Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Raining Dat a Corporation INST A LLA TION GUIDE A pril 02, 2002 mvEnterprise Release 4.1.0 on AIX Ó 1998–2002 Raining Data Cor poration This docum ent refer s to products that are either curr ently releas ed or are yet to be released. Please consult your Raining Data Representative for mor e inform ation.
mvEnter prise, m vEnterprise/ODA ar e tradem ark s of Raining Data Corpor ation. MultiValue is a tradem ark of Spec trum International, Inc. PowerPC, AIX are tradem ark s of IBM Corporation and are being us ed under license. PICK is a register ed tradem ark of Raining Data Corporation.
T able of Content s 1. Installation Instruct ions ..................................................................................... 3 1.1 Installation Overview .......................................................................................
Page ii mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide.
1. Inst allation Instructions 1.1 Installation Overv iew This section provides step- by- st ep instructions for installing mv Enterprise Release 4.1 on AIX. IMPORT A NT: Contact Raining Data Cu stom er Support at 949-261- 1875 or your local office for any questions concerning user-w ritten assembler m odes.
1.2 Notation Conventions This document observ es the following written conv entions: Notation Expl anation Example Alternate f ont Alt ernate f ont designates comm ands, and serves to identify various forms of syntax, or desig nates menus, screens, fields and any associated items.
1.3 A dditi onal Documentation Current inform ation on mvE nterprise is available on the Raining Data Web site at www. ra in in g da t a. co m . The following docum entation suppor ts mvEnterprise Release 4.1: · mvEnterprise User Reference Manual (Part Number 84- 00014A00).
1.4 mvEnterprise PICK License Ma nagement The mv Enterprise implem entation requires Raining Data licensing agreem ent with Raining D ata. The total number of ports allowed on an mv Enterprise virtual m achine is gov e rned by this licensing ag reement.
All licensed ports are in use This messag e is also logged in the pick _log file which is located in the /usr/stat directory . A process can then be dropped from any port on any machine to create a free process. There is no preset allocation of ports to logical m achines and no limit to the num ber of logical machines involv ed.
1.5 Before You Install 1. Read through all sections of this installation g uide and the release notes carefully before proceeding . If you hav e any questions or problems, call Raining Data Cust omer Support in I rvine at 949-261- 1875 or call your local office.
· Getting S tarted. This sets up process resource limits. · Configure Tape Devices for m vEnterprise. · Configure D isks for mv Enterprise. · Configure the Sy stem to use Ethertape. NOTE: It m ay be necessary to reboot the sy stem for certain system configuration changes to tak e effect.
1.6 Installation Instructions 1. To log on, type: root This installation procedure must be performed while logg ed on as root . Once installed, mv Enterprise may be initiated from any UNIX login. NOTE: Make sure root and all UNI X logins that have access to mv Enterprise have the soft file siz e set to unlimited.
pick .lpd Line printer driver program . Pick .lpi Line printer driver with job close abilities. pick ctrl Install utility program. preadchr mvEnter prise/UNIX trans fer utility program . pwritechr mvEnter prise/UNIX transfer utility progr am. seqpick Sy stem err ors transf er progr am.
Page 12 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Prompt Respons e Enter the mvEnte rprise main configur ation control code Enter the m vEnterprise c onfiguration c ontrol code. Enter the mvEnte rprise ODA configur ation control code Enter the optional m vEnterprise/ODA configur ation control code.
NOTE: In an environm ent where all users are connected via TCP/I P, at the prompt: Do y ou wish to add default user s to the users script? type n . 7. The config.tape file must be changed to include the correct tape devices to be used under m vEnterprise.
Page 14 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 8. Install the m vEnterprise Release 4.1. ABS by typing the comm and: ./absrestore This restores the mv Enterprise 4.1 ABS from the release tape. Successful completion of an absrestore display s the messag e: ABS tape loaded wi th XXX frames used.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 15 Enter number of phantom s for r estore, <CR> f or none Press Enter. When the file restore is complete, rem ove the base file-sav e or release tape. 13. Restore any accounts which reside on account-sav e tapes, then remov e the account-sav e tapes.
Page 16 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide · Upon completion of the SYSTEM-UPGRADE procedure, remov e the mv Enterprise Release 4.1. tape and store the tape in a safe location. 15. T he upgrade to m vEnterprise Release 4.1 is now com plete.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 17 1.7 Upgrade File Listing The following is a listing of all files that are altered during an upgrade. A ccount File A ccount File ASM DICT ASSEMBLER LIBRARY DICT TERMINALS CS -UTI L TERM IO. STA TUS DICT CS-UT IL DICT T ERMIO.
Page 18 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 1.8 mvEnterprise Install Program The installation program is located in tar format as the first file on a release tape.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 19 number of m emory pages it m ay m ap at any one time. The num ber may be overridden with the m vEnterprise monitor -v option. Enter initial dat a base names: W hen done, type 'end'.
Page 20 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 1.8.1 Support Scripts The support scripts and files built by the m vEnterprise install program are listed below: . cshrc Script executed upon entry to a C shell. .login Script executed upon login to the directory.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 21 killpick Script to kill m vEnterprise processes. This can be very dang erous. An mv Enterprise machine should only be stopped with the TCL com mand SHUTDOW N , and this script should only be used if y ou are directed to do so by Raining Data Customer Support.
Page 22 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 1.9 Installation Options Options for install are listed below: -m{mail_addr} Specifies an address to mail critical m vEnterprise error and warning m essages, where mail_addr is defined in the form sy stem- name! path-name .
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 23 1.10 mvEnterprise Monitor Program The following m vEnterprise monitor prog ram options are av ailable. These options are invok ed by a dash, the lower case letter indicated, and in some cases, a param eter following the option.
Page 24 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide mv Enterprise/BAS IC DATA statem ent, this data is stored as though the user actually typed it in. It appears on the screen, one character at a time, until the input stack is exhausted. Note that the input buffer is limited to 300 by tes.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 25 As an alternative, flow control can be obtained by entering a numeric option to reflect the desired flow control. This option is formed by adding together the appropriate num bers from the table below to prov ide a more flexible control of flow.
Page 26 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide -V{n} Display or alter the default siz e of the virtual mem ory buffer table (VFS) allocated for each line. The optional parameter n is a number between 20 and 256. Used without the numeric param eter, the size of v irtual mem ory buffer table is displayed.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 27 -x Set the coldstart flag. I mplied by options -a , or -f . -z Same as -x . In addition, flags coldstart to return all acquired workspace ov erflow to the file space table.
Page 28 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 1.11 mvEnterprise Di sk Flushing Pr ogram This program is available on the AIX sy stems, and would norm ally replace the native sy stem syncd or fsflush daem ons (background processes).
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 29 The following param eters are available for the disk flushing program ( n refers to a numeric param eter in the range specified by the option description): -v Verbose - issues constant status m essages.
Page 30 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide spooler, transaction logg er and worksp ace ov erflow blocks. Line three, which specifies the work space block size, is now allowed an additional parameter. This param eter indicates the number of block s to be allocated at file restore time.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 31 1.12 Extending Disk Space The extend option is provided to avoid perform ing a SAVE and RESTORE of the database to extend disk space. Follow the steps below to extend the available disk space for the mvEnterprise database.
Page 32 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 6. Start the mv Enterprise Phantom processes. Type: ./phantoms 7. Coldstart the m vEnterprise v irtual machine.
1.13 mvEnterprise Line Pr inter D river Program The program pick.lpd , which is located on the release tape with the mv Enterprise monitor and install program s, is useful for sites which operate multiple m vEnterprise machin es.
4. Select local At tachment T ype (the printer is physically connected to this computer). 5. Select the Printer Type (i.e., manufacturer), He wlett-P ackard .
7. Select a Prin ter Interface of rs232 (serial connection). 8. For this system , the Parent Adapt er is sa0 . NOTE : This setting m ay vary based on your system ’s available hardware. 9. Type the nam es of the new print spooler queues to be added. mvEnterpr ise Release 4.
· Type the nam e into the field, using the cursor mov ement k eys to mov e between fields. Do not press Ent er until you have completed all the requested data entry fields. For some fields, y ou may press function key four for a list of valid options from which you may choose.
11. Press the Enter key to execute the request. You should see a Command Stat us screen similar to the one depicted below. 12. Press the Cancel key to return to the Print Spooling menu.
16. Ensure that the LI NES per page and CO LUMNS per page val ue s are sufficient to accomm odate the widest and deepest print jobs, which are sent to this printer. Use the arrow k eys to m ove to these fields. 17. Press the Enter key to execute the com mand.
20. From an AIX com mand shell, ty pe this command: ./prodpick - l99 -oh -t /dev/prodpick.lj3pcl .99 -v20 & where: prodpick mv Enterprise program . -l99 Run printer on mvEnterprise port nintynine. -oh Suppress LOGON banner at startup of printer process.
where: STARTPTR The name of the com mand to start a printer 0 The mv Enterprise printer number. 0 The form queue num ber associated with this printer 0 The number of pag es to ej ect between print jobs S99 Signifies that the printer is attached serially and is running on port 99.
2. Configure the System for mv Enterprise on AIX 2.1 Getting Started 1. Ensure that user process resource limits are set correctly for all users who are accessing m vEnterprise (including root , if necessary). · The maxim um siz e (in blocks) to which a file within AIX m ay grow should be set at unlimited .
2. Turn on the AIX Com mand Stack er. · To activate the emacs -s tyle stacker, ty pe: set -o emacs · Use Ct rl+P and Ct rl+N keystrokes to scroll back wards and forwards through existing comm ands. · Apply any changes. · Press the Enter key, which executes the currently displayed comm and.
2.2 Configure Tape Devices for mvEnterprise on A IX mv Enterprise relies on AIX to provide driv er support for tape devices. These should be configured using smit . An exam ple to add a 4mm DAT drive is g iven below. 1. At an AIX com mand shell, type smit .
3. Select T ape Drive . The T ape Drive screen displays. 4. Select Change/Show Characteristics of a T ape Drive . A window appears on the screen prompting the selection of the tape drives currently installed in the sy stem. Page 44 mvEnterpr ise Release 4.
5. Select these options as i ndicated the following screen: · BLOCK SIZE (0=var iable length) . Type 0 . · Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes . T ype yes . · Use data COMPRESSION . See the “Special Considerations for 4mm DAT Units” section following for inform ation on selecting the compression option.
Page 46 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide two specified densities, assum ing this is valid for both the tape driv e and tape cartridge specification used.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 47 2.2.3 Further Configuration Inf ormation For A ll Tape Devices Further information on all operational tape driv e parameters for all tape d.
2.3 Configure Disks fo r mvEnterprise on A IX AIX requires that y ou add new disks to one of the existing v olume groups, or create a new volum e group and add the disks to that group before those disks can be used. I t is recomm ended that you create a separate volum e group for each disk in the m vEnterprise database.
2. Select System Storage Managem ent (Physical & Logical Storage). 3. Select Logical Volum e Manager . 4. Select Volume Groups . 5. Select Add a Volume Group , and then fill in the form, which is displayed.
7. Select a disk nam e, and press the Select ke y. P re ss Enter to confirm the choice. 8. Press Ent er to add the volume g roup. 9. Press Ent er once more to confirm the addition of the volum e group. The Com m and Status window displays a messag e that the comm and was executed successfully.
2.3.1 Create a Logical Volume to Store mv Enterprise Data As a first tim e user, you also need to create logical v olumes within each volum e group to contain the AIX f ile system s where you store your mv Enterprise data. The following screens dem onstrate the creation of a logical volum e named mvelv000 w ithin the mvevg00 volume g roup.
6. Type the Logical volum e NAME . ( Sugge st ed ; mvelv000, where mvelv is the mv Enterprise logical v olume , 00 refers to the volum e group, and 0 r epresents the first logical v olume in that v olume group.) The name, which was, entered display s.
12. Type the MAXIMUM NUMBER of LOGICAL PART IT IONS . The maximum number of logical partitions must be g reater than or equal to the number of log ical partitions entered in Step 6. 14. Select Stripe Size? and ensure that it is set to Not Striped . To change this, press the List key and select Not Striped from the displayed selections.
2.3.2 Create a File Sy stem to Store mv Enterprise Data As a first tim e user, you also need to create a file system for the logical volum es to contain the AI X file s where you are storing y our mv Enterprise data. 1. Type smit from an AI X comm and shell .
10. At the MOUNT POINT field, type the name of the directory on which the resulting file sy stem is m ounted. ( S ugge st ed ; /mvef s/m velv000, where mvefs is the subdirectory off th e root director.
2.3.3 Mounting the File Sy stem The newly created file system must be mounted before it can be used. The mounting process associates a file system w ith a directory, so that changing to the directory (via the AI X cd comm and) allows access to the file system after it has been mounted.
7. Select TYPE of file system , then press the List key t o d is pl ay t h e existing file sy stem types. Select the appropriate ty pe and press Enter . 8. Press the Enter key to m ount the file system . The Command Status screen displays, confirm ing the successful mounting of the file system .
Page 58 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide After all database names hav e been entered, the install program displays the prompt: PICK data space ‘DB0’ does not cur rently exist.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 59 2.4 Configure the Sy stem to use Ethertape 2.4.1 Update the Sy stem to use Ethertape For new installations, a system configuration file mu st be changed in order to use ethertape. 1. Ensure that you are log ged in as root .
Page 60 mvEnter prise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide 2.4.2 Update the /etc/host s File An alias for the PI CK host must exist in the /etc/hosts file for E thernet connections to be established. In the exam ple below, pickA ( refers to the local machine and pick B (192.
mvEnterpr ise Release 4.1 on AIX Ins tallation Guide Page 61 Index / /etc/hosts , 56 A ABS, 11, 20 AIX 4mm DA T Units, 42 Commands lsdev , 44 lspv, 44 Config ure Disks, 44 Ethertape , 55 Sys tem, 38 T.
M Man Facility , UNIX, 30, 39 MD-U PGRADE Utility , 12 Monitor progra m, 10 Program , 20 N Non-re wind dev ice, 10, 43 Notation Conv entions, 2 O ODA configur ation control code, 9 P Phantom jobs, 9, .
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center