Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PRINTER SERIES D2600 HP
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HP Deskjet D2600 Printer series.
Contents 1G e t t o k n o w the HP Printer Printer parts......................... ....................................... ................................. ................. ..............3 Control panel features.......................................
2 Contents.
1 Get to know the HP Printer • Printer parts • Control pane l features Printer parts 1 Control panel 2 Paper-width guide 3 Paper tray 4 Paper tray extender (also referre d to as the tray e xtender) 5 Paper stop 6 Cartridges 7 Front access door 8 Rear USB port 9 Power connection: Use only with th e power ada pter supplied by HP.
Control panel features 1 On : Turns the product on or off. When the product is off, a minimal am ount of power is still used. To completely remove power, turn off the product, then u nplug the power cord. 2 Resume : Instructs the HP Printer to continue after a problem is solved.
2P r i n t Choose a print job to continue . Print documents Print photos Print envelopes Print on specialty media Print a Web page Related topics • Load m edia • Recommende d papers for prin ting Print documents Most print setting s are automatical ly handled by the softw are applicatio n.
5. Select th e approp riate options fo r your print j ob by using th e features avai lable in th e Advanced , Printing Shortcuts , Features , and Color tabs. TIP: You can easi ly select the app ropriate options for your print job by choosing one of the pred efined print tasks on the Printing Shortcuts tab.
7. In the Resi zing Options area, cli ck the appropriate pa per size from the Size list. If the paper size and paper type are not compati ble, the product sof tware displa ys an alert and allow s you to select a diffe rent type or size.
9. Select the Borde rless pr inting check box if it is not already checked. If the bo rderless paper size and paper type are not compati ble, the produ ct software displays an aler t and allows you to se lect a diff erent type or size. 10. Click OK , and then click Print or OK in the Prin t dialog box.
6. Click the Features tab, and then select the f ollowing print settings: • Paper Type : Plain paper • Size : An appropria te envelope size 7. Select any other prin t settings that you want, and then cli ck OK .
4. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against the edge of t he cards. 5. Open the Printer Properties dial og box. 6. Click the Features tab, and then specif y the follo wing print setting s: • Paper Type : Click More , click Specialty Papers , and then select an appropri ate card type.
Print brochure s 1. Slide the pape r guide all the way to the lef t. 2. Place th e paper in th e right side o f the tray. The si de to be pr inted on sh ould face down. 3. Push the paper into th e printer until it stops. 4. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against t he edge of the p aper.
7. Click the Features tab, and then specif y the follo wing print setting s: • Print Quality : Normal • Paper Type : Click More , and then select a n appropriate card type. • Size : An appropriate card size 8. Select any other print settings that you want , and then click OK .
Print posters 1. Slide the pape r guide all the way to the lef t. 2. Place plain pa per in the right side of t he tray. The side t o be printed on shoul d face down. 3. Push the paper into th e printer until it stops. 4. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against t he edge of the p aper.
Print iron-o n transfer s 1. Slide the paper gui de all the way to the left. 2. Place the iron-on tra nsfer paper in the right side of the tray. The side to be printed on should face down. 3. Push the paper i nto the printer until it stops. 4. Slide the pa per guide firmly agai nst the edge of t he paper.
• Set the default print settings • Stop the current jo b Print a Web page You can print a Web page f rom your Web browser on the HP Printer. If you use Int ernet Explorer 6.0 or h igher for Web bro wsing, you can use HP Smart Web Printing to ensure simple, p redictable web pri nting with cont rol over what you want and how you want it print ed.
displays the optimize d dots per inch (dpi) that the HP Printer printer wi ll print. Printing in maximum dpi is suppo rted on the follo wing paper-types only: • HP Premium Plus Photo Pap er • HP P.
7. In the Paper Typ e drop-down list, select the type of paper that you have loaded. 8. Click the Resolution butt on to view the print reso lution dpi. Create custom printing shortcuts Use printing shortcu ts to print with print se ttings that you u se often.
5. In the Printing Shortcuts list, click the printing shortc ut that you want to delete. 6. Click Delete . The print ing shortcut is removed f rom the list . NOTE: Only the shortcu ts that you have created can be deleted. The origina l HP shortcuts cannot be deleted.
3 Paper basics You can load many dif ferent types and si zes of paper in the HP Prin ter, including letter or A4 paper, p hoto paper, transparencies, and e nvelopes.
paper. It features ColorLok Te chnology for less smearing, bo lder blacks, and viv id colors. It is acid-free f or longer lasting d ocuments. HP Office Paper HP Office Pa per is a high-qua lity multifun ction paper. It is sui table for copie s, drafts, memos, and other everyday document s.
Load media ▲ Select a paper si ze to continue. Load small- size paper a . Slide paper-w idth guide to t he left. ❑ Slide paper-wid th guide to the left. b . Load paper. ❑ Insert stack of photo paper into p hoto tray wi th short edge forwa rd and print side down.
Load en velopes a . Slide paper-width guide to the left. ❑ Slide paper-wi dth guide to the l eft. ❑ Remove all pape r from the main input tray. b . Load envelopes. ❑ Insert on e or more envelope s into far-right si de of the inpu t tray, with envelope flaps on l eft and facing u p.
4 Work with cartridges • Check the e stimated ink levels • Order ink supplies • Automaticall y clean print cartridges • Manually clean print cartridges • Replace the cartridges • Cartridge.
Order ink supplies For a list of cartridge numbers, use t he software that came w ith the HP Printer to find out the reorder number. Find the cartr idge number 1. In the H P Solutio n Center, click Set tings , point to Print Settings , an d then click Printer Toolbo x .
Automatically clean print cartridges If your printed pages a re faded or if they co ntain ink streaks, the print cartridges might b e low on ink or might ne ed to be cleaned. F or more information, see Check the estimated ink levels . If the print cart ridges are not lo w on ink, clean the pri nt cartridges automat ically.
5. Dip a clean foa m rubber swab or lint-f ree cloth into disti lled water, an d squeeze any excess wate r from it. 6. Hold the print cartridge by its sides. 7. Clean only the copper-colored cont acts. Allow the print cartridges t o dry for approximate ly ten minu tes.
Wait for print carriag e to move to center of the pro duct. b . Press down to rele ase cartridge, then rem ove it from slot. 3. Insert new cartridge. a .
c . Line up colored shaped icons, then slide ca rtridge into slot u ntil it cli cks into pla ce. d . Close cartridge door. Related topics • Choose the righ t cartridges • Order ink supplies Cartridge warranty information The HP cartridg e warranty is applicab le when the produ ct is used in its de signated HP printing de vice.
5 Solve a problem This section co ntains the followin g topics: • HP support • Setup troublesho oting • Print quality troubl eshooting • Print trouble shooting • Errors HP support • Support process • HP support b y phone • Additional warranty options Support pro cess If you have a probl em, follow these s teps: 1.
Placing a call Call HP support whi le you are in front of t he computer and the p roduct. Be prepared to provide t he followin g inform ation: • Product name (HP De skjet D2600 Printer seri es) • .
Support phon e numbers For the mo st curren t HP list of te lephon e supp ort numbers and call co sts information, see . $IULFD(QJOLVK VSHDNLQJ .
HP dealer or call the support p hone number for your country/region to le arn more about support options. Additional warranty options Extended service plans a re available for the HP Printer at addition al costs.
Solution 1: Make su re the power cord is connected Solution: • Make sure the power co rd is firmly connected to bot h the product and the power adapter. Pl ug the power cord int o a power outlet, surge protector, or power strip. 1 Power connection 2 Power cord and adapter • If you are using a power stri p, make sure the powe r strip is on.
After setting up th e product, it does n ot print Try the followi ng solutions to resolve t he issue. Solutio ns are listed in order, with the m ost likely solution f irst. If the first solution does not sol ve the problem, con tinue trying th e remaining solu tions until the issue is resolv ed.
Solution 5: Load paper in th e input tray Solution: Load paper in the input t ray. For more information, see: Load m edia Cause: The pro duct might have b een out of pa per.
4. Click Retry to retry the connectio n. 5. Continue w ith the installa tion and restart the comput er when prompt ed. Cause: Normally, a green check ap pears indicating that the plug and play was successful . A red X indicates that t he plug and play fai led.
4. Restart your com puter. NOTE: It is importan t that you disconnect the product before restarting your computer. Do not connect the p roduct to your com puter until af ter you have reinstalled the software. 5. Insert the produ ct CD-ROM into your computer’s CD -ROM drive an d then start the Setup program .
Wrong, inaccurate, or bleeding colors If your printout h as one of the followin g print qual ity problems, try the so lutions in this section for help.
Cause: The pa per was loaded incorre ctly, or it was w rinkled or too thi ck. If this di d not sol ve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 3: Ch eck the paper type Solution: HP recommends that you use HP papers or any other paper type tha t is appropriate fo r the product.
NOTE: On some computer scre ens, colors might appear di fferently than they d o when printed on paper. In this case, the re is nothing wron g with the prod uct, print settings, or in k cartridges. No f urther troublesho oting is required. Cause: The print settings w ere set incorrectl y.
Ink is not fillin g the text or graphics completely Try the followin g soluti ons if th e ink is not fill ing the text or imag e comple tely so th at it appears that parts are missing or blank.
If this did no t solve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 4: Check the paper type Solution: HP recomm ends that you use HP papers or any other paper type that is appropriate fo r the product. Always make sure the paper you are printi ng on is flat.
Always make sure th e paper you are print ing on is flat. F or best results when printing images, use HP Adva nced Photo Paper. Store photo me dia in its o riginal pa ckaging i nside a reseal able plas tic bag on a flat surface in a co ol, dry place. Whe n you are ready to p rint, remove on ly the paper yo u plan to us e immedia tely.
Printouts ha ve horizontal streaks or lines Try the following solu tions if your printout has line s, streaks, or marks on it that run across the width o f the page.
If this di d not sol ve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 4: Use a higher print quality se tting Solution: Check the print quality set ting and make sure it i s not set too low. To select a print spee d or quality 1. Make sure you have paper l oaded in the in put tray.
4. Click the Device Ser vices ta b. 5. Click Align the Pri nter . The product pri nts a test page, aligns the print he ad, and calibra tes the printer. Recycle or discard the page. Cause: The printer neede d to be alig ned. If this did no t solve the issu e, try the next solu tion.
NOTE: HP cannot gu arantee the qual ity or reliabilit y of non-HP supplie s. Product service or repairs re quired as a result of using a non-H P supply will not be covered under warra nty. If you believe yo u purchased genuine HP i nk cartridges, go to: www.
plan to use im mediately. When yo u have finished pr inting, return any unused photo paper to the p lastic bag. This wi ll prevent the phot o paper from cu rling. For more information, see: • Load medi a • Recommend ed papers for printing Cause: The wrong kind of pap er was loaded in th e input tray.
Solution 1: Check the print settings Solution: Check the print settings. • Check t he paper type setting to make sure it matches the type of p aper loaded in the input t ray. • Check the print qua lity setting and ma ke sure it is not set too lo w.
3. In the Print Settings area, click Pri nter Toolbox . NOTE: You can also ope n the Printer Tool box from the Print Properties dialog box. In the Print Propert ies dialog box , click the Features tab, and then click Printer Services . The Printer Toolbox appea rs.
Solution 2: Make sure o nly one type of pa per is l oaded Solution: Load only one type of p aper at a time. Cause: More tha n one type of paper was loade d in the input tray. Ink streaks on the back of the pap er Try the followin g solutions if the re is smeared ink on the back o f your printout .
Solution 1: Use True Type or OpenType fo nts Solution: Use TrueType or OpenType fo nts to ensure that the product is able t o print smooth f onts. When select ing a font, l ook for the TrueType or OpenT ype icon. TrueType icon OpenType icon Cause: The font was a custom size.
If this di d not sol ve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Print troubleshooting Use this section to solve these prin ting problems: • Envelopes prin t incorrectly • The product prints meani ngle.
Cause: The wrong type of enve lope was load ed. If this did no t solve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 3: Tuck the fla ps to avoid paper jams Solution: To avoid pape r jams, tuck the flaps inside the envelo pes. Cause: The flaps might get caught in the rollers.
The margins ar e not printing as expected Try the followin g solutions to resolve the issue. Solut ions are listed in orde r, with the m ost likely solution fi rst. If the first solut ion does not solve the pro blem, continue trying the remaining solut ions until th e issue is resolved.
If this did no t solve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 4 : Load the stack of e nvelop es correctly Solution: Remove all paper from the inp ut tray. Load a stack o f envelopes in the input tray, w ith the envelope flaps facing up and on the left.
If this di d not sol ve the issu e, try the next solu tion. Solution 2: Check for blank pa ges at the en d of the docu ment Solution: Open the docume nt file in your software a pplication and re move any extra pages or lines at the end of the do cument.
Cause: The protective plas tic tape was only pa rtially removed f rom the print cartridge. Errors If the product has an error, t he lights on the product mig ht flash, or an error message might appear on yo ur computer screen.
On ligh t Resume light Check Print Cartridge lights Description Solution Clear the paper jam, and then press Resume . Fast blinking Off Off The front access door or the print cartridge access door is open. Close the front access door or the print cartridge access door.
On light Resume light Check Print Cartridge lights Description Solut ion Black print cartridge light Off The tri-color print cartridge has been removed. Replace the tri-color print cartridge, or print in ink-backup mode with the black print cartridge.
Cause: The pro duct software cou ld not open or save the f ile. File not found Solution: Close some ap plications and try the task again. Cause: There was not enough a vailable memory o n your computer to create a print preview f ile.
Out of disk space Solution: Close so me applications an d try the task again. Cause: There was not enough available memory on your computer to perform the task. Paper messag es The following is a list of paper-related error messages: • Ink is drying Ink is drying Solution: Leave th e sheet in the outp ut tray until the messa ge disappears.
Non-HP cartri dges instal led Solution: Follow the pro mpts on the compu ter screen to continue o r replace the indicated prin t cartridges wit h genuine HP cartrid ges.
Cause: The original HP ink in the i ndicated print cartri dges was deple ted. Low on ink Solution: Ink le vel warnings and indicators provi de estimates fo r planning purposes only. Wh en you receiv e a low-ink warn ing message, co nsider havin g a replaceme nt cartridge a vailable to avoid possible printing del ays.
Incorrectly Installed Ca rtridge(s) Print Cartridge(s ) Missing Print cartridge s missing or not detected Try the followin g solutions to resolve the issue.
5. Reinsert the pri nt cartridge by slidin g it forward in to the slot on the ri ght. Then push the pri nt cartridge forward until it clicks into the socket. 6. Repeat steps 1 a nd 2 for the tri-col or print cartridge on th e left side. Cause: The indicated print cartridges were installed in correctly.
7. Clean only the co pper-colored contacts. Al low the print cartridges to dry for approximatel y ten minutes. 1 Copper-colored co ntacts 2 Ink nozzles (do not clean) 8. Hold the print cart ridge with the HP logo on top, and insert the pr int cartridge back into the slot.
Check to see if yo ur print cartridge is still u nder warranty and end of warranty da te has not been reache d. • If the end o f warranty date has been re ached, purchase a new prin t cartridge. • If the end of wa rranty date has not been reached, contact HP support.
Print car tridges in wron g slot Solution: Make sure the print cartridg es are inst alled i nto the co rrect slots. If they are, remove and reinsert th e print cartridges and verif y that they are fully inserte d and locked in place. To make sur e the print cartridge s are install ed correctl y 1.
5. Reinsert the pri nt cartridge by slidin g it forward in to the slot on the ri ght. Then push the pri nt cartridge forward until it clicks into the socket.
4. Remove the black print cart ridge from the slot o n the right. Do not to uch the ink nozzles or the copper-color ed contacts. Check fo r possible damage to the copper- colored contacts or ink nozzles. Make sure the clea r plastic tape has been removed.
Make sure you have the followi ng materials availa ble: • Dry foam rubber swabs, lint-f ree cloth, or any soft material that will not come apart or leave fi bers.
8. Hold the print cart ridge with the HP logo on top, and insert the pr int cartridge back into the slot. M ake sure you push the pri nt cartridge in firmly unt il it snaps into place. 9. Repeat if necessary for the other print cartridge. 10. Gently close the print cartridge door and plug the power co rd into the back of th e produc t.
Chapter 5 74 Solve a problem Solve a problem.
6 Stop the current job To stop a print job from the HP Printer ▲ Press Cancel on the cont rol panel. If the p rint job does not st op, press Cancel again.
Chapter 6 76 Stop the current job Stop the current job.
7 Technical information The technical specifica tions and international r egul atory information for the HP Printer are provided in this section. For additional specifications, see the printed documentation that came with the HP Printer.
Legal Paper: 70 to 90 g/m² (20 to 24 lb) Envelopes: 70 to 90 g/m² ( 20 to 24 lb) Cards: Up to 200 g/m² (110-lb inde x maximum) Photo Paper: Up to 280 g/m² (75-lb in dex maximum) Print resolution To find out about the printer resolution, see the printer software. Your product's Eco f eatures • Smart Web printing : The HP Smart Web Printing interface includes a Clip Book and Edit Clips window where yo u can store, organize, or print clips you have gathered from the We b.
Disposal of waste equipment by users in p rivate househ olds in the European Union Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This sy mbol on the product or on its pack aging indicates that this produc t must not be disposed of w ith your other hous ehold wa ste .
1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council) . A chemical in formation report for this product can be found at: ach . Toxic and haza rdous substance table Regulatory notices The HP Printer meets product requir ements from regulatory agencies in your country/region.
FCC statement FCC sta tement The Unit ed Stat es F eder al Comm unications C ommission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 0 5) has s pecif ied that the follo wing noti ce be br ought to the attentio n of user s of this pr oduct .
Notice to users i n Japan about the powe r cord Regulatory notices 83 Technical information.
HP Deskje t D2600 Prin ter series declar ation of confo rmity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1 Supplier’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Company DoC#: SNPRB-0921-01-A Sup.
Index A after the support period 31 C color dull 46 connection problems HP All- in-One will not turn on 32 customer support warranty 32 E envelopes 53 environment Environmental product stewardship pro.
86 Index.
An important point after buying a device HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP PRINTER SERIES D2600, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP PRINTER SERIES D2600.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP PRINTER SERIES D2600. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP PRINTER SERIES D2600 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center