Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CM1015 MFP HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP C olor L a se rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP So ft w ar e T ec hni cal R ef er ence.
HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP Software Technical Reference.
Copyright and license ©2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written per mission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained her ein is subject to change without notice.
Table of contents 1 Purpose and scope Introduction ......... ............... ................................ ............................................. ............. ......... ................ 1 Devic e features ... ................... ...........
Support ................ .............. ............. .............. ............. ............ ............... ............. 34 Setting s .................. .................. ................... ................... ................... ..............
Print Qua lity .......... .................... ................... .................. ................... 78 Print Den sity ............. ........................... ............................ ................. 79 Paper T ypes ..... ................
Network Summary page ........... ............ ................ ............. ................ ............. . 115 Optio nal softwar e ........... .................. ................... ................... ................... .................. ..... .
Save O ptions . ...................................................... ........................... 188 Addition al options .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ... 189 Document preview image .... ........... ...
Type new Quick Set name here ............. ................ .............. ................ ........... 215 Paper Options group box .......... .............. .......... .............. ............ ............. ........... ............. 215 Size is: drop-down menu .
Landscape option button . ........... ............ .......... ............ .......... ............ .......... ... 239 Rotate b y 180 degre es check b ox ................ .................... .................... ........... 240 Mir ror Imag e ch eck b ox (P S Emu lati on Un idri ver only ) .
Accessing Memory Cards through the Macintosh (HP Colo r Laser Jet CM1017 MFP only) .................................... ...................................... 261 System requirements ............... ............ ............. ........... .............
OVERVIEW OF THE PRINTING-SYSTEM CO MPONENTS ................... ....... 295 E nd - us er s of t wa r e c om po ne n ts i n a R ec o mm en d ed i ns t al l ........... 2 95 E n d- us er so ft wa r e c o mp on en ts a v a il ab le f o r a C us to m i n s t al l .
xii ENWW.
List of tables Table 1-1 Softwa re technic al reference over view ......... ............................... ........................... ............ ........ ....... 1 Table 1-2 Feature s of the HP C olor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/C M1017 MFP .......... ...
xiv ENWW.
List of figures Figure 2 -1 HP Solution Center scree n ............ ................... ..................... .................... .................. ................... 29 Figure 2 -2 Header ar ea – HP Solut ion Center ................. ...........
Figure 2-41 HP Device Ale rt – Load Tr ay 2 pop-up me ssage ...................................................................... ... 60 Fi gure 2-42 HP De vic e Ale rt – C LOS E DOO R Sys tem T ray and D esk top p op- up me ssag e ..............
Figure 2-91 H P EWS – Password page ............. .......... ............. .......... .......... ............. .......... ............ . ............. 110 Figure 2-92 H P EWS – Printing page ..................... ................ .................
Figure 3-34 Network install – Iden tify Printer di alog box ..... .................... ................. ................... ........ .. ......... 1 54 Figure 3-35 Network install – Fire wall Detected dialog box .......... ........................
Figure 4 -5 Scan Docu ment settings – HP LaserJ et Scan sof tware ......................................... ...................... 1 91 Figure 4-6 TWAI N driver user interface ................... ................... ................ ................
xx ENWW.
1 Purpose and scope Introduction This Software Technical Reference (STR) provides information about and troubl eshooting tips for the printing-system software for the H P Colo r LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM 1017 MFP.
Chapter Content ● Driver configuration for Microsoft Windows® ● Optional software, including HP Photosmart Pre mier, HP Document Viewer, HP Marketing Assistant, and Readiri s Professional V11.
● Available produc t configurations ● Printing-system software ● HP LaserJet documentatio n ENWW Introduction 3 Purpose and scope.
Device features The following table contains de scriptions of the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP that is described in this STR. Table 1- 2 Features of the HP Col or LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM 101.
Feature HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP HP product numb er HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP (CB394A) HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP (C B395A) Paper handling ● Single-sheet priority-feed slot (tray.
Feature HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP HP product number HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MF P (CB394A) HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MF P (CB395A) Energy savings ● The HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP a utomatically conserves electricity by substant ially reducing power consumption when it is not in use.
Available product configurations This section contains info rmation about the following topics: ● Software features by connection typ e ● Multitasking capabilities ● Differenc es between the net.
The HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MF P/CM1017 MFP perform multiple ta sks such as printing, scanning, and copying. Depending on which functions are in use, the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP can perform many fu nctions at the same time. Thi s high level of multitasking is made p ossible by a scan location that is separate from t he paper path.
Printing-system software The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP includ es the following software components and programs for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Compone nts Description Online Help Provides help for using the software for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP product. The user documentation for these products is included on the installation CD as both .CHM (online help) files and Adobe Acrobat® .
● Microsoft Windows ● IA-64 ● Linux ● UNIX ● Microsoft Window s Terminal Server and Citrix Metaframe Microsoft Windows NOTE For information about the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MF P printing- system software for Macintosh operating systems, see Macintosh .
System requiremen ts for a Recommended – Minimum ins tallation ● Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Wind ows XP, Microsoft Windows XP x64, or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system ● 50 M.
Microsoft Windows Te rminal Server and Citrix Metaframe The HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MF P/CM1017 MFP prin t drivers h ave been tested and have prin t-only support with Micro soft Windows Terminal Server or Citrix Metaframe.
Print driver support in other operating systems The following op erating system s supp ort add–printer–wiz ard installa tions. ● IA-64 (driver ava ilable only on the We b) ● Citrix Metaframe ● Microsoft Windows Terminal Server Use the Add Printer Wizard to install the print driver for these operatin g system s.
Componen t Microsof t Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP – 32- bit Microsoft Wi ndows Serv er 2003 Microsoft Windows XP x64 IA-64 1 UNIX Linux Citri x CD Browser X X .
Compone nt Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP – 32- bit Microsoft Wi ndows Serv er 2003 Microsoft Windows XP x64 IA-64 1 UNIX Linux Citrix Readiris Professional V11.
The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing -system software comes on two separate CDs, one for Micros oft Windows and one for Maci ntosh. For information ab out the Macintosh CD, see Macintosh . Each CD includes d ocumentation files and files that are required to install and uninstall the pri nting- system components.
Table 1- 7 CD part numbers for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing-system software for Microsoft Windows Part number Languages included on CD CB394-60113 ● Danish ● Dutch ● Engl.
Component 1 A R B G C A CS D A DE EL EN ES ET FI FR HE HR HU ID IT KK K O HP Tool boxFX X X X X X X X X X X HP Marketing Assistant X X X X X X X X X X HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP Start Guide and HP C.
● ID = Indonesian ● IT = Italia n ● KK = Kazakh ● KO = Korean Table 1- 9 Microsoft Wind ows software component locali zation by language L-Z Component 1 LT LV NL NO PL PT RO RU SK SL SR SV TH .
● SK = Slovak ● SL = Slovenian ● SR = Serbian ● SV = Swedish ● TH = Thai ● TR = Turkish ● VI = Vietnamese ● ZHCN = Simplified Chinese ● ZHTW = Traditional Chinese Readiris Pro V11.0 langua ges The user interfa ce for Readiris Professional V11.
Basque Croatian Galician Italian Manx (Gaelic) Romanian Swahili Byelorussia n-English Tetum Bemba Czech Ganda Javanese Maori Rundi Swedish Greek- English Swiss- German Bikol Danish German Kapampan gan.
HP LaserJet documentation The documentation in the following table is avai l able for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Table 1-10 User do cumentation availab ility and loca lization Docume.
Document name Languages Part number Location ● Portuguese (Brazilian) ● Spanish ● Danish ● English ● Finnish ● Hebrew ● Greek ● Norwegian ● Swedish CB394–90902 ● Arabic ● Engli.
Document name Languages Part number Location HP Color LaserJet CM10 17 MFP Start Guide ● Catalan ● Dutch ● English ● French ● German ● Italian ● Portugese ● Spanish CB395–90901 The HP C olor LaserJet CM1017 MFP Start Guide is available in hard copy and comes in the box with the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP.
Document name Languages Part number Location ● Bulgarian ● Croatian ● Czech ● English ● Hungarian ● Polish ● Romanian ● Slovak ● Slovenian CB395–90904 ● Bahasa Indonesian ● Eng.
2 Software description Introduction The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP co mes with additional software tools to enhance the use of the product.
HP Customer Participation Program HP Customer Participation Prog ram is HP's voluntary prog ram for communication between the computer and HP to help HP monitor toner u sage. HP Customer Participatio n Program is insta lled automatically with the HP Co lor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing-system softwa re.
HP Solution Center The HP Solution Center is installed autom atically with a full insta llation of the HP Color LaserJet C M1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing-system software. Use the HP Soluti on Center to acces s the product-sp ecific software , default setting s, status, and onscreen Help.
Header area Figure 2-2 Hea der area – HP Solution Center The header area contains the HP logo and a tab fo r each HP product th at ha s been connected to the computer at least once.
Figure 2 -5 Scan picture – HP Solu tion Center For more information abo ut scanning, see HP LaserJet Scan software . Scan document Click Scan document to scan and edit a text document with or without graphics.
Figure 2-6 HP Sol ution Center – Scan document For more info rmation about scanning, se e HP LaserJet Scan software . Transfer images NOTE This is the recommend ed method for transferring photos.
Figure 2 -7 Transfer and Print Image s screen Utilities Click Utilities to open the HP Too lboxFX for the HP Color LaserJet CM1 015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Use the HP ToolboxFX to monito r the status of the MFP, order supplies, and change configuration settings for the HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2-8 HP ToolboxFX Status screen Support If Web access is available, click Support to open the HP support Web page for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MF P.
Figure 2-9 Scan Preferences dialog box – HP Solution Cent er The Scan Preferences dialog box i ncludes two tabs: Automatic and Quality vs. Speed . However, the HP LaserJet Scan software supports only the o ptions on the Auto matic tab. The follow ing options are available.
● Front Panel Scan Button Settings. Clicking this op tion opens the Set up the <Scan to> list for the all-in-one . Figure 2-10 Set up the <Scan to> list for the all-i n-one – HP Solution Center Use the controls on this dialog box to con figure the available locations for the Scan to button on the MFP contro l panel.
Figure 2 -11 Scan Picture button tab – Button Settings dialog box – HP Solution Ce nter ENWW HP Solution Cent er 37 Software description.
Figure 2-12 Scan Docu ment button tab – Button Settings dialog box – HP Solu tion Center Use the options on the se tabs to configure the d efault settings for the Scan Picture button and the Scan Docu ment button in the HP Sol ution Center.
The following o ptions are available from this menu: ● Printer settings. Clickin g Print Settings opens the following scre en in the HP ToolboxFX. Figure 2-13 Paper Handling screen ENWW HP Solution .
● Printer Toolbox. Clicking Printer Toolbox. opens the followin g screen in the HP ToolboxFX. Figure 2-14 Device Stat us screen Image Transfer Settin gs Click this setting to specify default settings that affe ct all transfer sessions. The f ollowing screen appears in the HP Photosmart Premier software pr ogram.
Figure 2 -15 Transfer Settings scree n Network Set tings Click this setting to modify current network se ttings for the HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. If the device is not se t up for networking, a message appears explaini ng that this featur e is not available.
Figure 2-16 Network Settings screen Status Click Status to open the Device Status screen from the HP ToolboxFX. 42 Chapter 2 Softwa re description ENWW Software description.
Figure 2 -17 Devi ce Status screen Shopping area Figure 2 -18 Shopping area – HP Solution Cen ter Clicking Shopping opens the Shopping Center. ENWW HP Solution Cent er 43 Software description.
Figure 2-19 Sh opping Center – HP Solution Cent er The Shopping C enter provid es links to buy su pplies, othe r HP products, and even prints of photograp hs online. The links change dyna mically according to the location, which is sele cted in the drop-down menu at the top of the page .
● Check in k / toner le vels. Click Check ink / toner levels to open the Device Status page of the HP Toolbox FX. Figure 2-21 Ch eck ink / toner levels – HP Solution Center HP Products Shop for any HP pr oduct is the only option in this sectio n. Clicking this link open s the Web browser and to the HP O nline Store for the country/region.
Order HP Prints Online When you wa nt lots of prints, bu y them online ! link is the only option in th is section. Clicking this link opens the Web browser to the Web site , a service of HP, where sharing photos, ordering prints, or buying personalized photo g ifts becomes available.
Figure 2 -25 Help and Suppor t screen – HP Solution Cent er The Help and Support screen offers the following options: ● Try these first ● Tools / Utilitie s ● Documentation ● Online Support Try these first Check for software updates is the only option in thi s section.
Figure 2-26 HP Software Update – HP Solution Center Tools / Utilities The Tools / Utilities section contains the following options. ● Printer Toolbox and Status.
● Technical Information. Clicking this link opens the Troubleshooting pa ge in the HP ToolboxFX. Figure 2-28 Troubleshooting p age – HP Toolbo xFX ENWW HP Solution Cent er 49 Software description.
Documentation The Documentation section includ es the following options. ● Product Help . Click this link to open the online version of the HP C olor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP U ser Guide.
● How Do I? Clic k this link to open the How Do I? screen in the HP ToolboxFX. Figure 2-30 How Do I? – HP Solution Center ● Onscreen Gu ide. Click this link to open the onlin e help for HP Photosmart Premier.
Online Support The Online Support section contai ns the following links. ● Product webpage . Click this link to go to the produ ct support Web site: m/ support/cljCM1015_CM1017 ● Contact HP . Click this link to go to the HP support Web site: www.
The Creative Projects screen contains the following op tions. ● HP Photosma rt Premier. Click this link to open the HP Photosmart Premie r software. Figure 2-34 HP Photosmart Premier ENWW HP Solutio.
● Creative Idea s. Click this link to open the HP Photosmart Premier Software Help Contents page. Figure 2-35 HP Photosmart Premier Software Help Contents 54 Chapter 2 Softwa re description ENWW Sof.
● Order Ph oto Gifts! Click this link to go to the Snapf Web si te, a service of HP. Figure 2-36 Snap – HP Solution Center Software area Figure 2 -37 Software area – HP Solution.
Clicking the links in this area opens a new soft ware program. The following optio ns are available. ● HP Photosmart Premier ● HP Document View er Idea window Figure 2-38 Idea window – HP Solution Center This area displays informa tion about how to perform a task or where to ge t additional training.
HP ToolboxFX This section provides information about the following topics: ● Overview of the HP ToolboxFX ● System requirements ● Key features ● The HP ToolboxFX folders ● Other screens Over.
Structure The HP ToolboxFX consist s of a single framework divided into several sections. ● Heading ba nner. Each page that is di splayed in the HP Toolbo xFX has a heading banner at the top that inc ludes the HP logo. ● Devices pane. The Devices Pane is alw ays visible on the left-hand side of the HP ToolboxFX window.
If the HP ToolboxF X was installed for multiple pr oducts, a product summary pag e appears when the program opens. The product summary page displays a brief summa ry of each product available to the HP ToolboxFX. Double-click any of th e products listed to go to the Device Status page for that product.
Receive Alert messages for device events Use HP ToolboxFX to be alerted when certain e v ents occur at the HP Colo r LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP. Receive po p-up dialogs (Status Aler ts) or automatically generated e-mail messages (E- mail Alerts) for certa in events.
Figure 2 -42 HP Device Alert – C LOSE DOOR System Tray an d Desktop pop-up messag e Desktop alert Desktop alert messages appear immedi ately when an error or print-cartridge warning occurs in the device. Desktop alerts only appe ar for a few second s, and then automatically disappear.
● Device Configuration ● Network Configuration ● Print Info Pages ● Event Log Device S tatus The Device Status screen shows device status messages fro m the product.
Figure 2 -44 Supplies Status screen Device Conf iguration The Device Configuration screen shows the values for all of th e settings a vailable for the product and other configu ration items, such as installed DIMMs, personalities, an d page counts.
Figure 2-45 Device Co nfiguration screen – 1 of 2 64 Chapter 2 Softwa re description ENWW Software description.
Figure 2 -46 Devi ce Configu ration screen – 2 of 2 Network Configuration The Networ k Configuration screen shows th e values for all of the network setting s that are available for the product. The contents o f this screen should be consistent with the configuration page that the product generates.
Figure 2-47 Netw ork Configuration screen Print Info Pages Use the Print Info Pages screen to print out the interna l spec ial pages that th e product generates.
Figure 2 -48 Print Info rmation Pages screen The contents of these reports are ge nerate d by the product firmware, and not by the HP Toolbox FX. Event Log Use the Event Log scree n to monitor events for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Up to ten events can appear on this screen.
Figure 2-49 Event Lo g screen Alerts folder The Alerts folder contains the following sub-fold ers: ● Set up Status Alerts ● Set up E-mail Alerts Set up Status Alerts Use the Set up Status Alerts screen to set up status alerts o n the for the HP Color L aserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2 -50 Set up Status Alerts screen Select from the op tions under Show an alert to receive the alerts like thos e listed in the following table. Table 2-1 Event alerts for HP ToolboxF X Pop-up a.
● Replace Supply Printing in Mono ● Replace Supplies Printing in Mono ● Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, or Black E-label Error ● Imaging Drum E-label Error ● Unauthorized Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, or Bl.
● Insufficient memory ● Manual feed ● Non-HP print cartridge installed ● Unauthorized supply installed ● Paper out ● Printer mispick ● Remove paper jam ● Unexpected paper size Select f.
Figure 2-51 Set up E-mail Alerts screen E-mail messages can be sent when certai n events occur at the product. Select the specific ev ents for notification.
Help folder The Help folder contains the following sub-folders: ● Troubleshooting ● How do I...? ● Animated Demonst rations ● User Guide All of the content in the Help folder is static HTML content, except for the animated demonstrations.
How do I...? Figure 2-53 How do I...? sub-fol der Click How do I... ? on the How do I. .. ? screen to access the How do I... ? chap ter of the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 M FP User Guide. Each of the How do I...? screens (Print, Network, Add Memory, an d Other), co ntains set of links.
Animated Demons trations Figure 2 -54 Animated Demonstrations screen Click the links on the Animated Demonstration s screen to view animated demonstrations ab out the following topics.
User Gu ide Figure 2-55 HP Co lor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP User Guide Use the User Guide screen to access the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1 017 MFP User Guide.
Device Information Use the Device Info rmation screen to ad d or change inform ation about th e HP Color LaserJet CM10 15 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Figure 2 -56 Devi ce Informatio n screen NOTE Click Apply to make the chan ges take effect.
Figure 2-57 Paper Handling screen Print Quality Use the Print Quality screen to change the prin t-quality defaults for the HP Colo r LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2 -58 Print Quality screen Print Density Use the settings on the Print Density page to adjust the amou nt toner the HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP uses for im ages, pages, and documents.
Figure 2-59 Pri nt Density page The Print Density page contains the following settings: ● Contrasts. Contrast is the de nsity difference between ligh t (highlight) and dark (shadow) colors.
● Midtones. Midtone colors are about halfway between white and solid density. To make midtone colors darker, use a positive midtone setting, an d to make midtone colo rs lighter use a negative highlight setting. This a djustment does not affect highlight or shadow colo rs.
Standard prin t modes Extende d print modes Color t ables Sensor correlation prefix Default paper types Prepunched, Recycled, Letterhead Heavy Mode None Plain PlainHalf Heavy, Bond Cardstock Mode None.
The following Jam reco very settings are available: ● Auto (default) ● On ● Off The following Auto continue settings are availabl e: ● On ● Off (default) Set the Connection time-out (I/O) setting to any value fro m 5 to 7200 seconds.
During the printing proce ss, paper, toner, and dust pa rticles accumulate inside the MFP. Over time, this buildup can cause print-quality problems su ch as toner spe cks or smearing. Click Start to run the cleaning mode proced ure on the HP Color LaserJe t CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2 -64 Save / Restore Settings screen Click Save , the Save as dialog box might be hidden. Lo ok be hind the browser windo w or on the task bar. Settings that were saved from a previous HP product cannot be restored. Only settings tha t were saved from an HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP can be restored.
Figure 2-65 Password screen Network administrators can set user passwords to protect network settings. Once a password is set, only users who know the password hav e access to the Network Settings folder. If a password has been set, users are pro mpted to type the passwor d.
● Network Settings pages ● Event Log page Print Settings folder The Print Settings folder contain s the following screens. ● Printing ● PCL5c ● PostScript ● Memory Card Printing Use the Printing screen to change the printing defa ults for your HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2-67 PCL5c screen NOTE You must click Apply for your changes to take effect. PostScript Use the PostScript screen to change the Postscript defaults for your HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2 -68 PostScript screen NOTE You must click Apply for your changes to take effect. Memory Card Use the options on th e Memory Card page to co nfigure print settings whe n using memory cards.
Figure 2-69 Memory Card page Three options are available for configuring the MFP whe n using memory cards. ● Photo image size. Select the size photos to print from the drop-do wn list. ● Photo number of copies . Type the number of copies from 0 to 99 to print for ea ch image.
● SNMP ● Network Summary CAUTION Changing network settings can cause communi cation problems between HP ToolboxFX an d the product. IP Configuration The IP Configuration screen shows the settings for basic TCP/IP network configuration. After ch anging these settings, click Apply to save the chang es.
The following DNS Address Configur ation options are available: ● Automatic DNS Server . This option is selected by d efault. It causes the MFP to automatically obtain netw ork addresses for D NS servers from the netw ork. If selected, a DHCP ser ver provides this information.
Option Settings Link Speed and Duplex ● Auto negotiation (default setting) ● Manual negotiation ● Link speed: 10 megabits per second (Mbp s) or 100 Mbps ● Duplex: Full or Half Automatic Crossover ● Enable (d efault) ● Off NOTE Click Apply to make the chan ges take effect.
The following option s are available on the SNMP screen: ● Enable SNMP v1 read-write ac cess . Select thi s option to enable SNMP V1 a gents on the MFP. Custom community name s can be configured to control management access to the HP Color LaserJet CM10 17 MFP.
Figure 2 -73 Network Summary screen The settings a ppear under the following head ings: ● Network Hardware Configuration ● Enabled Feat ures ● TCP/IP ENWW HP ToolboxFX 95 Software description.
● SNMP ● Network Statistics Other screens The following table lists screens that are also availa ble through the HP ToolboxFX. Screen Access About HP ToolboxFX screen Click the HP logo that appea rs in the upper-left corner of the HP ToolboxFX screens.
Product Support The Product Supp ort link connects to a Web pag e that contains links to online support for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Product Registration The Product Registration link connects to a Web page fo r registering the HP Color LaserJet CM1 015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
HP Embedded Web Server The HP Embedded Web Server (HP EWS) is a Web application that allows users to control settings on a network-connected HP Color LaserJet CM10 17 MF P through the Web browser. To open the HP EWS, open the Web br owser and type th e MFP IP address in the addr ess bar.
Figure 2 -76 HP EWS – Device Status page Supplies Status page The Supplies Status page displays the status of all of the supplies used by the MFP, includin g the black, cyan, magenta, and yellow print cartridges.
Figure 2-77 HP EWS – Supplies Status page Device Configuration page The Device Configuration page displays the valu es of all of t he settings available to be set in the MFP. The contents o f this page are consist ent with the Con figuration pa ge generated by th e firmware.
Figure 2 -78 HP EWS – Device Configuration pag e – 1 of 3 ENWW HP Embedded Web Server 101 Software description.
Figure 2-79 HP EWS – Device Configuration page – 2 of 3 102 Chapter 2 Software descri ption ENWW Software description.
Figure 2 -80 HP EWS – Device Configuration pag e – 3 of 3 Network Summary page The Networ k Configuration page contain s all the information about th e network and its enabled features.
Figure 2-82 HP EWS – Network Configuration page – 2 of 2 Print Info Pages The Print Info Pages page provides users the ability to easily print out the internal special pages that are generated by the device. The follo wing information pages are available.
Figure 2 -83 HP EWS – Print Info Pages page Event Log page Use the Event Log page to track the events that occur on the HP Co lor LaserJet CM1017 MFP.
Device Information page The Device Information pa ge contains identifying information about the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP. Figure 2-85 HP EWS – Device Info rmation page Paper Handling page Use this page to con figure the paper-handling settings for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP.
Print Quality page Use the Print Quality page to change the print q uality defaults for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP. Figure 2 -87 HP EWS – Print Quality page Print Density page Use the Prin t Density pag e to control the print density of each pr int cartridge on the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2-88 HP EWS – Print Density page Paper Types page Use the Paper Types page to set the default paper type settings for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP.
Figure 2 -89 HP EWS – Pap er Types page System Setup page Use the System Setup page to change settings on the HP Color LaserJet CM10 17 MFP such as Jam Recovery and Auto Continue.
Password page Use this page to set or ch ange the Administrator password to limit access to M FP features. ● Shop for Supplies butt on ● Support button ● System pages ● Print pages ● Networking pages ● Event Log page Figure 2-91 HP EWS – Password page Print tab Use the Print tab to view and change print settings.
Figure 2 -92 HP EWS – Prin ting page PCL5c page Use the PCL5c page to change font informa tion and form length. Figure 2 -93 HP EWS – PCL5 c page PostScript page Use the PostScript page to change the Print PS Errors option.
Figure 2-94 HP EWS – PostScript page Memory Card page Use the Memory Card pag e to enable and control the memo ry card function of the HP Co lor LaserJet CM1017 MFP. Figure 2-95 HP EWS – Memory Card page Networking tab Use the Networking tab to view and change settings for network connection and communicatio n.
IP Configuration page Use the IP Configuration page to configure the IP ad dress and host and domain names for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP. Figure 2 -96 HP EWS – IP Configuratio n page Advanced page Use the Advanced page to configu re the enabled settings an d other settings, such as link speed, for the HP Color LaserJet CM101 7 MFP.
Figure 2-97 HP EWS – Advanced page Bonjour (Rendezvous) page Use the Bonjour (Rende zvous) page to e nable or disable the Bonjour settings for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP. Figure 2-98 HP EWS – Bonjour (Rendezvou s) page SNMP page Use this page to configu re the SNMP settings for the HP Color L aserJet CM1017 MFP.
NOTE Changing SNMP settin gs can cause the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP to lose functionality for features such as scanning . Figure 2 -99 HP EWS – SNMP page Network Summary page The Networ k Summary page contains all the information abou t the network and its enabled features.
Figure 2-100 HP EWS – Network Summ ary page – 1 of 2 Figure 2-101 HP EWS – Network Summ ary page – 2 of 2 116 Chapter 2 Software descri ption ENWW Software description.
Optional software After installing the HP Co lor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing -system software, the CD browser presents links for inst alling optional HP software pr oducts on comp uters running Microsoft Windows 2000, Microso ft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows XP x64.
The following six ta bs are availabl e: ● View. This is the default screen when the program opens. Navigate to any images on the computer from the locations listed a t the upper-left portion of th e screen.
● Edit. Select an image and click the Edit tab to open and make changes to the image. Figure 2-103 Edit tab ENWW Optional softwa re 119 Software description.
● Print. Use the Print tab to select a print layout for the photographs and to select print settings. Figure 2-104 Print tab 120 Chapter 2 Software descri ption ENWW Software description.
● Create. Click this tab to use photos and other images in creative print projects such as photo album pages, cards, CD labels, calendars, flyers, an d brochures. These proj ects contain predefined layouts with picture holders and customizable text objects.
● Share. Select the Share tab to share photos through e-mail, onl ine albums, and for online photo- finishing th rough, a service of HP.
● Backup. Use this tab to back up digital photographs and to burn them to a CD. Figure 2-107 Backup ta b HP Marketing Assistant NOTE The HP Marketing Assist ant might not be available in all countries/regions.
Consult the HP Marketin g Assistant software C D for documentation and su pport information. Readiris Professional V11.0 text -recognition software by IRIS Readiris Pro V11.0 co nverts scanned ima ges into text that can be edited in word-processing pro grams.
3 Install Microsoft Windows printing- system components Introduction NOTE This chapte r covers information about the HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing-system software for Microsoft Wi ndows. For information about Macintosh installations, see the Macintosh chapter.
Installation overview The HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP software for Microsoft Windows systems comes on three CDs. The firs t CD includes everything neede d to access the features o f the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 M FP.
HP Tool boxFX X HP Embedded Web Server X X HP Solution Center X HP Photosmart Premier (optional) X X X HP Marketing Assistant (optional) X X X HP Document Viewer (optional) X X X Readiris Professional V11.
Installation options The HP Color La serJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP pr inting-system software can be used with the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP in the following con figurations: ● Direct Connection.
NOTE Administrator pri vileges are required to install the printin g-system software. 1. Quit all open programs. 2. Insert the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM 1017 MFP printing-system softw are CD into the CD-RO M drive. NOTE If the CD does not start automatically, click Start , click Run , and then browse to and double-click the AUT ORUN.
● Network setup ● Microsoft Windows installation instructions for networked computers Network setup Set up, turn on , and connect the HP Color LaserJet CM101 7 MFP to the network before installing the software. NOTE The HP Color LaserJet CM10 15 MFP does not support n etwork connections.
6. After installation of the software, dial og boxes a ppear to print a test pag e, register the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP over the Web, and install optional software.
4. Click the Ports tab. Click to clear the Enable bidirectional support check box, and then click OK . Setting up the client comp uters After setting up the ho st computer to share t he HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP, the next step is to conf igure the client computers.
Install the print driver only NOTE If a port is not availa ble for in stallation, create a port, click Have Disk , and insert the printing-system software CD that came with the produc t.
Printing-system software installation This section contain s information about the following topics: ● Animated Getting Started Guid e ● Printing-system software installation for Microsoft W indow.
Figure 3 -2 Install Softwar e screen Printing-system software instal lation for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP NOTE HP recommends that you i nstall the software before connecting the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM101 7 MFP to the comp uter (software-first i nstallation).
Figure 3-3 USB instal l – Welcome to the Install Wizard dialog box Click Next to continue. Between dialog boxes, a Current Progress screen app ears. This screen shows the progress of the installation and provides informat ion about the number of subtasks t hat have been complet ed in each step.
Figure 3 -5 USB install – Do Not Blo ck HP Install Wizard Processes dialog box Click Next to open the Automatically check fo r updates dialog box. NOTE The Automatically check for upd ates dialog box appears only if the installer dete cts that a intern et connection is available.
Click the following lin ks to open a screen that provides furth er information: ● Frequently Asked Questions ● HP Privacy Policy Click No and then Next to continue the installation withou t checking for installation updates.
Figure 3 -8 USB install – Custom In stallation dialog box Click to select the software co mponents to be installed. The HP CLJ CM1 015/CM1017 MFP Drivers check box is selecte d by default and is the only requi red component for a custom installation.
Figure 3-10 USB install – Destination Fold er dialog box The Destination Folder dialog box shows where the printing-syst em softwar e files are installed. The default option cre ates an HP program group. Access the program gro up by clicking Start and then Programs .
Figure 3 -12 USB install – Connecti on Type dialog bo x Click Directly to this compute r using a USB cable (a "direct connection"), a nd then click Next .
Figure 3-14 USB install – Device has been detected dialog box The Device has been detected dialog box appear s. After the progress bar fills, the Next button is enabled, the dia log box changes to show th e product has been succes sfully connected.
LaserJet CM10 15 MFP/CM1017 MFP soft ware CD is newer than the firmware on the M FP, the Auto Firmware Downloader dial og box appears. If the firmware on the MFP is already up-to-date, the Connect Your Device Now dialog box appears.
Figure 3-17 USB install – Rest art dialog box Click Restart to restart the computer and continue with the installation. After the compu ter restarts, the Congratulations! Software installation complete dialog box appea rs. Figure 3-18 USB install – Congratulations! Softwa re installation complete dialo g box Click Finis h to continue.
Figure 3 -19 USB install – Test P age dialog box The Test Pag e dialog box indicates tha t a test page is being sent to the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP. If the te st pa ge prints successfully, click OK . If the test page fails to print, click Troubleshoot to g et help troubleshooting th e problem.
If Web access is available, sign up to receive info rmation fro m HP by following instructi ons on the Sign Up Now screen. Click Next to open the HP Registration Web pag e.
Figure 3 -22 USB install – Other options dialog box The Other Optio ns dialog box app ears after the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP installation has b een completed.
NOTE The sequence of dialog boxes might differ from what is shown here, depen ding on the product, the network configu ration, and the options that sele cted. Figure 3-23 Network install — Welcome dialog box Click Next to continue. Between dialog boxes, a Current Progress screen app ears.
The Do Not Bloc k HP Install Wizard Processes d ialog box appears. Figure 3 -25 Network install – Do Not Block HP Install Wizard Processes dialog box NOTE The Do Not Block HP In stall Wizard Processes dialog box appears regardless of whether a fir ewall is present.
If Web access is available, click Yes to check for installation updates for the HP Col or LaserJet CM1017 MFP. This step is optional. Click the following lin ks to open a screen that provides furth er.
Figure 3 -28 Network install – Custom Installati on dialog box Click to select the software co mponents to be installed. The HP CLJ CM1 015/CM1017 MFP Drivers check box is selecte d by default and is the only requi red component for a custom installation.
Figure 3-30 Network install – Destination Fold er dialog box The Destination Folder dialog box shows where the printing-syst em softwar e files are installed. The default option cre ates an HP program group. Access the program gro up by clicking Start and then Programs .
Figure 3 -32 Network install – Connection Type dialog box Select Through th e Network option, and then click Next to continue the installation. The Auto Firmware Downloader feature of the HP Colo r LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM101 7 MFP software installer checks the device firmware at this point in the installation .
WARNING ! Do not touch the printer, the p rinter cable, or the computer during the firmware update. The firmware up date process takes about 3 minutes. During this time, the MFP control panel displays several messages and th en restar ts the MFP. When the firmware update proce ss is complete, the Continue b utton becomes available.
Figure 3 -35 Network install – Firewall Detected dialog box Click Next to continue the installation. The installer sea rches the network for the HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MF P, and the Searching dia log box appears.
Figure 3-37 Network install – Specify Printer dialog box Specify the HP Color Lase rJet CM1017 MFP by hardware address (MAC), TCP/IP addr ess, or IP Hostname.
The Yes, install this printer option is selected by d efault. To in stall a differe nt printer, select the No, install a different printer option. To con tinue installing the HP Color LaserJ et CM1017 MFP, click Next . The Confirm Settings dialog box a ppears.
Because the printer is already configured for the existing net work, confirm that you want to change the settings. Click Next to continue. T he Change TCP/IP Settings dialog bo x appears. Figure 3-41 Network Install – Chang e TCP/IP Settin gs dialog bo x Make the network changes and the n click Next to contin ue.
Click Finish to continue the installation. The Test Page dialog box appears. Figure 3 -43 Network install – Test Page dialog box Click OK to print the test page.
If Web access is available, sign up to receive info rmation fro m HP by following instructi ons on the Sign Up Now screen. Clicking Ne xt opens th e HP Regist ration web page.
Figure 3 -46 Network install – Other options dialog box The Other Optio ns dialog box app ears after the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP installation has b een completed. Click Product Registration to re gister your product on the HP Web site.
NOTE Click Can cel on any screen in the insta llation sequence to stop the installation. Click Back to return to th e previous screen. Figure 3-47 Microsoft Windo ws Server 2003 install – Cur rent Progress dialog box After clicking Install Software in the Animated Install ation Guide, the Current Progress screen appe ars briefly.
Click Directly to this compute r using a USB cable (a "direct connection"), a nd then click Next . The Connect Your Device Now dialog box appears.
The Device has been detected dialog box appear s. After the progress bar fills, the Next button is enabled, the dia log box changes to show th e product has been succes sfully connected.
The Congratulation s! Software installation complete dialog box a ppears. Figure 3 -53 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 install – Congratulations! Software installation complete dialog box Click Finish to complete the installation.
Installing optional software The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP comes with optio nal software to help yo u take full advantage of the MF P's capabilities.
● Later inst allation. To install more software at a later time, click Exit on the CD Browser to close the installer at t he end of the in stallation sequen ce. When ready to install more software, reinsert the HP Color L aserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP printing-system software CD into the CD-ROM d rive.
HP PhotoSmart Premier Follow these steps to install the HP PhotoSmart Premier software for the HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFP. 1. Click HP PhotoSmart Premier on the CD Browser to la unch the installer. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next to continue.
3. The Check for rec ommended installation updates (op tional) dialog box appears. Click Yes to check for updates to the software or click No to check for update s another time. Click Next to continue. Figure 3-58 Check fo r recommended installation updates (option al) dialog box for HP PhotoSmart Pre mier 4.
5. The Thank you di alog box appears. Click Next to continue. Figure 3-60 Thank you dialog bo x for HP PhotoSmart Premier 6. The Ready to Install dialog box appears.
7. The Installing dialog box app ears. Figure 3-62 Installing dialog box for HP PhotoSmart Premie r 8. When the i nstallation is completed, the Finish dialog box appears.
HP Document Viewer Follow these steps to install the HP Document View er software for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP. 1. Click HP Document View er on the CD Browser to la unch the installer. The Welcom e dialog box appears. Click Next to contin ue.
3. The Automatically check for updates dialog box ap pears. Click Yes to check for updates to the softwar e or click No to che ck for updates on your own. Click Next to con tinue. Figure 3-66 Automatically check for updates dialog b ox for HP Document Viewer 4.
5. The License Agreemen t dialog box ap pears. Click Yes to continue. Figure 3-68 License Agreement dialog bo x for HP Document Viewer 6. The Thank you for buying another HP product dialog bo x appears.
7. The Ready to Install dialog box appears. Click Next to continue. Figure 3-70 Ready to Ins tall dialog box for HP Do cument Viewer 8. When the files ha ve finished copying, the Fini sh dialog box app ears.
Uninstall This section provide s information about the following topics: ● Uninstall componen t list ● Uninstall metho ds Uninstall component list The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM10 17 MFP uni.
Uninstall methods The following three method s exist for launching the Uninstaller for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP. For instructions fo r using the Uninstaller to remo ve the printing-system softw are components, see Di alog box options for the Uninstaller .
3. The Uninstall – Remo ve programs insta lled with your HP device dialog box appears. Figure 3-72 Uninstall – Remove progr ams installed with your HP d evice dialog box Clicking Uninstall all HP .
4. The Uninstall – Remo ve programs installed wi th your HP device d ialog box appears. Figure 3-73 Uninstall – Remove programs insta lled with your HP device dialog box Click to select the software comp onents to uninstall, then click Next to contin ue.
5. The Uninstall – Review un install instructions and information dialog box appears. Figure 3-74 Uninstall – Review uninstall instructions an d information dia log box Clicking Wha t will be remo ved shows the list of MFPs to be uninstalled.
6. The Cleanup Progr ess dialog box appears. A prog ress bar re flects the status of the uninstall process. Figure 3-75 Clean up Progress dialog box 7.
182 Chapter 3 Install Microsoft Wi ndows printing -system components ENWW Microsoft Windows install.
4 HP scanning system This section contains info rmation about the following topics. ● Scanning methods ● HP LaserJet Scan software ● Scan drivers ENWW 183 HP scanning system.
Scanning methods Scan from the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM10 17 MFP by using either of the fo llowing methods. ● Open the HP Solution Ce nter. Double-cl ick the de sktop icon or click Start , click Programs , click HP , click HP Solution Center , and then click eith er Scan P ictures or Scan Do cuments .
HP LaserJet Scan software This section contains the follo wing information. ● Introduc tion ● Create a scan ● User interfa ce ● E-mail ● Scan settings Introduction Use the HP Las erJet Scan .
Figure 4-1 Scanning from the Scan Pic ture button (Solut ion Center) dialog box 186 Chapter 4 HP scanning system ENWW HP scanning system.
Figure 4 -2 Scanning from the Scan Docu ment button (Solution Center) The following o ptions are common to both dialog boxes. ● What are you scanning? ● Where do you wa nt to send the scanned imag.
Where do you w ant to send the scanne d image? The following o ptions are available. ● Scan to: The following o ptions are available from the drop-down menu. ● HP Photosmart Premier. This is the default when you sele ct Scan Picture from the HP Solution Center.
Figure 4 -3 Save Options for the Scan Pi cture button dialog box – HP LaserJet Scan software This dialog box a llows you to set default settings for the Scan Picture b utton for the selection you made in the Scan to: drop-down menu. The follo wing options are ava ilable.
Document pre view image The documen t preview image section contains a colo r, grayscale, or black and white representation of the selection yo u make in th e What ar e you scanning ? group box. Depe nding on whet her you chose to scan a documen t or a picture, one o f the following op tions also becomes av ailable.
Figure 4-5 Scan Docu ment settings – HP LaserJet Scan softw are The following options are ava ilable. ● Resolutio n ● Automatically crop scanned docu ments ● Saving selected settings as a Scan Profile . ● Settings for scanning a document for editable text OK, Help, and Cancel ● OK.
Table 4- 1 Examples of suppor ted e-mail pro grams Program Name Windows OS Microsoft Outlook Yes: Outlook 97, Outlook 98, Outlook 2003, Ou tlook XP Microsoft Outlook Express Yes Lotus Notes Yes: V5.1.0 and V6.5.4 E-mail is always sent through your default e-mail client.
Option Scan settings File type ● Adobe PDF (*.pdf) ● Adobe PDF – searchable (*.pdf) ● JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg) ● Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) ● TIFF (*.tiff, *.tif) ● TIFF – compressed (*.tiff, *.tif) ● PNG Image (*.png) ● PCX Image (*.pcx) ● Flashpi x (*.
Scan drivers The HP Color La serJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP software inclu des the following integrated scan drivers . ● TWAIN driv er ● Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) driver (Microsoft Windo ws XP and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 only) NOTE A network administrator must in itiate the scan featur es.
TWAIN driver user interface Figure 4 -6 TWAIN driv er user interfa ce The TWAIN user interface cont ains the following op tions: ● New Scan. Use this control to rescan the image.
● Zoom. Use this control to zoom in on the selected area of the scan. This automatically star ts a rescan if one is nee ded to obtain a clear i mage. ● Reset Tools . Use this option to reset all the controls to their default va lues. To set addition al scan settings, on the Scan menu, click Scan preference s .
● Right-clic k on the scann er icon in the My Computer fold er, and click Scanner Wizard . ● Right-clic k on the scann er icon in the Scanners and Cameras folder in the Contro l Panel , and click Scan . ● Right-clic k on the scann er icon in the Scanners and Cameras folder in the Contro l Panel , and click Scanner Wiza rd .
198 Chapter 4 HP scanning system ENWW HP scanning system.
5 HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidrivers for Microsoft Windows Introduction NOTE The HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP in cludes two HP PCL 6 unidrivers: the HP PCL 6 Unidriver, HP PC L 6 Black and White Driver, and the PS Emulation Unidriver. This chapter includ es the following information .
Access to drivers To access driver settings from with in most software programs, clic k File , Print , and Properties . The appearance and names of the driv er t abs that appear can vary, depending on the operating system. These settings apply on ly while the software pr ogram is open.
Properties driver tabs The Properties driver tabs co ntrol the driver behavior and d river connections. Follow these steps to access the Properties tabs. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Microsoft Windows 2000, click Printers .
Help system The HP Color LaserJ et CM1015 MF P/CM1017 MFP HP PCL 6 Unidriver, HP PCL 6 Black and White Driver, and PS Emulation Unidriver each include a f ull-featured Help system to provide assi stance with printing and configurat ion options. The following Help options are available.
Whenever a constrai nt message appears with Resolve all conflicts for me automatically or I will resolve the conflict myself buttons, the action of the buttons is as follows: ● To reject the change that was just made, re turning the control to its previous value, click Re solve all conflicts for me automatically and then click OK .
HP Postscript level 3 emulation support The HP Postscript level 3 emulation maintains full compatibility with Adobe PS level 3 when PS level 3 soft fonts are pu rchased from Ad obe.
Advanced tab features Follow these steps to access the Advan ced tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Microsoft Windows 2000, click Printers .
Figure 5-3 Advanced tab – HP PCL 6 Black and White Driver 206 Chapter 5 HP PCL 6 and PS emulat ion uni drivers for Microsoft Windows ENWW HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidrivers for Microsoft Windows.
Figure 5 -4 Advanced tab – PS Emulation Unidr iver The Advance d tab cont ains the following con trols: ● Paper/Output settings ● Graphic settings (HP PCL 6 Unidriver and PS Emula tion Unidriver only) ● Document O ptions Paper/Output settings The Paper/Output settin g contains the Copy Count settings.
or numbers grea ter than 9999) chan ge to the last valid value that appeared in the box. The default number of copies is 1. Because you can set the number o f copies you want from some software programs, conflicts can arise between the software program you are using and th e drive r.
● If your document uses a color that you need to match exactly, and you are sen ding the document to a MFP that has tha t specific color of ink, click Proof . ● If you want to pre view the color settings from anothe r product, click Match . TrueType Font settings (PS Emulation Unidriver only) This option specifies the TrueType font se ttings.
● Send PostScript Error Handler ● PostScript Output Option ● TrueType Font Downloa d Option ● PostScript Language L evel ● Send PostScript Error Handler PostScript Output opti on The PostScript Output Option specifies the outp ut format for PS files.
Print Al l Text as Blac k The Print All Text as Black feature is Disabl ed by default. When Enabled is selected, the driver prints all text as black regardless of the or iginal document te xt color. Color text is printed as black, except for white text, which remains wh ite.
Paper/Quality tab features Follow these steps to access the Paper/Quality tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the fo llowing: ● for Microsoft Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Microsoft Windows XP Professional, M icrosoft Windows XP x64, and Microsoft Windows Server 2003, click Printers and Faxes .
Figure 5 -6 Paper/Quality tab – HP PCL 6 Black and White Driver ENWW Paper/Quality tab features 213 HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidrivers for Microsoft Windows.
Figure 5-7 Paper/Quality tab – PS Emulation Unidriver The Paper/Quality tab contains the following controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Paper Options group box ● Document preview image ● Prin.
Use the Print Task Quick Sets setting to store the current combi nat ion of driver sett ings (except the settings on the Advanced and Services tabs, where the settin g is not available).
Figure 5-8 Paper Options g roup box The appearance of the Paper Options group box cha nges when the Use Differen t Paper/Covers check box is selected. The following settings in the Paper Options group.
Follow these steps to crea te a custom paper size. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Microsoft Windows 2000, click Printers .
Table 5- 1 Standard pape r types and engine speeds Paper type Engine speed Unspecified Full Plain Full Preprinted Full Letterhead Full Transparency Half speed Prepunched Full Labels Half speed Bond Ha.
● Last Page ● Back Cove r To use Use Different Pa per/Covers options, you must configure the sett ing for the print job. Each option for the Use Different Paper/Covers setting is described in the sections that foll ow this procedure. Use the following instru ctions to configure the setting.
Figure 5-9 Front Cover setting The Front Cover and Back Cover options are as follows: ● Add a Blank or Preprinted Cover check box ● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu When you select Front Cover or Back Cov er , you must also select the Add a Blank or Preprinted Cover check box to enable the setting.
4. Select the media type from the Type is: drop-down men u. 5. Click the Advanced tab. 6. Under Documen t Options , make sure that the Advanced Printing F eatures are set to Enabled . 7. Under Layout O ptions , make sure the Page Order option is set to Front to Back .
Document preview image The document preview image is a line-drawn i mage of a page that represents graphics and text. Th e document preview ima ge is always oriented so that the contents of the page are right-side-up.
Figure 5 -11 HP Digital Imaging Options dialo g box The HP Digital Imaging settings sho uld be used only on high-resolution images (600 dpi or high er) that are printed on photograph-q uality paper.
select Smoothing , the filter locates areas that contain abrupt changes in pixel value by comparison with surrou nding pixels (which de notes noise) and the n applies a filt er to smooth th e output.
Effects tab features Follow these steps to access the Effects tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Se rver 2003, click Printers and Faxes .
● Watermarks grou p box Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat io n of driver settin gs that are found on all other Printing Preferences driver tabs. Print task q uick sets are either preset or user-de fined printing specif ications, such as pa per size and page s per sheet.
Figure 5 -13 Preview images - Legal on Letter; Scale to Fit off (left) and on (right) When the size for w hich the document is formatt ed (that is, the logical size) differs from the target size, the preview image us es a dashed gray line to sho w the boundaries of th e logical page in relation to the target page size.
● Finishing ● Color Switching between tabs does not change th e locati on or appearance of the docume nt preview image. When the curso r moves over the document preview im age, the cursor changes fro m an arrow to a gloved hand. Toggle betwe en portrait and landscape page or ientation by clicking the image.
The dialog bo x shows a preview image and p rovides options for creating a new watermark an d controlling the messa ge angle and font attributes. Click OK to accept all of the changes that are made in the Watermark Details dialog box. However, clicking Cancel does not cancel all of the changes.
Message angle Use the controls in the Messag e Angle group box to print the watermark in different orienta tions on the page; the selection of a particular settin g affects on ly the angle of the string placemen t. The following settings are available: ● Diagonal .
Setting Gray Red Yellow Green Cyan Blue Magenta 192 192 192 192 255 255 255 Med Light 160 160 160 255 160 160 255 255 160 160 255 160 160 255 255 160 160 255 255 160 255 Medium 128 128 128 255 128 128.
These values represen t the intensity of the gra y that is used. A choice of Lig ht produces a ligh tly saturated gray watermark. A cho ice of Lighte st produces the lightest shade of wat ermark; Darkest produces a black watermark. Size spin box Font sizes from 1 to 999 points are available from the Size menu.
Finishing tab features Follow these steps to access the Fini shing tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Se rver 2003, click Printers and Faxes .
Figure 5-16 Finishin g tab – PS Emulation Uni driver The Finishing tab contains the followi ng controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Document Opti ons ● Document preview image ● Orientation gr.
● Booklet Layout drop-down menu ● Pages per Sheet drop-down m enu ● Print Page Borders check box ● Page Order drop-down menu Print on Both Sides and Print on Both Sides (Man ually) check box The Print on Both Sides (Manually) option controls the man ual duplexing function of the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
Follow these steps to manually print on both sides. 1. Select the Print on Both Sides (Manually) check box. 2. Click OK . The even-number page s of the document p rint.
When Print on Both Sides is selected, the document preview im age changes to show a spiral binding along either the left edge or the top e dge of the page. In addition , a folded-over corner appears in the lower-right portion of the preview image, indicating that printing occurs on the back side.
Printing a bo ok You can print a book in which the front cover, first page, other pages, last page, an d back cover are printed on different media types.
Figure 5 -18 Page-order preview images ● 2 pages per sheet ● 4 pages per sheet ● 6 pages per sheet ● 9 pages per sheet ● 16 pages per sheet Document preview image The document p review image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents g raphics and text.
Rotate by 180 degrees check box Select this feature to rotate the docu ment image on the paper 180°. For exa mple: If the return address on an envelope is smu dged, use this setting and fe ed the envelope so that the return address area is fed into the MFP first.
Color tab features (HP PCL 6 Unidriver and PS Emulation Unidriver only) Follow these steps to access the Color tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the follo wing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Se rver 2003, click Printers and Faxes .
● Print Task Quick Sets ● Color option s ● Print in Grayscale Print Task Quick Sets The Print Task Quick Sets control i s available on each Printing Preference tab, and is used to store the current combination of driver sett ings fou nd on all of the other tabs.
Figure 5 -20 Color Settings dialog box The Color Settings dialog box g ives you independent control of the fo llowing settings: ● Text, Graphics, and Photographs settin gs Text, Graphics, and Photographs setting s Use these sections to ad just the Neutral Gra ys setting for each control.
Edge Control Edge Control d etermines how edges are rendered. Edge Control consists of Adaptive Halftoning an d Trapping. Adapt ive Halftoning increa ses the edge sharpness. Trapping reduces the ef fect of color-plane misregistration by slightly overlapping the edges of ad jacent objects.
Halftone The Halftone setting controls the se lection of a device-dependent ha lftone algorithm that is embedded in the MFP firmware. The Halftone options, Smooth and De tail , affect the reso lution and clarity of your color output . ● Smooth. This option provides better results for large, so lid-filled print areas.
Services tab features Follow these steps to access the Services tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the fo llowing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003, cl ick Printers and Fax es .
If you have Internet access, select any of these items and click Go! to o pen the corres ponding HP Web page. ENWW Services tab features 247 HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidrivers for Microsoft Windows.
Device Settings tab features Follow these steps to access the Device Settings tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the fo llowing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003, cl ick Printers and Fax es .
Figure 5 -23 Devi ce Settings tab - PS Emulatio n Unidriver The Device Settings tab contains the following con trols: ● Form to Tray Assign ment options ● Font Substitution T able options ● Exte.
The input trays listed in the Form to Tra y Assignme nt setting are a lso listed as media sources on the Paper/Quality tab. Configuring th e trays 1. Select the appropriate tray in the Form to Tr ay Assign ment list. 2. Use the drop-down menu to select the media size (form) th at is loaded in that tray.
Clicking the External Fo nts option cause s the Properties button to app ear. Clicking the Properties button opens the Font Installer dialog box. Figure 5 -25 Font Installer dial og box Installing external fonts Follow these steps to install exte rnal fonts.
Removing external fonts 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the fo llowing: ● in Microsoft Windows 2000, click Printers ● in Microsoft Windows XP and Micro soft Windows XP x64, click Printers a nd Faxes 2. Click the Device Settings tab.
Mopier Mode NOTE This feature re quires at least 128 MB of RAM. The multiple-original print (mopy) function is an HP-designed feature tha t produces multiple, collated copies from a sing le print job. Mu ltiple-original printing ( mopying) increases performance and redu ces network traffic by transmitting the job to the MFP once.
● Job Timeout ● Wait Timeout ● Minimum font size to downl oad as outline ● Maximum font size to down load as bitmap Available PostScript Memory This option specifi es the amount of available PS memory. The available PS memo ry is a subset of the MFP's tota l physical memory .
Add Euro Currency Symbol to PostScript Fonts This option speci fies whether to augme nt the device fonts with the eu ro character. The default setting is Yes .
About tab features Follow these steps to access the Abou t tab. 1. Click Start , Settings , and then click one of the fo llowing: ● for Windows 2000, click Printers . ● for Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003, cl ick Printers and Fax es .
6M a c i n t o s h Introduction The HP Color Lase rJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP co mes with printing software and installers for Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh operating systems.
Macintosh printing-s ystem software This section provide s information about the following topics: ● Software components for Macintosh ● System requirements ● Operating-system support ● Availa.
HP EWS Device Configuration utility The HP EWS Device Configuration ut ility allows you to cont rol your MFP from yo ur computer through the HP Embedded Web Server (HP EWS). To access the HP EWS Device Configuration utility, click Maintain Device in the HP LaserJet Director, or follow these s teps: 1.
HP Photos mart Stud io for Macintosh HP Image Zone is an ea sy, full-featured sof tware a pplication that helps you view, organize, edit, print, and share your digi tal photos, an d use them in creative projects.
● Shop. Click this button to shop for HP prod ucts. ● Devices. Cli ck this button to choose the device to work wi th. Accessing Memory Cards through th e Macintosh (HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP only) Follow these steps to a ccess the memory cards on the HP Color L aserJet CM1017 MFP.
5. The following screen a ppears. Click OK . Figure 6-4 Authenticate Again – Mac Memory Card Access 6. The memory card conten ts appear in a wi ndow on your screen and a n icon is added to your desktop. NOTE The Control Panel o nly prints images that are in .
Software component localization The following table presents the part numbers a nd language groups for Macintosh compon ents on the software CD for the HP C olor LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM 1017 MFP.
Macintosh install instructions The HP Color La serJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP come s with s oftware and installers for Microsof t Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh systems. Linux and UNIX systems support the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 M FP, and software is a vailable on the Web.
3. Double-click the HP LaserJet MFP Installer icon. Figure 6-5 HP LaserJet MFP In staller icon The HP LaserJe t MFP Installer folder opens. Double-click the Start Here icon for your language. Figure 6-6 Start Here icon The Animated Get ting Started Guide opens.
4. If you have not set up your HP Color LaserJet C M1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP, click Begin Setup and follow the setup se quence to the end. The fo llowing screen appea rs when setup is complete. Figure 6-8 Install Softw are screen 5. Click Install Softw are .
Installation dialog-box options for Macintosh The following seq uence describes the dialog-box op tions that appear during the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/C M1017 MFP software installation on Macin tosh systems.
Click the lang uage list to change the language of the Lice nse Agreement and the user interface. Click Save to save th e text of the s oftware lice nse agreement to disk. Click Go Back to exit the installer. Figure 6-11 Installing dialog box – progress indicator The Installing d ialog shows the number of ite m s that rema in to be installed .
Figure 6 -13 Restart alert Click Restart to close the installer and restart the comput er. After the computer restarts, you must log in to the computer, an d then the HP Setup Assistan t starts automatica lly. NOTE If the HP Setup Assistant does not start automatically, follow these steps: 1.
Figure 6-15 HP Setup As sistant – Select Device NOTE If you have not yet connected the product to your com puter, the No devi ces found message appears instead of a list of HP MFPs. Co nnect the product to the computer with the USB cable, turn on the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM10 17 MFP, and then click Rescan USB .
Figure 6 -16 HP Setup Assi stant – Firmware Upgrade Utility The Firmware Upgrade Utility appears. Click Download to upgrade to the curr ent firmware. When the update is complete, click Quit to close the Firmware Up grade Utility and continue the installation setup.
Figure 6-18 HP Setup As sistant – Finis h The information yo u typed in previous dial og boxes appears in the Finish dialog bo x. If any items need to be changed, click the Back button to return to the dialog boxes that you need to change. Click Finis h to go to the Congratulations dialog box.
Macintosh uninstall instructions Use the following instructions to uninstall the HP Color LaserJet CM 1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP software from the comput er: 1.
274 Chapter 6 Macint osh ENWW Macintosh.
7 Engineering Details Introduction Topics: ● Troubleshooting ● IP discovery and rediscovery ● PCL font ID list ● Media attribut es ● HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP Install Notes ENW.
Troubleshooting The following to pics are de scribed in this section: ● Port communication ● E-mail ● HP LaserJet Scan ● Troubleshooti ng tools ● Known Issues for the HP Col or LaserJet CM10.
Opening the Window s Device Manager Follow these steps to o pen the Windows Device Manager. 1. In Microsoft Windows 2000, click Start , click Settings , and then click Control Pane l . In Microsoft Windows XP or Micros oft Windows Server 2003, click Start , and then click Control Panel .
Installed Devices Figure 7-1 Sample Device Mana ger window Click the View menu to see furthe r options: ● Devices by Type ● Devices by Connection ● Resources by Type ● Resources by connection .
Table 7-1 Devices installe d by the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/ CM1017 MFP software in Microsoft Windows 200 0 and Microsoft Windows XP Device by type Device Disk drives ● HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFP USB Device IEEE 1284.4 compatible printers (Microsoft Windows XP) ● HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFP IEEE 1284.
File to E-mail utility The File to E-mail utility collects the data specified in an .I NI file and then attach es the data files to an e-mail that can be sent to HP Cu stomer Support to assi st troubleshooting. T he utility runs on your computer, but does not in teract with your HP Color LaserJet CM10 15 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
FixErr1714 utility This utility is used by CCC agents when customers ca ll in with MSI error 1714, which is a n occasional problem that occurs when a differen t user than the insta lling user attempts to uninstall the product. ● This utility might fix the 1714 proble m; some evidence exists that thi s utility mi ght not work in all cases.
Device Communication The majority of prob lems observed with HP Toolbo xFX involve a lack of comm unicati on with the device. In these cases, you sho uld always check to see if the cables are plugged in, and the device i s turned on. Also, please se e the above section regarding .
Solution: Open HP Marketing Assistant from the desktop icon or Start>All Programs>HP >HP Marketing Assistant and then click Start HP Market ing Assistant. ● Issue: HP Solution Center might not show secon d MFP when two HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFPs are installe d on the same system.
Hardware/Firmware ● Cause: CPR occurs when several color planes are misalig ned. For example, if green text is prin ted, green is the combin ation of cyan and yellow toner. When the two color planes, cyan and yellow, are slightly misalig ned it looks as if the p rint is fuzzy or ghosted.
● Cause: Supplie s Status values for cartridges that ha ve reached the out state are no lon ger valid when “Override out” is in u se. Solution: Do not enable “Override out”. Override o ut can only be enabled from the MFP control panel (System Setup>Print Quality>Replace Supplies>Override out).
IP discovery and rediscovery This document discusses the featur es that function correctly and those that don't thro ugh the IP discovery and rediscovery proce ss for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP.
ScanTo application When the HP Color LaserJet CM10 15 MFP/CM1017 MFP is installed, the following registry key is wri tten for the ScanTo application: HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INESOFTWAREHewlett-Pac kardDigital.
PCL font ID list The following table lists the PCL font IDs for the HP Color LaserJet CM101 5 MFP/CM1017 MFP. Table 7- 2 PCL font ID list Font HP LaserJet 3015, 3020/3 030, 3380 Font ID number HP Colo.
Arial Bd 30 37 Arial It 31 36 Arial BdIt 32 38 Arial It 31 36 Arial BdIt 32 38 TimesNew Rmn 33 39 TimesNewR mn Bd 34 41 TimesNewRmn IT 35 40 TimesNewR mn Bdlt 36 42 Helvetica 37 57 Helvetica Bd 38 59 .
Times It 63 75 Times BdIt 64 77 ZapfChancery MdIt 65 78 Symbol 66 43 SymbolPS 67 73 WingDings 68 44 ZapfDingbats 69 79 Courier Bd 70 25 Courier It 71 24 Courier BdIt 72 26 LetterGothic 73 27 LetterGot.
Media attributes This section includes th e following information about media attributes: ● Media types and sizes ● Custom paper sizes Media types and sizes The tables in this section provide information about media features, media attributes, and pa per- handling cons traints for the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM101 7 MFP.
Paper sizes Width H eight (3.0 inches) Maximum: 216 mm (8.5 inches) (5.00 inches) Maximum: 356 mm (14.0 inches) B5 (JIS) 182 mm (7.16 inches) 257 mm (10.12 inches) Postcard (JIS) 100 mm (3.94 inches) 148 mm (5.83 inches) Double Postcard (JIS) 148 mm (5.
Custom paper sizes The following tab le identifies the med ia types the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP supports in trays 1, 2, a nd 3. Table 7-4 Tray specifications Media Type Dimensions 1 Weight Capacity 2 Paper Minimum: 76 x 127 mm (3 x 5 inches) Maximum: 216 x 356 mm (8.
● Full-color copying from letter/A4-size d scanner glass ● 1200-ppi 24-bit full-color scanni ng from letter/A4-size scanner glass HP Color LaserJet CM1 017 Offers all of th e CM1015 features plus .
● HP Product Assistant ● HP Solution Cent er End-user softwar e components available for a Cu stom install Drivers A driver is software tha t allows software applicat ions to access device features. Typically, you should install drivers for each device.
HP ToolboxFX The printing system software includes HP ToolboxFX software for end-users. HP ToolboxFX provides device status information such as toner and paper levels, an d it al so provides pop-up alert messag es when attention is needed at the device.
General ● The SNMP Community Name can be set in HP ToolboxFX or the embedded Web server. If the Community Name is changed to something other than "pu blic", network scanning stops working. ● Firewall software can inte rfere with the HP software installer.
Scanning ● Scanning at higher resolu tions can take a l ong time, and the process will create large files. The best compromise between q uality, time, and si ze is provided by the default resolution.
INSTALLING SOFTWARE ON WI NDOWS 2000, XP, AND SERVER 2003 NOTE Administrator privileges are required to install the printing system. NOTE Do not plu g the USB cable into the computer or printer unti l instructed to do so by the softwar e. 1. Quit all programs.
TRADEMARK NOTICES Adobe®, Acrobat®, a nd Adobe® PostScript® 3™ are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorpor ated. Energy Star® and the Ene rgy Star mark® are US re gistered marks of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows® XP are U.
302 Chapter 7 Engineerin g Details ENWW Engineering Details.
Index Symbols/Numerics % of Normal Size sett ing unidrivers 227 A About tab HP ToolboxF X 96 unidrivers 256 AccessDeniedUtility.exe 280 accessibility 6 Add Printer Wizard installation 129 addendum 2 A.
(Microsoft Windows Server 2003 installation) 163 Connect Your Device Now dial og box (USB Windows installation) 141 Connection time-out (I/O) settings 83 Connection Type dialog box (Microsoft Windows .
HP Softw are License Agreement 139 Installation opt ions 138 Other options 147 Ready to Install 140 Restart 144 Sign Up Now 145 Test Page 145 Welcome 136 Welcome Back 167 DIMMs, included 4 direct conn.
multitasking 8 product 4 File to E-mail utility 280 Finishing tab unidrivers 209, 233 Firewall Detecte d dialog box (Windows network installation) 155 firewalls network Windows installation 149 USB Wi.
uninstalling 176 View tab 118 HP PhotoSmart Studio (Macintosh) 258, 260 HP Postscript le vel 3 emulatio n support 204 HP Product Assistant 10 HP Software License Ag reement dialog box Macintosh instal.
installers included 14 Macintosh 258 Instant Support, HP 96 IP Configuration page, HP EWS 113 IP Configuration settings 91 IPX/SPX protocols 128 Itanium Architecture (IA-64) 12 J jams recovery setting.
HP Embedded Web Server settings 112 HP ToolboxFX settings 65 installation dialog boxes, Windows 147 installation options, Windows 128 IP Configuration settings 91 Password set tings 85 peer-to-peer, s.
Paper Options 215 Paper/Output settin gs 207 Paper/Quality tab 212 Print All Text as Black 211 Print on Both Sides 235 Print Optimizations option 209 Print Quality group box 222 Print Task Quick Sets .
Output Protocol 254 Page Order 211 Paper Options 215 Paper/Output settings 207 Paper/Quality tab 212 PostScript Options 209 Print All Text as Black 211 Print on Both Sides 235 Print Quality group box .
Software area , HP Solution Center 55 software license agreement Macintosh installat ion 26 7 network Windows installation 151 USB Windows installation 139 Software Tour 10 Softwa re Update 10 softwar.
supported 291 unidriver settings 217 U unidrivers About tab 256 Add Printer Wizard installation 129 Advanced Printing Features, enabling 209 Advanced tab 205 booklet printing 237 Color tab 241 constra.
314 Index ENWW.
© 2006 Hew lett -P ackar d Dev elopment Com pany , L.P . www
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CM1015 MFP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center