Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Ademco Security Systems Honeywell
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ADEMCO VISTA-10P ADEMCO VISTA-10PSIA Security Systems Installation and Setup Guide K0735V3 10/04 Rev. B.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The Follow ing Recommendations f or the Location of Fi re and Burglary Detection Devices Help Provide Proper Coverage for the Protected Premises.
Table Of Contents ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Features and Installation Highlights ..........................................................................................
Table Of Contents ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Menu Mode Programming .........................................................................................................
SECTION 1 Features and Installation Highlights •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SIA Instal lations: The VISTA-10PSIA is a certified SIA-complian t control that meets SIA specifications for False Alarm Redu ction.
NOTE: All devices and accessories u sed in a Canadian installation must be Listed f or use in Canada. Important Installation Highlight s (Installer Please Read) • Th is system uses ad dressable key pads and Relay Modu les (see table of add resses in Pro gramming Overview section).
SECTION 2 M ounting and Wiring the Control •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cabinet and Lock 1.
Mounting Board w ith RF Receiver 1. a. Remove the r eceiver board from its c ase, then inser t the top of the board into th e slots at the top of the cabinet, as show n in Detail A in Fig ure 3. Make sure that th e board rests on the correct row of tabs.
Wiring to Key pads 1. Connect keypad s to the keypad terminals as shown on the Summary of Connections diagram. Determine wire size us ing the Wire Run Chart below. 2. Set keypad ad dresses. Refer to the address settin g instru ctions inclu ded w ith the keyp ads and set each keypad de vice address according to the chart at right.
Sounder (Bell) Connections 1. Make sounde r connect ions to alarm out put terminals 3 (+) and 4 (–). For supe rvised o utput, conti nue with st eps 2 and 3. 2. Cu t the red Bell Superv ision Jumper located above terminals 2 and 3 on the control board.
CALIFORNIA STATE FIRE MARSHA LL (CSFM) AND UL RESIDENTIA L FIRE 24-HOUR BATTERY BACKUP REQUIREMENTS The Califor nia State Fire Mar shal and UL have regulatio ns which require that all residential fire.
Hardwi re Zones Normally Open Zones/ Normally Open EOLR Zones 1. Connect open circuit devices in parallel across the loop; fo r EOLR zones, connect the EOLR across the loop w ires at the last dev ice. 2. Enable normall y open/EOLR zo nes usi ng Zone Pro gramming mode , “Hardwire Type” pro mpt.
Installing the RF R eceiver You can any AD EMCO 5800 Series Wireless Receivers, inclu ding: RF Receiver No. of Zones 5881L/5882L u p to 8 5881M/5882M up to 16 (transmitter zone numbers = 9- 24; button zone num bers = 49-56) 5883, 6150RF up to 16 (transmitter zon e numbers = 9-24; button zon e numbers = 49-56) 1.
Installing the Transmitt ers 1. To be sure reception of th e transmitter 's signal at the p roposed m ounting location is adequ ate, perform a Go/No Go Tes t, des cribed i n the Testing the System section. 2. Ins tall transmitte rs in accordance wit h the instructio ns provided with each.
U L A UL Listed keysw itch is required for fire installations and UL commercial and residential burglar alarm installations. If a keyswitch is used on: • an installation that transmits opening and closing signals, the keyswitch z one must be programmed to send opening and closing signals.
On-Board Triggers Connect field wiri ng to the desi red trigge r pin on the 8-pin trigger co nnector ce ntrally locate d above the terminal strip. You can use a 4-w ire cable as shown .
U L The 4285 and 4286 modules are U L Listed only for use on residential fire and UL residential burglar alarm installations. Phone Module Problems If no tou ch tones ar e produ ced f ollowing access .
A udio A larm Verification Connections (AA V, “listen-In”) Refer to the connection diagrams below. O ne diagram sh ows connections wh en a 4285/4286 Phone Module is used , the other shows con nections when the 4285/4286 is not used. Connec tions use one of the on- board trig gers.
SECTION 3 Programming Overview •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A bout Programming You can p rogra m the system at any time, ev en at the installer 's prem ises prior to the ac tual installation.
Wireless Receiv er, Transmitters, and Wireless Key s (key fobs) Receiver: Set the receiver’s add ress to “00” using its D IP switch es, then set the f ollowing op tions: *22 RF Jam Op tion † *.
Zone Ty pe Definitions You must assig n a zone typ e to each zone, wh ich def ines the way in which the system r esponds to faults i n that zone . Zone t ypes are de fined be low. Zone Ty pe Description Ty pe 00 Zone Not Used Program a zone with thi s zone type if the zone is not us ed.
Ty pe 12 Monitor Zone • Work s as a dynamic monit or of a zone fault/t rouble (no t alarm). In the case of a short/ope n, the message , "*ALARM*-24 Hr . Non-Burg. -#XXX " (whe re XXX is the zone numbe r) will be sent to the Ce ntral St ation.
Mechanics of Programming Data Field Pr ogramming Pr ocedures (Y ou mus t use a 2-line Alpha dis play keypad) Task Procedure Entering Program Mode A) Press bo th [ ∗ ] and [#] at the same time within 50 se conds afte r powe r is applied to the control, OR B) After power-up, ente r [Installer code (4-1-1-2)] + 8 0 0.
Table o f Device Addresses This Device Uses A ddress Reports as †† Enable d By … RF Receiver 00 100 *56 zone program mi ng: input devic e type entry Long Range Radio 03 103 autom atic if output .
SECTION 4 Data Field Programming •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A bout Data Field Programming The followin g pages p rovide ex planations of this control’s data f ields and is in tended to be used in conju nction w ith the Programm ing Guide .
Zone Sounds & Timing FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *31 Single A larm Sounding Per Zone Selec t whethe r or no t the system limits alarm so unding to o nce per ar ming perio d for a give n zone.
Dialer Programming FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *40 PA BX A ccess Code Enter the PABX cod e, if us ed. To clea r entries from field , press ∗ 40 ∗ . If fewer than 6 digits need to be entered, exi t by pres sing [ ∗ ], which advance s to the next field.
*55 Dynamic Si gnaling Priori ty UL Inst allations : For UL Comm ercial Burglary ins tallati ons that us e a DACT and LRR, the DA CT mus t be programm ed for priorit y (option “ 0 ” ). Intend ed for use with Long Rang e Radio reporti ng (fiel d ∗ 29 OUTPUT TO LONG RANGE RADIO must be enable d).
FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *62 A C Loss Repor t Code Enter the appropri ate report code. Timi ng of this report is rand om with up to a 4-hour del ay.
FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *76 Test Restore Report Cod e Enter the app ropriate rep ort code, which is sent when the Tes t mode is exi ted. UL: Requir ed for UL comme rcial burg lar alarm installat ions and for r esidential fir e alarm installat ions.
FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *89 Event Log Full Report Code Enter the app ropriate rep ort code, which i s sent wh en the event l og is 80 % full (if an event log ena ble is made in field ∗ 90). If the log beco mes full, new me ssages o verw rite t he oldest message s in the log .
FIELD TITL E a nd E XP LA NA TION *96 Command to Initialize CSID and Subs criber A ccount Number This is a comma nd function, not a d ata fiel d. Use this command , if necessary, to reset al l subscriber account numbers and the internal CSID to the factory default value s.
Configurable Zone Ty pe Programming Fields The system allow s you to d efine a cu stom zone typ e, based on th e options desc ribed below . This configurabl e zone types ca n be pro grammed via t he downlo ader o r from a ke ypad using da ta fie lds *182-*183 described below .
Confi gurabl e Zone T ype Ch arts ENTR Y 1 ENT RY 2 Response when system disarmed and zone is: Intact EOL RF zone no rmal Open RF zone N/A Shorted RF zn off-norm al Au t o Restore Vent Zone 0 = normal.
Key pad Programming Fields NOTE: Each keyp ad must be assign ed a unique ad dress. Keyp ads prog rammed with the same address w ill give unp redictable results. Address 16 is reserv ed for keypad 1, which is automatically set with all soun ds enabled.
Installation Inst ructions 4-12.
SECTION 5 M enu M ode Programming •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Zone Programming Overv iew .
10 Report Code 1st 01 2nd 00 10 Enter the report code for this zone, which consists of 2 hexadecim al digi ts, each in turn consisting o f 2 numerical dig its. For ex ample, for a r eport code o f “10,” ent er 01 and 00. For Contact ID ® , entering a ny non-zero entry a s the firs t digit ena bles the report code for this zone.
Entd A022-4063 1 Rcvd A022-4064 1 If the serial number transm itted does not match the seria l number entered, a dis play similar to t he one shown appe ars. If the loop numbe r doe s not matc h, it will also be displayed. If so, activate the l oop input or button on the tran smitter once agai n.
Zn ZT RC IN: L 10 00 10 RF 1 A summ ary screen wi th the selected zone’s current programm ing appea rs. Begin prog ramming zone information as follo ws: Enter Zone Type (ZT; see Zone Type s listed i.
INPUT S/N L AXXX-XXXX – Manu ally en ter the seria l num ber printed on the la bel for the wi reless key or p ress an d rele ase the but ton to transmit its se rial number . Press [ ∗ ] to accep t the se rial number. The syste m will chec k for d uplicate.
Output Device Programming Ov erv iew (*79/*80 Menu Mode ) Output Devi ces: The system supp orts up to 4 relay s plus 2 built- in trigg er outputs. Th ese “output d evices” are assigned to sy stem-wide ou tput nu mbers (01-04, 17, 18). Relays are iden tified by the relay module’s device address and the relay position on the mod ule (i.
*80 Menu Mode: Defining Output Functions Use this mod e to program output f unction definition s (up to 12 f unction s) that pr ovide autom ated control of any of th e outpu t devices, based on even ts occur ring on indiv idual z ones or zones w ith certain zone types.
“ A ” 01 Zn List 1 If zone list was se lected , this screen appe ars. Othe rwise skip to the next prompt. Enter the desired zone lis t number associated wi th this output number: 01-08 = zone list.
Zone List Overv iew ( ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 81 Menu Mode) Zone li sts l et you gro up individual zones fo r use wi th certai n syste m actio ns. The follo wing table shows the av ailable zone lists and their pur poses: List No.
Function Key Programming Overv iew ( ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 57 Menu Mode) The system pr ovides the ability to program each of the four key pad fu nction keys to p erform one of 12 system oper ations. The end user can then activ ate the fu nction by simply p ressing an d holdin g the programmed k ey for 2 s econds .
A bout Descriptor Programming Ov erview ( ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 82 Menu Mode) The sy stem lets y ou assign z one descrip tors for p rotection z ones, keypad panic s, and RF r eceiver supervisio n faults.
✱ ZN 01 BACK D OOR Enter the 3-di git num ber for the next word. I n the exampl e, the word is DOOR, whose number is “057.” See index for en tries.
AL P H A V O C AB U L AR Y L I S T (For Entering Zone Descriptors) 000 (Word Spac e) – A – • 001 AIR • 002 ALARM ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 004 ALLEY 005 AMBUSH • 006 AREA • 007 APA RTMENT • 009 AT.
Programming Installer and User Schedules The system p rovid es 2 schedu les (one for th e installer, on e for the en d user) , whic h can be u sed to control 11 ty pes of system events at pr e-defi ned times. Start Scheduli ng mode by e nteri ng instal ler code + [#] + [6] [4] while in normal operat ing mode .
GROU P NUM BER X This prompt appear s if event “2” (user ac cess) was se lected . Otherw ise it is skippe d. 1-8 = gro up number [ ∗ ] to continue to the “Start” prompt START SMTWTFS HH MMAM 0010000 Enter the event’s start tim e and days of the week to occur.
Installation Inst ructions 5-16.
SECTION 6 System Communication and Operation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sy stem Communicat ion Overv iew This syste m accommodate s seve ral formats fo r reporting alarms and o ther sys tem conditio ns to the Central Station .
The follo wing table lists codes fo r reports sent in diffe rent formats : Code for Code for Type of 3+ 1/4+1 3+ 1/4+1 Cod e for Report Standard Expanded 4 +2 Alarm SSS(S) A SSS(S) A SSSS AZ AAA(A) Z .
A demco Cont act ID ® The Adem co Contact I D ® Reporting Fo rmat comprise s the fo llowing: 4-digit or 10- digit subscriber n umber (dep ending on format selected. 1-dig it event qualif ier (“new” or “restore”). 3-digit e vent co de. 3-digit zo ne number, us er number, o r syste m stat us number (s ee t he follo wing page).
User Security Codes The system su pports u p to 16 secur ity cod es, which can each be assigned on e of 4 auth ority levels. The author ity level deter mines the f unction s each code c an perf orm as follows: Authority Levels (authority leve ls can be assigne d to user s 3-16 only; use rs 1 and 2 cannot be change d) Level User No.
Key pad Functions The following is a brief list of system comman ds. For detailed inf ormation, see the User's Manu al. Voice Keypads The 6150V/6160V Voice Keyp ads prov ide the followin g features: • Message Center, wh ich lets the u ser record an d play back one messag e.
Panic Keys There are th ree Panic key s (A, B, and C) that, if prog rammed, c an be used to m anually initiate alarms and send a report to the central station by p ressing an d holding the approp riate key for at least 2 seconds. Each key can be programmed f or 24-hour Silent, 24-h our Audible, Fire, or Personal Emerg ency r esponses.
SECTION 7 Testing the System •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A bout Test Procedures After the installation is complete, you.
NOTES: • All BR type units mu st physically be activated to cl ear the display . • When one button of a tran smitter (RF, UR , or BR) is activated , all zones assigned to other buttons on that tran smitter are cleared. This also app lies to 5816 and 5817 transmitters, which have multiple loop s (zones).
SECTION 8 Specifications & Accessories •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SECURITY CONTROL Physical: 12-1/2” W x 14-1/2” H x 3” D (318mm x 368mm x 76mm) Electrical : VOLTAGE INPUT: 16.
5800 Series Transmitter Input Loop Identification All of the transmitters illustrated below hav e one or more unique factory assigned input (loop) ID codes. Each of the input loops requires its own programming z one (e.g., a 5804's four inputs require four programming zones).
Compatible 5800 Series Transmitt ers Table (continued) Model Product Input Ty pe Description 5817 Multi-Point Universal Transmitter RF Has three unique input (loop) codes: one for a “ Primary ” contact loop with programmable options; the others for tw o “ auxiliary ” closed circuit contact loops.
Installation Inst ructions 8-4.
SECTION 9 Regulatory Agency Statements •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• RADIO FREQUENCY EMISSIONS Federal Communic ations Commi ssion (FCC) Part 15 This device com plies with part 15 of t he FCC rules.
UL NOTICES 1. Entry Delay No. 1 and No. 2 (fie lds ✱ 35, ✱ 36) cannot be gre ater than 30 se conds fo r UL Reside ntial Burglar Alarm installations, and entry delay plus dial delay sho uld not e xce ed 1 minute . For U L Commer cial Burg lar Alarm installat ions, tot al entry delay may not e xcee d 45 seco nds.
SECTION 10 Limitations and Warranty •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WARNING THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYS TEM Whil e this Sys tem is an adva nced desi gn securi ty system, it does n ot offer guaran teed protection again st burgl ary, fire or oth er emergency.
WARNING THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYS TEM (Conti nued) The mos t common ca use of an ala rm system not fun ctionin g when an intrus ion or fire occu rs is ina dequa te main tenance. This ala rm sys tem sh ould b e tested weekly to m ake su re all sensors and transm itters a re working properl y.
– INDEX – 1321 ................................... 1-1, 2-4 24-H our Audible Alarm .............. 3-3 24-H our Sile nt Alar m ................. 3-3 3+1 and 4+1 Standard Form ats . 6-1 4204 1-2, 2-5, 2-6, 2-9, 3-1, 5-6, 8-1 4229 ...................
T Tamper Sw itch ............ 2-8, 2-9 , 9-2 Telco Lin e ........................... 2-1 1, 3 Test Mo de .......................... 7-1 , 7-2 Test Restore Report Code......... 4-6 Transmitter Battery Life ............. 2-8 Transmitter Input Types ....
LIMITED WA RRA NTY Hone ywell Int ernatio nal Inc., acting throug h its Sec urity & C ustom Ele ctro nics business ("S eller ") 165 Eilee n Way, Syosset , New York 11791, warrants its pr.
An important point after buying a device Honeywell Ademco Security Systems (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell Ademco Security Systems yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell Ademco Security Systems - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell Ademco Security Systems you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell Ademco Security Systems will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell Ademco Security Systems, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell Ademco Security Systems.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell Ademco Security Systems. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell Ademco Security Systems along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center