Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 669322-B21 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL iant ML3 1 0e G en8 Ser v er Maintenance an d Serv i ce G uide Abstract This docume nt is for an experienced servi ce technicia n. It is helpful if you are qualifie d in the servicing of comp.
© Copyright 2012 Hewlett - Packar d Dev elopme nt C ompany , L.P . The informa tion contained herei n is subj ect to chan ge with out notice . Th e only warr antie s for HP pr oduct s and servi ces ar e set f orth in the express warran ty st atemen ts accompan yin g such pro ducts and s ervic es.
Contents 3 C ontents Customer self repair ...................................................................................................................... 6 Parts o nly warrant y service ..........................................................
Contents 4 HP Tru sted Platfor m M odule ......................................................................................................................... 60 Trouble shooti ng ...................................................................
Contents 5 Before you contact HP ................................................................................................................................ 85 HP contact info rmation ..............................................................
Customer self repair 6 C us tomer self r epair HP products are designed wi th many Customer Self Repa ir (CSR) parts to minimize repair time and allow for greater flexibility in performing defective parts replac ement.
Customer self repair 7 Obligatoire - Pièces pou r lesquelles la réparation par le client est obligatoire. Si vous demandez à H P de remplacer c es pièces, l es coûts de déplac ement et main d'œuvre du servic e vous ser ont factu rés. Facultatif - Pièces pour lesquell es la réparatio n par le client est f acultati ve.
Customer self repair 8 In base alla disponibilità e alla località geografica, le parti CSR vengono spedite con consegna entro il giorno lavorativo seguente. La consegna nel giorno stess o o entro quattro ore è o fferta con un supplemento di costo solo in alcune zone .
Customer self repair 9 defekte Teil nicht zurückschicken, kann HP Ihnen das Ersatzteil in Rechnung stellen. Im Falle von Customer Self Repair kommt HP für alle Kosten für die Lieferung und Rücksendung auf und bestimmt den Kurier - /Frachtdi enst.
Customer self repair 10 enviara el componente defe ctuoso requerido , HP podrá cobrarle por el de sustituc ión. En el caso de toda s sustituc iones que l leve a cabo el client e, HP se hará c argo de todos los gasto s de envío y devoluc ión de componentes y escogerá la empresa de transporte que se utilice para dicho s ervicio.
Customer self repair 11 Neem contac t op met een Servic e Partner voor m eer inform atie over het C ustomer Self Rep air program ma van HP. Informatie over Service Partners vindt u op de HP website ( h ttp://www.
Customer self repair 12 No caso desse serviç o, a subst ituição de peças CSR é obrigat ória. Se desejar que a HP substi tua essas peças, serão cobradas as despesas de transporte e mão - de - obra do serviço.
Customer self repair 13.
Customer self repair 14.
Customer self repair 15.
Illustrated parts catalog 16 I llus tr ated par ts catalog M echanical c omponents Item Description Spare part number C ustom er s elf repai r (on page 6 ) 1 Access panel 686751 - 001 Mandatory 1 2 RP.
Illustrated parts catalog 17 2 Optional: Facultatif— Pièces pour lesqu elles la réparation par le client est facultative. Ces pièces sont également conçues pour permettre au client d'effectuer lui - même la réparation.
Illustrated parts catalog 18.
Illustrated parts catalog 19 S ystem compon ents Item Description Spare part numbe r Custom e r sel f repa ir (on page 6 ) 7 Optic al drive s — — a) SATA D VD - ROM drive 624591 - 001 Mandatory 1 .
Illustrated parts catalog 20 Item Description Spare part numbe r Custom e r sel f repa ir (on page 6 ) d) 3 TB, 6G h ard dri ve* 628183 - 001 Mandator y 1 Non - hot - plug drives, SAS — — a) 450 G.
Illustrated parts catalog 21 Item Description Spare part numbe r Custom e r sel f repa ir (on page 6 ) j) 900 GB, 6G hard drive * 653971 - 001 Mandatory 1 k) 1 TB, 6G hard drive* 653954 - 001 Mandator.
Illustrated parts catalog 22 Item Description Spare part numbe r Custom e r sel f repa ir (on page 6 ) 26 Mini- SAS to SAT A cable assembly (for LFF drive c age) * 686747 - 001 Mandatory 1 *Not shown 1 Mandatory — Parts for whi ch customer sel f repair is m andatory.
Illustrated parts catalog 23 2 Optiona l: Optio neel — Onderd elen waarvoor reparatie door de klant optioneel is. Ook deze onderdelen zijn ontworpen voor re paratie door de klant.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 24 R emo v al and r epla cement pr ocedur es R equired tool s You need the f ollowing i tems for som e procedu res: • T- 10/T - 15 Torx sc rewdri ver (on page 7.
Remov al and replac emen t procedu res 25 This symbol on an RJ - 45 receptacle indicates a network inte rface connection. WARNING: To redu ce the risk of electric sho ck, fire, or damage to the equipment, do not plug telephone or telecommunications connectors int o this receptacle.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 26 Prepar ation proce dures To access so me compo nents and perfo rm certai n service proc edures, p erform on e or more of the f ollowing procedu res: • Unlock th e tower bezel (on page 26 ). • Remove the tower bez el (on page 26 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 27 2. Pull the bezel away from the front c hassis. P ower down the server Before powering down the s erver for any upgrade or maintenance procedures , perform a backup of cri tical server data and programs.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 28 CAUTION: To prevent improper cooling and thermal damage, do not operate the serv er unless all bays are populated with either a component or a blank. To remove the c omponent: 1. Unloc k and open th e tower bezel (" Unlock the to wer bezel " on page 26 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 29 CAUTION: To prevent improper cooling and thermal damage, do not operate the serv er unless all bays are populated with either a component or a blank. To remove the c omponent: 1. Back up all server data on the drive.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 30 2. Determine th e status of t he drive from th e drive LED definitions (on page 73 ). 3. Unloc k and open th e tower bezel (" Unloc k the tower bezel " o n page 26 ). 4. Remove the dri ve. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 31 CAUTION: The default and redu ndant power supplies in the server must have the same output power capacity. Verify that all power supplies have the same part number and label color. The sys tem becomes unstable and m ight shut down when it detects mismatched power supplies.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 32 A ir baffle To remove the c omponent: CAUTION: For proper cooling, do not operate the server without the access panel, baffles, expansion slot covers, or blanks insta lled. If the server supports hot - plug component s, minimize the amoun t of time the acc ess panel is open.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 33 5. Disconnect the SATA and po wer cables fr om the opti cal drive. 6. Remove the optical drive. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. D rive cage To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 34 o Four - bay LFF drive cage o Eight - ba y SFF drive cage To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 35 b. Discon nect each po wer cord from the server. 3. Remove the to wer bezel (o n page 26 ). 4. Remove the ac cess panel (" Access pan el " on page 31 ). 5. If the drives are to be connected to a storage controller card, remove the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 32 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 36 o In a non - hot - plug drive cage, loosen the bra cket thum bscrew, and then rem ove the bra cket assembl y from the dr ive cage. o In a hot - plug drive cage, loosen the backplane thumbscrew, and then remove the backplane assembly from t he drive cag e.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 37 3. Unloc k and open th e tower bezel (" Unloc k the tower bezel " o n page 26 ). 4. Remove the ac cess panel (" Access pan el " on page 31 ). 5. Remove the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 32 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 38 7. Press the release latch, and then remove the fan module. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. DIMMs G eneral DIMM slo t population guidelines • The server has fou r memory slot s. • The server support s two chann els with two DIM M slots per channel.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 39 R emovin g a D IMM 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Remove all po wer: a. Discon nect each po wer cord from the power sou rce. b. Discon nect each po wer cord from the server. 3. Unloc k the tower bezel (on page 26 ).
Rem oval and repl acemen t procedures 40 c. Remove the heatsink from the processo r backplat e. To replace the component: 1. Clean t he old thermal grease from the processo r with the alcohol swab. A llow the alcohol to evaporate before continuing. 2.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 41 c. Finish the install ation by complet ely tightening the sc rews in the same sequenc e. 4. Install the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 32 ). 5. Install the access panel. 6. Lock th e tower bezel. 7.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 42 5. Remove the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 32 ). 6. Remove the heat sink (" Heat sink " on page 39 ). CAUTION: To avoid damage to the processor, do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 43 1. Install the processor. Use the notches on both sides of the processor to properly align it into the socket. CAUTION: Be sure t o close the processor soc ket retaining brack et before closin g the processor locking lever.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 44 CAUTION: Do no t overtighten the screws a s this might damage the bo ard, co nnectors, or screws and voids the warranty of the board. 5. Install the heatsink: a. Position the heatsink using the guide pin on the processor backplate.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 45 7. Remove the ex pansion slo t cover retai ner. 8. If removing a full - length expansion board, remove the board retainer securing it. 9. Remove the ex p ansion board. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 46 2. Remove all po wer: a. Discon nect each po wer cord from the power sou rce. b. Discon nect each po wer cord from the server. 3. Unloc k and open th e tower bezel (" Unloc k the tower bezel " o n page 26 ).
Removal and replacemen t procedures 47 CAUTION: In systems that use externa l data storage, be sure that the server is the first unit to be powered down and the last t o be powered back u p. Taking this precauti on ensures that the system does not erro neously mar k the drives as failed when the ser ver is powered u p.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 48 8. Remove the capacitor pack. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. R ecovering data from the flash - backed wr ite c ache If the server fail s, use the fo llowing proced ure to rec over data temporari ly stored in the FBWC .
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 49 S ystem battery If the server no longer automatically displa ys the correct date and time, you might have to replace the battery that provides power to the real - time clock. Under normal use, battery life is 5 to 1 0 years.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 50 R ear system fan To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Remove all po wer: a. Discon nect each po wer cord from the power sou rce. b. Discon nect each po wer cord from the server.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 51 7. Remove the iLO module f rom the chassis. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. E nablin g the dedi cated i LO m anagemen t port The onboard NIC 1/shared iLO conn ector is set as the default system iLO port.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 52 WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from hot surfaces, allow the power supply or power supply blank to cool before touching it. 5. Discon nect the power supply cables f rom the drive cage and the system board.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 53 8. Remove the RPS backplane module. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. R PS cage To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Remove all po wer: a. Discon nect each po wer cord from the power sou rce.
Remov al and replacement procedures 54 11. Remove the po wer supply cage. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. S ystem boar d CAUTION: To a void ESD da mage, when remo ving ele.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 55 c. Remove the heatsink from the processor backplate. CAUTION: To avoid damage to the processor, do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area. 9. Open the processor locking lever, and then ope n the processor retaining bracket.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 56 b. Lift the system board out of the chassis. To replace th e system board : 1. Install the system board. 2. Connect all cables disconnected from the failed system board. 3. Install the DIMMs. 4. If removed, install the dedicated iLO management port.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 57 6. Open the processor locking lever, and then ope n the processor retaining bracket. 7. Remove the pro cessor soc ket c over. CAUTION: TH E PIN S O N TH E SYS TEM B OA RD ARE V ERY FRA GILE AND EAS ILY D AM AGED .
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 58 8. Install the processor. Use the notches on b oth sides of t he processor to properly align it into the socket . CAUTION: Be sure t o close the processor soc ket retaining brack et before closin g the processor locking lever.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 59 CAUTION: Do no t overtighten the screws a s this might damage the bo ard, co nnectors, or screws and voids the warranty of the board. 12. Install the heatsink: a. Position the heatsink using the guide pin on the processor backplate.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 60 19. Lock th e tower bezel. 20. Conn ect each po wer cord to the server. 21. Conn ect each po wer cord to the power sou rce. 22. Press the Power On/Standby button. The server exits stan dby mod e and applies fu ll power to the system.
Troubleshooting 61 T r oubleshooting T roubleshooting resou rces The HP ProLiant Ge n8 Troubleshooting Guide, Volume I: Troubleshooting provides procedures fo r resolving common problems an d comprehe.
Dia gn ostic tools 62 D iagno sti c tools H P Insight Dia gnostics HP Insight Diagnostics is a proactive serv er management tool, available in both offline and online versions, that provides diagnosti.
Dia gn ostic tools 63 SAP Sol uti on Manager to manage their env ironment, HP recommends installing the latest HP Insight Remote Support Advanced software.
Dia gn ostic tools 64 U SB support and funct ionality US B sup port HP provides both standard USB 2.0 su pport and legacy U SB 2.0 support. Standard suppor t is provided by the OS through the appropriate USB device drivers.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 65 C omponent ide ntif icati on F ront pane l components Item Description 1 Optic al drive (option al) 2 Media driv e bay 3 USB conne ctors 4 Power O n/Stan dby button an d.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 66 F ront panel LEDs and but tons Item Description Status 1 UID LED button Blue = Identification is activated Flashing blue = System is being managed remotely Off = Identif.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 67 R ear panel component s Item Description 1 Non - hot - plug power suppl y 2 Slot 4 PCI e x16 (8, 4, 1) * 3 Slot 3 PCI e x8 (8, 4, 1)* 4 Slot 2 PCI e x8 (4, 1)* 5 Slot 1 .
Compone nt ident ificatio n 68 R ear pane l LEDs an d button s Item Description Status 1 NIC link L ED G reen = Link exists Off = No li nk exists 2 NIC status LED Green = A ctivity exists Flashing gre.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 69 S ystem bo ard components Item Description 1 RPS connecto r 2 Processor soc ket 3 System battery 4 24 - pin powe r supply con nector 5 Mini- SAS connector 6 SATA connect.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 70 * For more i nformation o n the expansion slot specif icatio ns, see " PCIe expansion slot definitions (on page 70 )." DIMM sl ot lo cations DIMM slots are numbered sequentially (1 through 4 ) for the processor.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 71 Switch Default Funct ion 2 Off Off = System configurat ion can be changed On = System configuration is locked 5 Off Off = Po wer - o n passw ord is en abled On = Powe r .
Compone nt ident ificatio n 72 D rive numbering • Four - bay LFF drive model • Eight - ba y SFF drive model.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 73 D rive LED de finitions Item LED Status Definition 1 Locate Soli d blue Th e drive is bei ng iden tified by a h ost applic ation .
Compone nt ident ificatio n 74 F BWC module LED def initions The FBWC module has three single - color LEDs (one amber and two green). The LEDs are duplicated on the reverse side of the cach e module to facili tate status viewin g. 1 - Amber 2 - Green 3 - Green Int erp reta tion Off Off Off The cache module is not powered.
Compone nt ident ificatio n 75 F an locatio ns Item Description 1 Rear system fan (f an 1, for processor c ooling) 2 Front system fan (fan 2, for e xpansion board coolin g) T- 10/T - 15 T orx s cre wdri ver The server inclu des a T - 10/ T - 15 Torx screw driver loc ated on the side o f the media drive ca ge.
Cablin g 76 C abling C abling over view Thi s section provides guidelines that help you make informed decisions about c abling the server and hardware options to optimize performance. For information on cabling p eripheral components, refer to the white paper on high - density deployment at the HP websi te ( http: //www.
Cablin g 77 S ystem fan cabling Item Description 1 Rear syst em fan cable 2 Front s ystem f an cable S torag e cabling F our - bay LFF dr ive c abling N on - hot - plu g, SAT A driv e su pport only.
Cablin g 78 Item Description 1 Power c able 2 Data cable N on - hot - plu g, SAT A an d SAS drive support Item Description 1 Power c able 2 Data cable H ot - plu g, SATA dr ive sup port Item Descripti.
Cablin g 79 Item Description 2 Mini- SAS cable H ot -plug, SATA and SAS d rive s upport Item Description 1 Power c able 2 Mini- SAS cable E ight - bay SFF dr ive cabli ng This drive configuration supports hot - plug SATA a nd SA S dri ves.
Cablin g 80 Item Description 2 Mini- SAS cable 3 Mini- SAS cable M edia drive cabli ng • Media drives in a nonredundant power configuration Item Description 1 Upper medi a drive pow er ca ble 2 Lowe.
Cablin g 81 • Media drive in a redundant power configuration Item Description 1 Upper medi a drive S ATA cable 2 Upper medi a drive pow er ca ble P ower supply c abling N onr edundant po wer su pply.
Cablin g 82 R edundan t pow er supply c abli ng Item Description 1 24 - pin powe r supply c able 2 26 - pin RP S cable 3 4- pin power supply cable (with the 8 - pin to 4 - pin adapt er cable con nec t.
Specifica tions 83 S pec if icati on s E nvironment al specifi cations Specification Val ue Tempera ture ra nge* Operati ng 10 ° C to 35 ° C ( 50 ° F to 95 ° F) Nonoperatin g - 30 ° C to 60 ° C ( - 22 ° F to 140 ° F) Relativ e humidity (nonco ndensi ng) Opera ting, maximu m wet bu lb temperature of 28°C (82.
Specifica tions 84 H P 350 W 4U F actor y Int egrat ed Pow er S upply Specification Val ue Input r equi rements — Rated in put voltag e 100 V AC to 240 V AC Rated in put freque ncy 47 Hz to 63 Hz Ra.
Support and othe r resources 85 S upport an d other r es our ces B efore you contact HP Be sure to have the following information av ailable before you call HP: • Active Health S ystem log Download and have available an Active Health System log for 3 days before the failure was de tected.
Acronyms and abbrevi ation s 86 A c r on y ms an d abbr e v iati ons ABEND abnormal end AMP Advanced Memory Protection ASR Automati c Server Recover y CSR Customer Self Repair DDR double data rate FBW.
Acronyms and abbrevi ation s 87 NMI nonmaskable interrupt NVRAM nonvolatile memory PCIe peripheral component interconnect express POST Power - On Self Test RBSU ROM- Based Setup Utility RDIMM register.
Acronyms and abbrevi ation s 88 UDI MM unregistered du al in - line memory module UID unit identification USB universal serial bus.
Docume ntation feedbac k 89 Doc umentatio n feedbac k HP is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. To help us impr ove the documentation, send any errors, suggestion s, or c omments to Documentation Feedback ( mailto:doc sfeedback @hp.
Index 90 A access panel 31 air baffle 31 ASR (Au tom atic Server Reco ver y) 64 authori zed reseller 85 Auto mati c Ser ver Rec over y (ASR ) 64 B bezel, tower 26 blanks 27 board components 69 buttons.
Index 91 LEDs, rear pan el 68 LEDs, SAS hard drive 73 LEDs, trou bleshooti ng 61 LEDs, unit identification (UID) 66 M management tools 62 mechanical components 16 media drive bay cabling 80 N NMI head.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 669322-B21 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center