Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E4DG AAA X O3 Hotpoint Ariston
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Deutsch Gebrauchsanleitungen KÜHL-/GEFRIERKOMBI Inhaltsverzeichnis Gebrauchsanleitungen, 1 Kundendienst, 4 Beschrijving van het apparaat, 7 Beschreibung Ihres Gerätes, 12 Installation, 31 Inbetriebs.
Español Manual de instrucciones COMBINADO FRIGORÍFICO/CONGELADOR Sumario Manual de instrucciones, 2 Asistencia, 4 Descripción del aparato, 8 Descripción del aparato, 13 Instalación, 41 Puesta en .
3 Assistenza Prima di contattare l’Assistenza: • Verificare se l’anomalia può essere risolta autonomamente ( vedi Anomalie e Rimedi ). • In caso negativo, contattare il Numero Unico Nazionale 199.
4 Kundendienst Bevor Sie sich an den Kundendienst wenden: • Prüfen Sie, ob die Störung selbst behoben werden kann ( siehe Störungen und Abhilfe ).
5 Assistência Antes de contactar a Assistência técnica: • Verifique se pode resolver sozinho a anomalia ( veja as Anomalias e Soluções ).
6 Descrizione dell’apparecchio Pannello di controllo 1. ON/OFF Premendo questo tasto è possibile accendere l’intero prodotto (sia vano frigo che vano freezer). Il LED rosso indica che il prodotto è spento,ilLEDverdecheèinfunzione.
7 Description de l’appareil Tableau de bord 1. ON/OFF Cette touche sert à allumer l’appareil tout entier (compartiment réfrigérateur et compartiment freezer). La LED rouge indique que l’appareilestéteint,laLEDvertequ’ilestenservice.
8 Beschrijving van het apparaat Bedieningspaneel 1. ON/OFF Door op deze knop te drukken kunt u het hele apparaat aanzetten (zowel koelkastals freezer).De rodeLED geeft aan dathet apparaat uitis,degroeneLEDgeeftaandathijwerkt.
9 Descrição do aparelho Painel de comandos 1. ON/OFF (liga/desliga) Pressionandoesta teclaé possívelligar edesligaro inteiroaparelho (quer o compartimento frigorífico, quer o compartimento congelador).
10 Descriere aparat Panoul de control 1. ON/OFF Apăsând această tastă puteţi porni şi opri întreg aparatul (atât frigiderul cât şi congelatorul).
11 Descrizione dell’apparecchio Vista d’insieme Le istruzioni sull’uso valgono per diversi modelli per cui è possibile che la figura presenti particolari differenti rispetto a quelli dell’apparecchio acquistato.
12 Description de l’appareil Vue d’ensemble Ces instructions d’utilisation s’appliquent à plusieurs modèles, il se peut donc que les composants illustrés présentent des différences par rapport à ceux de l’appareil que vous avez acheté.
13 Descripción del aparato Vista en conjunto Las instrucciones sobre el uso son válidas para distintos modelos y por lo tanto es posible que la figura presente detalles diferentes a los del aparato que Ud.
14 Descrição do aparelho Visão geral Estas instruções sobre a utilização são válidas para vários modelos, portanto é possívelque na figura haja pormenoresdiferentes do aparelho que adquiriu.
15 Descriere aparat V edere de ansamblu Instrucţiunile de utilizare sunt valabile pentru mai multe modele, deci este posibil ca ilustraţiile să nu corespundă întocmai aparatului pe care l-aţi achiziţionat. Descrierea componentelor care pot varia este cuprinsă în paginile următoare.
16 I Installazione ! È importanteconservare questolibrettoper poterloconsultare in ogni momento. In caso di vendita, di cessione o di trasl.
I 17 Non mettere alimenti o contenitori a diretto contatto con la parete refrigerante posteriore, per non ostruire i fori di aerazione e facilitare la formazione di condensa.
18 I Ripiano nascosto * All’interno dello scomparto congelatoreè presente un ripiano a filosituatotraIcassettifreezersuperioreedinferiore. Per accedere al ripiano a filo si deve rimuovere il cassetto freezer superiore.
I 19 Queste avvertenze sono fornite per ragioni di sicurezza e devono essereletteattentamente. Questa apparecchiatura è conforme alle seg.
20 I • Il frigorifero o il congelatore sono stati riempiti eccessivamente. Nel frigorifero gli alimenti si gelano. • Si è impostata una temperatura troppo fredda (vedi Avvio e utilizzo).
GB 21 Installation ! Beforeplacing yournew applianceinto operationplease read these operating instructions carefully. They contain important information for safe use, for installation and for care of the appliance.
22 GB togetherandmaking defrostingathingof thepast.Donot block theaerationcellsbyplacingfoodorcontainersindirectcontact with the refrigerating back panel. Close bottles and wrap food tightly.
GB 23 ! To avoid blocking the air circulation inside the freezer compartment,itisadvisablenot toobstructtheventilationholes withfoodorcontainers. ! Donotopenthedoorduringfreezing.
24 GB This appliance complies with the following Community Directives: - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent amendments; -89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequentamendments; -2002/96/CE.
GB 25 • Thedoorisnotclosedproperlyoriscontinuouslyopened. • Theoutsideambienttemperatureisveryhigh. The appliance makes a lot of noise. • The appliancehas notbeen installedon a levelsurface ( see Installation ) .
26 F Installation ! Conservez ce mode d’emploi pour pouvoir le consulter à tout moment. En cas de vente, de cession ou de déménagement.
F 27 deglace, iln’y apar conséquentplusbesoin dedégivrer etles alimentsne collentplus entreeux.
28 F lafonction)uneémissiond’Ozoneindiquéeparl’allumagede laledvertesurledispositifsituéàl’intérieurducompartiment réfrigérateu.
F 29 internationales de sécurité. Ces conseils sont fournis pour des raisonsdesécuritéetdoiventêtrelusattentivement.
30 F Les aliments gèlent à l’intérieur du réfrigérateur. • Sélectiond’unetempératuretropfroide (voirMiseenmarche etutilisation). Le moteur est branché en permanence. • LesfonctionsQUICKFREEZE • Laporten’estpasbienferméeoutropsouventouverte.
D 31 Installation ! Es ist äußerst wichtig, diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig aufzubewahren, um sie jederzeit zu Rate ziehen zu können.
32 D Kühlsystem No Frost Das No Frost System reguliert einen kontinuierlichen Luftstrom der dieFeuchtigkeit aufnimmtund die Bildungvon Reifund Eis verhindert: Inder Kühlzonewird der korrekteFeuchtigkeitsgrad erhalten.
D 33 A B A B Optimaler Gebrauch des Gefrierfachs • RegulierenSiedieTemperaturüberdasDisplay. • Bereits gefrorene Lebensmittel dürfen nicht mit den frisch einzufrierenden Lebensmitteln in Berührung kommen.
34 D Spüllauge gereinigt werden. Anschließend sorgfältig klarspülen undtrockenreiben. • Auf der Geräterückseite könnte sich Staub ablagern.
D 35 Das Display ist nur schwach beleuchtet. • Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose und stecken Sie ihnumgedrehtwiederein.
36 NL Installatie ! Bewaar dit boekje zorgvuldig voor eventuele toekomstige raadpleging. Wanneer u het product weggeeft, verkoopt of wanneer u verhuist, dient u dit boekje bij het apparaat te bewaren zodatallenodigeinformatievoorhandenblijft.
NL 37 bewaarthet, dankzijdetotale afwezigheidvan ijs,de oorspronkelijke eigenschappen van de levensmiddelen. In het diepvriesgedeelte voorkomt h.
38 NL ! Voorgoed circulerenvande koudeluchtin defreezermogende ontluchtingsopeningen niet worden belemmerd door etenswaren ofdozen. ! Opendedeurvandediepvrieskastniettijdenshetinvriezen.
NL 39 Voorzorgsmaatregelen en advies ! Het apparaat is ontworpen en vervaardigd volgens de geldende internationale veiligheidsvoorschriften. Deze aanwijzingen zijn geschrevenvoor uwveiligheid enu dientze derhalvegoed door tenemen.
40 NL Druk nogmaals op deze toetsen om de ingestelde waarde op dedisplay van devriezer te zien verschijnen,schakel de ALARM LED TEMPERATUUR uit en herstel de normale werking.
E 41 Instalación ! Es importante conservar este manual para poder consultarlo cuando sea necesario. En caso de venta, cesión o traslado, ver.
42 E originales de los alimentos; en el compartimento congelador evita laformación dehielo volviendoinnecesarias lasoperacionesde descongelación y evitando que los alimentos se peguen entre sí.
E 43 ! Paraevitar obstaculizarla circulaciónde aireen el interiordel congelador,serecomiendanoobstruirlosorificiosdeaireación conalimentosorecipientes. ! Eviteabrirlapuertadurantelacongelación.
44 E se suministran por razones de seguridad y deben ser leídas atentamente. Este equipamiento es conforme con las siguientes Directivas�.
E 45 En el frigorífico los alimentos se congelan. • Sehafijadounatemperaturademasiado baja(verPuestaen funcionamientoyuso). El motor funciona continuamente. • EstánactivadaslasfuncionesQUICKFREEZE.
46 P Instalação ! É importante guardar este folheto para poder consultá-lo a qualquer momento. No caso de venda, cessão ou mudança, asse.
P 47 e, por causa da ausência de brina, preserva as qualidades originárias dos alimentos; no compartimento congelador evita aformaçãode geloedispensaasoperações dedegeloeevita queoselementosgrudemunsnosoutros.
48 P líquidos, tampadas ou fechadas hermeticamente, porque poderãopartir-se. • Aquantidade máximadiária dealimentos asercongelada é indi.
P 49 Precauções e conselhos ! Este aparelho foi projectadoe fabricado em conformidade com as regras internacionais desegurança. Estas advertências são fornecidas para razões de segurança e devem ser lidas com atenção.
50 P O frigorífico e o congelador refrigeram pouco. • As portas não se fecham bem ou as guarnições estão estragadas. • Asportassãoabertascomfrequênciaexcessiva. • Foi programada uma temperatura muito alta (veja “Início e utilização”).
PL 51 Instalacja ! Należy zachować niniejszą książeczkę instrukcji dla przyszłych konsultacji. W razie sprzedaży , odsprzedania, czy przeniesienia urządzenia w inne miejsce należy upewnić s.
52 PL Rozpoznaje się dzięki temu, że na tylnich ściankach umieszczone są komory napowietrzające. No Frost zarządza stałym przepływem zimnego powietrza, które zbiera wilgotność czym zapobiega tworzenie się lodu i oblodzenia.
PL 53 stykać się z już zamrożonymi artykułami; należy je ułożyć na górnym poziomie przy ściankach (bocznych lub tylnich), gdzie temperatura jest niższa od -18°C i zapewnia szybkie zamrażanie.
54 PL umożliwia doskonałą widoczność całej zawartości lodówki i brak stref zacienionych. Jeśli pojawi się konieczność wymiany diod, należy zwrócić się do Serwisu Technicznego Zalecenia i środki ostrożności ! Urządzenie zostało zaprojektowane i wyprodukowane zgodnie z międzynarodowymi przepisami bezpieczeństwa.
PL 55 • Urządzenie sygnalizuje nadmierne rozgrzanie zamrażarki. Zamrażarka utrzyma temperaturę około 0°C po to, aby artykuły nie uległy rozmrożeniu. Wówczas artykuły mogą być zużyte w ciągu do 24 godzin lub ponownie zamrożone po uprzednim ich ugotowaniu.
56 RO Instalare ! Este important să păstraţi acest manual pentru a-l putea consulta în orice moment. În caz de vânzare, de cesiune sau de schimbare a locuinţei, acesta trebuie să e înmânat împreună cu maşina de spălat, pentru a informa noul proprietar cu privire la funcţionare şi la respectivele avertismente.
RO 57 evita, ca urmare, formarea de condens. Închideţi bine sticlele şi înfăşuraţi alimentele în mod corespunzător . Utilizare optimală frigider • Introduceti numai alimentele reci sau abia caldute, niciodata calde (vezi Precautii si sfaturi).
58 RO ! În timpul congelării evitaţi deschiderea uşii congelatorului. ! Dacă se întrerupe curentul sau este vreo defecţiune (pană) de la reţea, nu deschideţi uşa congelatorului: în acest mod alimentele îngheţate şi congelate se vor păstra intacte timp de 9-14 ore.
RO 59 Acest aparat este conform cu următoarele Directive Comunitare: -73/23/CEE din data de 19/02/73 (T ensiuni Joase) şi modicări succesive; - 89/336/CEE din data de 03/05/89 (Compatibilitate Electromagnetică) şi modicări succesive; - 2002/96/CE.
60 RO valoarea aleasă; stingeţi ledul de ALARME şi resetaţi funcţionarea. Sună alarma, pe display se aprinde alarmă temperatură (în locul temperaturii FREEZER este aşat “A2”). • Aparatul semnalizează o încălzire periculoasă pentru congelator .
K00B 61 NO TES: • T ap New if you do not own a Google acc ount. • When signing in, you ha ve to wait while your MeMO Pad communica tes with Google ser vers to setup your acc ount. 4. Use your Google accoun t to backup and restore your settings and data.
K00B 63 Maps Google Maps allows you to view and nd places , establishments and get directions. It also allows you to check y our current location and share the information with others. Using Google Maps T o use Google Maps: 1. T ap to display the All apps scr een then tap Maps .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 64 Landscape view Search T ool bar Advanced settings Layers Directions Local places Current location.
K00B 65 MyLibrary MyLibrar y , an integrated interface for your book c ollections, allows you to plac e your purchased or do wnloaded e -books into bookshelves and sort them by author , title or date. T o launch MyLibrary, tap to display the All apps scr een then tap MyLibrary .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 66 Reading your e-books When you r ead an e -book, swipe your nger to the left to proceed to the next page or swipe your nger from left to right to go back t o the previous page.
K00B 67 Flipping a page T o mov e to the next page, swipe from right to left. T o go back to the previous page, swipe from left to right..
MeMO Pad E-Manual 68 Placing a bookmark The bookmark allows you to mark the pages of a book so that y ou can easily return to the last page you r ead. T o place a bookmark: 1.
K00B 69 Annotating on the page Annotating in your e-books allows you to see the denition of a w ord, cop y a word or a phrase , share via e -mail, or listen through text-to-speech function. Annotating a w ord Annotating a phrase T o annotate a page: 1.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 70 SuperNote Lite SuperNote Lite is an easy-to-use app that lets you take not es, doodle, captur e and insert photos, and record sounds and videos f or a more inter active experience. Y ou can also share your notebooks via your ASUS WebSt orage account.
K00B 71 Creating a ne w notebook T o crea te a new notebook: 1. T ap New Notebook . 2. Name the le and select Pad or Phone for page size. 3. Select a template.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 72 SuperNot e Notebook in terface Return path Notebook tool bar Save Share and export Add page Delete page Settings NO TE: The mode settings and notebook tool bar changes when you tap mode, mode or mode.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 74 SuperNote Read-only mode T ap to enable Edit mode Renaming your notebook T o rename y our notebook: 1. In the SuperNote main screen, tap and hold the notebook le then tap Rename .
K00B 75 Hiding your notebook T o hide your not ebook: 1. In the SuperNote main screen, tap and hold the notebook le then tap Lock to hide . 2. Key in your passwor d then tap OK . NO TES : • Y ou will be prompted t o key in a new password when you hide y our notebook for the rst time.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 76 ASUS Studio ASUS Studio is an app that allows y ou to manage the photos and videos stor ed in your MeMO P ad. With ASUS Studio , you can brow se and sor t your photos and videos, edit photos and lter e ec ts; create personalized albums and shar e them via e -mail or social networking sites.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 78 Editing a photo T o edit a photo: 1. T ap on the tool bar . 2. T ap the editing tools to start editing. Editing tool bar T ap to crop photo T ap to go back to previous screen T ap.
K00B 79 BuddyBuzz BuddyBuzz is an ASUS-exclusive social network aggregat or that allows you t o access your multiple social network acc ounts in one place. With BuddyBuzz, you can switch among your social networking accounts, such as F acebook, Twitt er , and Plurk.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 80 AudioW izard AudioW izard allows y ou to customize the sound modes of y our MeMO Pad f or a clearer audio output that ts the actual usage scenarios.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 82 ASUS Artist editing screen Editing a painting T o edit a painting: 1. On MyW orks screen, tap to select a painting. 2. T ap the editing tools to start editing.
K00B 83 App Lock er App Locker is a security app that prev ents selected apps and les from being opened. Using App L ocker T o use App L ocker: 1. On the Home Screen, tap then tap App Locker . 2. T ap Start, then set up your passwor d then tap OK .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 84 App Lock er screen T ap this to congure the App Locker settings Move the slider to the right to enable the App Locker and activate the app list NO TES: • The apps that you locked will appear as locked icons on the Home Scr een.
K00B 85 T ap to hide selected contents T ap to show selected contents T ap to delete selected contents T ap to select all contents T ap to add les that you want to lock Protected les pane Using F ile Protection T o use F ile Protection: 1. T ap to open F ile Manager app.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 86 App Backup App Backup allows you t o back up and password-pr otect your installed apps and data on your MeMO P ad’ s internal or external storage space .
K00B 87 3. Key in the le name of your backup le, then tap OK . NO TE: If you want to save a c opy of your backup le, tick C opy to backup le to: then tap to select folder . 4. Set up a password f or this backup le, then tap OK . Backing up your apps and data T o back up your apps and data: 1.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 88 6. After the backup process is complet e, tap OK . Restore List scr een T ap to share backup les T ap to select all backup les T ap to launch File Manager app List of backup.
K00B 89 Restoring your apps and da ta T o rest ore your apps and data: 1. On the App Backup main screen, tap Restore List on the left pane to view the list of backup les. 2. T ap the le that you wan t to restor e, then tap OK . 3. Key in the password that y ou set up when you creat ed the backup le, then tap OK .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 90 6. After the restora tion process is complete, tap OK . 5. T ap OK to proceed r estoring the apps in your system..
K00B 91 W idgets Widgets ar e mini apps that allow you to c onveniently ac cess useful and fun applications on your MeMO P ad’ s Home Screen. T o view widgets, tap on the Home Screen then tap WIDGETS . Displaying a widget on the Home Screen F rom the Widgets screen, swipe your nger to the left or to the right to select a widget.
K00B 93 ASUS Battery ASUS Battery is a special widget designed to show the battery status of your MeMO Pad and its c onnected accessories by percentage and c olor .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 94.
K00B 95 Appendices App endices.
MeMO Pad E-Manual 96 F ederal Communications C ommission Statement This device complies with FC C Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: • This device may not cause harmful int er ference . • This device must acc ept any interference r eceived, including int er ferenc e that may cause undesired opera tion.
K00B 97 RF Exposure Informa tion (SAR) This device meets the gov ernment’ s requirements f or exposure to radio wa ves. This device is designed and manufactured not to ex ceed the emission limits for exposure to radio fr equency (RF) energy set by the F ederal Communications Commission of the U .
MeMO Pad E-Manual 98 Canada, a vis d’Industrie Canada (IC) Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conf or me aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-210.
K00B 99 The Country Code Selection feature is disabled f or products marketed in the US/ Canada. F or product available in the USA/Canada markets, only channel 1-11 can be operated . Selec tion of other channels is not possible. Pre ven tion of Hearing Loss T o prev ent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high v olume levels for long periods.
An important point after buying a device Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hotpoint Ariston E4DG AAA X O3 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center