Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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installatio n and reference guide hp surestore fc 1 Gb/2Gb swi tch 16B
Notice © Hewle tt- Pa ck ard C om pan y , 2001. Al l rig ht s reserv ed. Edition : E1201 Hewle tt-Pac kard C ompa ny ma kes no w arra nty of any kind with regard to this materia l, inclu ding, but not limit ed to, t he implie d warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particul ar purpose.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide iii Contents Preface About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 Chapter 3 Operating the HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B T ur ning the FC 16B On and Of f .
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide v Preface About This Guide This guide provides the follow ing information: Cha pte r 1 Introducin g the HP S urestor e FC 1Gb/2 Gb Switch 16B Overview information about the swit ch.
vi HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Relate d Publ ic ations Related product informati on can be fou nd in t he followi ng publicat ions. Thos e publi cations wi th part nu mbers are pro vided as printed copi es with y our pro duct.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide vii Be prepared to provi de the fo llowing in formation t o the supp ort pers onnel: • Switch s erial number • Switch world wi.
viii HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Refer ence.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2FGb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Guide 1-1 Chapter 1 Introducin g the HP Sures tore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 1 6B This chapter provides the follo wing in for m atio n: • Ove.
1-2 HP Surestore FC 1G b/2FGb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Introduc ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 1 The SFP Media Side Figure 1-1 shows the SFP media side of t he FC 16B , which con tains the ser ial por t, Ethernet por t, fiber op tic por ts and their corresp onding L EDs, and th e switch p ower LE D.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2FGb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide 1-3 Introduc ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 1 Monitoring and Managing the FC 16B The FC 16B can be managed i n-band us ing Fibr e Channel prot ocol, o r out-of- band by connecting to the Ethernet port.
1-4 HP Surestore FC 1G b/2FGb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Introduc ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 1.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide 2-1 Chapter 2 Installing and Con figuring the HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16 B The HP Surestor e FC 1 Gb/2Gb Switch 1 6B can b e inst alled either as a stand-alon e unit or in a rack that meets EIA (Electronic Indu stries Association) stand ards.
2-2 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 additi onal eq uipment or b alla st, the equ ipment r ack must be anchor ed to the b uilding struct ure be fore oper ation.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-3 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 4. Provide p ower to the switc h by complet ing the followin g steps : a. Con nect the power cabl e to the FC 16B power supply and to a power outl et.
2-4 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 The foll owing i tems ar e require d to in stal l the swit .
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-5 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 T o inst all the s witch in a rack : 1. Check cont ents o f the shi pping cart on to v erify al l the requir ed parts and hard ware are avail abl e.
2-6 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 Figure 2- 4.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-7 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 5.
2-8 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 6. Assemble t he two i nner rai ls (one on eac h side) to t he swit ch using (6 ) #8-3 2 x 5/16 Phillips p an- head scre ws, and #8 flat wa sher as s hown in Figur e 2-8.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-9 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 Note Al low f or 1 U space in the rack f or ev e ry fi ve sw it che s to fa ci lita te cab le management.
2-10 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Refer ence Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 – In a W indows 95, 98, 2000, or NT environment : – In a UNI X environment , ente r the following string at the p rompt: tip /dev/ ttyb -9600 f.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-11 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 2.
2-12 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Refer ence Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 7. Add the SFPs (small form fa ctor plu ggable media) a n.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-13 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 Backing up t he Switch Con figuration Settings FTP must be used on W indows workst ations to backup the system conf igurati on.
2-14 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Refer ence Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 Note The p assword operand is only requ ired i f you are using FTP .
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 2-15 Insta lling and Con figur ing the HP Suresto re FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 2 On the FC 16B, l ogon to th e switc h with admin istrati ve privi leges and enter the fo llow ing te lnet c omman ds: 1.
2-16 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Refer ence Installi ng and Conf iguring the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 2 a. T o change the port to pology for contr oller 1 enter th e following command, se lecting 4 for Di rect F abr ic Attac h: vfpmgr -t 4 -c 1 When pro mpted to reset , ente r no .
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide 3-1 Chapter 3 Operating th e HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2 Gb Switch 1 6B This chapter provides the follo wing in for m atio n: • Turning .
3-2 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Operating the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 3 • 16 port speed LEDs on the SFP media side (ab ove an d to the r ight of each por t) to indicate the current link speed of each port.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 3-3 Opera ting the HP Sure store FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 3 Ta b l e 3 - 1 SFP Me dia Side LED Patter ns During Normal O peratio n.
3-4 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Operating the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 3 LEDs On the Power Supply Side Figure 3-2 shows th e power supply side of th e switch with the LEDs identified. Figure 3-2 The power supp ly si de of t he FC 16B Steady g reen The port is transmitting / receiving at 2 Gbps .
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 3-5 Opera ting the HP Sure store FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 3 T able 3-2 describes the LEDs on the power supply side of the switch .
3-6 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Operating the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 3 Mainta ining the Swit ch The FC 16B does not require any reg ular phys ical maintenan ce, and is des igned to min imize the chance of failur e, including diagno s tic tests and field-replaceab le units.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide 3-7 Opera ting the HP Sure store FC 1G b/2Gb S witch 16B 3 Field-Replaceable Unit s (FRUs) The power supplies, fan trays , and the en tire switch can all be replaced in the field, withou t the use of special tools.
3-8 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Operating the HP Sur estore FC 1Gb/2G b Switch 1 6B 3.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide A-1 Appendix A Product Specific at ions This appendix provid es th e follo wing information: • Switch Co mponents on page A-1 • .
A-2 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Produc t Specific ations A • T wo fan trays, each containing two f ans. Air is p u lled in through the rea r intake and pushed out throug h the vents in the SF P media si de. The f ans provi de adequa te coolin g for the maximum switch power rating of 102 W atts .
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide A-3 Produc t Specif ications A Power Supply Specificat ions The power supplies are univer sal and capabl e of func tioning worldwide w ithout us ing volt age jumpers or swit ches.
A-4 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Produc t Specific ations A General S pecifi cations The FC 16B suppo rts F_Port, F L_Port, and E_Port co nnection s and DNS (Di stributed Name Server). It is EMC (Electromagneti c Compatib ilit y) compliant.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide A-5 Produc t Specif ications A Memory Specific at ions The FC 16B ha s the f ollow ing me mor y: • Main Memory: 16 MB per sw it.
A-6 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Produc t Specific ations A The port requ ires a straight serial cable with a fe male 9-pi n subm ini ature -D c onne ctor. Only pi ns 2, 3, and 5 ar e suppo rted; if pin 7 is used, the signal mus t always be driven high, usi ng the pin outs listed in the following table.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide A-7 Produc t Specif ications A Regulatory Compliance FCC EMC St atement (USA) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with th e limi ts f or a Clas s A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules.
A-8 HP Surestor e FC 1Gb/2Gb S witch 16B Installation and Reference Produc t Specific ations A Harmonics Conformance (Jap an) BSMI EMC St atement (T aiwan) RRL EMC St atement (Korea) Laser Safety A.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide A-9 Produc t Specif ications A B. Product Information Each communications port consists of a transmitter and receiver optical subassembly .
A-10 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Reference Produc t Specific ations A Declaration of Confor mity DECL A RA T ION OF CONFOR MITY acc ordi n g to I SO/ IEC G ui de 2 2 and EN 4.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Glossary-1 Glossar y 8b/10b Encoding An encod ing schem e that converts each 8- bit byte into 10 bits. Used to balance ones and zeros in high- speed transports . Address Identifier A 24-bit or 8-bit value used to identif y the source or dest ination of a frame.
Glossary-2 HP Sures tore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide BER Bit Error Rate; the rate at which bits are expected to be received in erro r .
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Gl ossary-3 Disparity The relationship of ones and zero s in an encoded character . “Neutral disparity” means an equal nu mber of each, “positiv e disparity” means a majority of ones, and “negative d isparity” means a majority o f zeros.
Glossary-4 HP Sures tore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Fabric Manager A soft wa re prod uct that w o rks in conj unc tion w ith W e b T ool s to p ro vide a graphical user interface f or man aging switch gr oup s as a s ingle unit, instead of as separa te switches .
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Gl ossary-5 FSPF Fabr ic Short est Pa th First. Rout ing proto col for F ibre Chan nel switches . Full-duplex A mode of commu nication that allows the same port to si multan eously transmit and receive fr ames.
Glossary-6 HP Sures tore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks; indicates a num ber of disks co nnected in a single chassis to one or more controllers.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Gl ossary-7 Multimode A fiber optic cabling specification that allo ws up to 500 meters betw een devices. N_Port Node Port; a p ort on a n ode that can con nect to a Fibre Channel po rt o r to ano ther N_Po rt in a poi nt-to -poin t connection.
Glossary-8 HP Sures tore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Private Device A device that supports arbitrated loop prot o col and can interpret 8-bit ad dresses, but cannot log into the fabric. Private Loop An arbitrated loop that does not include a participating FL_Port.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Gl ossary-9 SI Sequence Initiative. Single Mode The fiber op tic cabling stand ard that corr esponds to dis tances of up to 10 km between devices. SNMP Simple Network Man agement Pr otocol.
Glossary-10 HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide U_Port Universal Port; a switch po rt that can operate as a G_Port, E_Port, F_Port, or FL_Port. A port is defined as a U _Port when it is not connected o r has not yet assumed a specific fu nction in the fabric.
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide Index-1 Index A airflow directio n throug h switch A- 2 applications supported 1-3 B bandwidth, aggr egate A-4 buffers, f rame A-4 C.
Index-2 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Reference M maintenance, switch 3-6 management interfaces 1-3 monitoring compatible interfaces 1-3 throug h LED activity 3-1 N NVRAM A-2 O.
HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Ref erence Guide Index-3 T technical suppo rt vi telnet managing by 1-3 telnet commands suppor tShow comm and vii temperature, requ irements A-3 t.
Index-4 HP Surestore F C 1Gb/2Gb Switc h 16B Installation and Reference.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) FC 1GB/2GB SWITCH 16B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center