Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LYNXR-I Honeywell
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ADEMCO LYNXR-I Security System User Guide AWAY OFF ST A Y AUX 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # 1 2 3 K14115 3/06 Rev. A.
– 2 – Your Honey well security sy stem is designed f or use with devices m anufactured or approved by Honey well for us e with y our security sy stem .
– 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... .5 Features .............
– 4 –.
– 5 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW Features General Information This system off ers you three forms of protection: b urglary, fire, and emergency, depending on the configur ation of yo ur system.
– 6 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW Features • AUX key function: Designated key lets you activate a predefined series of keystrokes with a si ngle press of the AUX key plus user code , or manually send a page r message .
– 7 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW General Operation Zones Your s ystem's sensin g devices have b een as signed to va rious "zones .
– 8 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW General Operation timeout occurs. If y our syste m is connect ed to a ce ntral monito ring stat ion, an alar m message will be sent. To stop the alarm sounding, simply disarm the syste m.
– 11 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW About the Master Keypad General IMPORTANT: If the keyp ad beeps ra pidly up on entering th e premises , an al arm has occurred durin g your absenc e and an intruder may still be o n the premises.
– 13 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW Master Keypad Definitions 5. TEST KEY: Tests the system and alarm sounder. 6. BYPA SS KEY : Rem oves in dividual pro tectio n zones from be ing monitored by the syste m. Displays currently bypassed zones. Used to adjust volume of voice messages.
– 14 – SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW About the Display and Indicators Display Def initions (for other disp lays, see Trouble Messages ) ALARM AWA Y INSTANT ST A Y.
– 15 – SECURING THE PREMISES Checking System Status General I nformatio n Before arm ing you r system , al l protected doors, windows, a nd other protection zones mus t be closed or bypas sed (see the BYPASSING PROTECTION section).
– 16 – SECURING THE PREMISES Arming the System Arming in Stay Mode Use th is mode when you are stayi ng home, bu t expect someone to us e the entrance door l ater. Close a ll protected perimeter windows a nd doors before armi ng. The green READY indicator on the keypad should be lit if the syste m is ready to be armed.
– 17 – SECURING THE PREMISES Arming the System Arming the System With No Delay Use NO DELAY with STAY mode when you are stayi ng home and d o not expect anyone to use th e entrance d oor. Use NO DELAY with AWAY mode when the pre mises will be vac ant for ex tended pe riods of t ime such as vaca tions, etc.
– 18 – SECURING THE PREMISES Entry/Exit Delays Exit Delay Exit delay begins imme diately after arming the syst em, and gives yo u time to leave throug h the designat ed exit do or witho ut setting off an alarm. A slo w bee ping will sound thr oughout the e xit de lay perio d, if programmed .
– 19 – SECURING THE PREMISES Disarming the System Use the OFF key to di sarm th e system an d to silen ce alarm and troubl e sounds. See the SUMMARY OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATI ON sectio n for informat ion, which will he lp you to d istinguish betwe en fire and burglary alar m sounds.
– 20 – SECURING THE PREMISES Bypassing Protection Zones Bypassi ng Individual Zones Use the BYP ASS key when you w ant to arm your sy stem with one or more zone s intentionally unprote cted. Bypasse d zones are unpro tecte d and will not c ause an alarm when v iolated while your system is ar med.
– 21 – SECURING THE PREMISES Panic Keys / Chime Mode Panic Keys Your sys tem may ha ve been program med to use sp ecial keys to m anual ly activa te panic fu nctions. T he functions that mi ght be programmed are lis ted below. See your installer for the function(s ) that may have been programmed for your system .
– 22 – USER FUNCTIONS Paging Feature Automatic Paging If the Paging feature has bee n programme d for your system, your pager will r espond to certain condit ions as the y occur in your system by display ing a message t hat indicates t he type o f conditio n that has occ urred.
– 23 – USER FUNCTIONS “Follow Me” Announcement Feature “Follow Me” Re minder and System Announcements If the “Follow Me” Announceme nt feature has been pro grammed yo ur system w ill automatically d ial a telephone numb er and deliver a voi ce messa ge.
– 24 – USER FUNCTIONS “Follow Me” Announcement Feature NOTES: (1) The “F ollow Me” announce ment will be term inated if any new report ne eds to be sent or if any k ey is pressed on the LYNXR- I keypad or a wireless ( RF) keyp ad.
– 25 – USER FUNCTIONS Using Powerline Carrier Device Commands (Lights On/Lights Off Keys) General I nformatio n Power line Carrier device s (e.g. X10 brand de vices) are programmable sw itches that can be used to perfor m many differe nt functions.
– 26 – USER FUNCTIONS Message Recording/Playback/Volume Control The LYNXR-I Me ssage Cente r allows yo u to rec ord, play and dele te message s. The maximum message duration is 85 secon ds. NOTES: (1) The R ecord/play back funct ions can only be performed f rom the master key pad.
– 27 – USER FUNCTIONS Message Recording/Playback/Volume Control Adjusting the Volume The volume level o f message playbac k, system announc ements, and status be eps can be ch anged. You can also mute system announce ments if desire d. See NOTE be low if using a wir eless key pad.
– 28 – USER FUNCTIONS AUX Function General I nformatio n The AUX key may ha ve been program med to either perf orm a predefi ned functi on or to send a p reset messa ge to a pager/”Fol low Me”.
– 29 – USER FUNCTIONS Clock/Calendar Your syste m can display the curre nt time (see yo ur installer). The date is no t displayed, but has an internal functi on. The system must b e disarme d. To set the time and date: + FUN CTION + [63] Master u ser code or Installer Code The system will en ter the Voice Prompt Calendar Setting mode.
– 30 – USER FUNCTIONS Clock/Calendar 5. The syste m will announce, “ Enter tw o-digit day pr ess ADD to accept, E SCAPE to quit”. Day 01 (The curre nt day of the month will display.) Enter the 2-digit day of the m onth (i.e., 01-31). Press [ADD] to accept the entry an d continue to the year setting.
– 31 – USER FUNCTIONS Scheduling User Interface To access th e Schedulin g User Interfa ce enter: + FUN CTION + [64] Master u ser code or Installer Code The follo wing entr ies will be se quentially pro mpted to the user. N ote that all inputs are c hecke d for validity up on entry and all invalid entr ies are r ejecte d.
– 32 – USER FUNCTIONS Scheduling User Interface NOTE: The keypad bee ps twice for invalid data entries (e. g.: an hour greate r than 12), and the entry will not be accepted . The keypad beeps on ce for valid entries an d four ti mes when a sc hedule ev ent is programmed successfully.
– 33 – USER FUNCTIONS Scheduling User Interface b : xx Begin Time (minute) [xx] = begin minute 0 to 59 [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt xx : bd Begin Day [xx] = begin day 01 to 17 [*.
– 34 – USER FUNCTIONS Scheduling User Interface Event Identifier Entries Note : On systems that are is equipped with a Wireless keypad, r eminder announcements and the alarm clock will on ly be broadcast locally by the LYNXR keyp ad.
– 35 – USER FUNCTIONS Scheduling User Interface Day of Week E ntries Entry Day 00 Invalid day entry 01 Do event on next tim e match on the next Monday (will rem ove itself after executing) 02 Do e.
– 36 – USER FUNCTIONS Remote Phone Control Feature The LYNX R-Serie s is equipped w ith a remot e interact ive phone capability th at permits acc ess to the security system from any off-site touch-tone telepho ne using all user codes.
– 37 – USER FUNCTIONS Remote Phone Control Feature Enter: (within eight seconds) Your user code Upon e ntering re mote phon e contro l mode the Lynx will announc e “Syste m, enter c ode”.
– 38 – USER FUNCTIONS Speaker Phone Feature If thi s feature h as been progra mmed the LY NXR-I is capabl e of operatin g as a spea ker phone. Duri ng speake r phone o peratio n the system w ill provide the follo wing functions: • All functio n/event pr ocessing w ill continue to operat e, but there will be no anno uncements.
– 39 – USER FUNCTIONS Speaker Phone Feature LYNXR-I Speaker Phone Functions To place a call us ing the Speaker Phone: [#] + AUX and dial the desired phone number .
– 40 – FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (If Installed) (If Installed) (If Installed) (If Installed) General Information U U U U L L L L LYNXR-I is not intended for UL985 Household Fire applications unless a 24-hour backup battery (P/N LYNXR CHKIT-HC) is installed.
– 41 – FIRE ALARM SYSTE FIRE ALARM SYSTE FIRE ALARM SYSTE FIRE ALARM SYSTE M M M M National Fire Protection Association’s Smoke Detector Recommendations U U U U L L L L LYNXR-I is not intended for UL985 Household Fire applications unless a 24-hour backup battery (P/N LYNXR CHKIT-HC) is installed.
– 42 – FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Emergency Evacuation U U U U L L L L LYNXR-I is not intended for UL985 Household Fire applications unless a 24-hour backup battery (P/N LYNXR CHKIT-HC) is installed. Establ ish a nd regularl y practice a pl an of esca pe in the event of fire.
– 43 – SYSTEM FUN SYSTEM FUN SYSTEM FUN SYSTEM FUNCTIONS CTIONS CTIONS CTIONS Security Codes General I nformatio n For additional security you (the Maste r User Code ) can assign seco ndary user co des to individual users enabl ing th em to perf orm specifi c system f unctions .
– 44 – SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Testing the System (to be conducted weekly) Entering Test Mode The TEST key puts you r system i nto the Test mode, which al lows each protecti on point to be ch ecked for proper opera tion. The keyp ad sound s a sin gle beep every 45 seconds as a remin der that the sy stem is in the Test mode .
– 45 – SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Trouble Messages Typical Trouble Co ndition D isplays To silence the b eeping sound for fault c onditions, press a ny key. FAULT Indicates that a problem exists with the zone(s) displayed, accompanied by rapid bee ping.
– 46 – SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Maintaining your system The compon ents of your s ecurity sys tem are desi gned to be as mainten ance-free a s possi ble. To m ake sure that your syste m is in working condition, do the follo wing: 1.
– 47 – Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification *UPPER CASE indica tes announcements a fter pressing STATUS once. Lower ca se indicates announcements a fter pressing STATUS twice.
– 48 – Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification Summary Of Audible Notification Additiona l Announcements: Pressing STATU S key once will ann.
– 50 – Federal Co mmunicat ions Com mission (FCC) Part 68 This equipment complies wi th Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by ACTA. On the front cover of this equipment is a label that cont ains the FCC registrat ion number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN).
– 51 – IN THE EVENT OF TELEPHONE OP ERATIONAL PROBLEMS In the even t of telephone op erational problems , discon nect the control b y removing the plu g from the RJ31X (CA38A in Canada) t elephone wall jack. We r ecommend t hat your certifie d installer demonstra te dis connecting the phones on insta llation of the system .
– 52 – SERVICING INFORMATION Your local Hon eywell dealer is the person best qu alified to service your alarm system. Arranging s ome kind of regular se rvice program with him is advisable.
– 53 – OWNER'S INSURANCE PR EMIUM CREDIT REQUEST This form should be completed and forwarded to your homeow ner's insurance carrier for p ossible premium cred it. A. GENERAL INFORM ATION: Insure d's Nam e and Addres s: Insurance Com pany: Policy No .
– 54 – OWNER'S INSURANCE PREMIUM CREDIT REQUEST (cont.) E. SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS Furnace R oom Kitchen Bed rooms Attic Bas ement Living Room Dining R oom Hall F.
– 55 – INDEX 90 .................................................................... 45 -A- AC .................................................................... 14 Adjusting The Volume .................................... 27 Alarm .............
– 56 – -M- Manual Paging................................................ 22 Master Code .................................................... 43 Master Ke ypad ...................................... 5, 11, 12 Master User ...........................
– 57 – WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYS TEM While this syst em is an advanced design security system, it does not offer guaranteed protection against burglary or fire or ot her emergency. An y alarm system, wh ether commercial or resi dential, i s subject to compromise or fail ure to w arn for a vari ety of reasons.
– 58 – ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Hone ywell Internat ional Inc., acting thro ugh its Sec urity & Custo m Electro nics business ("Se ller"), 165 Eileen Way , Syosset, New York 11791, .
– 59 – NOTES.
– 60 – NOTES.
– 61 – NOTES.
– 62 – NOTES.
– 63 –.
‡K14115$Š K14115 3/06 Rev. A 165 Eileen W ay , Sy osset, New Y ork 11791 Copyright © 2006 Honeywell International Inc. www .hone
An important point after buying a device Honeywell LYNXR-I (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell LYNXR-I yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell LYNXR-I - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell LYNXR-I you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell LYNXR-I will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell LYNXR-I, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell LYNXR-I.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell LYNXR-I. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell LYNXR-I along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center