Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 1000 Hitachi
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BladeSymphon y ® 1000 Archite ctur e Whit e Pape r 10 0 0.
2 BladeSy mphony 10 00 Architecture Whit e Pap er www.hi tachi. com Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Introd uction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Executive Summary ..................
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 3 Chapter 1 Intr oduction Executive Summary Blade servers pa ck mor e compute power into a smal ler spac e than traditional rack-mounted serv ers.
4 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 10 00 (Figure 1 ) is the first blade sy stem designed specifically for enterprise- class, mission-critical workloads.
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 5 • Reliabil ity — Reliability is increases thr ough redundant com ponents and components are ho t- swappable.
6 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com Chapter 2 System Ar chitectur e Overview BladeSympho ny 1000 featur es a v ery modula r design to m aximize flexibility an d relia bility .
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 7 Figure 3 . Logical compo nents of the B ladeSymphony 1000 The following chapters detail the major co mpone nts of Bl adeSymphony 1000, as wel l as managemen t software and Virtage embedded virtualiz ation technology .
8 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com Chapter 3 Intel Itanium Server Blade The BladeSymphony 10 00 can support up to eight blades for a to tal of up to 16 Itanium CPU socke ts, or 32 co res, ru nning Micr osof t Windows or Linux.
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 9 T able 2 pr ovides details o n each of the co mponents in the Itanium Blade. Memory Capacity Max.
10 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com Intel Itanium Processor 9100 Series The Dual-Cor e I ntel Itanium 910 0 seri es 6 4-bit proc essor deliver s scalable performa nce with two high- performance cor es pe r processo r , memory addr essability up to 102 4 TB, 24 MB o f on-die cache , and a 667 MHz fr ont-side bu s.
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 11 The Intel Itaniu m is optimiz ed for dual pr ocesso r -based platforms and clusters an d includes the following features: • Wide,.
12 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com Enhanced Machine Check Architect ur e provi des extensive err or detection and addr ess/data path corr ection capabilities, as well as sy stem-wide ECC pr ot ection. It detects bit-lev el err ors and manages data corrupti on, ther eby pr oviding better r eliability and uptime.
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 13 Baseboard Management Controller The Baseboar d Management Co ntrol ler (BMC) is the main c ontroller for Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), a common inter face to har dwar e and firmwar e used to monito r system health and manage the system.
14 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi tachi. com • ECC — The ECC can corr ect an err or in consecutiv e four bits in any four DIMM set (i.
www.hi tachi. com Blade Symphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te P aper 15 Figur e 6. Hitachi Node Contr oller conn ects multiple server blades By dividing the SMP system acr oss sever al server blades, the mem ory bus contention pr oblem is solved by vir tue of the distributed design .
16 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi SMP Configuration Optio ns BladeSymphony 100 0 supports two socket (four -core) In t e l Itanium Server Blades that can be scal ed to .
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 17 • Full interleave mode (or SMP mode) — Intended f o r use with an OS without support fo r the NUMA architectur e or with inadequate support f o r NUMA. I n full interleave mode, main memory is interleaved between C P U modules in units.
18 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi L3 Cache Co py T ag The data r esiding in caches and main memory acr oss Intel Itanium Server Blades ar e kept in sync by using a snooping cache cohere n cy pr otocol.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 19 Figur e 11. Intel Itanium I/ O Expansion Module in type A chassis provides up to four PCI slots per server blade Figur e 12.
20 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Chapter 4 Intel Xeon Serv er Blade The eight slot BladeSymphony 1000 can accommodate a total of up to eight Dual-Socket, Dual-C ore or Quad-Cor e Intel Xeon Server Blades for up to 64 cores per sy stem .
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 21 Intel Xeon 5200 Dual C ore Pr ocessors The Dual- Core I ntel Xeon 5200 Serie s pro cessors utilizes two 45 n m Hi-k next g en eration I ntel Core microar chitecture cor es.
22 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi • Intel VT Flex Migra tion — Intel hardwar e-assisted virtualization pr ovides the ability to per f orm live virtual machine migr at ion to enable fa il-over , load balancing, disa st er r ecovery , and real-time server maintenan ce.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 23 Advanced ECC Conventional ECC is intended to c orrect 1-bit erro rs and detect 2-bit err ors. Advanced ECC, also known as Chipki ll, corrects up to four or eight bits of an err or that occurs in a DRAM installed on a x4- DRAM o r x8-DRAM type D IMM, r espectively .
24 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi For example, in C onfiguration 1 the shaded BANK 4 is a spare bank. Assume that the memory corr ectable errors occur f requently in a memory on BANK 3.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 25 If an uncorrec t able err or occurs in a DIMM in the prim ary , the mirr or is used fo r both writing and r eading data. If an uncorr ectable error occurs in a DIMM in the mi rror , the primary is used for both writing and reading data.
26 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Chapter 5 I/O Sub Syste m I/O Modules Hitachi engineer s go to gr eat lengths to desi gn systems that provide high I/O throughput. BladeSymphony 1000 PCI I/O Module s deliver up to 160 Gb/sec.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 27 T able 6 provides information o n the connector types for P CI-X I/O Modules. PCIe I/O Module T o provide mor e flexibility and to support newer PCI car ds, a PCIe I/O module is avail able.
28 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Figure 1 8 . Outside vie w of the Embedded Fibr e Channel Switch Module The Fibre Chann el switch within th e mo du le consists of 14 po rts co mpatible with the 4 Gb/sec. Fibr e Channel standard.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 29 Figure 2 0 . Embedded Fibr e Channel Switch Module block diagram The Embedded Fibr e Channel Switch Module is conf igured with thr ee components: A Broca de Fibre Channel switch, Fibre Channel HBAs, and network ad apters.
30 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Figure 2 1 . Embedded Fibr e Channel Switch Module connection diagra m , eliminating 16 cables T able 7 provides the details o n the featur es of the Embedded Fibre Ch anne l Switch module.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 31 FC-HBA + G igabit Ether net Co mbo Card The F C-H BA + Gi gabi t Et her net Comb o Card p rovides the FC-HBA and gigabit Ethernet functions for the Embedded Fibr e Channel Switch Module.
32 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi The Hitachi FC Controller FC-HBA suppor ts the functions in T able 8. Management Softwa re Developed excl u sively for BladeSym phony .
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 33 Embedded Gigabit Ethe rnet Switch The Embedded Gigabit Ethernet Switch is containe d in the Switch & Management Module and is a managed, standar ds-based Layer 2 switch that provide s gigabit networ king through cableless LAN connections.
34 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi SCSI Hard Drive Modules The BladeSymph ony 1000 supports two ty pes of storage modules contai n ing 73 or 146 GB 15K RP M Ultra320 SC SI drives in the type B chassis only . The 3x HDD Module can hav e up to three dri ves installed.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 35 A SCSI or RAID type PCI card must be installed in a PC I slot in an I/O module to act as the controller of the storage module.
36 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Chapter 7 Chassis, Power , and Cooling The BladeSymphon y 1000 chassis houses all of t he mo dules pr eviously discussed, as well as a passive backplane, Power Supply M o dules, Cooling Fan M o dules, and the Switch & Mana gement M odules.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 37 Module Connections Chassis A can have up to eight server blades mount ed, with two PCI-X slots per server blade. Storage modules cannot be mounted on these chassis. Chassis B can have thr ee types of I/O modules m ounted.
38 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi power r edundancy , it boots the system af ter issuing a war ning by illumin ating the Warning LED.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 39 Chapter 6 Reliability and Serviceab ility Featur es Reliability , availability , and serviceability ar e key re quir ements for platforms running business-critical application services.
40 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Serviceability Features Switch & Management Module The Switch & Management Module is designed to co ntr ol the system un it and monitor the enviro nment. Figur e 28 shows the block dia gram of the module.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 41 SVP manages the entire BladeSymphony 1000 de vice. I t also pr ovides a user interface for management via the S VP console. SVP pr ovides the following functions: • Module configurati on management (module type, inst allation location, etc.
42 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi • Panel control • Log information management within Blad eS ymphony 10 00 (RC logs, SEL, SVP logs , etc.). • SVP hot standby configuration contr ol • Server Conducto r (server management software) in teraction fu nction.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 43 The Base Management Controller provides the following functions: • Initial diagnosis — initial diagno sis/sett ing of BMC and BMC.
44 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi SVP Console This function is shared be t ween the Inte l I tanium and Intel Xeon Server Blades. SVP console is a co n sole under SVP , and pro v ides a user inter f ace for system managem ent.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 45 Chapter 8 Management Softw a r e BladeSymphony 10 00 delivers an exceptional range of choices and enterprise-class versatility w ith multi-OS support and comp rehensive management software options.
46 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi BladeSymphony Management Suite prov ides centralized system management and control of all server , network, and storage resources, inc.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 47 – Setting a failover schedule for cluster groups, based o n specific dates or at specified times on a weekly schedule. The user can achieve more de tailed cluster management by combin ing this feature with a p ower control sche dule.
48 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Chapter 9 Vir ta ge Virtage is a key technic al differentiator f or BladeSym phon y 1000.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 49 And the host intervention code is tuned for the latest Itanium har dware featur es, minimizing the performance impact to gu ests.
50 BladeSym phony 1000 A rchitecture White Paper www.hi Fiber Channel Virtualization Hitachi also offers Fibre Channel I /O virtualization for Virtag e.
www.hi tachi. com BladeSymphony 1000 Archit ecture Whi te Paper 51 Chapter 10 Summa ry In the past, inadequ ate scalability , compromise s in I/O and other capabilities, excessive heat generation, and incr eased complexity in blade enviro nments caused many data center managers to shy away fr om using blade servers for enterpr ise applications.
©2008 Hitachi Americ a, Ltd. All rights reserved. Descript i ons and specifications contain ed in th is document are subject to chan ge withou t notice and may di ffer from country to country. Intel, Itani um, and Xeon are trad emarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corp oration or its su bsidiaries in the U nited Stat es and other c ountries.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi 1000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi 1000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi 1000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi 1000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi 1000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi 1000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi 1000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi 1000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi 1000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center