Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5200 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP L as erJet 5 200/5 200L Pr in ter So ft w ar e T ec hni cal R ef er e nce.
HP LaserJet 5200/5200L printer Software Technical Reference.
Copyright and license ©2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written per mission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained her ein is subject to change without notice.
Table of contents 1 Purpose and scope Introduction ......... ............... ................................ ............................................. ............. ............. ............ 1 Devic e features ... ..................... .........
HP Dri ver Diagnost ic Printer Check Tool ................ ...................... .......................... ....................... .... 35 HP Easy Printer Care ...... ............... ............ ............ ............. .............. ...........
Conte xt-sensitive Help . ....................... ..................... ......................... .................... ........... 10 7 Incompatible Options messages ....... ................... ................. .................... ..................
Print T ask Quick Sets .............. ...................... .................... ....................... ..................... .. 13 6 Paper Op tions ...... .................... ................... .................... .................... ..........
Fonts ..... ..................... ...................... ..................... .................... ..................... . 164 Alternative Letterhead Mo de ....... ................... ............... ............... ................... 166 Ignore Applica tion Collation .
Print Quality ........... .............. ................. ............... .............. ............. 185 Watermark .................... .................. ..................... ...................... ..... 185 Waterm ark (Pages per S heet) ........
Print Opti mizations .......... ....................... .................. ..................... ................. 204 PostSc ript Options .............................. ....................................... ..................... 204 Printer Features .
Bookle t layout . .................. .................. ................... .................. ................... ..... 239 Book and Bo oklet Printi ng .............................................................. 2 39 Print a booklet ....... ......
Job stora ge ........................... ............................... ............................. .............. 260 Mopier Mode . ........................... ...................... ........................ ........................ . 260 Mopier m ode and collation .
Stored Jobs ......... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ......... .. . 302 E-mail Al erts ........ ................ ................. .................. ................ ............
HP Driver Preconfiguration .......... ................. .................... .................... ................. ......... 339 Bundle support ................. ................. ................. ..................... ................. ............
xiv ENWW.
List of tables Table 1-1 Softwa re technical ref erence overvi ew ...................... ............................. ............................ ............... 1 Table 1-2 HP Las erJet 5200 printe r features . ................... .................
Table 7-10 Driver supp ort for the job-str eam output feature .. ............................. ........................... ......... ....... 3 37 Table 7-11 Print er Job Languag e (PJL) and PJL encoding ......... ......................................
List of figures Figure 1-1 Insta llation software CD printer-docu mentation scree n ....................... ................................. ...... .... 17 Figure 2- 1 Installat ion softwar e CD browser .. .................... ................... ...
Figure 3-31 HP Las erJet 5200 Next Steps dialog box ................. ....................... ........................ ............ ....... .. 81 Figure 3-32 Test Page dialog bo x .............. .................. ................. .................. .
Figure 4-28 Unprinta ble Area dialog bo x ............................. ...................................... .................... ........ ........ 173 Figure 4- 29 More Pap er Options dialo g box .............. ........................ ............
Figure 6-18 IP Printer tab ................ .............. .............. ............... .............. ............... ............ ....... ............. ....... 283 Figure 6-19 Printer List scree n ........ ........ ............. ............... ..
1 Purpose and scope Introduction This software technical reference (STR) provides information a bout and troubleshooting tips for the HP LaserJet 5200 printing-system software.
Chapter Content ● HP Embedded Web Server ● HP Web Jetadmin Chapter 3, Install MS Windows printing- system components This chapter provides instructions for in stalling the HP LaserJet 5200 printer in MS Windows operating systems by usi ng various installation methods.
● HP LaserJet documentatio n ENWW Introduction 3 Purpose and scope.
Device features The following tab le contains descript ions of the HP LaserJet 5200 printer features that are discussed in this STR. Device co nfigurations might vary among countries/regions.
Supported printer personalities ● HP PCL 6 ● HP PCL 5e ● PostScript® (PS) 3 emulation ● Portable-document format ( PDF) Job-storage features ● Job-storage features include: ● Proof and ho.
● Standard duplexing unit for automatic two-sided (duplex) printing on the HP LaserJet 5200dtn printer ● Automatic duplexing at up to 30 sides (15 sheets) per minute for 120-g/m 2 (32-lb) pape r A.
Printing-system software Topics: ● System requirements ● Operating-system support ● Availability System requirements The following operating systems support the HP LaserJet 5200 printing-system .
Information relating to networkin g functions is specific to devi ces that have network capabilities. If the comput er is running a 6 4-bit MS Windows op era ting system, install the corresp onding 64-bit print driver by using the MS Wi ndows Add Printer feature.
● UNIX model scripts. Available only on the Web at the following We b site: m/ go/unixmodelscripts ● MS Windows Terminal Server ● Citrix Terminal Server. Fo r more information, go to the following We b site: b izsupport/TechSupport/Document.
Compone nt Windows 9 8 and Windows Me Windows 2000, Windows Server 200 3, and Windows XP (32-bit) Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 (64-bit) Installer Common MS Windows Installer x x Installer Custom.
Topics: ● Windows pa rtition ● CD versio ns Windows partition The root directory in the MS Windows partition of the software CD contains the AUTORUN.
● NL = Dutch (Nederland) ● PT = Brazilian Port uguese (Português) ● CD WE – Western Europe (part number Q7 533-60102): ● DA = Danish (Dansk) ● EN = English ● FI = Finni sh (Suomi) ● H.
NOTE Drivers for various language s do not nece ssarily correspond to geogra phic countries/ regions. European languages, for instance , are distri buted on three CDs.
Compone nt DA EN FI HE NO SV HP PCL 6 U nidriver x x x x x x HP PCL 5 U nidriver x x x x x x PS Emulation Unidriver x x x x x x Common MS Windows Installer x x x x x x Add Printer Wizard Installer x x.
Componen t AR EN EL FR RU TR HP Driver Preconfiguration x x x x x x Fonts x x x x HP Web Re gistration x x x x x x HP LaserJet 5200 User Guide ( .PDF file) x x x x x x HP LaserJet 5200 User Guide (.
Compone nt CS EN HU PL SK Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 5200 Printing-System Install Notes x x x x x HP Embedded Web Server User Guide x Table 1- 8 CD AS – Asia Compone nt EN ID JA KO TH ZHCN ZHT W HP Tr.
HP LaserJet documentation On the main screen of the printing -system software C D Browser, click Printer Docu mentation to open HP LaserJet 5200 Printer Docume ntation screen, as shown in the following figure.
Access to HP LaserJet documents depends on the type of document and its location: ● Some documents can be opened from the CD Browser. ● Some documents appear on th e software CD and can be opened by navigating to the folder whe re they reside. ● Some documents are a vailable on the Web through lin ks in the CD Browser or CD folders.
The HP LaserJet 5200 User Guide is provided as a printable .PDF file. To print the gu ide, follow these steps: 1. In the CD Browser, click Printer Documentation . 2. Click User Guide (Printer Friendly) . The guide ope ns. 3. Print the guide. You can also ga in access to the file by following these steps: 1.
To view this guide from the software CD, follow these steps: 1. In the main screen of th e CD browser, click Printer Documentation . 2. Click Embedded Web Serve r Guide . You can also gain access to the file by following these steps: 1. Insert t he software CD into the CD-ROM driv e.
2 Software description Introduction The HP LaserJet 5200 printer comes with software and insta llers for MS Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh systems. Linux and UNI X systems al so support the HP LaserJet 5200, and software is available on the Web.
MS Windows printing-system software Topics: ● Printing system and installer ● HP LaserJet print drivers Printing system and installer Topics: ● HP LaserJet 5200 printing-system so f tware CD for.
Figure 2 -1 Installa tion software CD browser The main screen of th e software CD contain s installation options in t he upper-left panel and documentation o ptions in the lower-left pan el. As you move the cursor over each option, a descr iption of the option appea rs above the device image.
Printer Documentation . Use this opt ion to view the HP LaserJet 5200 user documentatio n. The following document op tions are available when you click this opti on: ● User Guide (Interactive) ● User Guide (Printer Friendly) ● Install Notes ● Embedded We b Server Guide ● HP Jetdirect Guide NOTE If Adobe Acrobat Re ader 4.
The HP LaserJet 5200 printing-system software CD also includes the following features: ● The HP LaserJet Uninstaller Utility ● The HP Customization Utility for custom installations All of the MS Windows system components are installed by usin g the HP LaserJet 5200 series printing- system installer.
HP PCL 6, PCL 5, a nd PS emulation drivers All of the MS Windows drivers ar e supported by Microsoft 32-bit op erating systems. Separate ver sions of the HP PCL 6, PCL 5, and PS em ulation unidrivers are available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 64-bit operat ing systems.
The Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems support the HP PCL 6, PCL 5, and PS emulation un idrivers. If you are usin g an HP unidriver in a Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Ser ver 2003 environment, f ollow these steps to find driver-version informat ion: 1.
MS Windows driver configuration The HP LaserJet PCL 6 and PCL 5 traditi onal driver s for MS Windows and the HP PCL 6, PCL 5, and PS emulation unidrivers feature bidirectio nal commu nication technolo.
Enterprise AutoConfiguration Enterprise AutoConfiguration (EAC) uses bidire ctiona l communication to provide autoconfiguration functionality for installation of the print driver ove r a network, whether you use the installer on the printing- system software CD or the Add Printer wizard to install the driver.
Method Connection type MS Windows Microsoft Share 1 98 Me NT 4.0 2000 XP 2000/XP host with 2000/XP client NT 4.0 host with NT 4.0 client Add Printer Direct connect Parallel USB Network Jetdirect TCP/I.
The feature automatically update s the registry and chan ges the configuration information that appe ars on the Configure tab of the HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver or HP Traditional PCL 5 Driv er, and on the Device Settings tab of the HP PCL 6, PCL 5, or PS emulation unidriver.
HP Driver Preconfiguration is mo st beneficial when configu ring print dr ivers for multiple workstations or print servers for print queues that share the same conf iguration.
For detailed information ab out gaining access to and installing these tools, download the HP Driver Configuration Utility so ftware from the following Web site : go/hpdpc_sw The HP Driver Preconfigura tion Support Guide is include d in the download.
Driver Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Server 2003 HP PCL 5 Unidriver N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes PS Emulation Unidriver N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes 1 N/A: Not applicable; the driver is not suppor ted in this operating system.
HP Driver Diagnostic Printer Check Tool Use the HP Driver Diagnostic Printer Check Tool , a Web-based diagn ostic software program, to determine wheth er the correct and most current print driver for the HP LaserJet 5 200 printer is in use. Two methods are a vailable to gain access to the HP Drive r Diagnostic Printer Check Tool: 1.
HP Easy Printer Care HP Easy Printer Care software is designed for end us ers and for those who keep p rinters up and running in small and large busi ness groups.
HP Embedded Web Server The HP Embedded Web Server (HP EWS) is a stan dard feature on the following HP LaserJet 5200 printer models when they ar e connected through a network: ● HP LaserJet 5200n ●.
To find the device TCP /IP address, look for IP Address on the Embedded Jetdirect page, in the TCP/ IP section. To find the host name of the device, look for Host Name in the TCP/IP section. The TCP/IP addr ess also appears on the device configuration page (the Embedded Jetdirect page), which can be printed from th e device control-panel disp lay.
Links to off-product solutions Links on the HP EWS screens pro vide an easy way to locate information or complete tasks. ● hp instant suppo rt . This link connects to a set of dynamic Web resources that help you solve specific problems and de termine additional services that might be available for the de vice.
Configuration Page You can gain access to th e HP LaserJet 5200 conf iguration p age remotely through the HP EWS. The HP EWS Configuration Page screen provid es configuration info rmation about the device in the same way as the config uration page that is printed from the device.
Figure 2 -4 HP EWS Info rmation tab – Config uration Page screen, 2 of 3 NOTE This figure is provided only as an example. Settings tab The following in formation is available on th e HP EWS Settings tab. Click the menu items on the left side of the HP EWS Settings tab to view the information.
● Device Informatio n . Use the Device Information screen to pr ovide a name of y our choice for the device, assign an asset number, and configure the compa ny name, the person to contact about the device, and the physical location of the device. ● Language .
Figure 2 -6 HP EWS Settings tab – Alerts screen, 1 of 2 NOTE This figure is provided only as an example. ENWW HP Embedded Web Server 43 Software description.
Figure 2-7 HP EWS Settings tab – Alerts screen, 2 of 2 NOTE This figure is provided only as an example. Security The HP EWS screens that appea r, and the settings on them, vary according to the HP EWS is accessed.
Figure 2 -8 HP EWS Settings tab – Security screen In a password-protected HP EWS, only the Info rmation tab is availa ble to users who do not log in by using the password. If no password is se t (which is the default configuration), all of the tab s are visible.
Figure 2-9 HP EWS Networking tab – Network Settings screen The menu on the lef t side of the screen conta ins other networki ng options under three categories: ● Configuration ● Security section.
● AppleTal k ● Data link control/logica l link control (DLC/LLC) ● Simple network manag ement protocol (SNMP) ● Other Settings ● Privacy Settings ● Select Language Security section ● Settings ● Authorization ● Mgmt.
HP Web Jetadmin Use the HP Web Jetadmin and a browser to manage HP Jetdi rect-connected devices within an intranet. HP Web Jetadmin is a bro wser-based management tool, and should be installed only on a single network-administ ration server.
3 Install MS Windows printing-system components Introduction The HP LaserJet 5200 printer comes with software and insta llers for MS Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh systems. Linux and UNIX systems support the HP LaserJet 5200, and soft ware is available on th e Web.
Font support The following sectio ns list the fonts that are in cluded with MS Windows so ftware, and the fo nts that are available on th e CD that came with the device.
Font name Font style File name CG Omega Regular CGOR45W.TTF CG Omega Bold CGOR65W.TTF CG Omega Bold Italic CGOR66W.TTF CG Omega Italic CGOR46W.TTF CG Times Regular CGTR45W.TTF CG Times Bold CGTR65W.TTF CG Times Bold Italic CGTR66W.T TF CG Times Italic CGTR46W.
Font name Font style File name ITC Za pf Chancery Medium Italic CHANC___.TTF ITC Zapf Dingbats Regular DINGS___.TTF Letter Gothic Regular LETR45W. TTF Letter Gothic Bold LETR65W .TTF Letter Gothic Italic LETR46W .TTF Marigold Regular MARIGOLD.TTF New Century Schoolbook Bold NCSR75W.
Font name Font st yle File name Albertus MT Lt Regular PS_14530.TTF Antique Olive CompactPS Regular PS_11120.TTF Antique Olive Roman Regular PS_11119.TTF Antique Olive Roman Bold PS_11118.TTF Antique Olive Roman Italic PS_11846.TTF Apple Chancery Italic PS_24516.
Font name Font st yle File name GillSans Light Italic PS_13871.TTF GillSans Light Regular PS_13870.TTF Goudy Bold PS_12544.TTF Goudy Bold Italic PS_10695.TTF Goudy Regular PS_12542.TTF Goudy ExtraBold Regular PS_12545.TTF Goudy Italic PS_12543.TTF Helvetica Condensed Regular PS_14526.
Font name Font st yle File name Optima Bold Italic PS_12511.TTF Optima Italic PS_12507.TTF Oxford Italic PS_14072.TTF StempelGaramond Roman Italic PS_11546.TTF StempelGaramond Roman Regular PS_11545.TTF StempelGaramond Roman Bold PS_11547.TTF StempelGaramond Roman Bold Italic PS_11548.
Print-driver install instructions Topics: ● General MS Windows install instructions ● Detailed MS Window s install instructions ● Set a default printer General MS Windows in stall instructions Installation is similar for th e Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, a nd Windows XP operating systems.
Install from a network or from downloaded files Follow these instructions if you downloaded the files from the Web, or if you are installing t he printing- system files from a network. You mi ght need to see your network administrator for the location of the printing-system software file.
To exit the installation sequence without installing the device, fo llow these steps from any dialog box where the Cancel button appears. 1. Click Cance l . A dialog box opens that pro mpts you with this question: “Are you sure you want to cancel the installation?” Figure 3-1 Are yo u sure you want to cance l the installation? dialog box 2.
Basic, Full, and Custom Inst allation dialog box sequence NOTE The dialog bo xes shown in this document appear in th e Windows XP Professional installation seque nce.
Figure 3-4 Welcome to th e HP LaserJet 5200 Setup Wizard dia log box NOTE The Windows NT 4.0 operating system does no t support the HP LaserJet 5200 printer. If you try to install the printer in a Windows NT 4.0 e nvironment, the following screen appears.
Figure 3 -6 Software L icense Agreement dialo g box The I disagr ee option is selected by defau lt. Read the software-licen se agreement, click I agree , and then click Next to proceed with the installation. The Printer Connection dialog box opens, as shown in the following figure.
If you click Parallel Cable (a "direc t connection" using a paralle l cable), and then click Next , the Installation Type dialog box opens. To continue with the d efault installation sequence , see Figure 3- 20 Installation Type dialog box .
NOTE The installation pr ocess includes the option of usin g the TCP/IP address fo r the HP LaserJet 5200 printer, wh ich might be preferable to waiting for the installe r to finish the search. If the network has a firewall that is blocking the i nstallation, the Firewall Detected dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-10 Printer Not Found dialog box The device might not be co nnected to the netwo rk. Ensure that the printe r is connected and is turned on. If a firewall is blocking the installa tion and you want the installer to open a port through the firewall, click Next .
Figure 3 -11 Printers Found dialog box Select the printer that you wa nt to install and click Next . The Confir m Network Settings dialog box opens (see Figure 3- 13 Confirm Network Settings dialog box ).
Figure 3-12 Printer Found dialog box If you click No, I want to insta ll a differen t printer and then click Next , the Check Prin ter Connecti on dialog box open s, advising you to make sure the cabl.
In the Confirm Networ k Settings dialog box, click Next to continue the in stallation. The Installation Type dialog box opens (see Figure 3- 20 Installat ion Type dialog b ox ). If you click Change Se ttings… , the Confirm Change Setting dialog box opens, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-15 Check Printer Connection dialog box If you click Search again fo r all available printers and then click Ne xt , the Searching dialog box opens (see Figure 3-8 Searching dialog box ). If you click Specify Printe r by addre ss and then click Next , the Specify Printer dialog box opens.
You can specify a printer by cl icking one of the follow ing option s and typing in the required information: ● Hardware Add ress (MAC) ● IP Address ● IP Hostnam e When you click Next , the Searching dia log box opens. When the search is finished, the Printer Found dialog box opens (see Figure 3- 11 Printers Fo und dialog box ).
Figure 3-18 Set Port Name dial og box Type a port name in the Port Name: field and click Next to open the Installation Type dialog box (see Figure 3- 20 Installation Type dialo g box ). Click Next to proceed with th e installation. The Installation Ty pe dialog box opens (see Figure 3- 20 Installation Type dialo g box ).
Figure 3 -19 Change TCP/IP Settings dialog bo x If you make a change in the IP Address: , Subnet Mask: , or Gatewa y: fields (without clicking Next ) and then click Suggest Settings… , the fields refresh with information that was found by the insta ller and repo rted in the Printer Found screen.
NOTE The componen ts of a Full Installation mi ght vary from device to device. Click Basic Installation to install only the HP PCL 6 Unidriver (Windows 20 00, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003) or the HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver (Windows 98 a nd Windows Me) screen fonts.
Figure 3 -22 Driver Details dialog box All the drivers that are a vailable in the Drivers dia log box are described in the Deta ils dialog box. Click OK to return to the Drivers dialog box. In the Drivers dialog box, click Next to continue the i nstallation.
To view details about the additional software, click Det ails . The additional software Details dialog box appears . Figure 3-24 Additional software Details dialog box All the software that i s available in the Additional Software dialog box is de scribed in the Details dialog box.
Figure 3 -25 Ready to Install dialog box Click Install to start the installation process. Click Printer Properties to open the Printer Properti es dialog box.
Figure 3-26 Printer Properties General tab On the General tab, you can change th e printer name by typing a new name in the Printer Name field. Use the Location: and Comment: fields to describe the printer.
Figure 3 -27 Printer Properties Sharing tab On the Sharing tab, Not Shared is the default setting. To share th e printer, click th e Shared as: op tion and type the p rinter name in the text field. NOTE When you do not sha re the printer, additiona l driv er support is not ava ilable.
Figure 3-28 Addi tional Drivers dialog box NOTE If you want to supp ort automatic driver down loads to clients from the computer that you are using to insta ll the printer, select the Windows 98 and Me chec k box and click OK . The Additio nal Drivers dialog box does no t appear if the compute r is running Windows 98 or Windows Me.
Figure 3 -29 Installing dialog box This dialog box remain s on the screen until the stat us bar fills. Click Cancel to close the Installer Custom ization Wizard without installin g the printing- system software. At a certain point, the Ca ncel button disappears a nd the process cannot be revoked.
Figure 3-30 Finish di alog box Click Fini sh to close the Finish dialog box and exit the Installer Customiza tion Wizard. NOTE Depending o n the type of installation and selected options, you might or might not be presented with some additi onal steps after you click Finish .
Figure 3 -31 HP LaserJet 5200 Ne xt Steps dialog box To verify that the printer is connected, click Print Driver Test Page . Figure 3 -32 Test Pa ge dialog box If the test page prints correctly, click OK to continue. If i t does not print, open the printer properties tab and try to print an other test page.
Figure 3-33 HP Reg istration screen Install print drivers by using Add Printer Use the following ste ps to install the print driv ers by using the MS Windows Add Printer tool: 1. Insert t he CD in the CD-ROM d rive. 2. Go to the Add a printer fea ture in MS Windows.
If the computer is running a 64-bit MS Windows ope rating system, you must install th e corresponding 64-bit print driv er. The 64-bit prin t drivers are included on the softw are CD-ROM. Use the following steps to install a print drive r by using the Add Printer fe ature.
customiza tion wizard on the main menu of the software CD browser. Using this option, administrators can create a si lent (unattended) installer that is customized with any of the following selections.
Figure 3 -34 Language Selection d ialog box Select a language and click OK. The Welcome dialog box app ears, as shown in the following figure. Figure 3 -35 Welcome to the HP LaserJet 5200 Installation Cus tomization Wizard screen Click Next in the Welcome to th e HP LaserJet 5200 Installation Customization Wizard dialog box.
Figure 3-36 Installer Customization Wizard Welcome dialog bo x To cancel the in stallation, click Cancel on this or a ny other screen where it appears (see Help, Back, Next, and Cancel bu ttons ). Read the softwar e-license agreement, click I agree , and then click Next to ope n the Language dialog box.
Figure 3 -37 Language dialog box NOTE The customized installer limits all system instal lations of the device to the language that is selected in the Language dialog box. Mainten ance mode on systems where installation has been completed by using the customized inst a ller does not provide op tions for changing the language.
Figure 3-38 Printer Port d ialog box Click Network Path to make the text field availab le for a queue name entry. If you click Network Path and click the Browse , the Browse for Printer dialog box o pens.
Navigate to a printer and click OK to record t he path in the Network Path field in the Printer Port dialog box. Click Cancel to close the Browse for Printer dialog box. Select Local Port and then click Next to open the Connector Type dialog box. The Connecto r Type dialog box includes all types of local ports regardless of local support.
Figure 3-41 Specify TCP/IP Port dialog box Click IP A ddress to make the field available for typing the T CP/IP address for the printer. Only numerals are allowed in this field. If th is option is selected, you must type at least one digit in the IP Address field to prevent an error message from appearing and prompting you for a valid IP address.
Figure 3 -42 Port Creation Options dialog box Click No, do no create the port (the printer will not be installed) if you do not want to create a port. Click Yes, cr eate the po rt and click Next to ope n the Drivers dialog b ox, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-43 Driv ers dialog box Any combination of feat ures can be selected for th e installer, and none depends on any other selectio n. It is possible to create a custom inst aller that installs features without including a print dr iver. Select the drivers you want to in stall (or select none of them if you are not installing a driver).
Figure 3 -44 Driver Details dialog box All the drivers that are available on the Drivers dialog box are described in the Details dialog box. Click OK to return to the Drivers dialog box. On the Drivers dialog box, click Next to continue the installation.
Figure 3-45 Addi tional Software dialog box To view details about the additional software, click Det ails . The additional software Details dialog box appears .
Figure 3 -46 Additional software De tails dialog box All the software that yo u selected in the Additi onal Software dialog box i s described in the Deta ils dialog box.
Figure 3-47 Custom Installer Location dialog box Use the Location: text fie ld to type a description of the physica l location of the printer. The field is large, but is limited as to the n umber of characters that it can accommod ate.
Figure 3 -48 Ready to Create Install er dialog box NOTE The location fo r the installer package defaults to c:<name of printer> . NOTE During insta llation, several files, inclu ding system files, are placed at the root of the directory that appears in the Location field.
Figure 3-49 Pri nter Properties General tab On the Gene ral tab, you can change the printer name by typing a new na me in the Printer Name: field. Use the Location: and Comment: fields to describe the printer.
Figure 3 -50 Printer Proper ties Sharing tab On the Sharing tab, Not Shared is the default setting . To share the printer, click Shared as: and type the printer nam e in the text field. NOTE To allow sharing across all operating systems, the share name should not exceed 7 characters.
In the Ready to Cr eate Installer dia log box, click Next to begin the process of copying an d installing the printing-system software folde rs and files. The Installing dialog box is show n in the following fi gure. Figure 3-52 Installing dialog box This dialog box remain s on the screen until the status bar fills.
Figure 3 -53 Finish dialog bo x Click Finish to close the Finis h dialog box and exit the Installer Customization Wizard. NOTE Depending on the type of installation an d selected options, you might or might not be presented with som e additional steps after you click Finish .
Point and Print installation for Windows 98, Windo ws Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 The following in formation helps you install a print driver by using th e Microsoft Point and Print function when you cannot see t he device on the network.
4 HP traditional print drivers for MS Windows Introduction This document descr ibes the features of th e trad itional print drivers for the HP LaserJet 5200 in Windows 98 and Wi ndows Me.
● Help system ● Finishing tab features ● Effects tab features ● Paper tab feat ures ● Job Storage tab features ● Basics tab features ● Configure tab feature s ● HP Traditional Postscri.
Access to print drivers in Windows 98 and Windows Me Depending on the operating system on which you ar e installing the print drivers, you can gain access to the print drivers and different prin t -dr.
● Paper tab ● Job Storage tab ● Basics tab ● Configur e tab Only device-specific HP driver tabs are described in this STR; the ot he r driver tabs are part of the operating system.
Help system The HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver and the HP Tradition al PCL 5 Driver include a full-featured Help system to provide assistance with prin ting and configuration options.
Whenever a co nstraint message appears with the OK and Cancel buttons, the interpretation of the buttons is as follows: ● Click OK to accept the change that was just made. Th e driver then resets the conflicting control to a setting that is compatible with the new value.
When the bubble i s selected by using either t he mouse or the keyboard, a message box appea rs that contains a brief explan ation about why the control is disabled and what can be done to enable it. If the control is not disa bled, the message is a tip or a pr ecaution that you should be aware of when using that particular feature.
Finishing tab features To gain access to the Finishing tab in Windows 98 or Windows Me, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers .
The Finishing tab co ntains the following controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Document O ptions ● Document preview image ● Print Quality Print Task Quick Sets The first group box in the upper portion of th e Fini shing tab is Print Task Quick Sets .
The following tab le shows the default settings for Print Task Quick Sets . See HP Driver Preconfiguration for information about precon figurable driver settings. Table 4- 1 Print Task Quick Set default values for the H P LaserJet 52 00 printer Driver feature Feature se tting location U.
Driver feature Featu re setting location U.S. English Print Task Quick Sets for Default values Preconfigurable 1 Watermark message angle (angle) Effects tab, Watermark Details dia log box (Click Edit for Watermark Details .
Driver feature Feature se tting location U.S. English Print Task Quick Sets for Default values Preco nfigurable 1 Landscape Basics tab, Orientation group box Available, not selected Yes Rotate by 180 degrees Basics tab, Orientation group box Available, not selected Yes 1 Preconfigurable by using one of the HP Preconf iguration tools.
Print on Both Sides The default setting for the Print on Both Sides option is off (not selected). Print on Both Sides is available wh en the following conditions exist: ● Type is: on the Paper tab i.
Automatically print on both sides The duplexing unit in the device prints o n two sides of a sheet of paper when the Print on Both Sides option is specified i n the print job.
Select the media type that co rresponds to the medi a that you are using for the print job. The fo llowing media types have a d ifferent print modes when you man ually print on the second side: ● Pl.
Figure 4-4 Print o n Both Sides Instructions dialog box When you have comple ted the steps that appear in th e dialog box, the second half of the print job prints on the back side of the stack of media . The driver does no t require the progra m to specific ally support odd- and even-pa ge printing, because th e driver coordinates this function.
Short-side binding is for print jobs with pages that read by flipping over like the pages of a calend ar. Long-side bind ing is for print jobs with pa ges that read by turn ing like the pages of a book.
● Last Page ● Back Cover A booklet is a print job that places two pages on each side of a she et that can be folded into a boo klet that is half the size of the me dia type. Use the Booklet Pr inting drop-down men u on the Fini shing tab to control booklet settings.
Page Order The Page Orde r dr op-down menu contains the following selections: ● Right, then Down ● Down, then Right ● Left, then Down ● Down, then Left The document preview image change s to reflect alteration s in these settings, as sh own by the examples in the following fi gure.
Print Quality The HP LaserJe t 5200 print-dr iver Print Quality group box provides options that co ntrol output settings and font settings. The following optio ns are available in the Print Quality group box: The Print Quality Details dialog box opens.
● Font Settings ● Output Settings Current Setting The Current Se tting group box has two settings in th e HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver. When you make a change in the Print Quality Details dialog bo.
● Use the Scale Patterns (WYSIWYG) featur e to address the moiré ef fect that is created when certain prog rams encounter certai n patterns. Use th is feature to turn off the pattern scaling. Wh at you lose is WYSIWYG with patterns, but the prin ted result migh t look better.
Current Setting The Current Se tting group box has two settings in th e HP Traditional PCL 5 Driver. When you make a change in t he Print Quality Details dialog box, the setting chang es from the sett.
typeface against a dark background.) Thi s setting does not affect graphic images on the page, n or does it affect any text t hat is part of a graphic. ● Edge-to-Edge Printing . Select this check box to allow ne ar edge-to-edge printing on t he media size specified.
Effects tab features To gain access to the Effects tab in Windows 98 or Windows Me, follow th ese steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Effects tab. Use the Effects tab to create uniqu e media effects such as scaling and wa termarks.
The Effects tab co ntains the following controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Fit To Page ● Document preview image ● Waterma rks Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat ion of driver setti ngs that appear on all other Properties driver tabs.
Figure 4 -9 Preview images – Legal on Letter ; Scale to Fit off (left) and on (right) When the size for w hich the document is formatt ed (that is, the logical size) di ffers from the target size, the document preview i mage uses a dashed gray lin e to show the boundaries of the log ical page in relation to the target pag e size.
● Paper ● Basics Watermarks Use the Watermarks feature to select a watermark, create your own custom watermarks (text only), or edit an existing wa termark.
Figure 4 -10 Watermark Details dia log box The dialog bo x shows a document preview image an d provides options for creating a new watermark and controlling the message angle and the font attributes. The Watermark Details dialog box contai ns the following controls: NOTE This section also contai ns information about default wa termark settings.
To create a new watermark, click New . The new watermark appears in the Curr ent Watermark s list and in the Watermark Message edit box as Untitled until you name it. To name the new watermark, type the selected watermark te xt in the Watermark Message edit box.
The Font Attributes group box contains the following controls: ● Name The Name drop-down me nu lists TrueType fonts that are curren tly installed on the s ystem. The default is language-de pendent. ● Color The Color drop-down men u contains only one option: Gray .
Table 4- 3 Font Attribute setting s for new and preset watermarks Setting New watermark Preset watermark Name Arial Varies by language Color Gray Gray Shading Very Li ght Very Li ght Size 80 Varies by language Style Regul ar Regular Click OK to accept all of the changes that have been made in the Watermark Details dialog b ox.
Paper tab features To gain access to the Paper tab in Windows 98 or Windows Me, follow th ese steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Paper tab. Use the Paper tab to specify th e size, type, and source of th e med ia.
The Paper tab co ntains the following contro ls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Paper Options ● Document preview image ● Device image Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat ion of driver setti ngs that appear on all other Properties driver tabs.
NOTE When you move the mouse cursor over the dimensions label, the cursor changes from an arrow to a gl oved hand. Click the d imensions la bel to toggle between English and me tric units. You can sp ecify size for all of the settings in the Paper Options group bo x.
When the Custom Paper Size dialog box appears, th e drop-down menu in the Name group contains one of two things, depen ding on the current paper-size sel ection on the Paper tab: ● If the paper-size selection is a previously defined custom size, th en the drop-down menu contains the name of that cu stom size.
Save, Delete, or Rename The dynamic command button located under the Name drop-down me nu has three possible labe ls: Save , Delete , and Rename . ● Save is the button title whene ver the height and width values have been changed since the most recent save action or since the selection of an existing custom media size.
State Drop-dow n menu contents Button label Action Next state 4 <user-typ ed text> Rename Click Rename (when the name is unique). 3 Click Ren ame (when the name is a duplicate). 4 Type something into the Name drop-down menu. 4 Change the width or height values.
Tray Dimensions Minimum Maximum Duplexing unit Width 148.0 mm (5.83 inches) 297 mm (11.7 inches) Height 210.0 mm (8.26 inches) 432 mm (17 inches) Dynamic meas urement units Use the dynamic measurement units butto n to to ggle the unit of meas urement between standard (inches) and metric (millimeters) uni ts of measurement.
The Source is: drop-down menu can contain the following options, dep ending on what has been installed on the de vice: ● Automatically sele ct ● Manual Feed in Tray 1 ● Tray 1 (100-sheet multipurpose tray) ● Tray 2 (250-sheet tray) ● Tray 3 (optional 500-sheet tray) The default setting is Au tomatically Select .
When you change the prin t-driver setting to a medi a type th at is not currently loaded in the device, a control-panel message appears that prompts you to load the med ia type or select another tray. Use Different Paper/Covers You can print boo ks that are comprised of different media types using the Us e Different Paper/ Covers options.
The following are the Front Cover options: ● Add a Blank or Preprinted C over check box ● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu When you select Front Cover , you must also select the Add a Blank or Preprinted Cover check box to enable th e setting.
The Type is: drop-down menu shows all of the m edia types th at the device supports. Other Pages Use the Other Pages options to select a n alternative media source (or the same sour ce as First Page ) for the other pages of the document. The Other Pages setting and options are shown in the following figure.
Figure 4-17 Last Page options The following are the Last Page options: ● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu The Source is: setting specifies the source tray to use fo r printing a document. The list of source trays depends on the device accessories that are installed.
The following a re the Back Cover options: ● Add a Blank o r Preprinted Cover check box ● Source is: drop -down menu ● Type is: drop-down men u When you select Back Cover , you must also select the Add a Blank or Preprinted Cover check box to enable the setting .
Job Storage tab features To gain access to the Job Storage tab, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Job Storage tab. NOTE The Job Storage tab appears only when at least 80 MB of total memory is installed and configured.
3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Configure tab. 7. Click More… . 8. Click to clear the Job Storage Enabled check box in the More Configuration Op tions box.
Figure 4-19 Job Storage tab Topics: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Status dialog box ● Job Stor age Mode ● PIN ● Job Notification Options ● User Name ● Job Name ● Using job-st orage feature.
Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combi nat ion of driver sett in gs that appear on all other Properties driver tabs. Prin t Task Quick Sets are either preset (by the adm inistrator) or user-defined printing specificat ions, such as media s ize and pages p er sheet.
Private Job To use the Private Job option, the job-storage feat ure must be enabled, a nd the device must have a minimum total me mory of 80 MB. When you select Private Job , the pr int job is sent to the device, but is not printed until you request the job at the device control pane l.
Job Name Use the Job Na me options to specify a name to identify the job at the device control panel. The following are the Job Name settings: ● <Automatic> This opti on, which is the default selection, autom atically generates the job name that is associated with the stored print jo b.
Releasing a job-storage print job After you send a print job that uses the job-storage featu re, you can release th e job to print from the device control panel.
Basics tab features To gain access to the Basics tab in Windows 9 8 or Windows Me, follow these step s: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers .
The Basics tab contains the following contro ls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Copies ● Orientation ● Document preview image ● About… Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat ion of driver setti ngs that appear on all other Properties driver tabs.
The Orientation g roup box contai ns three options: ● Portrait . The top edg e of the document is the shorte r edge of the media. ● Landscape . The top edge of the documen t is the longer edge of the media. ● Rotate by 180 deg rees . This creates a landscape or portrait orientation in which th e image is rotated 180 °.
Figure 4-21 About This Driver dialog box The About This Dr iver dialog box pr ovides the following information: ● Printer name ● Driver name ● Print driver version number ● Copyright informati.
Configure tab features To gain access to the Configure tab in Windows 98 or Windows Me, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Configure tab. Use the Configure tab to tell the driver about the device ha rdware configuration.
Figure 4-22 Configure tab The Configure tab contains the following controls : ● Printer Model ● Paper Handling Op tions ● Other Options ● Automatic configuration ● Printer image Printer Model In the Printer Model group box, the d river title depends on the printer mo del that is being used.
The Printer Model setting automatically changes to User Con figured whenever you chang e any of the device configuration settings on the tab. The list of models and the changes t hey produce are des cribed in th e following table.
● Duplexing unit ● Allow Manual Duplexing ● Mopier Enabled ● Optional Paper So urces Duplexing unit The HP LaserJet 5200tn and HP LaserJet 5200dtn pr in ter models are equipped with automatic 2-side d printing (duplexing), wh ich you can use to print on both sides of supporte d media.
To receive uncollated mul tiple copies of a print job with the mopier enabled, you must clear th e Ignore Application Collation check box and make sure that the software progra m collation feature is not selected. The following tab le shows the relation between Mopier Enabled settings and collation settings in the software program and the driver.
Figure 4-23 More Con figuration Options dialog box The More Configuration Options dialog box contai ns the following controls : ● Storage ● Fonts ● Alternative Letterh ead Mode ● Ignore Applic.
Figure 4 -24 Config ure Font Cards dialog box Use the Configure Fo nt Cards dialog box to pe rform the following tasks : ● Add up to four font cards by clicking the Add button. ● Specify a unique font-ca rd name. ● Select specific font card da ta files that contain lists of fonts on specified cards.
NOTE When using fon t cards with the HP Trad itional PCL 6 Driver and HP Traditional PCL 5 Driver: To install scre en font s that match the font card , use th e .HPB file that is specifically designed to work with that card. If no screen fo nts exist for the card, use the .
If the Update Now button is not avail able, select the ap propriate con figuration options on the Configure tab. If you have more than one driver installed on your device (for example, the default HP .
HP Traditional Postscript 3 Emulation Driver features When you install the printing-system software in Windows 98 or Windows Me, the HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver is installed by defaul t.
● Fonts ● Device Options ● PostScript PS 3 emulation support for the HP LaserJet 5200 A set of 92 postscript soft fonts is included with the printi ng-syst em software. If yo u want to per manently install soft fonts in the printer, postscript fonts are available fro m HP in an optional font DIMM.
3. Click Printers . 4. Right-click the device name. 5. Click Properties . 6. Click the Paper tab. The Paper tab controls media and finishi ng options for the HP PS Emulation Driver.
● More Options… ● About … ● Restore Defaults Paper size The Paper size selection area lists the paper or envelope sizes that the HP LaserJet 5200 printer supports. Use the scroll ba r to scroll through the lis t of su pported media sizes (forms), an d then click the icon to specify the media that you want .
Layout Use the settings in th is group box to specify how m any pages of the document print on a single sheet. For example, clicking 1 up prints one page of the document on ea ch sheet. Clicking 2 up prints two pages on each sheet of paper, dividing the sh eet in half.
● Tray 1 throug h Tray 3 , if installed on the device. If a ny of these trays are not installed, a red circle with a slash throug h it appe ars next to the tray name. ● Each of the paper types th at the HP La serJet 5200 printer supports, su ch as Plain , Preprinted , and Letterhe ad .
NOTE As a rule, extra memory need not be installe d on the HP LaserJet 5200 printer in order to print o n both sides. How ever, very complex double-sided print jobs might require addition al memory. Use the settings in th is group box to specify how yo u want to turn the page if you print on both sides.
Figure 4 -31 Graphi cs tab The Graphics tab contains the follow ing controls: ● Resolution ● Halftoning ● Special ● Scaling ● Restore Defaults Resolution Use the Resolution drop-down m enu to specify the resolution for printing. Re solu tion is measured in dots per inch (dpi ).
Halftoning The Halftoning options specify values for the numbe r of lines per inch (frequency) an d angle of the pattern that you want to use for halftone scr eens. If print jobs have a moiré pattern when you p rint gr aphics such as photographs or detailed im ages, you might want to adjust the se settings.
Figure 4 -32 Fonts tab The following o ptions are available: ● Send TrueType fonts to printer according to the Font Substitution Table ● Always use built-in printer font s instead of TrueType font.
Figure 4-33 Font Su bstitution Table Always use built-in printer font s instead of TrueType fonts Click this option to use font- matching rules to find the best printer font to su bstitute for TrueType fonts in your docu ment. TrueType fonts are not downlo aded when the document is printed.
Figure 4 -34 Send Fonts As… dialog box The following o ptions are available: ● Send TrueType fonts as . This control offers the following settings: ● Outlines . Use this setting for scalable outlines. ● Bitmaps . Use this setting for bitmaps. ● Type 42 .
Using printe r fonts can speed up p rinting because th e TrueType fonts do not have to be downloaded. However, the fonts in the printed document might not exactly match the fonts on the screen. ● Send PostScript fonts as . Use this option to specify whether to download PostScript fonts to the printer.
Figure 4 -35 Device Options tab Changes that you make to the Device Optio ns tab are not reflected in the Prope rties settings until the modified device settin gs have been applied and the Properties tabs have been re-opened.
Available printer memory The Available pr inter memory control specifies the amount of me mory in the device. If the value in this control does not match the amount of memory in the printer model, use the spin box to sp ecify the correct amount of memory.
User The default value for this setting is System Name (if available) . Addi tional values for this setting include numbers 1 through 20. PIN digit 1 (for Private Job) The default value fo r the PIN digi t 1 (for Private Job) setting is 0 . PIN digit 2 (for Private Job) The default value fo r the PIN digi t 2 (for Private Job) setting is 0 .
If the job-storage feature is enabled (wit h at least 80 MB of total memory), two Job Storage Mode settings are availab le on the Job St orage tab: ● Proof and Hold ● Private Job To use job-storage fea tures when printing, follow thes e steps: 1. Click File and then click Print from the s oftware progr am.
4. Press ( up ) and ( down ) to scroll to the job name, and then press ( select ). 5. Press ( up ) and ( down ) until DELETE is highlighted on the device control panel, and then press ( select ).
● Company Pr ivate ● Confident ial ● Copy ● Copyright ● File Copy ● Final ● For Internal Use Only ● Preliminary ● Proof ● Review Copy ● Sample ● Top Secret ● Urgent ● Custo.
Watermark Style The Watermark Style featur e contains the following o ptions: ● Narrow Outline ● Medium Outline (defau lt) ● Wide Outli ne ● Wide Halo Outline ● Filled Watermark Intensity Th.
● VMOption Tray 3 This control specifies whet her you have an optio nal 500-sheet feeder tray ( Tray 3 ) installed on the printer. The default setting is Uninstalled .
VMOption This option shows the amount of virtual memory (RAM ) in the device. The following option s are available: ● 48 MB ● 64 MB (default) ● 80 MB ● 96 MB ● 112 MB ● 128 MB ● 176 MB .
Figure 4-36 PostScript tab The PostScript tab contains the fo llowing controls and options: ● PostScript outp ut format ● PostScript head er ● Print PostScript error information ● PostScript t.
● Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) . Use this setting to include th e file as an image in another document that is to be prin ted from a different program. ● Archive F ormat . Use this setting to create a Post Script file that you can use later. ● PJL archive format .
Figure 4-37 Advan ced PostScript Options dialog box The following option s are available on the Advanced PostScript Option s dialog box: ● PostScript Language Level ● Bitmap compression ● Data f.
Data format This control specifies the p rotocol that the device us es for print jobs. The following options are available: ● ASCII data . This is the default se tting.
194 Chapter 4 HP tra ditional print drivers for MS Windows ENWW HP traditional print drivers for MS Windows.
5 HP PCL 6, PCL 5, and PS emulation unidrivers for MS Windows Introduction This document descr ibes the features of th e HP LaserJet 5200 unidrivers. Th e unidrivers are the HP PCL 6 Unidriver, the HP.
● Effects tab features ● Finishing tab features ● Job Storage tab features ● Services tab features ● Device Settings tab fe atures ● About tab feat ures 196 Chapter 5 HP PCL 6, PC L 5, and.
Access to print drivers in Wi ndows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 Depending on the operating system on which you ar e installing the print drivers, you can gain access to the print drivers.
The following Printing Preferences print-driver t abs are available: ● Advanced ● Paper/Quality ● Effects ● Finishing ● Job Storage ● Services All of these tabs are device-spec ific, and are therefor e described in detail in this docu ment.
Help system The HP PCL 6 Unidriver, the HP PCL 5 Unidriver, and the PS Emulation Unidriver include a full-f eatured Help system to provide assistance with printing and configuration options.
Figure 5-1 An I ncompatible Print Se ttings message To accept the change that was just made, click the Resolve all conflicts for me au tomatically option and then click OK . The driver resets the conflicting control to a setting that is compatible with the new value.
Advanced tab features To gain access to the Advanced tab, follow these steps: 1. click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003) or Printers and Other Hardware Devi ces (Windows XP Home ).
Figure 5-2 T he default appearance of the Ad vanced tab The Advanced tab contains th e following controls: ● Paper/Output ● Graphic ● Document Opti ons Paper/Output The Paper/Output settings con.
Copy Count Copy Count spec ifies the number of copies to print. This driver setting is useful for software programs that do not provide a copy count. If a copy count is av ailable in the software program, set the copy cou nt in the software pr ogram. The number of copies th at you requ est appears in the Copy Count op tion.
Document Options The Document Optio ns setting contains the following controls: ● Advanced Prin ting Features ● Print Optimizations Advanced Printing Featur es When the Advanced Pr inting Features.
Select one of the follo wing settings in th e PostScript Language Leve l drop-down menu: ● 3 ● 2 ● 1 The default setting is 3 . It is usually better to sele ct the highest number a va ilable, because it provid es more features . In some instances, lower numbers might be necessary.
Use the Graphics Mode feature to sele ct one of the following settings: ● Send Graphics as Ve ctor . Select this setting to send graphics to the devi ce as a combination of HP Graphics Language, version 2 (HP-GL/2), and ra ster images. This setting might pr oduce higher-quality output.
Paper/Quality tab features To gain access to the Paper/ Quality tab, follow these steps: 1. click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Profession al and Windows Ser ver 2003) or Printers and Other Hardware Device s (Windows XP Home).
Figure 5-3 Paper/Quality tab The Paper/Quality tab contains the following control sets: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Paper Options ● Use Different Pape r/Covers ● Document preview image ● Print Quality Print Task Quick Sets The first group b ox in the upper portion of the Paper/Quality tab is Print Task Quick Sets .
the Paper/Quality tab affects all the Printing Preferences drive r tabs that have the Print Task Quick Sets setting: ● Paper/Quality ● Effects ● Finishing ● Job Stora ge Use the Print Task Qui.
Driver feature Feature settin g location Default values for U.S. English Print Task Quick Sets Preconfigurable 1 Print Page Borders Finishing tab, Docum ent Options group box Unavailable Yes Page Orde.
Driver feature Feature setting location Default values for U.S. English Print Task Quick Sets Preconfigurable 1 Type is: Paper/Quality tab, Paper Options group box Unspecified Yes Economode Paper/Qual.
● On the Finishin g tab, Pages per Shee t is set to 2 pages per sheet . ● On the Finishin g tab, Page Order is set to Right then Down . Default Print Settings By default, the Print Task Quick Sets menu is set to Default Print Settings .
The appearance of the Paper Options gro up box changes when the Use Differen t Paper/Covers check box is selected. The settings in th e Pape r Options group box are described in the followi ng order: .
Figure 5-5 Custom Paper Size dial og box Name Use the Name text box to type a new name for a custom media size. The name that appe ars in the Name text box depends on th e following conditions: ● If.
millimeter. Any non-nume rical entry reverts to the la st valid entry. Width and height entries are valid ated when the focus has changed. The resolution of each co ntrol is 1 millimeter or 1/ 10 of an inch, depending on the current measurement units.
than Automatically select , make sure that the correct media size is loade d in the source tray. For information about media sources, see the Media attributes section of this STR. Type is The Ty pe is: drop-down menu shows all of the media types that the HP LaserJet 5200 su pports.
Use Different Paper/Covers You can print boo ks that include different media types by using the Use Different Pap er/Covers options. When you select the Use Different Paper/Covers chec k box, the foll.
The following are the Front Cover options: ● Size is: drop-down menu ● Add a Blank or Preprinted C over check box ● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu The Size is: se tting specifies the media size to use fo r the entire print job.
The following a re the First Page options: ● Size is: drop-down menu ● Source is: drop -down menu ● Type is: drop-down men u The Size is: setting specifies the media size to use fo r the entire print job. Ch anges made to the Size is: setting here over ride any previous Size is: settings in other Use Differe nt Paper/Covers options.
The following are the Other Pages options : ● Size is: drop-down menu ● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu The Size is: se tting specifies the media size to use fo r the entire print job. Changes made to the Size is: setting h ere override any previous Size is: settings made in other Use Different Paper/Covers options.
The following a re the Last Page options: ● Size is: drop-down menu ● Source is: drop -down menu ● Type is: drop-down men u The Size is: setting specifies the media size to use fo r the entire print job. Ch anges made to the Size is: setting here over ride any previous Size is: settings in other Use Differe nt Paper/Covers options.
● Source is: drop-down menu ● Type is: drop-down menu The Size is: se tting specifies the media size to use fo r the entire print job. Changes made to the Size is: setting h ere override any previous Size is: settings in other Use Different Paper/Covers options.
Print Quality drop-down menu The Print Quality drop-down menu con tains the following co ntrols in the HP PCL 6 Unidri ver: ● ProRes 1200 (170 lpi) ● ProRes 1200 (141 lpi) ● FastRes 1 200 ● 600 dpi NOTE When a ProRes1200 settin g is selected, documents are pri nted using a resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi.
The EconoMode option can be activated from the printer control panel, from the Print Quality tab in the software applicat ion properties, or from the Print Quality dialog on the Paper-Quality tab in the driver.
Effects tab features To gain access to the Effects tab, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Profession al and Windows Ser ver 2003) or Printers and Other Hardware Device s (Windows XP Home).
Figure 5-11 Effects tab The Effects tab co ntains the following controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Resizing Options ● Document preview image ● Waterma rks Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat ion of driver setti ngs that appear on all other Printing Preferences driver tabs.
Resizing Options The Resizing Opti ons group box consists o f the following controls: ● Actual Size (default) ● Print Document O n setting ● Scale to Fit option ● % of Norma l Size setting Actual Size Actual Size is the default setting. It prints the do cument without changing the docu ment size.
When the size for which the document is formatted (tha t is, the logical size) differs from the ta rget size, the preview image uses a dashed gray line to show the bound aries of the logical pa ge in relation to the target page size. % of Normal Size The % of Normal Size option provides a slider bar to use for scaling the percentage setting.
● Draft ● SAMPLE The drop-down menu shows alphabet ically sorted watermarks that are currently available on the system, plus the string "(none) ", which indicates that no wa termark is selected. This is the default setting. Any watermark that is selected from this list ap pears in the preview image.
Current watermarks The Current Watermarks group box contains a list of av ai lable watermarks, both predefined watermarks that are available in the driver and any new wate rmarks that you have created.
The Font Attributes group box contains the following controls: ● Name The Name drop-down me nu lists fonts that are curr ently installed on the system . The default is language-dependent. ● Color The Color drop-down men u contains only one option: Gray .
Table 5- 3 Font Attribute setting s for new and preset watermarks Setting New watermark Preset watermark Name Arial Varies by language Color Gray Gray Shading Very Li ght Very Li ght Size 80 Varies by language Style Regul ar Regular Click OK to accept all of the changes that have been made in the Watermark Details dialog b ox.
Finishing tab features To gain access to the Finishing tab, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Win dows XP) or Printers a nd Faxes (Windows XP Professional and Windows Ser ver 2003) or Printers and Other Hardware Device s (Windows XP Home).
Figure 5-14 Finishing tab The Finishing tab contains the followi ng controls: ● Print Task Quick Sets ● Document options ● Document preview image ● Orientation Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combinat ion of driver setti ngs that appear on all other Printing Preferences driver tabs.
Document options The Documen t Options group bo x contains the following controls: ● Correct Order for Rear Bin ● Print on Both Sides ● Flip Pages Up ● Booklet layout ● Pages per Sheet ● P.
NOTE As a rule, extra memory need not be installe d on the HP LaserJet 5200 printer in order to print o n both sides. How ever, very complex double-sided print jobs might require addition al memory.
Select the media type that co rresponds to the medi a that you are using for the print job. The fo llowing media types have a d ifferent print modes when you man ually print on the second side: ● Pl.
Figure 5-15 Print on Both Si des Instructions dialog box When you have comple ted the steps that appear in th e dialog box, the second half of the print job prints on the back side of the stack of media . The driver does no t require the progra m to specific ally support odd- and even-pa ge printing, because th e driver coordinates this function.
Short-side binding is for print jobs with pages that read by flipping over like the pages of a calend ar. Long-side bind ing is for print jobs with pa ges that read by turn ing like the pages of a book.
5. Select the Print on Both Sides ch eck box. 6. In the Booklet Layout drop-down menu, select the typ e of booklet printing that yo u want (for example, Right Edge Bind ing ). 7. Click OK in the print driver. 8. Click OK in the print dialog box to print.
Figure 5 -16 Page-order preview images ● 2 pages per sheet ● 4 pages per sheet ● 6 pages per sheet ● 9 pages per sheet ● 16 pages per sheet Document preview image The document p review image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents graphi cs and text.
Job Storage tab features To gain access to the Job Storage tab, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2 000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003) or Printers and Other Hardwa re Devices (Windows XP Home).
To disable the jo b-storage feature, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Profession al and Windows Ser ver 2003) or Printers and Other Hardware Device s (Windows XP Home).
Figure 5-17 Job Storage tab NOTE This section also contains information about using the job-storage feature when printing. The Job Storage tab contains the f ollowing controls: ● Print Task Quick Se.
Print Task Quick Sets Use the Print Task Quick Sets control to store the current combi nat ion of driver sett in gs that appear on all other Printing Preferences driv er tabs. Print task quick sets are either preset or user-defined printing specifications, such as media size and pages per she et.
NOTE The device co nfiguration can be set to hold a maximum of 50 quick-copy or proof-and- hold jobs. The numbe r is set at the device control pa nel in the CONFIGU RATION menu, and the default is 32. When this pres et limit is reac he d, the new document ov erwrites the oldest hel d document.
User Name Use the User Name settings to help iden tify the job at the device control panel. T he following are the User Name settings: ● Windows User Name. This option associates your MS Windo ws user name with the stored print job. The MS Windows user name auto matically appears in the text field below the Wind ows User Name options.
Using job-storage features when printing To use job-storage fea tures when printing, follow thes e steps: 1. Click File and then click Print from the s oftware progr am. The Print dialog box appears. NOTE Clicking the print icon in the software pr ogram toolbar p rints the job without using job-storage feature s.
Deleting a job-storage print job Sometimes it is necessary to delete a print job from the device memory. You can do this from the device control panel.
Services tab features To gain access to the Servi ces tab, follow these steps: 1. Click Start . 2. Select Settings . 3. Click Printers (Windows 2 000) or Printers and Faxes (Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003) or Printers and Other Hardwa re Devices (Windows XP Home).
The Services tab contain s the following fe atures: ● Internet S ervices ● Device services Internet Services The Internet Service s group box contains the Select a destinati on drop-down menu with the follow ing selections: ● Online diagnostic too ls .
Device Settings tab features The Device Settings tab is in the Properties wind ow for the print driver. To gain access to the Devi ce Settings tab, follow th ese steps: 1.
Figure 5 -20 PS Emulation Unidriver Device Settings tab The Device Settings tab contains the following controls: ● Form to Tray Assignment ● Font Substitution Ta ble ● External Fonts ● PS Emul.
The trays listed in the Form to Tray Assignment setting include standard trays and optional a ccessory trays. Generally, items that are inst a lled separately have a separate Inst allable Options settin g. The input trays listed here are also listed as media sources on the Paper/Quality tab.
External Fonts NOTE The External Fonts opti on is available only in the HP PCL 6 and PCL unidrive rs. It is not available in th e PS Emulation Unidriver. Use the External Fonts option to install and remove external fonts for the device. External fonts can be soft fonts or DIMM fonts.
8. Click Properties . The HP Font Installer dialog box appears. 9. Type the name and path of th e font me tric file in the Printer Font F ile Location text box, or click Browse to locate the file on the computer . The font file names appear in the Font(s) to be Added window.
● Maximum Font S ize to Download a s Outline Available PostScript Memory This control specifies th e amount of available postscript memory and provides a spin box for changing this value. The available po stscript memory is a subset of the device total physical memory.
Convert Gray Text to PostScript Gray This control specifies whether to convert the true gr ay value (RGB) in text to the gray provided by the PS Emulation Driver.
default settin g is 600 pixel(s) . You can use the sp in box to change this value to a ma ximum of 32,767 pixels. Installable Options Topics: ● Automatic Configuration ● Tray 3 ● Duplex Unit (fo.
NOTE These printer mode ls support smart duplex ing. The device uses the smart dup lexing feature to detect information on bo th sides of the print job pages and runs the pages th rough the duplexing unit only if th ere is printable informatio n on the second side of th e page.
When you disable the mop ier, you are not necessar ily disabling mopying, wh ich the driver can still perform thro ugh the softwa re rather than the d evice hardware (the mopying path that is disabled when you change the Mopy Mode setting to Disabled ).
JPEG Passthrough (PS Emu lation Unidriver only) The JPEG Passthrou gh setting contains th e following options: ● Disable . When this option is selected, images sent as JPEG are printed as bitmaps, res ulting in faster prin ting. ● Enable . When this option is selected, imag es sent as JPEG are printed as JPEG (JPEG passthrough).
About tab features The About tab is in the Properties for the print driver. To gain access t o the print driver Properties , click Start on the MS Window task ba r, select Settings , and then click Pr.
The About lists driver installati on file names and their version numbe rs. The About tab also indicates whether the driver was autoco nfigured, whether ad ministrator prefere nces were set, the date the driver was last configured, and whether the conf iguration is defau lt or user-defined.
6M a c i n t o s h Introduction The HP LaserJet 5200 comes wi th printing software and installers for Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh operating systems.
Macintosh printing-s ystem software The HP LaserJet 5200 printing system for Macintos h is co mposed of the Print Center (Mac OS X V10.2.8) or the Printer Setup Utility (Mac OS X V10.3 or late r) and HP-created post script printer definition (PPD) and printer dialo g extension (P DE) files.
● In-box pr inting-system so ftware CDs Printing-system software on the Web All software that is cont ained on the installation CD is also available on the Web. Web deployment is the preferred meth od for obtaining the latest software. The Web site off ers an option for automatic e-mail notification ab out new software releases.
The Macintosh printing-system soft ware files are grouped by language and reside in the following directories: ● Mac OS X (the HP LaserJet Installer) ● PDF (manuals) CD versions The software CD for the HP LaserJet 5200 contains the files for installing the printing-system software on the computer.
● RU = Russian (Russ) ● TR = Turkish (Turkçe) ● CD EE – Eastern Europe (part number Q7 533-60104): ● CS = Czech (C esky) ● EN = English ● HU = Hungarian (Magyar) ● PL = Polish (Polski.
Macintosh install and uninstall instructions The HP LaserJet 5200 printer comes with software and installers for MS Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh systems. Linux and UNIX syst ems sup port the HP LaserJet 5200 printer, and software is available on the Web.
HP Embedded Web Server Mac OS X supports the HP Embedde d Web Server (H P EWS ). Use the HP Printer Utility to control the features that are not available in the drive r. Use the HP EWS to perform the fo llowing tasks: ● Name the device, assign it to a zone on the network, and change device settings.
General installation for M acintosh operating systems 1. Insert the Macintosh printing-system software C D into the CD-ROM drive. NOTE If the CD screen does not open automatically, double-click the h p LaserJet 5200 CD-ROM icon on the desktop to open the CD-ROM window.
Figure 6 -1 hp Laser Jet 5200 CD-ROM icon The hp Laser Jet Software dialog box opens. Figure 6 -2 hp LaserJet Softwar e screen In the hp LaserJe t Software pane, double-click the Mac OS X fo lder to open it. In the Mac OS X folder, double-click the HP LaserJet v.
Figure 6-4 Authenticate dialo g box Type the corre ct “admin” password and click OK to continue. The installer startup screen appears. Click Cancel to exit th e installation. Figure 6-5 HP L aserJet for Macintosh in staller start up-screen dialog b ox Click Continue .
Figure 6 -6 License dialog bo x Click Print… to open t he Page Setup dialog box fo r your default printer and print a cop y of the license agreement. Click Save As… to open the system Save dialog box and sa ve the license agreement to disk. Click Decline to end the installation process and close the installer.
The default option in the drop-down menu at the top of the screen is Eas y Install . You can also select Custom Install in the same menu. Click Install to start the installation on the selected disk Click Quit to quit the Installer withou t making changes to the system.
Figure 6 -10 LaserJet ReadMe icon A pop-up message st ating that the inst allation was successful also appears. Figure 6 -11 Installation success message Click Quit to exit the installer.
3. Select the device and click Add . The Printer Browser screen appears, as shown in the following figure. Figure 6-13 Printer Browser screen 278 Chapter 6 Macintosh ENWW Macintosh.
4. Click IP Printer to see printer information. The Printer Info screen appears. Figure 6-14 Installable Op tions screen 5. If the device ha s the optional 500-sheet tray 3, select HP 500-Sheet Input Tray in the Tr ay 3 drop- down menu.
NOTE A printer hard disk is not available for the HP LaserJe t 5200 printer. Do not select the RAM Disk setting. 9. Select the Name & Location setting. The Name and Location screen a ppears, as shown in the following figure . Figure 6-15 N ame & Location screen 10.
Figure 6-16 Printer Browser screen – Default Browser tab 14. In the Name: field, type a name for the HP LaserJet 5200 printer. 15. In the L ocation: field, type the device location. 16. In the Print Using: field , select one of the following option s: ● Auto Sele ct (This is the default setting.
18. If you want to search for ad ditional printers, click More Prin ters . The Printer Browser search dialog box opens. Figure 6-17 More Printers screen 19. Use the drop-down menus to change the search settin gs. Select the printer that you wan t to in stall and click Add .
20. To connect the printer through its TCP/IP a ddress, click the IP Printer tab. Figure 6-18 IP Pri nter tab 21. In the Search field in the upper-right corner, select on e of the following options: ● All (this is the de fault setting) ● AppleTalk ● Bonjour ● FireWire ®.
● Shared ● USB 22. In the Protocol: drop-down menu, se lect one of the following op tions: ● Internet Printing Protocol – IPP NOTE This feature is not supported i n the Macintosh environment. ● Line Print er Daemon – LPD ● HP Jet Direct – Sock et NOTE This feature is not supported i n the Macintosh environment.
28. Click Add to save the settings. The device name a ppears in the Printer List . Figure 6-19 Printer List screen 29. Highlight the printer name an d click the Utility icon to open th e Select Printer screen and verify that the device has been install ed.
5. Select or type in any other informat ion as indica ted for the type of connec tion for the device. For example, if you are usi ng an AppleTalk connection, select the d evice zone; or if you are using IP Printing, type a TCP/IP address in the Printer Address field.
Macintosh HP Printer Utility The HP Printer Utility is a soft ware program that gi ves you access to the device in Mac OS X. The HP Printer Utility is av ailable only in Mac OS X V10.2.8 or late r. The HP Printer Utility does not work when it is installed by usin g the AppleTalk prot ocol.
Figure 6-21 Select Printer screen – printer not select ed If the device doe s not appea r, click Mo re Printers… . The Connection Type screen appears, as sh own in the following figure. Figure 6-22 Connection Type sc reen Select the connection type (USB, TCP/IP, or AppleTalk).
On the Connection Type screen, click Add . The Select Printer screen a ppears, showing printer information. To open the HP Printer Utility dire ctly, select the printer and click Launch Utility . Figure 6 -23 Select Printer screen – printer selected On the Select Printer screen, click Settings… to open the Device Status screen in the HP EWS.
Address the condition and click OK to close the scree n. The HP Printer Utilit y opens. The following sectio ns describe the screens and featur es that are available in the HP Printer Util ity. Supplies Status The HP Printer Utility opens to the Curren t Supplies Levels screen.
Figure 6 -26 Supplies In formation screen Use the scroll button to see information about th e print cartridges. If you have Internet access and cli c k Order HP Supp lies (see Figure 6- 25 Current Sup.
Figure 6-27 Order Supplies link Click the Hewlett-Packard Online Privacy Statement link to open a screen th at shows the HP privacy statement. You can continue ordering supp lies without sending device information by clicking the continue without sending this information link.
Figure 6 -28 Paper Status screen You can also ord er supplies from this screen by clicking Order HP Supplies . Device Information Click Device Information in the menu on the left to find the d evi ce service ID (if assigned), the firmware version, and the serial nu mber.
Click the printer icon in the lower-le ft corner to see information about ano ther installed printer. This action relaunches the HP Printer Utility so that you can select an other printer (see Figure 6- 21 Select Printer screen – printer not selected ).
Update Firmware Select Update Firmware to locate a firmware upgrade file and in stall it on the device. The Upda te Firmw are screen is shown in the following figure. Figure 6 -31 Update Firmware screen Click Choose to open a na vigation screen. Browse to the firmware file an d click Open .
Figure 6-32 Upload Fonts scr een The drop-dow n menu in the Upload Fonts pane has the follow ing options: ● Memory . Fonts that are available in the printer memory are listed. ● Disk . Select this optio n to shows any fonts that ar e installed on a flash disk.
If you have Internet access, you can connect to HP support pages over th e We b from this scr een. Click the Instant Supp ort screen to open the H P Instant Support Web pag e. Figure 6 -34 HP Instant Support link Click the Hewlett-Packard Online Pr ivacy Statement link to open a screen that shows the HP privacy statement.
Figure 6-35 Duplex Mode screen Select the Enable Duplex Mode che ck box to print internal diagnostic and test pages on both sides of the page. 1. Select Duplex Mode to open the Dup lex Mode screen. 2. Select the Enable Dupl ex Mode check box. This box is clear by default.
Figure 6 -36 Economode screen Selecting this option extends the life o f the toner supply and reduces cost per page. However, it also reduces print quality. The p rinted image is lighter, but it i s adequate for pr inting drafts or proofs. HP does not recommend the full-time use of Econ omode.
Figure 6-37 Resolution screen The following dots-p er-inch (dpi) settings are available in the Resolution d rop-down menu: ● 300 ● 600 ● FASTRES 1200 ● PRORES 1200 NOTE When a PRORES1200 setting is selecte d, documents are printed using a resolution o f 1200 x 1200 dpi.
Figure 6 -38 Trays Configuration screen 1. Select Trays Configura tion to change media size and type for each of the trays instal led on your device. 2. To change th e media size, select a tray and then select a different media size in the Default Medi a Size drop-d own menu.
Figure 6-39 Lock Re sources screen In Control Panel Access Level , sel ect one of the following settings: ● No Lockin g provides fu ll control of the device. ● Minimal Locking provides control over paper-handling features. ● Moderate Lo cking blocks changes in the device configuration.
Figure 6 -40 Enable Job Storing sc reen You can type a PIN for your job in the Enter Secure Job PIN field. Select the number of copies in th e Copies to Print field. Select a stored job and click Print to print the job. Select a stored job and click Delete to delete the job.
Figure 6-41 E-mail Alerts screen Click Open E-mail Alerts Settings to open the HP EWS. The HP EWS opens to the Setup scree n on the Alerts tab, wh ere you can set notifications to manage the HP La serJet 5200 printer. Network Settings Select Network Set tings to open the IP Settings scree n.
Select one of the follow ing options in the Configuration drop-d own menu: ● DHCP ● BootP ● Manual You can also use this screen to modify the following se ttings: ● Host Name ● IP Address ● Subnet Mask ● Default Gateway To save new settings, click Apply Now .
The following option s are available in the The highest priority ser vice drop-down menu: ● Port 9100 (default) ● IPP ● LPD-RAW ● LPD-TEXT ● LPD-AUTO ● LPD-BINPS ● LPD-Qu eue5 ● LPD-Qu eue6 ● LPD-Qu eue7 ● LPD-Qu eue8 ● LPD-Qu eue9 ● LPD-Queue10 After you select a new setting, click Apply N ow to save it.
For information about HP EWS se ttings, see HP Embedded Web Server or consult the HP Embedde d Web Server User Guide . ENWW Macintosh HP Printer Utility 307 Macintosh.
Macintosh remote firmware updates Topics: ● Remote firmware update by using FTP on a direct network connection ● Remote firmware up date by using the HP Printer Utility Remote firmware update by u.
Remote firmware update by using the HP Printer Utility Make sure that you have the tools and fi les that are necessary for the update. You will need the HP Printer Utility and the 52 00FW.RF U file, which is the firmware file for the device. The HP Printer Utility is a software pr ogram that is ava ilable only for Mac OS X V10.
Macintosh, print print-ready documents If the HP LaserJet 520 0 uses a direct network connectio n, use file transfer p rotocol (FTP) to print a print- ready file. Complete the following steps: 1. Make note of the TCP/IP add ress on the Em bed ded Jetdirect page.
7 Engineering Details Introduction Topics: ● File to E-mail utility ● Media attribut es ● Remote firmware updates ● Printing print-ready documents ● Driver-featu re comparison in variou s op.
File to E-mail utility The File to E-mail utility is a st andalone Microsoft Foundati on Class (MFC) program that read s an .INI file to detect where the HP LaserJet device softwa re is installed. The prog ram then attaches rele vant log or history files to an e-mail th at can be sent to HP Customer Support to assist trouble shooting.
If the File to E-mail utility fails for any reason (for instance, if you cancel the new messag e), all the files are copied to a folder on the desktop that is named CCC, possibly with strings of 0's attached to the end. You can zip th ese files and e-mail them separately.
Media attributes Topics: ● Media sources and destinatio ns ● Media-source commands ● Driver-supported media sizes ● Driver-supported media types ● Custom paper sizes ● Media-type commands .
Media source PCL 6 ubyte # MediaSource or ubyte_array "string" MediaSource 1 PCL 5 Esc&l#H PostScript /MediaPosition # / ManualFeed true | false or null Automatically Select (HP traditio.
Paper sizes 1 Width Height PCL 6 2 11 x 17 279 mm (11.0 inches) 432 mm (17.0 inches) “LEDGER ” 12 x 18 305 mm 12.0 inches) 457 mm (18.0 inches) “12x18” A3 297 mm (11.7 inches) 419 mm (16.5 inches) “A3” A4 211 mm (8.3 in ches) 297 mm (11.69 inches) "A4" A5 147 mm (5.
Paper sizes 1 Width Height PCL 6 2 Envelope Monarch 99 mm (3.88 inches) 190 mm (7.5 inches) "MONARCH" Executive 185 mm (7.3 inches) 267 mm (10.5 inches) "EXEC" Executive (JIS) 216 mm (8.5 inches) 330 mm (13.0 inches) "JISEXEC" Legal 216 mm (8.
Media types (command string) Tray 1/top bin/stacker bin Tray 2 (250-sheet) Trays 3 (500 - sheet) Duplexing unit Manual duple xing Postcard (135–176 g/ m 2 , or 36–47 lb) Y N N N Y Labels (0.
Tray Dimensions Minimum Maximum Duplexing unit Width 148.0 mm (5.83 inches) 297 mm (11.7 inches) Height 210.0 mm (8.26 inches) 432 mm (17 inches) Media-type commands The PCL 5 es cape sequence for paper type is "Esc&n#Wdpapertype", wher e "n #" is the number of characters in th e paper type plus 1.
Remote firmware updates The HP LaserJet 5200 printer feat ures remote firmware update (RFU) capabilit y. The method for downloading re mote firmware updates from the Web site is similar to th at used to download the latest printing-system software and print drivers.
Downloading the new firmwa re from the HP Web site The remote firmware update (.RFU) file and an associ ated readme file are pa ckaged together as a self- extracting .EXE file. For detailed instructions abou t how to download the .EXE file, go to the following URL: www.
Print jobs that are se nt to the device while an up date is in process do not interrupt the update. All HP Laser Jet devices leave the factory wi th the mo st recent firmware version installed. If a remote firmware update fails in an MS Windows oper ating system, the .
Printer message Explanation RESEND UPGR ADE Th is message appears (in English only) if the firmware update fails because the RFU process is interrupted. It can also oc cur if firmwar e for accessories (such as the duplex unit or an ou tput device becomes is corrupted.
NOTE The device au tomatically turns off and then on again to activate the update; this can happen mo re than once. At the end of the update process, the READY message appears on the con trol panel. Do not turn off th e device or interfere with the update until you see this message.
After these messages appear, a me ssage containing transfer-speed information appears. 10. The download proc ess begins and the firmware is update d on the device. This can take several minutes. Let the pro cess finish without further in teraction with the device or the computer.
4. Press Enter on the keyboard. 5. The download process begi ns and the firmware is updated on the device. This can take severa l minutes. Let the p rocess finish without further in teraction with the de vice or the computer. The messages described in the section Printer messa ges during the firmware up date appear on the control panel.
Remote firmware update through a USB port If the device is connected ove r a USB co nnection, follow these instructions: 1. From a command p rompt or in an MS-DOS window, type copy /b <FILENAME> <COMPUTERNAME><SHARENAME> , where <FILENAME> is the name of the .
NOTE The device au tomatically turns off and then on again to activate the update; this can happen mo re than once. At the end of the update process, the READY message appears on the con trol panel. Do not turn off th e device or interfere with the update until you see this message.
NOTE The device auto matically turns off and then on again to activate the u pdate; this can happen more than once . At the end of the update process, the READY message appears on the con trol panel. Do not turn off the d evice or interfere with the update until yo u see this message.
HP Web Jetadmin V7.8 and later can also be used to perform multiple or unattended installations. Complete the following steps for multiple or unattended installations. 1. Start HP Web Jetadmin . 2. Create a devi ce group. A simple way to do this is to follo w these steps: a.
Printing print-ready documents Several methods are available for printing documents independently of th e original softwa re program that was used to create the document. Normally, the document is printed by opening the original application and p rinting it to a file, or is printed by means of a distribution method such as inte rnet downloading.
NOTE If the PORT1 icon doe s not appear as a folde r name, you might have to enable folder viewing fo r FTP sites in your Web browser. In Mi crosoft Internet Explorer, use the following procedure to enable the folder view. 1. Select Tools , then select Internet Options , and then sele ct the Advanced tab.
11. The print-ready file prints. 12. At the command prompt, type bye to exit the FTP command. 13. At the command prompt, type exit to return to the MS Windows interface. Print-ready printing by usin g a local MS Windows port The procedure for prin ting directly by using a local MS Window s port depends on the operating system.
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windo ws XP, or Win dows Server 2003 The print-ready file ca n be sent dire ctly to the product by typing a copy command at a command prompt or in an MS-DO S window.
Complete the following ste ps to print a print-ready file by using the LPR command. 1. Make note of the TCP/IP addre ss on the Embedd ed Jetdirect page. The HP Embe dded Jetdirect page is the se cond page of the configuration pa ge printout. To print a config uration page, see Determining the current level of firmware .
Driver-feature comparison in various operating systems The following t ables detail the softwar e features that are availab le for each driver type and for ope rating system that supports the HP Lase rJet 5200 printer.
● Printing destination ● Finishing options and duple xing ● Other document options ● Font support ● Postscript-specific features Job-stream output Table 7-10 Driver support for the job-strea.
Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Em ulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulati.
Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation Post script USB (Direct Connect) throu gh 7.1.2 (Apple USB Print) (bidirectional) x USB (Direct Connect) throu gh 1284.
Operating system Windo ws XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulati.
Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP tradi tional drive r Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulat.
Operating system Windo ws XP,Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulatio.
Media sizes Table 7-23 Driver supp ort for media sizes Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh .
Operating system Windo ws XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulati.
Reordering Options Table 7-27 Drive r support for the reordering options Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional.
Watermarks Table 7-30 Driver support for watermarks feature Operating system Windo ws XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Maci.
Printing destination Table 7-32 Drive r support for the printing-destinati on feature Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver H.
Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Windows 98, Me Macintosh Driver type HP unidriver HP traditional driver Macintosh Driver PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulation PCL 6 PCL 5 PS Emulatio.
Operating system Windows XP Windows 98, Me Macintosh HP unidriver Postscript Driver PS Emulation Unidriver PS Emulation Driver Postscript Convert gray graphics to postscript gra y x Add euro currency .
350 Chapter 7 Engin eering Details ENWW Engineering Details.
Index Symbols/Numerics % of Normal Size sett ing PCL traditional drivers 129 unidrivers 228 A About button PCL traditional drivers 157 PS Emulation Driver 174 About tab, unidrivers 263 accessibility d.
installer, Windows printing - system software 2 2 installing Macintosh printin g- system software 272 installing Windows printing - system software 5 6 languages, Maci ntosh 268 languages, Windows 11 .
HP Jetdirect Administrator's Guide 20 install notes 19 Print Task Quick Set for use guide, HP Tra ditional PCL traditional drivers 114 Print Task Quick Set for use guide, unidriver 211 User Guide.
Firewall Detected di alog box, Window s 63 firewalls dialog box, Windows 63 firmware determining cu rrent level 3 20 downloadi ng 321 FTP updates, Windows 324 HP Web Jetadmin updates 3 29 LPR command .
HP Jetdirect Administrator's Guide 20 HP Jetdirect page, printing 38 HP Network Registry Agent (HPNRA) 29 HP OpenVMS 9 HP PCL traditional drivers.
license agreement dia log box, Window s 61 links, HP Embedded Web Server 39, 41 Linux operating systems driver availability 8 local port command line printing, Window s 333 localized CD-ROMs Macintosh.
Enterprise AutoConfiguration support 29 Help feature support 342 HP Driver Preconfiguration support 339 Postscript feature support 348 Services tab support 341 standalone drive rs 8 support 7 user int.
job tracking 337 Job-storage settings 148 job-storage support 343 margins 317 media supporte d 314 memory settings 166 Mopier Enabled se ttings 162 More Configuration Options 164 operating-system supp.
Port Creation Op tions dialog box, Customization Wizard 91 port selection dialog b ox, Windows Customization Wizard 88 portrait orient ation settings PCL traditional drivers 118, 156 PS Emulation Driv.
bins supported 340 bundle support 340 collation settings 185 connectivity support 338 context-sensitive help 169 copies, number of 173 destination supp ort 347 Device Options tab 180 features 168, 348.
TrueType font settings 203 user interface support 341 version number 26 Watermarks settings 228 watermark s support 3 46 PS files, command-line printing 331 Q quality settings.
system requirements Macintosh 266 Windows 7 T TBCP output protocol , PS Emulation Unidriver 257 TCP/IP address, locating 38 Test Page dialog box, Window s 81 text files, command-line printing 331 text.
paper size commands 317 paper supported 343 paper type commands 319 Paper/Output settings 202 Paper/Quality tab 207 PJL encoding 337 PostScript Options 204 PostScript Passthrough 261 preconfiguration .
364 Index ENWW.
© 2006 Hew lett -P ackar d Dev elopment Compan y , L.P . www
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center