Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VISTA250BPT/ Honeywell
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800-06905 6/10 R ev C V V V V V V V V I I I I I I I I S S S S S S S S T T T T T T T T A A A A A A A A - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B B B B B B B B P P P P P P P P T .
– 2 – Your Hon eywell s ecur ity sy stem is designe d for us e with devices ma nufactur ed or a pproved by Honeywell for use with you r security system.
– 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W .................................... 5 General ....................................................... 5 A Partit ioned Sy stem .................................. 6 Zones ..................................
– 4 – Using the 9 Key ................................... 41 VIEWING AL ARM CO MPANY MESSAGE S ............................................. 42 General Inf ormation .................................. 42 PANIC KE YS ................................
– 5 – System Overv iew General Your H oneywell sec urity sy stem consists o f a main cont rol pane l, at least o ne keypad , and va rious s ensors s trategica lly pos itioned throughout the prem ises. The sys tem offers y ou three f orms of protecti on: bu rglary, fi re an d emerg ency.
– 6 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) A Partitioned System Simply state d, a partitio ned system share s one physical alarm sy stem among differen t users , each with th eir o wn req uiremen ts.
– 7 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) NOTE: Cross Zoning and Swinge r Suppre ssion options c an help reduce false alarms. Ask your in stal ler if your s ystem i s program med for eith er of these featu res. An Abort Window featur e exists fo r all non-fire zones.
– 8 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Speed Key (M acros) The sys tem can store a st ring of up to 3 2 keystrok es, whi ch can b e activa ted anytim e by simply pressing t he “A, B, C, or D” ke y s .
– 9 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Self-Help Featur e Abbrevi ated user's ins truction s are b uilt i nto the s ystem t hat ca n be eas ily viewed on the alpha k eypad 's message display screen.
– 10 – About The Keypads General IMPORTANT: If th e keypad beeps rapi dly upon enter ing the premises, it ind icates t hat an al arm has occurr ed durin g your absence.
– 11 – Functions of the Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS # ARMED READY 6160-00-002-V1 9 CHIME A B C D SPEAKER LCD DISPLAY FUNCTION KEYS LEDS IMPORTANT! When using the keypad t o enter codes and commands, sequential key depressions must be made within 3 seconds of one another.
– 12 – Functions of the Keypad (cont’d) ALPHA DI SPLAY WI NDOW: A 2-line, 32-character Li quid Crystal Disp lay (LCD) that d ispla ys pr otecti on p oint id entif ica tion and syst em statu s, message s, and user instruc tions.
–13 – Functions of the Keypad (cont’d) 9 CHIME : Tur ns on & off th e CHI ME mode. When on, an y en try th roug h a protecte d delay o r perimeter zone while th e system is disar med will c ause a ton e to sound at the Keypad(s ).
– 14 – Entry/Exit Delays General Information Your sy stem has ins taller -pr ogrammed tim e de lays, kn own as exit d elay an d entry d elay. Wh enev er yo u arm y our system , exit delay gives yo u time to leave th roug h the d esig nated exit d oor with out settin g off an alar m.
– 15 – Security Codes and Authority Levels General Information At the tim e of install ation , you w ere as signed a n auth ority level and a personal four-digit security code, known only to you and yours. The security code must be entered when ar ming and dis arming the s ystem.
– 16 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) Authority Levels Author ity l eve ls defi ne the system fu ncti ons a p art icular u ser can perf orm. Depend ing on the au thority ass igned to you , ther e are cer tain system func tions y ou may be proh ibited f rom per for ming.
– 17 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes • A user ma y not de lete or chang e the us er cod e of th e SAME or HIGHER author ity than which h e is as signed. • A user may only ADD users to a LOWER author ity level.
– 18 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Add a User IMPORTANT: Te mporar y u sers sh ould not b e sho wn h ow to u se any system func tion th ey do not n eed to know (e.g . bypa ssin g prot ecti on z ones). CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key.
– 19 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) MULTI-ACCESS ? 0 = NO , 1 = YES If you as a user have access to other partitions, the keypad w ill p romp t for abili ty of this new us er to access ( GOTO ) thos e part itions. Press 0 (NO ) or 1 (YES).
– 20 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Change a User's Code CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be changed.
– 21 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Delete a User CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be delet ed.
– 22 – Accessing Other Partitions To Access another Partition Eac h key pad is ass igne d a defau lt pa rtit ion fo r dis pla y purpose s, and wil l sho w only that partit ion's infor matio n.
– 23 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) Global Arming Notes: • When per form ing a G loba l Arm, if there ar e fau lts in an y of the se lected partit ions, th e sys tem wi ll ent er a Summ ary M ode. Fau lted zon es in all the sele cted par tit ions w ill be displa y ed.
– 24 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) The fol lowing is an example of what wo uld be displayed for a fault co ndition on Zon e 002 ( Loadin g D ock Win dow) on P artit ion 1 ( Wareh ous e) .
– 25 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) Common Lobby Operation When an inst allati on c onsists of a pa rtiti on that is shar ed by user s of oth er partition s in a building, th e shared par tition m ay be as signed as a “c ommon lobby” parti tion for the s ystem.
– 26 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) How User Codes Affect the Common Lobby Codes w ith “ Globa l” Ar ming If your code is g iven “glob al arming” w hen it is d efined, th e system d isplay s a prompt t hat allows you to pick a nd choose the partit ions to be armed or disarm ed.
– 27 – Checking For Open Zones Using the ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ READY Key Befor e arming your syst em, all p rotec ted d oors , wind ows and other p rotec tion zones m ust be c los ed or by passed (s ee BY PAS SING sect ion) . Ot herw ise the keypad w ill disp lay a " Not Read y" mes sage.
– 28 – Displaying All Zone Descriptors Using the ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ READY Key The Alp ha Key pads can also di splay all the z one de scriptor s tha t are programmed in your syst em. The abbrev iated in struction s for the READY key will appear fir st, foll owed by the z one de scriptors .
– 29 – Bypassing Protection Zone s Using the 6 BYPASS Key This key is us ed w hen yo u wan t to arm y our syste m with one or more z one s intentiona lly unprotected. Bypasse d zones are unprotected and will not ca use an alarm wh en viol ated while you r syst em is armed.
– 30 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Quick Bypass Your system allow s you to easily bypa ss all open (faulted ) zon es with out having to enter zone numbers indivi dually. NOTE: Al l bypa sses ar e r emoved wh en an O FF s equenc e (s ecurity cod e plu s OFF) is pe rformed.
– 31 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Group Bypass Your syst em allow s you to easily by pa ss a gr oup of zon es wi thout h aving to enter z one numb ers in divi dually . Th e sy stem p rov ides up to 15 gr oups. Ther e is no lim it to the num ber of zon es that m ay b e assig ned t o any on e gr oup.
– 32 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Zones Remaining Bypassed After Disarming The sys tem provi des an opti on to al low al l manu ally b ypas sed zones to rema in bypas sed upon disa rming (s ecurity co de + OFF) of th e pa rtition . This option m ust be prog rammed by your installe r.
– 33 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 STAY key Use thi s key w hen y ou are stay ing h ome, but m ight ex pect some one to u se the en tranc e door later .
– 34 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Dela y ON) (cont’d) Auto-STAY Arming Auto- stay all ows th e sy stem t o aut omatical ly by pass c ertain zon es if u pon arming none of th e entr y/ex it zon es are fa ulted duri ng th e exit del ay time ( no one ex its the p remi ses) .
– 35 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 7 INSTANT Key Impor tant: If you are using a Graphic/To uch-Screen Keypad, NIGHT mode is the sam e as INS TANT. Use th is key w hen you are st aying h ome and do not expec t any one to u se the entranc e d oor.
– 36 – Arming All Protection (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 2 AWAY Key Use th is key when n o on e will b e stayin g on the p rem ises. When arm ed in A WAY mode, th e syst em will sou nd an alarm if a prot ected door or w indow is open ed, or if an y mov em ent is d ete cted in sid e the p rem ises.
– 37 – Arming All Protection (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 4 MAXIMUM Ke y Use this k ey wh en th e premi ses will b e vacan t for ex tended period s of tim e such as v ac ations , etc ., o r wh en no on e wil l be mov ing throug h pro tec ted interior are as.
– 38 – Quick Exit Using the # + 9 Keys The Quic k Ex it featur e all ows you to ex it the arm ed partit ion wi thout h avin g to disar m and then rearm the par tition . To Quick Ex it the prem ises: 1. Press the # key and th en press the 9 key. 2.
– 39 – Disarming and Silencing Al arms Using the 1 OFF Key The OFF key is us ed to d isarm the sy stem and to silen ce al arm and trou ble sounds. See "SUMMAR Y OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION" section for information which w ill h elp you to di stingu ish betw een FIRE and BURGLARY alarm sounds.
– 40 – Using the Keyswitch General Your system m ay be equ ipped w ith a k eyswi tch f or use w hen ar min g and disarmi ng a partitio n. A red and gree n light on the k eyswitch pl ate indicate the st atus of y our sy stem as f ollows: Green Light: Ligh ts w hen th e system is di sarmed and ready to be armed ( no op en z ones) .
– 41 – Chime Mode Using the 9 Key Your system can be se t to alert y ou to the op ening of a door or wi nd ow whil e it is di sarm ed by using CH IME m ode. When ac tiva ted, three tone s wil l soun d at the K eyp ad wh enev er a prot ect ed per ime ter d oor or wind ow is op ened, and the N ot Read y m essage will b e disp layed.
– 42 – Viewing Alarm Company Messages General Information User s of th e syst em ma y peri odica lly rec eive m essag es on their displ ay screen s fr om th eir m onito ring agency or in stall er. When a me ssage i s waitin g to be vi ew ed, th e mes sage shown bel ow wil l app ear.
– 43 – Panic Keys (For Manually Activat ing Silent and/Or Audible Alarm s ) Using Panic Keys Your syst em may hav e b een p rogr ammed to u se sp ecia l key combin ati ons t o manually ac tivate panic functi ons. The functi ons that might b e programmed are Silent Emer gency, Audible Emergency, Personal Emergency, and Fire.
– 44 – Speed Key (Macros) General Information The “A”, “B ”, “C”, and/or “D” keys can be us ed to activa te a stri ng of comman ds u p t o 32 k eystr okes eac h. Th ese c omm and s are kn own as a macr o and are stor ed in the sy ste m’s m emory.
– 45 – Speed Key (Macros) (cont’d) key is unne cessary. T he system inte rprets the use of the # key in a Sp eed Key s equenc e as it s desig nated func tion only.
– 46 – Access Door Control General Information Yo ur sy stem m ay be set up s uch that a locked a ccess do or (s uch as in a lob by) can be unloc ked m omentar ily or for a spec ific perio d of time, us ing a keyp ad command. Ask your installer if this has b een done i n our syst em.
– 47 – Using #70 Relay Menu Mode General Information Your sy stem may be set up so that certain lights or other de vices can be turned on or off by using the #70 c ommand from either a keypad or a telephone keypad (if 4286 VIP module is used). Ask y our installer if this has been done in your system.
– 48 – Using Schedules Delaying the Closing Time Your sy stem 's pr ogramm ed sc hedul es may autom atic ally arm the sy stem a t a predet ermin ed t ime .
– 49 – Using Schedules (cont’d) Programming Temporary S chedules Te mpor ary s che dules only a ffe ct th e pa rtitio n fro m which it is enter ed. Temporary schedul es can be reu sed at la ter dates simply by scr olling (by pressing # ) to the DAYS? prompt (describe d below) and activati ng the appropriate da ys.
– 50 – Using Schedules (cont’d) DAYS ? MT WTFSS HIT 0-7 X X This is the pr ompt th at ac tually ac tiva tes the temp orary schedu le, and a llows th e temp orar y schedule t o be cust omized to a p articular w eek's need s. To sel ect the day s whic h are to be activated , ent er the d esired n umber 1- 7 (Mond ay = 1).
– 51 – Programming Device Timers General Information D e vi c e ti me rs co ns i s t o f a n O N t i me & a n OF F ti me , an d s e le ct e d d ay s of t he week in whic h th ey are ac tive. Th er e are up to 2 0 ti mers that c an b e used to control vari ous d evices, such as lig hts or ap plianc es.
– 52 – Programming Device Timers (cont’d) 00 ON TI ME ? 00:00 PM Enter th e time y ou wan t the dev ice tu rned on usi ng 00:01 - 11:59 f orm at. When the dis play show s the d esi red time, p res s the * key to m ove to the AM /PM field. Pres s any key 0-9 to chang e the AM/ PM in dica tion.
– 53 – Programming Device Timers (cont’d) Randomize Output Device Times Devic es in you r sy stem m ay be set for a rand om sc hedule, w her eby th ey wil l turn on and of f at dif feren t tim es eac h day .
– 54 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode The #77 Inst ant Activ ation Mode i s used to act ivate output s, byp ass zon es, etc. imm ediately upon exit ing th e #77 M ode. Th e act ions th at may be activated are rel ay comma nds, arm/disarm comm ands, z one bypassin g commands, and open/close access conditions.
– 55 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode (cont’d) Bypass Commands Activation times 1 (Beginning), 2 (End), 3 (D uring ) are the only v alid choic es for bypass commands.
– 56 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode (cont’d) Additional Commands Action Code Action Specifier 77 Access Po int Gr oup Enab le Group # 78 Access Po int Gr oup Dis able Group # To enter the Instant Activation Mode: Enter your security code, then press the # key followe d by 77.
– 57 – Event Log Procedures General Information The sy stem h as th e abilit y to rec ord v ari ous ev ents in a hist ory log wher ein each ev ent i s recorded in one of five categories (listed below), with the ti me and date of its occurrence.
– 58 – Event Log Procedures (continued) After the last event has been displayed, the END OF EVENT LOG mes sage appears for a few seconds, then the system automatically displays the RECENT/COMPLETE mode selec t scre en again (s ee st ep 2). 5. To EXIT the Event Log: Press [ ∗ ] at any time.
– 59 – Setting the Time and Date 1. Enter Installer or Master Code + # + 63 . Typ ical d isplay show s: TIME/DAT E – T HU 12:01 AM 01/01/ 10 The day of th e wee k is autom atica lly calc ulat ed ba sed on th e dat e enter ed. Time and date entrie s are mad e by simp ly ent ering th e appr opriate hour, minu te, mon th, day and y ear.
– 60 – Testing the System (To Be Conducted W eekly) Using the 5 TEST Key The TEST key put s your system into Test m ode, w hich allows each pr otec tion point t o be check ed f or pr oper oper ati on. 1. Disa rm the system and close all protected windows, doors, etc.
– 61 – Fire Alarm System Your fire alarm system (if instal led) is on 24 hour s a day, pro viding continuous protecti on. In the e vent of an em ergency, the s moke an d hea t detect ors autom atica lly send signals to your Control, trigge ring a loud inter rupting sound from the keypad and the op tion al ext erior so unders .
– 62 – Trouble Conditions Typical Trouble Disp lays The wor d CHECK or TR BL on the K eypad's disp lay , accompanied by a rapid "beepin g" at th e Key pad, indica tes tha t there i s a tr ouble c ondi tion in th e system . To silence th e beeping sound for tr ouble c ondit ions, p res s any k ey.
– 63 – Trouble Conditions (cont ’d) • A display of " Phone Line Cut " accomp anied by rapi d beep ing at the Keypad indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone line.
– 64 – Recommendations for Proper Protection The following recommendations for the location of fire and burglary detection devices help provid e proper coverage for the protect e d premises.
– 65 – Recommendations for Proper Protection (cont’d) In additi on, we re com mend the follo wing: Instal l a sm oke d etect or i nside ever y bedr oom w her e a sm oker sleep s. Install a sm oke d etector insid e bedro oms where electric al appli ances (su ch as p ortable heaters, air conditione rs or humidifiers) are used.
– 66 – Emergency Evacuation Establi sh an d regu larly pr actice a plan of esc ape in th e ev ent of fir e. Th e foll owing step s are recom mend ed by th e Na tion al Fir e Protec ti on Ass ociati on: 1. Posi tion y our de tector or your in teri or and /or ex ter ior s ound ers so that they can be heard by all oc cupants.
– 67 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c omp onents of y our sec ur ity sy stem are d esig ned to be a s fre e of maint enanc e as p ossibl e. How ever, ther e are some thin gs you c an d o to m ake sure that your system is i n reliable w orking cond ition.
– 68 – Maintaining Your System (cont’d) Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the Keypad The key pad’ s warning tones c an b e silenc ed by perfo rming an O FF sequ enc e (cod e plu s OF F ke.
– 69 – Quick Guide to System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zon es Press [ ✱ ]. To view fa ulted zone s when is system not ready Display A ll Descriptor s Press and hold [ ✱ ] for 5 sec onds. Displ ays all a lpha descr iptors programmed b y install er.
– 70 – Quick Guide to System Functions (cont’d ) FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Delete a Use r Enter master/m anager code . Press CODE [8]. Enter user no. to be deleted . Enter master/m anager code . Press 1 (Yes) at prompt. Master & Mana ger level u s ers can dele te users.
– 71 – Summary of Audible Notifica tion (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPT ED* K eypad & Ext ernal FIRE AL ARM FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. LOUD, CONTINUOUS* K eypad & Ext ernal BURGLARY/ AUDIBLE EMERG ENCY ALARM ALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is also displayed.
– 72 – FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION STATEMENTS The user shall not m ake any c hanges or modificat ions to the equipme nt unless authoriz ed by the Installati on Instructions or User's Manual. Unauthor ized changes or modification s could void the user's author ity to operate the eq uipment.
– 73 – “FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 68 NOTIC E This eq uipment c omplies with Par t 68 of t he FCC rule s. On the front c over of this equ ipment is a label that c ontains , among other inform ation, the F CC regis tration n umber an d ringer equ ivalenc e number (R EN) for this equipme nt.
– 74 – CANADIAN DEPART MENT OF COMMUNICATIONS (DOC) STATEMENT NOTICE The Canadian Department of Communicati ons label identifi es certified equipment. This c ertification means that the equi pment meets cert ain telecommunications network protect ive, operational and safety requirements .
– 75 – WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design s ecurity sys tem, it does not offer guaranteed prot ecti on against burglary or fire or other emergency. Any alarm sys tem, whether c ommercial or residenti al, is subj ect to compromise or fai lure to warn for a variety of reasons.
– 76 – Index #70 Command ....................................... 46 4286 VIP M odule .............................. 9, 46 AC Loss.................................................. 62 Access Another Partition ..................... 22 Access Control Comm ands .
– 77 – LO Bat ................................................... 62 Low Battery ........................................... 66 Low Battery Warning ........................... 67 Macros ..................................................... 7 Manager .
– 78 – TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honey well I nternational I nc., acting through i ts Se curity & Co mmunicat ions busi ness (“S elle r”), 2 Cor p orate Center Dr ive , Melvi ll e, New Yor.
– 79 – NOTES.
Ê800-0 6905EŠ 800-06905 6/10 R ev. C 2 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 100 P .O . Bo x 9040, Melville , NY 11747 Copyright © 2010 Honeywell International Inc.
An important point after buying a device Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell VISTA250BPT/, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell VISTA250BPT/.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell VISTA250BPT/. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell VISTA250BPT/ along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center