Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BU72B2 Hotpoint
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Instructions for Installation and Use Built-under Electric double oven Contents Introduction, 2 Safety Information, 3 The main parts of your Double Oven, 4-5 Controls, 6 The electronic programmer, 7 G.
2 GB Introduction To the Installer : Before installation, fill in the product details on the back cover of this book. The information can be found on the rating plate. To the U ser : You must read the instructions prior to installing and using the appliance and then retain them for future reference.
G B 3 Safety Information W hen used properly your appliance is completely safe but as with any electrical product there are certain precautions that must be observed.
6 GB C ontrols A B C Grill Setting Control Top Oven Temperature Control Timer Main Oven Temperature And Function Control MAIN OVEN PILOT LIGHT TOP OVEN PILOT LIGHT GRILL PILOT LIGHT Contr ol Knob De scription Fu nction A Gri ll Se ttin g C ontr ol S el ect s the heat at whic h the gr ill will cook th e f ood.
G B 7 The electronic programmer DISPLA Y SET TIME button END OF COOKING icon CLOCK icon DURA TION icon TIMER icon DECREASE TIME button INCREASE TIME button •• •• The Top O ven and Main O ven can be controlled by the automatic timer.
8 GB G r ill P an and H andl e Us ing th e g r ill pan kit The grill pan handle is detachable from the pan to facilitate cleaning and storage. F ix the pan handle securely before use : 1 . F it the handle to the grill pan so the external hooks embrace the that edge of the pan (fig.
G B 9 Operation when using the Top Oven for Grilling Step 1 E nsure oven timer is set to manual . Place the shelf in the correct position (see Grilling Guide) . Place the food/grill pan on the shelf, positioned centrally under the grill element . Leave the top oven door fully open .
1 0 G B U s ing th e T op Ov e n f o r S ola r pl u s G r illing Your cooker is not fitted with a conventional grill. Hotpoint have developed a Solarplus high speed grill which is designed to reduce your grilling times. It is quicker because it takes less time to warm up from cold.
GB 11 Using the Top Oven as a Convection Oven The top oven should be used to cook small quantities of food. The oven is designed so that the grill element operates at a reduced heat output, this is combined with a heating element situated underneath the floor of the oven.
1 2 GB O pe r a t ion wh e n u sing t h e T o p O v e n a s a C onv e c t ion O v e n Step 1 Check that the timer is in manual . Step 2 Place the shelf in the correct position (see Oven Temperature Charts) . Step 3 Select the required cooking temperature (100 ° C-MAX) using control (B) (see Top Oven Temperature Charts) .
GB 13 Using the Main Oven for Fan Cooking Since a circulaire fan oven heats up more quickly and generally cooks food at a lower temperature than a conventional oven, pre - heating is often unnecessary.
14 GB Using t h e Ma in O v e n f or O t h e r Fu nc t ions FA N O N L Y S E TT I N G D E FR O S T I N G FR O Z E N M E A T & P O U L T RY Joints of meat and whole birds should be defrosted slowly, preferably in a refrigerator (allowing 5 - 6 hours per lb.
G B 1 5 Using the Main Oven for Other Functions 'S' S L O W COO K SETTING This is used for slow cooking, keeping food warm and warming plates for short periods. Extra care should be taken when warming bone china, as it may be damaged in a hot oven.
16 G B T e m p er at u re C on v er s ion C ha r t Gas Ma rk °F Ma in Conventi onal Oven Ma in Fan Oven ½ 250 120 100 1 275 140 120 2 300 150 130 3 325 160 140 4 350 180 160 5 375 190 170 6 400 200 .
G B 17 Oven Temperature Chart - Meat Food M ain Fa n Ove n Co okin g Note: Up to t wo sh elves may be us ed in thi s oven. The posi tio n of th ese is not impor t a nt pro viding t hey ar e evenl y s paced. Mea t Pre- heat T emp erat ure °C Ti me (a pprox .
18 G B Baki ng Mai n Fan Ov en Co oking Note: Up to t wo sh elves ma y be used in t hi s oven . The po sition o f thes e is not i mpor tant pro viding t hey ar e ev enly sp aced.
G B 19 Main Oven - Circulaire Roasting (UQ47I/2/UE47X/2/AHP37X/1) CIRCU L AIRE ROASTING C irculaire roasting - food is placed on the roasting rack, this allows the oven fan to circulate the hot air ar.
20 GB Ma in O v e n - C irc u l a ir e R o a s t ing C h a r t ( U Q 47 I / 2 /U E 47 X / 2 / AHP 37 X /1 ) T yp e of Meat & Poul try T emp erat ure °C T ime (appr ox.) PL A C E F OO D O N R OA STI NG R A CK , TH E N P O SITI O N A B O V E TH E M E A T P A N.
GB 2 1 G RI LL U ne v en coo k ing f ront to b ac k Ensure that the grill pan is positioned centrally below the grill element. Fa t s p l a tte ring Ensure that the grill pan is not lined with foil. Ensure that the grill setting control (A) is not set too high.
22 G B C a re and C l e aning W a r ning : B e f o re c l e aning , pl e a s e e n s u re that th e e l e c t r i c it y s u ppl y to th e applian c e i s s w it c h e d o ff and th e applian c e i s fu ll y c old . ! Ne v er u s e s t e a m c l e an er s o r p re ss u re c l e an er s on th e applian c e .
GB 2 3 Care and Cleaning 3. O V EN DOORS CONTROL PANEL OVEN DOOR S (a) C on t rol Pa n e l Regularly wipe with a clean, damp cloth and polish with a clean, dry cloth. (b) I nn e r D oor Pa n e ls & G l a ss O pen the door fully. The glass panel may now be washed.
2 4 GB Ca r e a nd C l e a ning (B U7 2 K/ 2 - B U7 2P / 2 - B U7 2B / 2 / B U8 2 SS / 2) Tak e p a r t ic u l a r c a r e no t t o d ama g e t h e inn e r s u r fa c e o f t h e door inn e r gl a ss t h a t is co a te d wi t h a h e a t r e f l e c t iv e l ay e r.
GB 25 Care and Cleaning (UQ47I/2 / UE47X/2 / AHP37X/1) C L EANING THE DOORS Take particular care not to damage the inner surface of the door inner glass that is coated with a heat reflective layer. Do not use scouring pads, or abrasive powder, which will scratch the glass.
2 6 G B I n s tallation Electrical Requirements F or your own safety, we recommend that your cooker is installed by a competent person such as one who is registered with N I C EI C ( N ational Inspection C ouncil for Electrical Installation C ontracting).
G B 27 Installation 8 90mm Max 8 70mm Min 597mm min 720mm min 150mm min 170mm max 570mm to top of plinth 570 min 570mm A minimum distance of 25 mm should be maintained between the front face of the cabinet side and the front face of the plinth.
2 8 G B Wall Fixing Bracket Cabinet Doors Cooker 2.5mm heat resistant cable to BS 6141 Table 15 Cable size to suit current rating of appliance/s Hob Cable Double pole control switch Connector box 4mm .
G B 29 If something goes wrong... Before calling a Service Engineer, please check through the following lists. THERE MAY BE NOTHING W RONG. Problem Che ck Nothi ng w orks. (a) Check If yo u fi nd : - Disp lay is blank. Then i t i s li kely t hat t here i s no el ectri cit y suppl y to yo ur o ve n.
30 GB Guarantee 12 months Parts and L abour Guarantee Y our appliance has the benefit of our manufacturer's guarantee, which covers the cost of breakdown repairs for twelve months from the date of purchase.
G B 31 Af ter S ales S ervi c e No one is better placed to care for your Hotpoint appliance during the course of its working life than us - the manufacturer.
32 G B 0 1 / 2 00 9 - 19 5 0 7 2 6 52. 0 2 XER O X FA B R I A N O.
An important point after buying a device Hotpoint BU72B2 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hotpoint BU72B2 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hotpoint BU72B2 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hotpoint BU72B2 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hotpoint BU72B2 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hotpoint BU72B2, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hotpoint BU72B2.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hotpoint BU72B2. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hotpoint BU72B2 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center