEASE BUTTON TO SHOW FUNCTION VALUE. Func1 - Func2 - Func3 - Func4 - Battery voltage.
E E G 12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 12-5 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y ELEC QT Y GAS QT Y DIESEL D MAINTENANC E AND SER VICE T OOLS , CON TINUED 20 603 00 18-50 Clutch T ool K it (includes items 21 - 27) .
Page 12 -6 2009 H UV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 44 14-XP Il lustrated Pa rts List G E 12 D 47 48 49 56 51 58 50 44 45 57 Liquid Gasket 46 2 3 54 55 52 53 59 60 61.
E E G 12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 12-7 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y ELEC QT Y GAS QT Y DIESEL D MAINTENANC E AND SER VICE T OOLS , CON TINUED 44 603 00 00-01 Dr y Moly Lubricant .............. ..
Page 12 -8 2009 H UV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 44 14-XP Il lustrated Pa rts List G E 12 D 63 62 66 68 69 70 65 71 AM10753 ON OFF STR SPK MAX MIN GAS DSL GAS/DIESEL T ACHOMETER 73 77 85 83 75 76 72 Safety First Never use a vehicle that is unsafe. Inspect each day.
E E G 12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 12-9 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y ELEC QT Y GAS QT Y DIESEL D MAINTENANC E AND SER VICE T OOLS , CON TINUED 62 603 00 19- 10 Piston Ring Compr essor Kit (FE290, FE350 and F E400 engines) .
Page 12 -10 2009 H UV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 44 14-XP Il lustrated Pa rts List G E 12 D 91 - + 2m 20 m 200 m 2k 200 200 200 200 20 2 200 m 500 20k 200k 2000 k 1000 OFF WA VETEK 5XL V V V A ! ! COM 20.
E E G 12 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page 12-11 ITEM P ART NO . DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 QT Y ELEC QT Y GAS QT Y DIESEL D MAINTENANC E AND SER VICE T OOLS , CON TINUED 87 603 00 19-27 V alve Seat Cutter Guide ......... .
INDEX 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page i-1 Part Number and Pag e 522 71 86-19 6-3 522 71 86-31 1-9 523 34 59-01 11-27 , 11-29 523 34 59-03 1-23 523 34 59-04 1-23 52.
INDEX Page i-2 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List 525 32 82-95 1-31 525 32 82-96 3-5 525 32 82-97 3-3 525 32 82-99 1-35 525 76 57-01 1-35 525 76 58-01 1-35 525 76 59-01 5-.
INDEX 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page i-3 525 78 24-01 7-7 525 78 25-01 7-9 525 78 26-01 7-3 525 78 27-01 7-9 525 78 28-01 7-13 525 78 29-01 7-13 , 7-23 525 78 30-.
INDEX Page i-4 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List 603 00 00-95 1-39 , 5-9 603 00 00-96 1-39 , 5-9 603 00 00-97 8-5 603 00 01-00 12-11 603 00 01-10 6-3 603 00 01-13 8-3 603.
INDEX 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page i-5 603 00 29-40 12-5 603 00 29-41 12-5 603 00 29-92 12-7 603 00 30-45 4-5 603 00 30-57 8-5 603 00 31-54 8-3 603 00 32-54 1-1.
INDEX Page i-6 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List C cabl e IQD M 12-7 cabl e b ra cket , 4x 4 11-27 cabl e, a cc ele ra tor 11-31 , 11-33 cabl e, c ho ke 11-31 , 11- 33 ca.
INDEX 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page i-7 F fascia m ount 1-17 fastener , push -in 6-3 fender, front, lh 1-21 fender, front, rh 1- 21 fender, rear, lh 1- 21 fender.
INDEX Page i-8 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List skidplate, rear 1-27 stub shaf t 11- 35 taillight hardware 1-23 tune-up 12-9 knob, air cleaner 7-31 knob, black 11-27 , 1.
INDEX 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List Page i-9 rocker cover 7-15 rocker cover gasket 7-15 , 7-2 3 rocker switch (lights) 1-41 rod, connecting 7-19 rod, connectio n, und.
INDEX Page i-10 2009 HUV 4214, HUV 4414, and HUV 4414-XP Illustrated Parts List transaxle axle seal 12-9 transaxle p inion se al 12-9 transmissio n 12-9 valve guide drive r 12-9 valve seat cutter 12-5.
Husqvarna Forest and Gar den 7349 Statesville Rd. Charlotte, NC 28269 USA www .usa.husqv
An important point after buying a device Husqvarna HUV 4214 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Husqvarna HUV 4214 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Husqvarna HUV 4214 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Husqvarna HUV 4214 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Husqvarna HUV 4214 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Husqvarna HUV 4214, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Husqvarna HUV 4214.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Husqvarna HUV 4214. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Husqvarna HUV 4214 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center