Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product D5300 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photo smar t D5 3 00 se r i es W indo w s Help.
Contents 1 HP Photosmart D5 300 series Help ........................................................ ..................................3 2 HP Photosmart ove rview The HP Photosmart at a glance................................................ ..........
Software installation troub leshooting............. .................................................. .........................83 Print quality tr oubleshoo ting.........................................................................................
1 HP Photosmart D5300 series Help For information abou t the HP Photosmart, see: •“ HP Photosmart overview” on page 5 •“ Find more i nformation” on page 9 •“ Computer conn ection infor.
Chapter 1 4 HP Photosmart D5300 series Help HP Photosmart D5300 series H elp.
2 HP Photosmart overview Use the HP Phot osmart to print photos from a memory card or print labels on printable CD/DVD discs. The Two-sided prin ting accessory included wi th the HP Photosmart lets you print on both side s of the page, so you can print bro chures and booklets, or ju st save paper.
Label Description 11 Print cartridge door 12 Two-sided printing accessory 13 Rear USB port 14 Power connection * * Use only with the power adapter supplied by HP. Control panel features The followin g diagram and related table provide a quick reference to the HP Photosmart control panel features.
Label Icon Name and D escription 9 Cancel : Stops the current operation a nd returns to the main screen. 10 On : Turns the HP Photosmart on or off. When the HP Photosmart is off, a minimal amount of power is still supplied to the device. You can further reduce power consumption by holding down the On button for 3 seconds.
Chapter 2 8 HP Photosmart overview Overvi ew.
3 Find more information You can access a variety of resources, both printed and onscre en, that provide information abo ut setting up and us ing the HP Photosmart . Setup Guide The Setup Guide provides instructions for setting up the HP Pho tosmart and installing software.
Chapter 3 10 Find more information Find more information.
4 Computer connection information The HP Photosmart comes equipped with a USB port so you can connect di rectly to a computer using a USB cable. You can also share the devi ce over an existing hom e network.
Chapter 4 12 Computer connection information Connection.
5 How do I? This section contai ns links to commonly performed tasks, such as sharing and print ing photos and opti mizing your print jo bs. •“ How do I print up to 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch) borderl.
Chapter 5 14 How do I? How do I?.
6 Load paper You can load many differe nt types and sizes of paper in the HP Photosmart, including letter or A4 paper, ph oto paper, transparencies, an d envelopes. In additio n, the HP Photosmart lets you load and print direct ly on the surface of speciall y coated CDs and DVDs.
or in an album. Th ese papers are available in several sizes, including 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) (with or without tabs ), 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch), A4, and 8.
HP Premium Photo Cards HP Premium Photo Card s enable you to make your own greeting cards. HP Brochure & Flyer Paper HP Brochure & Flyer Paper (Glo ss or Matte) is glossy-coated or matte-coated on both sides for two-sided use.
TIP: To help prevent rips, wrinkles, and curled or bent edges, store all paper flat in a resealable bag. If the pap er is not stored properly, extreme changes in temperature and humidity mi ght result in curled paper that does not work well in the HP Photosmart.
4. Insert the stack of pape r into the main input t ray with the short edge forward and the print side down. Sli de the stack of paper forward unt il it stops. CAUTION: Make sure that the HP Photosma rt is idle and silent when yo u load paper into t he main input tray.
To load u p to 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch ) photo paper in the photo tray 1. Raise the phot o tray lid to load photo paper in the photo tray. 2. Insert the stack of photo paper i nto the photo t ray with the short edge forward and t he print side dow n. Slide the stack of photo p aper forward until it stops.
3. Slide the paper-l ength and paper-width gui des inward again st the stack of cards un til the guides stop. Do not overload the phot o tray; make sure the stack of cards f its within the photo tray and is no higher th an the top of the pape r-width guide.
5. Lower the output tray. 6. Pull the output tray ext ender towards you, as far as it will go . Related topics “ Change the print setti ngs for the current job” on pag e 28 Load other type s of paper The followin g types of paper are designed for spe cial projects.
HP CD/DVD Tattoo labels ▲ Place one sheet of CD/D VD tattoo paper in the in put tray with the prin t side down; slide the CD/DVD ta ttoo paper forward until it stops.
2. Securely snap t he inkjet printable medi a onto the CD/DVD hol der with the printa ble side up. The CD/DV D should be placed on the ring at the end of the holder wit h the arrows. NOTE: If you are using a smaller-sized media, fl ip the CD/DVD hold er ring over the CD/DVD.
4. Push the CD/DVD holder into the HP Photosmart until the lines o n the CD/DVD holder line up to the white li nes on the CD/DVD tr ay. NOTE: The HP Photos mart pulls the CD/D VD holder while print ing on the media. The CD/DVD holder might protrude about 7.
Chapter 6 26 Load paper Load paper.
7 Print from your computer The HP Phot osmart can be used with any softw are application tha t allows printing. Yo u can print a range of proje cts, such as borderless i mages, newsletters, greeti ng cards, iron-on transfers, and posters.
5. Select the appropriate op tions for your print j ob by using the fe atures availab le in the Advanced , Printing Shortcuts , Features , and Color tabs. TIP: You can easily sel ect the appropriate op tions for your print job by choosing one of the predefi ned print tasks on the Printing Shortcuts ta b.
To set the paper size 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the input tray. 2. On the File menu in your software appli cation, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP Photosmart is th e selected pri nter. 4. Click the button t hat opens the Properties di alog box.
To set the paper type for printing 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the input tray. 2. On the File menu in your soft ware application, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x.
6. In the Print Quality drop-down list, select the ap propriate quality sett ing for your project. NOTE: To view the maximum dpi that th e HP Photosmart will pri nt, click Resolution . 7. In the Paper Typ e drop-down list, select the t ype of paper that you have loaded.
To change the saturation, brightness, or color tone 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the input tray. 2. On the File menu in your soft ware application, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x.
To change the defa ult print settings 1. In the HP Solution Center, click Settings , point to Print Settings , and th en click Printer Settings . 2. Make changes to t he print settings, and click OK . Printing shortcuts Use printing shortcuts to print with print settings that you use often.
To create a printi ng shortcut 1. On the File menu in your soft ware application, click Print . 2. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 3. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x. Depending on your sof tware application , this button might be called Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces .
• Print on transp arencies • Print a group of add resses on labels or envelopes • Print a poster • Print a Web page Print a border less image Borderless printing lets yo u print to the top, bottom, and side edges of up to 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch) photo paper.
3. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x. Depending on your sof tware application , this button might be called Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces .
5. Click the button t hat opens the Properties di alog box. Depending on your sof tware application, this butto n might be called P roperties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Prefer ences . 6. Click the Features tab. 7. In the Paper Typ e drop-down list, click More , and then select HP CD/DVD tattoo paper from the list.
To print on both sid es of the pa ge 1. Load paper into the input tray. 2. On the File menu in your soft ware application, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x.
9. Wait until the HP Photosma rt has stop ped printing for se veral seconds before removing any of the p rinted pages from the outpu t tray. If you remove the page s while the documen t is still printing, the p ages might get out of order.
4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x. Depending on your sof tware application , this button might be called Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces . 5. Click the Features tab. 6. In the Pages per shee t list, click 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 9 , or 16 .
4. Click the button t hat opens the Properties di alog box. Depending on your sof tware application, this butto n might be called P roperties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Prefer ences . 5. Click the Advanced tab. 6. In the Layout Options area, select Front to Back in the Page Order option.
4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog bo x. Depending on your sof tware application , this button might be called Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces . 5. Click the Features tab. 6. In the Basic Options area, from the Paper Type drop-down lis t, select More .
Print a poster You can create a poster by print ing a document on multiple pages. The HP Photosmart prints dotted l ines on some pages to indic ate where to trim the pages before taping them together. To print a poster 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the input tray.
To print a Web page 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the m ain input tray. 2. On the File menu in your Web browse r, click Print . The Print dial og box appears. 3. Make sure the HP Ph otosmart is the selected p rinter. 4. If your Web browser support s it, select the items on t he Web page that you wa nt to include in t he printout.
3. Double-click the H P Photosmart icon. TIP: You can also dou ble-click the printer i con in the Windows t askbar. 4. Select the prin t job you want to cancel. 5. On the Document menu, click Cancel Printing or Cancel , or press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Chapter 7 46 Print from your computer Print.
8 Use the photo features The HP Photosmart is equipp ed with memory card slots that enable yo u to insert a memory card and begin pri nting photos without uploading your photos to a computer first.
This section contains the foll owing topics: • Print photos from th e control panel • Save photos t o your computer • Edit photos • Share photos using HP Photosmart Software Print photos from the control panel The HP Photosmart en ables you to print photos directly f rom your memory card without first transferring th e files to a computer.
5. Press the OK button to select the photo you want to print. Each time you press the OK button, you incremen t the number of copies of the selected photo to be printed. 6. Press the Print Photos button. TIP: While the pho to is printing, you can con tinue scrolling thro ugh the photos on your memory card.
5. Press the Print Photos button. TIP: While the photo is printi ng, you can continue scrolling through the photos on your memory card. Whe n you see a photo you want to prin t, you can press the Print Photos button to add that photo to the pri nt queue.
Remove red-eye The flash on a camera (especial ly on older model cameras) can sometimes cause a subject's eyes to appear red in your ph otos . You can remove redness so that eyes a ppear the correct shade in your photos. NOTE: The changes you make t o the photo apply only to viewing and printing the photo.
Before transferring phot os to your computer, you nee d to remove the memory card f rom your digital ca mera and insert it in the appropri ate memory card slot on the HP Photosmart. NOTE: The HP Photosmart must be conne cted to a computer that has the HP Photosmart Softw are installed on it.
9 Maintain the HP Photosmart The HP Photosmart re quires little maintenance . You might need to rep lace, align, or clea n your print cartridges from time to time ensure that your printouts are always of t he highest quality. This se ction provides instructions for kee ping the HP Photosmart in top working condition.
Handle the print cartridges Before you replace or clean a print cartridge, you should know the part names and how to handle the print cartridges. 1 Copper-colored contacts 2 Plastic tape with pink pull tab (m ust be removed before installin g) 3 Ink nozzles under tape Hold the print cartri dges by their black plastic sides, with the l abel on top.
Choose the right cartridg e combination Choose the be st combination o f cartridges for you r print job: • Everyday printi ng: Use a black cartri dge along with a tri- color cartridge. • Color photos: Use a p hoto cartridge along wi th a tri-color cartridge.
If you are replacing the black, photo, or gray photo print cartridge, remove th e print cartridge f rom the slot on the right. 1 Print cartridge slot for the tri-color print cartridge 2 Print cartridge slot for the black and photo print cartridges 4. Pull the print cartri dge toward you out of its slot.
7. Hold the p rint cartridge with t he HP logo on t op, and insert the n ew print cartridge into the empty cartridge slo t. Make sure yo u push the print cartridge in fi rmly until it snaps into place. If you are installi ng the tri-color print cartridge , slide it into the left sl ot.
10. The HP Photos mart prints a test page, aligns the print head, an d calibrates the printer. Recycle or discard the page. A success or failure message appe ars. NOTE: If you have colored p aper loaded in the input tray when you align the printer, th e alignment will fail.
Related topics •“ Clean the p rint cartridges” on page 62 •“ Replace the print cartri dges” on page 54 •“ Align the prin t cartridges” on page 61 Check the estimate d ink levels You can easily check the ink su pply level to determine how soon you might need to replace a print cartridge.
Related topics •“ Shop for ink supplies” on page 67 •“ Replace the print cartridges” on page 54 •“ Use the print cartridge protector” on pa ge 60 Use the print cartridge protector In some countries/regio ns, when you purchase a photo print cartri dge, you might also receive a print ca rtridge protector.
To remove the print cartr idge from the print cartridge protector ▲ Press down on the top of t he print cartridge protect or to release the print ca rtridge, then gently remove the print cartridge out of th e print cartridge prot ector. Align the prin t cartridges Aligning the print cartrid ges ensures high-quality output.
3. Click the Device Services tab. 4. Click Align the Print Cartridges . The HP Photo smart prints a t est page, aligns t he print head, and calibrates the printer.
Make sure you have the f ollowing materials available: • Dry foam rubber swabs, lint-free cloth, or any soft material that will not come apart or leave fibe rs.
9. Repeat if neces sary for the other print cart ridge. 10. Gently cl ose the print cartri dge door and plug the power co rd into the back of the HP Photosmart.
6. Clean the face and edge s around the ink nozzle area with th e swab, as shown below. 1 Nozzle plate (do not clean) 2 Face and edges around the ink nozzle ar ea CAUTION: Do no t clean the nozzle plate. 7. Hold the print cartridge with the HP logo on t op, and insert the p rint cartridge back into the slot.
TIP: You can purchase an HP Cl eaning Kit for Inkjet Printers and All-in-Ones (Q6260A) that provides everything needed to safely clea n your HP device.
10 Shop for ink supplies For a list of print cart ridge numbers, see the prin ted documentation t hat came with the HP Photosmart. You can also use the soft ware that came with the HP Photosmart to find out the reorder number fo r all the print cartridges.
Chapter 10 68 Shop for ink supplies Shop for ink supplies.
11 Troubleshooting This section contai ns the following topics: • Troubleshootin g tips • Hardware setup troubleshooting • Software instal lation troubleshoot ing • Print quality trouble shoot.
sure the other end o f the USB cable is plugged in to a USB port on your computer. After the cable is connected properly, t urn the HP Photo smart off and then on again. • If you are connecting the HP Photosmart through a USB hub, make sure the hub is turned on .
• Do not combine different paper types and paper si zes in the input tray; the entire stack of paper in the input tr ay must be the same size an d type. • Store printed phot os under glass or in a st orage book to p revent bleeding over time from high humidity.
To clear a paper ja m from the Two-s ided printi ng accesso ry 1. Turn off the HP Photo smart. 2. Press in the tabs on the lef t and right side of the Two-sid ed printing accessory.
b . Remove any paper from inside the accessory. c . Close the Two -sided printing accesso ry cover until it locks into place. 5. Replace the T wo-sided printin g accessory. Gently push the accessory forward until it snaps into place. 6. Turn on the HP Photosmart, an d then press OK to continue the current j ob.
4. Press OK to contin ue the current job. Troubleshoot print cartridges If you are ex periencing problem s with printing , you might have a problem with one of the print cartridge s. Do the following: To troubleshoot pri nt cartridges 1. Remove the black pri nt cartridge from the sl ot on the right.
4. If the problem persists, prin t a self-test re port to determi ne if there is a problem with the print cartridge s. This report provides useful information abou t your print cartridges, including status information. 5. If the self-test rep ort shows a problem, clean the print cartridges.
To clean the p rint cartridges fr om the HP Phot osmart Software 1. Load letter, A4, or legal unused plain white paper into the input t ray. 2. In the HP So lution Cente r, click Set tings , point to Print Settings , and th en click Printer Toolbo x .
7. Clean only the copper-colo red contacts. Allow the print cartridges to dry for approximately te n minutes. 1 Copper-colored contacts 2 Ink nozzles (do not clean) 8. Hold the print cartridge with the HP logo on t op, and insert the p rint cartridge back into the slot.
3. Wait until th e print carriage is idle and silent , and then lightly press dow n on a print cartridge t o release it. If you are replaci ng the tri-color pri nt cartridge, remove the print cartridge from the slot on the left.
7. Hold the p rint cartridge with t he HP logo on t op, and insert the n ew print cartridge into the empty cartridge slo t. Make sure yo u push the print cartridge in fi rmly until it snaps into place. If you are installi ng the tri-color print cartridge , slide it into the left sl ot.
10. The HP Photos mart prints a test page, aligns the print head, an d calibrates the printer. Recycle or discard the page. A success or failure message appe ars. NOTE: If you have colored p aper loaded in the input tray when you align the printer, th e alignment will fail.
Solution: • Make sure the power cord is firmly connected to both the HP Photosmart and the power adapter. Pl ug the power cord into a ground ed power outlet, surg e protector, or power strip. 1 Power connection 2 Power cord and adapter 3 Grounded power outlet • If you are using a power strip, m ake sure the power strip is on.
Solution: You must first install the software that came with the H P Photosmart before connecting th e USB cable. During installat ion, do not plug in the USB cable until prompted b y the onscreen instructions. Once you have installed the software, connecting your compu ter to the HP Photosma rt with a USB cable is straightfo rward.
Solution: Load paper in the input tray. For more information, see: “ Load paper” on p age 17 Software installati on troubleshooting Use this section to so lve any problems you might encounter wh ile setting up the HP Photosmart software.
Solution: Check that the HP Photosmart is turned on, and then try the USB connection agai n. To retry the USB conne ction 1. Unplug the H P Photosmart power cord, and then plug it in again. 2. Verify that the U SB cable and power cord are plugged in. 3.
For more information, see: “ Uninstall and reinstall t he software” on page 85 The registration screen does not app ear Cause: The regi stration screen did no t launch automati cally.
1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start , Settings , Control Panel (or just Control Panel ). 2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs (or click Uninstall a progr am ). 3. Select HP Photosmart Prin ter Driver Software , and then click Change/Remove . Follow the onscree n instructions.
Cause: The HP Photosm art is turned off. Solution: Turn the HP Pho tosmart on. Cause: The com puter is turned off. Solution: Turn the computer o n. Cause: The HP Photosmart is not properly co nnected to the compu ter. Solution: Check the connection from the HP Photo smart to your computer.
If the self-test show s a defect, try the following: • Clean the pri nt cartridges automatically. For mo re information, see “ Cle an the print ca rtridges” on page 62 . • If you are m issing lines when you print, clean the electric al contacts.
Ink is not filling th e text or graphics completel y Cause: The Paper Type setting is incorrect. Solution: Change the paper type setting to match the typ e of paper loaded in the input tray. For more information, see: “ Set the paper type for pri nting” on page 29 Cause: The print quality setti ng on the HP Photosmart is se t too low.
Use TrueType or OpenT ype fonts to ensure that th e HP Photosmart is ab le to print smooth fonts. When selecting a font, lo ok for the TrueType or Ope nType icon. The printout has a horizon tal band of distortion near the bottom of the page Cause: Your photo image has light bl ue, gray, or brown hues that pri nt near the bottom of the page.
Solution: HP recommends that yo u use genuine HP print cartridges. Genuine HP print cartridges are design ed and tested with HP print ers to help you easily produ ce great re sults, time a fter time. NOTE: HP cannot gua rantee the quality or reliabil ity of non-HP ink.
Cause: A tri-color or photo print cartri dge was jarred or handled rou ghly during installation. Solution: Allow h alf an hour for the print cartridge to recover. Cause: There might be fiber o r dust built up around the ink nozzle area on the print cartridges.
For more information o n print cartridges, see “ Troubleshoot print cartridges” on page 74 . Printouts seem blu rry or fuzzy Cause: The paper type is not suitable for the HP Photosmart. Solution: Use HP Premium Papers or any oth er paper type that is appropria te for the HP Photos mart.
Solution: Make sure the paper is loaded corre ctly. For more information, see: “ Load full-size paper” on page 18 Cause: More than one type of pape r is loaded in the input tray. Solution: Load only one type of paper at a time. Cause: The Two-sided printi ng accessory might not be securel y installed.
Cause: The wr ong type of envelope is load ed. Solution: Do not use shiny o r embossed envelopes or e nvelopes that have clasps or windows. Borderless pri nting produces unexpected res ults Cause: Printing a b orderless image from a non-HP software ap plication produces unexpected results.
Solution: If the H P Photosmart is not properly connected to the computer, communication errors can occur. Make sure the USB cable is connected to the HP Photosmart an d the computer as shown belo w.
Solution: A print job might remai n in the queue after it ha s been cancelled. The cancelled prin t job jams the queue and prevent s the next print job f rom printing. From your computer, ope n the printer folder and see if th e cancelled job remains in the print queue.
TIP: You can set the HP Photosma rt as the defau lt printer to ensure that the printer is automat ically selected when you select Print in the File men u of your different softwa re applications. Cause: The computer is not communicat ing with the HP Photosmart.
Solution: Turn the HP Phot osmart off and open the print cart ridge door. Remove any objects that are blocking the print carria ge (including any packing materials), an d then turn th e HP Photosmart on again. The pages in my document came out in the wrong order Cause: The prin t settings are se t to print the fi rst pa ge of your document first.
NOTE: To avoid paper jams, tuck the flaps inside the envelopes. For more information, see: “ Load envelopes” on page 2 1 Text or graphics are cut off at the edge of the page Cause: The margins are not set correctly in yo ur software application. Solution: To check your m argin settings 1.
TIP: Some software ap plications allow you to scale the docum ent to fit the paper size currently selecte d. Additionally, you ca n scale the size of a docum ent from the print Properti es dialo g box. Cause: The pap er is loaded incorrectl y. Solution: If the paper is mi sfeeding, it could cause part s of the document to cut off.
covering the ink nozzl es, carefully remove the tape from the pri nt cartridges. Do not touch the ink nozzles or the co pper-colored contacts. 1 Copper-colored conta cts 2 Plastic tape with pink pull .
Solution: Reformat your memory card in your camera or format your memory card in a Windows XP computer by selecting the FAT format. The HP Photosmart do es not read the memory ca rd Cause: The card is inse rted backwards or upside down .
light remains solid. Removing a memory card while it is being accessed might corrupt information o n the card or damag e the HP Photosma rt and card. The Attention light blinks wh en I insert my memory card Cause: The HP Photosmart has detected an error w ith the memory card.
on your computer. Afte r the cable is connect ed properly, turn the H P Photosmart off and then on aga in. For more information o n setting up the HP Photosmart and connecting it to your computer, see the Se tup Guide that came wit h the HP Photosmart.
Solution: Push the CD/DVD holder forward into the CD /DVD tray until the lin es on the holder line up to the white lines on the tray. The end of the holder m arked with arrows goes into the CD/D VD tray first. Cause: You migh t have inser ted the CD/DVD holde r back into the stor age area.
printable side up and reinsert the holder into th e CD/DVD tray until the lines on the holder line up to the white l ines on the tray. When the HP Photo smart detects the holder, the prompt disapp ears.
DVD tray until th e lines on the holder line up to the whit e lines on the tray and try your print again . The HP Photosmart is printing on a no n-printable area of my disc Cause: Your design is not the correct size for t he CD/DVD you load ed.
The HP Photosmart r eports a CD/DVD size m ismatch error Cause: The size of the C D/DVD currently loaded on the CD/DVD holder do es not match the size you specified when you started the print job from the computer.
Solution: Turn the HP Photosmart off and open the pri nt cartridge door to access the print ca rriage area. Remove any objects that a re blocking the prin t carriage (including any packi ng materials), and then turn t he HP Photosmart on aga in. Follow the pro mpts on the display to cont inue.
Solution: Turn the HP Phot osmart off and open the print cart ridge door to access the print carriage a rea. Remove any objects that are blocking the print carriage (including any packing ma terials), and then turn the HP Photosmart on again. Follow the pro mpts on the display to co ntinue.
Follow the pro mpts on the display to cont inue. CD/DVD tray open Cause: The CD /DVD tray is op en and a prin t job is started from th e computer. Solution: Close the CD/DVD tray. CD/DVD tray misaligned Cause: The CD/DVD holder is l oaded incorrectly in th e CD/DVD tray.
holder line up to the wh ite lines on the CD/DV D tray. The end marked with a rrows goes into the CD/DVD tray first. For more information, see: “ Load a CD/DV D” on page 23 Cause: The HP Photosmart prompts you to inse rt the next disc when p rinting multiple CD/ DVDs in a print job.
line up to the white lines on the CD/DVD tray. The en d marked with arrows goe s into the CD/DVD tray first. To continue, press OK . CD/DVD not found Cause: A printa ble CD/DVD is no t found in the hol der. Solution: Remove the CD/DVD holder from the CD/DVD tray.
Error reading or writi ng the file Cause: The HP Phot osmart software could no t open or save the file. Solution: Check to see if you typed the correct folder and file name. Unreadable file s. NN files could not be read Cause: Some of the fi les on the inserted memory card are damaged.
Solution: Reinsert the memory card in the HP Photosmart or try transferring the files to your computer using a memory card reader or a USB cable. If you already transferred the fi les to your computer, try printing those fi les by using the HP Photosmart Soft ware.
Solution: Remove the memory card and reinsert it in the memory card slot until i t stops. Disconnected Cause: Several situa tions can cause this error message to appear. • Your compute r is not turned on. • Your computer is not conne cted to the HP Photosmart.
If more than one memory card is inserted, the Atte ntion light will blink rapidly, a nd an error message will appear on the computer screen. Remove the additional mem ory card to resolve the problem. Card is inse rted incorrectly Cause: The card is inserted backwards or up side down.
If the file system on the card is corrupt, reformat the me mory card in your digital camera. CAUTION: Reformatting the memory card will de lete any photos stored on th e card. If you have previously tra nsferred the photos from your memo ry card to a computer, tr y printing the photos from the computer.
• Paper mismatch • Wrong paper width Cannot load paper from input tra y Cause: There is not enough pape r in the input tray. Solution: If the HP Photo smart is out of paper or there are only a few sheets remaining, load more paper in the input tray.
Solution: Clear the jam. For more information, see: “ Clear paper jams ” on page 71 Cause: The print carriage is blo cked. Solution: Turn the HP Phot osmart off and open the print cart ridge door to access the print carriage a rea.
Power and c onnection messages The following i s a list of power- and con nection-related error messages: • Communicat ion test failed • HP Photosmart not f ound • Improper shutdown • Two-way commun ication lost Communication test fa iled Cause: The HP Photosmart is turned off.
Solution: If the HP Ph otosmart is not pro perly connecte d to the computer, communicatio n errors can occu r. Make sure the USB cable is secure ly connected to the HP Photos mart and the comp uter, as shown b elow.
Solution: If the H P Photosmart is not properly connected to the computer, communication errors can occu r. Make sure the USB cabl e is securely connected to the HP Photosmart and the computer, as shown below.
Need alignment or alignmen t failed Cause: The incorrect type of paper is loaded in the input tray. Solution: If you have colored pa per loaded in the input tray w hen you align the print cartridges, the ali gnment fails. Lo ad unused plain white lett er or A4 paper into the input tray, and th en try the alignment ag ain.
Solution: To find supp ort and warranty informa tion, go to the HP Web site at . If prompted, choose your cou ntry/region, and then cli ck Contact HP for information on calling for technical support. Cause: You installed new p rint cartridges which might need alignme nt.
covering the ink nozzles, care fully remove the tape from the prin t cartridges. Do not touch the ink nozzles o r the copper-colored contacts. 1 Copper-colored contacts 2 Plastic tape with pink pull t.
Solution: One or bot h of the print cartridges is missing. Remove and reinsert the print cartridges and verify that they are fully inserted and l ocked in place. If the problem persists , clean the contacts of the print cartridges. For more information on print cartridges, see “ Troubl eshoot print cartridges” on page 74 .
Solution: To find support and warranty info rmation, go to the HP Web site at . If promp ted, choose your country/region, and then click Contact HP for information on calling for t echnical support. Print cartridge is not compatible Cause: The indi cated print cartridge(s) a re not compatible with t he HP Photosmart.
For more information, see: •“ Replace the print cartridg es” on page 54 •“ Troublesh oot print cart ridges” on page 74 Chapter 11 130 Troubleshooting Troubleshoot ing.
12 HP warranty and support Hewlett-Packard provides Internet and phone support for the HP Photosmart. This section contains the following topics: • Warranty • Print cartridge warranty information .
• Valuable HP Photosmart and troubleshooting information for common problems • Proactive device updates, support alerts, and HP newsgrams that are available when you register the HP Photosmart 3. Call HP support. Support options and availability vary by device, country/region, and language.
Phone support per iod One year of phone support is available in North America, Asia Pacific, and Latin America (including Mexico). To determine the duration of phone supp ort in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, go to . Standard phone company charges apply.
HP Quick Exchange Service (Japan) For instructions on how to pack your device for exchange, see “ Pack the HP Photosmart” on page 135 . HP Korea customer support Chapter 12 134 HP warranty and sup.
Prepare the HP Photosmart for ship ment If, after contacting HP support or returnin g to the point of purchase, you are requested to send the HP Photosmart in for service, make sure you remove and kee.
If you do not have the original packaging materials, please use other adequate packaging materials. Shipping damage c aused by improper packaging and/or improper transportation is not covered under the w arranty. 2. Place the return shipping l abel on the outside of the box.
13 Technical information The technical specifications and international regu latory information for the HP Photosmart are provided in this section. For additional specifications, see the pr inted documentation that came with the HP Photosmar t.
Type Paper weigh t Input tray * Output tray † Photo tray * (252 gsm) * Maximum capacity. † Output tray capacity is affected by the ty pe of paper and the amount of ink you are using. HP recommends emptying the output tra y frequently. * Maximum capacity.
Plastics Plastic parts over 25 grams are marked accor ding to international standards that enhance the ability to identify plastics for recycling purposes at the end of product life. Material safety data sheets Material safety data sheets (MSDS) can be obta ined from the HP Web site at: www.
Disposal of waste equ ipment by users in private hou seholds in the European Union Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed of w ith your other household wa s te.
This section contains the following topics: • Regulatory model identification number • FCC statement • Notice to users in Korea • VCCI (Class B) compliance statement for users in Japan • Not.
Notice to users in Korea VCCI (Class B) compliance statem ent for users in Japan Notice to users in Japa n about the power cord Noise emission statement for Ger many Geräusc hemission LpA < 7 0 dB am Arbeitsplatz im Nor malbetri eb nach DIN 4 56 35 T .
Declaration of conformity (Eur opean Economic Area) The Declaration of Conformity in this docum ent complies with ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1. It identifies the product, manufacturer’s name and addr ess, and applicab le specifications recognized in the European community.
Chapter 13 144 Technical information Technical information.
Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper specifications 137 13 x 18 cm photo paper load 19 2 pages on 1, print 39 4 pages on 1, print 39 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) borderless photos print 35 5 x 7 i.
L labels load 22 specifications 137 landscape orientation 31 left arrow 6 legal paper load 18 specifications 137 letter paper load 18 specifications 137 load 13 x 18 cm photo paper 19 5 x 7 inch photo.
clean contacts 62 clean ink nozzle area 64 damaged 126 error message 126, 127 handle 54 incorrect 127 low ink 101 low on ink 124 missing 126 order 67 part names 54 photo print cartridge 59 repla ce 54.
148 Index.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5300 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center