Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product P3005 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP L as erJet P3 00 5 Se r i es Pr in ter s Getting Started Guide Guide de mis e en r oute Le itfade n zur Inbetri ebnahme Guida in trodu t ti va Guía de instalac ión ini c ial Beknopte handle iding.
1 Copyright and License © 2006 Copyright Hewlett-P ackard Dev elopment Company , L.P . Reproduction, adaptation or translat ion without pr ior written per miss ion is prohibited, e xcept as allowed under t he copyright laws. The inf ormation contained her ein is subject to c hange without notice.
2 426 mm (16.7 in) 410 mm (16.14 in) 4 7 4 mm (18.6 in) 30 9 mm (12 .17 in) 16 5 mm (6. 5 in) 1 7˚ - 25˚ C (6 2.6˚ - 77˚F ) 381 mm (15 .0 in) 89 mm ( 3. 5 in) 89 mm (3 .5 in) 25 4 mm (10 .0 in) 17 8 mm (7 .0 in) Se lect a stur d y , w ell-v entilated , du st -fr ee area t o pos i ti on the prin ter .
3 1 Check the contents of the box. Vérifiez le contenu du car ton d’emballage. Überprüfen Sie den P ac kungsinhalt. V er ificare il contenuto della confezione . Compruebe el contenido de la ca ja. Controleer de inhoud van de doos. 2 Q7 817A If y ou have a tray 3, remo ve the tape and cardboard.
4 5 Remov e the print car tr idge from the bag. Retirez la cartou che d’impression de l’emballage. Nehmen Sie die Dr uckpatrone aus der V er packung. Estrarre la car tuccia di stamp a dalla custodia. Saque el cartucho de impres ión de la bolsa. Haal de printcar tridge uit de verpakking.
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 5 9.1) If y ou are connecting using a USB, plug the cable into the printer but wait unt il you are prompted to install it into the computer during software installati on . 9.2) Connect the networ k cable.
6 9.3) Connect the po wer cable. 9.4) T urn on the printer . 9.3) Connectez le câble d’alimentation. 9.4) Mettez l’imprimante sous tension. 9.3) Schließen Sie das Netzstromkabel an. 9.4) Schalten Sie den Drucker ein. 9.3) Collegare il ca vo di alimentazione.
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 7 9.5) If you are prompted at the contr ol panel, enter the language, date, and time. 9.6) If you are connected to a netw o r k, print a configuration page and check for a v alid IP Address. On the control panel, t ouch Menu , Information Menu , and Print Config uration .
8 Note: Sev eral networks provid e IP addresses a utomatically . If the I P address shows a ser ies of zeros, make sure that you are c onnected to the network and go to step 9. 7. 9.7) Configure the IP address (if necessary). On the control pa nel, press Menu .
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 9 Prepare for software install ation. Quit all of the progr ams (including term inate-and-st ay resident (TSR), anti-virus, and fire wall programs) on the print server or on each c om puter that will use the pr inter .
10 Install the software . 11.1) Inser t the CD that came with t he printer . On the welcome screen, click Install Printer . The Setup Wizard appears. Note: If the welcome screen d oes not appear , click Start , and then Run . T y pe X:SETUP (replace X with CD-ROM dr ive letter), and click OK .
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 11 11.3) If prompted, connect a USB cab le to the computer . Note: HP does not recommend using USB hubs. Use a USB cab le that is no longer than 2 meters (6.5 feet). 11.4) Click Fi nish . If prompted, restar t the computer.
12 Connect to a Macintosh computer . 12.1) Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive and run the i ns taller . Complete an easy install. Note: Install the software before connecting the USB cable. 12.2) Connect a USB cable bet ween the printer and the computer .
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 13 12.3) F rom Apple System Preferences (availab le in t he Apple drop-down menu) click Pri nt , and then clic k t he Printing tab at the top of the window . 12.4) T o add your printer , click the “ + ” icon to launch the Printer Browser.
14 12.6) Click Add to create a printer queue, and t hen follow t he prompt to manually configure the printer’ s installable options. Note: Macintosh OS X V 10.2 and V 10.3 might require you to manuall y select the printer model from the Printer Model drop-down menu.
Engli sh Français Deutsch Itali ano Español Nederlands 15 Congratulations! The printer is ready to use. The user guide is located on the CD . See www. t/LJP3005 for more inf or mation or suppor t. Note: Sav e the box es and t he packing materials in case you need to transport the printer.
16 T roubleshooting Area Sympto m Cause /Remedy Control -panel display Blank 1) Make sure that th e power cable is conne cted to a work ing power outlet.
17 Dépannage Zone Symptôme Cause/Solution Afficha ge du panneau d e command e Vide 1) Assurez -vous que le câble d'alim entati on est bie n conn ecté à une pri se de courant qui fonctionne. 2) Assurez -vous que l’impr ima nte est sous tens ion.
18 Fehlerbehebung Bereich Pr oblem Ursache/Behebung Bedienfeldanzeige Leer 1) Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netz stromkab el in e ine funkt ionie rende Netzsteckdose e ingesteckt ist. 2) Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Dr uck e r einges chaltet i st. Weitere Information en find en Sie auf Seit e 6.
19 Risoluz ion e dei prob l emi Area Problema Causa/soluzione Display del panne llo di contro llo V uoto 1) V er ific are che il cavo di alimenta zione s ia coll egato a una pres a elett ric a funzionan te. 2) V er ificare c he la stampa nte sia a ccesa.
20 Sol ución de pr oblem as Área Síntoma Causa/Solución P antal la del panel de cont rol En blanco 1) Asegúr ese de que el ca ble de aliment ación esté con ectado a u na toma de corr iente el éctr ica. 2) Asegúr ese de que la im presora esté ence ndida.
21 Pr obleemoplossing Omgeving Symptoom Oorzaak/oplossing Display v an bedieni ngspaneel Lee g 1) Controlee r of de stroomk abel i s aanges loten o p een werkend s topco ntact. 2) Controlee r of de pr inte r is in geschakeld. Zie pagina 6 voor meer informatie.
22 426 mm (16.7 in) 410 mm (16.14 in) 4 7 4 mm (18.6 in) 30 9 mm (12 .17 in) 16 5 mm (6. 5 in) 1 7˚ - 25˚ C (6 2.6˚ - 77˚F ) 381 mm (15 .0 in) 89 mm ( 3. 5 in) 89 mm (3 .5 in) 25 4 mm (10 .0 in) 17 8 mm (7 .0 in) T ri eu un lloc est able , ben v entilat i sen se pols p er col· loca r-hi la i mpressor a.
23 1 Comprov eu el contingut de la c aixa. • Examine o conteúdo da c aixa. 2 Q7 817A Si teniu la saf ata 3, traieu la cinta i el car tró. Se v oc ê possuir uma bandeja 3, retire a fita e o papelão . 3 16 Kg. 35 lbs. Si la impressora inclou una saf ata 3, col·loqueu-la damunt la im press ora.
24 5 T raieu el car tutx d'impressió de la bossa. Retire o car tucho de impressão da embalagem. 6 T raieu els bloquejos i la cinta d’embalatge del c ar tutx d’impressió. Retire as tra vas e a fita de embalagem do car tucho de impressão. 7 Instal·leu el car tutx d 'impressió.
P ortuguês Català P or tuguês Català 25 9.1) Si us connecteu amb un cabl e USB, endolleu el cabl e a l a impressora però espereu fins que us indiquin quan l 'heu d'instal·lar a l'ordinador durant la instal ·lació d el programari.
26 9.5) Si el tauler de control h o sol·licita, especifiqueu l'idioma, la data i l'hora. 9.6) Si esteu connectat a una x arxa, im primiu una pàgina de configuració i cerqueu una adreça IP vàlida.
P ortuguês Català P or tuguês Català 27 Prepareu-vos per a la instal·lació del programari. T anqueu tots els programes (inclosos els programes residents a la memòria [TSR], els antivirus i els t allaf ocs) del serv idor d’impressió i de tots els or dinadors que utilitzaran la impressora.
28 11.3) Quan el dispositiu ho indiqui connecteu un cable USB a l’ordinador . Nota: HP no recomana la utilització de concent radors USB. Utilitzeu un cable USB que no faci més de 2 metres. 11.4) F eu clic a Finish (Finali tza). Si el dispositiu ho sol·licita, reinicieu l’ordinador .
P ortuguês Català P or tuguês Català 29 12.3) Des de l’Apple System Pref erenc es (Pre ferències del sistema Apple), disponible al menú em ergent A pple, f eu clic a Pri nt (Impr imeix) i, a continuació, feu clic a la pestanya Printing (Impres sió) a la par t s uperior de la finestra.
30 P er molts anys! J a podeu utilitzar la impressora. La guia de l'usuari e s troba al CD . Visiteu www . t/LJP3005 per obtenir m és inf or mació o assistència. Nota: deseu les caix es i els materials d'embalatge per si heu de transpor tar la impres sora.
31 Resolució de problemes Àrea Símptoma Causa/solució P antal la del tauler de control En blanc 1) Assegu reu-vos que el c able elèctr ic està conne ctat a u n endol l que funciona. 2) Assegu reu-vos que la i mpressora és ences a. P er ob tenir mé s informa ció, v eg eu la pàgi na 25.
32 Soluçã o de pr obl emas Área Sintoma Causa/Solução Visor do painel de control e Em branco 1) V er ifique s e o ca bo de ali mentação e stá c onectado a uma to mada qu e esteja funciona ndo . 2) V er ifique s e a impr essora es tá ligada . Consult e a pág ina 25 pa ra obter m ais inform ações.
© 2006 Hew lett -P ack ard De velopment Co mpany , L.P . www .hp .com *Q7812-90901* *Q7812-90901* Q7 812 -90 901.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) P3005 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center