Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 26LD9000TA2 Hitachi
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1 ENGLISH USER'S MANUAL Thank you for purch asing the HIT ACHI LCD T elevision . Please rea d this us er manu al careful ly before o peratin g this product. T o ensure proper operatio n, please r ead and fol low ALL the instruc tions, esp eciall y the "IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCT IONS" and "S AFETY PRECAUT IONS".
2 CONTENTS IMPO RTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .........................2 INSTRUCT IONS ............................................................... 3 About T his Manual .......................................................3 Tradem ark Credits .......
3 ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for purch asing the HIT ACHI LCD T elevisio n. We hope that you will e njoy the gre at perf ormance wit h this product. This LCD T elevis ion has be en design ed to meet the In ternation al standards. Ho wever , it could caus e persona l injuries a nd propert y damage if impr operly handled.
4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For your safety , please read the following precautions carefully before using this product . Improper use would cause serious pe rsonal injuries and/or damage to your property or this product . About the Symbols The following are the symbols used in this manual and af fixed on the unit itself.
5 ENGLISH SAFETY PRECAUTI ONS (continue d) WA RN I N G There is a risk o f fire, el ectri c shock, or seri ous inj ury. Install the uni t at a prop er a rea where it does no t e xpos e any one to a ny da nger . Ɣ If you hit against t he edge of the unit, you may be injured.
6 SAFETY PRECAUTI ONS (continue d) CAUTION Do not pl ace the unit a t the dusty pl ace. It coul d cause malfunction. Do not c ov er or blo ck an y ventil atio n holes on the prod uct. The television would overheat, and it could cause fire or damage the product which may shorten its service lif e.
7 ENGLISH SAFETY PRECAUTI ONS (continue d) PRECAUTIONS Do not ins tall the unit i n hig h tempera tur e. It coul d damage the cabinet or parts of t he product. Ɣ Do not install near any heat sources s uch as radiator , heat regis ters, stoves, or other apparatus that produce heat.
8 ABOUT LCD PANEL Common phenomena o f LCD P anel ! The f ollowing are th e comm on phenom ena when ope rating LCD Panel d ue to its str uctural reaso n. Please n ote that the y are not m alfunc tions. Ɣ Defective Spots on Panel The LCD panel is manuf actured with high-pr ecision t echnolog y .
9 ENGLISH FEATURES Enjoy not only beaut iful an d high qua lity pictur es on t he displa y, but als o various kinds of usef ul and conveni ent functions in your dai ly life! • Large-sc reen and h igh-def inition LCD p anel. • Impr oved Digital s ignal proc essor.
10 COMPONENT NAMES Main Unit F r ont P anel ! 1. Cabinet 2. Panel 3. Indicatin g Lam p 4. Remote Control Rece iver 5. S peak er 6. Desktop S tand 7. Main Power S witch (on the left side) ! Rear Panel 1. Side In put 2. Power Co rd Socket 3. T er minal Boar d (Extern al Devic e Connection) 4.
11 ENGLISH COMPONENT NAMES (Conti nued) R emote Contr ol 1. Power ON/OFF 2. [Color (Red, Green, Yellow , Blue)] 3. TV Select (T V) Press this b utton to chan ge input t o TV. 4. Input Select (AV1/AV2/AV3/AV4/HDMI/RGB) Press this button to change inp ut mode.
12 PREPARATION R emote Control Batteries Insta llation This r emote control operate s on 2 “AA” b atteries. 1. Open the battery compartment cov er. Ɣ Slide opens t he battery comp artment cov er on the backsi de of the remote control in th e direction of a n arrow .
13 ENGLISH PREPARATION (continued) Safety Precaution on Main Unit Installation Read SAFETY PRECA UTIONS ( 4 to 7 ) carefull y besides thi s pa ge. The Desk top S tand has b een use d for the il lustration in this m anual.
14 CONNECTION T er minal P ositions Rear 1. Power Co rd Socket 2. Aerial Sock et 3. AV1 4. AV3 5. AV4 6. Mon itor Out an d Sub W oofer 7. RGB 8. HDMI Side 9. AV2 10. Headpho ne output Connecting Procedur e Y our tele vision is ready for various k inds of c onnections .
15 ENGLISH CONNECTION (continued) Connecting Procedure (continued) 3. Connecting t o Exter nal Equipment Ɣ T erminals on Rear AV 1 can be co nnected t o the equipm ent with an S-Video output and Com posite ou tput. If your exter nal de vice has a S-vid eo term inal, S-VID EO connec tion is rec omm ended for high er qualit y picture.
16 CONNECTION (continued) Connecting Procedure (continued) Monitor Out can be used to disp lay sam e image as main unit o n another televis ion. W hen this output terminal is connec ted to an extern al tele vision with a 75 Ohm terminal, th e sam e image f rom c omposite (A V1, A V2) , or RF sig nal can be displa yed to the external televisio n.
17 ENGLISH CONNECTION (continued) Connecting Procedure (continued) HDMI term inals can be c onnected to t he devices with HDMI outp ut. Information HDMI(High D efinition M ultim edia Interf ace) is next- generati on multim edia I/O i nterfac e. Only one cabl e is used to transm it all video/ audio/c ontrol sig nals, whic h creates easy connec tion.
18 CONNECTION (continued) Connecting Procedure (continued) Headphone The detail settings c an be adjus ted from Audio Menu on page 29 . The audio f rom the speaker will b e muted when conne cting the headphone to th is term inal. 4. Connecting t he plug int o the wall soc k et Connect the Power Cord after com pleting all ot her connectio ns.
19 ENGLISH BASIC OPERATION POWER On/Off Now , turn On the main po wer of the unit. Make sure that th e Power Cord has plugg ed into th e wall soc ket. Ɣ T o tur n On the pow er of the t elevision: 1. Press th e Main Pow er switch on the t elevision .
20 ! BASIC OPERATION (contin ued) Vo l u m e U P / D O W N 1. T o inc rease the sound volum e, press button on the r emote control, or V olum e Up butt on on the contr ol panel.
21 ENGLISH BASIC OPERATION (contin ued) Input Switc hing to TV/A V1~4, HDMI, and R GB By pressing Input Se lect bu tton, you can s witch the input. Ɣ T o watch actual broadcast, press Input Select butt on on the c ontrol panel, the num eric buttons or Channe l Up / Down butt on on the remote control.
22 MENU OPERATION How to use the On-Scr een Display (OSD) system W ith the On-Screen D isplay s ystem, you can access t he vario us kinds of the feat ures and funct ions in t his produc t. Picture Audio Timer Setup Language Select OK S e t <Main Menu > MENU Button • Basic Operat ion 1.
23 ENGLISH MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Setup Menu (TV mode ) W ith this menu, you c an acc ess vario us kinds of features r elating to TV c hannel setti ngs. Setu p Auto Tuning Manual T uning Fin e Tuning Sort T eletext La nguage Select OK Set Ret urn ! Selected It ems Setup hi nt Position Select th e way to dis play the chan nels on t he screen.
24 MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Setup Menu (TV mode ) (continued) Selected It ems Setup hi nt Auto NTSC3.58 PAL SECAM Color System NTSC4.43 Select th e color s ystem from 5 different m odes.
25 ENGLISH MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Setup Menu (R GB mode) W ith this menu, you c an adjus t the displa y condition of the im age which is inputtin g from the RGB term inals.
26 MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Picture Menu (TV/A V mode) In this m enu, you can m ak e specific adjus tments f or the picture bas ed on your pref erence. By pressing .button at t he ź bottom of each m enu page, the n ext Picture m enu page will appear on the sc reen.
27 ENGLISH MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Picture Menu (TV/A V mode) (continued ) Selected It ems Set up hint Off NR On The noise o n the sc reen or interference c ould be r educed, especia lly at the ar ea of weak electr ic field.
28 MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Picture Menu (RGB mode ) In this m enu, you can m ak e specific adjus tments f or the RGB picture based on your pref erence.
29 ENGLISH MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Audio Menu W ith this menu, you c an adjus t and custom ize the audi o condition as you lik e. Off Off Off Reset A udio Matrix Surround Dynamic Bass Bass Tre bl .
30 MENU OPERATION (continu ed) Timer Menu This allows your television to tur n Off (S tandb y mode) at set t ime autom aticall y , which you ma y f ind usef ul. Tim er Off Timer ŻŹ A d j u s t R e t u r n Off Selected It ems Set up hint Off 30Min. 60Min.
31 ENGLISH FUNCTION About T elete xt z W hat is “T eletex t” T eletext is th e written inf orm ation services pr ovided b y each TV c hannel. Most TV channe ls provide inform ation via T eletext s.
32 FUNCTION (continued) Size Switching Each tim e button of the rem ote control is pressed, the s creen displa y size is switc hed in seque nce, and th e status will be d ispla yed at the bottom of the scr een.
33 ENGLISH FUNCTION (continued) Size Switc hing (continued) RGB signal input Y ou can se lect a suitabl e size dep ending on the res olution. F u l l 4 : 3 Displa y Area Sel ection D iagram Displa y F.
34 FUNCTION (continued) Audio Switching Sound Multiplex (TV mode) Y ou can m ake optim um use of available audio b y press ing bottom of remote contr ol. Aud io can b e switche d only if receivin g sound m ultiplex signals ; otherwise, pressin g this bu tton will have no effect, such as when onl y mono s ound is receiv ed.
35 ENGLISH FUNCTION (continued) P ower Sa ve Mo de When the RGB input is selected z W hen this unit is c onnected to a VESA D PMS com puter , the Po wer Save m ode (Operati on mode : O ff) can be set to be acti vated autom atically wh en the com puter is n ot being use d to reduce power c onsumption b y this unit.
36 TROUBLESHOOTING Before calling service technician, check the following tables first. If the problem is not be solved w ith the suggested procedu res, con tact y our local dealer.
37 ENGLISH TROUBLESHOOTING(continue d) Symptom and Chec k List (continued) Symptoms Check list Page z No picture The Indicati ng la mp ĺ Off z Check if the Power Cord is pl ugged into the socket firml y . z Che ck if th e Ma in Powe r is ON. 14 , 19 z No picture The Indicati ng la mp ĺ Orange It means that the unit is i n “Power Save mode”.
38 TROUBLESHOOTI NG(continu ed) Symptom and Chec k List (continued) Sy mptoms Check list Page z The image on the screen is moving in an oblique direct ion. (in RGB mode only) z Adjust “Hori zontal Clock” and “Clock Phase”. 25 z The coarse horizontal st ripes could be seen i n full-disp lay mode.
39 ENGLISH PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIC A T ION 26LD90 00T A 2 32LD9000T A2 Displa y dimensions Approx. 26 inches (576 (H) × 324 (V)mm , diagonal 660.
40 PRODUCT SPECI FICATIONS (con tinued) Signal Input RG B ter minal (D-sub 15-pin con nector) Pin Input sign al 1 R 2 G 3 B 4 No connec tion 5 No connec tion 6 R.
41 ENGLISH PRODUCT SPECI FICATIONS (con tinued) R ecommended Signal List W ith HDMI INP UT Signal mode No. Signal Name Resolution Ve r t i c a l frequency (Hz) Horizont al frequency (kHz) Dot clock frequency (M Hz) Remarks 1 VGA 640x48 0 59.94 31.47 25.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi 26LD9000TA2, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi 26LD9000TA2.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi 26LD9000TA2. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi 26LD9000TA2 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center