Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product P2010 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP L as erJet P20 1 0 Ser i es U ser Gui de.
HP LaserJet P2010 Series User Gu ide.
Copyright information © 2007 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, ad aptation or translat ion without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under t he copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Table of contents 1 Product basics Product fea tures ........ ......... ............ ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ .... ......... ......... ... 2 Standard featu res ........ ....... ...... ......
Load medi a ................... ........... ................... ............ ............. ............ ............ ............. ..... ............. ........ 2 4 Tray 1 ...................... ........... ............ ............ ............ ......
Printed p age is d ifferent t han wha t appeare d on screen ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ....... 79 Garbled, incorrect, or incompl ete text ........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ......... ....
Appendix C Print er specifi cations Physical specificati ons ........... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ........ ..... . 110 Electrical s pecifications ......... ........ ....
1 Product basics This ch apter prov ides in formation on the fol lowing topics: ● Product f eatures ● Identify pr oduct parts ENWW 1.
Product fea tures The f oll owing are the sta nda rd f eatur es for thi s prod uct . Standard features ● 24 ppm ( Letter- size), 23 ppm (A4 –size) ● First page out in as f ew as 8.
Identify product pa rts The follo wing figu res ide ntify the co mponent s of the pro duct. Figure 1-1 Network mo del, fron t view 1 Output bin 2 Print-cartridge d oor 3 Tray 1 (50–sheet multipurpos.
4 USB port 5 Jam-clearing lev ers 6 Serial number 7 Parallel port (b ase model only) 4 Chapte r 1 P roduct b asics ENWW.
2 Control panel The pr inter c ontro l pane l is co mpris ed of si x li ghts a nd two buttons . The l ights pr oduc e patte rns that identify the print er statu s. 1 Jam light : Indicates a jam in the printer 2 Toner li ght : When the print cartridge is low, the Toner light illuminates.
6 Chapte r 2 Cont rol p anel ENWW.
3 Connectivity ENWW 7.
Printer connectio ns USB and parallel connections 1. Insert th e softwar e install ation CD into th e compute r CD-RO M driv e. 2. If the ins tallation progr am does not st art autom atica lly, br owse the C D con tents a nd run the SETU P.E XE fi le.
10/100Base-TX Network ing options ● HP Jetdirect en3700 ● HP Jetdirect 175x ● HP Jetdire ct ew2400 To order the pr int serv er, see 10/10 0 networ king p rint server s on page 98 .
10 Chapter 3 Connecti vity ENWW.
4 Software for Windows ENWW 11.
Supported o peratin g systems The pr oduct comes with s oftware for the fol lowin g operati ng s ystems: ● Windows® 98 SE (PCL 5e pr inter driv er onl y) ● Windows Me ( PCL 5e printer drive r only) ● Windows NT 4.
Windows printe r drive rs A pri nter drive r is th e softw are that provi des acc ess to p rinter feature s and provid es the mean s for the compute r to print to the printer . Windows driver types This produ ct featur es a host-based dr iver and a PCL 5e prin ter drive r.
Embedded Web se rver (network model only) You ca n use the em bedded Web se rver to co nfigure the pr inter, view status inform ation, and o btain prob lem- sol vin g info rmat ion.
5 Software for Macintosh ENWW 15.
Macinto sh printer drivers A pri nter drive r is the softw are comp onent that pr ovides access to prin ter fe atures and prov ides th e means for th e compute r to com munic ate with t he printer. Install the Macintosh p rinter driver This se ction expla ins how to ins tall t he pri nting system softwar e for M acinto sh OS X v10.
Operating System To change the settings for all print jobs unt il the software program is closed To change the print job d efault settings (for example, turn on Print on Both Si des b y default ) To c.
PostScript Printe r Descr iption files (PPDs) PPDs, in co mbinat ion with the HP pos tscrip t level 3 emulati on driv er, provid e access to the printer features and allow the c omputer to co mmunic ate wi th the printer . An ins tallat ion pr ogra m for the PPDs is provi ded on the p rinter C D.
6 Print Media This pr oduct s upports a varie ty of pa per an d other pr int me dia in a ccordance with the g uideli nes in this user gui de. Media that does not meet these gui delines mi ght caus e t.
Understand pa per and p rint media u se This pr oduct sup ports a variet y of pa per an d other pr int me dia in a ccordan ce with the g uideli nes in this user g uide.
Supported p aper and print medi a siz es This product suppo rts a numbe r of pape r si zes, and it adapts to v arious medi a. NOT E: To obtain best prin t result s, sele ct the app ropriate paper s ize an d type in your print driver before printing.
Custom pape r si zes This p roduct sup ports a variety of custo m paper size s. Supp ort ed custo m size s are si ze s that are wit hin the min imum- and max imum-s ize guid elines for the prod uct bu t are not liste d in the s upported paper sizes ta ble.
Special pa per or print med ia guide lines This produ ct suppo rts printi ng on special me dia. Use the followi ng guide lines to obtai n satis factory resul ts. W hen usin g specia l pap er or print m edia, b e sure to set the type a nd size in you r print driv er to obtain the bes t print results .
Load media The fo llowin g sectio ns desc ribe how to loa d med ia int o the differ ent in put tray s. CAUTION: If you try to print on media that is wrinkle d, fold ed, or da maged in any way, a jam might o ccur. See Clear jams on pag e 86 for more informati on.
NOT E: When you add new me dia, make s ure that you r emove a ll of the me dia fr om the input tray a nd strai ghten the sta ck of ne w medi a. This reduces jam s by pr eventing multi ple she ets o f media fro m feeding through the print er at one time.
26 Chapter 6 Pr int Medi a ENWW.
7 Print tasks This ch apter prov ides in formation on the fol lowing topics: ● Media type and tray loading ● Print-q uality settings ● Manual t wo-si ded printi ng ● Print m ultipl e pages o n.
Media type and tray load ing This produ ct has the foll owing tray pr iority for f eeding print media: 1. Tray 1 (if open) 2. Tray 2 3. Optional Tray 3 (if attache d) Minimu m medi a dim ensions are 7 6 x 127 mm ( 3 x 5 in ches) . Maximu m medi a dim ensions are 216 x 356 mm (8.
Table 7-2 Tr ay 2 media information Type is Media specifications Medi a qu anti ty Driver settings Paper ori ent atio n Ou tput Plain Color Preprinted Prepunched Recycled 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) to 104 g/m 2.
Media ty pe Media specifications Media quantity Driver settings Pape r or ie nta tion Output Heavy 90 g/m 2 (24 lb) t o 105 g/m 2 (28 lb) Less than 25 0 sheets Heavy N/A Straight-through output door L.
Print-quality settings Print-qu ality settings affect print resolu tion a nd ton er usag e. Use the follo wing pro cedure to ch ange pr int-quali ty settings : 1.
Manual two- side d printing To manu ally prin t on both si des of the pape r, you must ru n the paper through the printer twi ce. You ca n print u sing eit her of these options: ● Top out put bi n .
4. Gather the printe d pages, and straigh ten the sta ck. in v e n t 5. Return the stack to tray 1 with th e pri nted side down and the top edge toward the pr inter. 6. Press the Go button to prin t side tw o. Mac OS X 1. Close the str aight-thr ough output door.
Manual two-sided printi ng usin g th e straight-thr ough output d oor The follo wing pro vides ins truction s for the differ ent oper ating syst ems. Microsoft Windows 1. Open the stra ight-t hrough output door . 2. Open the printe r Prope rties (or P rintin g Prefer ences in Win dows 2 000 an d XP) .
7. Gather the printe d pages, and straigh ten the sta ck. 8. Return the stack to tray 1 with th e printed side facing d own and th e t op edge to ward t he printe r. 9. Press the Go button to prin t side tw o. Mac OS X 1. Open the stra ight- throug h output doo r.
3. Print si de one of the docum ent from tray 1. 4. Gather t he pri nted p ages, and stra ighten the s tack . 5. Return the stack to tray 2 with the prin ted si de dow n and the top edge toward the prin ter. 6. Press the Go button to prin t side two .
Print mu ltiple pages on a singl e shee t of pa per (N-up printing) Use N- Up print ing to place multi ple docu ment p ages o n a s ingle pr inted page.
Print book lets You can pri nt booklets on le tter, lega l, or A4 pape r. NOTE: This fe ature is not a vailable for a ll Mac intosh O S X v ersions. 1. Load paper in tray 1. 2. Close the str aight-thr ough outp ut door. 3. Open the printe r Prope rties (or P rintin g Prefer ences in Win dows 2 000 an d XP) .
Print wa termar ks You c an u se t he wat ermark opti on to pr int t ext " under neath" (in the back ground) of a n ex isting docume nt. For exam ple, you might w ant to ha ve lar ge gray letters r eading Draft or Confidentia l printed diag onall y across the fir st page or al l of th e page s of a docu ment.
Cancel a pr int jo b You ca n can cel a pr int job from t he fol lowing loc ations: ● Pr inte r con trol pa nel : To cancel the print job, pr ess and releas e the Cancel b utton o n the p rinter contro l panel. ● Software a ppli cation : T ypically , a dia log bo x app ears br iefly on your screen, allow ing y ou to cancel the pr int job.
8 Managing and maintenance This ch apter prov ides in formation on the fol lowing topics: ● Printer inform ation pages ● Embedded W eb server (network mo del only ) ● Replace the print cartrid g.
Printer information p ages You can pri nt the follow ing informa tion page s. Demo page The Demo page conta ins exampl es of text and graph ics. To pri nt a Demo page, do one of the followin g: ● Press the Go button when the pr inter Rea dy light is on and no other jobs ar e printing.
Embedd ed We b serve r (netwo rk mode l on ly) The em bedded Web se rver allows you t o vie w pri nter and networ k stat us and to mana ge pr inting functio ns from yo ur compu ter inst ead of from t he printer con tro l panel.
Info rmation tab The Status pages group co nsis ts of the follow ing pages. ● Device Stat us . This page di splays the st atus of the printer and HP supp lies. ● Device Configurat ion . This pag e shows the infor mation found on the printer Configurat ion page.
Replac e the prin t cartridge 1. Press the prin t-car tridge- door button, and the n remove t he print car tridge fro m the printer . For recycl ing infor matio n, see the insid e of the prin t-cartr idge box. 2. Remove the new pr int cartri dge from the pack aging .
5. Gently roc k the pri nt car tridge f rom fr ont to bac k to di stri bute the toner evenly i nside the c artridg e. CAUTION: If toner gets o n your c lothin g, wipe it off with a dry clot h and wash th e cloth ing in cold water. Hot water sets tone r into the fabric .
Redist ribut e toner When t oner is low, fa ded or l ight are as app ear on t he pri nted p age. You might be abl e to tempo rarily impr ove pri nt qual ity by r edistribu ti ng th e toner. 1. Press the prin t-cart ridge- door button, and the n remove the pr int cartr idge from the printer.
Clean the printe r Clean th e outs ide of the pr inter wi th a cle an, dam p cl oth whe n nece ssary. CAUTION: Do not use ammonia-bas ed clean ers on or around the pr inter . During the pr intin g proces s, pa per, toner , and dust particl es can accu mulate inside the printer.
2. With a d ry, l int-free cloth , wipe any res idue from the med ia-path area a nd the pr int-car tridge c avity. 3. Replace the pr int cartri dge, and c lose the print- cartr idge door. 4. Plug the printe r in to turn it bac k on. 5. Verify pr inter fun ctiona lity by pr inting a demo page.
NOTE: For bes t res ults us e a s heet of transpa rency. I f you do not have any transpa renci es, you can use co pier grade me dia (70 to 90 g/m 2 (18 to 24 lb.)) with a sm ooth sur face. 1. Make sure that the prin ter is idle and the Rea dy light is on.
Clean the pi ckup roller (tra y 1) If you want to clean the pickup roller for tray 1, fol low these inst ructi ons: 1. Unplug the power c ord f rom the printe r, and al low th e printer to cool . 2. Press the prin t-cart ridge- door button, and the n remove the pr int cartr idge from the printer.
3. Remove the pic kup rolle r cove r. 4. Press the two bl ack retaini ng tabs outwar d until the picku p roller is rele ased fro m its se at. 5. Remove th e pickup roller from t he pr inter.
6. Dab a lin t-fre e cloth i n wate r, and scrub the rol ler. NOTE: Do not to uch th e surfac e of t he ro ller with ba re finge rs. 7. Using a dry, lint-fre e clo th, wip e the p ickup r oller t o rem ove loosened dirt . 8. Allow the pickup roller to d ry com pletely.
10. Replace the pick up roller cover. 11. Reinstall the p rint cartr idge, an d close t he print-c artridg e door. 12. Plug the printe r in to turn it b ack on. 13. Verify printe r func tiona lity b y print ing a demo p age. To print a dem o page, press the Go button when the Re ady l ight is o n and no oth er jo bs are p rinting.
Clean the pi ckup roller (tra y 2) If you want to clean the pickup roller for tray 2, fol low these inst ructi ons: 1. Unplug the power c ord f rom the printe r, and al low th e printer to cool . 2. Press the prin t-cart ridge- door button, and the n remove the pr int cartr idge from the printer.
3. Remove tray 2. 4. Place the prin ter on th e work surfac e with th e fron t of the printer facing up. 56 Chapter 8 Ma naging and m aintena nce ENWW.
5. Pull the w hit e tabs ou tward, and rotat e the t abs up . 6. Slide the rig ht tab to the right, and leave the tab in this positi on throu ghout the proce dure.
7. Slide the pick up roll er ass embly to the right, a nd rem ove the lef t end cap. 8. Remove the pickup ro lle r. 58 Chapter 8 Ma naging and m aintena nce ENWW.
9. Dab a lin t-fre e cloth i n wate r, and scrub the rol ler. NOTE: Do not to uch th e surfac e of t he ro ller with ba re finge rs. 10. Using a dr y, li nt-free c loth, wipe th e pic kup rol ler to remov e loo sened di rt. 11. Allow the pi ckup roller t o dry completel y.
13. Place the end cap ov er the s haft on the l eft side, push the end cap to t he ri ght, an d rota te the tab downward in to positi on. 14. Rotate the shaft unti l the notches engage and the shaft clicks into place. 15. Push the right tab to the left, and rotate the tab downward into position.
18. Reinstall the pri nt cartri dge, and cl ose the pr int-car tridg e door. 19. Plug the printer in to tur n it back on. 20. Verify print er functi onalit y by prin ting a demo page . To print a demo page , press the Go bu tton when the Re ady l ight is on and no other jobs ar e printi ng.
EconoMode EconoM ode is a featur e that allow s the pr inter to us e less t oner per page. Selec ting this o ption ma y extend the li fe of th e print cartrid ge and reduce your cost per page . However , it w ill a lso red uce pri nt quality . The pr inted image is lig hter, b ut it is adequa te for printin g dra fts o r proof s.
9 Problem solving This ch apter prov ides in formation on the fol lowing topics: ● Finding the solution ● Stat us- lig ht p atte rns ● Common M acint osh p roble ms ● Media prob lem so lving .
Finding the s olution You ca n use this se ction to find the s olution t o com mon prin ter p roblems . Step 1: Is the printer set up correctly? ● Is the p rinter plu gged i nto a p ower outlet that.
Step 3: Can you p rint a demo p age? Press the Go bu tton when the de vice Ready li ght is on a nd no other jobs ar e printi ng to p rint a d emo page. Yes If the demo page printed, go to Step 4: Is the print quality acceptable? on pag e 65 . No If no paper came out, see Media problem solving on page 77 .
Contact HP support ● In the Unite d States, see http:// / go/s upport/l jP201 0serie s for support . ● In other loc ations, s ee http://w ww.
Status-li ght patte rns Table 9-1 Status -light legen d Symbol for "light off" Symbol for "light on" Symbol for "light blinking" Table 9-2 C ontrol-panel light me ssages .
Ligh t sta tus State o f the printer Action Ready The printer is ready with no job activity. To print a Configuration page, press and hold the Go button for 5 seconds while the device Re ady light is on and no other jobs are printing. Processing D ata The printer is processing or receiving dat a.
Ligh t sta tus State of th e printer Action Manua l Fe ed or Contin uable Erro r This state can be reache d in the following circumstances : ● Manual feed ● General continuable error ● Memory configuration error ● Personality/Job related error To recover from the error and print whatever data is possible, press the Go button.
Ligh t sta tus State o f the printer Action Fatal Error ● Turn off the printer, wait 10 seconds, and turn o n the printer . ● If you are unable to resolve the problem, Contact HP support on page 66 . Accessory Error To display additional er ror informatio n, press the Go button.
Ligh t sta tus State of th e printer Action Tone r L ow The Go, Ready, and Attention lights act independently of the Toner L ow state. Order a new print cartridge and have it ready. See Supplies and acc essories table on page 97 . Tone r Mi ssin g The print cartridge has been removed from the printe r.
Ligh t sta tus State o f the printer Action Jam Clear the jam. See Clear jams on page 86 . Table 9-2 C ontrol-panel light m essages (continued ) 72 Chapter 9 P roblem s olving ENWW.
Ligh t sta tus State of th e printer Action Paper O ut Load paper or other media. Paper Mount The loaded paper or other media is not supported. Load acceptab le paper or other media. See Print Media on page 19 . Press the Go button to override the condition.
Common Maci ntosh prob lems This section lists pro blems tha t can occu r when usin g Mac O S X . Table 9-4 Pr oblems with Mac O S X The prin ter dri ver is not list ed in the Pr int Cen ter or Printer Setup Utilit y. Cause Soluti on The printer software might not have been installed or was installed incorrect ly.
The printer driver does not automatically set up your selected printer in the Print Center or Printer Setup Utility . Cau se Solution The PostSc ript Printer Descr iption (PP D) file i s corrupt. Delete the PP D file fro m the foll owing hard -drive folder : Library/ Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/<lang>.
When connected with a USB cable, the printer does not appear in the Print Center or Printer Setup Utility after the driver is s elected. Cause Soluti on ● Ensure that you do not have too many USB devices drawing power from the chain.
Media problem so lving The fo llowin g proble ms wi th med ia ca use pri nt-qualit y dev iation s, jam ming, or dam age to the print er. Proble m Cause Solution Poor print quality or t oner adhesion The paper is too moist, too rough, too heavy or too smooth, or it is em bossed or from a faulty paper lot.
Proble m Cause Soluti on of the automatic two-sided printing media-size s elector. 78 Chapter 9 P roblem s olving ENWW.
Printed page is diffe rent than what appeared on s creen Choo se the item that be st descr ibes the p roblem: ● Garbled, i ncorrect, or incomp lete t ext on pa ge 79 ● Missing grap hics or text, o.
Page format is different than on another HP LaserJet printer If you used an old er or diff erent HP LaserJe t printe r driver (printer softwa re) to create the docume nt, or if the p rinter Properti es setti ngs in th e soft ware are differen t, the page fo rmat mig ht change when you try to print us ing y our new print er driv er or setting s.
Printer software problems Table 9-5 Pr inter softwar e problems Proble m Soluti on The printer icon is not visible in the Printer folder ● Reinstall the print er software. In t he Windows task bar, click Sta rt , cl ick Programs , click HP , click your printer , and then click Uninstal l .
Improve prin t quality This secti on provid es infor mation about iden tifying and correcti ng print defec ts. NOTE: If these step s do not correc t the proble m, contac t an HP-au thorized dealer or servic e repr esen tati ve. Light prin t or faded ● The print cartridge is nearing end of life.
Vertical lines The photosensitive drum inside the print cartridge has proba bly been scratched. Install a new HP print cartridge. Gray background ● Make sure that tray 1 is in place. ● Change the media to a l ighter basis weight. ● Check the printer's environment.
Vertical repetitive defects ● The print cartridge migh t be damaged. If a rep etitive mark occurs at the same spot on the page, install a new HP print cartridge. ● The internal parts might hav e toner on them. If the defects occur on the back of the page, the problem will probably correct itself after a few more printed pages.
lower fuser temperature, such as transparenc ies or light media. Wrinkles or creases ● Make sure that media is loaded properly. ● Check the media t ype and quality . ● Open the straight-through output door and try printing straight through. ● Turn over the stack o f media in the tray.
Clear jams Occasio nally , media becom es jamm ed dur ing a print job. Y ou are no tified of a me dia ja m by an e rror i n the soft ware and the pr inter c ontrol pa nel l ights.
2. Open the stra ight- throug h output doo r. 3. Pull do wn the green pr essure- rele ase lever s. 4. With both hands , gra sp the s ide of the me dia th at is mo st vi sible (this inclu des the m iddle ), an d care fully pull it fre e from the pr inter .
5. Replace the pri nt cart ridge , and close the pr int-car trid ge door. Input trays To clear a jam in the in put trays , perform the fol lowing steps: 1.
3. Press the prin t-cart ridge- door button, and the n remove the pr int cartrid ge from the printer. 4. With both hands , gra sp the s ide of the me dia th at is mo st vi sible (this inclu des the m iddle ), an d care fully pull it fre e from the pr inter .
6. Open tray 2. 7. With both hands , gra sp the si de of the me dia tha t is most vi sible (this includ es the middle) , and carefull y pul l it f ree from the print er.
8. If no media is visibl e, open the print- cartrid ge door, re move the prin t cartri dge, and pull dow n the upper me dia gu ide. C areful ly pu ll the media up an d out of t he printer.
Straight-throug h output path To clear a jam in the stra ight-t hrough output path, per form the fol lowin g steps: 1. Open the stra ight-t hrough output door .
3. With both hands , gra sp the s ide of the me dia th at is mo st vi sible (this inclu des the m iddle ), an d care fully pull it fre e from the pr inter . NOTE: If you cannot gras p the media with your hands, perform the pr ocedure in Prin t- cartrid ge area on page 86 .
Network -setup pr oblem-s olvin g If the computer cannot di scover the networ ked devic e, perform the following st eps: 1. Check the cables to ens ure that they a re prop erly con nected .
A Accessory/Consumable addendum This app endix prov ides infor matio n on the follo wing topi cs: ● Order pa rts, acces sor ies, and sup plies ● Supplies and acce ssor ies tab le ● 10/100 networ.
Order par ts, accesso ries, an d supp lies ● Order dir ectly fro m HP ● Order throu gh serv ice or support pr oviders ● Order dir ectly t hrough the embedd ed Web se rver Order directly fro m HP You can obtai n the followi ng dire ctly from HP : ● Replacement parts .
Supplies and acces sories table You can incr ease th e print er's ca pabili ties with op tional acces sories a nd supp lies. U se acces sorie s and suppli es spec ifica lly des igned for the produ ct to ensu re o ptimum perf orman ce.
10/100 n etworking p rint server s Table A-2 HP LaserJet P2 010 Series printer Item and description Order num ber HP Jetdirect en3700 fast Ethernet print server J7942A HP Jetdirect en2400 802.
HP print cartridge s HP policy on non-HP p rint cartridges Hewlett- Pack ard Comp any c annot recomme nd the use o f non- HP prin t cartr idges , either new, refil led, or rem anufact ured. S ervice or r epair that is requi red as a result of us ing non -HP pr int cartr idges will not be cover ed under the pr inter wa rrant y.
100 Appendix A Access ory/Cons umabl e addendu m ENWW.
B Service and support ENWW 101.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP LaserJet P2010 Series pr inters One year from da te of purc hase HP warrant s t o you, the end-u ser c ustom er, t.
Limited warranty for pri nt ca rtri dges an d ima ge drums This HP Print C artri dge is w arranted to be free from defe cts in m ateri als and work mans hip.
HP C ustom er Ca re Online se rvices For 24-hour access to in format ion by us ing a mode m or In ternet conn ection World W ide Web: Update d HP p roduct s oftware, produc t and suppo rt in formation , and prin ter drive rs in sev eral language s can be ob tained from http://w ww.
To locat e HP- Authoriz ed Dea lers in the Un ited State s or Cana da, call 1-800- 243-9 816 (Uni ted S tates) or 1-800-38 7-386 7 (Canada). Or, go to http ://www.hp .com/ g o/cposup port guide . For ser vice fo r yo ur HP prod uct in other countri e s/re gions, cal l the HP Custom er Supp ort telep hone number for you r co untry/re gion.
Availability o f suppo rt and ser vice Around the wo rld, H P provides a varie ty of s ervice and su pport optio ns for pur chase. A vaila bility of t hese progr ams will vary depend ing u pon your loc ation. HP Care Pack™ Services and Service A greements HP has variou s servic e and suppor t options that mee t a wide range of nee ds.
Guidel ines for repacking the print er Use the follo wing gu idelines when repa cking the pr inter: ● If possib le, in clude print s amples and 5 to 10 s heets of pape r or ot her m edia th at did not pri nt corre ctly. ● Remove an d kee p any cable s, tray s, and optio nal a ccessori es in stall ed in the printer.
C Printer specifications This app endix prov ides infor matio n on the follo wing topi cs: ● Physic al spec ificat ions ● Electri cal sp ecificat ion s ● Aco ustic emission s ● Env iro nmen ta.
Physical sp ecifications Dimensions ● Width: 350 mm (16.8 inches) ● Depth: 361 mm (14.2 inches) ● Height: 256 mm (10.0 inches) Weight (3,000-page c artridge installed) HP LaserJet P201 0 series: 10.
Electric al spe cification s WARNING! Po wer requ irements are bas ed on t he cou ntry/reg ion whe re the pr inter is sold. Do not con vert oper ating voltages .
Acoustic emissio ns Decl ared per ISO 9 296 Table C-2 HP LaserJet P2010 Series printers Sound power level Printing (23 ppm): L WAd = 6. 24 Bels A and 62.4 dB (A) Ready (Sleep): Inaudible Sound pressure level bystander position Printing (23 ppm): L pAm = 50 dB (A) Ready (Sleep): Inaudible NOTE: Valu es ar e based on prel imi nar y dat a.
D Regulatory information ENWW 113.
FCC c ompli ance This equ ipment has be en tested and foun d to c omply wi th the l imits for a Cla ss B digit al d evice, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. T hese limit s are design ed to provide reasonabl e protec tion agai nst harmfu l interfe rence in a residen tial i nstal lation.
Environm ental prod uct stewards hip program Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Pack ard Comp any i s commi tted to prov iding q uality pro ducts i n an environ mental ly soun d manner . This product has be en desig ned wit h sever al attr ibutes to m inim ize impac ts on our envi ronment.
Return and recycling instru ctions Unit ed Sta tes and Puer to Rico The en close d labe l in th e HP L aserJ et tone r ca rtridge box is for the re turn and r ecycli ng of o ne or m ore HP Laser Jet print car tridge s after use. Pl ease fol low the app licable in struct ions belo w.
Disposal of waste equipment by u sers in private household s in the European Unio n This symbol on t he product or on its packaging indicat e s that this produc t must not be disposed of with your other household waste.
Declarati on of Conf ormity s tatemen ts Declaration of Conformity according to I SO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1 Manufact urer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Compa ny Manufacturer's Address: 11311 C.
Regulatory statem ents Laser safety statement The Center for Devic es and Rad iologica l Healt h (CDRH) of the U.S. Fo od and Dr ug Adminis tration ha s implem ented r egula tions for laser product s ma nufactu red sin ce Augu st 1, 1976. Compl iance is mandato ry for p roducts markete d in th e Unite d State s.
Laser statement for Finland LASERTUR VALLISU US LUOKAN 1 LASERL AITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT HP LaserJ et P2011-, HP La serJ et P2012-, HP La serJ et P2013- ja HP Las erJet P2014 -sarja n laserkir joittim et ovat käyt täjän ka nnalta turv allisia l uokan 1 laserla itteita.
Index Symbols/Numeri cs 10/100 n etwork ing and wire less print serv ers 98 A access ories ordering 96 access orie s, orderin g 97 acoust ics 112 agre ements, ma intenan ce 107 B batterie s includ ed .
J jams, cl earin g 8 6 L licens e, softwa re 104 life expec tancy, pri nt cartr idge 99 light p attern s 67 loading m edia optional t ray 3 2 4 tray 1 24 tray 2 24 M Macinto sh driver, acce ssin g 16 .
multip le pa ges on a si ngle sheet of pa per 37 N-up 37 on both sides of the pap er (manua l) 32 Supplies Stat us pa ge 42 watermark s 39 problem solv ing contactin g HP supp ort 66 demo page 65 find.
U USB conn ection 8 USB port locat ion 4 troubles hooting Maci ntosh 75 W warranty extend ed 107 li cense 104 print c artridg e 103 product 10 2 watermar ks, pri nting 39 Web serv er, emb edded 43 Web.
*CB450-90906* *CB450-90906* CB4 50-90 906 © 200 7 Hew lett-P ackar d Deve lopment Com pany , L.P . www
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) P2010 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center