Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HCX5000I Hitachi
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HCXTD840 Hitachi T elecom (USA), Inc. 3617 Parkway Lane Norcross, GA 30092 (770) 446-8820 HCX5000 System i Release 9.0 Attendant Operations SelecSet 500A User Guide.
HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 iii Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Pref ace 1 About Y our SelecS et 500A The Display ................... .................. ........................... .............. 1-3 Displaying Ca ller ID Info rmation .................
T ABLE OF C ONTENT S S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE iv HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 2 Additional Operations Soft Key-Cont rolled Featu res................................... .................. ..... 2-3 Registeri ng Call Restrict ions ...........
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE T AB LE OF C ONTE NTS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 v Answering Another Phone................................. ......... ............ 2-59 Answering a Specific Line...... ........................... ................
T ABLE OF C ONTENT S S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE vi HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001.
HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 vii List of Fig ures Figure 1- 1: SelecSet 500 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Figure 1 -2: SelecSet 500A Liquid Crystal Displ ay . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Figure 1 -3: 500A fixed key s .
L IST OF F IG URES S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE viii HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001.
HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 ix List of T ables T able 1- 1 SelecSet 500A Fixed Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 T able 1-2 Suggested p rogrammable keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21 T able 1-3 Optional p rogrammable keys .
L IST OF T ABLES S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE x HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001.
P REFACE HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 xi P REFACE About this section This preface includes a d escription of the purpos e, contents and use o f this document, along with an overview of how the do cum ent is organi z ed.
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE xii HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 Intende d audience This guide is intended to provide the attend ant or any other use r of the Se le c Set 50 0 A wit h des cript ion s a nd guidelines regardin g attend a nt features and fun c tio ns that are available with this attendant consol e.
C HAPTER 1: A BO UT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-1 1A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A About the SelecSet 500A The SelecSet 500A is a multifunctio n tel e phone th at is used for call control op erations and to serve other users in a facility .
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-2 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 SelecSet keys The SelecSet 5 00A has 2 1 fixed keys , 24 progr ammable keys, and an 8 x 40 di spl a y . Oper atio n s are perfo r med usin g the d ispla y an d the k eys . Both are descri bed in deta il on the foll owing pages.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A T HE D ISPL AY HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-3 The Display About the display The SelecSet 500A 8 line, 40 character display simplifies the placement and an swering of calls, along with other attendant functions.
T HE D ISPL AY S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-4 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Display components A line-by-lin e explanation of the disp lay follows. Line Function 1 Provides the time and d ate, your st ation number , and the number of calls wait ing.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A T HE D ISPL AY HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-5 Display changes The di splays on your SelecS et 500A cha nge dependi ng on the operatio n being perfo rmed. For example, line 8 of the display can be used to show how a par ti cular key is programmed .
T HE D ISPL AY S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-6 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 When you connect to an internal number Y ou see this display when you a re connected to that numb er: .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A D ISPLA YING C ALLER ID I NFORM ATION HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-7 Displaying Caller ID In formation About caller ID display Depending on your p hone system setup, your SelecSet may display caller ID information for incoming calls.
D ISPLAYI NG C ALLER ID I NFORMATION S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-8 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Receiving a cal l from a paypho ne If you receiv e a call from a pay p hone or some typ e of public t elephone, you see the wor d P A YPHONE on y our disp lay .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A D ISPLA YING P RO GRAMMA BLE K EY HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-9 Displaying Programmab le Key Information Procedure T o display autodial information: 1 Press <D SPL>. 2 Press the autodial key whose information yo u want disp layed .
D ISPLAYI NG VI P AND L ANGUAGE S TATU S S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-10 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Displaying VIP and Language Status About VIP and language indicators If your S elecSet 500A at.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A D ISPLA YING VIP AND L ANGUAGE S TATU S HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-1 1 Answered VIP/languag e call Y ou see this display when you a nswer a VIP/language .
K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-12 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Keys Key types Y our SelecSet 50 0A is equip ped with three typ es of k eys. These include: • 15 fi xe d ke ys • 6 soft keys .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A F IXED K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-13 Fixed Keys About fixed keys Fixed keys provid e easy access to important, f requently used fun ctions. Their l ocation and purpose cannot be changed. In Figu re 1- 3 , the fixed keys are enclosed by dotted lines.
F IXED K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-14 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 T ab le 1 - 1 Sel ecS et 500 A Fixed Key s Key Name Function/operat ion <ALARM> The major/minor alarm lights steadily when a s ystem malfunction is detected. The alarm remain s lit until the problem is corr ected.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A F IXED K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-15 Keys used to answer specific calls These keys are u sed to answer specific types of calls : • Incomin g • Informat ion • Recall When calls ring at thes e keys, the associated lamp flashes.
A BOUT C ALL A PPEA RANC E K EYS (CAP S ) S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-16 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 About Call Appearance Keys (CAPs) CAP keys Call appearance keys, labeled 1 , 2, 3, and 4, are located below the display an d soft key menu and ab ove and to the left of t he key pad.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A A BOUT C AL L A PPEAR ANCE K EYS (C AP S ) HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-17 Call appea ranc e key lamps The lamps above th e CAPs show the status of each C AP: CAP availability At least two CAPs must be available before a c all can be answered: one to ans wer calls and another to p lace calls.
S OFT K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-18 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Soft Keys About soft keys Six blank sof t keys are located just under t he displ ay . In Figur e 1-5 the soft keys are enclosed b y dotted lines. Figure 1-5 : 500A soft k eys Purpose Sof t keys per form var ious functi ons, depend ing on how your pho ne is used.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A S OFT K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-19 Soft key menu See Figur e 1-6 for an examp le of the soft key menu.
P ROGRAM MABLE K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-20 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Programmable Keys About programmable keys The SelecSet 500A includes 24 programmable keys , indicated by do tted lines in Fi gure 1-7 .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A S UGGESTED P ROGR AMMABL E K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-21 Suggested Prog rammable Keys About suggest ed programmable keys Suggested programmable k eys shou ld be assi gned to features that are im portant or frequently performed attendant opera t ions.
S UGGE STED P RO GRAMMA BLE K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-22 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 <TONE> Press the <T ONE> key to cancel automatic hold, so that you can oper ate equipment controlled by touch tones .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A O PTIONAL P R OGRAMMABL E K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-23 Optional Prog rammable Keys About op tional programmable keys Opt i onal pr ogr amm able ke ys ca n be use d as au t odial keys (for one- key access to access codes, account codes, and frequently called numb ers), or for optio nal features.
O PTION AL P ROGRAMMA BLE K EYS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-24 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 The next three k eys, Data, Auto Answer , and Data Function are required for d ata communications. Data communications capabilities r e quire the use of a data adapter , which m ounts under neath your Se lecSet 500A phon e.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A O PTIONAL P R OGRAMMABL E K EYS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-25 Record (<REC>) Records a conversation ( requires a recor der). Reminder alarm ( <RAL>) or W akeup alarm (<W AL>) Indicates when a station has not answ ered a wakeup/re minder call.
K EY L AMPS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-26 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Key Lamps About lamps Each fixed or programmable key has an associated lamp located just abov e it. These include the following: Lamp Function Feature key lamps (CONF , JOIN) Light when the key is activated.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A B ASIC O PERATI ONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-27 Basic Operations About this section This section provides inst ructions for the most frequent ly performed attendant o perations. Other operations are desc ribed in “ A dditional Operations ” on pag e 2- 1.
C ALLING S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-28 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Calling Procedure T o call another party fr om your SelecSet 500A console: 1 Press <ST AR T>. 2 Dial the station number or ou tside number . If you dial an outside n umber , remember to dial the trunk acces s code first (usually 9) .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A P LACING A N O UTSIDE C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-29 Placing An Ou tside Call Procedure T o place an outside call for another station to which you are connected: 1 Dial the trunk access code (nor mally 9), an d then d ial the number .
P LACING AN O UTSIDE C ALL FOR AN I DLE S TATIO N S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-30 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Placing an Outside Call for an Idle Station Procedure T o place an outs ide call for an idle station: 1 Press <ST AR T>. 2 Dial the trunk access code (e.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A A NSWERING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-31 Answering About this section The following top ics are presented in this s ection: • Answering your calls • .
A NSW ERI NG S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-32 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedure T o answer a call: 1 When a call rings at a key , the lamp above the key flashes. 2 T o answer the call, press either the <ANS> key or the appropriate special answer k ey .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A A NSWERING R ET URNED C ALLS (R ECALLS ) HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-33 Answering Returne d Calls (Recalls) About recalls If you o r an other attendant ex.
A NSW ERI NG R ETURNED C ALLS (R ECA LLS ) S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-34 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Add ition al recall operations While connected to the recall, y ou can perform any of the following operations : T o turn t he messa ge light on at th e called sta tion.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A A NSWERING C OVERA GE C ALLS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-35 Answering Co verage C alls About coverage calls T elephone users within the facility can cover (forward) their calls to the attendan t. These calls are known as coverage calls.
A NSW ERI NG C OVE RAGE C ALLS S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-36 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Feature access codes Stations can cover calls to you by dialing th e appropriate feature access code plus 0.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A A NSWERING M ULT IPLE C ALLS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-37 Answering Mul tiple Calls Handling multiple calls Attendant op erat ors o ften handle multipl e call s. T o handle multiple calls using a hold loop: 1 Press a hold loop (HLD1 – HLD4) to place the active call on ho ld.
H OLDING S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-38 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Holding About holdin g Depending on how you r SelecSet 5 00A phone i s programmed , you can hold calls three dif ferent ways. In most cases, it is prefer able to use the soft park k ey or a hold loop to hold calls because the <HOLD> key uses a CAP .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A H OLDING A S INGL E C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-39 Holding a Sing le Call Using a hold loop... T o hold a single call using a hold loop: 1 Press a hold loop (HLD1-HLD4) to place an active call on hold.
H OLDING A S ING LE C ALL S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-40 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 One active call and tw o calls held This display indicates one active call an d two calls being held us ing hold loop key s: Using the hold key Use the hold key to hold a call as follows: 1 Press the <HOLD> key while on an active call.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A H OLDING M ULTIPLE C ALLS (S OFT P ARK ) HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-41 Holding Mult iple Calls (Soft Park) About holdin g several calls Y ou can hol d up t o 10 ca lls on one ke y us i ng sof t park .
T RANSFERRING S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-42 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 T ransferring About call tran sf er Use the following call trans fer operation to transfer (extend) a caller to anot her number . Y ou can us e this procedure ev en if both the caller and the desi red number are outside the facility .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A T RANSFERRING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-43 you like . T o disconnect the person to who m you are speaking and reco nnect the per son on consultation hold, press <CNCL>. T o exit and connect the two calls, press <JOIN>.
S WITCHHOOK -F LASH T O T RANSFER C AL LS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-44 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Switchhook-Fla sh T o T ran sfer Calls Using central office featur es Th e switchh ook flash ( SHF)-to-a-t runk feature le ts you use central of fice business/telephone f eatures to supplement the feature s provided b y your HCX5000 system.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A S WITCHHOOK -F LASH T O T RANSF ER C ALLS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-45 Procedure T o trans fer a call using the sw itchhook -flash-to- trunk feature for this type of applicatio n: 1 While connected to a caller on a tru nk set up for switchhoo k flash to a t runk, press <OVR> (the override key).
C ONFERENCING S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-46 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Conferencing Ty p e s o f conferences Y ou can set up tw o types of conferences u sing your SelecSet 500A attendant console.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A C ONFERENCING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-47 6 T o exit the conference without disconn ecting the other two parties, pres s <JOIN>. The confer ence is still co nnected but out of your control. P ress <ST AR T> to hang up.
B RID GED CAP S TO C REAT E A C ONFERENCE S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-48 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Bridged CAPs to Create a Conferenc e About br idged CAPs Y ou can create a three-party conferen ce with two incoming calls using the CAPs on your SelecSet 500 A.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A B RIDGED CAP S TO C REATE A HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-49 5 Press the <CONF> key again to join t he two CAPs or : T o transfer the call to the caller on CAP1 press <JOIN>. Y ou are out of the conference once you press the <JOIN> key .
C REATING A M ULT I - PARTY C ONFERENCE S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 1-50 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Creating a Multi-party Conferen ce Procedure T o set up a multiparty conference: 1 While connected to one party , press <CONF>. Dial a second part y .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A C REATING A M ULTI - PA RTY C ONFERENCE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-51 8 T o disconnect the last person added to the conference, pres s <CNCL >. Only the final person added to the con ference can be dropped b y pressing <CNCL>.
M ESSAGI N G S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-52 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Messaging About messaging Y ou can use two k eys to control messaging as follows: Tu r n i n g o n MW lam ps without callin g the st atio n T o turn on a message waiting lamp without calling the station, follow these s teps: 1 Press <ST AR T>.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A M ESSA GING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-53 T urning on the MW lam p while calling a station Y ou can turn on the message light on someone ’ s phone by pressing <CLME> when th e phone is ri nging or b usy .
M ESSAGI N G S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-54 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedure T o turn on the message waiting lamp while talkin g to a covering s tation: 1 While talking to the cover ing station, press the <CLME> key .
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A M ESSA GING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-55 The <CLM E> key and MW statu s The <CLME> key indicates message lamp st atus only when someone calls you . If you call a station, the <CLME> key does n ot indicate the status of th e message waiting lamp.
M ESSAGI N G S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-56 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Retrieving messages Y ou can retrieve three message types from your SelecSet 500A cons ole using t he <MSG> soft key.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A M ESSA GING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-57 When you have a voice message system (VMS) message, yo u see this dis play (the message is from the VMS extension, in this case, extension 350): • 01 indicates that thi s is the fi rst message in the queue.
M ESSAGI N G S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 1-58 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued • 400 is the text message center number • Jane Hitel is the operator • 01 indicates that thi s is the fi rst message in the queue.
C HAPTER 1: A BOUT Y OUR S ELEC S ET 500A M ESSA GING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 1-59 Procedur e, continued If you view the te xt mess age but do not want to del ete it, call the text message center o perator and ask him/her to save the mess age.
B REAK ING I NTO A B USY S TATION S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 1-60 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Breaking Into a Busy Station About the override feat ure Y ou can use the override (OVR) featur e to break into a busy st ation. Procedure T o break into a busy s tation: 1 While listening to busy tone, press <OVR>.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-1 2A DDITI ONAL O PERATIONS About this section This section describes add itional attendant operat ions.
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-2 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Other featur e operations, continued Code Calls ...................... ................. ................. . pa ge 2-7 2 Dialing Fr equently Calle d Number s ........... ....... pag e 2-74 Extending an Incoming Data Call to a Station .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-3 Soft Key-Controlled Fe atures Soft key feat ures Using your Sel ecSet 500 A, you can perfor m the fol lowing functions and activate th e following features for stations (phones) within you r facility via soft keys that interact with the LCD.
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-4 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Call Restrictions Controlling station callin g privileges As the attendant, you can control station calling privileg es using three levels of restrictions. These restrictions are set and canceled at yo ur SelecSet 500A console throu gh the <FEA TUR> soft key menu.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EGISTE RING C ALL R ESTRI CTIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-5 Register ing Ca ll Restr ic tions Procedure T o register call res trictions: 1 Press th e <FEA TUR> soft key . Y ou see this display: 2 Press <RESTR>.
R EGISTE RING C ALL R ESTRICTIONS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-6 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued 3 If you make an error before y ou finish di aling, pr ess <CLEAR> and reenter the number .Y ou see this disp lay: 4 T o set the restriction level, press the app ropriate key .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ANCELING C ALL R ESTRI CTIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-7 Cancelin g Call Restric tions Procedure T o cancel call restrictions : 1 Press <FEA TUR> to enter the call restrictions menu. 2 Press <RESTR>.
C OVERAGE S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-8 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Coverage About coverage Cover age enables users to redirect calls that come to their stations . Depending on th e type of coverage us ed, calls can be redirected automatically or only when the called station is busy or does not answer .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EGISTERING C OVE RAGE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-9 Register ing Co vera ge Procedure 1 P ress the <FEA TUR> soft key . Y o u see this dis play: 2 Press <COV E R>. Y o u see this di spl ay: 3 Dial the desired s tation number .
R EGISTE RING C OVER AGE S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-10 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued When a valid number is entered, you see this d isp lay: 4 Enter the number of the covering station.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ANCELING C OVERAGE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-1 1 Cancel ing Co ve rage Procedure 1 P ress the <FEA TUR> soft key .
C ANCELING C OVERAGE S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-12 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued 3 Dial the desired station number . Y ou see this display: After you dial the station numb er , the current coverage point for the station is display ed (200 in this example).
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C RED IT L IMIT HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-13 Credit Limit About credit limit As the attendant, you can control credit li mit on a per-station basis to r e gulate callin g privileges for cash-paying customers.
C REDIT L IMIT S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-14 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Y o ur credit limit type Ask your system admin istr a to r what type of credit limit your facility uses. When the credit limit feat ure i s appropri ate The credit limit feature is not ap propriate for all establishments.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ONTROLLING C RE DIT L IMIT HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-15 Controlling Credit Limit About credit limit Credit limit can be assigned at the CommCenter-VDU as well as fro m the SelecSet 500A attendan t console.
C ONTROLLING C REDIT L IMIT S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-16 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued 4 If you are not connected to the station for which you ’ re setting credit, enter the station number . 5 If you are connected to the s tation, you see this display , where you can enter a credit v alue.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ONTROLLING C RE DIT L IMIT HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-17 Procedur e, continued If the station h as a bala nce, the displ ay show s the credit value. In the follow ing d isplay , station 200 has a credit balance of $6.
C ONTROLLING C REDIT L IMIT S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-18 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued Y our display updates to confirm the value, as follows: Va r i o u s displays Wh en yo.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D O -N OT -D ISTU RB HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-19 Do-Not-Dis turb About do-n ot- distu rb Do-no t-dis turb (D ND) prevents a station from being called. Y o u can control this feature from your SelecSet 500A while the station is idle or while you are on a call.
D O -N OT -D ISTURB S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-20 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued 4 If you mak e an error before you finish dial ing, press <CLEAR> and reenter the number . 5 Press <REG> to activate do- not-disturb.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D O -N OT -D ISTU RB HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-21 Canceling do-n ot- distu rb T o cancel do-not -disturb: 1 T o dis play th e do-not-disturb registra tio n, press <FEA TUR> then <DND>. 2 If you are n ot connected to the station, dial the station numb er .
D O -N OT -D ISTURB S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-22 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued The follow ing d isplay confirms that do-not-dist urb has been canceled: 5 Press <EXIT> to leave the d isplay .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D O -N OT -D ISTU RB HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-23 Error messages In some cases , you may see an er ror message on your display when you attempt to regist er do-not-disturb. See the followin g table: When you tr y to.
R INGING A D O -N OT -D ISTURB S TATI ON S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-24 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Ringin g a Do-N ot-Dis turb Statio n About this section The pro cedures desc ribed in this section l et you rin g (break in to) a station that has invoked the do-not- distu rb feature.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS T RA NSFERRING TO A S TATION IN HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-25 T ran sferr ing to a St ation in Do-N ot-D isturb Procedure T o transfer a caller to a do-not-disturb station: 1 When you answer a call to b e transferred, dial the station number to wh ich you want to transfer the call.
R ECEIVI NG F ORWARDE D C ALLS FROM DND S TATIONS S ELE C S ET 500A U SER 2-26 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Receiv ing Forwar ded Calls from DND Stations Exampl e displays Although no attendant operations are req uired, when a station with do-not -disturb activated forwards calls to you, you see t he displ ays shown in this sect ion.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R ECEIVIN G F ORWARDED C ALLS FROM DND HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-27 Incomi ng trunk call (after answer) This example shows the display after you ans wer an incoming trunk call.
S ETTIN G THE S YST EM C LOCK S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-28 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Setting the System Clock About this section Y ou can set the system clock to adjus t for standar d or dayli g ht t i m e or po wer ou tag e s. The system clock af fects various s ystem operations.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS S ET TING THE S YSTE M C LOCK HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-29 Procedur es, continued 3 Press <TIME>. Y ou see this displ ay: 4 Enter the n ew time from t he keypad. Y our input display s as you dial. If you make a mistake before you finish, press <CLEAR> to erase the input.
S ETTIN G THE S YST EM C LOCK S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-30 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 To c o n f i r m t h e enter ed time 1 If you ent er 090 0*, you see this disp l ay .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS S ET TING THE S YSTE M C LOCK HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-31 Error messages Y ou ma y also see one of two error mess ages when you attempt to register a new time. Th ese include: PLEASE TR Y LA TER SORR Y : SYSTEM ERROR In either case, try again momentarily .
W AKEUP /R EMINDER C ALLS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-32 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 W akeup/Re minder C alls About wakeup/ reminder calls W akeup/reminder calls are like an alarm clock in your phone system. Y ou can register calls to alert users at a certain time.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EGISTERING A W AKEUP /R EMINDER C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-33 Register ing a W akeup/Re m in der Call Procedure T o register a wake up/reminder call: 1 Press th e <FEA TUR> soft key . Y ou see this display: 2 Press <W AKEUP>.
R EGISTE RING A W AKEUP /R EMINDER C ALL S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-34 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued 5 Enter the wakeup time from the k eypad. The i nput must in clude five dig its (a four digit numb er plus th e * or # s ymbol).
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ANCELING A W AKEUP /R EMIND ER C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-35 Cancel in g a W ak eup/Reminder Call Procedure T o cancel a wakeup/rem inder call: 1 Display the current wakeu p time, by pressing <FEA TUR> then <W AKEUP>.
R EGISTE RING A S ECOND W AKEUP C ALL S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-36 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Registering a Second W a ke up Call Procedure T o register a s econd wakeup call: 1 Press th e <FEA TUR> soft key . Y ou see this display: 2 Press <NEXT>.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EGISTE RING A S EC OND W AKEUP C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-37 Procedur e, continued If you ar e connected to the station, th e di sp lay updates to allow you to enter the wakeup time. 4 If you mak e an error before you finish dial ing, press <CLEAR> and reenter the number .
R EGISTE RING A S ECOND W AKEUP C ALL S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-38 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued Y ou see this display , which conf irms regist ration of th e seco nd wak eup: 11 : 00 am W ed M a r 10 686 C a l l s W a i t : 0 1 2 3 4 L1 L2 O K: 2nd W ak e U p C a l l R eg .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ANCELING A S ECON D W AKEUP C ALL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-39 Cancel ing a Sec ond W ak eup Call Changi ng a second wakeup Y ou cannot ed it a second wakeup from yo ur consol e. T o change a second wakeup , you must first cancel the original second wakeu p then progr am a new one.
C ANCELING A S EC OND W AKEUP C ALL S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-40 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued This display confirms the second wakeu p is canceled: 11 : 00 am W ed M a r 1.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EGISTERING A R EP EAT W AKEUP HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-41 Register ing a Repeat W a ke up About r epeat wakeups Y ou can register the same wake-up time fo r a guest for the dura tion o f the gues t ’ s stay , rather than reg istering a new time every day .
R EGISTE RING A R EP EAT W AKEUP S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-42 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued The wake-up menu r edisplays with the repeat i ndication. 3 T o use the repeat feature for second wake-ups, set a second wake- up time.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D ISPLA YING AN D P ROVIDING A VIP WAKEUP HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-43 Displayin g and Pr ov idin g a VIP wak eup About your VIP wakeup key If you wor k in a hotel/ motel enviro nment, your Se lecSet 500A atte ndant conso le may be equi pped with a VIP wakeup p rogrammable opt ion key .
D ISPLAYI NG AN D P ROVIDING A VIP WA KEUP S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-44 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued Y ou see this disp lay: 23 = VI P key nu mbe r 2201 = gu est ’ s room numb er GLASS SEYMOUR = guest ’ s name FR = language preferen ce (French) 02 = number of wakeup calls in your q ueue.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D ISPLA YING AN D P ROVIDING A VIP WAKEUP HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-45 Procedur e, continued When you press the wakeup alarm key, you see this disp lay: If you call the VIP guest ’ s room dir ectly without using the VIP key t o initiate t he wakeup, yo u must ma nually cancel the wakeup.
V IEWI NG THE C OST OF C ALLS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-46 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Viewing the Co st of Cal ls V iewin g the cost of calls Y ou can view the duration and cost of an o utgoing call as soon as it is completed. Procedure T o view the cost of a call, f ollow these steps: 1 Press the <CHARGE> soft key .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS A SSIGNING AN A CCOUNT C ODE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-47 Other Feature Op erations About this section This sect ion descri bes other feat ure operatio ns that you can perform.
A SSIGNI NG AN A CCOUNT C ODE S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-48 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Assi gning an account code using an auto di al key Y ou can use an autodial ke y to assign an acco unt code without interrupting a call. T o use an autodial key: At the beginn ing of a call .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS A SSIGNING AN A CCOUNT C ODE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-49 Assi gning an account code using the keypad (con tin ued) During a call... 1 Ask the party to hold. 2 Press <JOIN>. 3 Dial the desired access co de (either fixe d or variab le).
A LAR M I NDICATIONS S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-50 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Alarm Indications Attendant alarm s Y our SelecSet 500A attendant console can receive various alarms, depen ding on how the syst em is configu red and what keys you have pr ogrammed.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EC EIVI NG A S YSTE M A LARM HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-51 The C ALM key When you press the <CALM> key , the alarm(s) that have occurred are displayed in the LCD: About PMS The PMS alar m applies to W elCOMM systems only .
R ECEIVI NG A PMS A LAR M S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-52 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Receiv ing a PMS Alarm PMS-A lamp If yo ur system is equipped with a property man agement system (PMS), the PMS-A lamp lights when the proper ty management system is out-of-se rvice.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R ECEIVIN G AN A NS WER D ETECTI ON A LARM HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-53 Receiv ing a n Answer Dete ction Alarm <DET> lamp and key If your s ystem is equipped with an an swer detection unit, the DET lamp lights when the unit is out-of-ser vice.
R ECEIVI NG A W AKEUP /R EM INDE R C ALL A LARM S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-54 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedure T o determine the s ource of a wakeup/remind er call: 1 Press the flashing W AL or RAL lamp. The di splay indicates which station has n ot responded to the reminder call, and the W AL or RAL key stops flashing .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R ECEIVIN G A L ONG T RUNK A LAR M HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-55 Receiv ing a Long T r unk Alarm About the L T A/VER key When a trunk (outside line) is connected longer than a predetermined time, the long trunk alarm/verification (L T A/VER) key fl ash es.
R ECEIVI NG AN E91 1 A LARM S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-56 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Receiv ing an E91 1 Alarm About E91 1 alarm s When someone on th e property calls 91 1, the E91 1 alarm lamp flas hes to alert y ou to an emer gency .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R ECEIVIN G A L INE L OCKOUT A LARM HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-57 Receiv ing a Line Lo ck out Alarm About the line lockout alarm When a station (phone in your f acility) is connected longer than a predetermined time, t he line lockout alar m (LOA) lamp lights.
A NNOUNCED C ALLS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-58 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Anno unced Calls Using the ANNO key Y ou can use the <ANNO> key to make a voice announcement to another phone in your facility , if that phone has a s peaker .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS A NSWERING A NOTHER P HONE HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-59 Answ ering A nothe r Phone Answering anothe r phone’ s call In some instances , you may want to answer a call that is ring i ng at a not her ph o ne.
A NSW ERI NG A S PECIFIC L IN E S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-60 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Answering a Sp ecific Line Using trun k group answer keys Use trunk g roup answer keys to answer calls over a specific trunk gro up.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS A TTENDANT C ONTINUOUS R INGING HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-61 Attend ant Contin uou s Ringin g About attenda nt continuo us ringing In most situations, it is preferable to have calls ring o nly once at your cons ole to prevent dist ractions from excessive ri nging.
B LOC KING AND S ENDING C ALLER ID S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-62 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Block i n g an d Se nd in g Ca ller ID About ANI block Like other internal users, you can use the ANI b lock feature to allow your cal ler ID to be sent and displaye d or prevent your caller I D from being s ent and dis played on a per-call basis.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS B LOCKING AND S E NDING C ALLER ID HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-63 Activating ANI public it y on a per-call basis If your s ystem is set up for ANI privacy , you can override this setting and allow y our caller ID to be sent an d disp layed .
B LOC KING AND S ENDING C ALLER ID S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-64 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 ANI publicity for a n answered call This is an example of an answered ANI pub licity call: ANI priv .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS B LOCKING AND S E NDING C ALLER ID HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-65 ANI priv acy for a n answered call This is an example of an answered call with ANI privacy: 1.
B LOC KING C ALLS B ETW EEN G U EST R OOMS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-66 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Blocking Calls Betw een Guest Roo ms About r oom-to-r oom block The <RRB> ( room-to-r oom blocki ng) key l ets you bl ock all calls between guest rooms.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ALLING O UT ON A S PECIFI C T RUNK HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-67 Calling Out on a Specific T runk T run k group select keys Y ou can use trunk g roup select keys to call out over a specific tru nk (out side line ) or group of trunks, such as W A TS (W ide Area T el ecommunications Service).
C AMPI NG - ON TO A B USY S TATION S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-68 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Camping- on to a Busy Statio n About ca mpon T o camp-on a caller to a bus y analog station, us e the <CAMP> key . When you camp-on a caller , the called station hears a tone, signalin g that a call is waiting.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C AMPI NG - ON TO A B USY S TATIO N HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-69 Procedur e, continued Busy tone changes to special ringback tone (s imilar to normal r inging, but the tone level drops at t he end of each ring), and the display chang es to confirm the call is be i ng ca m ped- on.
C HECKING A T RUNK S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-70 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Chec king a T runk V erifying an outside line Y our system adminis trator may ask you to check a specific trunk (outside line) to verify that it is not locked u p or out of service.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C HECKING A T RUNK HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-71 Procedur e, continued 5 If a conversatio n is in progress, press <ST AR T> to exit. If a conversatio n is not in progress, pr ess <CNCL> to unlock the con nection and fr ee the tr unk .
C ODE C ALLS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-72 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Code Calls About code calls A code call indicates an emergency . When you mak e a code call, it causes special ring ing (four qu ick rings) at a station dedicated to receive code calls (there may b e several code calling stations w ith in your faci lity ).
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS C ODE C ALLS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-73 T o ans wer a code call T o answer a code call: 1 Press the flashing <CODE> key (or the <ANS> ke y). T o access the zone paging s ystem 2 Press the <ZPG> key or dial the zone paging access code.
D IALING F RE QUENTLY C ALLED N UMBERS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-74 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Dialing Fr equently Call ed Numbers Autodial keys Y ou can program autodial keys to dial frequently called numbers with one keys troke. An au todial key i s an optional programma ble key that au tomati cally dials an internal or external number .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS D IALING F REQUENTLY C ALLED N UM BERS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-75 System speed calling Y ou can us e the system speed calling featu re to automatically dial a prog rammed number by entering a two-digit speed ca lling access code plus a two- o r three-digit speed calling number .
E XTENDING AN I NCOMING D ATA C AL L TO A S TA TIO N S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-76 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Extending an Inco mi ng Data Ca ll to a Stati on Using the <CONV> key Y ou can extend a data call to a station by using the <CONV> (convert) key .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS I NTERCOM (ICOM ) C ALLS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-77 Intercom (ICOM) Calls About intercom calls An intercom call is a priority call that causes special ringing (four quick ri ngs) at the ph one you call . If you call a SelecSet, the intercom call rings at the highest-numbered CAP available.
N IGHT S ERVIC E S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-78 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Night Serv ice About the NIGHT key Y our SelecSet is equipped with a <NIGHT> key . Y ou can use the <NIGHT> key to activate n ight service. Night service directs all after-hours calls to an alternate destination (night be ll, sp ecified station, etc.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS P AGI NG HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-79 Paging About paging Paging le ts you make a nnouncements to selected pag ing zones or send pages to indivi dual beepers. Zone paging Y ou can use zone paging to send a page to extern al amplifiers.
P AGING S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-80 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Using zone paging wi th auto meet-me, continued 5 T o answer a zone page with auto meet-me, the user dials the zone p aging answer code. 6 The user is con nected to the paging party immediately .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS P AGI NG HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-81 Radi o pa gi ng Radio pagi ng lets you send a page to a beeper . Note that your sys tem may be equipped with v oice radio paging or t one rad io p aging . The r adio pagin g key or radi o paging access cod e works for either type of radio paging.
P ARKI NG A C ALL S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-82 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Parking a Call About call park When you par k a call , it can be picked up fr om any st ation. Procedure T o park a call: 1 While talking on a call you want to park , dial the call park access cod e and a parked call ide ntifier (PCI).
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R ECORDING A C ONVERSATION HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-83 Recordi ng a Conve rsati on W ays to record a conversation Y ou can reco rd a conversation us ing either of the foll owing met hods: Consult federal, state, and local r e gulatio n s before recordin g phone con versations.
R ECORDING A C ONVERSATION S EL EC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-84 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Using the recorder ja ck The recorder jack is p rovided for an external tape r ecorder . T o record a conversation us ing the recording jack: 1 Plug the recorder into the RECOUT outlet o n the back of the console (s ee F igure 2-1 .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS R EDIALING N UM BERS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-85 Redialing Numbe rs Metho ds of redialing calls T wo features are available to s implify redialing of previously dialed n umbers.
R EDIAL ING N UMBE RS S EL EC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-86 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Sav e d nu mber red ial ( SN R ) Use saved numb er re dial to save your most r ecently di aled number and cause the last number redial f unction to ignore any new numbers that yo u dial.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS S ENDING P USHBUTTON T ONES HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-87 Sending Pus hbutto n T on es About pushbutto n tone s Pushbut ton tones are g enerated by pressing k eys on th e keypad w hile you are connected to pushbutton- controlled equipment .
S ENDING P USHBUTTON T ONES S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UI DE 2-88 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedure T o se nd pus hbut ton to nes: 1 Connect to the pus hb ut ton -con trolled equ i pment (e .g. the voice mail sys tem). 2 Press the <T ONE> key .
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS T RAINING A TTENDANT O PER ATORS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-89 T rain ing Atte ndant Ope rator s The dupl icate handset jack When tr aining new att endant op erators, you m ay want to use the duplicate hand set jack.
T RUNK A NSWER F ROM A NY S TA TION (T AF AS) S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-90 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 T runk Answ er Fr om An y Stat ion (T AF AS) About T AF AS This feature enables anoth er station to pick u p your calls during peri ods of heavy call traff ic.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS T RUNK A NSWE R F ROM A NY S TAT ION (T AF AS) HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-91 T AF AS stat ion operation How the T AF AS station picks up your calls... The method used to answer T AF AS calls depends on the type of station.
T RUNK A NSWER F ROM A NY S TA TION (T AF AS) S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-92 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Programming Y o ur SelecSet 500A About programmable keys Progr ammab le k e ys con sist of sugge ste d p rogr amma b le keys, and optional pr ogrammable k eys.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS T RUNK A NSWE R F ROM A NY S TAT ION (T AF AS) HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-93 Breakin (BRKN) breaks into a busy station even if you access a private network an.
T RUNK A NSWER F ROM A NY S TA TION (T AF AS) S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-94 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Pr ogrammable key numbering See Figure 2- 2 for a description of how t he programmabl e keys are n umbered.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS P ROGRAMMING AN A UTODIAL N UMB ER HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-95 Progra mming a n Autodial Numb er Procedure T o program a key with an autodial n umber or feature: 1 Press <ST AR T>. 2 Dial the station speed calling registr ation code (usual ly #7).
C ANCELING A F EATURE S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE 2-96 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Programming a Featu re Procedure T o program a feature, follow these steps: 1 Press <ST AR T>. 2 Dial the station speed calling registr ation code (usual ly #7).
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS L ABELING I NSTRUCTIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-97 Labeling Instru ctions Key labeling After you pr ogram your Sel ecSet, you s hould label y our keys. The fixed keys, h old loops and <INC>, <RCL> and <INF> keys are pre-labeled .
L ABELI NG I NSTRUCTIONS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-98 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Examp le See Figur e 2-3 for an examp le of proper label p lacement. Figure 2-3: Example of key labeling After you label yo ur programm able keys, st ore the remaining la bels in a safe place; you ’ ll need them again if you re program you r keys.
C HAPTER 2: A DDITIONAL O PERA TIONS L ABELING I NSTRUCTIONS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 2-99 Quick Reference Sheet Performing basic attend ant operations Use this section as a qu ick reference when you n eed to perform bas ic attendant operations. S ee the page numb ers beside each o peration for more information.
L ABELI NG I NSTRUCTIONS S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE 2-100 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Holding a call (p age 1-3 8) T o hold a call , use any of the followi ng methods: Using soft pa rk... 1 While connected to another par ty , press <SFPK>. 2 Press the <SFPK> key again to retr ieve the call.
HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-1 A PPENDIX : T ESTING THE C ONSOLE T est switch A test switch located on the back o f the console enables you to test the keys and lamps, a nd demonstrate cert ain ringing characteristics. See Figu re A-1 . Y our co nsole cann ot receive o r originate calls while in the test mode.
E NTE RI NG T EST M ODE S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE A-2 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Entering T es t Mode Procedure 1 Flip the test switch in the direction of the arrow as show n in Figure A-1 . 2 Unplug the telephone l ine coming into the consol e, then plug it back in (the telephone line plugs into the phone at the jack labeled Line.
E NTERING T EST M OD E HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-3 The information shown in Fi gure A -3 is displaye d. Figure A-3: Console test display Key labels Notice the labels abov e the keys. Each key represents a differ ent component of the console test.
E NTE RI NG T EST M ODE S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE A-4 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Key labels and func tio ns See the following table for a descripti on of ke y labels an d associated functions.
E NTERING T EST M OD E HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-5 Te s t procedur es The following highlighted sections each describe a test procedure. If you do n ot need inf ormation on every procedure, refer to the relev ant page number fo r information on the specific item.
D EMONSTRATING R INGING F REQUENCIES S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE A-6 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Demonstra ting Ringing Frequ en cies Procedure T o demo nstrate ring ing freque ncies: 1 Press the <R-FRQ> key . Y ou see the first ringing frequenc y listed on the disp lay and yo u hear it.
C HANGING THE R INGING L EVEL HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-7 Chan ging th e Ri nging Level Procedure T o change the ringing level: 1 While di splaying any ringin g frequency (500, 400/50 0, 400/600 , 500/600 ), press <R-LEV >. The norm al rin ging lev el (or v olum e) is de mons tra ted, a nd the ringing level f ield indicates Normal.
C HANGING THE R INGING L EVEL S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE A-8 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Note: Y ou can still use the ringing v olume control at the top rig ht of your co nsole to ad just volum e. The maximum volume is, of course, louder if the ringing level is set to normal.
D EMONS TRAT ING D EFAULT R INGING P ATTERNS HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-9 Demonst rating Defau lt Ringin g Patte rns Procedure T o demo nstrate defaul t ringing p atterns: 1 While di splaying any ringin g frequency (500, 400/50 0, 400/600 , 500/600 ), the defaul t pattern for station-to-statio n calls is displayed and demonstrated.
D EMONSTRATING D EFAULT R INGING P ATTERNS S ELEC S ET 500A U SE R G UIDE A-10 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Procedur e, continued The first five ringing pattern s are relevant for t he American telephone in dustry .
D ETERM INING IF A D ATA A DAPTER IS A SSIG NED HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 A-1 1 Determini ng if a Data Adapter is Assigned Procedure T o determine if a d ata adapter is assigned: 1 Press and hold the <DA> key to disp lay a new lin e above the key labels.
D ISPLAYI NG Y OUR C ONSOLE ROM L EV EL S ELEC S ET 500A U SER G UIDE A-12 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 Displ aying Y our Con sole R OM Leve l Procedure T o display the ROM level: 1 T o displa y your cons ole ’ s read only memory ( ROM) vers ion, pr ess and ho ld the < ROM > key .
T ESTING THE L IQUI D C RYST AL D IS PLAY HCXTD840, Issue 1, J uly 2001 A-13 T esting the Liquid Crystal Display Procedure Y ou can test your LCD to make sure all areas are activ e. 1 Press and hold the <LCD> key . 2 The active areas of the disp lay are shaded.
HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 IX-1 Numerics 2ND WU ke y , 2-36 A Account code, 2-9 2 Account c odes, 2- 95 assigning , 2-47 fix ed, 2-47 variable, 2-47 Addi tio nal op er atio ns, 1-x i i, 2-1 Alarm, 2.
I NDEX S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE IX-2 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 20 01 Creating a t hree-par ty conf ere nc e, 1-46 Credit limit, 2-1 3 types, 2-13 D DA ke y, A - 4 Daily wak eu p for second wa.
S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE I ND EX HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 2001 IX-3 P Pa ging, 2 -73, 2- 79 P ARK key , 2-93 Parked call ident ifier (PC I), 2-8 2 Parking a ca l l, 2-82 Placi ng an o utside.
I NDEX S ELEC S ET 500A U SER ’ S G UIDE IX-4 HCXTD840, Issue 1, July 20 01 1-34 T ype of station values, 1-32 U Using a n autodi al key at the beginning o f a call, 2-48 Using the keypad, 2-48, 2-4.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi HCX5000I (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi HCX5000I yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi HCX5000I - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi HCX5000I you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi HCX5000I will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi HCX5000I, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi HCX5000I.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi HCX5000I. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi HCX5000I along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center