Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product UMC800 Honeywell
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Sensing and Control UMC800 Contr oller Install ation and U ser Guide Doc. No.: 51-52-25- 61 Release: F Last Rev ision Date: 4/01.
ii UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Notices and Trad emarks Copyright 2001 by Honeywell Release F April, 20 01 Warranty /Remedy Honeyw ell warrants goods of its manufa cture as being fr ee of defect ive materials and faulty w orkmanship.
Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide iii 4/01 A bout Th is Doc ument Abstract This docum ent provides descri ptions and procedures for the inst allation, operation and maintenance of t he UMC800 Control ler hardware.
iv UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Symbol Defini tions The following table lists t hose s y mbols that may be used in this d o cument to denote certain conditio ns.
Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide v 4/01 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 Purpose ...........................................................
vi UMC800 Controller Inst allat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Maintenance ......................................................................................... 63 Overview .......................................................................
Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide vii 4/01 Tables Table 1 Controller plu g-in I/O module types ................................................................................... .............................6 Table 2 Commun ication port descriptions .
viii UMC800 Controller Inst allat i on and User Guide Releas e F 4/01 Figures Figure 1 UMC 800 components.................................................................................................... ................................. 3 Figure 2 UMC 800 controller hardw are .
Introduction Purpose Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 1 4/01 Introductio n Purpose This Installation and U ser guide assists i n the installatio n, start up, operatio n, maintenance and troubles hooting of the UMC800 Controll er.
Introduction UMC800 Control ler 2 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Releas e F 4/01 UMC800 Controller The UMC800 is i ndustrial process control equ ip ment th at must be mounted.
UMC800 O verview UMC800 D escription Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 3 4/01 UMC800 Overview UMC800 Description The Univ ersal Multiloop Cont roller (UMC800) is a m odular cont roller designed to addres s the analog and digit al control requi re ments of sm all unit processes .
UMC800 O verview Feature Summary 4 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Releas e F 4/01 through the C o nfiguration port allows rem ote acces s to the controller via the Control Builder and Us er Utility programs. This will e nable tr o uble shooting, configuratio n c hanges and firmware upgrade.
Equipment Ide ntification Controller Co mponents Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 5 4/01 Equipment Id entifica tion Controll er Components Enclosu re The UMC800 controller il.
Equipment Ide ntification Controller Co mponents 6 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Releas e F 4/01 I/O modules Eleven di fferent module ty pe s can be installed in the controller t o support both analog and digita l inputs and outpu t s of various types and signal lev els.
Equipment Ide ntification Operator Interf ace Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 7 4/01 Operator Interface The UMC800 operator interf ace (Figure 3, Figure 4, an d Figure 5) provides a graphi c LCD display and a monoplaner key board to allo w operator acces s to all controller fun ctions.
Equipment Ide ntification Control Buil der 8 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Releas e F 4/01 Con trol Bu ilder All controller and operator in terface configuration is perf or med using Control Builder software on a separate PC op erating with Windows TM 95 or Window s TM NT 4.
Equipment Ide ntification Control Buil der Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 9 4/01 Complet ed configurations may also be s aved on 3.5" floppy disk an d loaded into the con troller and operator interf ace through an optional 3.
Equipment Ide ntification Serial Communi cation Ports 10 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Serial Communicati on Por ts The controller contain s dedicated serial ports for extern al communications. These are described in Table 2.
Pre-Installatio n Consideration s Introduction Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 11 4/01 Pre-Installation C onsidera tions Introduction Installation of the controller consists of mounting an d wiring th e controller according to the guidelines given in this section.
Pre-Installatio n Consideration s Introduction 12 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Electrica l consid eration s The controller is cons idered “ op en eq uip ment ” per EN 61010-1, Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipmen t for Measurement , Control, and Laborat or y Us e, Part 1: General R equirements.
Pre-Installatio n Consideration s Introduction Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 13 4/01 Permissible wire bundling Table 4 sh o w s which wire funct ions should be bu ndled toget her. Table 4 Permissible w iring bundles Bundle No.
Pre-Installatio n Consideration s Introduction 14 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01.
Mounting and Wiring Site Preparation Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 15 4/01 Mounting an d Wiring Site Prepa ration The UMC800 mus t be mounted within an enclosure. Hardw are is provided to surf ace mount the cont roller to a panel or other su itable surface.
Mounting and Wiring Mounting the C ontroller 16 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Power requirements The standard s upply uses 100/240 V ac or Vdc input ran ges for its source. The in put requirem e nts are list ed in Table 5.
Mounting and Wiring Mounting the C ontroller Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 17 4/01 Enclosure mounting dimensions 11.37 286.26 7.0 177.8 i nches Dimensions = ________ _ m illimeters 11.77 298. 96 13.02 7 330.8 9 3.013 76.53 0.
Mounting and Wiring Plug-in M odule Locations 18 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Plug-in M odule Locations Common backpl ane The controller backplan e provides common conn ectio ns for the pow er supply, CPU and I/O modules.
Mounting and Wiring Plug-in M odule Locations Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 19 4/01 OUT 4 + _ OUT 3 + _ OUT 2 + _ OUT 1 + _ 0-20 mA ! I/O Module PWA Ter m inal Bloc k Figu.
Mounting and Wiring Plug-in M odule Locations 20 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 I/O module limits The controller backplane accom modates I/O module types, subject to the limitations as shown in Table 7. Slot Locations identify the allow able locatio ns in the controller for each I/O modu le t ype.
Mounting and Wiring Plug-in M odule Locations Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 21 4/01 Controller model number The controlle r model num ber specified on your purch ase order indicat es the I/O module t ypes and the assigned s lot locatio n of each I/O modu le present in the controller.
Mounting and Wiring Plug-in M odule Locations 22 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Verify I/O module locations The table belo w outlines the step s for id entifying and reco r d ing the I/O module types in the controller.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 23 4/01 Signal Wiring I/O module wiring Termin al blocks are installe d to the front of th e I/O modules for conn ecting field devi ce wiring as shown in Figure 11.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 24 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 A nalog input / analog output fiel d w iring Shielded twisted pairs are recom mended (and required for C E approval) for analog in put (AI) and analog output ( AO) m odule field wiring .
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 25 4/01 A nalog inputs (module ID 1) A universal Analog Input modu le accepts a variety of input signals from field devices as su mmarized in Table 9. Figure 13 illustrate s the terminal blo c k con nections for the various inpu ts.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 26 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Field wiring for one pH sensor input (module ID C) Figure 14 i ndicates the recomm e nded wiring for on e pH sensor input. N ote that two analog i nput channels are required, one for the pH sensor and one for temperature.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 27 4/01 A nalog outputs (module ID 2) The Anal o g Output ( AO) modul e provides four ou tputs at 0 mA to 20 mA (configurable for 4 m A to 20 mA or any span between 0 mA to 20 mA).
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 28 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Digital inputs Three types of Digital Input (DI) modules accept four types of input signals. 1. Log ic I nput (Modul e ID 3 and B) 2. DC In put (Module ID 4) 3.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 29 4/01 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DI 6 DI 4 DI 3 DI 1 DI 5 DI 2 Mo dul e ID #3, 4, or 5 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Module B Identifiable by 32 s crew s Each odd-numbered terminal is internally grounded.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 30 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Digital outputs There are four ty pes o f Digital Output (DO) modules that provide three ty pe s of Off/On con trol. 1. Relay (alarm) outpu t (Modul e ID 6) 46190308- 503 2.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 31 4/01 The Digital Output module with relay outputs (M o d ule ID 6) contain jumpers to set t he de-energized state of the relay co ntacts.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 32 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Pulse input/frequency input module with digital outputs Figure 19 s hows the termin al block connections for Puls e/Frequency Input Module. See Specifications section for det ails on all I/O module s pecifications.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 33 4/01 Pulse input/frequency input jumpers The Pulse/Frequenc y Inp ut Module with Digital O utput s ( Module ID D) contain ju mper s to set the de- energized In put Filter Cuto ff Frequency.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring 34 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 V supply Choose a suppl y that is co mpatible with t he environmental require ments of your applicatio n. T he supply voltag e must be within th e requirement of both t he transmitter an d the pulse input card.
Mounting and Wiring Signal Wiring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 35 4/01 Pulse frequency card outputs The pulse f requency card outpu ts are open collector drivers designed to dri ve a maximum of 100 mA . All Pulse F requency card digi tal outputs are opt ically isolated f ro m each oth er.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks 36 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Wiring Communi cation Li nks Serial communica tions ports The controlle r communicates th rough a number of serial ports. The C P U modu le contains tw o serial ports .
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 37 4/01 Table 10 Summary of communication link connections to controller Communication Link to .
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks 38 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 CONFIGURATION cable Table 12 Null modem cable construction PC Connector 9-Pin “D ”.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 39 4/01 Installing fer rite clamp f or CE compliance This proced ure ensures that unwanted radio frequency noise is filter ed . It is required for CE co mpliance.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks 40 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 DISPLAY connec tor (to operator interface) The controller is conn ected to the operator interface through a 15-pin D-Type connector cable.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 41 4/01 Connector location at the rear of the operator interface Connec tor Te rminal Wiring Signal Wire Termina l Name Color Numbe r RX- Black 1 RX+ W hite 2 RX Shd.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks 42 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 COMM A and B connectors (optional) The CPU module equipp ed with the optional co mmunicatio n board provides two additional RS 485 communi cations ports wi th Modbus RTU protocol support.
Mounting and Wiring Wiring Com munication Li nks Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 43 4/01 RS 485 seri al com municat ions When conn ecting the controll er to a RS 485 communi cation link (see Figu re 27), you must use te r minati o n resistors at each end of the link.
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss 44 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Remote A ccess Overv iew Remote controller access v ia dial-up modem is available via the communication setup.
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 45 4/01 Modem configuration Before connecting a modem to th e controller ’ s RS232 port (m arked “ C .
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss 46 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Modem con figuration examp les Belo w are procedures for settin g up the follo wing commercially av.
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 47 4/01 Step Action 9 Set the modem switches t o the following: Switch Setting Position Function 1 ON DO .
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss 48 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Zoom 56K Dualmode External Modem Step Action 1 Connect the mo dem to a PC. If y our PC ’ s RS232 port has a 25-pin connector, us e a DB-25 male to DB-25 fe male RS232 ca ble.
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 49 4/01 Best Data 56 SX Data F ax Ext ernal Modem Step Action 1 Connect the mo dem to a PC. If y our PC ’ s RS232 port has a 2- pin connector, use a DB-9 male to DB-25 female modem cable.
Mounting and Wiring Remo te Acce ss 50 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 SixNet VT-M OD EM Industrial Exte rnal Modem Step Action 1 Connect the mo dem to a PC. If y our PC ’ s RS232 port has a 25 pi n connector, use a DB-9 male to DB-25 fe male modem cab le.
Mounting and Wiring Power Supply W iring Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 51 4/01 Power Suppl y Wiring The power wi ring is connected to the power terminals of the power supply in accordan ce with accepted wiring practices an d is summarized in Table 14 shows t he terminal connections for the power wiring .
Operation Po wer Up / P o wer Do wn 52 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Operatio n Po wer Up / Po wer Do wn Pow er-up A sequence of ch ec ks are perform ed b y the con troller anytime power is applied to th e controller.
Operation Operational M odes and Contro ls Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 53 4/01 Operational Modes and Contr ols There are three operati onal modes def ined in the UMC800 to prov ide safe operatin g environments for users to implement chang es and perform tasks on t he controller and operator interf ace.
Operation Operational M odes and Contro ls 54 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 2. From the Operator In terface. Mode chang e s can be made from SET MODE display or the Calibrate AI and AO di splays of the operator interf ace with certain restrictions.
Operation Operational M odes and Contro ls Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 55 4/01 Table 15 Co ntroll er mode sw itch su mmary Controller Mode Manu al Switch setting Mode Control through the Configuration Port or O perator Interface RUN Unrestricte d mode change s.
Operation File Downloa ding 56 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 File Downlo ading Downloading configu ration files, recipes and other files to the cont roller can be acco mplished two ways: 1. Download from a P C or other device connected the C onfiguration port (serial port) of the controller.
Operation Code Dow nload Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 57 4/01 Download v ia CONFIGURA T ION port A downloading tool in the control builder so f t ware can be used to do wnload configuration files to the controller. T he downloading tool first verifies that a valid con figuration file exists for the controller .
Operation W arm Start / Cold St art 58 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Warm Start / Cold Start Housekeeping and diagnosti c routines are perform ed during power u p sequence of the con troller and prior to the controller m icroprocessor starting n or mal scan proces sing.
Operation Status Indica tors Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 59 4/01 Number of analog input cards Time to complete one full scan (in milliseconds) 8 1700 9 1900 10 2100 11 2.
Operation Status Indica tors 60 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Controll er Status Indicators CPU Module _ 100 - 24 0 V ~ 50 / 6 0 Hz 100 VA MAX. POWER Lo BA T FORCE RUN DISPL AY BA T CONFIG URATION OFFLINE RUN PROGR AM Re pl ac e ba tt ery wit h Tadi ran T L5 10 1/ S o n ly .
Operation RS 485 Port C onfiguration (Com munication Boar d Option) Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 61 4/01 RS 485 Port Configuration (Communication Board Option) COMM A a n.
Operation RS 485 Port C onfiguration (Com munication Boar d Option) 62 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01.
Maintenanc e Overvie w Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 63 4/01 Maintenance Over vi ew This section covers procedures in the maintenance, calibration and replacem ent o f the cont roller and its compon ents.
Maintenanc e Routine M aintenance 64 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Routine M aintenance Controller maintenance Normal routin e mainte nance of the controller is not necessary ot her than a periodic physical ins pectio n of the con troller enclosure an d wiring for any signs of deterioration or dus t and dirt.
Maintenanc e Controller Cal ibration Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 65 4/01 Con troller C alibr ation ATTENTION All Analog Inpu t (AI) and Analog O utput (AO) modules a re factory cali brated to 0.1% a ccuracy. If this accu racy is suffici ent for your appl ications, t here is not need to recalibrate t he modules.
Maintenanc e Controller Cal ibration 66 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Factor y calibrat ion Factory calibration of controller components is perform ed before shipment to 0.1% accuracy. C alibration values are containe d in a number of the con troller co mponents , namely: the CPU, Backplane, and AI an d AO m odules.
Maintenanc e Controller Cal ibration Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 67 4/01 Field calibration Field calibration of controller co mponents is li mited to AI modules and AO modules. Individual channels of the m od ules can be calibrated at 0% an d 100% of thei r range.
Maintenanc e Controller Cal ibration 68 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 Chan nel 4 Channe l 3 Chann el 2 Channe l 1 + - RTD + - RTD + - RTD +.
Maintenanc e Controller Cal ibration Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 69 4/01 ST1 OU T 4 + _ OU T 3 + _ OU T 2 + _ OU T 1 + _ 0-20mA ! Wire Jum pe r S T 1 Anal og Outpu t Mod.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures 70 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Replacement Procedures The following tables outline the procedu res for replacement of the con troller co mpon e nts. Field replacement is limited to the Printed Wiring Asse mbl y (PWA) level.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 71 4/01 CAUTION TO PRESERVE THE CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION PRIOR TO PERFOR MING ANY REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES OR REMOVING POW ER TO THE CONTROLLER: • Be certain that the LoBatt LED is O FF.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures 72 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Replacing the power supply fuse The power supply input circuit is protected with a fuse. Use the steps in th e table belo w to replace th e fuse on th e po w er supply modul e.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 73 4/01 Replacing the battery A lithium battery is used as a keep alive voltage for the volatile memory (RAM) that contains the co ntroller configurati on.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures 74 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Replacing I/O modules If any I/O m odules need to be replaced, follow t he steps in the table below . Step Action 1 Remove power from controller. 2 Remove fro nt cover by loose ning the two screw s at the top of the enclosure .
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 75 4/01 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 Locks Field W i ring Terminal s Locks I/O Module Identifi cation Fi.
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures 76 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Replacing the power supply module Step Action 1 Remove power from controller. 2 Disconne ct power w iring from power supply terminals. 3 Remove fro nt cover by loose ning the two screw s at the top o f the enclosure .
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 77 4/01 Replacing the backplane Step Action 1 Remove power from controller. 2 Disconne ct power w iring from power supply terminals. 3 Remove fro nt cover by loose ning the two screw s at the top o f the enclosure .
Maintenanc e Replacement Pro cedures 78 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Step Action 18 Reconnect power wiring to proper terminals on power supply as show n. Hot Neutra l Grou nd F 3,15 A T 250V L1 L2 / N 19 Replace front cover and secure with two screw s.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Overvie w Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 79 4/01 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoo ting Over vi ew This section pro vides d iagnostic and t.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Controller Dia gnostics 80 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Controller status LEDs Status indicators on t he controller consist of four LEDs that indicate g ood and fault conditions in the controller.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 81 4/01 Fault Detection and Tr oublecl e ar ing Interpreting t he controller st atus and deter mining i f any corrective action is necessary can be done by referring to Table 20 and T able 21 .
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing 82 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Controller Diagnostic Summary (In the User Ut ility and Ope.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 83 4/01 Controller Diagnostic Summary (In the User Ut ility and O.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing 84 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Controller Diagnostic Summary (In the User Ut ility and Ope.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 85 4/01 Controller Diagnostic Summary (In the User Ut ility and O.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing 86 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Controller Diagnostic Summary (In the User Ut ility and Ope.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 87 4/01 Fault detection and tr ouble clearing Table 21 des cribes.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing 88 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 I/O Module Diagnostics (In The User Ut ility and Operator I.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 89 4/01 Modem troubleshooting Control ler modem problem s will ty picall y show one of tw o symptoms. • The modem does not answ er, or • the modem answers but do es not establis h co mmunications.
Diagnosti cs and Tr ou ble sho otin g Fault Detec tion and Trouble clearing 90 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01.
Parts L ist UMC800 Control ler Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 91 4/01 Parts List UMC800 Controller If you requ ire replacement or spare parts for the UMC controller, you can order them b y referring to th e tabl e be low and co nt acti ng your H o ne ywe l l rep re s e ntati ve.
Parts L ist UMC800 Control ler 92 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Part Descriptio n Part Number I/O Red T erminal Block 46190204- 501 Controller Fu se for 100-240 V supp .
Release E UMC800 Controll er I nstallation and User Guide 93 4/01 Specifications Introduction The following tables contain electrical, phy sical, safety and perform a nce specifications for the UMC800 controll er. Controll er Desi gn Parameter Description Controller CPU w ith two serial commun ication ports,* power supply , and backplan e assembly.
Specificatio ns I/O M odule Configuration 94 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Component Parameter Description Accuracy (at r eference conditio ns) Factory configur ed accuracy = ± 0.1 % of range Cold junct ion accuracy = ± 0.
Specificatio ns I/O M odule Configuration Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 95 4/01 Component Parameter Description Inputs per Module 6 (ID 3) or 16 (ID B) dry contact Logic I.
Specificatio ns I/O M odule Configuration 96 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Component Parameter Description Pulse/Frequency Inputs with Digital Outputs Input 1 to 4 Voltage Level s Logic Input H igh Vih: 3.0 Vdc Logic Input L ow Vil: 1.
Specificatio ns Design Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 97 4/01 Design Parameter Description Scan Rat e 1 AI modul e – (1 to 4 analo g inputs): 333 milliseconds 2 AI module.
Specificatio ns Design 98 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 Parameter Description Sy stem Interconnections Operator Interface (DISP LAY) Maxim um Distance Betwee n Controll.
Specificatio ns Environmenta l and Operating C onditions Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 99 4/01 Environmental and Operating Conditi ons Parameter Reference Rated Extreme Transportation and Storage Ambient Temp.
Specificatio ns PV Inputs 100 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01 PV Inputs Range Standard ° F ° C Thermocouples J – 58 to 302 32 to 752 – 328 to 1598 – 50 to 150 0 t.
Specificatio ns PV Inputs Release F UMC800 Control l er I nstallation and User Guide 101 4/01 Range Standard ° F ° C RTD/Ohms Pt 100 at 0 ° C – 130 to 464 – 58 to 302 32 to 212** 32 to 392 32 t.
Specificatio ns PV Inputs 102 UMC800 Controller Installat ion and User Guide Release F 4/01.
Index Release F UMC800 Controller Ins t al l at ion and User Guide 103 4/01 Index —A— Ambient Temperature, 11 analog input scan rate, 58 Ana log Input wir in g, 25 Ana log Output wir in g, 27 —B.
Index 104 UMC800 Controller Ins tallat i on and Us er Guide Release F 4/01 —O— Off line mode, 53 Operating conditions, 99 Operationa l modes, 53 —P, Q— Par t Nu mbe rs , 91 Pow er , 11 Power C.
SIKKERH ESKRAV DA 2I-6048 ! For at u ndgå elek trisk stø d m ed mulighed f or per sonsk ade, sk al alle sikk erhedsbes temm elser i de nne m anual f ølges nøj e. Dette s ymbol ad varer br ugeren om en po tentie l berør ingsfar e, såfr em t der kan være adgang t il den l ivsfarli ge netspæ nding.
VEILIGHEIDSVER EISTEN DU2I-6048 ! Ter verminder ing van het ge vaar v an elek trisc he schok ken die lich am elijk letsel k unnen veroor zaken, d ient u alle vei lighei dsaanwij zing en in dit dok um ent te volg en.
TURVALLISUUSMÄÄRÄYKSET FI2I-6048 ! Noudata t ämän ohj een kaik k ia turvaohje ita vältt ääk sesi sähk ötapaturm an vaar aa. Täm ä merkk i varoittaa k äyttäjää sä hk öiskun va arasta pa ik assa, m iss ä voi ko skettaa vaaral lisia j ännitte itä.
CONSIGNES DE SECURITE FR2 I -6 048 ! Pour ré duire to ut risq ue de déc harge él ectriq ue qui pourr ait prov oquer un e lésio n corporel le, resp ectez to utes les consi gnes de s écurité d e cette docum entation.
SICHERHEITSHINWEISE GE2I-6048 Befolg en Sie a lle S icherh eitshin weise in dies en Unterl agen, um das Ris iko e ines Strom s c hlags zu verri nger n, der zu Körp er v erlet zu ng führ e n k ann. Dieses S ymbol war nt den Benut zer vor e ventueller Berührun gsgef ahr, wo lebensgef ähr l iche Sp ann ung en zugän gl ic h sein können.
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NORME DI SICUREZZA IT2I-6048 ! Per ridur re i r ischi d i scaric he elettr iche c he potre bber o causare alle persone , seguir e tutte le precau zi on i circ a la sicure zza indic ate in ques t a doc um enta zione. Questo sim bolo avverte del p erico lo di sc ossa el ettrica nelle ar ee i n cui so no acc essibi li conduttor i sotto te nsione.
SIKKERHETSKRAV NO2I-6048 ! Følg all e retnin gslinj ene i de tte dok um entet, slik at du redus erer ris ik oen for elektr isk støt og m ulige pers onsk ader. Dette s ymbolet adv arer bruk eren om tilgj engeli ge term inaler med f arlige spenning er og en potens iell f are for elek trisk støt .
INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURA NÇ A PO2I-6048 ! Para redu zir o risco de choq ue eléctric o qu e pode ca usar da nos cor porais, s eguir to das as norm as de s egurança co ntidas n esta d ocum entação. Este sím bolo a visa o u tilizad or sobre um eventual per igo de choqu e quan do são acess íveis vo ltagens sob tens ão p erigos as.
NORMAS DE SEGURIDAD SP2I-6048 ! Para re ducir el r iesgo de choqu e eléc trico el cual podría c ausar l esiones p ersona les, seguir t odas las indic aciones de este docum ento. Este sím bolo pre vien e al usuar io de u n ries go pote ncial d e descar ga cuan do se puede acceder a c orrientes de t ensión p eligros as.
SÄKERHETSFÖRESKRIFTER SW2I-6048 ! För att red ucera r isker na av elek trisk a choc ker som k an orsak a personsk ador, f ölj alla säk erhetsför eskr ifter i denna dok um entation. Denna s ymbol varnar an vändar en f ör risk för elc hock vid tillf ällig åtk oms t av spännings förand e del.
HSM8 HONEYWELL SERVICE CENTERS A RGENTINA BULGA RIA GERMA NY HONEYW ELL S.A.I.C. BELGRANO 1156 BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA Tel. : 54 1 383 9290 HONEYW ELL EOOD 14, Iskarsko Chausse POB 79 BG- 1592 Sofia BULGARIA Tel : 359-791512/ 794027/ 792198 HONEYW ELL AG Kaiserleistrasse 39 D-63067 OFFENBACH GERMANY Tel.
Sensi ng and Co nt rol Honey we ll 11 Wes t Spring Stree t Freepor t, IL 61032 51-52-25-61F 0401 Printed in USA www. honey w
An important point after buying a device Honeywell UMC800 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell UMC800 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell UMC800 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell UMC800 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell UMC800 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell UMC800, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell UMC800.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell UMC800. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell UMC800 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center