Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Photosmart 1315 HP
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hp photosmart 1315 basics guide.
control panel butto ns The following table is a quick reference guide to the buttons t hat appear on your printer’s control panel. Power Sel ect Print Sav e Zoom Email Me nu Can ce l Rotate Right, C.
i contents 1 g etting st arted .... .... .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .... .. ..... .... .... ... .... .... ..... .... .. ..... .... .... ..... 1 welcome ................ ............................. ............................. ............... ...
hp photosmart 1315 color printer ii deselecting an image ............. ............................. ............................. ................. 20 understanding the advan ced features of yo ur printer ................................... .........
hp photosmart 1315 color printer iii 6 spe cif icatio ns ... ..... .... .. ..... .... .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. .... .... ..... .... .. ... 63 system requirements ............................. ..........................
hp photosmart 1315 color printer iv.
1 1 getting started welcome Thank you for purchasing an HP PhotoSmart 1315 pri nter! Your new printer prints everythi ng fro m great qual ity color photos to quality b lack and white text docum ents. B ef ore you get star ted, be sure to se t up your prin ter—s ee the Setup Guide in cluded wi th t h e pri nter for quick a nd easy instructions .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting started 2 printer features Use your new HP PhotoSma rt 1315 printer to: • Prin t photos directl y from a d igital cam era ’s memory ca rd w itho ut using your computer . To start p rinting using your memory card, see “printing ph otos from the control p anel” on page 2 4.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 3 items you will need Depend ing on how you w ill us e the printer, y ou may n eed t he foll owing: cable s To connect the printer to a computer, you need either a bi -dir ection al IE EE 1284 -compli ant pa ralle l cab le or a USB -comp lia nt in terf ace cable .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting started 4 printer parts Top cover Open this cover to change the print cartr idges IN tr ay Plac e pape r or envel opes in t his tray f or pr inting P aper widt.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 5 P ara ll e l por t Use this port to connect the printe r to the compute r if yo u are usi ng a para llel cable (Win dows PC only) USB port Use this p ort to connect .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting started 6 control panel 1 of 5 1 4x6 +/- Prin t Use th is button to print selecte d photos from a memory card Save Use this button to save i mages fr om a memo.
2 7 printer basics loading paper You can print on many diff erent types and sizes of pap er. We recommend using HP - designed ink jet paper for the best output q uality. F or ex ample, if you are printing a pho to, be sure to print on HP P remium Pl us Photo P aper for the best photo qu ality.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 8 loading paper in the IN tray You can load many di fferent types of paper in the IN tray, i ncluding plai n paper, HP Photo P ap er, and HP Premium Inkjet Transparen cy F ilm. To load paper in the IN tray: 1 L ift the OUT tray.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 9 loading photo pape r in th e phot o tray You can pri nt on 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) ph oto paper. Do not put mor e than 20 sheets in the photo tray.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 10 installing or replacing the print cartridges To get the best performance from your printer, use only genuin e H P suppli es, inclu ding ge nuine HP fa ctory-filled pr int car tridg es.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 11 5 Re m ove th e plastic ta pe from the new print cartridge: • Take the print cartridge out of its package. • Grasp the tab and peel off the plastic tape. Make sure you on ly remove the clear tape f rom the n ozzles and leave the copper-colored contact.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 12 9 On the printer’s control panel, press th e Rig ht soft key to select OK . The printer begins pri nting a calibrati on page to ch eck the print cartridges and th eir alignm ent.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 13 Your printer can read CompactFlash Assoc iation (CF A) certified Type I & II , SmartM edia , Me mor y S ti ck , and IBM Microdriv e memory c ards up to 5 2 7 MB. Thes e card s are manufactur ed by several vendors and are available in a variety of storage capaci ties.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 14 To insert a CompactFlash or IBM Mic rodrive memory card: • Insert the memory card into the bot tom card slot so the front of the card faces toward you and the edge wi th pin holes i s placed into the printer first.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 15 To insert a M emory Stick: • Insert the Memory Stick into one of the top card slots so the back of the card (the side wi th the metal con tacts) faces away from yo u and the end with the metal contacts is placed into the prin ter first.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 16 understanding the L CD Your printer com es equipped with a color L CD that allows yo u to review and print your ph otos quickly an d easily with a me mory card i nserted. You can review up to 20 00 images at a time, althoug h the capacity of your memory card determines how many images it can store.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 17 menu map.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 18 understanding and adjusting t he printer settings You can use the prin ter’s control panel to adjust the printer settings su ch as number of copies, imag e size, date and time stamp, i nfrared type, pap er detection, and default factory settings.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 19 settin g the number of copies You can pri nt a ma ximum of 99 copies of a photo at a time. To select the number of copies for printing: 1 Press the Me nu bu tton. 2 Press the Right soft key to display the Tools menu .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printer basics 20 deselecting an image If you ar e choosing images to pri nt or save usi ng the printer’s c ontrol panel, you can deselec t one or more selected images withou t deselecting all the images.
3 21 printing from the printer’s con t rol panel Your HP Photo Smart 1315 printer a llows you to print di rectly from a memory card or i nfrared device withou t being connected to a c omputer. Your printer al so allows you to save photos from a memory card to you r computer.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printing from the printer’s control panel 22 deciding which i mages to print When you are deciding which im a ges to print, you can u se: • Your printer’s color .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 23 printing a ph oto i ndex page A ph oto ind ex pag e disp lays thumbn ail vi ews of all the imag es in th e or der they are stored on the memory card. The photo index page may be several pages long, depend ing on h ow many ima ges are stored on the memo ry card.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printing from the printer’s control panel 24 printing photos from t h e control panel Printing photos from a memory card is as easy as inserting the m emory card into the p rinter, selecting the images you want to print, and pressing the Print button.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 25 4 To select additional images, press the Rig h t or Left arrow again un til the L CD displays the next photo y ou want to print, then press th e Select button. Repeat thi s step to contin ue selecting additiona l images.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printing from the printer’s control panel 26 printing a continuous range of ph otos You ca n p rin t a c onti nuous ra nge of i ma ges s tor ed on the me mory ca rd. To print a continuous range of images: 1 Insert a memory card into the printer.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 27 printing all ph otos You can print all the images on the memory card. To print all images on the memory card: 1 Insert a memory card into the printer. 2 Press the Me nu bu tton. 3 Press the Le ft soft key to display the Basic menu .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printing from the printer’s control panel 28 printing using a DP OF file DPOF files are f iles you create using your digital camera. DPOF files are sto red on the mem ory ca rd and co nta in i nfo rma tion su ch as w hic h ima ge s are selected and how many of each image are to be printed or saved.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 29 printing files using infrar ed (IR ) See the Onscree n User’s Guide located on the printer software CD for informati on abou t printing files using infrar ed (IR) . printing a test page You can pri nt a test page to check your print ca rtridges and ma ke sure the paper is loaded correctly.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer printing from the printer’s control panel 30.
4 31 getting creative with your pr inter Your HP P hotoSmart 1315 pri nter is designed to ma ke pho to projects fun and easy with or without your com puter. Your fam ily and frien ds will enjoy the personalized an d unique ph oto albums y ou make fo r them.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 32 sending email Instantly share photos with f amily and f riends anywhe re in the world via email. Note: Your printer has to be connected to your computer and you must have an Internet email account set up to send photos via email.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 33 emailing from a Ma c int os h Your printer sup ports the following email applicati ons runn ing on your Macintosh: • Microsoft Outlook Express 5 . 02 (O S 8.6 and 9 only) • E udora Pro 5.1 • America Online 5 .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 34 4 Use the drop-down menus an d check box to: • Select the Connection Speed for your Internet connection. • Select the Maximum Photo Size . • Select Se nd Photos as Separat e Me ssa ges if you want each photo to be sent in a separate message.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 35 7 Select from the border options displayed on the L CD by using the Up , Down , Left , or Rig ht arrows, then press the Selec t button: 8 When the photo appears on the L CD with the selected border, press the Se lec t button.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 36 printing photo album pages You can m anually select ho w images will be arra nged on the page and then print photo album pages.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 37 6 Press the appropriate soft key to select the Small , Med ium , or Large layout option. The selected layout option appears on the L CD beside a thum bnail of the current i mage on the memory car d. 7 Press the Right or Left arro w until the first imag e you want to place on the album page a ppears on the LC D.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 38 cropping a photo Your printer can c rop a photo to show only the d esired part of the image or to adjust the size of the image. Your printer must be in zoom mode to crop a photo.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 39 adjusting the photo brightness You can ad just the relative b rightness of yo ur images befor e printi ng. To adjust the image brightness: 1 Insert a memory card into the printer. 2 Press the Right or Left arro w until the image you want to adjust appears on th e L CD .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 40 changing the photo color effect When printing from the control panel, you can set the printer to convert color images to print in Blac k & White , Sepia , or Anti que . Photos pri nted in Sepia print in brown tones similar to photos produced in the early 1900s.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 41 improving the photo color Using HP’s A u tomatic C o lor Enhancement ( A CE) technology, your HP PhotoSmart 1315 printer can a utomatically enhanc e the color of images that are underexposed. Note: This setting only applies to the image displayed on the L CD .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer getting creative w ith your prin ter 42 making greeting cards and calendars If you have a Windo ws P C, you ca n creat e co lorfu l greeti n g car ds and calendars using the extra software in clud ed with the printer.
5 43 troubleshooti ng Your HP PhotoSmart printer is designed to be reliable and easy to use. Th e following pages of fer tips and adv ice for add ressing frequent ly asked questions. Before you begin, make sure: • All the cable connections between you r printer and computer ar e secure.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 44 important Windows P C information If you are using your H P PhotoSmart printer with a Windows PC , the printer requires a contin u ous connection to th e computer.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 45 Ad ditional messages will appear while the computer tries to establish the connection to the printer. When this is fini shed, one of the following messages may appear: • F oun d hp photosmart p rinter - Printing and card a ccess are no w available.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 46 The software did n ot install correctly. OR You need to uninstall the printer software fo r any re ason . There may be a conflict with your virus protection program. OR There may be a conflict with another software program.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 47 USB connection problems Prob lem Poss ible caus e Sol ut ion My pr inte r is connected with a USB cable through another USB device or a hu b and when I try to print I get a message saying “There was an error writing to <name of USB port>.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 48 When I connect a USB cable between the printer and my computer, the “New Hardware Wizard” message does not appear.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 49 When I conn ected a USB cable between the printer and my computer, the “New Hardware Wizard” message appeared once, but the printer did not install. Now the “New Hardware Wizard” will not appear ag ain. (W i n dow s P C o n ly ) Installation was not completed, it was cancelled, or there w as an error.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 50 printer problems Probl em Po ssibl e cause Solution The printi ng is very slow. (continued on next pag e) Your com puter ma y have less than the recommended system requirements . C heck the amount of free RAM (memory) and processor speed in your computer.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 51 The prin ting is very slow. You ma y have cho sen 2 400 x 120 0 dpi. OR You may be trying to print a high resoluti on photo. Win do ws P C • In printer Properties, in P hoto P a per Print ing , select PhotoREt instead of 2 4 00 x 12 00 dpi, then print your document aga in.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 52 The printer will not turn on. The printer may have drawn too mu ch power. Disconnect the printer from the power c ord for approximately 10 secon ds. Reconnect the power cord and press the Po w e r button to turn on the printer.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 53 printing problems Prob lem Poss ible caus e Sol ut ion No page cam e out of the printer. (con tinue d on next pag e) The printer needs attention. Read the printer L CD for instruc tions. Power may be off or there may be a loose connecti on.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 54 No page came out of the printer. (continued on next pag e) There may be a paper jam. • Check the printer’s L C D for instructions.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 55 A blank pag e came out of the printer. You ma y be ou t of i nk. Prin t a test page, an d if it is ne cessary , replace the print cartridg e. You may have forgotten to remove the plastic tape from the print cartridge.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 56 print quality proble ms Probl em Po ssibl e cause Solution The document pri nted at an angle or i s off- center. P aper ma y no t be loaded correctly. 1 Make sure the paper is correctly oriented in the pa per tray.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 57 error messages Auto mati c is set as the paper type, but th e printer does not use the optimal print mode. The paper may be marked, scratch ed, or wrinkled. OR The paper m ay be dark in color or contain metallic fibe rs.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 58 auto-detect errors L CD Me ssage Pro blem Solution Media scan failed. Press OK to retry or Cancel th e job. The auto-detect scann er failed . • Try to print again. OR • Turn o ff Auto P aper D etect and m anually select the paper typ e and size when the printer prompts you .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 59 Memory card in backwards. The front label should face y ou. Your CompactF lash , IBM Microdrive, or Memory Stick memory ca rd has been inserted backwards. Remove the memory card an d reinsert it with the front label facing you.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 60 Photo is corrupted. The printer detects that a file spec ified in th e job is corrupted and can not be accessed. • See the printer’s user manu al for informatio n about supp orted file types. • Press OK (Right soft key) .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 61 Ca r d m a y be damaged. The printer cann ot access the me mory card. • Try downloadi ng the photos or f iles to the com puter d irectly f rom your d igital camera, then print from the computer. OR • Use another memory c ard.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer troubleshooting 62 No response from com pu ter . The printer cann ot communicate with the comp ut er beca us e th e computer is not connected or the emailing software that came with your printer is cannot be accessed at the moment.
6 63 specifications system requirements Window s PC Ma ci nt os h Componen t Minimum O perat ing syst em Windows 9 8, Me, 2000, XP Proces sor Pen tiu m 2 33 MHz RA M 64 MB Fre e disk sp ace 250 M B Video display 800x6 00, 16 -bit or high er CD-ROM drive 4x or better Componen t Minimum O perat ing syst em Mac O S 8.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer specifications 64 specifications P aper Trays One letter-size tray, one 4 x 6 inches (10 x 15 cm) photo tr ay Input Capacity 100 sheets letter, 20 sh eets 4 x 6 inches.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 65 Print Tech nology Drop on-demand thermal inkjet printing Print Cartrid ges 1 black HP #45 (5164 5), 1 color H P #7 8 (C6 5 7 8) Prints C olor Yes Print langua ges HP P CL 3 enhanced Dime nsions 17 x 8 x 15 inches (440 x 204 x 3 7 5 mm) Wei ght 14 lb (6.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer specifications 66.
67 index A Accessories 3 cab les 3 HP custom p aper 3 memory cards 3 Album pa ges 36 Antique pho tos 40 B Black & wh it e changing photos to 40 Blink in g ligh ts 52 Borders, addi ng to photos 34 .
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 68 see Control panel G Greeting cards 42 H HP custom paper 3 I IBM Microdrive memo ry card 12 Image size setting the default 19 IN tray adjusting the paper gu ides 8 l.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 69 location 4 slider 4 Photos 24 , 26 , 27 adding bor ders 34 brightness 39 canc el ing s ele ct ion 19 , 20 choosing 22 col or e ff ect s 40 cropping 38 impr ov ing c.
hp photosmart 1315 color printer 70 System requiremen ts Macintosh 63 Win do ws PC 63 T Test page, printing 29 Troubleshooting CD p rob lems 45 photo printing 56 print quality prob lems 56 printing pr.
© Copyright 2001 Hewlett-P ackard Company All rights are reserved. No part of thi s document m ay be photocopi ed, reproduc ed, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-P ackard Company. The information contained in this document is subject to ch ange without notice.
Printe d on rec ycled paper Print ed in U .S., 8/01 ENERG Y ST AR ® is a U.S. re gist ered mark. As an ENERG Y STAR ® p artner, Hewlett-P ackard Company has determined that this product meets the ENERG Y STAR ® guidelines for en ergy efficien cy. www.
An important point after buying a device HP Photosmart 1315 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP Photosmart 1315 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP Photosmart 1315 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP Photosmart 1315 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP Photosmart 1315 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP Photosmart 1315, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP Photosmart 1315.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP Photosmart 1315. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP Photosmart 1315 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center