Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL Honeywell
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VISTA50 P-PRV2 5/04 Rev A $ $ ' ' ( ( 0 0 & & 2 2 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 6 6 ( ( 5 5 , , ( ( 6 6 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 3 3 .
– 2 – Table of Contents Recommend ed Programm ing Procedur e ................. 3 Program Fie ld Index ................................................. 4 VISTA-50 P/VIST A-50PUL Progra mming Form ........ 5 Partitio n-Specif ic Field s ...........
– 3 – Recommended Programming Procedure The foll owing is a step- by-step pr ocedur e reco mmended for progr amming your VI STA-50P/ VIST A-50PU L syste m. 1. Set the k eypads ( and other p eripher al devices) to the ap propriat e addres ses. 2. Set factor y default s by pr essing ✱ 97.
– 4 – Program Field Index On the follow ing pages , the pr ogramming fields have be en arranged in numerical order. Us e this index to cross -reference the fields on th e programming f orm.
– 5 – VISTA-50P/VISTA-50PUL Programming Form Some fields are pr ogrammed for each partitio n (shown as s haded fields). If y ou are progr amming a multip le-partition system, see the Partiti on-Specific Fields s ection for program ming thes e fields.
– 6 – *39 ENABLE OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR [0] INSTALLER CODE 1=enable; 0=disable *40 OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR KEYSWITCH [0] 1=enable; 0=disable * 41 NORMALLY CLOSED or EO LR (Zones 2-8) [1] 1=N.C.loops; 0=EOLR supervision. Must be "0" f or UL inst allations.
– 7 – *80 *8 1 SYSTEM NON-ALARM CODES E nter 00-09; B-F (11-15). Default = 00 for all reports *80 1st Digit *81 2nd Digit Close | | Open | | Low Batte ry | | Low Batte ry Restore | | AC Loss | | A.
– 8 – 1*40 1*41 NON-ALARM DIALER CODES E nter 00-09; B-F (11-15). Default = 00 for all reports 1*40 1st Digit 1*41 2nd Digit Armed STAY | | Time/Da te Set o r Event Log Reset | | Event Lo g 50% &a.
– 9 – 2*06 AUTO-ARM WARNING PERI OD [15] | This is the time during which the user is warned to exit the premises prior to the auto-arm ing of the system (beeps every 15 seconds; "ALERT" displ ayed). Enter 01-15 minutes. 00=instant at end of arming delay.
– 10 – Partition-Specifi c Fields (Duplicate this p age for e ach partition in the install ation.) To program these fields, 1. Press *91 to se lect a partiti on. 2. Enter a partit ion-spe cific f ield numb er (ex. * 09). 3. Make th e requir ed entry.
– 11 – 3rd Page Programmi ng Fields (press *94) 2*05 AUTO-ARM DELAY [15] | Enter the time between the end of the arming window and the start of auto-armi ng warning period, in values of 1-14 times 4 minutes 00=instant; [15=no auto arm at all]. When this delay expires , the Auto-Arm Warning Period begins.
– 12 – Programming With #93 Menu Mode NOTE: The following field should be preset before beginning: 2*00 N umber of Partiti ons. In addition, rec eivers s hould be programmed via De vice pr ogramming.
– 13 – Zone Programming If using 580 0 Series trans mitters, do not the instal l batteries until y ou are r eady to enroll t hem. After enro lling the transm itter, the battery need not be removed. This is to pr event enroll ing the wro ng seria l number.
– 14 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 10 IN PUT TY PE RF Xmit ter 3 Input types 4 & 5 are valid for certain 5800 Series transmitters only (e.g., 5801, 5802, 5802CP & 5803).
– 15 – 5800 Series Transmitters Loop Designations LOOP 1 5802MN ENROLL AS "UR" OR "RF" Y OU MUST ENROLL THIS BUTT ON LOOP 3 LOOP 1 LOOP 2 LOOP 4 LOOP 1 5808 ENROLL AS "RF" 5804 ENROLL AS "BR" 5817 ENROLL AS "RF" LOOP 1 (PRIMAR Y) LOOP 2 (A UX.
– 16 – PROM PT EXPLANATION ENTER ZONE N O. 00 = QUIT 11 The s ystem n ow re turn s to th e “ E NTER ZON E NO. ” prompt for the next zone. When all zones have been programmed, enter “ 00 ” to quit .
– 17 – PROM PT EXPLANATION Zn Z T P RC In L 10 03 1 1 0 RF - Enter all zone info rmation except for Loop number, or press “ C ” to copy the zone information on this screen from the last saved zone (including Loop). ZT = Zone Type P = Partit ion RC = Report Code In = Input Device Type L = Loop number to which the sensor is connected.
– 18 – Entering Wireless Keys If you press ed the D key previously to enter defau lts for 580 4 and/or 5804BD wireless keys, the fol lowing sc reens appea r: PROM PT EXPLANATION FROM TEMPLA TE 1 – 6 1 Enter templa te numb er (1 – 6). 1 – 3 = 5804 templates; 4 – 6 = 5804BD templates.
– 19 – Wireless Ke y Default Tem plates 5804 5804 BD Template 1 Loop Function Zone Type Template 4 Loop Function Zone Type 1 No R esponse 23 1 No Respons e 23 2 Disarming 22 2 No Response 23 3 Arm.
– 20 – Alpha Descript ors Programming You can program a user-frie ndly Englis h languag e descript ion/locati on for all pr otection z ones, relay s, keypad pa nics, pol ling loop short, a nd RF rece iver supervis ion troubles .
– 21 – 4. Accept the word. To accept th e word, press [6] , which s witches bac k to the alp habet list for the next word , or press [8] to store the complete des criptor an d then ex it. 5. Select the next word. For selectio n of the nex t word (DOO R), repeat step 3a (w ord #057) or 3 b, but select ing the word "DOOR.
– 22 – 2. Enter the custom word number (01-20) you want to create. For example, if you are c reating the f irst word (or w ord string) , enter 01 ; when c reating the second word, enter 02 , and so on. A cursor now appears at t he beginn ing of the s econd line .
– 23 – Alpha Descript or Vocabulary (For entering al pha desc riptors. To s elect a word, press [#] f ollowed by th e word ’ s 3-digit number.) NOTE: This vocabulary is not to be used for re lay voice des criptors. See the Relay Voice Des criptors section when programming r elay voice d escriptors .
– 24 – Device Programming This menu is used to pr ogram k eypads, receiv ers, and relay modules, etc . Device Addre ss 00 is alw ays set as an alpha key pad ass igned to Partiti on 1 with no s ounder s uppression options, and these sett ings ca nnot be chan ged.
– 25 – Relay Programming The system s upports up to 16 relay s. Relays can be used to perform many different fu nctions and actions. Eac h output must be programm ed to begin o ne of three ty pes of ACTIONS at a design ated START event , and end th at ACTION at a designated STOP event.
– 26 – Relay Device s Programming From Data Field Programming Mode, press #9 3 to display th e "ZONE PROG ?" prompt. Pr ess [0] (NO) to eac h menu opt ion until the "R ELAY PGM?" prom pt appears. Pres s [1] (YES). While in this mode, pres s [ ✱ ] to adv ance to nex t screen.
– 27 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 02 ST ART: PARTN ANY PAR TITION 0 If the starting event will be limit ed to occurring on a specific partition, enter the partiti on number ( 1-8 ) in which the start event wil l occur. Enter 0 for any partition. Pres s [ ✱ ] to continue.
– 28 – If you are def ining a zon e list, continue to t he next s ection. If not, enter 00 + [ ✱ ] at the next two prompts. Yo u will then be asked "Quit M enu Mode? " Enter 1 for "Yes ," 0 for "No. " Then ente r ✱ 99 to exit programm ing completely .
– 29 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 01 ENTER DESC d1 From the Relay Voice Descri ptors and Custom Word Substitutes Vocabulary list, enter the 3-digit index number for the first word of the relay descri ptor phrase.
– 30 – Custom Word Substitutes for VIP Module Annunciation A substitute wor d can be pro gramm ed for each of th e 20 cust om words used in y our alpha z one descriptions. The VIP Module announces this substitut e word in place of the custom word that is d isplayed on the alpha keypad.
– 31 – System Layout Worksheet s Before programmin g any security syst em, you should first define the inst allation. T o help you lay out a partitioned system, use the f ollowing w orksheets. Thi s will further s implify the progr amming process.
– 32 – PRINTER OPTIONS 12- or 24-hour Time format Printer On-Li ne (yes/no) 1200 or 300 baud Printer Baud Rate EVENT LOG TYPES Option No Yes Alarm Trouble Bypa ss Open/Close Syste m DEVICES (keypads, 4 204, rf receivers, vip module) Addr Type Part Sound Opt House ID 00.
— 33 — ACCESS CODES & USER DEFINITIONS FOR PARTITIONS 3 & 4 Partitio n 3 Partition 4 4-digit Security Code Access Group 0; 1-8 2-Digit User # Auth.
— 34 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / Loop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 01-25 Zone No.
— 35 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 26-50 Zone No.
— 36 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 51-75 Zone No.
— 37 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 76-86 Zone No.
— 38 — ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR KEYPAD PANIC ZONES 95, 96, & 99 Enter yes/ no for each partition-field *2 2 Zone No. Zone Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Report Code Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words m ax.) 9 5 9 6 9 9 ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR SYSTE M ZONES; 88; 89, 90, 91, 9 7 & 98 Zone No.
— 39 — Relay Devi ces Worksheet s Applicable only if rela ys (4204) , or X- 10 devic es are used . Relays are pro grammed in the #93 Men u Mode in t he Relay Program ming Secti on.
— 40 — ZT = ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION Choices for Star t/Stop Zone Types and System Oper ations: 00 = No Response (Not Used) 23 = No Alarm Response 43 = Communication failure 01 = Entry/Exit #1 3.
— 41 — Zone List 7: St arted or stop ped by zone n umbers (enter 000 to end entries). Zone List 8: St arted or stop ped by zone n umbers (enter 000 to end entries).
— 42 — Scheduling Worksheets Time Windows Defi nitions Workshe et . The syst em pr ovide s 20 t ime win dows th at are define d with st art an d sto p times.
— 43 — Holiday Schedul e Worksheet: The system provi des u p to 16 holi days th at can be assi gned for the syste m. Each holi day can be ass igned to any combinatio n of partitio ns.
— 44 — Below is a list of the "Action" codes (desired ac tions) us ed when pr ogramming tim e-driven events. Note t hat these c odes are independent of the "r elay code s" programmed d uring the #9 3 Menu M ode – Relay Progr amming mod e.
— 45 — Temporary Sched ule #81 Me nu Mode . The syste m pro vides a Tempo rary S c hedule f or each partition . Enter the tem porary scheduling mode by pr essing [ Installer Code] + [#] + [ 81] .
— 46 — Partition/Windows Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 7 Disar m Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM Arm Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM 8 Disar m Window S t a r t T i m e H H : M M S t .
— 47 — VISTA-50P/VISTA-50PUL Summary of Connections Diagram V50P_PUL-SOC-V1 ++ – N.C. N.C. N.O. 2k EOLR (note 1) 2k EOLR (note 1) + – + – + – BELL SIREN NO CONNECTION TRANSFORMER 16.5VAC, 40VA ADEMCO No.1361 (IN CANADA USE No. 1361CN) OR 1361X10 IF X-10 DEVICES WILL BE USED Connect to 24hr.
¬9,67$3359 l VISTA50P-PRV2 5/04 Re v. A 165 Eileen Wa y , Syosset, New Y ork 11791 Cop yright © 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. www .
An important point after buying a device Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center