Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product L37V01EA Hitachi
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L37V01EA L37V01E GB F D I Instructions for use Notice d'utilisation Bedienungsanleitung Istruzioni per l'uso L37V01U L37VP01E L37V01U A L 37 V R1U Downloaded From TV-Manual.
Englis h -1 - Conten ts Co lou r T emp .......................................... 20 Noise Reduc tion .................................... 20 F i lm M o d e .............................................. 20 S to re ....................................
Englis h -2 - O th er Fe a tu re s ............................................... 25 TV S tatu s .................................................... 25 Mute In dicato r .............................................. 25 PIP and P A P modes ..........
Englis h -3 - Safety Precautions Pleas e read the f ollowi ng rec omm ended saf ety pre- cautions carefully for your safety . IMPORT A NT SAF ETY INFORMA TION ON OPE RA TING YOUR TV Do’s an d Don’.
Englis h -4 - 1.Power Source The TV s et shoul d be operated only from a 220-240 V AC, 50 Hz outlet . Ensur e t hat you selec t the corre ct volta ge set ting f or your conv enienc e. 2.Power Cord • Do not plac e the set , a piec e of furni ture, etc .
Englis h -5 - 1 1. Dis connect Device The m ains pl ug is used t o dis connec t TV set fro m the ma ins and ther efore it shal l rema in readil y operable.
Englis h -6 - Featur es • Rem ote cont rolled col our LC D TV . • Ful ly integr ated Di gital TV (DVB -T) • Ful l HD ( 1920x1080) • 100 p rogr ammes from VHF , UH F bands o r cable chann els can be preset . • It c an tune c able c hannels . • Cont rolli ng the TV is ve ry easy by i ts men u driven syste m.
Englis h -7 - LCD TV Front View Rear View and Peripheral Connections R T S I J L K M N O P H E F G 220V - 240V AC~5 0 Hz POWER A B C D S OURCE SE LECT ME N U B UT T ON P ROGRAMME UP /DOWN VO LU ME U P.
English -8- Remote Control Buttons = Stand b y On/O ff f =I n f o DVD =S e l e c tD V D TV /DTT = Se lect or but ton f or Digi tal/ Analo gue m ode = Hold in tele text m ode, Freeze pi ctu re / = V ol.
Englis h -9 - Handling the Remote Control • It cou ld cause c orrosi on or battery leak age and m ay resul t i n phys ical inju ry and/o r propert y da mage i n- cl uding fir e. • Never mi x us ed and new batteri es in the de vice. • Replace all t he batteries in a devic e at the same ti me.
English -1 0 - Sw itching The TV ON/OFF T o switch th e TV on: Y our TV will s witch on in two st eps: 1- Connect the power c ord to the s ystem. P ress Power ON/OFF switch.
English -1 1 - After A utom atic S earch p rocess is com pleted , the following message asking for analogue channel search appears on the sc reen. TV swit ches t o the ana logue TV m ode: AUT O PROGR AM C ou nt r y UK T ext lan g ua g eW e s t Selec t your La nguage, Count ry and T e xt langua ge by usi ng a / b and _ / ` butt ons.
English -1 2 - then you wil l be asked for s witchi ng to that c hannel when the re minder ti me is reache d. News 1 0:00-1 1.00 1. ONE Commonwealth … Nachright en 2 . BBC TWO Driven C razy Clif ford Th e Big Red Dog 5. five The Chart Dawson’s Cree k Navi gat e Schedu le Remi nder Mor e Electronic Programme Gu ide Wed 31/7 09:13 1R T L O K 5 .
English -1 3 - Navi gating the whole chann el list •P r e s s or keys for sele cting the prev ious or next chan nel. • Y ou can press or butt ons t o move page up or page down.
English -1 4 - Press the button to canc el the edit ing or OK but ton to sa ve the new nam e. Ad ding lo cks to ch anne ls Channel Lock ing prov ides a pa ssword-pr otect ed ac - ces s to cha nnels s elect ed by parents .
English -1 5 - P ress the S ELECT button on y our remote control to tune to the highlighted channel. Press MENU to exit this screen. Hin t: Entering More item pressi ng butto n gets quick and easy use of the all menus in IDTV displaying information for the highl igted menu item.
English -1 6 - Manua l Searc h: In Man u al S ea rch , t he number of the m ultiplex is enter ed manual ly and on ly that m ult iplex is s earched for t he channels. For every valid cha nnel num ber , signal level, sign al quality a nd netwo rk name are shown at th e bottom of t he scree n.
English -1 7 - Confi gur ation Favourite Mode Channel Lis t Lan g ua g eS e t t i n g s Time Settings Rec eiver Up grade i C han g e Favouri te Mod e More Tv Only V.
English -1 8 - Matu rity Lock: Use or but tons t o set Matu rity Loc k to th e “Off, A ge 4, Age 5... ........Age17 or Age 18”. (“Off, Age 4, Age 5,. .., A ge 18, above 6 years , Univers al viewing (FR A) or X -rated ESP”.) Menu Lock: There you c an set /reset lo cki ng for the Main Me nu or the I nst allati on Men u to re stric t ac ces s.
English -1 9 - i MENU Progra mme T i me rs N o Channel Name S tart End Date M ode 1 . ITV 1 20:0 0 21:0 0 12/ 05/2 005 Activ e 2. BBC ONE 00: 00 00:00 01 /01/200 5 I nactive 3. B BC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/ 01/2005 Inac tive 4. BBC ONE 00: 00 00:00 01 /01/200 5 I nactive 5.
English -2 0 - Menu Sy stem Picture Menu M ode D y na mi c C ontrast 63 Br ig htnes s 63 Shar pness 31 C olour 99 Colour T emp Normal Noise Reduction Low Film Mo de Off Stor e Rese t PIC TURE NO SIGNAL Mode By pres sing a / b button, sele ct Mode .P r e s s _ / ` button to choose fr om one of these options: Ci nema, Dynamic and Natural.
English -2 1 - balance By pres sing a / b button, se lect Ba lance .P r e s s ` butt on to inc reas e balanc e to th e right. P ress _ butt on to d ecreas e balanc e to the lef t. Ba lance level can b e adju sted b etween -32 and + 32. Pres s the button to return to the prev ious menu.
English -2 2 - Default Zoom By press ing a / b button, selec t Defa ult Zoom. Yo u c a n s e t De fault Zo om to Full, Panora mic, 4:3 or 14:9 Zoom by pres sing _ / ` button. Blue Back ground By pres sing a / b button, se lect Bl ue Backgr ound. Press _ / ` b u t t o n t os e tB l u eB a c k g r o u n da so no r off.
English -2 3 - By m ovin g the c ursor in fou r direc tions yo u can reac h 20 program m es in the sa me page. Y ou can sc roll t he pages up or down by pres sing t he navigat ion bu ttons to se e all the pro gramm es in T V mode (exc ept the A V mod e).
English -2 4 - Source menu By pres sing a / b button, select the sixth icon and press ` or OK butt on. S ource m enu app ears on t he screen. SO UR CE : T V TV AV - 1 AV - 2 AV - 4 AV - 7 TUNE R SCART.
English -2 5 - Other Features TV Sta tus Programme Numbe r , Programme Na me, Sound I ndic ator and Zoom M ode are di splayed on t he scr een w hen a new program me is ent ered or button i s p ressed . Mut e In dic at or It i s pla ced in the upper side of the s cree n when enabled.
English -2 6 - Full: This uni form ly stretc hes the left an d r ight sides of a norm al p ictu re (4:3 as pec t ratio ) to f ill t he wide TV screen. • For 16:9 aspect ratio pict ures that have been squee zed into a norm al pi cture (4 :3 aspec t ratio ), use the Full m ode to restore the picture to its original shape.
English -2 7 - Connect Peripheral Equipment High Definit ion Y our LCD T elevis ion is capable of dis playing High Defi- niti on pict ures fr om devi ces s uch as a Hi gh Defin iti on Sat ellit e Rece iver o r DVD Pla yer . T hese d evices m ust be conn ected via the HDM I sockets or Componen t Soc ket.
English -2 8 - Tips Care Of T he Screen Clean the s creen with a sli ghtly dam p, s oft c loth. Do not us e abrasi ve solven ts as t hey may da mage t he TV screen coating lay er . Poor Picture Have y ou selected th e correct TV system? Is you r TV set o r house aeri al loc ated too c lose to non-ea rthed audio eq uipmen t or neon light s, etc .
English -2 9 - Peripheral Equipment Connections ANT .IN A UDIO I N (R) (L) VIDEO IN I N O UT IN OUT HEADP HONE AUDIO VID EO S A TEL LITE RECEIV ER ANTEN NA CAMCOR DER VHF/ U H F 75 : Ro und 7 5 oh m co axia l ca bl e Rear o f TV Outdoor Aerial Connecti on A erial Connection Downloaded From TV-Manual.
English -3 0 - DISPLA Y Siz e/Di agonal 37" (16: 9 Di s play) V i ewable s i z e / D iagonal 82. 36 x 46.48 ( c m) / 94. 57 (c m ) V IDE O ST A NDA R DS Vi d e o P AL / N T S C / S E C AM TV Tune.
English -3 1 - RS2 32 I n 9 pin m ini D - s ub OUT PUT CONNE CT IONS Line O ut A udio Phon o L/R Subw oofer 1 x Phono ( M ono) A udio Spe aker O utp ut 2x8 W RM S Sync hr oniz at ion Sync on gr een, c om pos it e s ync w ith aut omat i c de tec ti on s epar ate H and V s ync .
English -3 2 - Signal Inp ut PC RGB T erminal (D-sub 15-pin conne ct or) P i n Input s i gnal 1R 2 G o r s y nc on green 3B 4 No c on nec t i on 5 No c on nec t i on 6R . G N D 7G . G N D 8B . G N D 9 No c on nec t i on 10 GND 11 No c onnec t ion 12 [ S DA ] 13 H.
English -3 3 - A ppendix A: PC Input T y pical Display Modes The di splay ha s a ma x im um resolu tion o f 1360 x 768, fr equenc y range o f 56-8 5 Hz. The foll owing table i s an ill ustrat ion of so me of the typic al video dis play m odes. M ode R esol ut i on Frequency Ho rizo ntal V e rtic al Ho r.
English -3 4 - A ppendix B: A V and HDMI Signal Comp a tibility Sour ce A v ailable O O O O O O O O 480I 60H z O 480P 60H z O 576I 50H z O 576P 50H z O 720P 50H z O 720P 60H z O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60H.
English -3 5 - A ppendix C: Main and PIP-P A P Picture Combinations MAIN AV -1 AV - 1 AV - 2 AV - 2 AV -3 AV - 4 AV -5 HDM I 1 HDM I 2 CV BS RGB CV BS S VHS YPBPR CV BS S VHS PI P, PAP O AV- 1 O CVBS .
UK Guarantee Your Guarantee of Excellence Thank you f or purcha sing t his Hitac hi T el evisi on. In t he unli kely even t that th is pro duct s hould dev elop a f ault, we under take t o replace or .
Rea r view IMPORT ANT - If placing TV into cabinet or alcove, ensure there is at least a 100mm (10cm) gap to the sides, r e a r and top of the TV . This is to allow for adequate ventilati on during operation. Please read the main Users Guide for more safety information before i nstallation.
...or through a VCR and satelli te decoder . ANT .IN ANT .IN RF Lead to Aerial RF Lead from VCR to Satellit e RF Lead from VCR to TV Satel lite LNB lead Aerial VCR • Scart L ead to A V on TV . -1 AV- 1 TV VCR AV- 2 TFT-LCD TV ...or through a HDMI and YP P pr oducts ( D V D-RW) BR DVD RECOR DER COMPONENT Y P R P B ANT .
RGB2 TV/DTT I/II MENU GUIDE DVD SAT INP UT RETURN FUNCTION OK P 12 3 45 6 78 9 0 AV 1 AV 2 AV3 AV 3 AV 4 AV 5 H DM I 1 HDMI2 .... + basi c functions of remote control connect the TV plu g to the mains sock et s witc h your TV on by pressing the On/Off button NB: When the se t is first switched o n, the set will b e in standby .
Once the TV has found all your loc al st ations, they are the n automatic ally assig ned a progr amme numb erand name , if availab le from the b roadcas t.
www Hitachi, Ltd. Consumer Business Group Shin-Otemachi Bldg 5f, 2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, T okyo 100-0004 Japan HIT ACHI EUROPE L TD.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi L37V01EA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi L37V01EA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi L37V01EA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi L37V01EA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi L37V01EA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi L37V01EA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi L37V01EA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi L37V01EA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi L37V01EA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center