Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DV8000 HP
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Main tenan ce and Ser vice Gu id e HP P a v ili on d v8 200 Notebook P C HP P a v ili on d v8000 No tebook P C Doc ument P art Number : 40 3 2 4 8-00 2 June 2006 This guide is a troubleshooting reference used for maintaining and servicing the computer .
© Copyright 2005, 2006 He wlett-Packard De velopment Compan y , L.P . Microsoft and W indows are U.S. re gistered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide iii Cont ent s 1 Product Description 1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 1.2 Resetting the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 1.3 Power Management .
i v Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Cont en ts 3 Illustrated Parts Catalog 3.1 Serial Number Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 3.2 Computer Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–2 3.3 Display Assembly Subcomponent s .
Cont en ts Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide v 5 Removal and Replacement Procedures 5.1 Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–2 5.2 Disassembly Sequence Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–3 5.3 Preparing the Computer for Disassembly .
v i Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Cont en ts 6 Specifications A Screw Listing B Software Update and Recovery C Display Component Recycling D Connector Pin Assignments E Power Cord Set Requirements I.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–1 1 Pr oduc t D esc ription The HP Pa vilion dv8200 Notebook PC and HP Pa vilion dv8000 Notebook PC of fer advanced modularity , AMD Mobile T urion™ 64 Mobile T echnology and Mobile AMD Sempron™ processors, and extensi ve multimedia support.
1–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion 1.1 F e a t u r e s ■ The follo wing processors, varying b y computer model: ❏ AMD T urion 64 ML-44 (2.4-GHz) ❏ AMD T urion 64 ML-40 (2.2-GHz) ❏ AMD T urion 64 ML-40 (2.2-GHz) ❏ AMD T urion 64 ML-37 (2.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–3 ■ Support for one T ype I or T ype II PC Card slot, with support for both 32-bit (CardBus) and 16-bit PC Cards ■ Support for ExpressCar.
1–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion 1 .2 R eset tin g t he Com pu ter If the computer you are servicing has an unkno wn password, follo w these steps to clear the password. These steps also clear CMOS: 1. Enter an incorrect password and press enter .
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–5 1. 3 P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t The computer comes with po wer management features that extend battery operating time and conserv e power .
1–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion 1 .4 Ex ternal C ompon ents The external components on the front of the computer are sho wn belo w and described in T able 1-1.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–7 Ta b l e 1 - 1 Fr ont Components Item Component Function 1P o w e r l i g h t ■ On: Computer is tur ned on. ■ Off: Computer is off or in hiber nation. ■ Blinking: Computer is in standby .
1–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The external components on the right side of the computer are sho w n belo w and described in T able 1-2.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–9 Ta b l e 1 - 2 Right-Side Components Item Component Function 1 ExpressCard slot Suppor ts an optional ExpressCard. 2A u d i o - o u t (headphone) jack Connects an optional headphone or pow ered stereo speak ers.
1–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The external components on the left side of the computer are sho w n belo w and described in T able 1-3. Left -Side Components Ta b l e 1 - 3 Left-Side Components Item Component Function 1 P ow er connector Connects the A C adapter cab le.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–11 5 Expansion por t 2 Connects t he computer to an optional doc king de vice. ✎ The computer has only one expansion port. The term expansion port 2 describes the type of expansion port. 6 USB por ts (2) Connect optional USB de vices.
1–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The external components on the rear panel of the computer are sho w n belo w and described in T able 1-4.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–13 Ta b l e 1 - 4 Rear P anel Components Item Component Function 1 Security cable slot Attaches an op tional security cable to the computer . ✎ The purpose of security solutions is to act as a deterrent.
1–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The standard ke yboard components of the computer are sho wn belo w and described in T able 1-5.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–15 T able 1-5 Standar d Ke yboard Components Item Component Function 1 f1 to f12 ke ys (12) P e rf or m system and application tasks. When combined with fn , function k eys perf or m additional tasks as hotk eys .
1–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The computer top components are sho wn below and described in T able 1-6. T op C omponents T able 1-6 T o p Components Item Component Function 1 Displa y switch Initiates standb y if the displa y is closed when the computer is on.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–17 3 Wireless button T ur ns the wireless functionality on or off , but does not create a wireless connection. ✎ To establish a wireless connection, a wireless network must already be set up.
1–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The Quick Play and Quick Launch b uttons are sho wn belo w and described in T able 1-7. T op C omponents.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–19 T able 1-7 Quic kPla y and Quick Launc h Button Components Item Component Function 1 D VD button Def ault button functions without Quic kPlay software: When the computer is ■ On: Opens the def ault D VD application to star t a D VD in the optical drive .
1–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion 2 Media Button Def ault button functions without Quic kPla y software: When the computer is ■ On: Opens the musi c application or the Media menu, allo wing you to select a multimedia application.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–21 The computer T ouchPad components are sho w n belo w and described in T able 1-8. T ouc hP ad Components T able 1-8 T ouchP ad Components Item Component Function 1 Left and right T ouchP ad buttons Function lik e the left and ri ght b uttons on an e xter nal mouse.
1–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion The external components on the bottom of the computer are sho w n belo w and described in T able 1-9. Bot tom Component s Ta b l e 1 - 9 Bottom Components Item Component Function 1 Optical drive Suppor ts an optical disc , such as a C D o r DV D.
Product D escr i ption Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 1–2 3 5 V ents (2) Provide airflo w to cool inter nal components. Ä T o pre vent o verheating, do not obstruct vents . Do not allow a hard surf ace, such as a printer , or a soft surf ace, such as pillows or thick rugs or clothing, to b lock airflow .
1–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Product D escr ipt ion 1. 5 D e s i g n O v e r v i e w This section presents a design ov erview of k ey parts and features of the computer . Refer to Chapter 3, “Illustrated Parts Catalog, ” to identify replacement parts, and Chapter 5, “Remo v al and Replacement Procedures, ” for disassembly steps.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–1 2 T r oubl eshooting Å W ARNI NG: Only au thori z ed techni c ians trained b y HP should re pair this equipmen t . All tr oubleshooting and r epair procedur es ar e detailed to allo w only subas sembl y-/module -lev el repair .
2–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting 2. Select the File , Security , Diagnostics , or System Conf iguration menu. 3. T o close Computer Setup and restart the computer: ❏ Select File > Sa ve changes and exit , and then press enter .
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–3 Selec ting fr om t he Securit y Menu Ta b l e 2 - 2 Security Menu Select T o Do This Setup P assw ord Enter , change, or delete an Setup pass word. P ow er-On P assw ord Enter , change, or delete a po wer-on pass word.
2–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Selec ting fr om th e Diagnostic s Menu Ta b l e 2 - 3 Diagnostics Men u Select T o Do This HDD Self-T est Options Run a quick co mprehensiv e self test on hard drives in the system that suppor t the test f eatures.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–5 Selec ting from t he S y stem C onfiguration Menu Ta b l e 2 - 4 System Configuration Menu Select T o Do This Language Change the Comp uter Setup language. Boot Options Enable/disab le Mult iBoot, which sets a star tup sequence that can includ e most bootab le de vices and media in the system.
2–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting 2.2 T roubl eshooting Flo wc har ts Ta b l e 2 - 5 T roubleshooting Flo wchar ts Overview Flowchart Description 2.1 “Flowchar t 2.1—Initial T roub l eshooting” 2.2 “Flowchar t 2.2—No P ow er , P ar t 1” 2.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–7 Flo wc har t 2. 1—Initial T roubl eshooting Connecting to network or modem? Begin troubleshooting. Is there power? Is the OS loading? Is there video? (no boot) Is there sound? Beeps, LEDs, or error messages? Keyboard/ pointing device working? Go to “Flowchar t 2.
2–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2.2—No P o wer , P ar t 1 1. Reset the power cables in the docking device and at the AC outlet. 2. Be sure the AC power source is active. 3. Be sure that the power strip is working.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–9 Flo wc har t 2.3—No P o wer , P ar t 2 Continued from “Flowchar t 2.2—No P ower , Pa r t 1 .
2–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2.4—No P o wer , P ar t 3 Continued from “Flowchart 2.3—No P ower , Pa r t 2 . ” Reseat AC adapter in computer and at po wer sou rce. Internal or external AC adapter? Done Done Done Done Po we r o n ? Po we r o n ? Po we r o n ? Plug directly into AC outlet.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–11 Flowc ha r t 2.5 —N o P o w er , P ar t 4 Y N Continued from “Flowchar t 2.4—No P ower , Pa r t 3 . ” Reseat loose components and boards and replace damaged items. Open computer . Loose or damaged parts? Y Close computer and retest.
2–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2.6—No Vid eo, P art 1 A N Stand-alone or docking device? No video. Replace the following one at a time. T est after each replacement. 1. Cable between computer and computer display (if applicable) 2.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–13 Flo wc har t 2.7—No Vid eo, P art 2 Y N Continued from “Flowchart 2.6—No Video , Pa r t 1 .
2–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting F lo wch a rt 2. 8— No nf un ct i o ni ng Do cki ng De v ic e (i f applic able) Y N Reset power cord in docking device and power outlet. N T est replacement docking device with new computer . Check voltage setting on docking device.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–15 Flo wc har t 2.9—No O peratin g S ystem (OS) Loadin g No OS loading from hard drive, go to “Flowchart 2.10—No OS Loading, Hard Drive , P a r t 1. ” Reset power cord in docking device and power outlet.
2–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 0—No OS Loa din g, H ard Driv e, Pa r t 1 Go to “Flowchart 2.17—Nonfunctioning De vice. ” Y Done N OS not loading from hard drive. Nonsystem disk message? Go to “Flowchar t 2.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–17 Flowc h ar t 2. 1 1—N o OS L oa di ng , H ard Drive, Pa r t 2 Load OS using Operating System disc (if applicable). Continued from “Flowchar t 2.10—No OS Loading, Hard Drive, P ar t 1. ” Reseat hard drive.
2–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 2—N o OS Loadin g, Hard Driv e, Pa r t 3 Y System files on hard drive? Continued from “Flowchar t 2.11—No OS Loading, Hard Drive, P ar t 2. ” Clean virus. Done N Install OS and reboot.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–19 Flo wc har t 2. 1 3—No OS Loadin g, Disk et te Driv e Done Y N Reseat diskette drive. OS not loading from diskette drive. Done Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N OS loading? Nonsystem disk message? Bootable diskette in drive? Install bootable diskette and reboot computer .
2–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 4—No OS Loadin g , Opti cal Driv e Y Done N Bootable disc in drive? Disc in drive? No OS loading from CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. Install bootable disc and reboot computer . Go to “Flowchar t 2.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–21 Flo wc h art 2. 1 5—No Au dio, P art 1 No audio. N Computer in docking device (if applicable)? Internal audio? Audio? Done Undock Audio? Done T urn up audio internally or externally . Go to “Flowchar t 2.
2–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 6—No Audio, P ar t 2 YN Continued from “Flowchart 2.15—No A udio , Pa r t 1 . ” Reload audio drivers. Audio driver in OS configured? Audio? Y Y Y N N N Correct drivers for application? Connect to external speaker .
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 2–2 3 Flo wc har t 2. 1 7—Nonfun ctionin g De vice Done Any physical device detected? Y N Unplug the nonfunctioning device from the computer and inspect cables and plugs for bent or broken pins or other damage.
2–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 8—Nonfunc tioning K e yboard Y N OK? Keyboard not operating properly . External device works? Replace system board. Replace system board. Connect computer to good external keyboard.
T r oubleshooting Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 2 –2 5 Flo wc har t 2. 1 9—N onfunc tioning P ointin g De v ice Y N OK? Pointing device not operating properly . External device works? Replace system board. Replace system board. Connect computer to good external pointing device.
2–2 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de T r oubleshooting Flo wc har t 2.20—No N et w ork/Modem Con nectio n Y Disconnect all power from the computer and open. No network or modem connection. N Done Digital line? Network or modem jack active? Replace jack or have jack activated.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–1 3 I llus trated P ar ts C a talog This chapter provides an illustrated parts breakdo wn and a reference for spare part numbers. 3. 1 Seria l Number Loca tion When ordering parts or requesting information, provide the computer serial number and model number located on the bottom of the computer .
3–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3.2 Comp uter M ajor Com ponen ts Com pu te r M ajo r Co mp on en ts.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–3 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Computer Major Components Item Description Spare P art Number 1 Display assemb lies (include displa y c.
3–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog Com pu te r M ajor Components.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–5 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Computer Major Components (Continued) Item Description Spare P art Number 6 T op cover (includes T ouch.
3–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog Com pu te r M ajor Components.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–7 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Computer Major Components (Continued) Item Description Spare P art Number 10 Optical drives (Continued).
3–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog Com pu te r M ajor Components.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–9 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Computer Major Components (Continued) Item Description Spare P art Number Plastics Kit 403812-001 17a 1.
3–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog Com pu te r M ajor Components.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–11 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Computer Major Components (Continued) Item Description Spare P art Number 23 8-cell, 4.4-hour battery 403808-001 24 Mini PCI comm unications modules 802.
3–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3. 3 Dis pl a y As sembly Subcom ponents T able 3-2 Displa y Assembl y Subcomponent Spare P ar t Number Information Item Descriptio.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–13 3 Display in verter boards F or use with dual-lamp displa ys F or use with single-lamp displa ys 412268-001 403831-001 4 Display P a.
3–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3.4 P l as tic s Kit T able 3-3 Plastics Kit Spare P ar t Number Information Item Description Spare P art Number Plastics Kit Inclu.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–15 3.5 Ca bl e Kit Ta b l e 3 - 4 Cable Kit Spare P ar t Number Information Item Description Spare P art Number Cable Kit Includes: 403.
3–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3.6 M a s s St ora g e D e vi c es Ta b l e 3 - 5 Mass Storage Devices Spare P ar t Number Information Item Description Spare P a r.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–17 2 Optical drives D VD±RW and CD-R W Double-La yer Combo Drive with LightScribe D VD±RW and CD-R W Double-La yer Combo Drive D VD/C.
3–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3.7 Miscell an eous (Not I llustra ted) Ta b l e 3 - 6 Miscellaneous (Not Illustrated) Spare P ar t Information Description Spare P.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–19 P ower supplies 65 watt 403810-001 90 watt non-PFC 408487-001 90 watt PFC 408488-001 Remote TV tuner 408479-001 RF cable 408485-001 .
3–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 3.8 Sequ enti al P ar t Number Lis ting Ta b l e 3 - 7 Sequential P ar t Number Listing Spare P art Number Description 309674-001 U.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–21 403792-001 802.11a/b/g WLAN Mini PC I communications module f or use in the rest of the world 403796-001 17-inch, WXGA+, TFT , si ng.
3–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 403809-101 K eyboard f or use in Sweden and Finland 403809-121 K eyboard f or use in F rench Canada 403810-001 P ow er supply , 65.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 3–2 3 403830-001 USB board f o r use with HP P a vilion dv8000 m odels (includes USB board and U SB board cab le) 403831-001 Displa y inv.
3–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 408484-001 Infrared b laster cable 408485-001 RF cab le 408483-001 Infrared USB receiv er 408487-001 90-watt non-PFC A C adapter 4.
Illustr ated P arts Cat alog Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 3 –2 5 417032-001 USB board f o r use with HP P a vilion dv8200 m odels (includes USB board and U SB board cab le) 417033-001 LED board .
3–2 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Cat alog 430499-001 AMD T urion 64 ML-40 (2.2-GHz) processor (includes ther mal paste) 430855-001 Mobile AMD Sempron 3100 (1.8-GHz) processor (includes ther mal paste) 430860-001 Mobile AMD Sempron 3300 (2.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 4–1 4 Remo v al an d Repl acem ent Preliminaries This chapter provides essential information for proper and safe remov al and replacement service.
4–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr eliminar ies 4.2 Ser vice C onsidera tions The follo wing sections include some of the considerations that you should keep in mind during disassembly and assembly procedures.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr eliminari es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 4–3 4. 3 Pr e v enting Damage to R emo v able Dri v e s Remov able dri ves are fragile components that must be handled with care.
4–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr eliminar ies 4.4 Pr e v enting El ec trostatic D ama g e Many electronic components are sensiti ve to electrostatic dischar ge (ESD). Circuitry design and structure determine the degree of sensiti vity .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr eliminari es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 4–5 4.5 P ac k agin g and T ranspor ting Precautions Use the follo wing grounding precautions when packaging and transporting equipment: ■ T o av oid hand contact, transport products in static-safe containers, such as tubes, bags, or boxes.
4–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr eliminar ies 4.6 W orkstation Preca utions Use the follo wing grounding precautions at workstations: ■ Cov er the workstation with approv ed static-shielding material (refer to T a ble 4-2, “Static-Shielding Materials” ).
R emo val and R eplacement Pr eliminari es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 4–7 4.7 Groundin g Eq uip ment an d Methods Grounding equipment must include either a wrist strap or a foot strap at a grounded workstation. ■ When seated, wear a wrist strap connected to a grounded system.
4–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr eliminar ies T able 4-1 shows ho w humidity affects the electrostatic v oltage le vels generated by dif ferent acti vities. T able 4-2 lists the shielding protection provided by antistatic bags and floor mats.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–1 5 Remo v al an d Repl acem ent Pr ocedure s This chapter provides remo val and replacement procedures. There are as many 113 scre ws, in 9 dif ferent sizes and types, that may ha ve to be remo ved, replaced, or loosened when servicing the computer .
5–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5 . 1 S erial N umber Report the computer serial number to HP when requesting information or ordering spare parts. The serial number is located on the bottom of the computer .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–3 5 .2 Disasse mbl y Sequenc e Char t Use the chart belo w to determine the section number to be referenced when removing computer components. Disassembl y Sequence Char t Section Description # of Screws Remo ved 5.
5–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures Section Description # of Screws Remo ved 5.11 K eyboard Assemb ly F rame 2 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–5 5 .3 Preparing t he C omp uter for Di sassem bl y Before you begin an y remov al or installation procedures: 1.
5–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. Remov e the battery by follo wing these steps: a. T urn the computer upside do wn with the front tow ard you. b . Slide the battery release latch 1 to the left. (The battery disengages from the computer .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–7 5 .4 Hard Driv e 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (refer to Section 5.
5–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 2. Loosen the three black Phillips PM2.5×6.0 scre ws 1 that secure the hard dri ve co ver to the computer . 3. Lift the rear edge of the hard dri ve cov er 2 and swing it up and forward and remo ve it.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–9 4. Remov e the two silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 hard dri ve retention scre ws 1 that secure each hard dri v e to the computer . 5. Slide the hard dri ve 2 a way from the hard dri ve connector .
5–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 7. Remov e the four Phillips PM3.0×4.0 hard driv e frame scre ws 1 that secure the hard driv e frame to the hard driv e. 8. Lift the hard dri ve straight up 2 to remo ve if from the hard dri ve frame.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–11 5. 5 C o m p u t e r Fe e t The computer feet are adhesi ve-backed rubber pads. The feet are included in the Plastics Kit, spare part number 403812-001. R eplac ing the Com puter F eet 5.
5–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. Loosen the two black Phillips PM2.5×6.0 scre ws 1 that secure the memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er to the computer . 4. Lift the right side of the cov er 2 and swing it up and to the left and remov e it.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–13 5. Loosen the two Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre ws 1 that secure the memory shield to the computer . 6. Lift the right side of the memory shield 2 and swing it to the left as far as it will go.
5–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 7. Spread the retaining tabs 1 on each side of the memory module socket to release the memory module. (The edge of the module opposite the socket rises a way from the computer .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–15 5 .7 M ini P CI Comm unica tions Module 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ). 2. Remov e the memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er ( Section 5.6 ). Mini PCI Comm unications Module Spare P ar t Number Information 802.
5–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures ✎ Before disconnecting the antenna cables, make note of which cable is attached to which antenna clip on the Mini PCI communications module. 3. Disconnect the auxiliary and main antenna cables 1 from the Mini PCI communications module.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–17 5. 8 R TC B a t t e r y 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ). 2. Remov e the memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er ( Section 5.6 ). 3. Remov e the Mini PCI communications module ( Section 5.
5–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. Remov e the R TC battery from the socket on the system board. R emo ving the R T C Battery Re v erse the abov e procedure to install an R TC battery .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–19 5 .9 Optical Driv e 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.
5–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. Remov e the Phillips PM2.5×13.0 screw 1 that secures the optical dri ve to the computer . 4. Insert a thin tool, such as an unbent paper clip 2 , into the media tray release hole and release the media tray .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–21 5. 1 0 Sw i t c h C ove r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ). 2. Remov e the two Phillips PM2.5×13.0 scre ws 1 and the three Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre ws 2 that secure the switch co ver to the computer .
5–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. T urn the computer display-side up with the front to ward you. 4. Open the computer as far as possible. 5. Insert a flat-bladed scre wdri v er under the display hinge cov er sections 1 of the switch cov er .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–2 3 5. 1 1 K eyb o a r d A s s e m b l y F r a m e 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ). 2. Remov e the memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er ( Section 5.
5–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 7. T urn the computer display-side up with the front to ward you. 8. Open the computer as far as possible. 9. Lift and hold the rear edge of the ke yboard until the LED board cable connector is accessible.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 5 –2 5 10. Release the zero insertion force (ZIF) connector 1 to which the LED board cable is connected and disconnect the cable 2 .
5–2 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 11. Swing the ke yboard assembly frame 1 forward until the assembly rests on the palm rest. 12. Release the ZIF connector to which the ke yboard cable 2 is attached and disconnect the ke yboard cable 3 .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–2 7 5 . 1 2 LED Board 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ) and then remov e the following components: a. Memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er ( Section 5.
5–2 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. Remov e the four Phillips PM2.5×4.0 screws 1 that secure the LED board to the ke yboard frame. 4. Remov e the LED board 2 . R emo ving the LED Boar d Re v erse the abov e procedure to install the LED board.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–2 9 5. 1 3 Ke y b o a r d 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ) and then remov e the following components: a. Memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov er ( Section 5.
5–30 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. Remov e the fi ve Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre ws 1 that secure the ke yboard to the keyboard frame. 4. Remov e the keyboard 2 . R emo ving the K e yboar d Re v erse the abov e procedure to install the keyboard.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–31 5 . 1 4 Di s pla y Asse mbl y 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.
5–3 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 3. Disconnect the auxiliary and main antenna cables from the Mini PCI communications module.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–3 3 4. Remov e the switch cov er ( Section 5.10 ). 5. Remov e the keyboard assembly frame ( Section 5.11 ). 6. Disconnect the display cable 1 from the system board. 7. Remov e the wireless antenna cables from the clips 2 in the top cov er .
5–3 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures Ä CA UTION: Support the display as sembl y when r emov ing the follo wing sc r e ws . F ailure t o support the display a ssembl y can result in damage t o the displa y assembl y and other computer components .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–3 5 Displa y Assembl y Subcomponent Spare P ar t Number Information Displa y Plastics Kits F or use with dual-lamp displa ys.
5–3 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 10. Remov e the six rubber screw co vers 1 and 2 and the six Phillips PM2.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–3 7 11. Flex the inside edges of the left and right sides 1 and the top and bottom sides 2 of the display bezel until the bezel disengages from the display assembly . 12. Remov e the display bezel 3 .
5–3 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 13. Disconnect the follo wing cables: 1 Display panel cable 2 Light sensor cable 3 Display in verter cable Disconnec ting.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 5 –3 9 14. Remov e the two Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre ws 1 and the two Phillips PM2.5×7.0 scre ws 2 that secure the display panel to the display enclosure. 15. Remov e the display panel 3 .
5–40 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 16. Remov e the four Phillips PM2.0×4.0 screws 1 that secure each display hinge to the display panel.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–41 18. Remov e the Phillips PM2.0×4.0 screw 1 that secures the display in verter board to the display enclosure. 19. Swing the top edge of the board 2 up and forward and re move i t.
5–4 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 20. Release the retention tabs 1 b uilt in to the display enclosure lining that secure the wireless antenna cables to the display enclosure. 21. Detach the wireless antenna transcei v ers 2 from the display enclosure.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–4 3 5. 1 5 T o p C ove r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ) and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
5–44 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 2. Release the ZIF connector to which the T ouchPad cable 1 is connected and disconnect the T ouchPad cable 2 from the system board. ✎ The T ouchPad cable is included in the Cable Kit, spare part number 403814-001.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–4 5 4. Remov e the two Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre ws 1 and three silver Phillips PM2.
5–4 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. Remov e the fi ve Phillips PM2.5×13.0 scre ws that secure the top cov er to the computer .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–4 7 6. T urn the computer right-side up with the front to ward you. 7. Remov e the nine silver Phillips PM2.
5–4 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 8. Remov e the six Phillips PM2.5× 13.0 screws that secure the top cov er to the computer .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–4 9 9. Lift up the rear edge of the top cov er 1 until it disengages from the base enclosure. 10. Lift the top cov er 2 straight up and remov e it. R emo ving the T op Co ver Re v erse the abov e procedure to install the top cover .
5–5 0 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 1 6 Sys t e m B o a r d ✎ When replacing the system board, ensure that the follo w ing components are remov ed from the defectiv e system board and installed on the replacement system board: ■ Memory modules ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–51 2. Press in on the ExpressCard slot bezel 1 to release it. 3. Remov e the ExpressCard slot bezel 2 . ✎ The ExpressCard slot bezel is included in the Plastics Kit, spare part number 403812-001.
5–5 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. Remov e the two silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 scre ws 1 that secure the display hinge support bracket to the computer . 5. Remov e the display hinge support bracket 2 . ✎ The display hinge support bracket is included in the Plastics Kit, spare part number 403816-001.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 5–5 3 6. Remov e the following scre ws: 1 One Phillips PM2.5×9.0 scre w that secures the system board to the base enclosure 2 Four silv er Phillips PM2.5×6.0 screws that secure the system board to the base enclosure 3 One Phillips PM2.
5–5 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 8. Disconnect the follo wing cables from the system board: 1 Modem cable 2 Bluetooth module cable 3 USB board cable Disco.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–5 5 9. Lift the right side of the system board 1 until the right side of the board is clear of the base enclosure. 10. Make sure the PC Card eject b utton 2 is depressed and clears the base enclosure.
5–5 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 12. Remov e the optical driv e connector board from the system board. ✎ The optical dri ve connector board is a v ailable using spare part numbers 403829-002 (for use with HP Pa vilion dv8000 models) and 417031-001 (for use with HP Pa vilion dv8200 models).
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–5 7 5 . 1 7 Bluetoot h Module 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
5–5 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 2. Remov e the two Phillips PM2.0×4.0 scre ws 1 that secure the Bluetooth module to the base enclosure 3. Remov e the Bluetooth module from the base enclosure 2 . 4. Disconnect the Bluetooth module cable 3 from the Bluetooth module.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 5–5 9 5. Slide and hold the battery release latch acuator 1 to the right. 6. Slide the Bluetooth module cable 2 through the hole in the battery release latch actuator 3 and the clips in the base enclosure.
5–60 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5 . 1 8 Mo dem Co nne c to r Cable ✎ The modem connector cable is included in the Cable Kit, spare part number 403814-001. 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–61 2. Remov e the modem connector 1 from the clip 2 in the base enclosure. 3. Remov e the modem connector cable from the routing channel 3 in the base enclosure. R emo ving the Modem C onnect or Ca ble Re v erse the abov e procedure to install the modem connector cable.
5–6 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 1 9 U S B B o a r d 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–6 3 2. Remov e the USB cable from the routing clips 1 in the base enclosure. 3. Remov e the USB board 2 from the base enclosure. 4. Disconnect the USB board cable 3 from the USB board.
5–64 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 2 0 S p e a ke r s 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–6 5 2. Disconnect the speaker cable from the system board. Disconnec ting the Speak er Ca ble 3.
5–6 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. Remov e the two silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 scre ws 1 that secure the speaker to the system board. 5. Slide the speaker 2 forw ard until it clears the system board. R emo ving the S peak er Re v erse the abov e procedure to install the speaker .
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–6 7 5 .2 1 Hea t Sink 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
5–6 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 2. T urn the system board upside do wn with the expansion port 2 to ward you. 3. Remov e the four silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 scre ws 1 that secure the heat sink to the system board.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–6 9 ✎ The thermal paste should be thoroughly cleaned from the surfaces of the heat sink 1 and processor 2 each time the heat sink is remov ed. Thermal paste should be reapplied to both surfaces before the heat sink is reinstalled.
5–7 0 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 22 P r o c e s s o r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–71 2. Slide the tip of the processor socket release arm 1 forw ard until it clears the notch 2 on the processor socket. 3. Swing the processor socket release arm forward 3 as f ar as it will go.
5–7 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 23 F a n A s s e m b ly 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–7 3 2. Disconnect the fan cable 1 and the po wer connector cable 2 from the system board. 3. Remov e the following scre ws: 3 One Phillips PM2.5×4.0 scre w that secures the expansion port bracket and f an assembly to the system board 4 T wo slotted M1.
5–7 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. Slide the expansion port 2 brack et 1 aw ay from the system board. 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 5–7 5 ✎ If necessary , perform the follo wing steps to remov e the power connector cable from the fan assembly . ✎ The po wer connector cable is included in the Cable Kit, spare part number 403814-001.
5–7 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 5. 24 PC C a r d A s s e m b l y 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 5.3 ), and then remov e the following components: a. Hard dri ve ( Section 5.4 ) b . Memory/Mini PCI module compartment co ver ( Section 5.
R emo val and R eplacement Pr ocedur es Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide 5–77 2. T urn the system board upside do wn with the audio jacks, USB ports, and external monitor port to ward you. 3. Remov e the two Phillips PM2.0×4.0 scre ws that secure the PC Card assembly to the system board.
5–7 8 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Re mo val and R eplacement Pr ocedures 4. T urn the system board right-side up with the audio jacks, USB ports, and external monitor port to ward you. 5. Disengage the hooks 1 on the PC Card assembly from the slots 2 on the PC Card connector and remov e the PC Card assembly 3 from the system board.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–1 6 Spec ifica tions This chapter provides physical and performance specif ications. Ta b l e 6 - 1 Computer Dimensions Metric U .S. Height F ront Rear Width Depth 3.76 cm 4.62 cm 39.68 cm 28.19 cm 1.48 in 1.82 in 15.
6–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Relative humidity (noncondensing) Operating Nonoperating 10% to 90% 5% to 95% 10% to 90% 5% to 95% Maximum altitude (unpressurized) Operating (14.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–3 Ta b l e 6 - 2 17.0-inch, WSXGA+, BrightVie w Display Dimensions Height Width Diagonal 23.00 cm 36.80 cm 43.40 cm 9.06 in 14.49 in 17.09 in Number of colors Up to 16.8 million Contrast ratio 200:1 Brightness 180 nits typical Pixel resolution Pitch Fo r m a t Configuration 0.
6–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Ta b l e 6 - 3 17.0-inch, WXGA+, BrightVie w Display Dimensions Height Width Diagonal 23.00 cm 36.80 cm 43.40 cm 9.06 in 14.49 in 17.09 in Number of colors Up to 16.8 million Contrast ratio 200:1 Brightness 180 nits typical Pixel resolution Pitch Fo r m a t Configuration 0.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–5 Ta b l e 6 - 4 Har d Drives 100-GB* 80-GB* 8 0-GB* Dimensions Height Width We i g h t 9.5 mm 70 mm 102 g 9.
6–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s 60-GB* 60-GB* 40-GB* Dimensions Height Width We i g h t 9.5 mm 70 mm 102 g 9.5 mm 70 mm 99 g 9.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–7 Ta b l e 6 - 5 Primary 8-cell, Li-Ion Batter y Dimensions Height Width Depth We i g h t 2.00 cm 9.40 cm 13.40 cm 0.34 kg 0.79 in 3.70 in 5.28 in 0.75 lb Energ y V oltage Amp-hour capacity W att-hour capacity 11.
6–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Ta b l e 6 - 6 D VD/CD-R W Combo Drive Applicable disc Read: D VD-R, D VD-R W , D VD-ROM (D VD-5, D VD-9, D VD-10, D VD-18), CD-ROM (Mode 1 and.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–9 Ta b l e 6 - 7 DV D ± RW and CD-R W Double-La yer Combo Drive Applicable disc Read: D VD-R, D VD-R W , D VD-R OM (D VD-5, D VD-9, D VD-10, D VD.
6–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Data transfer rate CD-R (16X) CD-R W (8X) CD-R OM (24X) DV D ( 8 X ) D VD-R (4X) DV D - R W ( 2 X ) Multiword DMA mode 2 2,400 KB/s (150 KB/s a.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–11 Disc thickness 1.2 mm (0.047 in) T rack pitch 0.74 µm Access time CD D VD Random Full strok e < 175 ms < 285 ms < 230 ms < 335 ms A u dio output level A udio-out, 0.
6–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Ta b l e 6 - 9 System DMA Hard ware DMA System Function DMA0 Not applicable DMA1* Not applicable DMA2* Not applicable DMA3 Not applicable DMA4 Direct memor y access controller DMA5* A v ailable f or PC Card DMA6 Not assigned DMA7 Not assigned *PC Card controller ca n use DMA 1, 2, or 5.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–13 T able 6-10 System Interrupts Hard ware IRQ System Function IRQ0 System timer IRQ1 Standard 101-/102-K ey or Microsoft Natura l K eyboard IRQ2 .
6–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s IRQ11 TI OHCI 1394 host controller TI PCI1410 CardBus controller IRQ12 Synaptics PS/2 T ouchP ad IRQ13 Numer ic data processor IRQ14 Pri mar y IDE channel IRQ15 Secondar y IDE channel *Def ault configuration; audio possible configurations are IRQ5, IRQ7, IRQ9, IRQ10, or none.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–15 T able 6-11 System I/O Addresses I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 000 - 00F DMA controller no .
6–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 0A2 - 0BF Unused 0C0 - 0DF DMA controller no .
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide 6–17 I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 2F0 - 2F7 Unused 2F8 - 2FF Infrared por t 300 - 31F Unused 320 - 36F Unused 370 - 3.
6–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de Spe cificat ion s T able 6-12 System Memory Map Size Memory Address System Function 640 KB 00000000-0009FFFF Base memory 128 KB 000A0000-000BFFFF Video memory 48.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–1 A Sc r e w Li sting This appendix provides specif ication and reference information for the scre ws and screw locks used in the computer . All scre ws listed in this appendix are a v ailable in the Computer Scre w Kit, spare part number 403813-001, and the Display Scre w Kit, spare part number 403886-001.
A–2 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Scr ew Listin g Blac k Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 2 Blac k Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw Color Qty .
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–3 Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 4 screws that secure the hard driv e to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–4 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Scr ew Listin g Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocation Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One screw that secures the k eyboard asse mb ly to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–5 Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocation Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One screw that secures the displa y asse mbly to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–6 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Scr ew Listin g Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 3 screws that secure the top co ve r to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–7 Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 8 screws that secure the top co ve r to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–8 Mainte nance and Serv ice Gui de Scr ew Listin g Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the base enclosur e suppor t brack et to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–9 Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 4 screws that secure the system boar d to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–10 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phill ips P M 2 .5×6. 0 Scre w Locations Ta b l e A - 3 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the speak er to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–11 Silv er Phillips P M2 .5×6 . 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 3 Silver Phillips PM2.5×6.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 29 6.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 4 screws that secure the heat sink to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–12 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the memory shie ld to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–13 Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 3 screws that secure the s witch co v er to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–14 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 1 F our screws that secure the LED boa rd to the k eyboard fr ame (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–15 Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the displa y panel to the displa y enclosure (documented in Section 5.
A–16 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the top co ve r to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–17 Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r e w L ocation Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One screw that secures the connector b oard to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–18 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .5×4. 0 Sc r e w L ocation Ta b l e A - 4 Phillips PM2.5×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 20 4.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One screw that secures the f an assembly and e xpansion por t brac ket to the system board (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–19 Philli ps P M2 . 5×13. 0 Scr ew L ocat ions Ta b l e A - 5 Phillips PM2.5×13.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 13.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 1 One scre w that secures the optical dr iv e to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–20 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Philli ps P M2 . 5×13. 0 Scr ew L ocat ion Ta b l e A - 5 Phillips PM2.5×13.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 13.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One scre w that secures the ke yboard a ssembly to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–21 Philli ps P M2 . 5×13. 0 Scr ew L ocat ions Ta b l e A - 5 Phillips PM2.5×13.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 13.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 5 screws that secure the top co ve r to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–2 2 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Philli ps P M2 . 5×13. 0 Scr ew L ocat ions Ta b l e A - 5 Phillips PM2.5×13.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 13.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 6 screws that secure the top co ve r to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–2 3 Phill ips P M 2 .5×9 .0 Scr ew L ocat ions Ta b l e A - 6 Phillips PM2.5×9.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 6 9.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 5 screws that secure the displa y asse mbly to the computer (documented in Section 5.
A–2 4 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phill ips P M 2 .5×9 .0 Scr ew L ocat ion Ta b l e A - 6 Phillips PM2.5×9.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 6 9.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: One screw that secures the system bo ard to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi c e Guide A–2 5 Philli ps P M2 . 5×7 . 0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e A - 7 Phillips PM2.5×7.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 10 7.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 6 screws that secure the displa y bezel to the displa y assembly (documented in Section 5.
A–2 6 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Philli ps P M2 . 5×7 . 0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e A - 7 Phillips PM2.5×7.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 10 7.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the displa y panel to the displa y enclosure (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–2 7 Philli ps P M2 . 5×7 . 0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e A - 7 Phillips PM2.5×7.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 10 7.0 mm 2.5 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the f an assembly to the system board (documented in Section 5.
A–2 8 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 8 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 13 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: 8 screws that secure the displa y hinges to the displa y panel (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–2 9 Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Sc r e w L ocation Ta b l e A - 8 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 13 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: One screw that secures the displa y inv er t er to the displa y enclosure (documented in Section 5.
A–30 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 8 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 13 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the Bluetooth mo dule to the computer (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew L isti ng Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide A–31 Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Sc r ew L ocations Ta b l e A - 8 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 13 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the PC Card asse mbly to the system board (documented in Section 5.
A–3 2 Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Scr ew Listin g Slotted M1. 5×9 .0 Sc re w L ocations Ta b l e A - 9 Slotted M1.5×9.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silv er 2 9.0 mm 1.5 mm 4.0 mm Where used: 2 screws that secure the f an assembly to the system board (documented in Section 5.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–1 B Sof t w are Upd a te and Reco v er y Updat ing S oft w a r e Updated versions of the softw are provided with your computer may be a v ailable on the HP W eb site. Most software and BIOS upda tes on the HP W eb site are packaged in compressed f iles called SoftP aqs .
B–2 Maint enance and Serv ice Guide So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y Updating t he BIOS T o determine whether av ailable BIOS updates contain later BIOS versions than those currently installed on the computer , you need to kno w the version of the system BIOS currently installed.
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–3 T o download a BIOS update: 1. Access the page on the HP W eb site that provides software for your computer: Select Start > Help and Support , and then select the software and dri vers update.
B–4 Maint enance and Serv ice Guide So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y 3. Double-click the f ile that has an .ex e extension (for e xample, f ilename .ex e ). The BIOS installation begins. 4. Complete the installation by follo wing the instructions on the screen.
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–5 6. Double-click the f ile that has an .ex e extension (for e xample, f ilename .ex e ). The installation begins. 7. Complete the installation by follo wing the instructions on the screen.
B–6 Maint enance and Serv ice Guide So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y B ac king U p Y our Inf orma tion When to Ba c k Up ■ On a regularly scheduled basis. ✎ Set reminders to back up your information periodically . ■ Before the computer is repaired or restored.
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–7 Us ing S y ste m R est or e P oint s When you back up your system, you are creating a system restore point. A system restore point allo ws you to save and name a snapshot of your hard dri v e at a specific point in time.
B–8 Maint enance and Serv ice Guide So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y Restore to a Pre vious Date and Time T o rev ert to a restore point (creat ed at a previous date and time), when the computer was functioning optimally: 1. Select Start > Help and Support , and then click S ystem Restor e .
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–9 ■ Number each disc before inserting it into the computer optical dri ve. ■ If necessary , you can exit the program before you ha ve f inished creating the recov ery discs.
B–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y Rei ns ta lli n g So f t ware P rogra ms an d Dr iv ers If a program or dri ver preinstalled at the f actory is accidentally erased or is damaged, the Application and Dri v er Recov ery tool allo ws you to reinstall it.
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–11 2. Select Start > All Pr ograms > System Recovery > A pplication and Driver Recov ery . The Application and Dri ver Recov ery tool opens. 3. Select A pplication Installation or Driv er Installation , and then click Next .
B–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y Reco v erin g from the Reco very Disc s T o restore the system from the recovery discs: 1. Back up all personal f iles. 2. Insert the f irst recov ery disc into the optical driv e and restart the computer .
Softw ar e Update and Reco very Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide B–13 a. Click Adv anced Options on the System Reco very screen. b. S e l e c t Destructive Reco very and follow the on-screen instructions.
B–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Gui de So ft w are Updat e and Reco ve r y Upd atin g Reinstalled Sof t w are After you perform a system recov ery , connect to the Internet to update all reinstalled software. T o access update links for th e operating system and other software pro vided on your computer: » Select Start > Help and Support .
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–1 C Dis pl a y Com pon ent Rec y c ling Å W ARNI NG: The bac klight con tains mer c ury . Ca ution sh ould be e xe r c ised whe n r emo v ing and handling the backli ght to a vo id damaging this component and ca using e xposur e to the mer c ur y .
C–2 M aintenance and S ervi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling This appendix provides disassembl y instructions for the display assembly . The display assembly must be disassembled to gain access to the backlight 1 and the LCD panel 2 . ✎ Disassembly procedures dif fer from one display assembly to another .
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–3 Perform the follo w ing steps to disassemble the display assembly: 1. Remov e all screw co vers 1 and scre ws 2 that secure the display bezel to the display assembly .
C–4 M aintenance and S ervi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling 2. Lift up and out on the left and right inside edges 1 and the top and bottom inside edges 2 of the display bezel until the bezel disengages from the display assembly . 3. Remov e the display bezel 3 .
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–5 4. Disconnect all LCD panel cables 1 from the display in verter and remov e the in verter 2 .
C–6 M aintenance and S ervi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling 5. Remov e all screws 1 that secure the LCD panel to the display enclosure. 6. Remov e the LCD panel 2 from the display enclosure.
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–7 7. T urn the LCD panel upside do wn. 8. Remov e all screws that secure the LCD panel frame to the LCD panel.
C–8 M aintenance and S ervi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling 9. Use a sharp-edged tool to cut the tape 1 that secures the side of the LCD panel to the LCD panel frame.
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–9 11. Remov e the screws 1 that secure the backlight co ver to the LCD panel. 12. Lift the top edge of the backlight cov er 2 and swing it forward.
C–10 Main tenance and Se rvi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling 14. T urn the LCD panel right-side up. 15. Remov e the backlight cables 1 from the clip 2 in the LCD panel.
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–11 16. T urn the LCD panel upside do wn. 17. Remov e the backlight frame from the LCD panel.
C–12 Main tenance and Se rvi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling Å W ARNI NG: The bac klight con tains mer c ury . Ca ution sh ould be e xe r c ised whe n r emo v ing and handling the backli ght to a vo id damaging this component and ca using e xposur e to the mer c ur y .
Displa y Componen t Rec y cling Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide C–13 19. Disconnect the display cable 1 from the LCD panel. 20. Remov e the screws 2 that secure the LCD panel to the LCD rear panel. 21. Release the LCD panel 3 from the LCD rear panel.
C–14 Main tenance and Se rvi ce Guide Display C omponent Recy cling 23. Remov e the LCD panel. R emo ving the L CD P anel 24. Recycle the backlight and LCD panel.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide D–1 D Co nnec tor P in A ssi gnm ents Ta b l e D - 1 A udio-Out (Headphone) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 A udio out, left channel 3 Ground 2 A udio out, right channel.
D–2 Maintenance and Se rvi ce Guide Connec tor P in Assignments Ta b l e D - 2 A udio-In (Microphone) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 A udio signal in 3 Ground 2 A udio signal in Ta b l e D - 3 Universal Se.
Connec tor P i n Assi gnments Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide D–3 Ta b l e D - 4 External Monitor Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Red analog 9 +5 VDC 2 Green analog 10 Ground 3 Blue analog 11 Monitor detect.
D–4 Maintenance and Se rvi ce Guide Connec tor P in Assignments Ta b l e D - 5 RJ-45 (Netw ork) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T ransmit + 5 Unused 2 T ransmit – 6 Receive – 3 Receive + 7 Unused 4 Unus.
Connec tor P i n Assi gnments Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide D–5 Ta b l e D - 6 RJ-11 (Modem) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Unused 4 Unused 2T i p 5U n u s e d 3 Ring 6 Unused.
D–6 Maintenance and Se rvi ce Guide Connec tor P in Assignments Ta b l e D - 7 S-Video-Out Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 S-VHS color (C) signal 5 TV -CD 2 Composite video signal 6 S-VHS intensity ground 3.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide E–1 E P o w er C ord Set Requ ir em ents 3-Con duc tor P o w er C ord Set The wide range input feature of the computer permits it to operate from any line v oltage from 100 to 120 or 220 to 240 volts A C.
E–2 Maint enance and Serv ice Gui de P ow er Cor d Set Requirements Gen eral R equiremen ts The requirements listed belo w are applicable to all countries. ■ The length of the po wer cord set must be at least 1.5 m (5.0 ft) and a maximum of 2.0 m (6.
P ow er Cord Set R equirements Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide E–3 Coun tr y-Spec ific Requirements 3-Conductor P ower Cor d Set Requirements Country/Region Accredited Ag ency Applicable Note Number.
E–4 Maint enance and Serv ice Gui de P ow er Cor d Set Requirements Ko r e a E K 4 The Netherlands KEMA 1 Norwa y NEMK O 1 P eople’ s Republic of China CCC 5 Sweden SEMK O 1 Switzerland SEV 1 T aiwan BSMI 4 United Kingdom BSI 1 United States UL 2 ✎ NOTES: 1.
Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Inde x–1 In de x 1394 port 1–11 A all-in-one media cable, spare part number 3–18 , 3–20 analog TV tuner, spare part number 3–18 , 3–23 arrow keys 1–15 aud.
Inde x–2 Mainte nance and Servi ce Guide Inde x composite S-Video and audio cable, spare part number 3–18 , 3–23 computer feet illustrated 3–14 locations 5–11 Computer Setup Advanced Menu 2�.
Inde x Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Inde x–3 DVB-T TV tuner antenna, spare part number 3–18 , 3–24 DVB-T TV tuner, spare part number 3–18 , 3–24 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive precautions 4–3 re.
Inde x–4 Mainte nance and Servi ce Guide Inde x nonfunctioning docking device 2–14 nonfunctioning keyboard 2–24 nonfunctioning pointing device 2–25 fn key 1–15 front components 1–6 G groun.
Inde x Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Inde x–5 memory module removal 5–11 spare part numbers 3–11 , 3–21 , 3–23 , 5–11 memory shield, release 5–13 memory/Mini PCI module compartment cov.
Inde x–6 Mainte nance and Servi ce Guide Inde x power connector locations 1–10 spare part numbers 3–18 , 3–24 power connector cable illustrated 3–15 removal 5–75 power cord set requirement.
Inde x Maintenance and S ervi ce Guide Inde x–7 serial number 3–1 , 5–2 service considerations 4–2 speakers location 1–7 removal 5–64 spare part number 3–5 , 3–22 , 5–64 specificatio.
Inde x–8 Mainte nance and Servi ce Guide Inde x U Universal Serial Bus (USB) port location 1–9 , 1–11 pin assignments D–2 unknown password 1–4 USB board removal 5–62 spare part numbers 3�.
An important point after buying a device HP DV8000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP DV8000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP DV8000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP DV8000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP DV8000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP DV8000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP DV8000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP DV8000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP DV8000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center