Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NJI-350B Hitachi
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WA RNING To ens ure that the equipm ent described by this manual. As well as all equipment c onnected to and used with it, operate satisf actorily and safely, all applicable local and national codes that apply to installing and operating the equipm ent m ust be followed.
LIMITED WARRANTY AND IMITATION OF LIABILIT Y Hitachi, Ltd. (Hitachi) warrants to the original purc haser that the progr amm able c ontroller (PLC) manuf actured by Hitachi is fr ee from def ects in m aterial and work mans hip under norm al use and service.
Copyright 2000 by Hi tachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. All Rights r eserved - Printed in Japan The information an d /or drawings set f orth in this document and all righ ts in and to invent.
Safety Precautions Read this manual and attached documents thor oughly befor e installing and o pera ting this unit, and pe rforming main tenance or inspection of this un it in or der to use the unit correctly .
2. Wiring REQUIRED • Always perfor m groundi ng (FE t erminal) . If gro unding is no t pe rfor med, the re is a risk o f an elec tric shock o r malfunctio n. CAUTION • Connect a pow er supply th at meets the rating . If a pow er supply that does not meet the rating is connected, it may result in a fire.
4. Mainte nance DANGER • Never connect th e and of the battery in reverse. Al so, never ch arge, disassem ble, heat, place in fi re, or short circuit the battery. There is a risk of an explosion or fire. PROHIBITED • Never dis assembl e or m odify the uni t.
Revision History No. Description of Revision Date of Revision Manual Number 1 Appen dix- 1 Instru ction Support FUN92 to 96 of H-4010 { -> × . Appendi x-2 Task code H28 Corrected explanation of Timer count er num ber. 2000/11 NJI-350 (X) 2 Postscript of battery error detection.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Features .............................................................................................................. ....................... 1-1 to 1-2 Chapter 2 Sy stem Overview .........................................
Chapter 7 Programm ing ........................................................................................................... .................. 7-1 to 7- 8 7.1 Memory Size and Memory Assig nm ent .................................................
Chapter 10 PLC Ins tallation, Moun ting, Wiring ................................................................................... ... 10-1 to 10- 8 10.1 Installation ...................................................................................
Chapter 1 Features 1-1 Chapter 1 Features 1. Multifunctional all-in-one ty pe PLC The MICRO-EH is a multif unctional all-in-o ne type PLC that contains all necessary parts—a power s upply and CPU parts as well a s I/O units--within one unit. Three sizes of PLCs ar e av ailable: 10, 14, a nd 28 points.
Chapter 1 Features 1-2 MEMO.
Chapter 2 System Overview 2-1 Chapter 2 System Overview This c hapter des cribes the sy stem config uration of the MIC RO-EH. The MIC RO-EH is an all-in- one ty pe program mable contr oller , and has the f ollowing sy stem config uration. Figure 2.1 10-point type system configuration diagram Figure 2.
Chapter 2 System Overview 2-2 [1] Ba sic unit [2] Expa nsion unit [3] E xpa nsio n cable [2] Expa nsion unit [2] Expa nsion unit [2] Expa nsion unit [3] E xpa nsio n cable [3] E xpa nsio n cable [3] E xpa nsio n cable Figure 2.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-1 Chapter 3 Function and Performance Specifications 3.1 General Specifications Item Specification Power supply type AC DC Power v oltage 100/110/120 V AC ( 50/60 Hz), 200/220/240 V AC (50/60 Hz) 24 V DC Power voltag e fluctuation range 85 to 264 V AC wide range 19.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-2 3.2 Function Specifications The f unctions availa ble in the MICRO-EH a re describe d in the table be low . No. Item Description 1 Basic functions The f ollowing f unctions can be ex ecuted whe n constructing a syst em using the PLC.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-3 No. Item Description 5 Control m ethod With the PL C, the use r program s are converted in batc h at operation sta rtup, and the prog rams afte r conversion will be executed in order a s they are read one by one.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-4 No. Item Description 9 Forced s et/res et Forced s et and force d rese t of the desig nated I/O can be perform ed from the program ming unit connect ed to the CPU m odule.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-5 No. Item Description 20 Interr upt input The ex ternal input of the basic unit can be s pecif ied for interrupt input. With the interrupt input, the corre sponding interrupt prog ram can be exe cuted.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-6 3.3 Performance Specifications 3.3.1 Cal culation Specifications The calculati on speci fications o f the PLC are descri bed belo w .
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-7 3.3.2 Input Specificati ons The input c ircuit cons ists of DC input and AC input, w ith the following specific ations. (1) DC input Item Specification Circuit diagram Input voltag e 24 V DC Allow able input voltag e range 0 to 30 V DC Input im pedance Approx .
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-8 3.3.3 Output Specificati ons (1) DC output ( Y100 of EH-*23DRP/A23DRT/*28DRP/*2 8DRT) Item Specification Circuit diagram Ty pe EH-A23DR T EH-* .
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-9 (2) DC output: LCDC- Low Current (All points of EH-D10DT /DTP, Y102-Y105 of EH-D14D T/DT P, Y102-Y109 of EH-D28DT/DT P, Y*018-Y*021 of EH-D14ED.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-10 (4) DC output ( ESCP type): HCDC-Hig h Current ( Y100,Y101 of EH-D14DTPS, Y100-Y103 of D28D TPS) Y*016,Y*017 of EH-EDTPS, Y*016-Y*019 of EH-D2.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-1 1 (6) Relay output Item Specification Circuit diagram Rated loa d voltage 5 to 250 V AC, 5 to 30 V D C Minimum switching current 1 mA 1 circ ui.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-12 3.3.4 Hi gh-Speed Counter Specifications Single phase T w o phase A vaila ble input X0, X2, X4, X6 X0 a nd X2 in pair Input voltag e ON 15 V O.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-13 Circuit diagram (23 points type) Circuit diagram (Analog ex pansion unit) 3.3.7 Analog ue Output Specifications Module ty pe 23 points type module Analog exp. unit Output channe l W Y40 WY u06, W Y u07 (u : unit numbe r) 0-10V (10.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-14 3.3.8 Potentiometer Analogue Input Specifications Numbe r of potentiome ter inputs 2 Stored in Ch.1 : W RF03E, Ch.2 WRF03F Input rang e 0-1023 (H0-H 3FF) Resolution 10 bits Input filter By user settings 3.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-15 3.3.12 Clock Function 23-point and 28-point ty pes have cale ndar f unction. This can be operate d either by internal output are a or task code . * 10-point and 14-point ty pes do not have this function.
Chapter 3 Function and Per form ance Spec ifications 3-16 3.3.13 Power Supply for Sensor The 24 V te rmina l at the input term inal part can supply current to ex ternal e quipme nt (not for a ll units). If this ter mina l is used as the pow er supply for the input par t of this unit, the re maining c an be used as power supply for the sens ors.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-1 Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4.1 Product lineup (1) Basic units Table 4.1 Product lineup list Type Specifications I/O assignment symbol EH-D10DT D C powe.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-2 (2) Peripheral Units Table 4.2 List of peripheral units Product Form Specification Remarks HL-GPCL Ladder diagram/Instruction language editor LADDER EDITOR (for.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-3 4.2 10-Point Basic Unit Name and function of each part Type EH-D10DT, EH -D10DTP, EH- D10DR 1] PO W LE D 2] OK LED 3] RUN LED 4] Seri al port 5] RUN inp ut 9] M ounting hol e 8] Po wer termin al 7] Out put termin als 10] DI N ra il instal latio n clip 6] In put ter minals No.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-4 4.3 14-Point Basic Unit Name and function of each part Type E H - *1 4 *** 1] POW LED 2] OK LED 3] RUN LED 10] T erminal cover 4] Ser ial po rt cove r 11] Mount.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-5 4.4 23-Point and 28-Point Basic Unit Name and function of each part E H - *2 3 *** E H - *2 8 *** Type 1] POW LED 2] OK LED 3] RUN LED 10] T erm inal cove r 13].
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-6 4.5 Expansion Unit Name and function of each part Type EH-* 14ED** (sam e dimens ion as 14 pts. basic unit) EH-* 28ED* * (s am e dimension a s 28 pts.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-7 4.6 T erminal Layout and Wiring 10-point type EH-D10DT, EH-D10DTP * Since the D C input is bidirec tional, it is possible to rev erse the polarity of the pow er supply. EH-D10DR * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-8 14-point type EH-A14DR, EH-D14DR * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply . EH-A14EDR, EH-D14EDR * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-9 EH-A14AS EH-D14DTP * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-10 EH-D14EDT P * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-1 1 23-point type EH-A23DRP * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-12 28-point type EH-A28DRP * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply . EH-A28DRT (The input wiring is the s ame as EH-A28DRP.) EH-D28DRP (The input wiring is the s ame as EH-A28DRP.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-13 EH-A28AS EH-D28DTP * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-14 EH-A28DR * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply . EH-A28EDR * Since the DC input is bidire ctional, it is possible to re verse the pola rity of the pow er supply .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-15 Analog expansion unit EH-A6EAN (Ex ample of voltage input and voltage output) EH-D6EAN (Ex ample of current input and current output) Input and output ca n be configure d as volta ge or current inde pendently .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-16 4.7 Weights and Power Consumption Power consumption (A) Remarks 100V AC 264V AC 24V DC Type W eight (g) Normal Rus h Normal Rush Norm al Rush E H - D 1 0 D T / D T P / D R 2 0 0 ---- 0 . 1 2 0 . 6 E H - D 1 4 D T / D T P / D T P S 3 0 0 ---- 0 .
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-17 4.8 Exterior Dimensions (1) 10-point type (Unit : mm) (2) 14-point type, 14-point ex pansion unit, Analog expansion unit (3) 23-point, 28-point types and 28-point ex pansion 75 65 47 70 80 4.4 8 95 85 80 90 76 4.
Chapter 4 Product lineup and wiring 4-18 MEMO.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-1 Chapter 5 Instruction Specifications 5.1 Instruction Classifications The instru ctions u sed with th e MICRO-EH are classified as sh own in th e following tab le. T able 5.1 Instruction classification table No.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-2 The f o llowing lists the instructions. 1. Ba sic instructions ( sequenc e instructions) R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item n.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-3 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O types used DER ERR SD V C MI CRO-EH Steps Remark s 15 MPS MPS Operatio n res ult push Stores the p revio us operat ion result .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-4 3. Ba sic inst ructions (re lational box) R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-5 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O ty.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-6 4. A rithmetic instructions R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Pro.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-7 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O ty.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-8 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classifi cation Item num ber Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O t.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-9 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O types used DER ERR SD V C MI CRO-EH Steps Remark s Shift/ro tate 10 BSR(d, n) BCD shift right Shifts BCD to right by n digits.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-10 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O t.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-11 6. Control ins tructions R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O types used DER ERR SD V C MI CRO-EH Steps Remark s 1E N D N o r m a l scan end I ndicates the e nd of a normal scan.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-12 R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Process time ( µ s) Classi fication Item number Ladder symbol Instru ction symbol Instru ction name Proc ess des cripti ons I/ O types used DER ERR SD V C MI CRO-EH Steps Remark s 4 FUN 82 (s) (SLREF (s)) I/ O re f r es h (any slot) Refres hes t he I/O a t t he designated slot.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-13 5.3 Instruction Specification Details (1) Bas ic instructions (2) Arit hmetic in struction s (3) Application i nstructions (4) Con trol instru ctions (5) T .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-14 Item number Basic instructions-1, 2 Na me Logica l operation start (L D, LDI) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C n n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-15 Item number Basic instructions-3, 4 Na me Contact se rial connection (A ND, AN I) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C n n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-16 Item number Basic instructions-5, 6 Na me Contact par allel conne ction (OR, ORI) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C n n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-17 Item number Basic instru ctions-7 Name Negation (NOT) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-18 Item number Basic instru ctions-8 Name Leading edge detectio n (AND DIF, OR DIF) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Average Maximum DER ERR SD V C DIF n DIF n DIF n DIF n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-19 Item number Basic instru ctions-9 Name Trailing edge detec tion (AND DFN, OR DFN) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C DFN n DFN n DFN n DFN n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-20 Item number Basic instructions-10 Name Coil output (OUT) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-21 Item number Basic instr uctions-11, 12 Name Set/reset coil outpu t (SET, RES) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C Upper case: SE T n SET n RES S R n SET n RES zzzzz 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-22 Item number Basic instr uctions-13, 14 Name Set (start)/reset (cancel) master control (MCS, MCR) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C Upper case: MCS MCS n MCR n S R MCS n MCR n zzzzz 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-23 Item number Basic ins tructions-15, 16, 17 Name Save/rea d /clea r operation r esult (Bra nching of ladde r) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time (.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-24 Item number Basic instructions-18 Name Logica l block s erial connec tion (AN B) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-25 Item number Basic instructions-19 Name Logical block par allel connection (OR B) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Func tion colum n) DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-26 Item number Basic instructions-20 Name P roce ssing box start and e nd (P ROCESSI NG BOX) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Average Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-27 Item number Basic instructions-21 Name Relational box s tart and end (REL ATION AL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-28 Item number Basic instructions-22 Name On d elay tim er (ON DELAY TIMER) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-29 Program description [Time chart] X00000 12345 65 535 TD10 R100 Progre ss valu e of TD10 (TC 10) 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] Set value 1] When input X00000 turns on, T D progres s va lue is update d. 2] When input X00000 turns of f, the T D progr ess v alue is clea red.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-30 Item number Basic instructions-23 Name Single shot (SING LE SHOT) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-31 Program description [Time chart] X00001 SS11 R101 12 567 Progres s value of SS11 (TC11 ) 1] 2] 3] 4] Set value 1] The prog ress value is updated and SS11 turns on a t the lea ding edg e of X00001. 2] SS11 turns off when set v alue ≥ progres s value.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-32 Item number Basic instructions-24 Name Counter (COUNTER) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C CU n s zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-33 Program description [Time chart] X00005 CL15 CU15 1 2 3 4 5 65 535 3 Progres s value of CU15 (TC15) 1] 2] 4] Set value 4 5] 3] Ignored Ignored 1] The progre ss value (c ount) is cleare d to 0 by the counter clear (CL15).
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-34 Item number Basic instr uctions-25, 26 Name Up (CT U n) and dow n (CT D n) of up/down counter (UP/DOWN COUNTER) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C Upper case: CTU CTD n CTU n s zzzzz 1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-35 Program example X00007 CTU17 LD X00007 OUT CTU17 4 LD X00008 OUT CTD17 LD X00009 OUT CL17 LD CT17 OUT R107 X00008 CTD17 4 X00009 CL 17 CT17 R107 • An example of a word I/O bein g used as t he set value for t he circui t shown abo ve.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-36 Item number Basic instructions-27 Name Counter clear (COUNTER CLEA R) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DER ERR SD V C CL n zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-37 Item number Basic instructions-28 Name =Relationa l box (=R ELAT IONAL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-38 Item number Basic instructions-29 Name Sign ed = Relational b ox (SIGNED = RELA TIONAL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-39 Item number Basic instructions-30 Name <> Relational box (<> RELATIONA L BOX) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Fun ction co lumn) DER ERR S D V C Upp er case: W zzzzz 26.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-40 Item number Basic instructions-31 Name Si gned <> Relational b ox (SIGNED <> RELA TIONAL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Func tion colum n) DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Command format Number of steps 34.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-41 Item number Basic instructions-32 Name <Relationa l box (<R ELAT IONAL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Fun ction co lumn) DER ERR S D V C Upp er case: W zzzzz 26.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-42 Item number Basic instructions-33 Name Sign ed<Relational b ox (SIGNED < RELA TIONAL BOX) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Func tion colum n) DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Command format Number of steps 37.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-43 Item number Basic instructions-34 Name ≤ Relational box ( ≤ RELATION AL BOX ) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Fun ction co lumn) DER ERR S D V C Upp er case: W zzzzz 26.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-44 Item number Basic instructions-35 Name Signed ≤ Relational box (SIG NED ≤ R ELATIN AL BOX ) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum (See Func tion colum n) DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Command format Number of steps 37.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-45 Item number Arithm etic instructions-1 Nam e Substitution statem ent (ASSIGNMENT STA TEMENT) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-46 Program example X00000 DIF0 X00001 DIF1 X00002 DIF2 X00003 DIF3 WR0000 WR0000(WM000)=WX0000 WR0000 =WX0000 WR0000(WM000)=WR0000(WM 001) =WR0000(WM001) Array.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-47 Item number Arithm etic instructions-2 Nam e Binary addition (BINARY ADDITION) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-48 Item number Arithm etic instructions-3 Nam e BCD addition (BCD ADDIT ION) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-49 Item number Arithm etic instructions-4 Nam e Binary subtraction (BI NA RY SUBT RACTI ON) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-50 Item number Arithm etic instructions-5 Nam e BCD subtraction (BCD SUBTRACT ION) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-51 Item number Arithm etic instructions-6 Nam e Binary m ultiplication (BINARY MULT IP LICAT ION) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-52 Item number Arithm etic instructions-7 Nam e BCD multiplication (BCD MUL TIPLICATION) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-53 Item number Arithm etic instructions-8 Nam e Signed binary multiplication (SIGNED BINA RY MULTI P LICATI ON) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-54 Item number Arithm etic instructions-9 Nam e Binary division ( BINA RY DIVISIO N) Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-55 Item number Arithme tic instructions-10 Name BCD division Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-56 Item number Arithme tic instructions-11 Name Signe d binary division Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-57 Item number Arithme tic instructions-12 Name Logical OR Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maxi.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-58 Item number Arithme tic instructions-13 Name Logical AND Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Max.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-59 Item number Arithme tic instructions-14 Name Exclusive OR Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-60 Item number Arithme tic instructions-15 Name = Re lational expres sion Ladder format Condition code Processi ng time ( µ s) Re mark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-61 Item number Arithme tic instructions-16 Name Signe d = Relationa l expression Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-62 Item number Arithme tic instructions-17 Name <> Relationa l expre ssion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-63 Item number Arithme tic instructions-18 Name Signe d <> Rela tional express ion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-64 Item number Arithme tic instructions-19 Name < Re lational expres sion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-65 Item number Arithme tic instructions-20 Name Signe d < Relationa l expression Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-66 Item number Arithme tic instructions-21 Name ≤ Rela tional express ion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-67 Item number Arithme tic instructions-22 Name Signed ≤ Re lational expres sion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-68 Item number A pplication instructions-1 Name Bit set Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximu.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-69 Item number A pplication instructions-2 Name Bit reset Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maxi.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-70 Item number A pplication instructions-3 Name Bit test Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maxim.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-71 Program description When W R0001 = H1234 at the leading edg e of X00000 (WR 0001 = 0001001000110100) 20 (decim al) If DR 0100 = H00000000, DR0102 = HFFFFFFFF a nd DR0104 = H5555 AAAA ar e se t, th e 2 0 th b it of D R 0100 is set to “1” by the BSET at the leading e d ge of X00000.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-72 Item number A pplication instructions-4 Name Shift right Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-73 Program example X00000 X00001 DIF1 R7F2 R7F0 Y00100 SHR (DR0000,1) X00000 . . . . . X00001 . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-74 Item number A pplication instructions-5 Name Shift lef t Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-75 Item number A pplication instructions-6 Name Rotate right Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age M.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-76 Item number A pplication instructions-7 Name Rotate lef t Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age M.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-77 Program example R7F0= 0 ROL(DR0000,1) ROL(DR0002,1) X00001 DIF1 LD X00001 AND DIF1 [ R7F0 = 0 ROL (DR0000,1) ROL (DR0002,1) ] Program description • When X00001 ris es, the 64-bit data is s hifted one bit at a tim e.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-78 Item number A pplication instructions-8 Name Logical shif t right Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Av.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-79 Item number A pplication instructions-9 Name Logical shif t left Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Ave.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-80 Item number Applic ation instructions-10 Nam e BCD shift right Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-81 Item number Applic ation instructions-11 Nam e BCD shift lef t Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-82 Item number Applic ation instructions-12 Nam e Block tran sfer (MOVE) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum MOV (d, s, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-83 Program example • The da ta in WM000 to WM01F is tra nsferred to the area WR020 to W R03F. R001 DIF0 R7F4 MOV ( WR020,WM000,32 ) Y00100 SET LD R001 AND DIF0 [ MOV ( WR020,WM000,32 ) ] LD R7F4 SET Y00100 Program description • 32 words of data are transf erred.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-84 Item number Applic ation instructions-13 Nam e Copy Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum COPY (d, s, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-85 Program example The de fault value ( H2020) is set in the ra nge of WR0100 to WR01FE. R7E3 LD R7E3 [ COPY (WR0100, H2020, 255) ] COPY (WR0100, H2020,255 ) P.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-86 Item number Applic ation instructions-14 Nam e Block exchan ge (EXCHANGE) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Average Maximum XCG (d1, d2, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-87 Item number Applic ation instructions-15 Nam e NOT Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-88 Item number Applic ation instructions-16 Nam e Two 's c omp l emen t (N EGATE ) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-89 Item number Applic ation instructions-17 Nam e Absolute v alue Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-90 Item number Applic ation instructions-18 Nam e Binary → BCD conversion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-91 Item number Applic ation instructions-19 Nam e BCD → Binary convers ion Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-92 Item number Applic ation instructions-20 Nam e Dec ode Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DECO (d, s, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-93 Item number Applic ation instructions-21 Nam e Encode Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum ENCO (d, s, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzz ↕ Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-94 Item number Applic ation instructions-22 Nam e Bit count Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-95 Item number Applic ation instructions-23 Nam e Swap Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-96 Item number Applic ation instructions-24 Nam e Unit Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum UNIT (d, s, n) DER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-97 Program example X00001 LD X00001 AND DIF0 [ UNIT ( WY0010, WR0000, 3 ) ] UNIT ( WY0010, WR0000, 3 ) DIF0 Program description A 3-dig it BCD input display device is c onnected to the WY0010, and each digi t disp lays WR 0000 to W R0002 data independently .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-98 Item number Applic ation instructions-25 Nam e Distri bute Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum DIST (d, s , n) D ER ERR SD V C ↕ zzzz Instruction format Number of steps Condition Steps As pe r the table below .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-99 Program example X01001 LD X00001 A ND DIF0 [ D IST (WR0000, WX0000, 4) ] DIST (WR0000, WX0000, 4) DIF0 Program description A 4-bit 4- digit Dig it switc h is connected to the W X0000, and the data for each digit is st ored i n WR 0000 to WR0003 a s independent da ta.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-100 Item number Control instructions-1 Name Normal scan end Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-101 Item number Control instructions-2 Name Scan c onditional end Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Avera.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-102 Item number Control instructions-3 Name Unconditional jum p (JUMP ) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-103 Item number Control instructions-4 Name Conditional jum p Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-104 Syntax of JMP, CJMP LBL 2 JMP 1 JMP 1 LBL 7 JMP 2 LBL 3 END SB JMP 3 LBL 2 JMP 4 RTS SB LBL 4 JMP 5 LBL 6 PTS INTO JMP 6 LBL 5 JMP 7 LBL 1 RTI JMP 5 A] B] .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-105 Item number Control instructions-5 Name Label Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum LBL n DE R E RR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-106 Item number Control instructions-6 Name FOR Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum FOR n .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-107 Item number Control instructions-7 Name NEXT Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum NEXT .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-108 Syntax of FOR to NEXT FOR 1 (WR0010) NEXT 2 NEXT 5 FOR 5 (WM04F) Progr am Progr am Progr am Progr am Progr am NEXT 3 FOR 3 Progr am Progr am Progr am FOR 3.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-109 Item number Control instructions-8 Name Call subroutine Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Ma.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-110 Item number Control instructions-9 Name Start subr outine program Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum SB n DER ERR SD V C z 1] zzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-111 Item number Control instructions-10 Name End of subroutine program (RETU RN SUBROUT INE) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-112 Item number Control instructions-11 Name Start interrupt s can prog ram (INTERRUPT) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum INT n DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-113 Item number Control instructions-12 Name End interrupt sc an progra m (RETU RN INT ERRUPT) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maximum RTI DER ERR SD V C zzzzz Instruction format Number of steps 0.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-114 Syntax of SB n, RTS, INT n and RTI SB 1 RTS SB 2 RTS RTS RTS RTS SB 10 SB 11 SB 12 END INT 1 RTI INT 2 RTI Progr am SB n RTS Progr am INT n RT1 CAL 1 CAL 1.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-115 Item number Transfer comm an d-1 Name Genera l purpose port c ommunic ation comm and Ladder format Condition code Pr ocess ing ti me ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-116 [3] A ddress of sending a rea : Addre ss number and address ty pe are c onfigured in 2 w ords as below . s+4 s+5 T yp e : WR → H0 00A I/O No.: H 0000 - WM → H000C [4] Rese rved data siz e for da ta sending.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-117 * 1 Received data is defined by either of follow ing 4 way s dep ending on setting in [ 7] s+A to [9 ] s+C.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-118 [9] Tim eout : This bit is set "1" when timeout dete cted. [A] Input buff er full : This bit is s et "1" w hen input buffe r full [B] Conflict error : This bit is s et "1" whe n TRN S 0 or RECV 0 com mands are duplicated.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-119 Sample program Description TRN S 0 param eter and se nt data are conf igured at 1 st scan b y R7E3 contact .
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-120 TRNS /RECV command return code table Retur n code Name D escription Countermeasure H00 Comp leted prop erly Op erat ion comp leted wi thou t err or - H21 Range err or Param eter "s" and "t" is out of av ailable I /O range .
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-121 Item number Transfer comm an d-2 Name Genera l purpose port c ommunic ation comm and Ladder format Condition code Pr ocess ing ti me ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R7.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-122 [3] A ddress of sending a rea : Addre ss number and address ty pe are c onfigured in 2 w ords as below . s+4 s+5 T yp e : WR → H0 00A I/O No.: H 0000 - WM → H000C [4] Rese rved data siz e for da ta sending.
Chapter 5 Ins truction spec ifications 5-123 (6) "t" param eter : Se t by use r [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [A] [B] t t+B [0] Exec u tion bit: Set "1" by user program to send data. This bit is reset a fter comm unication complete d.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-124 Item number FUN instructions-1 Name Ge neral purpose port s witching Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-125 Item number FUN instructions-2 Name I/O re fre sh (A ll points) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Ave.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-126 Item number FUN instructions-3 Name I/O re fresh (Input/output) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Ave.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-127 Item number FUN instructions-4 Name I/O Refresh (slot) Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Max.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-128 Notes • Set the unit num ber (0 to 3) and slot number (0 to 1) af ter s+1. For other set va lues, DER is set to “1” and that slot w ill not be proce ssed. • If there is no I/O assignment to the desig n ated slot, DER is set to “1” and that slot w ill not be processed.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-129 Item number FUN instructions-5 Name High- speed Counte r Operation Control Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-130 Item number FUN instructions-6 Name High- speed C ounter Coincide nce Output Control Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-131 Item number FUN instructions-7 Name High- speed Counte r Up-Count/Down- count Control (Sing le phase c ounter only) Ladder format Condition code Proces sin.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-132 Item number FUN instructions-8 Name High- speed Counter C urrent Value Repl acement Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-133 Item number FUN instructions-9 Name High-s peed counter curre nt value reading Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-134 Item number FUN instructions-10 Nam e High-s peed counter curre nt value clea r Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-135 Item number FUN instructions-11 Nam e High- speed c ounter preset Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 A.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-136 Program example R6 LD R6 AND DIF6 [ WR60 = H100 WR61 = 5000 WR62 = 10000 FUN 146 ( WR60 ) ] DIF6 WR60 = H0100 WR61 = 5000 WR62 = 10000 FUN 146 (WR60) Program description • Sets both the on- prese t value and off-pr eset value in the counter No.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-137 Item number FUN instructions-12 Nam e PWM opera tion control Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver a.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-138 Item number FUN instructions-13 Nam e PWM Freque ncy on-duty changes Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-139 Notes • If a value other than H 01 to H04 is spec ified as the P WM output num ber, and if the on-duty value is outside the e ffec tive range, DER w ill be set to “1” and no proce ssing will be perf ormed.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-140 Item number FUN instructions-14 Nam e Pulse output control Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-141 Item number FUN instructions-15 Nam e Pulse freque ncy output setting changes Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-142 Notes • If the pulse output number is set to a va lue other than H01 to H04, DER will be set to “ 1 ”and no proce ssing will be perf ormed.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-143 Item number FUN instructions-16 Nam e Pul se outp ut with accel eration /deceleratio n Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Remark R7F4 R.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-144 Notes When this ins truction is exec uted, the m aximum frequenc y is stored in the special internal output’s pulse output f requency (WRF072 to W FR075), and the num ber of output pulse s is stor ed in the spe cial internal output’s number of output pulses (WRF07A to WRF07D) re spectively .
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-145 Item number FUN instructions-17 Nam e BO X c o mmen t Ladder format Condition code Proces sing t ime ( µ s) Rem ark R7F4 R7F3 R7F2 R7F1 R7F0 Aver age Maxi.
Chapter 5 Instruc tion Specif ications 5-146.
Chapter 6 I /O Spec ificati ons 6-1 Chapter 6 I/O Specifications T able 6.1 lists the input/out put class ific ations and input/o utput point ty pes that ca n be used w ith the MIC RO-EH T able 6.
Chapter 6 I /O Spec ificati ons 6-2 6.1 I/O Assignment I/O as signm ent and I/O address a re liste d below . Table 6.2 I/O assig nment and I /O ad dress T ype I/O assignmen t 10-point type 14-point ty.
Chapter 6 I /O Spec ificati ons 6-3 6.2 External I/O Numbers When starti ng an operat ion of the M ICRO-EH, a user program is executed (scanned) after the inpu t refresh pro cessing (receiving e xternal inp ut data) is performed.
Chapter 6 I /O Spec ificati ons 6-4 The following e xplains th e external I/O assign ment. The external I/ O numbers for the MI CRO-EH system are expressed with the f ollowing conv entions.
Chapter 6 I /O Spec ificati ons 6-5 6.3 I nternal Output Numbers Mem ory is av ailable a s an internal output a rea in the C P U m odule. There are three are as: bit dedicat ed area (R), word dedicate d area (W R), and bit/word share d area (M/W M). T able 6.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-1 Chapter 7 Programming 7.1 Memory Size and Memory Assignment T able 7.1. Lists the program ming spec i fic ations f or the MICRO-EH.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-2 7.2 Programming Devices The f ollowing me thods are used to create the us er progra ms. T able 7.2 Program ming methods No. Programming d evice us ed Concept of operatio n Remarks 1 Person al computer so ftware (LADDER EDITOR, etc.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-3 7.3 Programming Methods The f ollowing s hows the sy stem config uration using a personal com puter an d the proc edures for crea ting a user pr ogram usin g personal co mputer software. P lease not e that cables d iffer depending on the personal co mputer and software u sed.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-4 T able 7.4 List of procedures for cre ating a progra m Create new program Modify T est operation, adju stment Item Off-lin e Off-line O n-line On-direct Out-line of opera-ti.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-5 The us er prog ram is managed in c ircuit units . One cir cuit c an describe nine conta ct poi nts (a-ty p e conta ct poi nt or b-ty pe contact p o int) a nd seve n coils as shown in the f igure below . Figure 7.1 S ize of one circuit Or , one relati onal box ca n be describe d using the width of three c ontac t points.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-6 In addition, if loop sym bols are used, a circuit co ntaining up to 5 7 con tact poin ts and one c o il can be entered within se ven lines. Howev er , an OR circ uit cannot be input after a loop. * * * * * * * * * * * * Figure 7.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-7 7.4 Program T ransfer The MICRO-EH stores the user prog rams written f ro m the periphera l units in the ex ecution mem o ry (RAM). T h en, it transfers the user programs to the FLASH memory (bac kup memory) utiliz ing the i dle time of the M P U in the interna l area of the MICRO- EH.
Chapter 7 Program ming 7-8 Note 1) The follow ing lists the special inte rnal out puts for various se ttings that can be transferre d to the back up memory by th e Memory Request for V arious Setting s Flag (R7F6). T able 7.5 List of special interna l outputs that can b e stored No.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-1 Chapter 8 H igh-speed co unter , PWM / Pulse train output and Analogue I/O The MICRO-EH opera tes in four operation m odes.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-2 8.1.2 Operation M ode Selec t one m ode from the 5 modes s hown in T able 8.1 (m ode 10 des cribed in follow ing pages .) and set the mode num ber in the speci al intern al output WRF07 0 when the CPU i s in STOP status.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-3 8.1.3 Input/Output Se tting Configure each I/O setting in the special internal output (WRF071) and ma ke it effective by setting R7F5 ON in CPU STOP stat us.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-4 8.1.4 Input/ Output Setting (Mode 10) Mode 1 0 had been a dded since Ve r. 01.13. I /O assignm ent of mode 10 is very flex ible as follows . Paramete r setting is compatible w ith existing m ode 0 to 3 exc ept for WRF071.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-5 8.1.5 Special Output O peration i n CPU STOP Status Ge nerally the c ounter output, P WM out put and pulse output are not g enerated if the CPU is in the STO P state.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-6 8.2 High-Speed Counter (S ingle-Phase ) The high-sp eed coun ter settings are stor ed in the special internal outputs (WRF070 to 7 E).
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-7 Others 7] The us er prog ram can switch f rom using a c ounter as an up cou n ter to a dow n counter , as w ell as from a down counter t o an up counte r while the cou nter is operating (using FUN1 42).
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-8 8.2.2 Setting of Sing le-Phase Count er If e ither one of operation m odes 1, 2, or 3 is sele cted, the s ingle-phas e counter s hould be set using t he special inter nal output (WRF072 to WRF07E).
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-9 (4) Setting the counter preload When pr eloading is u sed, th e value to be prel oaded should be set for each count er used. Any value i n the ran ge from 0 to FFFFH (0 t o 65,53 5 ) can be set.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-10 8.3 High-Speed Counter (T wo-Phase Counte r) When ope ration m ode 3 is se lected, two-pha se counters can be used. Four kinds of phase counti ng modes a re available for tw o-phase counte rs.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-1 1 (2) Phase co unting mode 1 In this m ode the counter counts at the risi ng edge of input 1A . At this poi nt, if input 1B is 0 (Low) it c o unts up, and if input 1B is 1 (Hig h) it counts down.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-12 (4) Phase co unting mode 3 In this m ode the counter co unts at the rising and falling e dge of input 1B. It counts up w h en inp ut 1A is more a h ead of input 1B, a nd down w hen input 1A is lagging be hind input 1B.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-13 8.3.2 Setting of T wo-Phase Cou nter The se tting of the tw o-phase counters a re store d in the spec ial internal outputs (W RF072 to WRF07 E). (1) Phase co unting mode Set th e phase coun ting mode (0 -3) in WRF06E .
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-14 (5) Individ ual counter setting The on-p reset and o ff - preset valu es can be ch anged for each t wo-phase cou nter by the special intern al output for individual se tting (WRF058) reg ardless of whether the CPU is opera ting or stoppe d.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-15 8.4 PWM Output A PWM out put can be set as an output by setting the opera tion mode a nd output term inal. By setting an output to a PW M outpu t, a pulse with a duty ratio in the range that corresponds to t he specified frequ ency can be o utput.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-16 8.4.2 Setting the P W M Output The setting s of the PWM out put operation are stored in the spe cial interna l outputs (W RF072 to WRF079).
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-17 (3) Effec tive range of P W M output on-d uty values When correc ting on-duty v alues by se tting the va lue that cor.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-18 8.5 Pulse Train Output A pulse out put can be assig ned to an output by setting an output terminal. By setting an output to pulse outp ut, a spe cifie d numbe r of consec utive pulse s with a duty ratio of 30 t o 70 % can be output.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-19 T o change the num ber of output pulses, the follow ing operation w ill be perf or me d: 1] When the n umber of pulse.
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-20 (4) At setting abnormality If the sum of the frequencies o f the pulse o utputs is set t o exceed 5 k when the P I/O .
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-21 8.6 Interrupt Input When either operation mode 0, 1, or 3 is selected, it is p o ssible to assig n an interrupt i n put to X1, X3, X5, and X7 by the specia l internal out put (W RF07F).
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-22 8.8 Potentiometers CPUs othe r than of the 10-p oint ty pe are equippe d with two po tentiometers .
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-23 8.9 Analogue Input The 23-p oint type C P U is e quipped w ith two poi nts of ana logue input. The input to t hese two poi nts can be s et to voltag e input or curre nt input indiv idually .
Chapter 8 Hig h-speed counter, P W M / Pu lse train out put and Analogu e I/O 8-24 8.11 Analogue Ex pansion unit Ana logue e xpansion module has 4 ch. of ana log input and 2 ch. of analog output , which is co nfigured by dip switche s. Range sett ing Analog ue input range setting (Com mon for all in put channels.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-1 Chapter 9 PLC Operation The ope rating status and stop status of the MICRO-EH can be sw itched throug h various ty pes of oper ations.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-2 9.1 RUN Start When the MICRO-E H sw itches to the opera ting sta te, the user prog ram is ex ecuted in sequenc e from the beginning. T h e user prog rams c onsist of a norm al scan prog ram and pe riodical scan pr ogram . In addition to these progra ms , there is a subroutine a rea defi ned as a subroutine .
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-3 Each prog ram is executed in the order of the prior ity s hown in Fig u re 9.2. Eac h program is executed w hile monitoring the execut ion ti me of each program area. If the monit ored time exceeds th e specified t ime, this causes a co ngestion error and opera tion stops.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-4 (2) Causes of congestion errors at normal scan Congestio n errors may occur at no rmal scan because of th e following three p ossibl e reasons.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-5 9.1.2 Periodical Scan (1) Definition and operation This scan execut es interrup t programs (perio dical scan programs) while the CP U is op erating with a fixed cycle time (10 ms , 20 ms, or 40 m s) specif ied by the us ers.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-6 (3) Continuation of operation after a congestion error If a conge stion error oc curs when the s pecial internal output bit R 7 C1, w hich speci fie s whe ther the operatio.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-7 (3) Continuation of operation after a congestion error occurred If an interrup t scan con gestion error o ccurs when th e special int ernal out put b it R7C2, which specifi.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-8 9.1.4 Relationship of Each Scan Type When three t ypes of scan occur at t he same time, scan is executed in the o rder of peri odical scan , then interru pt scan, an d then n ormal scan. Figure 9.15 Relational diagram of scan operation Table 9.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-9 9.2 Online Change in RUN The us er progr am s can be modif ied during opera tion while r etaining the output status as is. T his is called the “progra m change while running” function. T o modify the user prog rams, s p ecia l program ming sof tware or progra mm er is require d.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-10 9.3 Instantaneous Power Failure The f ollowing show s operation w hen the power supply to the MICRO-EH s huts off . 24 V DC ON OFF 1.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-11 9.4 Operation Parameter The setting s of “param eters,” which ar e required to perf orm tasks such a s creating programs, transf erring program s to the CPU, are perform ed.
Chapter 9 PLC Operation 9-12 9.5 Test Operation (1) Verification of interlock Verif y perf ormance of the interloc k in case of unexpecte d incidents. Creat e ladder s such as an emerg ency st op circuit, pr otective circuit and interloc k circuit outside the progra m controller.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-1 Chapter 10 PLC Installation, Mounting, Wiring 10.1 Installation (1) Installa tion location and environ ment (a) When installing t he MICRO-EH, use the uni t under the env ironment w ithin the gene ral specif ication.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-2 Securin g the unit Secure the u nit by installing DIN rail fixing bracke ts from both sides. (T he product may m ove out of pla ce if not secu red with the fixi ng brackets.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-3 10.2 Wiring (1) Separation of the power sy stem The pow er supplies inc lude pow er for the MIC RO-EH m ain unit/p owe r for the I/ O signa ls/powe r for g eneral equipm ent. These pow er supplies shou ld be wire d from se parate systems as much a s possible .
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-4 (3) Wiring to t he power module 100 V AC to 240 V AC Power supply for the se nsor Power leakage breaker Shielded insulate d transformer Noise filter Figure 10.4 Pow er supply w iring diagram (a) For power supply wiring, use a cable of 2 mm 2 or mor e to prev ent a volta ge drop from occurrin g.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-5 (5) Wiring to t he input termin als DC input AC input 3] 4] 6] C1 0 V C0 5] 7] 24 V DC 0] 24+ 2] 1] Cu rre nt o ut p ut t ype Proxi mity switch Ex ampl e of 1 4-p oin t ty pe ③④ ⑥ C 1 C0 ⑤⑦ 0 ② ① Ex ampl e of 1 4-p oin t ty pe Figure 10.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-6 (6) Wiring to t he output termin als Item Relay outp ut EH-*XXDR** External wir in g FUSE 1] 2] 4] C2 POW C 1 3] 5] POW C0 0] FUSE 1] 2] 4] C 2 POW C1 3] 5] POW C0 0] Figure 10.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-7 (a) W iring to the relay output terminals 1] Life of relay c ontacts Life curve o f relay contacts 500 100 10 1 01 45 50 20 6 3 2 1000 AC 125 V cos φ =1 AC 125 V cos φ =0.
Chapter 10 PLC Inst allation, Mounting, W iring 10-8 (7) Wiring to t he unit terminals NF Wir ing fo r the power supply Use a 2 mm 2 cable and twi s t it. Leave a distance of 100 mm or more from the signal cable and 200 mm or more from the power line.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-1 Chapter 1 1 Communication Specifications 11.1 Port function Port function of MICRO-EH is s hown in Table 11.1. Table 11.1 Communication port specification RS-232C RS- 422/485 Dedicated port Dedicated p ort Transmission procedure 1 Transmission proce dure 2 Port ty pe Transmission proce dure 1 Tran s.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-2 (1) Port 1 settin gs Port 1 is conf igured by combination of DIP switch a nd specia l register (WRF01A). DIP switc h can be set w hen cable is not connecte d (DR sig nal is off ). Switc h config uration is set at ca ble connected (DR is high).
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-3 11.3 Port 2 The s pecif ications of port 2 a re listed in Ta ble 11.4. 1:n station c ommunic ation by the high protocol is possi ble w ith port 2.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-4 (2) 1:n station communication on RS-485 When st ation num ber mode is us ed on RS-485, termina tion comm and (NA K FF) from host/PC can conflic t with re ply from CPU, and CPU can fail to receive this command.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-5 11.5 Modem Control Function The 14-point or higher MICRO-EH is equipped with a mode m control func tion. The mode m control func tion can be operated using task code s. To use this f unction, it is necessary to set No.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-6 (2) List of commands (ex tract) 1] AT comm ands Command Function overview Ex ample AT A utomatically recognizes data format A/ Re-exec utes the resp.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-7 (3) Sequence An e xam ple of a c o m munic ation seque nce using the O mron-m ade modem ME3314A is g iven be low.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-8 11.6 Connecting to the Ports The f ollowing show s some example s of connec tions betw een port 1 and 2 and per ipheral units . When creating a conn ection cable, ch eck it th orou ghly in advan ce accordin g to what t he pu rpose o f its use is.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-9 11.6.2 Port 2 Port 2 of the MIC RO-EH is a comm unication port that uses either the RS-422 or RS -485 protocol as interf ace. It is also a dedicat ed port w ith which to perf orm com munication by the H serie s dedica ted procedure (hig h protocol), which a llows 1:n station c omm unication.
Chapter 11 Com m unication Specif ications 11-10 MEMO.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-1 Chapter 12 Error Code List and Special Internal Outputs 12.1 Error Codes The ta ble below indicates the se lf-diag nostic error c odes. (See Cha p ter 13, “T roubles hooting” about c orrective a ctions.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-2 Related sp ecial internal output Error code Error name [detection ti ming] Classi fi -cation Descr iption RUN LED OK LED Ope- ration B.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-3 12.2 Syntax and Assembler Error Codes The f ollowing de scribe s the synta x and A ssembler e rror codes. T he error c odes are output a s hexadec imal value s to the internal output WRF001.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-4 12.3 Operation E rror Codes If an error occurs when a control i nstruction is execut ed, “1” is set in the operation error (ERR) speci al internal output “R7F3” and an error code (h exadecimal) in dicatin g the descript ion of the error is set in WRF01 5.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-5 12.4 Bit Special In ternal Output Area The MI CRO-EH has a specia l internal out put area f or perform ing sta tus display and various other setti ngs. T he special intern al output area is con stantly backed up in case of po wer failure.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-6 No. Name Meaning Descr iption Settin g condition Resetting condition R7D7 Undef ined Do not use.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-7 No. Name M eaning Descripti on Setting condition Resetting condition R7EB Clear retentive area 1: Clear reten tive area R7EC Clear error code 1: Clea r error code in WRF000 to F 00A, R7C8 to 7D E Set by user Cleared by the system R7ED Undefined Do not us e.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-8 Table 12. 1 List of s pecial interna l outputs th at can be stored No. Special internal outp ut that can be stored Function 1 WRF01A D.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-9 12.5 Word Special Internal Outp ut Area The f ollowing lists the definitions of the word spec ial internal output are a (W RF000 t o WRF1F F).
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-10 No. Name Storage dat a Descr iption Setting condition Resetting condition WRF 03C Port 1 Modem time out time a: Whether or n ot setti.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-11 No. Name Stored data Description Setting condition Resetting condition WRF 057 Detailed inform ation of counte r setting errors a: Er.
Chapter 12 Error Co de List a nd Sp ecial Int ernal Outp uts 12-12 No. Name Stored data Descripti on Setting condition Resetting condition WRF 06B Pu lse and PWM output auto correction setti ng 01: Fo.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-1 Chapter 13 T roubleshooting 13.1 Error Display and Actions The dis play locations of errors dete cted by individual devic e in the MICRO-EH sy stem are show n in Figure 13.1. When an error occu rs, take an acti on accord ing to the error cod e list.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-2 The following sh ows the range of th e special in ternal ou tput that is cl eared when R7E C is set to “1 .” No. Bit s pecial internal output No.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-3 (2) Correctiv e actions w hen an error occurred The pr ocess flow w hen an error oc curred is shown below . Error oc curred Reference the bit special internal output (14- 1). Reference the w ord special internal output (14-2) .
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-4 Error code Error name Corrective action 61 P ort 1 transm ission error (parity) 62 P ort 1 transm ission error (fram i ng/overrun) Check the co nnect ion o f the conn ector cab le. Check the se ttings such as the transm ission speed.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-5 13.2 Checklist w hen Abnormality Occurred If an error occurs i n the MI CRO-EH system , check th e following items. If there are no probl ems in the following it ems, contact our serv ice departm ent.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-6 13.3 Procedures to Solve Abnormality The f ollowing s hows the proce ssing flow when a pr oblem has oc curred: Prob lem occ urred Bri ng the sy stem to a s afe condi t.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-7 (a) PLC will not start The C PU OK LED does not turn off even w hen power is started, nor peri pheral units c annot be connecte d on-line.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-8 (b) Will not operate (w ill not run) Even if the PLC operation conditions are met, the CP U does not ope rate (the RUN LED does not turn on) a n d rem ains stopped.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-9 (c) Opera tion stopped (RUN s topped) During nor mal opera tion, the CPU suddenly stops (the RUN L ED turns off ). NO YES NO YES 13 12 11 1F Check t he power supply .
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-10 (d) Wrong input a t input module or no input (oper ation problem) The CPU runs , but the input data is not correc t. Check input signals • Input si gnal voltage •.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-11 Data c annot be entered. I/O ass ignment error is gene rated, but data is read. NO YES YES NO YES NO NO YES Is there a wiring error, disconnec tion or loose screw on .
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-12 (e) The c ounter input does not function The CPU oper ates, but the input data is incorrec t Set the operat ing mode for t he peripheral devic es Note: The operating .
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-13 (f) Wrong output from output m odule or output module w ill not output (operation problem ) The CPU ope rates , but output signa ls are not correct.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-14 The CPU ope rates , but output signa ls are not detected. I/O as signm ent error occurr ed, but output is norm al. Replace the ex pansion cabl e Correct t he error YE.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-15 (g) The PWM and puls e output does not operate The C PU operates , but the pulse output and PWM output are not correct * Pulse output only.
Chapter 13 Tr oubleshooting 13-16 (h) Peripheral units proble m Peripheral units cannot be connec ted. Replace the c onnection c able Please c ontact our service departm ent.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-1 Chapter 14 Operation Examples To understa nd the basic operation of the MICRO-EH, this chapter e xplains sam ples of operations such as inputting sim ple program s and verif ying ope rations.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-2 S T E P 1 Starting the LADDER EDITOR for W indows® 1. Start the personal computer. Start the pe rsonal c omputer . 2. Start the LADDER EDITOR for Windows® sy stem (GRS screen). From the Start menu of Windows ® , click [Program] → [Hladder] → [Hladder].
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-3 S T E P 2 Initialization Settings f or the CP U type , mem ory ty pe and I/O assignment a re performe d. 1. Setting the CPU ty pe Click [Utility ] → [Environment Settings] in the Menu ba r. Pull-down menu The Env ironment Setting dia logue box is displayed.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-4 2. Setting the memory ty pe Click [Utility ] → [CPU Setting] → [CPU Information] in the Menu ba r. The C PU Inform ation dialogue box is displaye d. Pull-down menu • Click the Mem ory Cassette/L adder Assign button and select the memory cassette size.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-5 [Setting from the I/O Assign List] 1] Double-clic k the cell for the unit num ber and slot num ber to be set. The A ssignment Setting dialogue box is display ed. The Assignment Setting dialogue box v 2] Click the W of the data and se lect I/O type from the pull-down dis play .
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-6 [Setting from the Slot Setting Status ] Click the [Slot] button to displa y the Slot Setting Status dia logue box . 1] Click the W of the unit and selec t the unit numbe r from the pull-down display . 2] Click the button of the s lot number to be s et.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-7 S T E P 3 Program Input 1. Input a program. At f irst, the output window displays “there is no program ” in the bottom lef t of the Read/Edit screen. The cursor , which indicate s the program input posit ion, is placed at the to p left of th e screen.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-8 When the dialogue box closes, the sy mbol is display ed in the Rea d/Edit screen and the c ursor shifts. Display of symbol The c omm ent is display ed under the sy mbol.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-9 The input of the horizontal line sy mbol, w h ich conne cts betwee n sym bols, m ay be omitted. (Sy mbols are connected by horizontal lines by the autom atic wiring f unction at circuit w rite.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-10 3] Input com parison expre ssion and com ment. 4] Click the [OK] button. Comparison Box property The c omm ent input is valid only for I/O num bers. In thi s example, enterin g a comment for the value on the right side of the expression w ill not generate a comment.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-11 S T E P 4 Checking Program Errors Check to see i f the program in th e mem o ry is correct. Click [Utility ] → [Check] in the Me nu bar. The Che ck dialogue box is displaye d. Pull-down menu • Click the [A ll items] or the individual che ck column t o specify the items to be checked .
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-12 S T E P 5 Saving the Program Save the progr am and comm ent that has bee n cre ated to a f loppy disk . Click [File] → [Record] in the Menu bar, the Record ico n , or [File] → [Batch Record] . The dia logue f or Record or Batc h Record is display ed.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-13 S T E P 6 Program Transfer to CPU Write the program tha t has been input, to the CPU. How ever, v erif y the follow ing: • The C PU and the per sonal com puter connec tion cable are pr operly connected. • The C PU power is on.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-14 The Conf irmation dial ogue box is display ed; click the [Yes] button and star t the CPU initialization. The Ex it dialogue box is display ed; click the [OK] button to close the dialog ue. 3. Transferring to the CPU Click [File] → [CPU write] in the Menu ba r.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-15 S T E P 7 Monitoring (Verifying the Operation) Monitor the prog ram execution sta tus in the CPU. [Circuit monitor] Click [Mode] → [Monitor] in the Menu ba r. Pull-down menu The C onfirm ation dialogue box for the prog ram match check between P C and the CP U is disp layed.
Chapter 14 Operation Ex amples 14-16 The I/O monito r can be specified in the fol lowing two w ays. 1] Click [Edit] → [I/O monitor setting ] in the Menu bar. 2] Click the icon in the Sym bol bar. I/O Monitor dialogue box • Enter the starting I/O No.
Chapter 15 Daily and Periodic Inspection 15-1 Chapter 15 Daily and Periodic Inspections In order to use the f unctions of the MICRO-EH in the optim al conditions and ma intain the system to operate norma lly, it is ess ential to conduc t daily and per iodic inspec tions.
Chapter 15 Daily and Periodic Inspection 15-2 (4) Life of the battery • The batte ry life tim e is shown below . Battery life time (tota l power off time) [Hr] * Guaranteed valu e (Min. ) @55 ° C Actual valu e (Max.) @2 5 ° C 9,000 18,000 * Battery life time has been chang ed sinc e Oct.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-1 Appendix 1 H-Series Instruction Support Comparison Chart [Basic instructions and sequence instructions] No.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-2 [Basic instructions and comparison boxes] No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-3 [Arithmetic instructions] No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-300 H-2.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-4 [Application instructions] (2/2) No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-5 [High-function module transfer instructions] No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-6 [FUN instructions] (2/5) No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-300 H-20.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-7 [FUN instructions] (3/5) No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-300 H-20.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-8 [FUN instructions] (4/5) No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-300 H-20.
Appendix 1 H-ser ies Instruc tion Support Com parison Chart A-9 [FUN instructions] (5/5) No. Instruction format Instruction name MI CRO- EH EH-150 H-64 ~ H-20 H-200 H-250 H-252 H-2000 H-700 H-300 H-20.
Appendix 2 Standards A-1 1 Appendix 2 Standards MICRO- EH products are global produc ts designed a nd manufa ctured for us e throughout the world. They should be insta lled and used in conf ormanc e w ith product-spe cific guide lines as w ell as the following a gency approvals and s tandards.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi NJI-350B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi NJI-350B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi NJI-350B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi NJI-350B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi NJI-350B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi NJI-350B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi NJI-350B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi NJI-350B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi NJI-350B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center